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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to the Channel episode two of Banda Brothers yeah should be good this one it should be good hopefully they're heading into dday so it could get quite intense yeah but it kind of finished exciting it did all the planes going over all the boats intense um I wonder if we're going to get the interviews back again that's going to be interesting cuz we had the interviews at the start and this hasn't actually gone out on YouTube yet as recording this so we don't know what you guys think of it but hopefully you're enjoying it but patreon good response yeah definitely so this video would have been on patreon before you guys see it uh before you even see episode one episode three hopefully will be on patreon as well by the time you seeing episode one off throughout episode one um so if you're seeing this which hopefully you are because editing's taking me a while busy people but I am getting there um patreon members can see it early not the edited version the full un cut version so you see everything you got a VI own copy if you want to watch all the episodes earlier by the time you seen this we should be on to episode four and five yes so go and check out patreon which serly appreciate it also really really helps just takes a lot of stress out things as well so thank you so so much for our patreon members band is episode two are you ready yeah I'm ready for this it's going to be intense it might be a bit emotional as well and it might be quite good are you ready I'm ready let's get into it of course popcorn cuz it is going to be intense isn't it you got a foodball today aren't you H I do okay we got the same intro as last time no interviews though not yet we had interviews before last time didn't we oh yeah we did this is going to be intense like we said in our intro for YouTube you guys don't get an in of page on but we did say when you see edited dday is about to happen they were flying in W there they were boating in unless it goes back in time it's going to be intense and it might be emotional or I'm ready and for Winters as well yes he's my favorite so far mhm some intense stuff to come man I feel like it's spoilers but some intense stuff to come mentally each man must do that himself each man must prepare himself mentally you know and we lost a lot of people that night but uh you try to put it all on your mind oh things he's been through you just can't imagine days of days okay that's easy to pronounce in the last one okay picking up off way left up give me a that's men it but you could do that then I mean fair play a gun in to a battlefield yeah it's win s he's a BX I suppose it's a good probably hour as well on them planes as well is it yeah it's a good long time just anticipating in the dark but is that are they being shot down or is it lightning I think that's lightning oh no they're going too dangerous to fly him maybe oh no in lineing W Oh my days oh this this is where it goes green as well like the interview Jesus CHR let's go let's go let go oh my face just turn my light green wow Jesus tell me to get him out of [Music] there but how did they get up do you know what I mean how did they get up there Qui oh it's over men jumping out oh my [Music] days he's okay eny lower we ain't going to need any freaking parachutes we got to get some altitude they can't jump at this speed the pilots just all my days this is intense I was not expecting it to be like this oh my days they're not even jumping in the right place either oh no oh was that the leg thing you was on about at the start with all the equipment I think so [ __ ] I see Flash say thunder yes sir Thunder sir leg back prop blast got it sir and my radio and batteries with it f to follow me they're just surrounded by Germans to L like that able sir that means one of us is in the wrong drop zone now sir do you have a weapon sir just my life yeah a't got weapon all wasn't until I lost my radio on the jump I'm sure I'll get sh out for that well at least if you will he's in it if you were in my platoon I'd tell you you were a rifl man first radio man second if we find oh they're not on the same platoon no they don't know each other first I need help just know they're Americans I wonder if the rest of them are his lost his wheel I think everyone is armman we're in Normandy Normandy I won't be taking my road no I would like a public foot path that youut the winners is that you weapon no sir as soon as I hit that prop last a long leg back all I got is this knife and some TNT where the hell are we sir I saw a sign back that ways said sand mer Le flashlight about to whip out I'm going to say we're about 7 km away from our objective we got a lot of walking of us so that's about 4 miles is it probably a freaking train Flash oh more this is good it's lucky that we're not going into Germans the stones are quite loud aren't they I would be breaking my I would be so scared lost in a foreign land mhm in the middle of wall wait for my command they're going to Shi just a big moment in [Applause] it he said wait for his command didn't it [Music] [Music] I mean they definitely didn't wait for the command enough time I wait for my command you wait for my command sergant here you go Lieutenant C weapon could they could have used for horses I know it weren't that guy's fault for shooting him cuz he grenaded him but oh my days you right what's that guy's problem I'm got no words SC for life all my days imagine being in that situation though but at least light's coming you see him yeah find less scary in the in the light have a weapon what's it going to do shout at him you can be spotted though can't you he just wanted you to wait for his command Joe he don't even drink we're 20 minutes in it's just the destruction of War isn't it it's mad the Americans I think they're Americans AR they anybody needs supplies or ammo Now's the Time to Get It you okay you're Sergeant let's go oh it must be so hard hey I promised my kid brother I'd fetch him back a Luger so I got first dibs okay it's the Navy The Landings have started let's go let's move it out right on time at the British Navy yeah take beaches don't they shut you his brother got at a casino found out before we jumped oh yeah emotions are high aren't it what's that a German gentan morning sir where you from son with the Irish Eugene Oregon Eugene you got to be kidding me Papa did you hear this I'm from asoria don't say yeah what gives what are you doing in a Crut uniform F come again my family answered the call all true Aran should return to the Fatherland stop enem oh they got no weapons though so take I going to say they look very German Harry on easy compy this here's Hall known as cowboy T man man is Cowboy what's going on what's the hold up not sure I get your tenant got something to do with that 90% of the men are still unaccounted for how many 90 or anyone from this plane wouldn't that put you in line to be the next commander of EAS Lieutenant how many men of dog company got assembled handful Nega 20 you the only officer that made it so far you got some cigarettes what are the chances of that huh you and me 100 miles from each other working a practically the same job jeez hey we're waiting all here yeah I'm coming oh what's he doing you go oh fair I suppose at the end of the day they're just doing he kill [ __ ] did he kill him after you g a cigarette I think so wow I didn't expect that either easy Co up well I guess that means you dick some crowd 88s up ahead up through those Gardens firing onto the boys landing at Utah think he he can handle it yes sir it says they're doing some terrible damage there it sounds like it don't it I've been spotted in a field down the roadways two guns that we know of firing on Utah Beach and plan on a third and a fourth the Germans were in the trenches with access to the entire battery and with machine gun cover in the rear yeah establish a base of fire and move under it hard fast with two squads of three how many crowds you think we're facing no idea no idea be hundreds we'll be making the main assault I like how he's giv orders and he's in the main assault as well just at respect levels it one yeah yeah s's chilling at home training now it's just with Rachel you see we've captured the first gun I want you and your TNT as fast as possible yes sir Lieutenant sir I was wondering sir you need an extra hand ain't you sink Jeep driver so [ __ ] what's your name TR lorine sir you're with me lorine oh he just wants to help you heard the word let's Mo in that situation that's hon it yeah a lot of people they're not on high alert to sa a no load of dropped in either are they py we got inflating fire4 draw their fire to the right from the truck take two men and hit them from the left okay go right give covering fire on the machine gun don't give away your position until you have to I want that TNT as soon as you see we've captured the first gun go what are they actually going to do with the TNT I have no idea just once they've got in isn't it maybe it's for a gun maybe oh [Music] now they are absolute Beast what of shoot oh he getting underneath yeah getting ped [Music] on that's what train is for is it to know what they mean oh that's one way to clear it out a [ __ ] [Music] let's go let's go follow me remember just running across all my days [ __ ] oh he's being shot on his leg think [Music] so Jesus Christ good shot is oh my D [ __ ] I'm sorry one lucky B Joe wow this is intense is it this is just secure that gun [Music] [Music] where you hit pup double ass sir your ass no best [Music] place play for him to help him get up as well one [ __ ] grenade toy let's go get out of there get out of Oh my days Jesus Christ [ __ ] twice Christ I got the first gun at least I got a bit more cover now mhm there's the second gun grenades first then keep going go right get rid of it this time ni he from there Nick suppose they don't know his language at times do they must be doing something right look God I'm so confused at firing on the third gun I'm going to go and see what keep Sho each to cover the lieutenant I think they're shooting the road yeah I think one of those dead crows has a little suppressing fire why don't you Jesus Christ Christ they must think he's a medic or something he's going to need a goddamn medic he just run out there oh my [Music] god look got you freaking Luger want I should go get it for you stupid Mick the hell was that DG don't know sir yeah you think this is a ticket home maybe I just got here wow that's a passion in it in that he seem so into it as well he's so Keen to help isn't he yeah especially in that s where people are dying as well he want you just help [ __ ] gu trap garia all right there kid there's loads of them oh yeah it's they're in well they're in France aren't they but the Germans are base out aren't they oh for using M weapons against them thir gun here grab some those potato Mas they can't use them any oh you two go so we can return there but we can't use the guns okay H keep your head down straight bullet could easily get you as well oh oh another one down who's that oh their own not their own yeah the Germans okay oh who is it is it a German no it's one of our team I'm looking for battan headquarters you kid it it's different when you know the person as well do it y that's good needed amm you oh another squad's got there let's go shot of the next gun all yours let's go company I think they deserve backup though they were outnumbered weren't they [Music] yeah move out move out back your original positions everyone I mean I've lost quite a few lives but I think it's been quite successful Mission so far I know oh I wouldn't be able to just jump up like that it's a good shot though mhm 88 we disabled them and pulled out fair play I figure there's maybe 40 or so crowds still Manning three mg 42s to the rear killed maybe around 20 so yeah probably there's 40 left oh he's up from the Beach yeah maybe there's no other way we could have got them is there on my way a his friend isn't it we should put them to work before they're missed most of the 101st airborn including easy company was still scattered all over Normandy we had an hour to rest and scr whatever food we could before we had to move South and secure the town of T only an hour evening hello sir something dying here any word on Lieutenant man yet sir no not yet don't that make you walk commanding officer sir yeah it does it's a good one to have though mhm it's been a day of first I think that's needed in it don't you think are here yes sir oh Sergeant sir not a Quaker what does that mean what's I think you just called him that earlier didn't he oh you know that map you found that had every crowd gun in Normandy on it oh yeah yeah lost a man today h he looked him in the face didn't he h New Yorker wait with the one with the bomb yeah did no the guy and you asked if you were German or not basketball he mad out in a battlefield you're killing me and it HS different one your own I sent that map up to Division I think it's going to do some good that's a positive at least but you can tell it's hurting can't you mhm that mental that night I took time to thank God for seeing me through that day of days and prayed I would make it through d+1 and if somehow I manag to get home again I promise God and myself that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace for destroy and German guns at briot manner the following medals were awarded B silver while fair play cuz we were outnumbered weren we and we just went for it oh I like what a guy it's still shown up West Point wow they were that good at it yeah that's incredible wow that was um episode two wasn't it time absolutely flown by was 48 minutes absolutely flown by and uh that was intense wasn't it I wasn't expecting it to be that intense like yeah we knew we were going to go into a war we knew it were going to be kind of like straight into it but that was proper intent it was I was not expecting it to be like and that graphic yeah very gra detail which I feel like we're going to go through a range of emotions on this yeah feel like we need to do a lightharted video next kind of bring up the mood because it's also late as well so it's going to be definitely and um yeah it's going it's going to take us through the emotions you guys potenti you've already seen it if you haven't I recommend going and watch him a full thing if you watch YouTube or if it's sick of me to say but I'm excited for number three oh yeah no I don't like in a good way like it's very intriguing yeah Capt fure and people kept saying to us as as think you're not going to regret you're going to have to say it's going to educate you I think is definitely educated as well um and then we'll learn I think the more you get connection to him as well you realize what it was actually like on my Battlefield L we win is finding I think he said hle wasn't it yeah they've got that find him unfortunately gone hit different um and yeah what what great I suppose great I don't know if that's like to say I me a well produced Series so far great representation of what the real thing was like definitely from what we know from what from what we know and a very intense one let us know in the comments what you guys think uh smash that subscribe but we really appreciate smash that like button as well let us know about the editing like I said patreon we'll have multiple episodes up right now yeah and um yeah what do have a fantastic day and we'll see you l in the next episode Peace
Channel: James & Millie
Views: 5,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Beesleys, The Beesleys Movies, Movie Reactions, Movies, Reactions, The Beesleys Reaction
Id: qfcx9UG8wJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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