Last Family Member To Stop Being A Mermaid Wins $1000

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I think you're going up I don't mind calling your pouch fit Carl and your mermaid pouch like we explained earlier it's very stretchy so [Applause] [Music] alright guys what's up everybody's out here she's just really short legal about this this is the first vlog we're starting off where I'm honestly already tired before the video is even started we haven't even started and I'm hungry so baby's gonna test our patience birds gonna be a lot of fun hi I've been excited this video for a while because let's show them guys Savannah told me that she did that she was she she kept saying she kept saying maybe me and every she was like it's a little weird when like a grown man is dressed like a mermaid she kept comparing it to I didn't want to let you guys down she kept saying like what what if like this Dance Moms dad like did it I go to pick this dad I'm like I'm not what it was dad I mean YouTube dad I'm gonna be am i right this is our job and we have a lot of fun doing it so we're doing the mermaid challenge last person okay so it's gonna take forever to get anywhere cuz you just have to hop they're down okay guys so listen stand up and explain the rules like most of our Leslie challenges we have paper over there and marker and we're each gonna write down some stuff but it's not like a last to leave challenge this just just say you last to stop doing this challenge because it's really exhausting doing stuff in this mermaid costume so what we're gonna do is we are going to each write down so we're each gonna write down three days that would be really funny to do and our mermaid costume okay if you mean anything inside outside anything any kind of dare well we each gonna write down three days and we gonna put it in the bowl and then one at a time we're gonna pull adair so you could pull your own dare okay so you want to write down something that obviously could get somebody out like oh I don't want to do that in a mermaid costume oh there's gonna be too hard to do in a mermaid costume obviously can be pool related and Savannah might be out already if there's a spider inside yeah yeah maybe one of those should be you got to put a spider inside of your mermaid tail costume cuz that would be terrible Gump got like pulling a bunch of bugs in there I proposed in the couch it could be anything so we're you to write down three days never want to draw the dares and see the last person is to be the mermaid words we just did our dares and we're actually not going to show you guys so that is a surprise for everybody because they don't know what I did I don't know what they did and Ed we wrote her own so hopefully we can even read it and again if you draw your own dare you have to do your own there so who wants to go first everyone gonna go everybody has to go I'll go first I'll go first I'm good okay did you put some batteries at the top oh my god I really wonder if everybody know do a basketball in the hoop ten times do a basketball and the hoop ten done that's gonna be a heart the hardest part of all these is gonna be getting to going from okay here we go moving backwards baby got me a large I don't need a large spider just got on me I barely even fits me it didn't really fit so I gotta hold it up oh nice you're making progress room with the best performance we're doing good it's pretty far as you guys know the yard is pretty big so as you keep taking in a while to get that zipper we're all gonna be exhausted at Veridian taking shots oh oh alright alright you almost made it okay he's here here's the ball okay [Applause] one okay guys so I'm going to go I'm here today every found the most efficient way to move in the mermaid tail she's a speed demon I'll come back show my fast you are yeah hi babe it's your turn for the dares I made you ten shots no peeking what is it is everything riding do a lap in the pool that was yours you wrote that you got your own there and guys Savannah was hoping that she did have to get in the pool yes egg just took a shower her hair is like all done since I go nice you got your own dear I been do a lap in the pool or lose you'll have to do it hey guys we can't forget she has to make her way over to the pool every leading the path and that the easiest way baby that's not thinking your knees are probably kind of hurt on that concrete huh because you don't trip over the tail we're all gonna be very tired push you in guys he's in ok I know do the lap do the left I can go swimming with a tail on embrace you get your hair wet honey [Music] [Applause] [Music] and is pretty beautiful oh she went full on mermaid it makes you feel any better you actually look like a beautiful mermaid right now they are complete you did it separately sir how do you feel [Music] yep alright so sitting on the hot tub after that hey hey everybody chose teams and boom we love team team before okay I have your temper dare draw come on dude can you read it [Music] [Music] yeah it'd make the other two people a sand sandwich and greet it all right so guys in case you're confused it says make the other two people a sandwich and popcorn oh you're to go to the kitchen to make me and your mom a sandwich and popcorn in your moment uh I'm hungry too I can't help a laugh at you whenever you have olives on time to try and make that sandwich you ready the breads all the way over here whatever stuff you wanna put in between the sandwich and I'll make some popcorn keep good at the popcorn your mom's gonna freak out if she sees this maybe she'd stick it bite of it she made it extra delicious just for you it's not just a good bite the day or didn't say that we had to eat it so you can just kind of get rid of it it's just ketchup a sour cream but we all pass round one so now it's time for round two round two it's my turn ah yeah what do you say what do a gymnastics trick no no let me see I explained to him that when I said do gymnastics trick I actually meant to a gymnastics trick on the gymnastics mat that we have in our backyard not in a pool so he's about to do it it's gonna be the worst night ever yeah I should do one though like you after you like a back walkover a back flip or a front walkover something cartwheel video Carville team stay in the booth no one's out yet okay I hope you had a hard one cuz I think you're going up fit Carl and your mermaid College how do you get both of yours that was pretty easy does uh I can't recall his idea he hate the pool guys so he's probably think that Savannah's on the pool like we explained earlier it's very stretchy so hey can I go overboard egg flop out honestly that was probably the easiest one yet you're pretty cute Carla no no thank you all right oh no that was mine oh you know what it says yet oh it's a bad one eat a mouthful of mustard cuz it's not even mermaid related so I thought it would be funny I get to squirt a whole mouthful of nasty mustard okay hey look at the vlog hey quit it so that's for sure your choice but yeah yeah it took me back because I had to squirt it too so everybody's very on the fence about whether she wanted to do it but she said yes you ready here yeah just some oyster that's all it is dude get the water out of you good it's just a mustard ready but you can't pour the water in until after I'm not squeezing one two three [Music] that was that was a mouthful okay maybe maybe I go over there in the grass somewhere that looks that looks bad I'm sorry that was the worst day that was in there so because the Dare said eat a spoonful or eat a mouthful of mustard and she didn't eat it she's disqualified Oh upset but we got to stick to the rules of the game round three so it's really this between me and Savannah but because there's more days now because everybody's out we could just keep going back and forth so let's just see what we get I haven't won one of these challenges yet so oh it's a breeze [Music] it's Everly's come over yeah yeah you can you come into me Stan you let it go end up cool sing let it go in the pool the whole song three [Music] guys hop back in for a slot for a lot time now she's so cute I love that really this is everything what you wrote for me pop oh ten time oh you have to do pretty good okay hop back and forth ten times okay if you fall over you're out ready set go Oh - oh no oh that's one time that's that was one that's two back and four that's three times that's five six six [Music] well I don't get the dare so that's the face of a champion and a guy who's had the stomach virus for the past so they're gone joy if y'all enjoyed the video nor see more videos like this give this video a thumbs up right now let's see if we give this video 200 million thumbs up also dopey to subscribe hit the red subscribe button down right there if you think all my hair is really cool right now and you have photos on this come right down here cuz we could shouts in every single video and vlog to new followers and old photos you like our pictures from every post so this weird showers gonna go these people s Savannah a hot wife smokin hot wife is gonna find right now if you guys are wondering poses inside with Grandma okay poses inside Graham because can't be a mermaid I thought it'd be kind of cute though maybe I feel like this again we can make her Mabel do around 2 I get baby where my thing but you know she she's only good at dare stuff okay so first shot up goes to Megan Weisman she's a new follower Thank You Megan Weisman second shout out goes to something up just like my photo JC love thanks JC love for liking our pictures and then Alex waters Alex waters you guys Rock again if you were me extra shout out follow us down here and we'll try to find you we love you guys you wanna side up say peace out to the blog [Music]
Channel: The LaBrant Fam
Views: 25,907,270
Rating: 4.7659411 out of 5
Keywords: cole and sav, the labrant fam, labrant fam, the labrant family, the labrant fam youtube, youtube the labrant fam, youtube sav and cole, cole sav and everleigh, everleigh, cole labrant, sav and cole labrant, savannah soutas, vlogs, family friendly, family vlogs, mermaid, 24 hours, wins, last to leave, challenge
Id: Trx6cXHC4f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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