BEST Open World Survival Crafting Game in the World of 2024 So Far!

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hello and welcome back to Mars we are a spitting distance from having liquid water start to form on the planet 6% more and then the rain and water will start filling up all the crevices and chasms into ponds lakes and oceans one thing that I wanted to test out today was this big son of a gun a giant launching platform that looks like a decent spot for it B yep that's that's something and then we got to see what this does apparently we can shoot rocks into space and it helps with the terraformation process ah see a rocket engine with microchips of compasses and I already have a rocket engine ready to go I just need a little bit more Cobalt and a super alloy I also have a microchip to turn in real quick let's see what it's going to unlock for us a fence wow that way I can keep in my emotions all right here's a little bit of CBO a little bit more Cobo one after the other one rock two Rock three Rock more but what I really need is super Alloys which are found in this little cavernous region okay we're good go right in here and then scoop up these little goobers on the ground and can we make this jump too okay yep we can and another jump lovely lovely jely [Music] C I feel like that should probably do it and that means it's time to shoot my first rocket into space eventually I guess we're supposed to link up with a mother ship but I don't think they're ready for me yet I haven't done my job here as a prisoner not quite yet I had a a spare rocket lying around as everybody does so we can just grab that and go right up here maybe I could just jump right on the tip of the rocket and just go with it why not right oh my sweet baby Jesus okay how do I oh it's a big red button launch to space here we go see you later hope you find your dad and is that going to like blow up and cuz it's supposed to increase heat on the planet by a th% okay Mission success maybe oh wow wait did I cause that oh wa oh there it is oh wait did I just cause a oh God I'm going to just cause a meteor shower oh get down they're trying to hit me I I might have actually caused this oh what are those dropping though I'm curious oh these are these are Mega meteors Ur ranium no shot okay we got to catch all of these it did say a uranium storm didn't it okay well I get it now we could use this oh my God this is awesome okay go go go go go go go we need to grab all of these ones holy sweet Jesus they're all blowing up with uranium oh my God those are massive meteors man one dropped up there as well don't hit my sprinklers I want my lawn to grow look at this oh my God yes yes yes yes yes it's like all glowing in there look at that are these going to be permanent fixtures because of what I did I hope not my lawn is not looking too great because of that we just got to look for the the green glowing rocks and then go scoop all of them out wow that was awesome what other Rockets can we launch into space I want more of that that's going to help us create some more nuclear reactors get even more power cuz we're going to need a crap load of power where we're going and let's go scoop up the rest I think one hit my platform over here so there should be some uranium in here there we go lovely yes yes yes yes yes yes that was a very accurate first meteor good job Universe you did it and like is this a new rock that like hit but doesn't it look like it like what is this I don't remember this being here do we mine this or something or has this rock always been here doesn't it look a little different so now I'm curious if that's going to be the way for us to get osmium cuz that is really what I'm waiting for I'm waiting for that blue blue good stuff that Jesse Pinkman special that's what we need oh my God we have too much uranium now that's insane let me go check the other Rockets one of them is going to do something also I want to check if heat oh yeah look at our heat consumption Now liquid water is 100% possible Lakes is the next step but look at this we need to make number go up faster okay excuse me rocks I got to go up here thank you magnetic field protection rocket attracts aridium asteroids O So this feels like our current gold is just to launch a bunch of rockets into space really give the atmosphere a piece of my business so it's time for another rocket engine isn't a nice day when you just leave an aridium Rod laying around oh I have two of them oh we're launching so many Rockets today rocket one rocket two oh yes sir okay and then it looked like it wanted some silicon so aridium is the warm stuff do I really want to necessarily I mean I should do it regardless because I want that increase in pressure right let's go ahead and throw a magnetic field rocket into the atmosphere as well five 4 three two nope we're not waiting here we go rocket number two go go go go go oh W that one uh hello guys was that supposed to happen I don't I don't I don't was that supposed to happen I don't think guys I don't think that was supposed to happen that's supposed to go to space yeah turn upwards bounce off that rock and go upwards there we go calculate oh calculated okay we need to eat and drink that hurt a lot we're going down there's a rium falling everywhere grab it all quickly okay okay okay one just hit behind us in the field over there okay one hit up on the Rock we can grab those pretty much going to hit me in the face there we go let's go over to that one grab some more idium Don't Mind If I Do so definitely confirmed not a coincidence the storms are definitely caused by me shooting the rocket oh gosh I'm just quenching my butthole quenching my butthole yes clenching and the thing is we can make even more aridium rods for even more Rockets So this is like perfect this is a lot of aridium oh gosh oh my God okay I thought it was another meteor coming in but no it was just my mining laser making a very similar sound all right first trip of aridium throw all that in there beautiful oh this one got in a real precarious spot but everything rolled down the hill for me beautiful grab all that and over here is where the uranium meteor came down that I didn't grab on this other side and wa wait a second look look look look look look Rivers ponds things are forming not quite Lakes but like there's water slowly kind of seeping Up From The Underground pretty soon like this guy is not even going to be visible here's the rest of that uranium meteor that we didn't grab and then there was a little bit of aridium down here as well oh thank you grab all that and question is can I just like drink this probably not a good good idea but I want to make sure I have a map interface which I literally never made before so we should probably do one of those got set up another cute desk right here in the corner just for something to work off of there we go slap that there and then put down our mapping screen we're about to have a six monitor setup man jeez no satellite and orbit Center mapping rocket to space boom that's what we're about to do and I think uh this platform is probably the reason why the Rockets aren't shooting up into space properly someone should really clear that out it's not going to be me though oh okay well this one's in the way oh little piece of rum up here don't mind me the thing is we could just jump right to tier two I mean why not I just skip tier one right let's go oh okay not again not again uh hello that that doesn't look like it worked guys that doesn't that doesn't look like it's working maybe it'll bounce properly like last time and it's starting to rain don't tell my boss maybe I can go give it a bump you go kick it real quick that'll help right this is how Elon launches his Rockets correct they come back down mine just never go up mine just always go down can I can I take you back uh uh nope okay oh I created the first teleporting rocket hm scientific advances this rain's really coming down man we might see a little bit of pondage starting to pop up everywhere now well let's see what that mapping did for us ooh look at that I can kind of at least see like structures and ponds and holy crap this map is massive we got some lava over here o I don't think I've ever been near lava before but something tells me I need to go down here that might have the ore I'm looking for which is this crazy blue stuff so let's craft our tier five backpack brand new look at all that space Don't Mind If I Do grab a couple of Snackies and make a little bit of water and then it's time for adventure never been to this little chunk of the map we have some stalagmites coming out of the ground ooh is like a permanent dust storm over here or something I've never seen like atmosphere like this outside of a storm maybe up and over looks like the hill goes up right here and this stti is just getting a little taller looks like a little secret entrance over here and now we're in a blue area I do like blue because I'm or I'm looking for is blue it's making everything blue tone even like my my gun is purple colored now uh where are the hell are we on the edge whoa okay this is this is new I see red stuff down there all right I'm going here we go jetpack break the fall and we're just all of a sudden on a whole new planet it looks like what the hell and what is this right here just a little drinking pond that's cute oh and more ice okay and what is [Music] this oh my God guys osmium and aridium and sulfur yep achievement unlocked osmium I'm grabbing as much of this as I can before Oh wait I'm going to run out of oxygen I didn't bring a extra shelter with me all right let's do this really quick before this storm comes in and I can't see anything living compartment we need an iron and a titanium stat look at that iron titanium the storm's like entirely different there's like floating stars and stuff over here this might actually this might actually flood because of what I'm doing um so we need to mine probably my entire inventory is worth of osmium and then take this stuff back and it's crazy there's a whole another ice block in here I know where there's so many different ice blocks now I'm grabbing a little bit of sulfur I know in the near future we're going to be making blasting powder let me go a little deeper into this area and see if there's any other like open caves with the uh osmium that I'm looking for but like these floating little dots in the sky because of these rocks is it like a rare meteorite it just looks oh I see something pink what is that what is that can I mine you Pulsar Quartz uh quartz containing tremendous amounts of energy oh this looks like I'm in a whole like I'm in space on this planet doesn't it look at this little this is this is amazing I can't I love this game man I'm going to grab some aluminum WM here too it removes all color besides like Blues like Cobalt is the only thing that's colored right now in this whole area that's crazy there's a lot of this Pulsar stuff okay I'm going to mine all of it that I can let's check the chest before I forget where this is see if there's anything decent in it maybe there'll be some osmium no super Alloys better plants I'll take that tier one algae generator unlocked so we can start putting algae in the water and I see a nice little chest up there I see some more pink crystals but what I need is oxygen uh-oh uh where is my fob uh-oh I'm lost no please no please I felt like I didn't go far but like as soon as you enter this area it's it's it's crazy how quickly you get lost no this is it right here I think yep okay wonderful i' be really stink to get rid of some of that osmium but we're good we found it we're already back another chesticle some more plants and a few other things what I'm really really looking for is some more BL print Parts I grab more of this Pulsar Quartz till we figure out what it's used for a chest up here it's looking good so I kind of have like a pretty direct route and oh my God this is already filling up man I didn't anticipate this to fill up so quick but I mean what do you expect it's water it fills up spaces just like cats oh and you can swim oh my God it's time to go swimming tier 2 nuclear reactor ooh if we need some really good power I might build one of those we have a lot of uranium now so with this osmium we're able to create the Biol lab which allows us to craft bio recipes haven't done that before so I'm going to have to start growing some plants I or uh some vegetables rather I haven't actually grown a single vegetable this whole time I've just been surviving off MREs and Ice which uh is in my veins oh a tier 2 rocket launcher yeah that's happening right now thank you and now how does this one [Music] work can we actually oh my God we can like go up and down with it so we can kind of like get up oh my God this is going to make travel oh oh my God there's a maximum height but it's still super awesome okay that was worth it osmium for the win and then next is the Biol laab let's do that need three super Alloys how we doing on the super alloy front we need to go get a little bit more but with my new found power look it's like I want to go up there oop I'm up there I want to go up there please please don't make me look bad there you go see look we can just just kind of like Cascade over the Rocks I wonder if there's any super Alloys in this big old ship over here I'm curious I haven't actually gone through here yet cuz I panicked I have a claer phobia and I'm just going to scooch my way in here what are we looking for I'm looking for mostly super alloy in here but also uh probably the magic potion to the existence of the universe as well that's probably something important to find in here what are these I thought they were heads like from Futurama no they're just LMA seeds okay we can grab those and then ooh an iranium Rod I'll take one of those for free that's nice that's nine pieces of uranium definitely worth there also a lower section to the ship that we need to check it out it looks like we're getting some o another rocket and a whole bunch of seeds and we just found out for our biolab we're going to have to uh plant a lot more seeds so actually a good thing that we came in here another microchip maybe a tier 2 dissembler perhaps pop outside for a quick photosynthesis and we go into the downstairs section which is the area that spooked me out before here we go okay down the creepy ladder all I can hear is my heartbeat and my inner thoughts I don't like this at all hello doesn't it just feel like something's about to pop out and grab my leg no just me I don't like it I don't like it one pit ooh I like this though goody okay see we might uh we might have to come oh we were just talking about this stuff I didn't know where to find it and I just did another rocket oh if I do there's a golden shower seed we don't need that right now I can come back for those goodies don't you worry but I saw this way as well you can see what's going on in here and it looks like a couple more chesticles another blueprint some iron who left that hanging around I don't know and then a couple more chests with another idium rod and a ton of iron oh great well good thing I'm inside the ship during this o super allo exactly what I was looking for before the ship explodes from the media shower I already grabbed that all right let's hit this and with that super alloy that I just found we can slap down to biolab I don't know what's going to be in here I'm a little excited to see looks like it can connect right there and we are officially out of power I thought I had a lot of Excess power but it looks like it might be time for a tier two reactor nuclear is the way to go nuclear is the future I'm going to hit These Blueprints real quick just in case display case oh that's kind of cool microchip map that would be useful we might just have to do another nuclear reactor for now just a tier one which one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uh one and another iron there we go super alloy and then the uranium Rod oop and to the ceiling through the windows to the walls I need another piece of Ice Ice Ice Baby because it seems like ice is becoming less abundant maybe with the temperature of the plant it increasing H does it really work like that that would be pretty crazy if it did and look at our ponds and our like kind of first ocean coming in man it's coming in we can really go for a dip and swim now I like that here's the uranium I left behind just you know you ever just leave your uranium laying around I do sometimes give me it yeah I I'm I'm not seeing any ice I think the planet's heating up so much that ice doesn't actually form here anymore holy crap this game is awesome so I need power so I can't use that uh super alloy or no I I pretty much have to do the water collector so let's remove this biolab here we go scoop that just give me that stuff back real quick that's going to turn our power back on and then we're going to do an atmospheric water collector instead uh is this going to go on my roof I guess I can kind of fit on my roof yeah that'd be a cool spot for it here we go atmospheric water collector and how does this puppy work it's just going to slowly collect water from the atmosphere yeah see the dots coming into it already is it going to rain too is that going to make it collect water quicker that would be awesome if it started raining and it looks like it's doing the opposite of raining it's uh dirting I don't like that all right well with what we have right now like I'm running low on Water I I'm going to have to go loot some water depending on how slowly this collects it is there another way to get water can I just stick my mouth over the grass spreader just suck it all up I think I'm going to run really really deep into this guy I don't think I've fully done that yet and I definitely left some water bottles behind in there I guarantee it is that what I think it is right there how did I just spot that so far away is that a gold chest oh baby what's going to be in this one uh oh oh look at that a golden Effigy which is really nice because uh I did just send that into space and then this is made out of what again aluminum and super super Alloys POG another gold chest I wonder how many of those are on the map if you know leave me a comment down below or maybe I'll start hunting most of them out what's going to be in here uh let's lick it clean like straight up scoop every last material I'm even taking the boxes with me this time there we go bottle of water don't mind me deconstruct that the problem is I'm going to start getting thirsty too in there's not enough water to go between all of us oh it's another one of these like Fusion reactor things maybe I just put the pink Rock in that I have a little oxygen capsule let's hit that real quick do I put one of those pink rocks in here just like right here and then try to turn it on I don't know how it works we could try that in the future look at that blueprint microchip and a computer this morning on our 17th day of travel in the stigmar the ship inexplicably exited hyperspace space velocity navigation tools went crazy and the ship lost power we're going to try an emergency landing on the unre reporting plan I'm not sure what we'll find well it didn't go well cuz they definitely crashed but I got two water bottles like I said I do kind of need to drink one right now and there's another one ask a new chant acheve there you go grab that and let's blow this Popsicle stand and see what is uh going to happen oh my God my worst nightmare we're good I just guessed and we're good oh what in the hell is this no are you kidding me right here right here the whole time the whole time no this had to have been frozen or blocked or something there is no way that this has been here the entire time you can't you can't convince me what the heck it's starting to turn red and foggy that's going to go into the depths they really like to hide crap Every Which Way in this world like I think a meteor hit up here as well and that's why there's a bunch of uranium I don't think that's wild caught uranium I think that's a that's farmed oh yeah that's definitely farmed we can come grab that later and look at my Pond look at it I'm going to have to drink one of these watas but we're going to use the other two to make the nuclear reactor so we can get the biolab going and I want to start putting algae and stuff in here while it's young you know while it's still getting going head on up and grab this tier nuclear reactor slap that right there that gives us a whole bunch of inventory for doing this a big old biolab Boop there it is I'd like to put just like a door here cuz I'm probably going to come in and out on this side just as much as I am on the other side and then what does this allow us to do this is exactly what we are looking for mutagens bacteria samples bioplastic I haven't found mushrooms yet H fertilizer using algae tier 2 fertilizer and blasting or explosive powder that is I can make that thing now I can make the I can literally do the next nuclear reactor now because I I can make explosive powder and let's go Che wood and microchip unlocks out of curiosity Boop tier 3 GPS satellite oh my God it's time to start blooming some algae so we go right here and we see we have biolab and we also unlocked this tier one algae generator which means means we need to start growing eggplant emojis and we can also I think I found a fertilizer right wasn't I talking about I've never seen that before we can also do flower spreaders and stuff which would be really cool but I want to focus on this so let's make some eggplants and that's going to be done with a food grower using water we got to check our water collector Hello water collector you are cooking okay keep it up man good boy then we go down here we get the food Growers going I'm thinking we just put the food growers in here this feels like a good food growing environment I really like that the crafting benches slash rooms in this game can still be used to like Place storage and stuff it's so just nice and intuitive I guess subnotica kind of does that too which is really really nice and look at all this eggplant time there you go three eggplants beautiful and mushrooms we were just talking about how we need mushrooms so let's grow some of those too here we go pop one of those in and then growth speed 30% so we have to let those go for a little bit and while we're doing that we have another thing that was unlocked through the finding of osmium which is a little ore collector right here says it extracts ores from the ground depending on where it's placed so maybe we just need to like place it around all over the place and we can just get like a whole bunch of excess materials ambiently kind of working for us it also creates Heat and pressure which is nice but it does use a lot of energy [Music] so we need a super alloy aluminum [Music] titanium and bada bing bada boom I'm just going to put it right there and power again huh so I found a little piece of ice right which I know it doesn't seem like a lot but that's a water and then this water and then with that a little bit of uranium Fusion there we go grab all those where is all of our uranium we need all of it make a couple more iranium rods I need one more piece which I think I have more chilling over here beautiful bada bing bada boom [Music] and the piea resistance is this new stuff in here explosive power which is yeah two Sher one aridium there's the idium and that's a lot of aridium and then two sulfur which I was mining up before into some yummy explosive powder there we go even without power we're still able to craft thank the Lord and then we shoot up to the roof and this might be a little too big for the roof nope it fits perfectly like a glove yes look at this thing oh my God I'm glad I have this roof I should probably make a bigger roof but also if we want to optimize here we could actually break this break this break this and then just slap down another tier three all we need is a little bit of sulfur but also in case you didn't notice I'm running this whole operation on just that one nuclear reactor so imagine two nuclear reactors we're going to have so much power for everything we need to do explosive powder Acquired and then we go up to the nuclear water roof and we slap down another big old puppy there we go two giant green balls powering all of this what a wonderful [Music] thing and funnily enough with everything left over from breaking down the smaller nuclear reactors and building a bigger one we had a bunch of left over water and some other materials to actually start shooting out some flowers which we're going to start having pop up we're getting all the achievements today flower time and what is the or extractor doing oh titanium starting to see some Sprouts of the flowers already I have a couple of really good rare flowers as well let me double check everything that I can input into these side guys they're kind of like just over here cooking doing their job we're having another meteor shower really another one there's just been a lot of meteor showers I think we made the atmosphere a little unruly but I do enjoy free materials I need a little bit of water let me go all the way up here scoop one drink one how convenient and I didn't put my metal anywhere yet we need to do that here we go Oop There It Is rocket ship on the table I want to go to like another ship that I haven't been in before and I remember seeing one God was it somewhere in this region and I think I found a structure like right here mean a little bit of titanium again a little bit of silicone just for a Ford operating base and let's go man let's enjoy this really good weather we've been having maybe we'll see some other ponds and things on the way cuz uh I've only really seen my Valley I want to see how everything else is starting to change too I think I see it right off in the distance see this yeah I never went in there because I had like explored a little too far I had exasperated all my materials my inventory was full so it just didn't feel like the right idea to go in but now feels like a perfect time to do that and I can set up a little fob out here now and we can start exploring this area a little deeper as well good thing there should be a little piece of iron maybe in here not in here but it is made out of iron yoink Ford operating base complete and then uh we can just go in with what we currently got it doesn't look like the biggest structure but it could go like into the ground for a ie know hello oh this one's dark very dark it's like a it's almost like a different ship doesn't seem like it's made by the same like company unless it's like a more of a you know administrative ship or something it just looks a little more cold and we need a jetpack to go up and over so I don't think we would have been able to even Explore this oh my God we have to break down whole solar panels oxygen multiplier fuse invert the fuse and Optimizer boost performance in nearby machines uhuh okay I'm going to give this the Cobalt that's a pretty common resource grab this this this and this I can't see why don't stop cleaning the gun but that's that's different I don't even know what I would put that in I don't know what that's used for can I break down these satellites no I can't okay I was going to say I've never broke down a satellite before it's going to be some goodies I bet let's go up and over and look another chest with a rocket water bottles we do need those I need water bottles like I'll take water bottles over aridium right now and then let's check around the corner here there is definitely some more stuff deconstruct the tier three heater I will take some extra aridium rods I mean that's nine aridium very much worth it and then we got to scoot around this corner what are these like guns those look like defensive weapons or something I can go up and in and find another chest with another water bottle it's almost like it knows when you're at this point in the game that water is slowly becoming an issue until you can find a way to bottle up your own little ponds and lakes they've been handing a lot of it to me or it's just one of those instances that I'm looking for it so then I it seems like there's a lot more of it cuz I'm actually looking for it looks like we pretty much cleared it all out it was a lot of like pretty Advanced resources and Rocket parts and of course those microchips are super important as [Music] well home sweet home uh yep we're going to hit those two blueprints right off the bat see what we unlock with that use the water our new found water I should grab this too because when it's full it won't keep producing [Music] water go ahead and do one and we got tier three jetpack ooh and tier 2 deconstruction yes I've been waiting for that just going to put this oxygen thing away I don't really know what it does yet and I need to make a whole bunch of food growing tubes which I'm just going to keep kind of lining up in here so that way we can just kind of walk a circle and grab them all as they grow holy but Jesus is this guy ready look at that thing that's a juicy ass eggplant these all look so delicious I don't even notice how big those were getting oh my God we're getting a lot of these food Growers down though and I'm just going to really start planting this is going to help with uh the biomass production a whole little farm here squash seeds more beans and other fruits and vegetables and then we need to keep our eye out for some new fruits and vegetables but like I haven't seen any recipes that require new fruits and vegetables yet grab a little bit of water on of this guy maybe a second water collector might actually be worth it um unless there's a way maybe we can start pumping up water in the future just like out of the lakes and ponds but this should just about do it I believe on the food yeah I'm even out of iron now right isn't that crazy the one resource that you feel like you have a whole bunch of until you don't but it does look like I need to grab some more squash seeds uh because there's a recipe for squash eggplant and then of course the bioplastic uses mushrooms and then we need to start growing algae which is why in the first place I was growing an eggplant cuz we also need that for the algae collector [Music] itself but this eggplant is ready to go we grab it and then it's going to regrow so as long as we're kind of here to grab everything as it finishes everything should be good I didn't put a seed in here yet get uh more Bean sure and now with this eggplant I just need that bioplastic nugget that I found where is that where would I be if I was a nugget there I am wait a second a whole hidden stash of eggplants let me take the beans out of here I'm going to take the squash out of here the beans out of here yeah get all of the eggplants going sorry I got distracted let's just check if our water grower up here has some water it does and now we can go down to this Pond and I'm just going to place it on the edge we're probably going to have to move it in the future it does float I guess yeah look at that see there we go and that's going to start spawning algae and I guess we're going to be able to grab the algae or maybe create like scoop samples of it look it's starting to fart out all that algae and it's going to start blooming down here and that does increase our biomass generation and like I said I'm hoping that I'll be able to scoop some of it because a lot of this new stuff requires vials of algae and look at this guy he's been cooking should probably set up a whole bunch of those but the power consumption is quite [Music] sturdy flowers are starting to come in they might be a little bit longer but they're right there they're getting ready they're going to pop up soon our biomass creation's at 10 now hell yeah I wonder if the biomass actually like counts towards the terraformation process like stronger because the numberers lower but I bet it's going to start spiking in the future right but I want to put a locker down in here that's specifically just for stacking food so that way we know where to look for it so we don't have another mishap with seeds with that being said that's where I'm going to end today's episode we're about 25% of the way to Lakes I think what I'm going to have to end up doing is probably just creating a lot more drills and just like a lot more uh yeah a lot more drills [Music] essentially maybe another biodome like we need to start pumping a little bit more oxygen these guys aren't really going maybe just making more of these and having them go even crazier and may be organizing it a little bit because I've been told by the comments that this can kind of start to uh flood up and you don't want that cuz your base can be underwater quicker than you can say I can't think of a word but yeah thank you guys for hanging out today definitely check out the playlist link out in the description down below I'm definitely just going to play this game to the end it's extremely fun I can't stop playing it hope you see you in the next one adios
Channel: PartiallyRoyal
Views: 11,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: partiallyroyal
Id: ab2fdcudKUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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