ABANDONED Dodge Monaco NASTY INTERIOR for 40+ Years: SATISFYING Cleanup!

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we made a complete mess in the last video we tore the engine out of this car and completely disassembled it to kind of see where we were at now in this video we're going to figure out the next course of action whether or not we put the original engine back in with a rebuild or we put a different engine in i've got quite a few to choose from but stick around to the end of the video if you want to find out the verdict this 1965 monaco was recently unearthed from a 40-year slumber deep in the woods of alabama the engine was locked up so we pulled it and inspected everything internally i dropped it off at a machine shop so while we wait for the verdict let's go ahead and clean up the car and restore some of the 60s former glory [Music] since i made a complete mess of everything spilling fluids everywhere and everything we're gonna clean up all the parts and tools that we had in the shop as well as the car itself there's a lot of nasty gunk built up over 60 something whatever thousand years this thing's been on the road and we're gonna degrease everything pressure wash it clean out the inside because i really really have high hopes for how nice the interior can look it looks actually not as bad as you would expect clean out the trunk get everything just ready and prepped for our new engine this thing is disgusting it's been pretty much a storage container for the last no telling how many years at least 40 i'd say because that's how long it's been off the road i mean the headliner has fallen down and it's just piled on everything there's hubcaps there's clothes there's ford magazines from the early 80s in here and there's just a lot of junk that i don't need i don't even is it a hat if you give me 50 bucks i will wear this hat right now guaranteed but it's just smell that was that was that was a bad idea get a whiff of that get a whiff of that it's pretty bad i'm gonna just go ahead and scratch that um i mean there are some parts in here that we need to keep but just look at when i clear this stuff out there's some of my transmission fluid from trying to get it unstuck we'll keep that just look at how good the seats look i mean if we get out all this trash here vacuum it out and try to use some kind of leather conditioner to bring some of that pliability back i really think that we could have a a nice looking interior i mean typically chryslers of this era had like black blue interior and a lot of green they love the green in like the late 60s on into the mid and late 70s but this is like tan leather i believe that leather was an option that could be what these are the driver's seat is a little bit cracked but the back seat's nice the passenger seat is really nice the dash is a little cracked too but i think that it can clean up really nicely now the door panels that one's not it's okay but this one i think if we take a little bit of cleaner get some of this residue which probably is mold get all that off of there the door panels can be brought back then we'll go clean up the door jams make that look a little bit nicer maybe try to vacuum the carpet out i don't know it's questionable about how nice the carpet is and it very well could be holding the floor together so we may not need to take it out but like i said the back seat still looks very nice this headliner is gotta go it's really gotta come out which is unfortunate but it's expected on a car like this but i think i have an idea on how to make that look a little bit nicer without breaking the bank because you probably can buy a replacement headliner for these cars but i kind of want to go like race car look in this thing i've got a really crazy vision in my mind that i want to do anyway let's uh let's start getting all the heavy stuff out all the big things out i've got a trash can over here we'll load it up and just kind of take inventory of the things that we have and don't have but before we do that the good news is in light of recent events in the world i've got a mask here that i will be able to put on because this thing has probably had at least 700 different rats living in it at one point and i don't want to breathe that in let my glasses already fogging up it's going to be a good day a little bit of the mr good hands i think i mentioned this in the last video i don't remember if there was a copyright on it or not uh never heard of it got some old food trays uh this book is kind of cool i kind of want to keep it and look through it so i might set that to the side just to see if there's any kind of neat ads oh this oh my good lord what is that is that concrete this is actually a bag of concrete i had no idea this was in here look at that a bag of concrete why is it in here okay oh no the box is broken come on come on out there i don't know well successfully there's a pile of concrete in my car now see if i can get the large chunks wow right in the eyeball i need a shovel [Music] wiser oh close my eyes there's the bag of quikrete i might have to vacuum a lot of that up but i can get the big chunks out they just set it in here it looks like they never used it and then tossed it shortly thereafter there's a some kind of vial of sorts and i get scoop some of this big stuff out oh no watch your eyes close your eyes okay well that's at least not as bad as well actually i probably made it worse but i can vacuum a lot of that out hey look another magazine under all this what is this oh like a fishing magazine that explains why there's a fishing rod in the back in the tackle box makes sense i don't know what that is more concrete yeah i'm gonna vacuum the rest of that up watch your eyeballs okay we'll vacuum that up there's a hanger or three another hanger ow concrete everywhere now another hanger that's the armrest that uh tony broke [Music] get all this out of here i'll vacuum most of that up here's the original hubcaps that i got with the car i only had three i couldn't find the fourth so i actually bought a set of hubcaps to go back on it eventually let's set all these out whoa look at that jumbo orange soda dang i love me some orange soda chattanooga tennessee trying to find a copyright on it see what year it was from i don't see one hey tony who loves orange soda no oh man i forget how young you are it's kale kale loves orange soda whoa that's pretty cool have you ever seen a canned gatorade i've never seen that before see if there's a copyright 1983 so very close to 40 years ago should we keep that no that's trash you want it okay keep that has about a vintage coke can back when it still said coke all aluminum can copyright uh i don't see one do you want that too no would you like the vintage can of budweiser as well i don't i guess this is pieces of i don't know if that's pieces of headliner or if it's just stuff that's stored in there but i'm not going to get keep that anyway there's more can oh look at the coke bottle that's pretty cool some piece of oh wow this people angle iron but it just shed itself let's see when this coke bottle is from i think no glass could rust he said sarcastically because the comments are gonna flame me for that one we'll keep that one that's pretty cool got another stro light never heard of that before don't see a copyright on it as well another budweiser can throw that one away you get a trailer hitch or receiver ball here i'm not going to use that so we'll toss that one as well little comb oh there's the seat belt hey we might need that i think the rest of this stuff i can vacuum up pretty good so i don't have to get too involved with it there's another one of these vile looking things some piece of plastic oh get in there all right more pieces of headliner oh no is it headliner again or is it a piece of clothing i don't want to know this little glass is it a shot that is a shot shaker almost said a salt shaker in the back don't need that it's a bow for the headliner and just exploded that face there's a lot of bubble wrap back here let's see what is this electric guard multi-outlet power strip five-year warranty and what if that's expired look at there i guarantee you that's one of the original spark plugs that's a champion big block spark plug so probably an original it had a auto lights in it whenever i first got the car so it's had a set of spark plugs put in it at least more plastic there's another seat belt glued to the floor more hangers more headliner let me get vacuum most of that out i'm just going to pull the rest of it down can't see glasses are fogged now you know what i'll leave it for now i'll leave it for now okay fine is this what indiana jones feels like that's petrified fabric whoa is that what it looked like before like originally that's wild wonder if i can break it that scared me so bad in a book i wonder what this book is the better home manual oh wow it's just falling apart with a really bad one take a bite my salary for that well now we have to vacuum all that out [Music] got the three quarter race cam and the double hump heads and my craftsman vacuum here listeners start up oh you know that thing sounds good let's go [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this monaco came equipped from the factory with a pretty rare option you don't see very often it is an amphicar it was literally an amphibious vehicle this was a rare option that you know you didn't see a lot of the time and what's cool with that option is that it does come with your own chrysler rod and reel so you cast it out back in hard to find stuff you don't really see this every day i mean this is a very very rare option so we certainly need to keep that with the car for sure and we'll definitely reinstall that and we'll take it to the lake you know we'll actually get it out there on the water but for the time being we need to clean the trunk out so that way we can put some parts in here for a little bit of storage sake and get all this stuff out of here so we got a lot of stuff that i don't know what it's for bolts and more bolts and more bolts this must be the installation kit for the uh the boat motor so again this is all very important stuff to keep this is your your piping you know you got to turn the water on to the engine and also very good stuff to have very important the thing about tennessee weather is that it can change at any moment i mean it was sunshiny and very warm about an hour ago and now we have snow but the good thing is we do uh come prepared with craker supreme heavy-duty brake fluid so at least we know this stuff isn't going nowhere now what we're going to attempt to do here is preserve and clean up the interior the best we can now on these door panels they look pretty bad on this one here this is the worst one of the four but it's not as bad as you think now what we could do try to steam this maybe loosen it up lay it flat replace this bottom part because it's just you know carpet there so we'll just you know worry about this side you can see that there's some pretty heavy staining up here some cracks on the top side but finding an original 65 monaco door panel that's the right color is you know going to be kind of tough so we'll probably just have to get away with what we have currently there's some pretty heavy staining down here that's probably been sitting here from you know water leaking in or something but we have some cleaner that can really take care of the job what i have is this leather and vinyl cleaner this is blue magic use it on my challenger back seats and the original stuff and it works really well so we'll do that to the door panels we'll do that to the front seats the rear seats you can see the door panel over there still looks pretty good it's very dirty but it's still held up pretty nicely for all these years the back door panels a little bit decent i mean not too bad you get some wrinkling around the armrest but overall okay this side kind of hard to tell but same story the headliner it's it just wasn't savable it's pretty bad what we'll probably do is just you know probably get in a nice coat of black to make it blend in and just do a little work here and there make it look nice clean it up and do just a little bit of budget work [Music] the interior is probably my favorite part and i know this door panel is a little messed up seeds are have some rips here and there cracks in the dash but man i got to tell you just a little bit of cleaning and time really can make a difference in a car that's been sitting for a long time i mean these door panels the seats they were covered in like i guess it was like just mold or whatever all that made it so much better and nicer just to have that clean you can see the back seat really really looks good and took to being you know polished and cleaned up and that stuff is like supposed to help soften it up because i believe that this is leather but it's it's kind of brittle and if you sit on it you can crack something uh in the like the stitching or whatever but if you keep you know spraying that stuff a conditioner on it it'll help a whole lot but the interior is much more bearable much more bearable so i'm happy with how it ended up happy that it cleaned up nicely and you know it's going to be a cool car when it's done i mean of course it needs work it needs a lot of attention but you can't beat how much nicer this thing looks i mean these bucket seats those are nice those are really nice those are hard to find you know they got a little rip here and there but i've got vehicles that don't have any foam or padding or any kind of covering at all and it just makes the whole car look bad but if you can clean these up these original seats up you can save money and have something that's a little bit more comfortable and enjoyable to drive so that's exactly what we're going to do the inner fender is kind of nasty everything on the inside of the engine bay is rusty dirty and just has like 50 something years of grime built up on it i did a little spot with this sos pad i used this a couple years back on my challenger under the hood man this thing really does work wonders to clean up some stuff like this so let's just try it see how things look see how much we can clean up of the underneath the hood and you know make it look a little bit better for the cost of a few sos pads [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do [Music] well i ran out of these sos pads but you can just see how big of a difference these made now everything looked like this inner fender right here real nasty and grimy just a lot of dirt grease and debris that's built up over so many decades but with a little bit of elbow grease and some soapy steel wool we're able to bring back a lot of the original paint now it doesn't look perfect in here and of course it's only going to get so good i mean a lot of this stuff is so bad that you'll probably have to sand it off like right up here i mean that's that's not coming out but you can tell a huge difference i mean even whenever we get to do you know up here on the core support and everything it's going to look a lot better i ran out of these but i just wanted to show you guys a little bit of a before and after and again that's what it all looked like right here and that's what we have now pretty amazing how much the difference is and yeah we're gonna keep continuing on cleaning things up and making it look a little bit better and i mean what you just saw probably took me three hours to do so that's a long time it has to go into this but pretty easy whenever you use these little sos pads and i'm not sponsored by them but i think they're great i used pretty much half the box because the other half went to my challenger but it's really good stuff so and you know once we get like the engine in here a lot of this stuff like down really low will be hidden like way up and back behind there i didn't waste a whole lot of time up in there just because i know it's going to be hidden by the engine but the biggest thing that you'll see these inner fenders and if they have nice looking paint it definitely pops and then whenever we get up here this is really going to be nice and easy to do and it'll look really clean when it's all finished up well now the big verdict what to do with our original 383 engine so the last video we actually removed everything tore it down and did a pretty close inspection to see what things look like internally and there's some good there's some bad now i mentioned taking this to a machine shop and that's exactly what i did i dropped it off and he did a little bit of measurements on the bores she's checked over the crank all the pistons and everything and it needs a rebuild which i probably would assume is a fairly obvious but the thing is about it is that i was hoping to get away with you know just a simple uh hone ring set and then just drop it all back together but unfortunately the boards are tapered the rings have worn so much i believe you said there was ten thousands of taper between the top and the bottom which i believe five thousandths is about as much as you want to go the max so um what i understand is that you know ten thousandths is going to be like hey the rings are never gonna work if you even if you put new ones in it so with that being said uh it's in need of a rebuild now money it's a little pricey you know dude an engine like that it can be expensive not only that but time is involved in that a lot of time that goes into having to rebuild an engine especially with all the machine work that goes into it the good news is though as far as like the cranks and the pistons and the rods and all that stuff all that looked good you know it would have to go you know maybe 30 or 40 over depending on how bad the overboard is or how bad it's been worn if we had like you know 30 or 40 over we could get away with that new pistons new rings use the the old rods reconditioned them new bearings and all that good stuff the crank looked good so we could polish that he said so that's a good sign the bottom end looked absolutely amazing you know as far as like bearings and stuff go there was some wear here and there but overall it was great the heads are a different story now 65 being the year that it is there was lead in the gasoline and that was basically a lubricant for your valve seats basically and that that was what allowed stuff to ride against each other and not actually uh wearing anything so it doesn't have hardened valve seats on these heads so with that combined with how many valve guide seals how many valves are bad all the the valve seats have to be cut resurface deck the heads and everything um it's probably going to need he estimated around six to seven hundred bucks to do just the heads alone and that's a little heartbreaking whenever you know just for a little bit more you can go with a good set of 440 source heads i've used them before in the past on my charger so it's kind of kind of hard to say now they are 516 they're close chambered heads so a little extra compression is nice to have compared to the 440 source heads and i mean i have other heads on the shelf over here that are like you know motor home heads they flow really nicely they're nice and good low mileage units except the combustion chamber is bigger than the 516 closed chambered head so with that being said i don't really know what to do i'm kind of at a loss i really want to i think the engine is probably good for rebuild i think that's that's something i want to do you know spend a little extra money just do it once do it right just throw a new cam in it new lifters you reuse the old crank reuse the old rods new pistons then you know just kind of throw things back together i think the intake can be used again we can use a lot of these old parts and then put them back on the engine and make something good out of it but another thing to consider is again i do have a complete carb to pan running engine a running low deck big block that could go fit snugly back in between the inner fenders of this car for probably a quarter of the price i have a 500 bucks and a running engine and transmission that was out of like a mid 70s cordoba and i could drop it in there's not a lot of money into it just a lot of time you know pulling the engine is one thing but whenever you start thinking about what are you going to put back in it it still needs brakes it needs a fuel system cooling system needs done belts hoses any kind of like electrical problem that this car might have we have to go through all that and wheels tires so there's quite a lot this car is going to need not considering the engine 2 and the transmission that's a lot of stuff that this car still needs so that's why i'm kind of on the fence about it now i know a lot of you want to see the original engine go back in the car and i think that would be great so anyway the car is cleaned up the cars needs a little bit more work you know under the hood and everything to get stuff nice and ready for our new engine whatever that may be and brakes fuel system if i can even find a gas tank for it but i do have these nice hubcaps i bought these for my buddy jamie he's been a big fan of the channel been a good friend of mine for years years and years and he he sold these to me i think they're like 64 dodge 80 hubcaps they're not the exact same as the original but i think they look a little bit better in my opinion but these are going to go back on the car because i have a complete set of four and with that being said i appreciate you watching thank you so much if you like the video leave a like down below make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on more content from the monaco turn on the notifications because it's going to get fun we're going to have a lot more stuff going on here in the future we've got a lot of work left to do to it and on top of that i appreciate every single one of you guys thank you so much for allowing me to have this platform allowing me to be able to make these videos for for you guys to watch i mean this is the the best that i can ever imagine so again i'm thankful for everybody who's been able to support me and you know just it means a lot it really does so again thank you so much and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Dylan McCool
Views: 146,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodge, ford, chevy, plymouth, motor trend, roadkill, hot rod, revival, abndoned, rescued, restoration, rebuild, first start, old start, cold start, 1320, cleetus macfarland, drag race, ls swap, ls1, challenger, charger, dart, demon, hellcat, redeye, helephant, d100, d150, ram, chevelle, nova, c10, camaro, mustang, f100, f150, car, truck, dodge charger, dodge challenger, dodge demon, dodge ram
Id: j_PjiySPkWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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