Achieve Immortality in 5 Easy Steps!! | Slice & Dice 3.0

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hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to slice and Ice 3.0 and we are going to go back to generate mode I do quite like this mode we have the all heroes randomly generated action one thing that I may not like today I do really want to get this last setting unlock unlocked and we have to win on unfair or harder which I do think is going to be a little bit brutal I think that on average a generate run is harder than a regular run due to a lot of oh God what is what are we going to do here should I do Flex RNG is I mean hey let's have it uh woo what a magical Squad um okay what was I saying a big thing that happens in this mode that doesn't seem like it's it didn't happen too much here today usually you get a lot of like one side wonders or one or two side wonders where they only have a couple faces and then they have a lot of blanks so I don't know what do we what do we do level up every other hero every level up the every other Hero by Nega one I think we could maybe do that I think we could maybe do that uh during the second turn plus one pip to the enemy sides we do need one more thing level up the top heroes by one is worth six points we could do this and then that and then we're done plus two HP for every four HP that that's a mess though that is an absolute mess so we need we would need seven points add a bone to every fight I think we could actually work with that remove all keywords from all sides that is no I I think that's a no oh God we could do early curses actually I think that's that's fine oh boy wait so [Music] we huh oh interesting what the heck so we got a level one a level two a level zero a level one a level zero so we are we basically have a minus one on our level UPS which I think is all right big hitter or XYZ I'll do the XYZ we will see uh but yeah so we theoretically got some what would we would assume would be some poorly generated Heroes cuz we got the uh the level zero action oh boy but you know what the on side Wonder more or less uh ruin things even more I'm going to be honest with what do we have for spells two damage weaken one damage poison plague that's a good spell but Shield one and repel I do feel like we might end up going for Chill on this first first one here we're definitely not killing you cuz who cares so if we're killing that guy we don't need to protect you're like almost useless at this point anyways so we kind of want to do like a little bit of oh boy we don't really have a good situation for this we might need to take the L on this first fight really and then just hope that we can kill the one Goblin I'm doing it I'm screw it what a what a day start already but like hey when you're starting on unfair it's kind of like par for the course you know that we are going to just truly have a nightmare of a time but like the fact that you also only have 2 Hp is um upsetting oh okay all right so we are going to probably just get killed here unless unless we have a chance my God this is such a mess to start with thank you thank you good God good freaking God like the extra bones and like the level zero Heroes and honestly you not rolling anything pretty pretty rough all heroes have shields health and Pips limited to 11 [Music] that seems fine end of the third turn one damage to all allies is also I think fine interesting interesting interesting I'll go for Mortal considering we don't have any like real tanks anyways what's your spell shield two and cleanse yours is poke Shi three repel so we're leveling these up to level to level [Music] one yeah I mean we're we're not going to be keeping that spell anyway it's not even like that good but like we could the thing is we could do some interesting stuff with it I'm kind of leaning towards the Healer that Shield to cleanse is really appealing all right all right all right Jesus this damage it is crazy okay you rolled something you did not okay we're doing that uh who do we want to save I mean I kind of want to save you but I also kind of don't care we'll do this the healers pretty good as well is there a way we can um okay yeah we can pop that lad and then I think they just dead I think you are just dead like I can't can't save you [Music] there yeah it's I mean 2 Hp and uh a lot of blank is going to lead to this being an absolute wild wild time that's worth [Music] grabbing uh I really need more than that right now pain absolute pain so okay what would happen in the event that we we spent every resource annoying L on that we do live but boy that is not what I would prefer to do okay we can work with that okay I would like the Mana Shield if I could get one okay thank you yeah that works all right okay we can we can get out of here I think we can get out of here prioritize the wolf just because I'm more confident that I can kill him next turn two Mana thank you I think we are going to be looking for Mana thank you so much honestly anything else is wow you have you only have two of those sides and you really you really beefed it every single one of those times huh uh so we could actually like be a little bit aggro with this and go for the the weaken reduction to get that same kind of deal thank you so much thank you so much we're alive God what a start this has had to be 200 hero deaths [Music] e must be equipped to add pain to the two left sides during every seventh fight all heroes add pain to the highest pip sides I'm going to just hit a random [Music] curse all heroes with one or less HP and all dying allies add pain that is not a onele curse are you kidding me that's crazy I don't know that I don't know that I'm going to get something better is is the is the real truth on that one heal two single cast give me a tier [Music] two I don't know that that's going to necessarily even be better right now oh boy what a day so this guy's going to have pain on his sides right yeah yeah he is all right all right the heels aren't going to be that helpful weaken I don't think we can get the thorn out of the way in a in a pretty handy way all right could we like roll something on [Music] these okay yeah killing the thorn does feel like a pretty good call this is okay as well Shield two cleanse two damage weaken I mean set a hero to 5 HP like it would make my life a lot easier I think we're just we're saving up our stuff here Thorn dies like via the poison there I think that's going to be quite nice um one we can do better I'll just take the four Health at this point any of your other sides are better than that one [Music] dude okay oh boy I will take that heal two and then die oh Jesus I mean you're not going to be able to play that is not a level one curse are you out of your freaking mind like level one something that you would need 11 of to be playing unfair mode that chance okay I think we can get the Archer out of the way one damage poison plague we could or we could just [Music] like you know what yeah screw screw the poison at this point we just need to get through this we're going to be finally through a fight without losing somebody I think okay okay generate mode okay generate mode having a giggle eh having a giggle all right so we are at least going to be through this I'm just going to take it at this point cuz nobody else wants to uh somebody else wants to play here all right you may go all right our final one you cannot lock more than three dice at a [Music] time during the third turn plus one I'm actually just going to go with slippery dice screw it so we are good to go now six Mana death one okay a one damage range spell is actually really nice and then this you you know it's Evergreen this is pretty solid [Music] oh Bramble oh [Music] Bramble good old Bramble gamble okay this is actually useless I've just realized I need to have you be the poisoned one what if I did that instead for now though I think that might be better no point to use that so we used up a lot of our good stuff but we do at least have the poison on that lad which I think would be very helpful we might want poison instead right now but okay um yeah I think that's the call if we roll anything I think it's just good enough can we do this like first of all if I do this it does not get rid of the single Target right yeah correct I think we need to be spending our Mana down there cuz there's there's really only so much we have left if we kill the Bramble then we can uh you know maybe keep a side for the rat wow that helps right now I'm not I'm not picky with the sides I think I have to do this I think I need Mr ratman dead or Mr Bramble ban dead cuz what's the alternative the alternative is I go for the rat and then what that's not better yeah I think I need to have the Bramble that like we're we're running out of sides we're just completely running out of sides this is not necessarily um fantastic either but I at least know that it is possible for together please run please run thank you so much curse Mastery boy I do I do feel it win a fight with seven curses it sure did feel like I had seven curses so thank you top and bottom sides with a one Mana pair side I think is is going to have to be a yes like just replacing empties I think is going to be one of the biggest things oh we got the uh the old quartz situation unfortunately all right let's think um we can do that but what is it doing for us we can't kill the bones dude can we just like get a fight like can I get a fight to go a little bit normal well we can't kill this guy no matter what right yeah I think that's that's true I can't go through his his uh his shielding so if I can't save you which I'm not positive is the truth but like if I can't save you without God it's a lot of resources to spend I think it's worth it though I think it's absolutely worth it the shield two cleanse is fantastic okay did we get a one did not get a one it's fine I think we still hit you with the shield to cleanse yeah we're good to go finally finally might as well get it for like the shielding thing I suppose sure all right we got you yeah you may [Music] go level two healer I do kind of like the idea of getting the generated character on the board what's your spell heal and shield five that's actually fantastic for three Mana but I can't deal with the fact you have the one I mean this isn't much better but it's also it's a side grade four damage is a really important threshold all right I think if that actually has a lot of Merit on this live a [Music] little okay cuz we can um poison the AOE or hold on [Music] wait do like a little bit of aop and then I can say no poison yeah I think that all right all right squad's coming together a little bit Squad is coming together a little bit add pain and plus one pip to all Mana and manag game sides replace the right most side with revive the top four defeated allies and then die oh if I get the removed with the shield size you could like get the two man then Shield your [Music] C that's something I'm going to get it for mostly the future and if glacia dies glacia dies but like okay all right um Glacier would probably die on that okay well we can at least do that four damage though so who's go here what do we have for Shields Shield two cleanse it's a lot to to fix that up I dig that nothing wrong there we can save up our Mana so we know what we're working with next turn a little bit more pretty much always going to take that okay [Music] wait what do we have here why doesn't this have pain all all with one or less HP and dying Ally add pain to all sides I'll admit I'm am confused why you're you don't have pain on this side it's okay it's not a problem but I do not get it sure sure yes oh I've been had I've been had by the lock mechanic it's not going to matter roll the glacier I'm fine with the glacier right now all right uh what's this I don't love flip heal one cleanse is a great one I hate this though I hate this heal one cleanse is such a good spell heal three Mana game is such a good side too and the shield oh this is so tough this spell is just incredible like it's so flexible one Mana one Mana reusable spells are really flexible I'll go for this though because that three side is really good uh Shield one growth we have no well I was going to say we have no shielding right now that's not true glacia has shielding live a little okay live a little less please Jesus a little trading on the old HP all right uh I could flip this in what would happen is it worth it I'll just say yes protecting you from one HP is good but we're also going to go for the two damage weaken I think that's generally how I will want to use flip is just kind of like yeah well might as well might as well flip at the end there like that is definitely useful okay maybe we want to kill the Slimer all right things are are looking up you please please please please please just just grab that and don't don't mess cuz you actually do have pain on your sides like you know like you're supposed to getting dupe on that is so good all right easy easy easy what's the other side of this oh it's that uh is it worth it kind not really I'll just do it for fun add Focus to bottom two side times two versus the target of the previous at evil and plus one pip to all heal and self heal sides if it saves a hero I die no focus is focus is interesting however it's completely useless in this scenario at guilt and plus one pip to all damage sides if it's lethal I die I think I actually really don't mind that on uh on this I'm not going to if you're using this to kill somebody you're already having a bad time that is a it's a utility play and that's it [Music] uhoh I could lock that for the guarantee oh guaranteed flip just kidding I think we want to copy that one what's the flip on this yeah it's probably not worth it all right uh [Music] [Music] yeah that that not being able to lock one thing has been annoying I think we're I think we're losing the glacia we'd have to kill you oh or it's it's a it's kind of a fat chance moment is what I would say on that one we almost might as well just uh pivot towards killing another sucker you are annoyingly going to well in theory have um you don't have it either what's going on and what am I missing all all with one or less HP and dying out I he is you are all all the the thing about this is that sounds like it'll include enemies as well and dying so wait they need to have one or less HP and be dying oh it's okay gotcha it's very specific it's actually very very very specific specific okay gotcha thank God all right they have to have one or less HP and be dying it It's just tough cuz it was um it was immediately something well okay it was immediately something that happened and thus it felt like it was a common thing oh obviously I see I see it I see the thing I like how could you not how could you not like that how could you not like that glow is really good especially on a generate run are you kidding me we we get so many X's this is so good but it's also like what's this guy for we'd have to replace these sides with the one Mana pairs I'm I'm like really digging the level one that we have so I'm just going to have him carry us for a bit longer three heal all I feel like we could find a way to break with that too glow is a very good and then just two two Mana sides is genuinely like going to be enough in a lot of situations so we have zombies please setting upsetting couldn't even get it with the flip that feels worth doing that feels worth doing too I think I'd be less likely to want to deal with the poison we don't have the cleanse anymore all right come on dude it's not the four damage side that's that's fine bad one off one off of being the instant kill this is you are you have pain okay do I just lock you oh Jesus I hate it I hate it I hate it okay um glacier can probably and maybe should probably go I can't find the four damage attack oops didn't mean to do that what if we what does this look like never got a one to go with that you're going to be tough to save anyways oh boy this is a nightmare this is a nightmare thank you I God why can't this be the four do we still have the flip we do still have the flip I'm doing it okay uh this is potentially life saving I wouldn't mind believe it or not I wouldn't mind getting a blank [Music] there cuz then we can end up going for a different type of save wait okay that's workable what was a flip on this anyways okay all righty please dude please give me this or this side I have two sides that it can be two sides that it can be I I hate the no lock thing I hate the no lock thing past three it is going to drive me absolutely up the freaking wall all right um what's the flip heal all for three I think that's maybe I think that's maybe better right now please please it's really good but we need Mana thank you Jesus Christ Jesus Christ that was single use and plus two Pips To the left side you already have that no range to all sides of something we need like add Focus to all heal and self heal sides if we can get that up to a six like which we can do we can do decently easy we would have it has to be ruled with this though it's I don't know it's very [Music] tight oh boy oh boy yeah I just kind of you could just you could just tell [Music] does it make sense what's the flip sides here okay [Music] [Music] yeah we can save I think we just do it I think we do it okay you have the weaken but you also are you gonna be dying you're dying but you're not at one oh glacia you know what yeah that's that's the best thing you [Music] have I don't trust that you're going to roll anything please please please please please please please it's got coming from you I don't have a way to do an extra [Music] damage all right we could have killed you but I I want to keep this one alive [Music] I want to protect you so you're not on death's door next time I think I do cuz it's you're an important damage dealer for me but you're also weakened up oh you're also weakened who cares H somebody's okay we're taking that cuz like honestly somebody's [Music] dying uh that's doing that's doing three regard I think I think we have to see what that's about what's the flip sides wow wow it's because of you you are going for it Jesus that would have made the fight like you know we we'd be killing stuff as well ourselves but it's probably good enough boy thank you I do like that we can go a little ham because it's like if we roll empties it's also not that big of a deal what are the flip sides by the way okay oh [Music] God the quartz is HP buff this is just a an exercise in tum okay thankfully you finally I'm going for it okay I mean that's nice that's really nice this has got single use on it is this worth our single use who's getting weakened e I don't think it's worth our single use this is this is a nightmare this is a nightmare at least our poisons aren't dying via their poison so that gives us a thing to play with here that's your only side that does anything I can kill something oh my God oh my God oh my God we got somewhere do we want to do this you're going to beat one HP and dying so are you but you have a can trip side so you could I need to save you from yourself which I hate I hate that I have to do that here you're one HP and dying but I can find a way to to fix that all right I think we just take it this fight is taking too long I wish I had some more damage dealers oh god oh you dirty you dirty Prett fool that's what I was afraid of okay I think it's worth it to kill the lutus I think it's worth it to kill the ludus thank you thank you oh man let's go oh that was so stressful I'm doing it gain the effects of all tier two to four items no come on that is that is a sick joke that is a sick joke man if I okay if I had to pick a two-side wonder God that is evil that is truly evil get rid of all my tier 2 through four items to get getting the effects of tier two through for that is satanic that is truly mean okay I I can do better I can do better I can do I can in fact do better okay just hit done rolling okay that that that's that's nice get rid of the weaken yeah I I don't want to deal with the poison all right all right there we go that's what it's all about just get it again forehead okay no opposite sides to to get the flip on feels relatively worth the one Mana you know a thank you okay that's good that's a really good combo so we can goo we get six to play with the flip side so this is two Mana to do four damage which I think is worth it almost there I think we've got it I think we've got it oh yeah we've got it oh yeah we've got it sure oh yeah we got it okay we actually do self heal to the left two sides we did get rid of the pain thing enhanced wand is good I I got to tell you I have I'm taking it cuz I just I need sides it's as simple as that oh okay feeling a little wild with it so can we lock the flip we can't lock the flip unless we get lucky this that's so sad question does that count no there's no way I'm saving this guy right it's just not possible if I had one more like I could go crazy there the flip does end up being useful I'd say yeah yeah cuz we get the extra two Mana as well the heal the heals irrelevant there I think we we do that that's Criminal [Music] so we literally we can't save you because of that the three damage I think makes sense wait unless okay wait we flip this doesn't really matter who we target we could go for that and then go oh we found it I knew it was I knew it was there it was very expensive but I knew it was there four yes yes already good please it's so annoying because I can't flip first and like to be clear this doesn't count right correct but I do think that that I think that is the answer there I don't want you to be on the one HP right okay we can kill this ghost really easily that's an amazing one what do I I don't know I think I might want to use the perab boost on somebody thank you Shield side Shield side Shield side okay it's fine okay what if we did a little bit of that ha it's a lot but it's worth it oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man this is pretty comparable Target I can't die this turn for two Mana I mean I got to tell you this this looks I love that side heal one cleanse I got to say we have to take this though it's basically the same basically the same thing so heal for Focus this spell is important like two Mana can't that that that could be very very dumb in our [Music] favor please okay a [Music] no this doesn't work right oh it do it does work to scare you up it's probably worth it I'd assume I do like the weaken on the Cyclops it's just it saves us a lot of value we'll save up the one Mana cuz next turn if we could get like a good thing going there that'd be good if we got a good thing going it'd be good believe it or not [Music] interesting oh we don't have the flip anymore that's right that's what we lost okay I think we're finish that's good so we can't I'm I'm going to say absolute like blessing that I don't have to uh care about the flip side of things anymore okay yes yes yes good enough I usually find it to be yeah quite a bit on the TD's side so Twisted bar set all sides to two let f there it's actually really it's actually really good there plus one pip to all sides with no keywords this technically doesn't have a keyword I'm doing it yeah that's just super good cuz the two Mana charg is nice but the gain two can roll and the the Perma boost by two is definitely more appealing thank you all right yes come on um I we want the Mana we want the Mana to go crazy with this getting a little bit annoyed at this guy over here all right worth it to me Hydra is the obvious threat of the fight like the big obvious threat of the fight rip I need more self- Target stuff wait could I have killed yeah who cares we'll just we'll just do it right here so what is your deal heal to heal to boosts these sides are cracked we do lose a Mana side but we do gain another Target side we gain the heal boost side two damage to all enemies one damage pain you are improved but knowing that we can get a reliably improved one to use really good um the heal to boost the fact we can get a single Target mixed with the focus like we could do some we could do some dumb stuff with that we can do some really dumb stuff with that yes I might want to keep that I might not all right disappointment inbound oh thank you oh thank you heal to boost we could also just do the target Ally can't die which is very fun that's so weird also wait how does this um if we had the one damage thing it would be really nice and then we just give somebody a shield Glacier it's funny that we've had the glacia all game in the generate mode wait triple the rightmost I don't think that you get a whole lot of that on generate mode we have one and it's the non-generated hero uh add weaken and pain to the top and bottom not really interested can trip to the two right sides um certainly is acceptable for glacia there's nothing wrong with it this is a very highroll uh setup though we need things to go right the good news is it's not particularly challenging for them to okay to go right we don't need that much going on to solve it um hold on [Music] okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'd have to okay all right um saving you for one man is more valuable than saving you for two I'm leaning towards heal to boost what if I did oh no we just can't you know what I really need to save I really need to save you from being at 1 HP that's an important thing then we'll save oursel at the three hope we get uh the charged again for obvious reasons CU this is just we're in the RNG lands thank you so much that's just good enough we can save you so you can use that oh blessed day okay so what happens right now if we kill the barrel okay what happens now if we I mean do we want to just like you know what I should do just go boom no you can't die nope can't die that's what we should do here we go that's how broken spell oh absolute gigachad Shield six for two it's it's it's actually not better this is just really good it's just a massive improv sure let's put that that on thank you it's just a massive Improvement there's there's nothing else to it it's just he's just a guy that is better okay I can't lock that's fine probably for the best okay so we could do like a little bit of a whoop whoop or what is this six 16 or 21 let's go with 21 actually yeah that'll do that'll do incoming uh hexia add Fizz to three right sides plus one pip for each ability use this turn oh man it's not as good as you would think because generate mode hates the three right sides if I keep glacia it's pretty decent but it's also a little bit weird in in the end it doesn't actually end up it's the annoying thing is it doesn't end up working as well as you would want because with this but it does give us a little bit of like backup plan uh if we get like a pretty good amount of spells but not like a crazy amount of spells gives us a little bit of a backup plan on these alternatively we fish for 10 add enduring to the two left sides and swap them wait heal three all boost wait wait two Mana in in oh okay that has some just game breakingly staggering potential to it we do need to roll one of them or maybe two of them but the fact that we can just like roll past it already good all already good okay uh you know what do I do this kill the zombie in one I think that's pretty I think that's pretty effective it's good I mean saving Mana is oh pain side I think it's still worth going for oh it's dangerous to do this it's really dangerous 1 2 3 4 [Music] five yeah I think that's I think that's fine it gets rid of the scariest guy left we don't have the pain side so we can I mean we could do that but there's also just no point AIA Dragon I always get the dragon I'm not against it but I am confused by it [Music] so death seven Mana death three Mana can trip so what I'm good with this I think most of our stuff is coming from screw it no looking back oh God no but is it a throw the four poison it's just like if I get the four poison on there I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm not doing it all right incoming that is quite the the choice we could make I hate that I'm okay say I hate that I'm not going to roll any of those that does suck I do like that for me I do absolutely hate all this poison this is too much poison all right we got to roll one thing come on there's one thing that's really important okay that's very helpful I'm you're tapping out let me just look at this for a sec oh if I hit done rolling am I actually done there's almost no point please you've never please thank you I can't lock it I'm so mad at you I'm so mad at you oh wait we can um we can do a little we can do a little bit of uh stupidity please please oh you're dead let me look at this [Music] this is so dumb in a completely different way I mean they all are going to have their old pain sides anyway so we just we have the revive we just go down the line okay you first that's really good just don't die heal to boost is another like thing we can do [Music] oh my it's stupid oh my God so we have the dragon we we've won I can't believe it I just look at this there's no point we want Mana size and that's it [Music] okay we might as well do like a little bit one of those oh my god wow what the dumb what the dumb that is the uh craziest run I think I've had in both ways there was some massively unfair things happening to me and then a massively unfair thing happening right back good God I'd say every every one of these things at some point screwed me over multiple yeah like in multiple pretty major ways the the top level up I would say it it helped this out it helped this out quite a bit cuz yeah this is one of those rare cases where wait the fact that we got minus one on three and that's worth 10 and plus two so it's like minus three is worth 10 plus two is worth six that ended up being like this is actually one of the rare cases of and I guess cuz it's like generated it's a generated one it's one of the rare cases where the U the blessing is more generously valued to the player than the uh than the Cur cuz you would think this would like at worst case scenario you'd think this would be worth nine right but I think it I think it it makes sense in hindsight that three is worth 10 cuz like you are getting to the point where your first fight becomes nearly impossible but like in a way that became easier as we played in a way what do we have here now kill 100 imps choose up dog what's up dog herbalist pocket F actory dabbler I can't believe I've not seen dabbler a second time that's crazy all right uh but the important thing is what the heck did we get 5% generated monsters Try It You'll see them tan Creator you know the Creator mentioned yeah some of them are kind of broken and you know what I think that this definition uh makes it pretty clear that yeah I I would imagine Try It You'll see them cuz like I was saying at the end of that other video that I was talking about the possibility of generated heroes or generated monsters Heroes and items if they become wildly broken or wildly weak you can just not pick them you can't not fight a monster you know so I mean I'll put it on five 5% I'll I'll I'll give it a look we'll see how that goes but uh I'm glad we have that one done that one out of the way is that the last time I have to uh like I have to suffer through unfair mode where's the uh so for unlocks we have 116 out of 133 achievements these are all I wish I could see a few more I wish I could see a few more CU I don't know we might we might never have to play unfair mode again which uh you know I wouldn't be I wouldn't be against never having to play on Fair mode it's just not as it's not as fun to me it's not as fun I feel like you can do some really busted stuff in hard mode unfair you can do some really busted stuff too but especially uh the the one thing that had me maybe wanting to play unfair mode was the thing that's completely alleviated by complex hard and easy mode the fact that we can get blessings we can get blessings and then have to buy curses to uh pay them off on hard mode the fact that we can just do that on hard mode means yeah I don't there there goes the one thing that made me maybe want to go for unfair uh and brutal is just like I have negative interest negative interest it's just unfair but with twice as many curses it's it's just that's all it is and unfair is already like a little bit too I don't know did we do it yes would I I'd be a little bit more interested in doing unfair classic I don't think I'll ever want to do unfair generate again cuz like I was saying at the beginning obviously it can go it can go both ways you can get a wild run like we did today uh but on average on average generate mode is going to be more difficult than a regular run cuz on average you get characters that have two faces you know like I I wish that uh the generate code had the the random characters sometimes have um have have more faces a little bit more often like it is fun to see the uh the the one side Wonder Gods but like you are banking on this is an hour 20 Jesus Christ I should stop rambling but um you're kind of banking on getting like a one of the few like one of the three or four items in the game that's going to copy your left hand side over or whatever uh it's just not going to happen but so it's it's believe it or not a lot more RNG based the generate mode uh than classic Mode would but alas alas I'm having I'm having way more fun on on hard mode than I do on unfair so that's probably why we're going to stick to that for now but Al last last that that's going to do it for today thank you for watching check out the Chanel for rogue likes and more every single day what a day be sad to see the series go got let me know the for comment down below thank you to watch thank thank you and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 14,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slice and dice, let's play slice and dice, let's play slice & dice, lets try slice & dice, slice and dice gameplay, slice & dice gameplay, slice and dice review, slice and dice preview, slice & dice preview, dicebuilder roguelike, dice builder roguelike
Id: vUWyTo4D_Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 28sec (4828 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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