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gather around everybody I mean everybody for today City skylines 2 colossal order published an apology along with some refunds and promised compensation some future updates and some delays too let's talk what was probably the biggest update about cities 2 since the game's release with subscribe worthy time cards below let's roll and taking it from the top let's start with this bre and apologetic paragraph they say we see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed with City skylines 2 and beachfront properties subsequently they asked for patience and support and we've shown those and in return quote we let you down end quote they believe that they could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a time frame that was unrealistic and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form and that is their words they go on on to say quote for all this we are truly sorry end quote they conclude this section by saying you know they've made promises before they've pledged to keep making improvements they'll continue to do that but the speed and magnitude of those improvements has been unacceptable and that has lost player trust and they want to do better this is probably the most open transparent apology and indeed an apology that includes the word sorry and truly sorry at that that we've seen from colossal order to date and in my opinion it sets the tone for the rest of this week's update a marked step away from some of the kinds of things and the way that we've discussed things previously when we've reflected on these updates and moving into something a little bit different let's now delve into the real detail the Crux of it refunds and compensation so as part of this new step forward the new way forward for City skylines to what's going on they say the very first thing they're going to do is compensate those who have purchased beach properties the latest DLC of course with negative reviews so overwhelmingly negative I struggle to come up with words to describe them and this was of course not a surprise to anybody following along in this story so how do they plan to make amends they say that they'll change the pack to be a free addition to the game refunding it to the greatest extent possible and providing additional content within the ultimate edition and this is of course where there's a bit of a catch because if it's part of the ultimate edition well this refund is more compensation than refund they say unfortunately it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers this is due to the distribution of the ultimate edition across digital and physical storefronts which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund quote we realize that this is far from ideal especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown we are committed to repaying that loyalty and therefore we will compensate the ultimate addition holders by adding three creative packs and three radio stations which together sum up to the value of $39.99 us this solution hopefully ensures that you regardless of purchase Method feel you receive fear compensation end quote so what did we just hear well if you purchased beachfront properties separately like I did then you and I will be getting a refund essentially keep the 10 or 20 beachfront properties in the four palm trees for free it's free stuff now we'll give you your money back if however you pre-ordered the ultimate edition way back when you unfortunately won't be eligible for a refunded due to complexities and instead three Creator packs and three radio stations will be added to the Ultimate Edition in place of the beach properties DLC they also say interestingly here that they'll total 39.99 us around 2/3 of the total of the game at full price by itself that is quite some value that is assigned there so perhaps you'll consider yourselves lucky it is of course a little bit of a mixed bag here but ultimately it should end up with a win-win as far as I can see it this is more content however that may not surprise you especially the diligent Watchers that this new content will of course come at a cost and that cost will be time let's move on to paragraph three on future updates and DLC here in paragraph 3 we're talking about future updates for cities 2 but not just the game itself also some kind of broader managerial backend functions if you will behind cities 2 let's just jump into it and see what they say looking ahead they want to make immediate and meaningful changes there are basically three the first one is a focus on improving the base game and modding tools here really between the lines we're probably talking patch updates secondly they want to quote better involve you the community end quote as they select their priority moving forward additional free patches game updates in the coming months before colossal order spends time on new paid content this results of course in a shift that paid content the bridges Imports expansion specifically now shifted to some point in 2025 so Ultimate Edition pass hals the takeaway for you here and indeed anybody interested in buying the DLC is that you're going to have to wait a little bit longer while the team now prioritizes free updates to the modding tools the base game so on and so forth on the back end side of things but still potentially quite interesting they say to make sure that they focus on the right things they've put together an advisory meeting small group of player Representatives together with coloss order and Paradox interactive to discuss the development plan for the rest of the year the people in the group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many as possible the teams from colossal order and Paradox interactive will provide them with full transparency answering questions and critiques voiced their hope is that together with the community they can make sure that they don't repeat the same mistakes that they've made in the past and bring the game into a bright future and a bright future that the bones the core of the game I believe absolutely deserves it's unclear to us how large this group is who's in it I assume that will become obvious as time moves forward but for now that's all we know one final caveat that was mentioned in this paragraph the Creator packs that are being added to the ultimate edition are being produced independently and will not take up Focus From The Core team we're working to improve the game will not take any focus in fact away from that core work I thought that was an interesting point just to add in here to round out our understanding now let's move on to unfortunately some future further delays for another significant group of City's players or perhaps not players unless I'm talking about City skylines 1 indeed it's time to focus on the console release something that the team have been shockingly quiet about in recent times they say they want to address the pending console release as you know the plan was to release it in Spring of this year that would be Northern Hemisphere sometime around now Ash they have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty they're facing and to not make further promises they mightn't be able to keep they say we have been struggling to get city skylines 2 to the necessary level of optimization for a console release but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate and then a release build targeted for October before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however we will not be able to confirm the release date and even then some uncertainty also remains our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch but it will take time it's important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC develop vment team so it will be progressing without splitting our Focus or Time end quote now that was quite a long quote a lot of wordiness around some uncertainty different versions of builds but at the Crux of it that targeting a release build for October 2024 around 6 months away from the time of recording and there's also some reassurance that PC development is separate or operates separately from the team working on the console release now I'll let you read into how far that separation goes I.E how far up the chain do you have to get until it's the same body I have no idea an important thing to mention nonetheless though given how much pressure is under City skylines 2 or or is under the team producing it I should say speaking of which they have one more paragraph a closing paragraph signed off not just by the CEO of colossal order this week but also by the deputy CEO of paradox interactive so let's take a look at that and then round out everything we've discussed because it was certainly a significant vocal Voice update from the team this week in closing they want to reaffirm their dedication to making cities 2 the best city Builder it can be appreciate the support and feedback hope to regain trust moving forward acknowledging it's their responsibility to earn it and they hope that these actions are a first step in the right direction deeply grateful for continued passion for the game please stay tuned they say for further updates on the game and the refund process and thank you for being part of the community and that rounds out their update so what are actually those actions that they're talking about these actions the first step well beachfront properties is no longer a paid deal after a bombshell launch highly disappointing that has now become free content for future city Sky lines to buyers to enjoy if you already had the ultimate edition you will instead have somewhat of a replacement on offer with three new Creator packs and radio stations being added to the Ultimate Edition in place of that paid slot that used to be reserved by the beachfronts DLC everything else inside of the ultimate edition the future announced expansions for cities 2 have been delayed most importantly that Bridges and waterfronts DLC now scheduled for some time in 2025 my take is it's nice to see them say sorry it was something that a lot of people have been asking for they've sort of flirted with a little bit maybe skirted around the edges of it but never properly landed on it I think this is their best attempt so far so who to them credit where credit is due it's also nice to hear a renewed if not increased focus on City skylines to the base game because do we know it it still needs some significant Improvement performance at the greater end at cities perhaps with six figure populations just one pivotal point that still needs to be addressed for cities 2 to take a spot that it hopefully or indeed I suspect will take one day right at the top of the city building Throne if you will however that day is still some ways off and of course the team still have much to prove will these words translate into tangible actions the first step will be to refund and replace or compensate for the beachfront Nightmare and then of course we'll have to wait and see moving forward thank you so much for joining me in this big update from colossal order and Paradox and active today I'll see you next time
Channel: JumboPixel
Views: 107,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 mods, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 review, cities skylines 2 прохождение, cities skylines 2 trailer, cities skylines 2 update, cities skylines 2 обзор, cities skylines 2 beach properties, cities skylines 2 mod, cs2, cities skylines, paradox, city skylines, gaming news, cities skylines ii, game news, cities skylines 2 refund, cities skylines 2 news, cities skylines 2 patch, jumbopixel, cities skylines 2 beach dlc, cities 2
Id: SfFRvb9K5fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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