Advanced 3D Modeling Tutorial of Engine in Creo Parametric Exercise - 29

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hello everyone in this video tutorial we are going to create a 3d model of this engine and this is this is going to be a very long tutorial so please bear with me but definitely you are going to learn a lot now this is the video for more kind of aware with the creo parametric basic commands we are not going to use very advanced option like surfacing and style options so you can follow it if you have grip on the basic commands if you are absolute beginners in the field of reading drawing as well as in creo parametric then this video might not be for you you can come at the later stage so I will try to keep things very short in explanation because if I want I can make like this video for three hours long and then no one will watch it so I'll try to come straight to the point and with that let's start now before we begin let me tell you how I planned out this model and there can be refined matin at any point of time but yes so my approach was like first of all eliminate the drawings that you use that you don't want to get started with if you look at the first three use then definitely those are the section views and two are the section use and one is the detailed view so they are not going to help us out coming to this view it is again the detail of this profile similar thing over here it is regarding this top extrude this can be a good starting point but let's see if other users are helping or not coming to this one again this is the detail of this extruded or works swift boss then this is the section view this can be of quite health but again it is regarding the details of some of the feature same thing over here it doesn't give us any information about the base shape just as that about this rectangular shape which is this one so finally what is left this view it gives us the dimensions that we want as well as this comprises of our base of the model so we can start off with here and then move ahead another thing that I I have taken into the consideration is this will be my origin and I'm going to start even in this section I am going to create with respect to this as with respect to the center point and this is the center line I am going to follow so even if I am going to sketch this profile which is this section view it will be kind of like 12.5 mm on this side and rest of the things on the other side so those are the two versa two assumptions that I have made not assumptions but I have quite logically approached for that and it is going to help us at the later stage so there are going to be so many things and things will unfold as I move ahead starting off with this year first of all this dimension is incorrect 21.5 you see this is the kind of length between two points because here the portion is thicker while or here it is thinner the reason is the section view is taken from this view this view and it is passing through this area where one portion is containing grib while another portion is not containing the river so just to the very first dimension is not correct do take note of this one now how to find out the correct dimension so it is quite simple go in this view and you can see this diameter is 23 which is passing through the centre of this radius of river it means the total diameter up to this point will be may be 23 is the diameter so radius of this circle will be 23 by 2 that is 11 point 5 plus 1 mm radius that is 12 point 5 so this radius is going to be 12 point 5 now or over here if you see then this portion this much portion right we have total oh this is 21.5 so 21.5 minus 12.5 will give us 9 which is this dimension so this is 9 and hence the diameter will be 18 9 to 2 simple so this is some calculation you need to do over here after that we will be sketching it as a complete solid cylinder so let's start Ramon I'm going to keep this room light yes I will create this geometric center line so dimensions will change to diameter assign those dimensions that you want to assign so I want to give this one this one totally I think I don't have this diameter so what am I missing there is this length perfect so all these dimensions are those which I want select all of them and modify uncheck the regenerate that is one one eight enter 6 degree enter then that is 26 this one is 31 and this one is 18 60 in total that one is 12.5 I will regenerate the sketch ok then the revolt yes as I mentioned like this 12.5 mm since this is going to be our center I have given this distance as 12.5 after doing that we go and start with this profile now over here you can see these two edges yes these two edges right it means there is a flat over here which I am assuming so that will be my assumption of 10 mm flat now I am going to create this portion and this portion after that I am going to create this one so the section view is a this one it is passing through this cylinder and hence this portion is showing us the section lines while the outer one is indicating this fins over here one 1mm thickness means it is indicating that portion so what we can do is we can create this sketch and definitely extra date at play by creating a plane of distance of 27 mm from here and then I have the total height as 54 right from this plane so 21 27 up and 27 down that is quite simple so first of all let me create this sketch I will use datum let's create that datum plane it is going to help us so that distance is 27 okay create the individual sketch because that sketch we are going to reuse the dimensions are given so I will quite speed up over here and else it will take a lot of time if I explain each and every dimension that should be doable by you at this stage then only you can follow this tutorial what happened line like this and this first of all assign these symmetric relations so it is symmetric with respect to the horizontal centerline so select those points perfect I am going to create the outer profile first and then offset the inside one so we have got the Philips is circulating can we have this dimension is three points animal so this point also should be made symmetric now these two Philips are equal and press middle-mouse ones select this and these two bullets okay fair enough now let's assign the total width which is here as 28 then we have and to end it is 35 and from this Center to this one it is 18.5 this radius is 12 and this radius is 10 now what is left this is 3.7 total is 35 this is 18.5 what is left on this this one it is 14 only this sketch should not go outside so let's see what wrong I have done maybe assist and and let me just check it ok I figured out the issue was the issue is with this dimension that is my mistake totally that is yes this is 15.5 and not 12.5 I will just show you yes it is this distance this one from outside to this center line and this portion 12.5 is for the rectangular portion over here that was my mistake now coming back it is perfect now and I will simply offset that loop by 2 mm except okay now we can easily use the sketch region over here to create the extrusion select 8:27 and done again we can go for the sketch region select the sketch extrude in the other side perfect 27 but this time there is 6 mm 6 degree draft you can use 1 in 20 to next yes and accept create deflate over here maybe 10 mm or 20 looks good now after that is done we'll be creating this fins over here let's just undo all this it is starting at the distance of its distance is p1 yes it is starting at thirty point five mm from this our centre plane and then it has got 1mm thickness and it goes up to distance of 23 it means there are 12 instances over here and gap between two also the successive fins is also 1 mm so that one is simple let's select this one extrude now you can create another datum plane also but I will show you one another trick if you want to utilize that one now from the center which is starting a distance of thirty point five mm and our current plane is at 27 mm so what I will do is I will give exclusion of four point five like this and in the blind depth what I will do is minus 3.5 that will make it as one mm thickness again this is a 27 I extrude 4.5 and in the another blind direction I subtracted 3.5 so this becomes 1mm thickness of pin and if we can if you want you can go in the various measure pressing the analysis that should be measured select the distance so this to this plane should she leave yes 30.5 you can see so what we did is absolutely correct and now let's create the pattern select that extrusion select the direction select this plan instances are when spacing is 1 sorry to accept but fake once that is done now we will what we will do we will create now we will go the portion wise first of all we will sort out this portion and assign the fill ads then we will move on the opposite side and create all these details now before that we will go for this rectangular shape because I - because I want to create a revolt cutout to create this hollow cylinder so first of all this one and then this rectangular shape it just change it to geometry now get this sketch like this you have got the dimensions quite simple I will explain it at once and want bring this back let me undo yes from this side it is at a distance of 19 mm angle is 68 and height is 82 see the shape you can see was there definitely but yes dimensions 14.5 is the thick total width 3 is the radius then we have a circle which is of 10 diameter and gets and cut through it it is cutting through the cylinder so that is about it is to mod stills dimension so this is 1830 68 total height is 18 and dimension is from here to here it is 19 okay I'm going to create sweep and create this section yes perfect center lines are already there is good total width was 14.5 and height is 15 it is shown over here this is 15 except perfect and then now I will create round very good EMM I will try to use same tent edge let's see yes I simply right click once and it's leopard for edge now I am going to create the rectangular block over here and then use Siri won't cut out so at a stretch all the material will be removed select a plan sketch now orientation is very important on this opposite side we are we are going to create it at a distance of 12.5 from this Center and then 30 and whole width let me clear this at once so quite simple 30 is width 43 is the height 12.5 from the center to the left and then you extra late for 5m with the radius on this one is 3 mm in this view and 0.5 running on this edge this one and there is another feed at which is running across against let me see or all the Philips are point violent let me just confirm once sorry I just got delusional it is 0.5 mm Filat only now let's create so I think all the things are clear for that portion holes are also simple to create it is concentric to this red diameter or a sorry this radius 3mm but we are going to use the distance or there are three mm away from each other that is the detail we are going to use you just don't tell manufacturer that okay it is concentric to this radius so now creating that no nice and simple create the centerline remember the orientation when you are assigning the dimension than n dimensions yes 12.5 in the centre 35:43 this dimension okay it is already there twelve point five this is salty yes this is protein three exclusion is with respect to the midplane fireman then now this one is the most interesting part over here is fellating if you look at the peanuts that are given over here then they are not looking kind of regular ones you can see the transition so we are going to achieve that one so first of all press control key select sorry my mistake just right click over here it is just elated perfect for edg's done that is 3mm now in the new set creating this portion right Nick yes not 3mm but point five and that is acceptable now the new set it becomes quite yes once you give the patch over here you can see it is not the one we want so if you go in the transition also and see there is this patch and it is exactly the way we want and if I preview it yes that is how you achieve this portion right so I'm going go to the set mode select this set press control key select the edges that are running that is selected I think this should fail now not yes perfect so it is working let's do the same thing on the opposite side yes control key select all the edges reason I am selecting pressing the control keys I don't want to generate extra sets over here and done now coming to the transition mod and all the Philips will appear select this one you can right-click and do the patch yes just right click and patch sorry select right-click and patch select right click fetch I tried to do the multiple selection but I will succeed right Cygnet right click and match and dad so this is how you create those we just perfect yes and now we are going to create another reward on this plan so how that reward would be go over here this profile will be inside one yes this will be the profile so quite simple created geometric centre line select these things most match their for mass this diameter is 28 total is 60 then you have this dimension from back to this 130 and inside diameter is 2 and 0.5 okay the wound and remove done and now I will be creating tea I did one mistake no mistake but yes forgot to create one feature will roll back that one but my shoes now I will be creating this whole whose diameter is e 1 over here that is 19 and this cut out of ten in diameter 10 and 19 select this face extrude sorry no yes now we have to get the revolt cut out I'd create this circle and 19 except this one next effect same thing select this face extrude and we create a center line passing through the center circle diameter is 10 except next and accept so that is also done now we need to assign the affiliates or here also that is to ellen and this one is also to a man and they don't seem to be happy yes cancel it let's create them one by one maybe set one this is women you set it is creating an issue do you is failing okay let's clear the ribs first of all and for the leadership there so no issue now the rim portion I personally hate the wave command of creole so I'm going to use this simple extrude for this 2 mm thickness of rib where it is yes we have full radius is 1 it means it is it is having thickness of and yes the donations are clear 6 degree angle and we have everything I guess it starts at the distance that we calculated sorry it is not but yes 23 is in 1.5 plus 1 12.5 so that will be on extreme point sched with the line make it parallel make it coin sit down and just use the extra portion and just match the corner I think that is enough let's see so the distance is 12.5 I just wanted to intersect and nothing else except weed plane - mmm done I'll create the full round field so in the sets just see how this option will change let's control select this phase select the opposite phase and then it is telling me to create a full round my driving surface will be this job except now let's create the pattern X is 3 perfect and this should be referenced yes they are now once that is clear we will aside the filete let's try to use the intent selection just lightly over here no it won't work now we don't have much options let's see over here please let me just see if the electron leaves are also 2 mm okay yes that radius is 2 mm only so I will just delete this something is wrong press control and that portion is not allowing me okay sorry that is my mistake it is not completely intersecting with the material over here so you just change the reference okay yes let me just block the dimensions so nothing will change it was supposed to be like this delete this segment match the coordinates and now it should work fine going round as control yes again on here I click once just control and select select so that just keep on pressing the control don't release it and this so that radius is created 2 mm perfect I will create it once and now try creating the filete over here so I don't mess up everything let's create the another set for it and see if it wants to work out maybe not let me just roll back and try and now let's roll back yes perfect that is our patch so yes some trial and error and it definitely worked out so what you need to do is create this portion and then over on on top of that the rest of the peanuts so that's how it worked out now coming to this whole creation or you can use the better you use this only so simple 3mm hole and depth is through wall assign the references which is see you can use mirror for time or else go with the direction so in this direction yes you can pick up that edge also no issues just reverse it and this width is I guess 30 so 3mm both sides you need to reduce 24 same over here the direction is this one total length is 43 so 6 mm reduction that is 37 done for holes already yes now what I missed out earlier was this portion so let's do let's build with it now it is at a distance of 37 mm nineteen point five mm and yes I think I didn't mention earlier this is the section line si si and here you cannot have a distance with respect to the section line so this fifteen point five I have assumed it to be from here to here and this forty four point five is from here to here similarly this nineteen point five is with respect to this centre line and note this section line so yes that was one thing I missed out earlier that 30 37 distance what are its dimensions to find them okay its total width is eighteen point five from the center that is good then what we have okay well here it is given center-to-center distance 41 4.5 is the radius then it has got holes of 3mm diameter all right so we have got it maybe I will roll back somewhere here now it is after getting two screens yes it will be on this side extrude create a sketch I will go into palette go in this shapes bring and drag this respect except it for now 37 I don't want that dimension let's make it coincident with our center line now I will assign this dimension which is nineteen point five we have this radius perfect 4.5 except and 18.5 is this and now we will create the cutout sorry I previously mentioned that it will be off with 30 rectangular cutout that is not that where this is our profile of cutout so let's go back I press ctrl selected face press ctrl select both the faces and I will create a mid plane over there yes it exactly passes through the middle extrude cut out very good maybe we can try this sketch clip perfect now create an arc like this which is incident to this edge which is at a distance of 3 mm and now here it is Dean why it's radius is 40 create the horizontal center line Mirror Mirror with the center line I will project both of them close Beauty unmounted segment close it and now accept 6 mm with plane and if I take its section view it should match our sketch and eventually it is similar just cancel this section and done just save it I will take this plane now that is also done so yes I am sorry for this one I didn't I just missed out this profile of cut out yes so that is also ready now everything is done finally what remains is this profile it is very very simple you you would have done it tons of time so let's go over it quickly extrude like this let's have a few central lines like this like this I don't think you will need to need to explain about the dimensions but still let's do it 45 degree it is located saying that between this two profile is these two lines is line is 40 degree and this is not too useful more diameter of this all is 3 radius is 3 over here of this profile PCD of this hole and hence this radius will be eventually concentric so that will be 36 CCD complete radius of 1 mm is flowing through it so yes that one is quite you see this angle is 45 I create a circle on it create line and this diameter and something like this then create this segment in segments make them tangent angle between both of them is 40 degree as expected so make them symmetric three and maybe going the construction mode come out do you have dimension for that just create one yes it is showing radius so the radius will be 36 by 218 good I will project this portion and delete the unwanted segments looks good the width of this profile is 3mm it is given let me zoom in zoom out in this middle portion over here it is 3 mm and just notice the filete is going around right so 3 mm done very good very definition in the reverse direction create the hole of 3 mm diameter placement it is good diameter that p-series 36 as we all know and another one is okay so that angle is 45 degree good now let's fill out that portion you know you need to edit it she left she left they feel that that is running through it is one is everywhere oh my god I just created the blunder did it as I mentioned like it should be one set so any changes could be done by a single click so press ctrl select each and every edge and this one's good this wouldn't look good without assigning filete to it but again we need to have it patterned so let's create rounded and on the delete ok create the pattern of both of them pattern axis for then select the whole okay this want to be a reference pattern so what you can do is delete the pattern and combine both of them and create its crew and now they can be patterned in a single feature except done I just mean hide it hide the planes Oh see the whole details are you need to be careful next perfect now grounds - feel that is okay that is not 1mm phillyd I guess this one is like this like this and then rest of the Philips our point file yes you see over here this is 0.5 fillit and this feel net this one this transition is point the transition is 1 mm so thank God okay don't forget to press control right click again right click again click or at the end i press control and select new set and point file sorry so yes it is quite easy if you press control and do that selections it will definitely work out I won't waste much of time so if you have any doubt you can ask in the comment section at any point of time if anywhere I would have gone quickly or I skip any of three things to explain definitely you can ask in the comment section I will surely reply as early as possible and yes this drawing will be uploaded on the Pinterest account so the link will be in the description and with that save in the next video
Channel: CADskool - Quick start your CAD Journey!
Views: 19,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, 3d, modeling, advanced, tutorial, engine, automobile, 2d to 3d, creo parametric advanced tutorial, pattern, revolve, revolve cut, extrude, sweep, how to read complex drawing, complex 3d modeling creo parametric
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 31sec (3451 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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