Hearing Protection compared (Peltors, Ops Core AMP, Sordin, Liberators)

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if you've ever forgotten your ear Pro and your way to the gun range go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like in comment the comment section is just a literal cesspool of hell get in there and find out why it's the most infamous gun comment section on YouTube that people frequently fear and I think companies fear as well which is why nobody contacts me to review stuff anymore thank you for coming I appreciate you guys the biggest support of our channel right now is gun mag warehouse they give us support monetarily and we hook them up by buying SiC magazines they're not actually sick they are they're they're cool not like ill like with cancer or anything like that if you guys have ever want to wear the clothing that I wear beyond clothing beyond clothing makes clothing for professionals I was issued it a long time I'm gonna continue to be issued it it's awesome clothing it's very durable very tough I've used it all over the world and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a 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to that sick trap music you guys want to listen to and you're like 35 look at a u Marine Corps so oftentimes the simplest solution is one of the best so ear plugs they work great right little foam ease put them in roll them up put them deep in your canal and and expanding boom good hearing protection great now I have upgraded typically a little bit so I use a surefire EP for sonic defenders so what they do is they go in ear and then you can also open up flying and that allows conversation anything above below like 82 decibels to get through but it blocks out like the more you know damaging noises above that decibel level they have about a 24 decibel noise reduction they're pretty cheap so we'll link him right below there around $14 so that's why I typically use now if you want to get a little bit more fancy and I typically do I usually recommend electronic hearing protection now there are a variety of reasons why I recommend the electronic hearing protection what it comes down to is that I'd like to be able to hear what's going on around me I like to have situational awareness I like to be able to talk to people without having to like yell into their ear or you know pop open my ear bro okay Sony's shooting and I give your damage all that kind of stuff now quick note before we move forward if you are going to be shooting indoors I highly recommend that you double up in your protection both in and over ear protection it gets pretty loud in there now if shooting outdoors you can go either or some of my friends still do both but I typically just do over the ear protection when it comes to the outdoors as a quick note for you guys now if you don't want to spend a whole lot of money on your protection that's like comms Cape the Wolves have stuff I'm gonna be talking about today really is that there are some really good sport type hearing protection from Pelt or you have to serve a six port types and y'all said the pelt or defenders which are basically contacts without all day you know communication software and them so or communication equipment in them so there are a couple things that you can do and I know that there's other electronic gear program I prefer Pelt or if I'm not looking for coms capable for hearing protection now when it comes to hearing protection what a weight if eclis wear well the gold standard is going to be the pelt or contact 3 these are kind of what everybody's wearing right now and there's a good reason they're just very good at a lot of things they're not amazing but they're just a great benchmark and it's for that reason that most people are wearing them even though they don't needs comps capability so as you can see right here on mine I have a boom mic all that kind stuff down lead do I need all that stuff yes I do almost all the communication headsets that I have here today have the ability to link in to some type of push-to-talk that way I can link into a radio and talk on them and all that kind of stuff now these radios or for military like their like the prick 152 or the 148 and bitter if you're looking to you know hook your the Pell tours or any of these other headsets into different types of radios maybe your police officer something like that you might need to look at some type of adapter cable or maybe you look at a company that does those conversions you have companies like Safari land Pelt or a great one is Atlantic signal they do really good work in te a so those companies can all convert it for the type of radio that you need now communication stuff gets really complicated so we're not gonna really get into it too much other than to say that it is an option getting back to the pelt Rose right here why are they the gold standard well they have a noise reduction rating of around 23 decibels that's pretty good they're also not too fat they're fairly slim if it's fairly high on your head that means when you bring a stock up to your cheek you're not pushing them or Jack knocking them off your your cheek where you get that opening I know it's happening we have a lot of cheap ear Pro and then when you're firing in here all that noise right in your ear and why you didn't have your Pro and on at that point so they're pretty good at that they stay where they should be and on top of that they last for a long time these have about a 500 hour battery life now I want to point out a couple times things first off that's under ideal conditions like 70 80 degrees with lithium batteries and I do recommend lithium batteries and you know the ambient noise level pretty low that way it's not the speaker's aren't constantly going I found that in reality on like a good day I'm getting around maybe eighty to a hundred hours of run time before I have to switch out the batteries if it's very cold out I can burn through these easily in a day so let that be a quick note and that goes for every headset out there when it comes to its battery life so five to six hundred hours yes and good conditions this is a quick note now with the peltor contacts a lot of Cheaper headsets when with their active hearing protection when you shoot a gun they actually click out so they actually stop the noise completely filters are really cool because they continue to filter in that noise it's compress that sound level down to a level that is hearing safe for you so that way they don't click out you're not losing situational awareness when you're firing with these peltor zon that's really helpful now you can see the microphones right at the front here mine still have the little foam windscreen protectors right there do realize that under high wind conditions that no headset does it very well but belters do okay now if you look at the inside of the gel cups right here and I am running gel cups you notice that they're kind of crushed down and that's kind of a problem so there are two different types of kind of ear pads you can get you can get foam ear pads or you can get the gel cups I prefer the gel because they're very comfy I can wear them for a much longer period of time before I start getting that year fatigue and that earache and that tension headache so I do prefer them now the problem is that under high heat and you're wearing them for a long time they eventually start to crush down and you do have to replace them periodically and they're not cheap they're about like you know forty to fifty bucks so I hate haven't replaced them but they do work there are a couple companies that make these peltor makes them just like noise fighters make one that has a little cutout for your ear Pro and they're going in behind them so there are different options out there just realize that the gels are awesome but they will cause some problems as far as having to replace them more often now moving to the side of the Paltrow's right here the compartment is waterproof ziz prevents the dust and all that kind of stuff from getting out they have these little rubber flings that prevent all that from getting in and then we have a triple a we also have a nother battery compartment on the other side so you have two triple A batteries I do have a lithium running in these and they last for a good amount of time now going to the back we have these accessory ports right here you can plug in different types of things you plug in iPods if you want listen to the to some t-swift you know it's pretty good music right there on this side right here it's hooked into my boom mic has a little wire running back there as you can see that's where it's going you can remove the boom mic you just disconnect the back of this cord right here and then all you have to use this pop off the mic and you can disconnect it that way you don't have a mic running around when you don't need it that way you don't look stupid and you're on the range like me so different options there the bottom right here we have two rolls pretty simple it's just hold down one of the buttons and it will turn the headset on Ford puts the volume up bottom puts the volume down there are a couple different modes there we'll talk about in just a little second here now question I get about the pel tours all the time is what the hell is a single versus dual com do I need a single do I need a dual comm what's better is one better or worse those are good questions and they come from not understanding precisely maybe what the pel ters are made for so the cultures are made to hook into radios now the single lead is for hooking to one single radio so X into one push-to-talk and then from there that will then go into one radio now there are there are many exceptions to this and being very basic right now sort of dual does that has a second down lead coming from the other side that way you can hook into two different push to talks to two different radios now there are of course different setups when it comes to comm so we're not going to get into them you can hook into two through one but we're not gonna get into that the point is they're the same it's just how many different push-to-talk see kind of want to Jack yourself into so let that be a note but for the vast majority of you I'm guessing you either need one or probably none in which case you probably can do fine at the peltor defenders which are great now when it comes to those headset this headset can be mounted to helmets run okay good now when it comes to this headset it can be mounted to helmets we're not gonna get too deep into it but to maps it to a helmet you do have to kind of destroy the headset you have to pop them off right here so you have to put them sideways pop them off and then you have to put the adapters on they're pretty tough to do and often times people break this little nub right here and then that's that's like friggin done at that point so it's tough and then you're not easily able to convert it back and forth there are different versions out there made by like signal Atlantic signal that makes it easier to do that I might highly recommend contacting them if you need any you know help doing that now when it comes to the peltor compact 3s there are various modes that you can get into so when you turn it on you can actually equalize and you can make one year louder than the other so if you have you know partially deaf ear from bunch of Marines Yellin raw into your ear all day then you can change the volume in each earpiece how you do that is you hold both buttons down for about 10 seconds it's going to cycle on and off and and you can balance them between the two to let you know when it hits about equal you can also change the equalizer so what you do is it kind of changes what type of MU noise is picking up you know higher pitch or lower pitch and you can swap that out as well a lot of people don't know that but the peltor contacts are fairly user friendly and that you can configure them to precisely what is going to work for you so I'm a big fan of the filter contacts for that reason they're also pretty reasonably priced right now it's a great market for these you can get these for about $350 used some of them are broken so be careful with that if you buy a new you pay a lot more probably closer to five or six hundred but the Peltzer contacts are the gold standard and one reason for that is a sound the sound when you put these on is enhanced you feel like a apex predator when you have these things turn out they're active hearing protection and that sound that comes through is very precise it's very natural sounding and enhances you have a really good situational awareness both in front and behind you one of my buddies had these turned up all the way and had it on that boost mode so you can get that fifth a hearing level and a fly flew by his microphone right here any freaked out he thought like I mean flies flying by him so these things are pretty awesome so anyhow filter contacts are one of the first choices and probably one of the best choices you can make if you need this type of hearing protection the next type of hearing protection that we're going to talk about are going to be the NSA sordin types now a lot of companies use MSA sordin as a base and that they build their own coms capable headsets off of them that's what I have here today I don't actually own the NSA sordin but they are excellent headsets right here we have the Liberator twos and then we also have the high threat from te a both are excellent systems this is a single this is a dual when it comes to these the the noise reduction rating on the MSA sordin type headsets is a little bit lower it's around nineteen for its decibel reduction now I still find that to be completely and utterly usable when it comes to shooting outdoors indoors total no-go you definitely need to double up on these now with these right here these liberators you notice they have the foam pads instead of the gel cups so these are a little bit less comfortable than mighty EAS with their gel cups but they still work plenty fine the MSA sordin type headsets boost about a 600 hour battery life pretty good again it's pretty similar to the pel tours where it's closer to by 80 to 100 depending on what's going on now with their batteries it's from one section right here and they kind of slip in right here and one pops up a little bit higher it's kind of a little weird it can be kind of a pain sometimes to pop the other battery out but it definitely works now on some of these this battery compartment right here doesn't have a lanyard holding the battery cap to the headset itself like on mighty EAS it does not have one so if you don't have one make sure that you lanyard it off in some form or fashion or another but that is those right there now as far as functioning goes on this particular set of headphones it's fairly similar to the peltor contacts so let me show you how that works right here I get that all the way tightened down right now see if awkwardly stand here tightening this down alright so we have right here in the center that's the power button turns it on and off pretty simple so far we have the plus right there so it's kind of reversed so the pel tours so plus that increases the amount of sound that it's picking up and then - kind of decreases in ambient sound now with the MSA sordin type headphones the sound isn't quite as natural as it is with the pel tours so it has a tendency to pick up kind of more than it should almost and you think that'd be a good thing but that kind of messes with your situational awareness let's say you live in a big house and somebody to turn on a kitchen sink like upstairs and you're all the way downstairs and you turn these on you boots of these all the way up they will pick up that water noise all distorted and weird and it kind of sucks so these aren't my favorite when it comes to kind of the noise a little bit pick up simply because it kind of messes with my situational awareness a little bit and that might be me because I will say this that I think that the sound quality is a little bit better than the Pelle tours it's just that kind of all the noise that they're taking in isn't quite as accurate as far as how close it is to you because of that I don't quite prefer these that being said I still do love them they're very comfortable now this particular pair is an over the head is a now this particular pair is a behind the neck it's pretty cool so pad keeps it in place and then the tension is from the back I can wear these for an infinitely longer time than I can wear the pelt errs for it's for that reason that I'm sporting The Liberator twos quite often now before we leave them alone I also shouldn't mention the high threat from te a these are over the head headset they feel pretty similar to the Pelle tours now the cool thing about this headset right here is there are adapters I make it easily able to swap between helmet and back to its headband right here so that's a nice feature on the TE ace again others can be configured to do that but just realize that this one is kind of set up that way as you can see here we have our two down leads coming from this headset and this is the high threat very similar to the Liberator a little bit different as far as the circuitry use the type of mic use and a couple other things that set them apart I do prefer the TE a headset a little bit to the Liberator as far as the sound quality is concerned and that's due to the hardware and the guts that are within there that are a bit different from the Liberator twos so let that be noted okay now we're gonna talk about my least favorite pair of hearing protection this is going to be the Safariland HP's really similar to the liberator 5s and the Liberator four is a liberator for being a single Liberator 5s between a dual calm delivery HP's have no comma quipment on them you have to send them in to spy land and Safariland can then do that for you so if you compare these to the older type sets they are a lot thicker that's good and bad the good thing about this is that these do have a noise reduction rating of 24 that is one decibel higher a noise reduction than the Pelle tours which are one of my favorites and that being said I find them to be too fat on top of that there's just some really odd settings when it comes to the HP's they don't do sound very well at all I mentioned the problems that you know the high threat and the liberator to kind of suffer from when it comes to picking up kind of unnatural noises I find that the safari lands are just not very accurate when it comes to the of sound that they're putting out on top of that I found that these headsets don't quite squeeze hard enough onto my head and because of that I have a lot of sound leak that gets in and it's probably nowhere close to the noise reduction it should be out of contact it's file and about the CIFOR it might be because my head is shaped weird but these do not fit my head well and on top of that it's just the overall shape it has a screw that keeps it's the batteries in it's kind of not easily user serviceable I always keep a you know a Leatherman on me so I can screw that but it's kind of a pain in the ass to unscrew everything so it's for that reason that I just generally don't recommend the HP's I don't think they're nearly as durable as some of the other headsets out there and so I don't recommend them now before we move fully on I do want to note that the NSA sword and supreme pro are very similar to these headsets I've talked about but they are very very durable there's been some talk in the past about the sword ins being not as durable as peltor and I think they came down to quality control I think that the newest ones that are out are incredibly durable and very well built I'm a big fan of the supreme Pro X whatever they call them nowadays and they definitely rival the pel tours and they're pretty cheap around like 200 280 or so so if you're looking for a pair of headsets that don't have down leads you don't need to hook into 152s and a bunch of different radios definitely check out the sword and supreme pros they are amazing headsets right there and again 19 on the decibel reduction and again for its noise reduction rating around 19 decibels very very very similar to these just different circuitry a great sound quality alright so we've talked about a lot of headsets so far I know you guys are probably getting a little bit fatigued but let's talk about the last headset here that I wouldn't call a competitor to any of these but I would rather call probably the best damn had said that you can possibly buy so the best headset out there in my opinion is going to be the ops core amp it is without a doubt the most user serviceable user configurable just overall best sounding best everything headset that is out there so as a noise reduction rating of 22 decimals this one decimal below Pelt horse I've been said I can't really tell the difference between the two these are very very innovative but we'll kind of get over them here in just a second so before we get too far let's just go to the coolest part about these the coolest part about these is you have a noise reduction level of 22 you can obviously pop in you know earplugs and get more noise reduction but then you can't hear the sound quite as well so what op scores come up with is what is called the near-field magnetic induction earplugs these are wireless earplugs that you can plug into the you pop in your ears and then you put the headsets over them the headsets wirelessly power these ear plugs and pipe all the information audio information from the headset to these little ear plugs it's perhaps one of the most phenomenal things I've ever used in my entire life you never have to charge them you can just keep them on your kit and you're like I need a little more noise protection pop those in and you're gonna be good to go in fact with these earplugs in I find that the noise reproduction and sound reproduction from the hearing technology on the ops core which is already phenomenal is amazingly better because it cancels out that much more ambient noise it's just much more precise so again that is probably one of the coolest things about the ops core amp and yeah these are absolutely phenomenal now before we get too far into this I do want to note that these are expensive now let's get into this these are around 900 you know with accessories everything probably gonna roll you a little bit north of a thousand but if you're gonna be buying comms for a unit or something like that you probably gonna be going with newer headsets from Te a Atlantic signal contact 5s contact sixes and you're actually paying about the same so it comes to price these are about the same price as new headsets so maybe even a little bit cheaper so the headset price is not outrageous it's just that nobody's used to how expensive um you know new headsets are so everything on this is user configurable the mic can easily switch to both sides just like you can in the pel ters and that's unlike the sordin type switch where it's just stuck on one side the headband is well design well-made particulate very well flexes on your head never jackknifes off your head and let's sound leaking in also if you ever need to connect these two helmets all you have to do is peel this back right here you can pop off the headset and then you can attach it to the helmet adapters very very easily now I was concerned when I first did that because I was like oh these are gonna pop off very easily when I'm in the field but you have to press it in a specific way to pop it off because of that I'm a huge fan of how user serviceable these are I can easily just have one pair of you know here in protection that can go from between my helmet and between just wearing it on my head so it's very comfortable also the down leads are easily installed or uninstalled by yourself of these great connectors right here very sturdy very easy to put in you can put in any different types of connections depending on the radio all you have to do is buy the adapter that makes it much more simple for everyone because we're kind of Department and possibly switching between radios also once you no longer have those pieces in that has a little piece right here you can simply fit in to keep the connection from getting moisture and dust on the type stuff from getting inside the headset itself incredibly incredibly forward-thinking the battery caps are all tethered and they're easily grasped by your finger and unscrewed they pop right off and you can get the batteries out it's a very quick very easy battery to change the batteries do last and they quote this at around 120 hours I think that's probably the most honest and powdery life I've heard from a hearing protection manufacturer so far and I found that to be absolutely true maybe a little bit less when the weather is very cold but 120 hours has seen seems to be pretty much the norm now much like the pel tours and the swords they do have an auto shutoff feature if they're not used for a period of time it'll beep and let you know you simply press one of the volume buttons and it will din a reset for about four hours so pretty forward thing in that way you don't just drain the battery if you throw this into your arranger bag and forget to turn these off the best part about these headsets is definitely going to be the sound reproduction the sound reproduction on the ops core amps is with the best sound reproduction that is currently out there when it comes to the hearing market there is just nothing better in my mind Safariland does have a de HP which I don't have a pair of here right now but you do sound good that are still nowhere close to the OPSEC or amp which is without a doubt the best out there so I plugged this enough let's go ahead let's put my lapel mic in each of these and let's do a hearing test I'm going to talk to you through the headsets and we'll see how it sounds okay so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna start with the pelt or COMTAC three so I'm gonna pop them right into the headset right here and then we're gonna see how they sound when I turn them on and it's gotta be via the judge yourself between all the different headsets out there we're gonna talk to the side I'm gonna talk dead on TIA and that is going to be the pores all right so those were the pelt ORS next up is going to be the MSA sordin types from high-threat unfortunately the liberator twos don't allow me to put the two headsets together to allow you to kind of hear it very well but the high-threat are fairly similar and the sound is gonna be pretty close so we'll go ahead and use these as a substitute if you get angry about it I'm sorry we had these on these all the way up here alright I'm gonna talk from behind on these talk from the side talk at the front that's me right there hopefully these sounded good anyhow what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead we're going to turn them down a little bit okay about the mid level which is typically where I run my headsets of this type so again we're talking into it from behind talking from behind talking to the side and talking from the front right now and those are the high thread MSA / the sword types turn this off okay so we've done the MSA type let's go ahead and let's do the Safariland HP's sorry for the cut there I see on had to put them on to the shack okay let's go let's trim these up all the way okay so these are up all the way we're gonna talk from them from the behind from the side and from the front so these are the Safariland HP's we're gonna go ahead we're going to turn this down to levels okay now we're gonna talk to these again from the side from the front now the problem with Safariland HP's is that they tend to have kind of mushy bugs I really don't like how untaek tile they are compared to like the liberators of the TE A's or the Pell tours of the ops core amp so I really hate these headsets quite a bit but these are the Safariland HP's okay last but certainly not least we have the ops core amp hopefully these are amazing for you guys but let's just let you guys be the judge we'll go ahead and pop these in right now all the way from behind on the ops core amp from the side finally red talked from the front this is the office core AM we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna turn it down two notches that's typically about where I run them maybe a little bit higher depending but this is from behind this from the side this is up front and those are the ops core amps turn these off and they are off alright ladies and gentlemen I hope that you enjoyed the little comparison we had between all the different headsets out there hopefully you learn something you found which one sounded better personally for me the ops core amps sound phenomenal and very clear the best sound quality possible so get out there find those headsets that work for you ladies gentlemen thank you so much for watching make sure you get training from some great guys like Haley sweetie check Drasil cog works core vision well these are great people thank you for watching and I've got nothing else for you okay the very last thing that I have for you is to make sure that you hit the Stairmaster from time to time it's a man crusher get out there you know if you've gotten this far we're talking about Big Daddy and limited Big Daddy Limited it's like Costco but for the gun world a lot of people are saving a ton of money get in there it's a link right in the comment section and check it out ladies gentlemen thanks for watching you know I love you take care
Channel: undefined
Views: 521,381
Rating: 4.9317689 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, hearing protection, peltor, amp, ops core amp, sordin, msa sordin, safariland hp, liberator ii, tea hi threat, peltor comtac, hearing pro, electronic ear pro
Id: 8lMZkJOjd9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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