Basic Water Storage For Preppers!

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everyone welcome back today I'm going to give you a quick look at the different ways that you can store water to be better prepared [Music] all right so what we're going to do today is we're talk about the different ways that I store water and the ways that I have over the years when I've lived in different places and how you can get started one of the things that I tell people when they start having preparedness is make sure you have food and water yeah it's fun to buy all the guns finding buy all the ammo funded by all the cool prep electronics and stuff but food and water is where you want to start okay so this is kind of an evolving over the years for me and how I've done this and I'm still a little wet as I just rotated that one who is old water about two years old so I rotated it out but anyway this is how I started started by many cases of these now this is a real simple cost-effective way to do it you go into store buy a couple 24 cases 24 viable cases put them away great problem with that is they need to be rotated a lot more they're very thin on the plastic I think it's kind of semi permeable over the time you will notice that it sucks in and I have one that was drinking here it'll start to look like this I mean yeah do it down it'll kind of look like that see how that's kind of sucked in and when you drink it it'll taste like a hint of like somebody put some dust in the water and I think that kind of absorbs those also the plastic breaks down but I think kind of absorbs the environment so I make a point of rotating after I have about 10 cases then I make a point of rotating at least least once a year every single case gets out you know used up and any case gets a Clint Miss place so that's the first way to do it now the second way to do it excuse me while I drink some of my own water is this guy here you've seen these they may look like gallon water jugs in the store the milk jugs or they look like this this is distilled water for my Parker izing stuff but same idea and yeah you could drink it if you had to same thing um look problem with these is this plastic again degrades over time now this is about four months old here any older than that you know I try to go through these quick because I do a lot of park rising but I try and try not to store water in these anymore because they tend to break most inopportune times I had four or five of them gone me when I was getting ready to leave one day on vacation on a trip and it was like I gotta stop got a mop up the water cleaning everything up so I try to stay away from these short-term it's a great solution but long-term I wouldn't do it okay next is pretty simple got a bunch of thermoses out here or we're quiet kind of close to Vegas casinos are always giving away services with their name on them or something this is another way I do it and I have a rack of these these are just ones that collected over the years these all rotate every six months or so because as filled up as they are they still I feel could get stuff in them so I'll rotate these a little more often and I just rotate this one today I have two more to do after this video but it's a good deal anyway to doing it you got a handle you can grab it you can roll these under your bed you can put it anywhere you know they're convenient I would not recommend putting these under a bed or anywhere there's carpet or anything because if you forget one and they leak they're a mess okay next up is your average soda juice whatever bottles these were Gatorade bottles we bring this over here I don't even bother getting the label off that one these these guys are really better for long-term storage they're a lot thicker if you have the one liter soda bottles if you happen to drink a lot of soda or iced tea whatever comes in them those are awesome for water storage rinse them out bleach them out store your water and we'll get to a whole bleach thing in a bit I actually forgot to print up the things but I will put it down in the description on this video of how much bleach per water you should be using I don't go too nuts with bleach a little bit is good but water coming out of your tap and that's what most of this is is probably a whole lot healthier than stuff you'll find elsewhere unless you have a water problem in your community so I will put a little bleach in just make sure no bacteria grows but I won't go crazy with it you know and something like this maybe and eyedropper full shake it up really good put it up on the shelf you know so when you go to use it it won't have that taste now the last one here is the 5 gallon and they make these in two gallon two water bottles this one looks a little weird notice it looks a little yellow that's actually the plastic this is one I've had for a really long time since I first started getting into prepping and the plastic kind of changed colors on me I just rotated it and the water in there this is one that I missed last time it was about two years old water in there tasted like like it just come out of my faucet and again this was like a teaspoon full of bleach I put in here filled it up shook it up as best you can of 5 gallon you know water savvy 5 gallon bucket and good to go you know so this is another solution if you have an apartment and you can't store some ridiculously huge like these guys will get to a minute 55-gallon drum of water you know this is a lot of water if you want to be real technical it you know 5 days a gallon per day per person so it's 5 days for one person I don't think they're talking about sanitation when they do that but you get the idea we need to put a good amount of these away in a closet somewhere they're not going to leak they're not going to break and they're heavy but they're heck of a lot lighter to move them one of these big blue buckets these are my big 55-gallon drums I probably have about five or six more of them in the garage slash shop where I do my videos most of these cost me about 20 bucks they are food grade containers some of them had some kind of Indian sauce I think it was some gosh something must all masala in it was a dark sauce another one had some soy sauce in it I will generally get these and what I do is I'll fill them up with water and bleach but I put the bleach in first roll it around on the ground I just take them and rolling around seal them up put the water and roll them around some more open them up let them sit outside in the Sun during the middle of summer and dump them and rinse them few more times you can do that about four or five times and you're good to go with these things I've had yeast fill for I think eight months now because I rotate a two of them out so the these have all been this is about eight months worth of eight months since I've rotated so bring a little closer to this guy here and I'll give you an example of the top right there these are pretty simple I have a wrench that does this and I again left it in my storeroom but this one's loose enough you can do with your hand so for something like this you open it up you know fill it up with water I use an RV hose from my spicket inside this room here now how you going to get it out that's what usually people ask me that's what this guy's for I'm going to give you a long kind of look at this one because I just move the camera in it's just a pump these hits down in there and screws in that port screws in there and you pump the water out with it look I don't want start pumping it out there's water coming out already and here is the tube it's a big long probably run on five six foot five foot tube and that's how you get it out when it gets rolling up to the bottom you can really dump it out it's not that have you this these themselves aren't that heavy I maybe say about ten pounds but once you fill that with water they're about five hundred pounds so anyway that's some ideas for getting started in storing some water again I try to get most of my videos geared towards people just starting out and even into native world you know if you can only maybe put away a couple of those five gallon drums of five gallon containers of water you're doing better than most people after you can get a couple cases of bottled water and you rotate it you're doing pretty good so anyways that's the video for today I hope you enjoyed it I do have a new project coming up it's kind of cool I'm just going to tease with it just don't probably explain the black paint on my fingers you'll see why when you see the project anyway I'll talk to you guys soon thanks for watching
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 17,905
Rating: 4.9311662 out of 5
Keywords: Iridium242, iridium242, preppers, prepping, survival, water storage, water storage for disasters, shtd, shtf, bug out bag, bug out water, bug out bags, bugging out, survivalist, emergency water storage, bug out water storage, flint water, bad water, water filters, water for survival, rule of 3s, water for preppers, ways to store water
Id: 97xQHNO1ylw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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