How To Setup Your "Go-To" AR-15 Carbine

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[Music] what's going on guys clint here with classic firearms and guys we're coming up today we're coming at you guys with a little bit of a how to if you will but it's more so of a how i set up my carbines whether it be you know a 16 inch like this guy or a short barreled rifle or whatever else it might be but i know a lot of you guys are probably new to the ar world or just maybe even owning your first carving whether it be a ak ar smg i don't know whatever it might be for you guys i'm here to talk about how i set mine up and i could literally spend probably hours talking about just various features we i can spend a whole video on muzzle devices on rails on optics on magazines on grips on stocks on accessories but we're not going to do that today we're going to keep this one relatively short and talking about how i like to have mine set up and then i want to hear from you guys down in the comments about how you run yours and maybe you could offer me a little bit of advice maybe you'll take a little bit of advice from me today let's just exchange some knowledge today all right so how i like to have my carbine set up well this guy is still a work in progress i'd say i have him about maybe 70 to 80 percent done right now but i have all of this rail space on this daniel defense riz2 rail that's not being utilized and of course i want to utilize that rail space so this probably isn't the best example as of right now but i'm still going to hit on it here just a little bit but the one i really want to talk about is my mark 18 sbr setup and this is an sbr if you guys are new uh to the gun world sbrs are short barreled rifles anything underneath 16 inches and they're kind of a pain to deal with because of taxes and laws and things like that but they're super a lot of fun and this is how i've got mine set up so let's go ahead and roll right into it like i said i could spend forever talking about a lot of these features muzzle devices and all that but we're just gonna run through i'll tell you about what i how i've got mine set up all the way from the muzzle to the butt insert jokes all you want but let's get right into it right up front i've got a surefire war comp you've got different ideas out there as far as muzzle devices go flash hiders muzzle brakes if you're wanting to know the difference flash hiders have a little bit more um i guess you could say uh slots in the muzzle device itself and that's for all those gases to escape without giving off a whole lot of flash uh signature right which is a good thing because well if the enemy can see where you're shooting from due to a muzzle flash then they're probably gonna start directing fire at you and it's typically not a good day and you don't want that however there's other different devices out there like what i have on my ar10 build here this is a muzzle brake what is the difference between a flash hider and a brake the brake is pretty much pushing all of those gases out the side to help with recoil and on this 762 build it's pretty nice to have all right so brakes are inherently a little bit more loud so if you're running a brake on a 556 shorty like this guy um and you're doing it at an indoor range you're probably going to make some people unhappy or at least uncomfortable if you're fire if you're you know in a shooting element with a team or anything like that and you're starting to shoot pretty close quarters with your team uh friend your friendlies are probably gonna be like dude my my head is rattling can you please suppress that guy something like that all right so just keep that in mind uh granted if you are running suppressed all the time who cares what your muzzle device is awesome all right oh and while we're on the subject of suppressors and things like that let me go and throw this out here i know a lot of you guys on the comments are like it's a silencer bro it was patented as a as a silencer you're wrong by calling it a suppressor yeah well i don't i don't care because it's not so much sound suppression that you're going for with especially with 556 it's more so flash suppressing suppression all right so like on this can that i have right here i've got a flash hider right up front i go to mount this guy with a qd and it just kind of ratchets down a little bit once i get it lined up you'll hear it click into place boom now i've got myself a suppressor set up here that's going to help with sound suppression yes but more so flash suppression like i said if the enemy can see where you're shooting from that means they can shoot at you and that's you know not cool right so anyway there you go so you have different setups out there this is a yankee hill setup i've got a surefire war comp on this guy check them out they make great stuff all right coming back a little bit further let's go ahead and talk about rails rails on this guy here on the mark 18 i've got a quad rail on this guy i am just nostalgic i love the look and feel of quad rails the cheese graters if you will that's why i also run the ladders here these are magpul we've got these on our site they're heat resistant and they pretty much just take up space that you're not using on the rail so that way you're if you're not shooting with gloves on which i do recommend you're not cutting yourself on the sharp edges of what's naturally there on picatinny rail all right so easy enough are there better mounting options yes and no pros and cons to each right we've got i've got an example of a geissele over here with a m-lok rail what does mlok offer you it's much more slim it's more of a streamlined look feel and also saves weight all right remember pounds equal pain that type of situation right but if you're running anything on your rail that needs to hold a zero these daniel defense riz2 rails i will say are going to hold that zero probably better than most other rails out there this just naturally how they lock up and everything super tight very very very resilient if you drop it you're pretty good yeah i don't think you have to worry about it you know so lasers ir nods stuff like that you might want to think about running a quad rail just because of just how tight they are all right but like i said m lock rip key mod i don't have anything keymod here so m-lok is all we're going to be talking about in-lock and picatinny or the quad rails you know so m-lock you know you can throw on angle grips vertical grips lights lasers whatever the heck you want same type of setup that you can get with your quad rail you can get with m lock you know there are trade-offs to each though these guys are pretty much the future well the now and future uh simply because of weight mounting systems m lock like i said is just it's lighter it's it's just a overall it's just pretty much a more easier way to get things to start locking up i mean if you want vertical grips like i've got there's an m lock attachment on that springfield stain right there you know they've got it all it's pretty much the same grip as that i'm running on the mark 18 here it's just it's got a picatinny attachment versus m lock so i don't know the guys it's all up to you right other attachments out there as you can tell i am running a flashlight i pretty much always recommend a flashlight at some point simply because if you hear that bump in the night most of your bad situations are taking place in dark scenarios that's just matter of fact right night time seems to be a bad time for for a lot of people okay and if you can't positively id what you're shooting at you probably shouldn't be shooting at it right if it's a friendly if it's family or something like that who just happened to be bumping into a nightstand after they went to go get a drink of a glass of milk or something i don't know you hear that you start to sight in on them and then you realize oh flashlight's on they're a good guy i probably shouldn't pull the trigger because that's something you can't come back from be accountable for every round that you send downrange all right so flashlights i totally recommend where i mount my flashlight i like to keep either just pretty much on the right side of the gun and there's multiple reasons for this for one if i'm having to aim down the side of my gun i'm using the flashlight great if it was on the left hand side pretty much how i grip the gun it would pretty it would be right in the way it wouldn't be somewhere where it's not going to be getting in the way of where i have grip placement okay and on top of that i want to keep pretty much everything out of the way on this side of the gun because of my field of view if it's if i got a piece of metal hanging off the side of my rail here it's going to be blocking what i'm looking at another thing you notice i've got a sling here if i have this gun slinged i'm having to climb over fences whatever drag bodies it doesn't matter what it is if you've got crap on this side of the gun it's going to be hitting me it's going to be going into places i don't want it to be going into and it's going to cause pain and discomfort and i don't want that so that's me personally let me know how you run yours down in the comments all right coming back a little bit further on this guy uh you'll notice i've got iron sights and a eotech holographic site why do i run my iron sights that are stationary instead of backups uh pretty much an exact co-witness with my optic well that's because this guy right here is my ride or die right this is typically riding in the passenger seat with me it moves with me everywhere i go typically think about it i'm going from home to the warehouse where there's a bunch of guns or to the range where there's a bunch of guns and i usually have a bunch of guns with me everywhere else i don't typically stop anywhere i don't typically stop at the grocery store stuff like that if i do i'm usually stopping home dropping off stuff and then head to the grocery store so i run this because this is the fastest scenario i can think of i don't have to worry about pushing buttons to turn lights on or anything else i can just sight in i've got my iron sights up if i have the time to actuate my eotech perfect and a lot of you guys might be thinking too well your rear sight's obviously getting in the way that's gonna be blocking your view it's not practice with it train with it you'll realize really quick that you can pick up the red dot and you won't even realize that your front or rear sights even in the picture just play with it you'll see what i mean coming back a little bit further triggers triggers for days you can set up all sorts of stuff i do have a fostec echo sport trigger on my mark 18 here because they're a heck of a lot of fun and they're great for those double tap situations and the fostec echo both of them the sport or the ar gen 2 i actually have not had the issue without running alright so i am very happy with that i do have a geissele super dynamic on my m4 over here which i am super happy with it's nice flat face very light very fun very fast like it a lot and also too you'll notice i've got a couple other accessories i've got extended mag release here by odin works got a magpul bad lever on this guy over here which just really helps with pretty much quick matte mag reloads which is nice so once you enter the magazine all you have to do is hit this bad lever with your index finger on this side sends the bolt home and you're ready to get back in the fight pretty cool it also makes it easy to lock the bolt to the rear i don't have to you know change hand positions or anything like that it's pretty simple stuff i i recommend them i think they're fun they do take up a little bit of space in the trigger guard though so if you're shooting gloved keep that in mind but i shoot with gloves all the time because some things like to get hot like barrels and suppressors and rails again i recommend shooting with gloves but i have yet to have the issue where the bad lever gets in the way oh other optic too i'm running on my m4 here again 16 inch barrel versus 10.3 on the mark 18. you can run magnified on shorter barrels absolutely but on my 16 inch here i do have a low power variable optic that you see right here this is the vortex viper pst one to four i like this guy quite a bit and i like the fact that it has an etched reticle i like etched reticles over just about anything else because even though it is illuminated and i can have you know a lit up reticle if you will i don't have to worry about having to find the correct brightness setting if i just need to get on target really quick all right now of course in low light settings good luck you're gonna have to you know go ahead and preset your reticle to whatever brightness you need it to be at but if it's blasting you in the face and you're trying to look at it it's just gonna blind you it's gonna blur out your target if it's too low you're not gonna be able to see it so just make sure you're playing with it getting right all right i've got a cak the knights armament a rear sight down here that's just you know in case my optic fails me i can rip this thing off really quick if i need if need be typically carry some sort of tool that i can get in here and twist these guys off if need be again in a bad situation that would take a lot of time and suck so hopefully this guy never fails me which it hasn't yet but if it is out of the fight i can go ahead and pop up my rear sight over here all right a couple other things i want to talk about grips stocks yes uh i'm not a fan of this grip and if you guys have been watching the channel for any length of time you know this the a2 style grip i just don't like them i don't like the grip angle i don't like the little finger groove here i think it's kind of pointless and it hurts and it is that pain and discomfort that i was talking about before that i don't want to have on my setups i like something that has a steeper grip angle not something so angled back this way it's just not comfortable especially if you're getting up close it just feels like a much more natural grab to go ahead and get a grip on this guy like this i like to have it slim uh that's just what i like this is a b5 systems grip b5 system stock with the battery tubes on it so this is the enhanced stock i like these guys i always kind of like the style of these type of stocks with the slopes and the integrated tubes because for my facial structure at least getting a cheek weld on it feels very natural i'm not doing this number i'm not having to come down on the gun it just feels natural for me to be right here i'm bringing the gun to my face not my face to my gun and that is very comfortable natural gets a good point of aim and i can get shots off accurately that way cool of course i typically already have it set to whatever length of pull that i want it at so that way it's just a quick grab and go granted with a bay over here this one right here might change length of pull depending on situation and that situation could be i'm writing in a car and i need as much space as possible and i'll fully collapse it you know it just it just depends all right uh grip on this guy is magpul stock on this guy is magpul definitely a great brand as well check out all the magpul products on our site this is the miad grip or miad or whatever it's called you can change all the back straps on it and also the front here you can have the little bit of a finger groove if you wanted it comes with that piece you guys already know i don't i've got the smooth grip on that side and i got a little bit thicker beavertail if you will back here on the back strap i just really like the way that feels on this guy just feels good all right uh what else can i say on these guys slings slings is another thing that i could probably talk about an hour about with man slings first off you'll notice that i like to stow my sling so that way it's as slim as possible i'm sure there's better solutions out there but i've got just a uh if you're in the marines you know what a boot band is and that's what i've got pretty much maintaining my sling here and if i need it i just pull it grab it and it comes right out you know i don't want to break this one because i don't know where all my other boot bands are so i'm going to keep it right where it is but i definitely recommend a sling if you want to run a 3.2 point single point it's all up to you guys just train with it see what's good for you me personally two points where it's at especially on this guy because i can actually change how it fits so if i want it to be a little bit more loose so i can do a transition to my weak side i can back to strong side whatever it might be single points not a big fan of simply because every time i've done anything with a single point i've always wound up hitting myself in the no-no zone and because think about it if it's a single point that connects right back here you're gonna drop this guy and it's even every time i push it off to the side to try to drop it it somehow winds right back up to where i don't want it to be and it hurts and again there's that pain of discomfort that you don't want with your rifle all right all right other things i could talk about are magazines but you guys have seen these plenty on our website right now this is just an amino classic firearms mag or just a classic firearms branded mag which i like of course we got sure feed and lancer and magpul and everything else laying over here and i'm a fan of all those guys they work out great so i think this was a quick rundown to uh firearms oh charging handles i definitely recommend ambi charging handles just because you can really get a good grip on it if need be i'm running a radian raptor on this guy what else radian raptor yep that's actually all i'm running already in raptors right now guys we make some great ones as well check out all of the ones that we carry on our website and of course if you find any products on our website that aren't currently in stock be sure to sign up for the product notifications we'll send you an email as soon as they become available all right uh last thing i didn't talk about that i do want to talk about vertical grips why do i not run angled foregrips things like that i do i actually have it on my ak back here which has an m lock rail set up on it also i do run angled grips on those guys because they just feel more natural and comfortable to me but you'll notice i don't really grab it like a broom up here if you will i actually kind of grab like this so i treat it kind of like an angled grip kind of but i do that so i can go to get that thumb over bore i think it's just better for drawing the firearm so i can put it in every direction i don't have sway if i'm doing a magazine grip like this or magwell grip not a fan of that i used to be and then you know i actually got some decent training but uh anyway i do typically like vertical grips because they're a great reference point i can really push back into my shoulder and you know i could easily just get it going right again smooth side here compressor pad easily and it's just a easy day for me on this all right anyway this is how i've got my mark 18 m4 set up of course there are plenty of other different options out there notice the smg45 it's just pretty much completely clear but it is considered a pistol so any type of grips i want to put on that they can't be vertical they need to be angled stuff like that but lwrc also has proprietary rails so all sorts of stuff you have to throw into that mixology of accessories and things like that but uh look out for videos in the future we'll actually go into more detail about muzzle brakes or muzzle you know muzzle devices we'll go into more detail about accessories lights optics whatever the heck you guys want let us know down in the comments i'll be more than happy to talk to you guys you guys already know i like to talk way too much as it is uh all right i think i've pretty much hit on everything i want to talk about here let me know if i missed anything down in the comments i'll see you guys down there if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask away now one big question is where is the giveaway it's sitting right back here this guy's is our current giveaway but you don't have a whole lot of time to get your entries on this one this is a short giveaway short in size but also in length of time that this giveaway is running this is the ever so popular and famous fn ps90 chambered in 5.7 by 28 fast little cartridge coming out of there and if you want to see more information about this guy see it shoot go check out our video announcing it as our giveaway that'll be popping up at the end of this video somewhere somewhere somewhere around here anyway so to be popping up go get your entries in at hit that little banner at the top of the home page and you'll see exactly where you can go to get all these different entries best way to do that though or the best way to get the most amount of entries is to refer your friends and if you don't have friends that are using referral links go to the range find more friends alright we'll leave it at that guys hope you enjoyed this video i'll see you down in the comments section like comment share subscribe all that fun stuff god bless you all we'll see you next time at [Music] you
Channel: ClassicFirearms
Views: 260,881
Rating: 4.8697133 out of 5
Id: AKPvf4PqS_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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