Base Lovin 17 : What a difference 8876 cycles make : Oxygen not include

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and we're back with some more bass loving because well you know social lives they were overrated anyway so let's get on with another bass living tour and we're just in time to see a rocket launch because of course we are perfect timing and yes let's have a quick look at the core base just to see how this it the the duplicants are treated in this benevolent dictatorship for a start they've all got comfy beds you know so that's something i've never gotten around to doing i will do it at some point and mechanical surfboards tea stations apothecaries Wow they've got like all the modern amenities right in here even showers this place is absolute joy for duplicates in fact I'm kind of curious what's their morale looking like okay we're all looking in the 40s and 50s someone is very nice to their dupes and all the dupes are inside this core base area here and then to leave they have to exit through these X at my suit ducts and then it's pretty much straight into transit tubes as far as I can see for all of them there is a little bit of creature critter engine going on here sort of a smorgasbord of all the different ones you could get and we've got the pips over here on wild trees you can tell there's a bunch of these iron ore chunks right here all over the place too and oh kilos I'm pretty sure what was happening here was someone did a bit of sneaky breeki and they got a those doors recession hey I got some manual airlocks and then entombed them on several sides before deleting them to make those little natural tasks done the same myself many times it's very handy oh and where are my manners on this one this map was sent in by Wes and it's called the happy home it's an hour boria map with geodes geo active and metal-rich because why not over here you've got your your trekker ranch but this one is just it's a breeding area there's no shearing done in here they just breed all the eggs are picked up they're whisked into these over here and there's a sort of a critter unloader here all the critters that hatch in here set off some sensors and eventually they get sort of shuffled down in here I know there's been some patches since this so I don't know if this still works but it was a pretty cool idea to have them all shuffle down in there and that's just for yep all the hatches that they'll stay in here they're gonna be overcrowded they're gonna get several d buffs but their scales still grow back at 100% rate which means you can just ya keep harvesting them as long as you want really handy for getting lots and lots of red fiber and plastic if you want also we've got some stone hatches over here because yep stone hatches are just good for all reasons and a crap ton of conveyor rust there are conveyor rails everywhere for everything here you've got your your stink weed firm temperature-wise this should be nice and chill as you can see it's and it's all running on thermal regulators I know thermal regulators are not as efficient as equity owners but still that is a pretty sweet and nifty way of doing things I mean at this late stage of the game who cares about power anyway well okay this base does not care about power either we have to get a ran to that later Oh industrial break over here now what I really like about the industry brick is the the feng shui they've got going on with the two office desks the computer desk stand there I've seen random bits of furniture about the map so yeah like over here I don't think these were built I think they were just here naturally on the map and then yeah this construct was built around it because I mean those office chairs look like they perfectly fit in there so yeah we're just gonna sit here into a daily office grind okay true it's beside some large power transformers but it could happen and so this is the the industrial area and then we've got some poke shells over here they're our only purpose it seems is to eat the depleted earth that comes out of this and makes an animation but over here where was this yeah yes petroleum butter so this is we've got a little compactified petroleum butter with a much shorter heat exchange than you normally used to and then this sort of weird contraption on the end this is just a different way of transferring the heat in and it's got all the metal tiles around it to make sure the heat transfer is pretty well though you can see there was a little bit of pipe breakage there so they've been replaced with insulated pipes to stop the I think there's insulin pipes up to about here and then it's just two radiant pipes just to prevent any pipe breakages for this heat injector on the side what happens is the the magma strapped down from here and that drops down on top of this door there's a liquid sensor to detect so it just it keeps what's this runs out of heat it drops down more liquid and then that will eventually still if I into tiles and once it does the heat gets transferred across now well you may not think that's perfect heat efficiency you've got two volcanoes so you don't care you can do whatever you want when you've got two volcanoes you don't have to worry about anything to do with the efficiency I mean there's a minor volcano and a regular volcano you're just gonna have plenty of magma to work with next up let's go check out the oxygen production facility this has got a nice little set of quirks to it and this is all the electrolyzers they pump out their oxygen and hydrogen and there is no real attempt to let it settle in a direction it just rips it out doesn't care that the gas pumps do you have some filtration on them to make sure that the hydrogen ends up going in the correct direction now it's the energy this one's so that it goes around like this see the weights there's little packets of hydrogen in there so funny hydrogen ends up in this pipe that gets ripped out and took the cross up to this line that's just a nice way to make sure the hydrogen doesn't get an energy free way of making sure you can filter gases but for cooling wise what we've got up here is your standard steam turbine heated Asian powered with some polluted water going through some aluminum tiles then all the oxygen goes through there just to cool it down so all the oxygen comes in here what's it starting at so we're looking at 80 degree oxygen coming in Jesus and by the time it goes out it's all about 15 degrees or so just 22 on the set let's lower on the right-hand side and then all of that oxygen is dispersed true at the base as you can see it goes everywhere no arbor trees as well there's a lot of herb retreats going on because right down where was it that meant to time is it not right down over here we've also got ethanol refinement going on now refinery produces a lot of carbon dioxide also produces a bunch of polluted dirt as well all of that polluted dirt is being uh shunted off somewhere else okay we're come back to that later and then you've got this connected via metal tiles to this sort of hot industrial brick it doesn't run very hot dog the moment it generates any steam it's usually killed by the steam turbines so any heat here is just going to be taken care of like that and everything in here is made of steel and then the air I'm sorry industrial cylinder here dump so it's polluted water down here it's kind of crazy that just down here you've got 100 degree carbon dioxide but the water here is still remaining liquefied it's it doesn't make sense well I suppose it can it just impose 120 degrees yeah nice little bill there I I really I'm gonna have to play around it with ethanol on my current player I just I haven't bothered yet but I want all of that tasty polluted dirt wait no no I I don't I want the tasty yep I want the polluted dirt so that we can have pocos I just realized that sounded really bad of context the Pope shells want to eat the tasty polluted dark pokey shells think it's tasty at any r10 here we have some six tiers now this is gonna seem we'll just have a quick look at the six tier overlay zero four we've got you know we got we got your six two ranches some of them are all different shapes and sizes because yeah it depends on what space was available at the time but yeah let's check out something a little fun here where is gas overlays now you'll notice this weird little thing here like you'll notice yes see that there's no gases in there that is a vacuum so there's this weird vacuum thing right here why is that and took me a few minutes to figure this one out but if we go into the creature overlay it there you see there's eight create critters in here and well okay this is not a room is the whole area there's 1215 critters there's 1200 slicksters in that spot that's why it's a vacuum there's 1200 slicksters all trying to consume carbon dioxide and just nothing can survive there like the carbon dioxide the moment any of them start to feed wait wait wait wait oh they dropped a tiny bit of petroleum the moment they start to feed the effectively just suck all of the gases from a random right in on top of them oh look now oxygens got sucked in which they can't consume oopsie that is just hilarious every time I mouse over it yeah the game decides to take it opposed yeah let's just take a little bit of a timeout there oh never mind one little thing I forgot to point out is just for efficiency sake this auto sweeper can reach this whole area here and it can also reach the three incubators so once an incubator needs to be filled it automatically just grabs an egg dumps it into the incubators problem solved just a quick way of making sure all the eggs are automated or the egg replacements are automated also all the eggshells immediately get whisked up so you can get them for stuff to make more line yeah I think that's pretty handy I'm gonna somehow steal some of that I don't know if I can integrate that but current evolution chamber design because it is usually sunken into the floor but I think we can use that in some way just to make our automation of eggs just a little bit faster yeah oh and there's a giant pool of ethanol just lying around the place the ethanol from over here is fed into three or two of these generators and there's some of it that's left over here is a stockpile yeah this base is sort of on a mix of petroleum and ethanol power which is very unusual yeah hydrogen poke shows one moment okay got the got this figure - what's we got over here is these poke shells over here are the tamed ones they are being groomed and fed all of this there's actually a polluted dirt drop-off you can't see it because the poke shells are constantly standing in front of us but that leads back to the ethanol refinery so all depleted dirt from here yeah it's dumped in here poke shells eat it that keeps them alive happy and fed and then you're groomed constantly to keep the reproduction rates sky-high so the reproduction rates are yeah 17% per cycle same as all the hatch variants they lay one egg every six cycles all of those eggs are dumped into a wrong one sorry dumped across here and then yeah they all get dumped into this section here now question is how does it get into this ah okay so the duplicates can enter in these doors they can grab an egg when they need it and put it into that incubator incubator is used to keep this stucked up and what happens to the excess ones I'm not too sure but doesn't matter all the poked shells end up down here and if we check the overlay there's like 40 of them in there so that means you get like about 5 kilos I don't know how many how many of your kids of liveness for the egg shell then you get about 5 kilos for their first molt when they turn from babies to adults and then when they die after they were adults you get another 15 kilos of 10 kilos of multiple and then so that's 15 kilos of lime from each one of them each lifecycle and there's 40 of them in there that's 600 kilos of lime you're looking at right there that's a lot of steel and if we check out the steel that's 85 tons of steel that's a fair chunk of steel all right anyway yeah that's a good use of poke just I want to this is my plan on this playthrough is to train commands and some hook shots and do something similar just so that I can mass produce steel runner I'm gonna badlands map right now so I figure there's so much iron I'm gonna Nick a bunch of your ideas thanks.thanks with anyway over here we've got hydrogen vent and these things come in at 500 C it's stupid how hot these come out at considering how little hydrogen you get it's kind of annoying but you can cool them down so that oh I've never seen the new animation there's the automation we're now effects these so you can now close with an automation where I think this yeah I don't think that was meant to happen and this is an older map yeah I'm still pulling maps from my my email so this one yeah that probably is not meant to be closed but yeah the Hydra you'll come out of here get cooled down and eventually gets pumped at the bottom nice and cool nice little system there's plenty of water and the map in terms of vents and geysers there's just it's everywhere this map is covered in lots of waters lots of water it's a GU active map so there's plenty of law Vince that showed up and several of them are water based now one of the interesting is as you see is I've seen a lot of people they like to leave the abyssal ice in place so you can see where the old biomes were and the only to demolish them out when they need this space for we had to put in some buildings and over here we've got your we've got your liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen in small standard sized tanks that are not so ridiculously oversized this is the same quantity of fuel for your Rockets rocketry program and then we've got your rocket reset setup here and then this little sucker here this is yeah this is just a plug socket with some whois forts built in and you'll notice that 200 kilos of iron ore trick used again to get in those tabs I'm pretty sure some pips were wandering around there for a while to plant all of those oh and this where was this this is finished yeah I think it is let's check the scanner quality which is the scan quality a hundred percent oh wait no it's got to zero the doors opened wait one second scan quality come on come on scan quite there we go so scan quality is a hundred percent there's no interference with this and scan network quality that's all the scanners hooked up together to 100% effectiveness so they will detect things 200 seconds out before they arrive how is this achieved though because if you look just there doesn't seem to be any other scanners here however you just gotta look downwards there's one scanner to a scanner three scanner 4 scanner 5 scanner 6 scatters all of them all stacked one on top of the other little known fact well ok maybe not not a very popularly known fact scanners don't care about what's in front of them and it doesn't matter if there's other scanners placed above them so six scanners placed in a row as long as you give them 15 tiles guy to work with the 15 each side I think yeah something like 15 each side so something like that gives them that much free sky to work with and they're fine so that all the way down to the bottom is open sky oh and just to note make sure you have them in complete vacuum gasses interfere with them as well but this is just a very space efficient way to get access to the sky assuming you're willing to correct all of the area blow out you're gonna have to do a lot of coring ash also the telescope's down here just a very nice little and compact way of making sure you've got access to this guy and that allows you to automate all your solar and your Rockets and everything like that with 100% scan quality going on really nice system really like that one last thing to take a look at was is copper Vulcan I think this one is still actors the gold volcanoes it uses the exact same system this is one of the ones where it's all about using conveyor rails and their massive heat transfer to get rid of the heat what's the temperature of these nuts have a quick look and what's that coming out of 253 that is a bit toasty then it comes down through here and then gets immediately shunted right back in again so while that's happening is volcano erupts this auto sweeper made of steel of course dumps it onto the conveyor loader conveyer loader sends it across all of these convey rails and because they're on conveyor reels they transfer the temperature really promiscuously with all the steam and atmosphere at random this gets eaten by the steam turbine and then it just keeps rotating round and round and round until it hits a preset temperature what's the preset temperature is hit this here will start shutting them through this cooling block cooling block is this equi tuner over here is providing cooling to this whole area on the left-hand side these metal plates and once all of it well once the metal is considered of coolant of temperature which is 135 C all of these pieces will start getting shipped through that they'll get sealed and going through here and then boom you've got some nice chilly copper ore jumps right back into your base riches wait where is it going where is it going where's it going wait no what where do you know what I'm not following that any further that's well I think I've got I think I've gotten confused I think I've gotten confused because there's a lot of conveyor else in this base let's have a quick look-see shall we that is so much conveyors normally I mean I've seen some bases with some conveyor networks but normally not such extensive ones that cover so of the map that is ridiculous temperature was the map looks kind of like I was sort of expecting there's just there's blobs a temperature depending on the the biome because all the abyss light was left in place it actually does a pretty good job of insulating all the temperatures assuming you don't dump a huge chunk of industry in there now let's pose this before I do on the piping overlay I've had too many crashes from piping overlays recently piping networks not looking too bad that looks pretty damn clean to be honest and what is this over here ah water filtration so there's a giant tank of liquids over here of mixed liquids salt water polluted water clean water all that goes to a double filtration to make sure the water saves suit survival the polluted water the desal and Anders get rid of all the salt water or brine and the fun note also semi only well known it doesn't matter if you put salt water through these they don't care if you put a polluted water through duty salander's they don't care I didn't even cost me energy and putting clean water to rise them doesn't cost you any energy either they you can put any water through these they won't care it wasn't doesn't damage them spare some you know present worried they don't touch doesn't damage them if you put petroleum or something like that to it well that will cause problems I believe I am yes we won't have a quick look at the power grid I'm guessing the power grid is gonna be reasonably clean yes there we go now that that is the power grid of a human being it's it's clean it's organized but you know there's a little bit of there's a little bit of humanity in there oh Jesus sorry that that that's yeah there's some unity in there I you can see the plan here it was like yeah I'm gonna put one transfer transformer per level and run a two kilowatt wire across nice yeah I've used that plan before myself it just simplifies things in your head you don't have to think you just go yet there's one two kilowatt wire per level and if I need to any more power I'll just you know steal it from the other floor anyway last but not least let's see if you have any fossil left you know what I'm gonna call that pretty damn clean I don't see any fossil there nothing along the bottom wait wait is that pinkness but what is that up there is that insulation there's two insulated tiles made of insulation from norisse yep that's happened to all of us for you accidentally make something out of insulation I have burned some of that before yeah oh that's a quick tip if you want to find insulation on a map yeah you can you can just turn on the mineral overlay installation is the only thing that turns up as bright pink so you can see all the bright pink insulation being used in the piping over there and bits and pieces oh and I forgot to cover this little thing this is an infectious polluted oxygen vent and it's just been that vent into space just so that it can be used to produce even more clay because ceramics oh it was very handy anyway thanks again to Wes for this map in save game file be included if you want to couldn't browse and have a look around but I yeah very interesting this one this one could take a little time definitely could take a little time dear Rick Lord this map was kindly sent in by X this is G H ys x this which i'm going to presume is either German or Korean the reason being if I Google X this I get the first result is a Korean restaurant called ecstasy located in Germany so yeah there's actually a place called Exodus in Germany that's a Korean restaurant little things discovered while while doing bits loving videos it's amazing anyway let's say let's maybe start with the core living areas for this enormous ten thousand cycle base ten thousand cycles just just just put it out there ten thousand anyway just start off everyone's in their own little apartment as in say there's the company bed here assigned to San and if we check in here the toilet is also assigned to a San now that does mean anyone came in and can use has San shower but whatever the the doors are not locked in any way anyone can come in or out or any of the rooms it's just easier for building as well couple of recreation rooms down the bottom oh this kitchen this kitchen yeah you know what we'll go to the kitchen in a minute I don't think I can handle that quite yet we've got plenty of decor going around in terms of all these gold tiles there's a lot of cool tile on this map more on that later but yet lots of cool tiles going on several more apartments up here several more apartments appear it's got to support all 24 dupes so there's this like wooden block of apartments up here with built-in recreation and then over here you'll see a sort of a duplicated and apartment block with with recreation built-in also compost down the bottom then you've got your of course your your stupidly ridiculous pakku tanks of infinity actually how many use the f2 in here I can't tell 134 critters yeah that sounds about right pack you are pretty much yeah you can just grow so many of them but let's do food right I've stalled it too long let's just get into the food section here yep there's a lot of conveyor rails going on here I will try and explain this and I'm going to explain it badly because this is pretty hard to figure out now we've got your mushrooms over here we have your sleepweight over here we have your bristle berries over here we also have some meal wood over here and thimble read though I I'm not sure what's going on the meal that I think that gets shipped back in but just just to give you an idea of why this is a little confusing as you know first first I'll do something less confusing and go with cooling so this a sweet wheat farm is cooled by this down here so this little cooling device cools down this area that cooling is then spread out to chill the liquid form it also goes down this cool steam vent so that it can provide water water is put into that infinite storage container here so there's plenty of it but yeah that's it let's maybe follow the life of this leaf so the sleepweight gets sent across here all the way up this is going to get confusing I don't want for me now I can't go right here because there's a green on that side so it keeps going up here it can't go up there's actually a green all the weight that goes on along where I traced it for a bit it can't go that way it can't go in here so it goes across hangs left comes down here passed all these areas because across here keeps going keeps going on this way cat go left there keeps going on straight keeps coming across here hops across this section goes on straight when here is it looking for using but as far as I can tell it goes down here through this loader and then on this direction before eventually ending up here where it drops down into this section then it is sorted into its component parts depending on where it's going and then all of the raw materials are fed up here so you've got your lettuce you've got your mushrooms your bristle berry your pinch of pepper nuts all of these get fed into these two systems and what do you get out of it well you get stuffed berry mushroom wrap and pepper bread and if it'll check up here you'll see three million calories of mushroom wraps just ready to go also pretty much an identical set up on the side food store down here ah so difficult to figure that is there stuff I've missed definitely I'm pretty sure there's a pinch of pepper nut farm over here on the left somewhere where is it yeah yeah this one pinch of pepper nut farm over here but everything is so spread out Oh petroleum butter because yeah there's just a random petroleum boiler lying around the map though I really do like the cooling they've put in on this Robo miner to keep this cool when this cool slush geyser erupts it pushes water off against this side which keeps the mining drill cool and then that polluted water is pumped up of your course into infinite storage just a nice little trick also we've got your infant hydrogen storage down here no attempt at cooling done because that's a therm ium gas pump it could survive up to 975 C and at this late stage the game sirmium common as muck gonna have that stuff wherever you want oh yeah petroleum butter but that is not the least of it let's have a quick look at what's this mean of you notice there's a lot of plastic running around the map you know what let's see if we can get a label that tell us not really very good you know what we'll just have to go with mineral overlay yeah if we look at the mineral cubes and like that you'll see that there is a lot of plastic around the map all the filler you know what let's get really related all the filler on the map is just plastic tiles lots and lots of plastic tests well everything below space in space it's just filled in with gold yes all of space is filled in with coal tiles look at that that is the most ludicrous amount of gold you have ever seen I just yep yeah ten thousand cycles what a difference nine thousand cycles makes just - yeah let's go back over a mineral overlay the great thing I like them in a lower level is you can find the pink runs those pink runs are all installations so there's insulated pipes running all over the place imagine the game is going on so log you can afford to run insulated pipes of that lent that is just holy Christ oh let's have a quick look over here here we've got a sour gas boiler because you know it's it's a 10,000 cycle base you're gonna get bored at some point ago you know what let's just build a sour gas boiler now this sour gas boiler it uses the drip method and that means is crude oil is just dropped in roll at the top and then it pops onto this tile a little bit of a weird mechanic here where liquid has a tendency to go more right instead of left so it'll end up where the the crude oil has it tends to do a little bit more right than I've so you'll notice that this is turning to petroleum a lot faster on this side but it drips out here and it gets spread out passes all these temperature plates by the time it hits the bottom it gets hit by these aqua tuners which heated up so hot it turns into sour gas that sour gas then it gets forced back up there's a the drip effect as in all the liquids pushing down you don't want let's turn on the liquids you see the way the liquids kind of come down and there what they do is they end up pushing the gasses upwards so the gas is ended up getting forced at the top it's kind of a nice little pressure system and yeah so you understand here sour gas is about forty kilos put up the tough sour gas is hundred thirty five very nice use of mechanics to trick the game into doing that for you just a handy way to push the gas up so yeah the heated gas passes all the petroleum and crude oil on the way up and causes the crude oil to flash the petroleum and the petroleum to flash to Sarah gasps then it goes all the way down here and it gets frozen down to minus 100 and was it I can't remember what you need to make a methane here yeah well it's a lot you need to freeze it down to minus 163 degrees or something like that and then it turns into liquid methane and the methane you just dump across here and then it turns right back into well it turns into natural gas well temperature-wise what's going on here is just as interesting starts off cool comes down and he told heats up all the way down then after it's heated up it gets forced at the top which counter flows it against the crude and petroleum coming in cooling it all down and then as it comes down here it's counter flowing against the natural gas the natural gas down here that's been supercooled flows up the opposite direction so this stuff cools down as it goes down until eventually it gets down to the bottom it's pre chill to 120 or so 150 in places and then freezes or well liquefies it's jumped in here goes all the way up and now you have just your gadget amounts of natural gas how gargantuan well let's take a quick look with the gas overlay that all goes up and feeds into this natural gas array yes I remember building one of these before there they feel ludicrous they are ludicrous to build this one though is heavily chilled there's a thermal aqua tuner up here running around it just to put a patch of super good and the super coolant is cooling down all of the natural gas generators which dump out a whole load of polluted water and carbon dioxide yeah so all of that carbon dioxide oh you don't want to find out where that goes together I haven't bothered following this yet that's all dumped into the joys of space okay never mind and that is the power source of this space they have a petroleum boiler and a Sarah gas boiler you know what let's have a quick check I'm pretty sure they've got several oils yeah they've got more than enough oils to support one of them three of them will those three would probably feed into petroleum boiler and these three will feed into the Sarah gas boiler so plenty of petroleum to go around our crude oil I should say then you've got your gold volcano chamber down here because why not you're going to need an awful lot of gold if you will to wall in the entire top of the map in gold what said let's check out through a fine metal how we looking on the girlfriend still got a 1553 to Hunt's of girls 1553 tons of gold try and wrap your noggin around that gosh yeah gold pours over here lands on these and it's a step cooling as in it cools on this and then it gets dropped down to the next layer cools on this and then it gets dropped down to the next layer you can see there's just some time reset over here on either side but is it dormant at the moment yeah it's dormant we can't unfortunately see it in action but it's one of the the older designs but also one of the cooler designs the older ones are cool yeah yeah then you've got your industrial brick down here I bet this has seen much use in a while considering how much has been going on but this burns off all the petroleum and as you can see it's piping Fantasia Oh Mike oh I'm gonna need a minute or two to figure out what's happening okay I think I got it there's a cooling loop that goes through here just this one here it's super cool into pops down into this tank its meter depth of five kilos per second and it flows down and around here through the battery box and the plug sockets to make sure they all stay cool and it's generally flows to this entire area cooling everything man then we've cut one line of water that comes in you're just a feat of carbon skipper there's a carbon skimmer right down here in the bottom right hand corner to keep the carbon a little certain level it would appear and that has water going into it and then the polluted water is fed right back and drops in here into this tank with the polluted water from a couple of other carbon skimmers that are nearby and then they're all saved into this water tank before the water gets sent off to be sent into water storage then what else was there is this the piping here that goes from the oil the oil this oil cleat leads back from the petroleum boiler comes in here stuck positive on these tanks before being fed into these petroleum boilers petroleum generators and there's also some plastic over there if you need it but I don't think they need any plastic anymore I think they're good you know what let's check in which plastic they have you know what they only have sixty six tons of plastic that's not a lot they've got more they've got more thermia manned insulation they have 67 tons of thorium 67 tons of insulation oh my god this what are you doing man what are you doing that is madness oh my god you have pedestals with the little miniature universes on I haven't even looked at decor Jam you've actually managed to overpower moister than a negative decor in some of those areas oh oh yeah you got you got good decor going on just a bit Oh God that game my computer is crying a little bit I can hear it screaming oh Jesus okay good job on the decor front that seems like a very glowy vase oh oh I could I can hear it hear my computer just good just grinding away there now I just have a quick looking I think I think the gas is here there's a bunch of infinite gas storage going on here for natural gas so that's up to many thousands of kilos oh my god they're zombies pores in there well it's sealed up no one's getting in there so it's probably fine carbon dioxide gets dumped over here and then we have a a small army of fixtures and a bunch more carbon skimmers as well along with the the oil so this is the entire bottom of the map is an industrial brick gold production establishment refinery African entire sour gas butter it's turned off this thing must have a supply and demand function set to it moment never mind here we go again it just started up for I have no idea what reason I presume it's something to do with looks to be a few different sensors but I think the one that got us here was this one if the pressure is below 2000 kilos it turns out this one went above and I said it turned off the system if there's too much natural gas collecting it turns off the system supply and demand anyway yeah that is the bottom chunk of the map well this bottom third let's just have a quick glance at some of the other things that are built around here like let's say oh we got a saltwater geyser this one here is jumped into Internet liquid storage because of course it is we've also got to desalinate or nearby so all the exiting water can immediately get desalinated polluted water that's for yeah there's carbon skimmers everywhere because on this map it's not open so the carbon dioxide will have a tendency to collect in in different corners so I'm pretty sure carbon dioxide will collect down here in a few other locations so carbon skimmer reserves liberally sprinkled about the bottom of the map and in several other locations just to prevent it from building up to problematic levels over here we've got more polluted oxygen and I'm betting an awful lot of slime lung oh god oh my god yep that's a lot of slime long alright the reason for all of this and yes this is going to sound crazy is for mushrooms this whole setup up here as far as I can tell is designed for mushrooms and I will actually follow someone here yeah what follows where are you going here oh no never mind she's going somewhere else all of these puffs produced slime slime drops down here is lambda times and in very low der and gets dumped down here into the water so it's like 367 kilos of slime down here so that well and oh and the algae distillery is turned off and I'm not this old there's just no slime lying Latin lying around the place so you actually have to make your own if you want to make mushrooms and you're going to need that if you want to make mushroom rats here we have Katarina and Kathleen has come along to pick up some of this wonderful slime and let's see what happens when we move this on and she hop into the transport tube let's have a quick look at what it's like for a duplicate in this base by following them around on the transport grid yep this is a pretty long transport grid so maybe you want to go grab a tea right now while we're waiting for the system to get there dear Lord like I normally build my transport grid straight up straight down this one this one hangs an awful lot of rights and left's and goes everywhere so we'll we'll speed this up a tiny bit here now that she's back in the base but catallena she went all the way down there to grab that lip of slime she's carrying around on her back so that she can come on where is it where she is going to drop it down to the mushrooms here and so this is a storage bin boom that way there's slime down here for these mushrooms that was the entire point of that farm that whole farm down there is just to make sure that this base can keep running on mushrooms it's kind of mad can you think about it yeah after that we've covered all of this area yet petroleum boiler app solar panels what are the solar panels doing here I think these this is an old solar panel farm or the old shine bug reactors they're very handy for producing energy but for a late-game base like this i yeah i think FPS is more important what am i getting I'm getting like about 38 FPS but FPS doesn't really mean anything it's more of a case of how quickly can you complete a cycle on a base this old that's more of a better judge if I fast the game will run there's some old retirement equipment oh I forgot about this one yeah this is just a quick cooler this cools down this area here which goes down this go steam vent which allows the water to be harvested what's this that's just Terra this is just a normal Terra map and then you've got of course your nice little heavy stuff for his sand there the pressure on these is much lower below than above you can actually cause a high pressure air jumps to get popped with these things hasn't happen to me yet but it is a possibility let's cover some of the more well odds things that are going on around here just okay more odd than covering the entire map in plastic you notice there's a there's an anti-aging vanilla fire here in the middle of nowhere literally walled in on all sides with no access to it miles from anything except for the oxygen supply there is where is it where is it where is it there is an electrolyzer over here we've got ourselves a full-on Rodrigues going on three kilos of oxygen second and 1p know of that siphons up here and goes in and goes by this anti entropy nullifier where it gets cooled an sentient villain fires mindset - - it just keeps going until it's a maximum coolness but this here is set to cool everything 2:22 see so that oxygen comes out nice and temperature regulated then where is it the next one goes on here this is the second key low this goes up here and gets cooled down in another and the entropy is no cooler which ya did not see that coming nan we got this one which is 48 degrees I wonder where that goes and I'm honestly have not traced this one yet I know wow I am so surprised it went by another anti entropy nullifier before that gets fed down into the bottom of the base just turns out there's a lot of oxygen flowing around her all cool down by anti-itch people on fires and the anti engine under fire is of course powered by hydrogen which also comes off all the way back to the Rodriguez all the excess hydrogen is fed over here into some hydrogen generators and I think it's just burnt off instantly there's so much power floating around in space Oh another gold volcano tamer because of course there is because of the sheer quantity of gold all the conductive wire made out of gold gold amalgam for the power transformers well just okay I can't go through all the cooling loops in this basic it would it would break me or is it yes there is a little water that comes out of this slush geyser right this slush Weiser dumps in here that gets bit slush slush then it gets picked up by this liquid pump that a liquid pump then pumps the cool water up here and then it sort of radiates through here cooling down these power transformers COEs keeps going up radiates through here all the way around codes and the hydrogen generators and then goes to the metal tiles here all these metal tiles along the bottom couldn't down all the Transformers before eventually going over and being consumed by the Rodriguez this will always keep flowing because they'll always be oxygen being consumed so it's just a handy way to go yeah let's just use this Google slush guys here for some cooling instead of wasting it very nice little trick yeah what are we good up here oh look is it another that this is yes this is completely different to the other one this is this is a different one but this also produces slime what the leech don't wait is this a bleach stone production facility one moment I get it I got it I got it lettuce to grow lettuce you need bleach stone so renewable bleach stone source you're going to need to get your hands on some of these puppets and they're squeaky puffs what exactly is going on this entire room is full of chlorine so yeah it's only gonna produce bleach done but there's no critters actually active in here at the moment I think about those two hmm so you need squeaky puffs to make them oh I don't know I've never really messed around too much with the puffs but yeah if you want a sustainable base it seems you can't make bleach stone and slime into the late late game assuming you have the vents for us I'm that it took me forever but I managed to locate the lettuce this is down here below the mushrooms so there's a big container here of bleach stone so they can support the lettuce and/or the water weed I should say it or not lettuce water weed such you can make all of the tasty foods that don't require that hmm yeah I had not noticed that already and of course we've got another cooling break over here do I dare trace this oh please no I don't a trace that oh my god okay it cools down the jet suit ducts and also goes all the way over here to I don't even know what why is it going to okay and it's also cooling down here so this entire area here where the Transformers are which feed oh you know what I'll look at the power grid at the end I'm too scared to look at the power grid just now then that goes in here and cools down this area which is a ranch for something that currently has Oh voles Chevelle ranch right that's what it's got the cooling going through it and then that cooling goes although this is why I'm terrified to turn on any overlay I'm like no this is this is gonna take me forever to figure out what's going on here it's just everything is so vast and I mapped this old right anyway that that covers that then we've got other steam turbine cooling device over here or steam cool steam vent cooler over here and then we've got the shovel farms we covered oh and spare stuff there's a carbon dioxide geyser there's an oil reservoir there's a water geyser yeah there's lots of random geysers and vent stick around the place polluted water vent and then you get down here to we're back to the main base and it's kind of amazing that the main base sort of spreads that all the way from here all the way across to the other site that is a massive centralized base up here you've got your your standard-issue put solar panels all done in the pyramid formation and yeah then we've got your battery box power transformers all of that all cool down by that box and then let's see liquid oxygen production yep that's that's a ludicrous amount of oxygen storage and that all feeds across oh and there's even a backup tank so there's what five tons of oxygen and there just in case we could run even a tiny bit low opposite side same similar to design actually several quick look at this and to bear in mind automation has changed recently so yeah no thankfully they didn't intersect and reports that would cause any mess-ups so steam turbine to delete the heat equity nerd there and I'm guessing that's all super cooling and the pipes get super coolant and the pipes to cool down the whole area and then that makes the hydrogen hydrogen is pumped into the rockets and even more of those that's cast aside more solar more battery power more all of that just is that a complete mirror that looks like a mirror build for in the middle and then oh my god is that is that measured out so they're exactly the same on both sides yeah I measured it that that's actually perfectly accurate from both sides if we grab say the dig tool here I just go from there all the way across to just touching the rocket silo you'll notice that is 103 tiles from the edge of the map to the edge of this rocket silo and if we go to the opposite side from the edge of the rocket silo to the edge of the map is 103 tiles so this is a perfectly symmetrical build where there's the same amount of solar the same amount of batteries the same amount of everything on both sides even the same amount of fuel production for rocket silos in the middle perfectly symmetrical the only thing that's not symmetrical is this oxygen production down here oh no oh no the terrible horror the horror so we've got a second Rodriguez around here which is just for dumping oxygen into the surrounding buildings you know liquid oxygen production your telescope the usual bits and bobs then where's those other 2 kilos going I'm kind of curious I they go over to the suits that makes sense and the other one goes down here to oxygenate this area for whatever reason okay now for the moment of truth the first thing I want to check is is there a is there any sedimentary rock left I mean I'm gonna go ahead and a limb here and say no no there's absolutely zero sedimentary rock left anywhere on this map Wow I think that was I think that was a good guess on my parents looked what's that what is that what is the natural rocks to the airlift end there we've got oh that's insulated tile made of ceramic oh so those fancy colors of the ceramic a special attention to the pink stuff that bright pink stuff is insulation look how much insulation is used on this map there's more insulation on this map than I've probably collected across all of my Maps combined or pretty damn close to it that is just a ludicrous amount of insulation well let's stop that before the game crashes out on me I can feel it chugging as i zoom out there next up let's have a quick look at the temperature overlay I'm curious to see what wall white God some of that place is pretty warm I suppose it's all plastic so unless you cooled the plastic after you made it the plastic is going to be pretty toasty when you place it down no it should reset to 40 degrees so yeah that's a pretty toasty base older end though the gold up here is a completely random assortment of temperatures depending on its location okay yeah I'm gonna leave it pause while we crack open the liquids oh my god Jesus okay so um there's one of those that there's that cooling loop we traced if I had to trace that cooling I would have no idea what that was doing there and the core base oh my god what is going on around the core base in terms of that that's I suppose there's so many showers and sinks spread across everywhere the amount of liquid you're going to be pumping in and then around the outside I'm going to presume that some sort of coolant loop yes that's gotta be a oh wow yeah that's a cooling loop that goes all the way around the map or all the way around the base and then off over here for cooling Jesus right yep that would that would break my brain trying to go through that I am NOT trying to figure that out no way and oh yeah and there's that giant mess of pipes we looked at hey gas overlays gas pipe over this yep looking actually pretty normal gas piping is never crazy on most bases it's very rare very rare to have crazy gas piping on a base and then of course let's look at the power overlay now this one yeah I'm pretty scared of what the power over there is gonna look like okay it's thinking about I swear to God I press that button just watch it looks almost like a circuit board though it's not I was expecting this to be ridiculously neat but it's not it's human honestly I'm kind of surprised no offense like this I just assumed it was gonna be like you know perfectly you know robotic oh wow it's not that quick look see here all right we've got your main core power spine coming from you know what let me have a quick look at his power spine I'm curious to see how much power there is being produced on it power wise we've got power produced sixty-eight kilowatts of a potential 95 kilowatts oh wow what is the power consumed it's it's actually pretty well it's only twenty three to twenty four kilowatts yeah yeah that seems like a perfectly normal steady stable fixed me oh yes power spine power spine goes to here hooks into some other stuff there this would be decentralized core power I suppose that would go up and ah it's a side spine then it kind of branches into the base and oh yeah this is the power spine that goes along the bottom of the base and ah so there's a power spine branches off here it goes along the bottom at the base so that you can break off power for the core but it also continues up the top and it continues up either side okay before eventually going up into the top F where it cooks into the solar and all that dear Lord Jesus okay big thanks to Wes and exes for these maps I'm going to attach the map saves to the bottom so if you wanna load them up and play render them yourselves feel free to do so I'm kind of changing the policy on that most people seem to want me to share the maps when I do get around to asking or they do remember to mention so I'm gonna try and retroactively we go back and upload some of the maps for the previous ones yeah big apology to Jack I know Jack I'm supposed to upload them the better we could go but I got caught up in things I'll go back in a upload those maps if you do want to share your maps or you won't miss any in a save for the base level just as there's a go to the About section of the channel there's a emails there that you can send it into apologies again of course about to delay about getting around to all of these but there's so many maps I get sent in I just have to and I'm going through them in order one after the other there's no skipping or curation I just pick them up as they go and and we do a quick tour and see what people have sent in if on the other hand you don't want me to share the map just just mention it in the mail that you don't me to share the map and also mention what name you'd like me to use because I can never know if I'm supposed to use someone's email name or whatever and I hope everyone's staying socially distant out there if you are trying to stay associate isn't a good way to do that is to play lots of computer games I find it's really hard to socialize with people when you're in the middle of building a base that's what 10,000 cycles old oh my god the things you get you can get up to when you have 10,000 cycles in a map I mean imagine if you committed at the start when you're playing around like I'm gonna play for 5,000 cycles on this map what would you end up building just to kill the time while you're waiting to get to those 5,000 cycles I mean I I think I boiler at the core of an asteroid pole I was waiting for insulation I'm trying to imagine what you get up to if you had 10,000 cycles and you're like you know what I've got 10,000 cycles I am going to wall in the entire map in crude oil you could flood the whole map and crude oil if you wanted to actually wait could you you never might anyway I hope you enjoyed apologies this is a bit long-winded but I'm getting around to less editing so I can maybe get a few more videos there just be nice to get some distractions there at this time of year oh yeah hope you enjoy it and good luck
Channel: Francis John
Views: 78,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, ONI, base lovin, base exploration, fun, designs, base tour, super base, regular base, volcano, mega base, sour gas boiler, sustainable
Id: W5fUQGn5TQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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