Barbie Doll Dreamhouse Adventure Toys - Barbie Morning & Evening Routines

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[Music] [Music] good morning taffy give me two minutes [Applause] [Music] give me a hug everyone's really sleepy this morning don't worry let's make a Barbie first Barbie Barbie wake up Chelsea there's some school today you have to wake up so early well my belly doesn't know where there's no school I want some breakfast please okay good morning taffy can you go wake up skipper and Stacie while I stretch okay I'll try a good stretch in the morning it's always important I [Music] guess taffy doesn't want to join me for a stretch I should probably go check my emails real quick mmm nothing too interesting my my belly's rumbling I'm also a little bit hungry wake up guys aren't you hungry Barbie help I can't wake the mom hmm I have an idea I'm just gonna get up on her bunk bed skipper skipper skipper skipper seriously Chelsea there's no school why are you getting up so early I'm hungry come on Stacy come on I'm awake Chelsea how could I not be with you screaming mission accomplished come on Barbie hurry we want to use the bathroom too come on Barbie wait a second guys I'm brushing my teeth bergsøe waking up first I already got to use the bathroom I can't believe we got to move to a new dream house and we still have to share a bathroom hey at least we have our own room that's so true you're right okay okay the bathroom is free I go first no I go first ha ha don't take too long Stacie I won't Oh my toothbrush finally my turn who wants waffles I do I do way too too Stacey you make the best waffles in the whole world I wouldn't say the whole world I mean they're pretty good if you guys insist I will make waffles for everyone perfect the waffles smell delicious ah the waffles are ready Thank You Stacey they look delicious yeah thank you [Music] does anyone want some whipped cream uh no thank you no I'm okay I want some I want some can you help me Stacey yeah sure [Music] [Music] yeah I'm perfect hmm Thank You Stacey these are delicious Barbie can I invite some of my friends sick to come over to our new pool of course Chelsea I'm gonna have a friend from school come over and I'm gonna play some tennis well seems like everybody's got their whole day figured out a while skipper I love her in your house thanks me too now we can want the new season of weirder things yay we got a new flatscreen - what are you guys doing I thought you were gonna go play tennis I was but then I wanted to go and relax in bed but I forgot that our bedroom it's also our living room so I guess mull over I want to watch TV too okay you sure I love this show are you guys ready to have some fun I love your pool Chelsea we're going on the slide that was awesome uh you can just float and relax my turn whoa that was so cool but I just really want to relax we love your new house Chelsea yeah I just hope you have way more pool parties do you guys mind if I join you of course not Barbie I'm ready to move in well you guys can come over whenever you want the slide is my favorite hey hey watch out I'm trying to relax it best day ever [Music] okay guys we're home so did everyone have a good day at school uh yeah it was okay I guess I got an a on my math test yeah I had a good day too I can't wait to hear all the details inside oh let me check the mail oh but let me lock the car first I'm hungry I wanna get a snack let me check the mail oh it's a letter from my friend Nina all the way from Hawaii she wants us to go visit her this summer that's cool but I really want to go back to Disneyworld this summer we had so much fun I would love to go to Hawaii me too I heard the surfing is amazing who's Goldy my class hamster it was my turn to take it home I can't leave her forgot about her I'm so sorry Goldy please don't tell anyone I left you in the cart it's okay Chelsea she was only in the car for like two minutes I know I know but she doesn't know about time it probably felt like an eternity look at her face does she look okay yeah I think she's okay she seems just fine to me Goldy please until Miss Amy about this it's okay Chelsea she seems like the quiet type girls don't tease Chelsea come on let's go inside girls get started on your homework I'm gonna take taffy for a walk come on taffy let's go outside I have so much homework I have a book report on Perry hopper I have to read like seven chapters by tomorrow well I didn't have any homework oh I have to do is take care of Goldie uh how I miss elementary school so girls how was school I am gonna hear all about it it was okay I just have a lot of homework me too how about you tell see well your friends nice to you today well Casey was kind of mean to me today she didn't want to share she brought these really cool color pencils that smelled really yummy but she wouldn't let me touch them well sometimes you're the same way with your stuff especially if they're new yeah but then she doesn't mean to me when it was lunchtime she pushed me so she could get her lunchbox first well did you tell your teacher well no why not she'll see that Casey girls always bothering you you have to speak out about it I know but I don't know I just yeah every other day you come back telling us that she did something to you you're right I should probably tell Miss Amy yes you do Chelsea you cannot stay quiet if someone's bothering you like that how will she stop but I am very happy you told us it is really important to speak to someone if someone's bothering you at school you have to tell someone and you're right I'll tell miss Amy tomorrow so I was thinking of ordering some pizza you guys what do you think I will never ever say no to pizza me too but I don't want any weird stuff on it I want pizza - pizza it is I don't really feel like cooking hi yes can I please order a pizza uh-huh I'll have the special yes perfect my address um of course two one nine dream house lane yes yes it is thank you so much how long will it take perfect okay see you soon two one nine dream house lane perfect b2 delivery wow that was so fast yep pizza deliveries in less than 15 minutes or your money back thank you have a nice day goodbye enjoy [Music] hey guys but your homework away the pizza's here King Goldie stay I don't want to be lonely yes Goldie can stay they have the best pizza ever mmm so good mmm you're right oh poor Goldie I think she's hungry I'm gonna get her a snack here you go go be well there's some more pizza I think it's time for everybody to wash shop take a bath and get ready for bed will you guys please watch Goldie while I take a shower yes of course I'm just finishing up some work on my computer um know where he tells the I'll keep an eye on Goldie Thanks I'm gonna put her next to your emoji pillow I will be right back Goldie you get my pajamas and now time to get ready for bed Chelsea's actually taking pretty good care of Goldie yeah I know skipper don't forget tomorrow have a volleyball game of course I know Stacy it's on my calendar on my digital watch Wow cool that was such a relaxing shower now I can brush my teeth thankfully Barbie got me this little stool no I can actually reach the sink now I can put on my pajamas let's go be a good hamster while I was gone oh yeah she didn't move or say a word on a good little hamster I'm actually gonna miss her when she's gone she kinda grew on me that's really sweet skipper huh what a relaxing shower Barbie can help me dry my hair please yes of course do you want me to braid your hair or something no I just need help with a blow dryer ready for bed okay guys good night I'll see you in the morning sweet dreams can I Barbie can I Barbie can I tell see don't forget to say good night to Goldie of course good night goalie good night finally some time to relax I'm gonna give myself a little at-home spa treatment a nice cooling eye mask and a bubbling foot massage now I'm ready for bed so relaxing Barbie Barbie what's wrong Chelsea me and Goldie had a bad dream can we come play with you of course Barbie can you tell me a story sure and once upon a time there was a princess named Sophia one day she was out in the garden and she discovered a secret door this is my favorite story okay Chelsea enjoy your sandwich and don't forget to eat your carrot sticks thanks Barbie what did you put in it I use bread pickles mayonnaise tomatoes Turkey and some ketchup I wanted to ask you can I invite my friends over to play with my new mini golf set please please please yeah of course thank you so much Barbie can I have a friend come over for a sleepover tonight me too can I have a friend come over too yeah I don't see why not but just one friend each yeah sure thanks thanks Barbie hey amber can't sleep over is on I wanna have a sleepover too but grace is not allowed to sleep over her mommy won't let her have sleepovers yet it's okay you're gonna have a lot of fun in your playdate ciao say don't forget to eat your carrot you ring the doorbell okay I am I love oh those are my friends hey guys come in what are you eating Chelsea carrot hot guys nice to see you hi Barbie does anyone want a sandwich I'll take one but we gonna go play mini golf yes Dylan you're always hungry I'll eat it really fast can I have a sandwich please Barbie of course you can do you want everything on it and everything looks good come on we want to go play outside yeah Dylan hurry up I have an idea Dylan how about I bring you a sandwich outside Thank You Barbie Wow Chelsea your new house is so cool the wait till you see this wait for me wow that's so cool chels there you go Dylan I left your sandwich on the table YUM wow this is cool I have an idea we can play with taffy both Dylan finishes his food what do we do let's take some of the golf balls taffy catch [Music] [Music] good job taffy okay I finished let's play who wants to go first you look first Dylan okay here at half the golf balls I'll take the yellow one good job wow that was awesome my turn I won the pink ball this looks pretty easy that was really good my turn I'll take the purple ball good job Chelsea either this is really easy or we're really good at it Oh No ah your turn now what Chelsea well we can go upstairs to my room and play some video games yeah let's do it come on guys I can play in my room [Music] let's play roblox yeah sounds like a good idea grace your mom is here oh no that was so fast I know but it's my grandpa's birthday and we're going out to dinner I'll see you guys at school bye okay Dylan it's just me and you let's play a game what do you want to play I don't know something fun I'll show you this really funny game I am so good at this game I see jump jump jump yeah I made it Dylan your brother's here to pick you up thanks for having us over Chelsea I had a lot of fun me too Dylan I'll see you at school bye Oh what do I do now my friends are gone Chelsea do you wanna go get ice cream yay thanks Barbie I'm so glad you could come over for a sleepover me too sleepovers are my favorite especially on your house so what's first in your sleepover agenda girls we're gonna watch a movie I just prepared all of the food hmm I love eating popcorn come on Whitney let's bring the snacks over to the living room and let's watch the movie with skipper and ever hey guys I'm gonna watch a movie can I come too either way twini I love your t-shirt where did the poo is so vintage thanks Chelsea uh yeah you can come watch if you want but it's gonna be a scary movie a scary movie um no problem I can't watch it I'm a big girl anyway Chelsea are you sure about that I don't want you having nightmares later no no it's fine let's go I'm not scared hmm it's okay Barbie if I feel like she's scared I'll tie her to go upstairs come out Whitney let's get the popcorn in the drinks okay have fun wait for me guys I went to get some chocolate excuse me do you mind making some room for me oh oh yeah of course Chelsey let me know if the movies too scary for you and then we'll turn it off and you can go upstairs with Barbie I'll be fine don't go inside it's scary Shh Chelsey why should Glynnis head out for house it looks scary Shh just watch the movie [Music] this is getting scary Chelsea are you okay yes then why are you covering your face with a pillow because it's comfy I'm okay I promise where are you getting all these pillows from is the movie over yet Shh whoa this movie isn't N that's the popcorn well the movie was so cool such an unexpected ending right oh yeah I totally didn't expect it how about we play some board games Whitney now you're speaking my language yeah sounds like fun uh-huh those are for kids do you want to put a face mask on yeah sounds cool okay everyone let's go upstairs [Music] wow you guys decorated your room so cute it kind of looks like an emoji exploded and I love it what kind of games do you guys when I play first Oh how about we start putting our pajamas on good idea I just hope you don't fall asleep Chelsea you've done it a couple of times in our last sleepovers I am not tired at all a lot of energy and I'm gonna play some games what do you guys gonna play with first how about a round of Hungry Hippos cool I'm the hungry hippo champ no way no really she is are you guys ready I was born ready yeah I'm ready I guess on your mark get set go yeah I won whoa that is crazy she's really good I told you hey guys the pizza's here here you go Whitney here's a slice of pizza for you thanks Stacy Whitney what are you doing oh nothing just adding some ketchup to my pizza why that's kind of weird no it's not I add it on to everything do you guys wanna play with my dollhouse I also got a new doll oh no thanks Chelsea at least I tried what skipper and amber doing they're trying out that weird face mask they saw on YouTube are you sure you know what you're doing of course I've seen a million videos about it okay okay skipper ready I'm Carolee moonroof is this normal yeah it's normal now we need to wait like 20 minutes what what a minute is really hard to move your skin's gonna look perfect afterward I hope so I brought my collection of magazines for us to read Wow cool can I choose one yeah sure horses skaters little froggy oh I'll take this one cool this magazine gives you tips about making new friends in school you guys how awesome was that movie we watched yeah awesome all right hey guys where are you up to what what happened you happened what happened to your face oh this is just uh it's hard to talk amber would you tell them oh well it's a super cool DIY school glue Basques face mask we saw on YouTube it's gonna make her pores look amazing it's kinda hard to talk because it's stretching on my face a little bit I know I'm young but I wouldn't put glue on my face so how do we take it out do we wash it off no we take it out we rip it off that's how it makes your skin are really really clean what hey what are you guys up to skipper don't ask Barbie I'm doing a face mask okay just checking up on you guys have fun so in what part of the sleep well right do we talk about boys what isn't that what teenagers do at sleepovers you watch too many movies Chelsea skipper do you want to tell us anything Chelsea who's the other few door as in punk boy Chelsea oops who has been reading my diary not me Oh would you look at this magazine it's so interesting Stacy I'm sorry I couldn't help it you live your digital diary open and I just took a peek I can believe you this called for a pillow fight hey I'm getting kind of tired me too I too much popcorn I had too much pizza and I have to wash off this mask come on amber it's actually ready to peel oh wow how that really hurts sorry next time we'll stick to face max from the store on the bright side it looks really good finally the mask is off I do have to admit though my face feels pretty smooth come on guys let's brush your teeth you don't want any cavities specially eating all those snacks all right guys good night thanks for letting me be part of your sleepover we didn't really have a choice we share a room with you I'm just kidding Chelsea good night guys good night [Music]
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 10,237,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dolls, toy, video, fun, barbie toys, dreamhouse adventures, episodes, full episodes, barbie family, chelsea, skipper, stacie, barbie morning routine, barbie pool, play date, outdoor, slumber party, face mask, barbie spa, barbie sisters, video game, barbie movie, barbie car, doll videos, titi toys dolls barbie, barbie show, toy videos, pet, goldie, titi toys, barbie night routine
Id: Xrei_ehJAIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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