Band Of Brothers Episode 2 'Day of Days' | First Time Watching - Duo Crew Reacts!

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hi [Music] hey everyone it's duo crew reacts steve and zach reacting to bad of brothers episode two day of days doomsday baby um watch the first one we enjoyed it not you know i wouldn't say it's the the biggest reaction show i've ever seen but this is a good show i think you're gonna build a good build up like you learn the character you learn who's in it you learn faces names the purpose of why you're here watching it you know right right and then now you're getting into the meat of it where you're gonna start seeing action and the reason we're here and i think i think yeah that that's the cool thing and the other thing is this is true document you know like documented um uh people that went through this so i'm really curious to at the end you know checking out some extra details about banner brothers to kind of hear i think that's what i'm gonna have to check into that that documentary after after we get done with this and yeah and i like that kind of stuff though oh yeah the real life stories of that stuff we both do but let's get into it all right band of brothers day of days day of days staying in the door i could see the lights on a drop zone we had had the red light so when the plane started to get hit and suddenly the pilot gives me the green light i'm out the door immediately it's got such an opening blast from the prop lesson broke this chin step that we had on the helmet liner that's when i lost his famous leg bag that everybody talks about just from the shock of the opening that it just flew right off my foot came from the sky we hit in any direction you went there would be enemy you knew it that was all part of what you accepted each madness prepared himself mentally to make that jump in the back of your mind you you know you you wonder what's gonna happen and you've been trained and trained and trained and what you what your job is going to be you know that's what you've got to think about you just talked about women and we lost a lot of people you're trying to put it on your mind you have them so you can just see the pain in their eyes that makes me sad yeah that makes me sad because you know he's he's got things in his head he's just picturing this day all right weather permitting we're touching down tonight and these pilots their job is to get these guys there and hopefully get home hopefully he ain't picking them up yeah smoke them if you got them bro that's what we always said [Music] think about this act think about this this isn't just dropping into area you know this is complete you've never touched down there and you know as soon as you get down there or while you're in the air you're even getting shot at yeah you know as soon as you leave that plane you're in immediate danger and you have to execute you're dropping into their what they in your backyard pretty much yeah they've been there is this a spirit flight what that guy's saying in the beginning is every man had to mentally prepare himself so they're all in their own heads right now you know no one's saying a word that's how it is you know when you're there it's like for a game but more more consequences this time everybody's got their own little nicks how they get ready some people sleep some people i could never sleep see just as they say it this would be tough yeah entire graph there's a light [Music] oh jesus let's knock them over and [ __ ] oh damn oh yeah and i never got to jump oh they're getting shot in there yeah it's like a tin can oh hell no oh no no no no no no no no [Music] no no you're up in a plane and on there's a few guys dropping did they hey guys look at the holes in there dead oh [ __ ] [Music] now you're just free falling hoping you'll get shot yeah look at that oh no you direct your way away from your swings buddy swing [Music] damn you spirit airlines [Music] [Music] damn they could have trimmed the freaking weed [Music] yeah i don't think you have much yeah or both of us yeah do you have any idea where we are sir no we'll get some landmarks to get our bearings garage pailled from buildings farm houses i don't know how he's just confidently walking around without a weapon though [Music] is that the winner beside you please [Laughter] smart man right now seven kilometers away from our objective four yeah how would you know because i studied sand tams right [Music] yep [Applause] [Music] not the horse sergeant yes sir people lieutenant what's that guy's problem come on really [Music] [Music] oh no i didn't realize that's what that was yeah i mean you guys need supplies now it's time to get it check that one [Music] jesus it's a navy the landings have started let's go move it out right on time [Music] morning sir italian sure will be happy to see you guys [Laughter] yeah orange street what gives what are you doing in the car uniform my family answered the call alterarians should return to the fatherland uh what do you want you're [ __ ] me right now hitler did a call to the motherland wow that's insane that's crazy at this year's home table what's the situation i'm not good nine percent of the men are still unaccounted for [Music] what are the chances of that now you and me a hundred miles from each other working to practice the same job jesus we're waiting on you yeah see you around he's [ __ ] dying they just killed them all [ __ ] hey you guys know where easy company is ladies graham what's easy company co up front well i guess that means you think there's some crowd 88's up at the end to the right about white 300 yards now they're right between us and causeway number two firing onto the boys landing in utah i think he's gonna handle it yes sir my guess is they're doing some terrible damage there there are two cons that we know of firing on utah beach plan on a third and a fourth here and here machine gun cover in the rear we'll establish a base of fire move under it hard and fast with two squads of three how many cars do you think we're facing no idea no idea we'll take some tnt along with us despite the guns leave got you'll take the first machine gun pleasure hendricks who take the other compton malarkey toy garnier we'll be making the man assault all right let's pack it up boys shouldn't you be outside with the other evil company guys [Music] lieutenant sir you need an extra hand what's your name trooper lorraine sir you're with me already yes sir all right you heard the word let's move let's move ah from the side there three kids take granny envelope right keep covering fire all right i want that tnt as soon as you see we captured the first gun go hell yeah nice oh what a shot [Laughter] oh no no no no no no no no no they could they couldn't hear him right [Laughter] oh no no no no no [Music] [Music] okay baby [Laughter] oh [Laughter] they're doing this a whole meanwhile the beach is getting stolen [Music] they're doing pretty good without casualties mostly for battalion headquarters the last words he says you mean over he literally did not know [Music] oh [Music] there is 40 or so crap still manning three mg-42s to the rear we killed maybe around 20. they're pretty good for their first yeah probably i think we need artillery or maybe mortars might do the job look at this careful don't hurt yourself get out of here live life discipline my discipline you gotta be careful whoa that's military food for you anywhere in the 10 minutes no not yet don't that make you welcome in your offices sir yeah it does sir i'm joe i'm an intent on drink it's been a day at first don't you think garner yes sir oh simon they're pretty calm for having their first like you know that map you found i had every crowd gun in normandy on oh yeah yeah i lost the man today paul thanks for john hall new yorker got killed today at raycor he's a good man man i didn't love him to buy the beer i'm hungry hey dick set that map up the division i think it's gonna do some good winter's freaking all about it dude he's on point god damn that night i took time to thank god for seeing me through that damn days and prayed i would make it through d plus one i promised god and myself that i would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace the deals you make with yourself that that's a scene right there just him sitting there watching devastation of war yeah it's the whole city just the city's burning to the ground right now wow wow just capture the germany wow another good episode a lot more action i mean from the opening part opening scene pretty much these planes just getting lit up you know live fire going on as you're jumping i mean you have all you're not allowed to jump out on some of them they're getting lit up and the light's still red so they're not jumping yet right so there's sitting in a box getting shot at with no in the air defend themselves battery was just riddling some of the planes and um that to me is the scariest part that to me is definitely the scariest part uh being on the ground and you know doing the stuff that they did i feel would be more you know that that's not not easy but i'm saying that everything else was just that is very scary to me wow one thing i like about the episode is at the end of all that so i mean yeah i think they went in from jumping out of the plane to their first actual fire fight with a like killing another person you know in war and they're going through and they get done with all that and then you see like that scene where they're sitting in the back of the truck and everybody handles it completely different like people get sick people are like pumped up like adrenaline's russian some people cry a lot of people cry or stuff like that and all those guys kind of were just sitting there just like nonchalant about like the whole thing and then you see winners they're trying to finally gave some emotion like there he's like i told myself yeah like i'm gonna get a piece of land and never like pretty much be at peace after this like crazy yeah to go from hell from what they just saw to trying to get back to your normal self even for a minute after everything you just experienced i mean it's it wears on you and it desensitizes you to a lot of stuff too like yeah i mean you can't go from seeing that to coming like walking out your front door right now and compare the two worlds whatsoever like and this happened this is the thing this is i mean it still happens to this day with war you know but yeah this it's hard it's hard to this is one of the most devastating wars in history um got to see a few more people and dive a little deeper you know on some of the characters definitely like winners that you know he's got his [ __ ] he knows and he's cool under pressure he's out there he's barking out orders i mean leading the way from the front and not only doing that but he's also out there like executing it you know he's not only got the plane he's got the the walk he's got to walk to match it i enjoy his character a lot yeah um probably my favorite so far for sure the first time i saw the opening scene with the planes and the bought like just the guys like falling in the parachutes like with just bombs exploding like all like i can't imagine the anxiety of these guys like yeah because not only are you getting shot in the plane but when you're yeah when you jump out you're also getting you're seeing freaking bombs go by you and huge ass uh it's only by chance that you're gonna i mean because they they're shooting live rounds up there and it's only by chance if you don't get right that to me even being up on a plane not in a war zone you know you always think about the worst case scenario yeah the worst case scenario things but holy [ __ ] you know when you're up there in a tin can and then you're jumping into more bullets you know there is no hiding at that point it's hopefully you get to the ground hopefully you make it to the ground and obviously some of them got hung up and you know that's the other thing it seems like the drops were kind of pressured to happen premature pre yeah premature because of the the battle that was going on or they got moved from the from the battle where they dropped wrong or whatever right so what they say 90 of the people were missing at one point yeah when he said it earlier it was 90 percent of the troops were still in it that that's that's a [ __ ] that's a lot but they did so well freaking getting those oh yeah i'm not 10 yeah imagine if if you're going to have more well they i think they knew they weren't getting very many down there well they like they missed their mark by like a lot too right yeah like i can't imagine like just like being in the parachute and being like damn it no like and not only do you have to worry about the plane getting shot or you getting shot down but your parachute's a pretty large target yeah with airborne they do have their assists so like if their main chute did go out they had they do have these they put that at that that height it sounded like they were jumping early too yeah early and low it seemed like the one pilot mentioned like oh we're going too fast and too low we need to get and how do you do how do you do that jordan as a pilot you know i mean you're going through this gun fight you're responsible for all these souls back here you want to get them to the right speed but i mean everything's against you everything's against you and trying to deliver the all the payload and i see what they were kind of doing they were they were flying the planes in to get the paratroopers behind behind the wall behind the wall that that was being you know and taking out things and moving back towards so there's kind of sandwiches yeah sandwich sandwich effect oh they're also trying to clear the big reason for that was they're clearing roads for when they did storm the beach they would have a place to go afterwards they wouldn't just be stuck on the beach the whole time it's quite a morbid question i'm going to ask you anyway hypothetically would you rather be hitting the beach or would you rather be in a para regiment i'd rather be a paratrooper definitely i felt like the the storming of the beaches blair i'm just being honest it's like shooting fish in a in a you know in a barrel there's no way to win without bullets missing you i mean the plan looked good i guess um they just were really fortified and i feel as if the distraction with the inflatables blair had that not happen this would have been a massacre oh yeah the the germans would have been far better prepared the vast majority of their forces were stationed at calais because that's where they were expecting the invasion to come they did only kind of as an afterthought stationed forces along the rest of the coast i definitely i'm curious to where this goes after this like i mean they just said that they're getting ready for d-day one like yeah how long does d-day go on for i thought d-day was just well um so d-days there was the um june 6 1944 the war ended in may 8th 1945 so we've still got another 11 months of the war that's just the invasion that's yeah the amazing part yeah so we saw have a whole nother the um end game is to get to paris yeah because we all know we saw hitler in paris hope everyone enjoyed uh band of brothers day of days please leave a like on the video please leave your comment and questions down below make sure you subscribe bang that bell and hope amazing happens to you until next time and band brothers peace out see you later thanks for coming
Channel: Duo Crew Reacts
Views: 10,442
Rating: 4.9856372 out of 5
Keywords: Reaction, Reacts, Duo, Crew, Duo Crew, Tv, movies
Id: CiG9QmC6-tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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