BAND OF BROTHERS | Part 9 :Why We Fight! Part 2/2| First Time Watching | TV Reaction

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[Music] you got me thinking there is the asses and there's the different camp there's a bunch of wood oh no [ __ ] mother oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god how are you gonna handle this oh no what are they gonna [ __ ] find sorry for cursing they literally have to hold on to that just to keep themselves propped up a bit [Music] open it up [Music] christian and your men speak german we need to leave god leave god live find me leave god yes sir leave god sleep god leave major needs you up front right now sure isn't he jewish all right boys these people need care give them water and any spare rations you might have grab me some blankets quick oh my god oh my god dick oh my god did you see that no was it they're on the ground it looked like bones like just yeah look at this look at this it like oh my god as much as as much as i want to look away i know i shouldn't they're like sticks i just saw you see the bodies look at their bodies dear lord man oh [Music] [Music] [Music] alive jesus christ some of the prisoners that try to stop some of them were killed they didn't have enough ammo for all the prisoners so she killed as many as he could um ask him what kind of campuses he says it's a work camp for uh bruno brunstrom i'm not sure what the word means or uh i'm wanted disliked maybe criminals i don't think puerto rico accent [Music] jewish musician schreiber schneiderlin women's camp is at the next railroad staff [Music] dude we have to crack open that bottle before this episode's over oh my god this is so bad this is so bad look at their arms i need a napkin i don't know where they're at man look at the floor you got those tissues there i can't no this is just how they had them oh my dear lord [Music] this is like the worst thing they've seen and since they got here [Music] [Music] oh no i'm sick to my stomach i'm sick to myself [Music] yeah take everything from that town and feed them that town knew this was going on right that town had to know this they're all guilty they're all guilty who know who knows they can even eat oh my god this is so hard to watch i can't walk we need to stop giving these men food right now they're starving yeah they're not going to do too much to eat too quickly they'll eat themselves to death we need to keep them in the camp so we can find a place for them in town you want us to lock these people back up we got no chores next otherwise they might scare we need to keep them centralized so we can supervise their food intake and medical treatment so until we find some place better but it is to help them if they overdo it yeah i mean their systems have been destroyed [Music] they're afraid [Music] [Music] [Music] heard from division been finding camps like this all over the place seems the russians liberated one a lot worse ten times as big execution chambers ovens locals claim that uh they never even knew the camp existed they say we're exaggerating well they're gonna have a hell of an education tomorrow general taylor declared martial law about an hour ago ordered every able-bodied german in town age 14 to 80 to start burying the bodies that'll begin in the morning wow that was so bad bro i'm sick i fee i feel sick right here i feel sick that has to be one of the most horrible things i've ever seen on television in a show okay how can you guys not be aware of this and it was true that if they weren't aware this is gonna be a shock to them right like what were we doing what was these what would the nazis doing no but there was always propaganda against the jewish people dungeon i mean there was i don't know i don't know i'm calling bs on that town sorry [Music] you always find that there's going to be a people that they choose to impress with mao zedong it was his own people [Music] now you look ashamed i don't know what to think i i i i get so many emotions going on in my in my in me right now i didn't know hitler's dead that a lot of us didn't know about the concentration [Music] i thought we knew from the beginning i didn't know we didn't know until 1945 should have killed himself three years ago saved us a lot of trouble [Music] yeah he should have [Music] but he didn't i don't have strength to hit the mouse button oh my god oh my god what did we just watch pain suffering why was that i wanted to i don't know if you guys feel the same i want to take the images out of my head i wish i would have never seen that i i want to take out what i'm like the the what i just witnessed what i just saw i want to literally not think about it anymore i i don't want to think about what i just saw guys i'm more glad that they showed it as they did and the true like how realistic they made it instead of trying to wash it down for tv or whatever because it just shows how messed up the nazi regime was and how about how impactful how much this is going to this should is it impacts people even still today i feel sick i feel physically sick yeah from what i just saw i mean guys forgive us i mean i know you guys said this is didn't expect this i didn't expect this to come i thought like our guys would be you know like nixon would die or when somebody when they weren't getting shot i thought nixon was gonna die i did not expect this atrocity that we just witnessed that there's a lot of things i want to say you know um about this because i i hate that this happened you know and and there are people out there and yeah i'm gonna say you know i was thinking i try not to be controversial there are people out there who deny the holocaust and stuff you know there's been so much evidence that this happened yeah you know that these people suffered and it's messed up you know i'm gonna do my best not to curse because i'm so angry i'm showing me i'm i feel physically sick i'm angry for what i just witnessed here you know because and i can only imagine the people who've encountered this camp feels that way and i can imagine that those of jewish descent really must be really pissed about you know we're hispanics you know and we have not to our knowledge i've encountered something like this but it the humanity of this you know the the loss of life the the the disregard of human life in such a manner as though it was just like it was just a waste you know easily just shoot somebody or burn them or torture them how can you do that you're not at that point it's just evil it's just pure evil that's the devil running rampant in your heart that is and that's why i think it makes it i literally feel sick like i literally feel sick you're watching the most evil inhum like that is about that is evil that's evil that's one that's that's hate and evil and in the most puris of forms like you see those type of things and you're like the people who did they're not people those are the the people who did these things those are not people you can be human and you cannot have a heart that town had to bury them i'm still calling beef that they were not aware but if they weren't aware when he had the gun he's like you tell me you didn't smell it yeah you know what i'm saying it's emotionally listen listen emotionally i don't know how you can control yourself from not pulling that trigger on everybody you saw in that time because of what you just saw here because every single one of those men we haven't seen the woman's camp you know every single one of those men represent a family individual son a daughter a father uh an uncle a cousin a brother god libra you know who knows how many generations of of a family of a name that was just wiped out just because just because they have a fear of that they're they're they're they're destroying the economy they're destroying of our our our ethics what they had to bury the body they had to bury the bodies they had them bury their bodies but um the i i i i it's like there's certain teams by the way and i'm i'm sure you guys kind of felt i had to look away i had to look away i had to look away i looked away twice and then they started walking through the camp um and i guess it was shot like that on purpose you know they don't show like the entire you know as you're walking along it's like a one shot and you kind of see um i started kind of looking away in the background and you see you should see the bodies just they're like just kind of rotting away and yeah like it's just bones and stuff um and as the people started walking out you know when he started kissing him like like thank you you know that's how desperate the the whole thing is uh and she's kind of seeing the bodies piled up like like garbage yeah you know and imagine seeing the men but did you see how they were in the huts they were literally stacked on top yeah imagine having to sleep like that at night you you have somebody's collarbone like in your back you can't yeah there's no clue you're the only warmth you have or is the people under you or above you and that little pj yeah when he asks him he's like hey what kind of camp this is and and he's telling him leave god he's like i i don't know the unwanted like he didn't he wasn't sure why he didn't even he had no answer like i don't i don't know he said criminals he's like no musicians doctors when lee got started realizing that it was a camp for jews just seeing his face turn that realization of what that was it ripped my heart out immediately and they were and they they left they started killing off as much as they could and they locked they just left them there but think about the women the other camp no no not just the women and the children i mean there had to be children in there as well yeah you know uh you saw what they were sleeping they were sleeping it was just like rocks like just yeah they were hot you know um i have a headache no i know but i feel sick i'm telling you right now if i feel sick to my stomach that was horrific that was something i had to watch head-on yeah honestly i wanted to look away so many times and i had to twice just to hide the sobbing that i was doing and i've seen movies i'm sure we've all seen movies about the holocaust and documentaries i've seen shows we've seen it and movies that you know but your documentaries that tear me down this was something different this is this this this hit me this would be right in the heart i don't want to take this into too much of like just a show but you've seen shinder's list you've seen you've seen it right i haven't seen it in its entirety i've certainly seen like a part of the ending this fortunately just this episode alone will be watched this has been the most horrific scene the most horrific thing i've seen from the holocaust like just put together you know just like here's a shot of just like you know people who don't want to believe people who you know people who oh this didn't happen or you know it wasn't as yeah have you ever have you seen any documentaries where they actually go into how they how they actually ran these no i i think i can't i don't want to i wouldn't have the strength to watch you know i've watched one and it goes deep into how they ran it how they how they literally made it into numbers on a paper because they were they were trying to make it efficient too and if and make it easier to kill and reprocess i i don't i would never want to go into the details of what these guys did and give them any type of any thought yeah other than them being monsters well you know the one thing i do take engineers list when they're going down the little brackets like do you have blue eyes like they're like it's disgusting dude it is it's disgusting it's foreign i'm angry i'm upset this was unexpected i didn't expect this at all this hurt this hurt watching this guys uh it broke me it's seriously broken trying not to curse yeah i know you're um i can't i can't i don't know what to do at right now uh um there's no way i'm watching episode 10 tonight they can't make it i was thinking about getting too of it i didn't know guys sorry can i watch i was upset i cannot watch any man of brothers at least till next week i need a break that that that took so much out of me i'm exhausted i have a headache my stomach hurts my chest hurts i'm so angry right now i'm so pissed i know you're angry i want to say so much uh uh and i want to use a lot of curse words yeah but if i haven't seek that sucked that sucks so bad yeah um guys i see why you guys said prepare for episode nine you guys were not joking you guys are not joking um i don't know i don't know what else to say to be honest i can't even tell you to go hit the subscribe button at this point i can't i can't i'm gonna say it and i'm just gonna say this for our subscribers who were like hey be prepared this is for you guys that is the most horrific thing i've seen on any show any movie that has been the most horrific thing and i see you have seen we have seen shows we have seen movies that leave you but this there was something about this i really hope they like prepared the actors beforehand to see i'm sure no because if they if they went in dude i feel sick guys i'm done yeah i can't yeah we'll see you next episode goodbye have a nice one
Channel: R Knights
Views: 28,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: band of brothers reaction, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction part 9, band of brothers first time reaction, band of brothers part 9, band of brothers part 9 reaction, ww2, brothers, HBO, historical shows, first time watching, movie reactions, ww2 movies, first time watching band of brothers reaction, richard winters
Id: gFyjZH6jFyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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