8 Best Water Storage Options for Emergencies

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in this video we're going to take a look at various water storage options on the market if a disaster strikes and the water supply gets compromised having water stored that you can access to get safe drinking water is going to be critical in this video we'll look at the different options the pros and cons of each and i'll try to give you enough information to help you determine which one of these is the right fit for you and your specific needs i've tested various storage options over the years and i wish there were things that i knew when i first started shopping which i'll share with you in this video i'll post links to each of these water containers we cover in the description section below as i cover them and we'll discuss some pros and cons of each and we'll discuss where each would be most beneficial and useful in terms of space that you have available i'll start from the largest and we'll work down to the smallest water storage options and we'll discuss things you need to consider along the way so let's jump in 55 gallon drums when people start getting serious about water storage typically they'll start out with this option now if you do purchase one of these be sure to get a hose or a pump to allow you to extract the water out also when purchasing these be careful about two things first get the dark ones like these clear or white barrels allow sun to go through which will enable bacteria growth second do not buy used barrels if at all possible unless you know or trust the seller if people store chemicals or anything else in these they're not safe for human consumption if you store these as a backup source of water and you've got a contaminated barrel whenever you drink them obviously it's going to make you sick or worse now these are not portable obviously at 55 gallons that's approximately 440 pounds when filled up there are however products on the markets like a dolly that will allow you to build and move these around these are ideal for people that have space that need a backup supply of water if they're going to be staying in place after a disaster i'm personally storing mine outside at the moment covered with tarps which i'll admit is not the ideal setup but i will be building covers for them here shortly i've seen examples where people built stands to hold these so it is possible in theory to stack them vertically stackable 50 gallon water storage for years my go-to is a traditional 55-gallon water storage container but with these you can actually stack them too high now at the moment i have the one sample product that was sent to me but i'll probably buy one more so that i can stack this in my garage with the other one that i have while they cost more than the traditional 55 gallon water drums the clear advantage is their ability to be stacked as i pointed out in the previous point you can build a setup to stack 55 gallon drums but with this option it's stackable right out of the box without any additional work another unique feature is the water spigot on these now the downside with these as well is their lack of portability like the larger 55 gallon drums but my plan is to stay in place as much as possible after a disaster waterfall barrels i've done a review these before a while back these are pretty unique in that they're constantly rotating the water supply so you're not having to worry about needing to rotate your water simply hook up the barrel to a water hose and every time you turn on the water and open the spigot on the other side the water in the barrel is getting new water if there's an emergency you've got a fresh supply of water that's ready to use these will hold up to about 30 gallons each can sit in the sun and i personally use these to water my garden so they're always getting new water at a little under 300 pounds completely filled up they are somewhat movable even if you slightly tilt them and roll them i'll post a link in the cards up above if you want to check out the video i did detailing these more works containers next up is a water storage option that solves a couple of problems it's the worx water storage containers now these hold 20 gallons of water each they're stackable and they can be picked up and transported by two people with the handles on the side they serve as a great little option between large 55-gallon barrels and the small five-gallon water storage containers you can store a lot with these you can stack them vertically in an emergency situation two people could easily pick these up and move them and load them into a vehicle if need be if you live in a small apartment a small environment these would be a great option as they can break apart and be stacked depending on the space and yet still have the ability to move them around easily speaking of limited space the next three options will be extremely useful for those that live in smaller environments water bricks now these have been popular with preppers for some time as they can be used for many purposes apart from just storing water out of all the water storage options where space is a limiting factor these are your best bet as they can easily be slid under beds or behind areas with limited spaces or they can also be stacked on top of each other if floor space is limited you can also get creative as to where you store these they'll fit in places most options will not think of them as the lego of water storage container options out of all the options we've discussed so far these by far are your easiest to transport they've got a handle that comes out and you can grab it and go and i'll do a breakout video shortly about these and talk more in depth about the various usage five to seven gallon containers when i first got into prepping i started with these because they were affordable these will typically come in five to seven gallon containers as they're still portable while i have much larger water storage containers now i like having these and i like having a good amount of these on hand because they come in handy really if there's a bug out situation where you have to leave i keep these stored in a cool dark place and they can last for years without having to rotate them when you open them after having stored them for a few years you can aerate the water by pouring it back and forth a few times between two containers this adds air to the water and it will taste better one thing you will need to consider before buying these though is the thickness some of these are very thin and you cannot stack them on top of each others while others are thicker and you can't stack them now obviously the thicker ones they tend to cost more money but if you have a limited amount of space or you don't want a bunch of five gallon water storage containers taking up your floor space then in the long run you'll be glad that you got the thicker option water bob if you live in an apartment or have very limited space an option like this it's going to be a great starting point at around 35 at the time they're recording this video you can store up to 100 gallons of water in one of these to use it you simply place them in your bathtub and you fill it up it even comes with a pump to allow you to pump the water out filling up a bathtub without this is of course an option but unless you keep your bathtub clean enough to drink out of and honestly who does having an ability to quickly get drinkable water will be a must obviously you'll need to fill these up before disaster strikes if you know a hurricane is approaching or immediately after a major disaster or the water supply still works something like this would be a very valuable item to have now the downside to this option it's a lack of portability it's a one-time use item and if you don't have any warning of an opinion disaster and most people don't once a water supply is cut off it's not going to really be of any value to you but again if space is limited this would definitely be on my list of water storage items ibc tote for honorable mention i need to bring up the ubiquitous 275 gallon ibc tote which is popular in the prepper community i've done a video in the past on these showing how to set these up for rain harvesting now i just moved recently and it's sitting on the side of my house but i'll be connecting a water gutter downspout and connect this to the ibc tote here shortly i'll post a link in the cards above if you want to check out that video like i mentioned regarding the 55 gallon barrel follow the same advice with this option be extremely careful to not purchase one of these if the chemicals have been stored in it they're mostly used for transporting chemicals and i found one that was used to store food grade liquid so i haven't had any issues with it now i wouldn't really consider these as my first option for drinking water but in an emergency situation having just water for purposes apart from drinking water will be helpful as well needless to say these are not portable either coming in at over a ton when they're fully filled out so there you have it hopefully this video gave you enough information to help you determine which water storage option is right for you it's worth mentioning here that in addition to having a water storage container also have a filter handy even something as simple as a small mini sawyer to ensure your water is safe to drink while the water may be safe to drink directly from the water storage container it's better safe than sorry i'll post links in the description section below with the links to all the other products that we're going to mention and we have mentioned in this video if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post those in the comments section below as always stay safe out there [Music] you
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 59,484
Rating: 4.9765949 out of 5
Keywords: water storage, water containers, emergency water, emergency water storage, prepper, preppers, doomsday preppers, emergency preparedness
Id: 2bLHxpiZX7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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