BaronPilot gets some jet time!

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look at who is walking up hey there's the end there's the heritage model right there okay I can check the hydraulics make sure the system has pressure I can check the oil level on each engine check the computer on each engine [Music] good to go so this little window right here is for the fire suppression system so there's one fire bottle and two engines so you get one bottle one engine one time you just check to make sure it's got enough pressure in it so that's all I'm checking right although fires never been a problem on these sentence well the other thing too while we're over here on the wings the spoiler system on this airplane across the top of the wing you have basically 3 spoilers one two when you got this big one here so in the air these are speed brakes so about 22 degrees deflection it's either full on or full off and those are not limited to any air speeds whatever air speed you could want deployment and they help you slow down so get below 200 knots so you get your flaps and gears out a lot of times I usually don't use them very much [Music] I think using them is kind of a sign of not properly managing managing your energy by coming into the pattern too fast like I did here this morning and then when you land because we don't have reverse thrust all the slowing down in the airplane is done by braking so to make the airplane more effective and braking you can imagine that if you land and you're still going 90 knots the wing is still producing lift so what happens is you can do lift dump which is back here in the back of the cockpit you'll get a white light up on the panel and maybe it's a green light I don't know it says lift off anyway but they fully deploy and they really help the airplane sit down on the ground and make the braking more effective without this system operating your landing distance has increased significantly significantly so it's something to be very aware two wings three tires could go [Music] all right thank you [Music] not to traffic to get my fries here is 8 miles west dip pounds on - ok you ready to taxi sure brakes are a little more powerful than what you might be used to you will need to use them to slow down the Y's you'll end up with too much speed okay well I was so distracted by my lack of ability to get that point on I've got to introduce everybody to my buddy Christopher okay baron pilot oh great to be here thank you for Dad buddy being having here we are in Nashville Tennessee how is it a guy from Indy - Florida end up together in Nashville Tennessee where am I going you're going to the left well another story for another time I guess haha carefully yes might have to change some names though yeah you always have to change the names to protect the guilty so you want to do the take-off sure I'd love to if if you're comfortable if you're sure it's a company because you had that whole issue before would you have to bear and Polly could come with you and they were pretty much like oh well you're a doubled or something yeah like oh maybe a bad play here and a half mile of face now I took this along we didn't really tell everyone anyway they've been asking yeah they are they're very strong very powerful okay so somebody is on a final I don't actually see them but we're gonna get up and I'll hold short and what kind of talk about the take off absolutely but my brother-in-law crashed his his Mirage here alibi really yep ended up on that Bank over there now luckily he's he was fine had two other people on the airplane yeah big fear based upon all your huge on him I'll talk about it later let's start about the landing it was like squirrel I saw that I saw the side of the hill he headed up on oh my go we got to the park right so we we going out there I'll get everything set up for you as far as all the switch ology you'll still have control the airplane the the power there's a detent for max continuous thrust so what you can do is get out there line it up stop the airplane to hold the brakes relatively hard I'm gonna write it quite a bit of pressure to hold it brought the throttles up to the detent will kind of let everything stabilize for a moment release the brakes and advance the throttles all the way okay I can call out the speeds v1 rotate v1 100 rotates 107 v2 is 120 so we're gonna basically hit v1 you can start to increase back pressure it'll just kind of fly off right about 10 degrees nose hi I'll get the gear then I'll get the flaps I'll get the yaw damper so you just concentrate on flying now the one thing is about this airplane is you're gonna notice a lot of trim changes and you are gonna have to trim so here is the trim now it's an ax knowledge mint type trim so you got to press the button down and then move the switch right now it's not you know initially you're gonna want to smash it down and do it it doesn't require that the flip side of that is that if you sit there with your thumb on this switch with a little bit of light pressure it's gonna think you're telling it to do something and nothing's happening so we'll give you a pitch fail the flip side of that is is that you try to move in front if you try to trim without having that switch down it'll give you a pitch fail also okay it's a handful when it's a pitch fail I'll fix it you keep flying but don't be afraid to reduce power actually the other thing too is on takeoff once you get once we get cleaned up you will have to reduce power otherwise we'll we'll go through 250 right now for once out on the takeoff if there's anything I see but I don't like I'm gonna say I got the aircraft and I'm just gonna deal with it myself okay all right just to do that but otherwise that's it okay so if you're ready I'm ready and I'll run the radios all right um he's clear clear right to traffic from here three nine zero golf biking taking runway two for departure to the north but Claire left yep clear left sorry see the runway coming into view on the eyes either so the winds are zero for zero day therefore zero copy you do a 2-0 day sorry so straight down the runway knots but funny how how sensitive you get with one else is airplane oh yeah glad just get used to the brakes throttles you know all that stuff all right yep oh no all right to the edge of the ditch and you'll feel it falling p10 yep Holly forward go good to go their speeds alive do you want rotate o-line awake here up good get the nose up a little bit yep there you go you can go right up into those campaign bars if you want okay okay and I'll give you a heading buck there if you want to just go over to the heading kept Lolo the flight director if you want I'm gonna go get our Oklahoma 3,000 correct yeah or $6.00 you got a six thousand that might be a little bit too much pitch I probably keep it more around 12 degrees or so if you want yeah Asheville premier three nine zero golf Pike premier nine three zero golfing Nashville riskier born off the John tune you just walk one six three zero what six three zero number five Lima Lima National altimeter is three zero one six three zero one Oh how's it go there go ahead and start pulling your power back get that for nineteen turns on the quest and by thanks guys for the country you're blocked when the scepter of the flight path vector over 70 where you got that stripper to contact my maintain one 5000 South dead lady I maintain one 5,000 router 3.73 level number three nouns are golf my brother contact six Northwest Johnson Airport cleared to tango Yankee Quebec via rare vectors as found fly heading a310 on maintain one five thousand okay its radar vectors in this file 310 on the heading and up to one five thousand now sir got my departure said the secretary kill it out well we thought one three thousand Bob Joe Delta you see the back screws needs out there but mom may be wrong yeah I'm out of here but thirteen if you won't know sir we'll take this thing thing buddy I'm a tree non zero golf my contact Memphis in Iran now one three three point eight five have a good one 3385 we'll see ya jerk off Mike yeah it cups at your office fast there's a lot to look at over there Mike out for radar degenerative 5470 filthy-ass well you're trying to figure out is where everything like I always say if you don't love me lie to make the matter United you my cuppa Memphis premier three nines or golf Mike 8.8 climb into one five thousand I remember 3.05 epithet I find they say findable through three zero five level two three zero zero call fine chose low heavier then yeah it's heavy oh it's heavy and I expect it yeah it is definitely heavy yeah it's not the kind of thing you want to do a lot of hand flying and by the way whenever you want to stop and find your laptop 17:45 making fun of all three three zero one so across an 18 oh yeah in the flight level that's what yeah I mean it it gets up and goes that's why I know that it's very foreign to for any kind a lot of guys to have a powerful point that gets way back yeah you got a really friend our back it's not a small adjustment it's a it's a pretty big adjustment initially yeah I didn't expect it to be that far back up for 13 1999 through first one one eight point four four thirty nice though I love that your new setup yeah everyone's directed entirely that's set in that's out number two three zero one seven or bogan I like it they are floating a walk back one to 8.15 know I was in California all last week right the work and then the week before that now actually if my plane I'm supposed to go to annual and I've did actually last time I flew was MP delay okay what David you don't think they'll be all Saturday after you know they're three thieriot do nighter here with night so I she was a little quiet on Saturday that was kind of nice it will just to go and talk to everyone I remember Lehrer golf my for a pocket hitting drug pockets it user got mine so the rule is supposed to be lit the planes should do should have no changes to my defense we did put in a new battery way planner go ahead sir got by here got Mike the great city struck pocket cities are cup by ever been to Mike out the contact anything I was all in one seven one to one point near water you might get it charlie everything's right here coffee and water yeah see I know I've made it one one to four point two seven twenty four twenty seven sir got Micah day Peppa's prepare three Lanzer golf bike 20.5 climbing flight level two three zero there are 300 off mike milken economy painful three zero zero three zero zero zarkoff mike here's the altitude pre-select see it there yep come on haven't dealt with 2071 three four zero so it's funny when I came to this airplane coming from the piston twins or a turbine plant those airplanes you were always jockey and the throttles around to get everything in a batch up these they just move in unison you know it's just like you know whatever and even if they aren't matched up you know can't really hear it so far back there yeah that's kind of nice my mu2 would be you know half dog with back on one yeah people often all comment on on my videos cuz I'll see my power levels the app levers or my mixer levers and it's the same engines they should be running exactly brain no doesn't work like that what even these don't run exactly the same yeah although I quickly learned that obviously learning the systems in a jet is a lot more than living in a piston but once you get past that when I started applying a citation like this is so much easier so much easier it's a lot more to know right but the actual flying itself becomes much easier why the planes have such a higher level degree of automation to them yeah the biggest thing with this what this one is learning the ffs and just the pacing you know single pilot pacing with an airplane that's pretty darn fast you know right yeah you're quickly rotating positive rate getting the gear up yeah 400 feet v2 plus 15 or whatever it is you're looking for most money getting the flaps up there's a whole lot going on all while you're yeah talking on the radio I don't already and then a flight like this where you now have to pick up your clearance yep that's a whole lot more going on yeah it's a handful happening much faster than my barren even though my barren heard your neck a little bit when you were flying with me all the other landing oh speaking of land because I shouldn't say this but the flight here on Delta yeah I don't think I've ever felt a landing that hard oh really yeah whyever oh it almost hurt why actually looked out the window thinking we were about in the air picking up it was just you think like there's no way we're still on the ground yeah for five years and I had a feeling he was he was shocking the is a seven - yeah he was shocking the power so much on approach he was you know he just didn't know his settings he wasn't stabilized wait a second a seven-to-three just three on 77027 yeah inches in the back three three on the left you on the right Billy said I thought of seven to seven was like the three inch and old thing with the engine up on the tail two at the back oh that's the I'll let you fix that in the Edit I didn't was appealing I have become the worst plane spotter ever hey I did a we did a live stream on it's crap coming out of Chicago Midway and I was like oh there's a falcon mm and also ice cream and I hate lying also there's like food that's like that's not a falcon mm that's a falcon 7x or so I don't know what it was right I still don't know what it was and then I totally slaughtered scenario one 32.5 people 3252 I got my good day 368 ready doubt the 2475 level three one zero step three 4.75 any fare ready indie premiere three nine zero golf mic leveling flight little tree zero zero now on this racer arrival they general or three zero golf Mike anything above a breather you're gonna be your final today let it work they generally give us a bunch of crossing restrictions so I'll be typing away on the keypad there yeah I am not good at spotting planes oh that's a shot with you on that one I have a buddy of mine I work with and his dad was a some sort of pile he's not a pilot but his dad was and he can look at any plane I just don't tell you exactly what it is and honestly I don't even know if he's correct but but you act like you know so I'm never gonna second-guess you right right okay so back home the weather 1 0-0 at five knots 10 statute miles visibility scatter 2,900 5 degrees Celsius dude your bomb not tell you to pack no well the good news is is is I have a t-shirt in my bag it's like gonna double it up oh you are gonna be cold tomorrow morning I'm supposed to get snow back off really that's the forecast it won't stick as a grounds to warm but I said it might on the I maintain inside of a 3 4 0 43 so then part two of this is gonna be on Christopher's channel that's gonna be Indianapolis down to st. Augustine Florida then our good afternoon Poland upper o means I'd be sure to check that out 3 their pilot Michael one two nine zero you'll see you'll see Greg down to Florida or zero what Bob Berman and if you like these videos please be sure to hit that that thumbs up and subscribe but but when you hit that subscribe button I don't know if you've been having this be sure to hit the bell for notification because I've been getting a lot of hey welcome back Ryan comments right with big boom and I'm like I'm hosting every two weeks I haven't gone anywhere through the hot fire so I don't know I'm going on YouTube or you guys just want to hit that notification button but be sure to hit that little bell both on Craig for me one drivers page it for those of you customized three or five hit it on me as well you're probably getting filtered out because of that factual news stop I'm confident I am my last video had so many of those welcome back comment yeah I have me nuts yeah I don't know what the deal is with YouTube in that so I got my accounts definitely get from cuz I should easily have a billion viewers number twelve before clearly and take epicenter one people they know who you think you are they don't know who I think I am yeah I've actually noticed of my views have definitely been down and I'm not quite sure what happens in American what do you think Taylor Behl it's going on down down American crazy I figured you were just stealing wall they don't have time for you and me so now I've been pretty I've been pretty slow to the volume hasn't been there I figured it was it scar you ready indeed inner hitter 49:37 checking on three zero three three zero everybody's that at the like chillin I'll hold up in their house watching videos right five three three there to carry and maintain max forward beepers bathing direct Terry back for getting to get some of these pictures for my dear am I gonna be because of you thank you I get the a hunter through my want a camera off my Nash before but a camper on your dash like Greg does and if you want to see your display alright so I want to thank you for forcing me to add another camera make sure you my father Dhanraj Rustom I call Mike food Rick can breathe her direct eraser zircon fine no fold on top of Romeo contact Indy Center one to eight point three to eight three four whoop up Romeo gonna freak you out 3505 yeah you I've seen one hand illegal s anything added more to my plate thank you for that 20 left file that's why I'm here buddy what you're doing a fantastic job I just want to tell you I'll buy you dinner and I'm for it let's see how this would be think when there's a free free throw do let me be a fly on your airplane already yeah you should buy me dinner that's how this works yeah yeah let's go let's go let's look at the u.s. here we got 35 maintained to eight then after that Nebraska we are coming up Evans elsweyr pocket city is the exhibition for eight seven Charlie Brown okay there one three approach starts or the arrival starts honorable cut our bells like man so the airplane still kind of turned it towards this racer point which is somewhere in here I can actually go to this view right there by the way you can adjust your PFD degree a little Bravo contact campus city center 100.8 through our path the only cure for I'll get that huh and I'm gonna go ahead and do this I'm gonna do an arrival in deity I'm gonna do the visual runway one eight I'm gonna change from a five mile final to a three execute that so it sets up now a visual approach it gives me lateral and vertical guidance just like you would on a jet 3505 contact in the center one to eight point three that is one point three Riccio thirty fellow I always like to have some kind of guidance to a runway even if it's a VFR day right I'm with you under percent on that if you ever watch my videos i watch about to aviation videos a year because I spent so much time editing my own and I do have a full-time job you know honestly it's funny because I actually have that conversation on people I'm like you know I really don't have time for actuate work by helping them and trying to edit them right honestly I really don't see them and it means no disrespect to anybody right as first of all you're the reason why I started posting videos in the first place so if there's a video I'm gonna watch honestly it's gonna be yours and not just cuz you're here that's actually the truth and put a like yard 4490 Frank I can't like right there where am I gonna do 0.82 but I always will load what goes there upon the approach even on a visual day even a flop flying the pattern for exactly you said I still so can you on your evidences create a visual approach I can't create I'm not aware of that I can create visual other than the fact I just load the approach Jim so I'm wondering if you could create a three-dimensional point three miles off the end of the runway you know that would be one potential way to do it if you could do it easily I can ask them I mean I have a contact to to attend to see you if there's a way to do that so wait let me see here so I'm wondering with me so there's runway 1a for me right I wonder if I can go runway 1:8 let go - one okay so I just created now another point a mile so so I'll show everybody what they don't like that they can't this is my visual approach here so 505 this is a point 3 nautical miles from the end of the runway so it's 1 2 3 3 nautical miles just for you know the runway I just created this second point every 33 mile right the United runway thank you on a 3-degree glide path that's gonna be 1928 1291 at 973 gives me like a 50-foot crossing - so that I know I've got three points set up and it's not wonderful I wonder if that capability exists for you well that's that easily yeah that is yeah that's I'm done inquiry about that like that meeting quarters Atlantic Airport I think I maintain father for three for sure yeah that would be so one other thing I got a brag here look at that 511 knots over the ground that is brilliant 459 knots true that is brilliant and level flight but you want something for something what do you want to give up for second one great Durance payload something four hundred fifty eight knots true I'm burning 1439 jerk-off Mike cross 3 0 30 miles south of racer at maintained by the book 2/3 through 30 south the racer flight level 2 3 0 Zerg off mic okay so racer / - 30 nor 3-0 father Mike maintain freezers are not creator for facing 300 or graders are about bike and 23,000 that's what he said victory 20 you can take one point ahead 7 when a 3/4 at least my off the two pre-selector 5000 but had be nav we are descending Buddhism when my dad was alive he never liked the term departed is flying you didn't know I want the template part yeah yeah thank you that cross into restriction a little late Delta 2070 ones they write in didn't [Applause] know you could do a range right here okay another center wheel you can come over here to form LS 44 that major like good for you oh so that's what you have 780 Center at I maintain flight level 3 400 by 3 4 0 fellows 44 success so much to play with there's all kinds of shiny stuff now can I fake this crossbars yep so you can go to reps and you could go there's three pages of refs so you're three three so you could go here to that and I've got 44 look what mine gonna heading right now unless you're nothing perfect okay with 44 that's why Iowa City Pam pilot didn't use that word fortune if you want to work in the metric system you can switch it over to metric I'm still trying to figure out the US you haven't used these in a while but actually when I was using them I really did like that I generally don't even pay attention to to be perfectly honest with you I have slumped so long without reliable flight directors 10.10 maybe dummy 39 jerk off my contact in the center one three two point two thirty two to jerk off mic a day yeah I do so little hand flying anyway least according to my viewers may be prepared three ninth circle mic two four zero two seven flight level two three zero nine three nine zero golf mic any center welcome cross do it at one one thousand then reduce speed it to five there not being enough footers three zero three two Derwin at eleven thousand and that turn Fiats 30 2005 okay you screwed that up execute Derwin at 11:00 this is where you got a really you got to be on your a-game because you can see that was a crossing restriction that came really borderline late because now you see the airplane chasing it back yeah anything but my dissection I don't welcome 18 for30 3 2 hey breathe feel free to better whatnot so I learned in a citation why you need to put on the frost before you descent pass 18,000 feet yeah so these are electric heat at those are those are use that bleed air or whatever a bunch of know is I about the minitor there's a hole above this on lander yeah CJ for I think is the first airplane so the irony of your in the viewers giving our time enough proof is request it is my ears graying are you gonna turn video where I'm actually ham flying it and I had a whole lot of comment there for rudder giving me a hard time for hand flying you can't win you can't win I like its Florida I don't get this very often right okay I had to we don't get you know that just regular good IMC approach usually it's if it is it if I am see it's you know build up some things of that nature effective so I will I'm gonna do this landing but I'm gonna kind of talk you through it in preparation for tomorrow perfect that's because not because I'm concerned about your ability to land but we've got people in the back of normal with you and I be concerned you don't watch my videos oh no you don't we establish that it's already morning thank you actually I watched the one with you and I think multiplying three years whatever that red thing is the AirCam deer camp that was a lot of fun that looked like that was the one where he talked about his store he practiced his foot being blown off yeah that was crazy that's an amazing story unbelievable story I loved that's why I didn't love bright mountain occurred to help with you know that's his reaction to it to me was just so relatable right it's all day for those of you haven't seen the video be sure to go to bear pilot and check it out this story was that the gist of it is is is he was in Vietnam he's flying in a helicopter missile exploded right next to the helical Louise put off and her welcome its footsie in his lap and all he's concerned about is if he's gonna be able to continue to fly that was a concern book his mom gave um and and I mean about apt to continue to fly and I'm like PP Donna who's your concern alright i watch your videos that's - no no it's an amazing story and then it's like that was a great moment for me because I'm flying this air cam or not it wouldn't really matter I said in the video and I was scared to death to actually do because it's just oh yeah bring a Rotax six out you know what I think once we got established and I calm down of course you know internally cuz externally I fourth cool like ice zero both my contact in deep route one to one point one 21 one is er got Michael see ya I've come this way before that I maintain 3000 [Applause] and deeper and 39 0 off mic 13 5 descending 11,000 the 2960 to reduce 3 2 2 1 0 then the Senate maintain 7,000 3 Nitro golf mic and approaching out some of the 3-0 3-0 advising whether for exact expected little bridge 30 30 we do have the weather's there Cup pike really rough Mike Roger if you're not already a clear direct executive select the exact circle yeah so once I got past all that it was like sitting there flying and at 500 feet and below yeah the entire time and knowing that you've got two engines on it so you're comfortable you don't worry about you know losing engine and having a you get second stage the land was it was a whole new world to fly for me and I'm like oh I think I kind of want an AirCam right I can't afford one all I can have one but but I give up the Baron for one let me rephrase that but yeah it was I'm like oh I get it now yeah now I for the first time I get it right like this would be fun and II flies that thing from Florida to Michigan every year and then flies it back although he didn't do it this year you just upgraded the engine so now they have like 40 more horsepower does it sound like a lot except in that airplane it's it's a huge different guys gonna say as a percentage that's a big number right okay so Bloomington is right off to your right that is where Indiana University is up on the where you see the road going in east-west okay just south of the road you can see the football stadium okay basketball Stadium Pacific Lee Hall very fun place to watch a game but it just a horrible venue I mean the seating on it there's like this it's so steep it's ridiculous 962 does itah maintain five durable design [Applause] yeah they didn't have comfort in mind when they built many years ago STIs yeah I think many people can we fit in here yeah in the approach that x-15 9 we're posting one month out of the Delta 5 on a fluke do we got information India so you can see it also but to some point we're a great descent down to the runway I heard they're doing ride eternal if anyone for 0:12 care mission Delia is now current when one zero zero zero three zero so you can pull out cop 2 and get the a loss Indianapolis the executive automated weather application one nine nine five nine Mary Zulu weather win the Giro clear below 130 140 look I think they're want you there one other okay so with that win I'm gonna do is straight into runway three six want to change this again to that I'm gonna go to my legs direct looks funny 952 too thin of a pay freeze out three thousand three six execute okay now I can go over and get my landing data I can go performance approach I could enter at the winds now it was one it was their 7:08 thank in approaching attic in which other 14 6 for 114 under the weather at Grimwood rap speeds got a feeling of Charlie protein under 23 their approach to Greenwood it's gonna maintain 1-0 them for the awards 0 so you go index frequency got all the frequencies there you can also do you can enter enter early contact approach 1p for point under 5 the other thing it has is when you hit direct it has nearest airports so then it calls up the nearest airports there your golf my iPod description if it maintains 6000 you need a sixer got my bow it pulls up the nearest stuff and that way if you got a problem you go I'm gonna go direct the Bloomington just drop it in and hit direct and enter off you go alright that's pretty quick right okay so fine I think Euclid approach my five had went through their opener just when it gets to the top of descent right here that little circle well that circle gets to the middle the airplane will start down it will continue on that 3-degree glide path that's gonna bring us all the way into the runway Oh SD cards fall all right we got a bunch of cameras going I carry a whole like where's know about my contact approach one-one-niner point zero five 19:05 zerg off-mike a day so there's Indianapolis International yep Indy approach premiere three nines or golf bike 10.5 descent to 6,000 I'll show you where the Speedway is from that you can see just east of America answer about my I can encourage other oh yeah straight ahead is a body of water and that's Eagle Creek Airport that's where I learned to fly out of you born and raised in this area I was born in Omaha Nebraska but I was ready we've been here since 1975 so this is pretty much out of 75 so about five years before you're born [Laughter] oh I don't give any of that information away it's not who's asking TURN RIGHT hit a little bit unsettling comments I am really old I'm just saying five yeah it's four I'm around people that are really young one of the other well I got it you know most people are watching our videos are 12 so you know [Laughter] well I've got ya I'm sure our demographics are identical oh yeah it's everyone so I'll get a comment like come here zero if my ex I maintain for those four thousands there got Mike why don't you ever have a girl up front flying with you well first of all my wife doesn't fly but she is gonna be on a future video she I've got a video that December she'll be on a video but 97 percent of my viewers are male right now and it's like you got to work real hard to find a female like Lucy to fly with you or Kim are Kim yes yes that's the most recent one right yeah you have to use a term most recent one I was actually just referring to the video I will be sure not to let you watch this video so now that hurts yeah I get a lot of that is that your daughter yeah yeah she's half your age I'm like whoa alright alright how much tries to be flattered or it's alright I'm just just let me know oh yeah okay time to get serious sir I have to fly okay so straight out there straight out well straight out 2:30 it's the Speedway yep so you'll see the bleachers have turned three are facing us right yeah okay good so what we would do Fly Buys at the track we would start up infinity rapids which are there's three office building up there sugar glass pyramid structures it's eight miles from there to there so eight miles from the finish line to there so at 480 knots eight miles takes a minute nice so the problem is is that the national anthem is about a minute five long so by the time that they start the national anthem you better be in bound at the pyramids otherwise you're gonna have to really kick it up it had to be fun doing that yes you just come screaming across through there four of you nice night formation okay back to flying Indy zarkoff Mike field aside we cancel switch on our chimera circle like okay effort carefully sure see smoke before frequency change it for your overtaking that died Monday directly underneath you there are 3000 feet it be a pastor in just a second yeah I think there's the one on the pattern our 1900 okay Roger that thank you much we'll see you sir got my knees be clear this now yep leverage if he blows well I am going to attempt to do a straight-in runway three six but I'm gonna see what's going on here so hopefully I'm gonna announce my intentions and we're gonna see what happens after that Oh second of traffic from here three nines off mic ten miles to the south traffic preventing planning is straight in red by three six see the pyramids there three buildings right there tape like Kermit's oh yeah 2,500 see it puts the extended center lie on the runway out there and the static vision it's pretty nice oh that is really nice Wow it was a packager okay so he's just apartment reason traffic that may give you 500k left base that one's gonna be interesting it's you think the guy behind us so there's that there he is he just showed up start slowing boy now that this is gonna work out if he's left face a photo with straight ass climbing through 3004 that's monster-sized or straight I don't think it's gonna work fight golf final prefix yeah I don't see him he's gonna be a lot slower than me don't see him either you just called final yeah must be pretty tight how far is he had yeah looks like it's mile final 1,000 thou'rt final I don't spam we're true 4300 is fun second of traffic prepare three ninth circle fine three mile final a36 VFR which which you're heading I can run off to the left of the way which were your head oh he's on the runway I stamped now he's a thousand feet down today why would they avoid advice on your right now we're at 4500 midfield now he's hardly sent over got a roll career yeah I don't oh yeah yep yep there you go so I could not smile and fondeco like recording private through we're level five thousand five and five point five find is about 60 percent Antoine well pretty much hold roughly around where you want to be power wise I'm about geez about 10 knots fast on ref here which is really not a good place to be because it will really float but now I've corrected back make the throttle style about now keep on coming down like flair oh man where's Steve oh haha I was thinking that was a steve-o killer not without word what a shoulda coulda happened that day traffic 72 favorable gone I thank you through it no I was trying to be though thank you get it all set up for us tomorrow Circle Mike has cleared executive Beck's hybrid they have a Lear 4500 then nice and their own hangar with a glass door which is pretty cool when you get to get your own hangar and I'd be nice that's big-league manage issues 504 golf important area wind shifted there you almost had a little bit of a tail one yeah you know it was they were calling 100 at 8:07 zero I'm not I think those wind socks are like somewhat accurate balance its Warlow it clear right what do you mean a winter okay come on in the exec chef loose and airy is we're showing about six miles to the north level mm self alpha rally any traffic please advise indie exists well if there's any part you didn't like blame the guy in the right seat hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premier one driver and I don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website premier one driver calm and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 75,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtubepilot, pilot, jetpilot, ppl, airplane captain, flying
Id: 78Gd1bUoVP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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