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[Music] all right welcome back it's your boy Jay aka the Mur whistle today we're watching We Were Soldiers going into this movie I know this movie stars Mel Gibson I have no idea what word is coming S I don't even know if this is a real war or a madeup war I have no idea I know our Memorial Day movies tend to be a little heavier I don't know if this one's like that I hope it's not um because they tend to stick with me for a while I'm looking forward to getting to this movie because I've heard it's a really good movie and so far every M Gibson movie I've seen I have truly enjoyed I'm hoping this Falls along the lines of that just want to mention if you ever catch yourself want to watch the fullness of this or any of my other reactions hit over to patreon also don't forget to check out the gaming channel right now I'm currently playing Red Dead too having a blast with that with all that being said I'm ready to get to this so I see you on the other side let's get it these are the true events of November 1965 the iang valley of Vietnam this story is a testament to the Young Americans who died in the valley of death to tell this story I must start at the beginning where does it begin I like that line but where does it begin I like that l a lot man war is crazy man like maybe this Story begins in America White House anticipates a build up and once of Victory man war is well out man tell me I can't W my mind around this [ __ ] I remember was a movie about um a movie about a dog named Bingo how much you know about our new Colonel has a master's in international relations from Harvard it's not one of those academic [ __ ] is he h more shut the up ain't that [ __ ] from um the MCU damn he tall as you're a pilot Too Tall sir yeah I can see that he man he's tall as so your man call you snake [ __ ] cuz I fly lower than snake [ __ ] you know what air Cavalry really means you fly into hosal territory outnumbered 10,000 mil from home I supposed to have a choice in all this you sure don't that PO ain't got a choice of this like you sure don't good morning Sergeant miger how do you know what kind of God damn day it is is that um that your boy from Suns AR let's go let's go all right your officer's dead what do you do all right he hesitated he's dead get off the chopper get off of the chopper you learn the job of the man above you and you teach your job to the man below you in rank that's a good plan Cecil I I don't hear you praying honey I want to be Catholic I want to be neous like Mommy you do and why is that honey so I can play whatever I want God just made you hard-headed blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit hello girl with cute beautiful morning Ser maer PR are you a [ __ ] weather man now you think nervous some new rifles to the M16 oh that's supposed to be a pretty good weapon W lots of plastic is that him Elliot oh where his mustache at he look so different like he look he look different different take care of your men teach them to take care of each other cuz when this starts each other is all we're going to have shut the up that's um that's old boy from American Pie any of you son [ __ ] calls me Grandpa I'll kill you [Laughter] hey hey you better not call me oh so why don't we start with item number one food if the commissary is out of something where's the best place to shop well I tried big star and it's okay laundry oh well the base washing machines don't work the laundry M Town's okay but they won't let you wash a colored things in their machines at a public laundr they have a big sign right in the window says whites only oh bless her heart honey they mean white people only that's awful I'm sorry I just that's all right honey but I know what my husband's fighting for and that's why I can smile hey my husband will never ask for respect and anybody who doesn't respect that can keep his goddamn washing machine cuz my baby's clothes are going to be clean anyway hey I feeling hey let them know how I heard one of my new lieutenants just became a father gave to say congratulations col I ask you a question sure what do you think about being a soldier and a father I hope that being good at the one makes me better at the other me Gib is seem like a really good dude in this Eddie yeah what is a war it's when some people try to take the lives of other people soldiers like your daddy have to you know it's my job to go over there and stop them are they can try to take care Life Away Daddy hey little kids be asking questions boy well yes C you're going to try but I'm not going to let him I I still stay home if you need to interrogate somebody get a little kid get a curious little kid and have them go with you they're going to ask questions you never thought about asking I didn't hear the president mention a state of emergency no he didn't well without that declaration it means our enlistments won't be extended I'm sorry Hal forgive me sir but let me get this straight right before the Army sends us into the fight they take away a third of my man including the officers I don't like it any better than you do H knows hey that's crazy that's crazy they took a third his man look around you we got a captain from the Ukraine another from Puerto Rico Japanese Chinese blacks Hispanics am Indians all Americans before you and before almighty God I will be the first to set foot on the field and I will be the last to step off and I will leave no one behind Dead or Alive we will all come home together so help me God that's some real I'll be the first to step on and I'll be the first one to step off I mean I'll be the last one step off and I'm bringing everybody back home dead or alive I can even I could even imagine the night before you know what I'm saying the night before you know you got to go like the night before you actually gota go out there that night has to be hell that music is just that music is really like a cilon cuz it got like the little peaceful tone to it you know what I'm saying but that little under Curry that little underbelly of it is perfect for what I would think butterflies in your stomach will sound like if you made it into a [Music] Melody that little tick at the bottom that look like a clock you know what I'm saying like time is almost up you know what I'm saying but it's got like that that timeon overtone I love you that's [Music] that my man didn't even sleep the night [Music] before and I'm I'm worried for him old boy from American Pie I'm worried about him Al sir last night the enemy hit our camp at P what do you estimate the enemy strength we have no idea simple orders Hal find the enemy and kill him no f it smell like an ambush to you round trip a chopper 30 minutes the first 60 men on the ground will be there half hour alone yeah to me it sounds like an ambush maybe you ought to get yourself that 16 time comes I need one sir there'll be plenty of lying on the ground and my man's Outlook is different my man's Outlook is completely different either I feel like if I need one it be playing line on the [Music] ground November 14th 1965 before that day the soul soldiers of North Vietnam and those of America never met each other in a major [Music] battle was that M Gibson um dur that one these dudes got a whole underground system the a dope shot they got out bucking hey nobody shooting back that's eer that's a eer kind of quiet it's a SC out let's take him prisoner Lieutenant oh he's tripping come on Captain I want you to keep in contact with all patrols hey y'all got y'all got y'all got a group that's about to about to get set up hey I got something here I got a boy H ask him where his friends are he say this is base camp a whole division 4,000 men tell all the patrol hold their position well you take the radio bro you was Dripping ground they said they had four he said they had 4,000 people there they had 395 come come on I'll get us out of here grab the wounded we'll make a r God they yall up Roger that Charing two out hey man they dropped down at some didn't they all right I got you glad I could die for my country that bring it close that was right on time God like they they hold they own to be outnumbered the way they are that Creek bed is vital now they'll be coming right after you do not let them FL hey M Gibson on that B I want you to keep trying to raise those medac boys God that's so dope I love the sounding makes snake get out of here bring me the wounded wounded get the come on come on snake said that I can take some people I got it along the line y'all got to get low God damn oh they deep did he's got a whole platoon lost they're not lost they're only cut off in then they're lost forget headquarters they want you out well we can't get out damn it not all of us just you that doesn't make any sense say again will you don't make no sense no no we're overloading no get out of train it's h worse than me you hang on I'll see you back there R man shut the [ __ ] up man shut the up our guys are going to come for us aren't they yeah when plug his wound hey you know what Savage might fit his you know what I'm saying that might be a good name for him he said yeah he just looked at him like straight serious it's like plug his wom and he been up there holding it down and I'm not gonna lie to you at the beginning of the movie way he was walking about talking about Good day and all that I ain't that he had that in him we got an American platoon out there [Applause] that it's not good hey you got enough roof for one more if you're crazy enough get in shut the up that's a sniper from um sa PR Ryan who the hell are you I'm a reporter sir is a reporter go Galloway UPI how's it going well I can't guarantee your safety yes sir I know so the bad say prob run got cameras do you see those LS coming down the trails on the mountain on it right now sir you fry them s of [ __ ] fire mission Tango Fox drop ner 656 what about Opie in them have we got Opie in him that's crazy man Bo today huh tomorrow will get worse if they make it to tomorrow man that's wild tomorrow be worse if they make it tomorrow dead body stink no it's not the dead ones I can smell them crawling up on us I'm telling you you got a good nose hey he was not wrong he was not wrong if you guys are coming you got to let us know it's [ __ ] black out here I don't want to shoot any of our own guys copy we can't make it tonight we'll come get you in the morning crazy man hey Savage G be holding down though hey you don't find job son we gave them more than they gave us today keep it up how you boys doing you keep keep doing what you do we'll be fine I was wondering what he's at I hadn't seen him in a minute here they come captain Edwards man that crazy every time they lit it up they've been right here Kathy a telegram the secretary of the army that's that's [Music] s oh he probably stressing thinking that's that's think that's messages from her is Moore colon Moore's wife I need help finding an address you jackass do you know what this is do you know what you just get to me yeah that's kind of bad like I know he right didn't mean nothing about it but I don't like this job ma' just trying to do it I feel that though I'll take it to her I feel that you know what I'm saying and tell the cab company if there are any others just bring them to me well that's a job she she's honestly she's a good woman for doing that cuz you know it's got to be hard on the cabbies no chaplain or counselor's cab drivers the Army wasn't ready I'll go with you thanks who's it for [Music] no that's go sad [Music] man we'll do one at a time we won't look oh my god look how many he [Music] got it's no way I could have this [Music] job like I say y'all know it's a possibility did I get that letter you got a Death Wish Gallaway nois sir well then why are you here my daddy was a so two of my great- granddaddies Were Soldiers so each of them lost a leg in the Civil War that's crazy both your grenades lose a leg every year after that the same date same store they get together and pick out a brand new pair of shoes for the two of them you are [ __ ] me no sir that's awesome that is awesome they are creeping hey that that's some good ass camouflage hey they tried that it didn't [Music] work hey man Obie and them holding it down the [ __ ] Savage and them they are holding it down on my signal that's how you get him they are Deep Boy go Willie come on let's go I feel like there's a Willie in every war move I said I was worried about [Music] himan against us too oh who he about to stab another company reinforcements for movement as soon as it oh he about to get me Gibson how bad is it Hal it's getting pretty sporty down here sir hey I'm glad he got good reflexes I thought he was going to get him give me nak I I got a baby being born today oh wow congratulations the why aren't those mortars fired what's the problem here we can't cool them off cuz we're all out of water come on what are you waiting for shut the up gentlemen prepare to defend [Applause] yourselves man Tam look W he look crazy but he about that action man stay out there with a pistol me sir our perimeter is collapsing Charlie company's being overrun hey man him and Sam Elliot just be standing up in the middle of this like like you know what I'm saying like ain't nothing flying by Broken Arrow Broken Arrow Broken Arrow Broken Arrow confirmed Broken Arrow Broken Arrow it's broken arrow that means that an American's been overrun calls in every combat aircraft for support my God every aircraft report I'm telling you Sam Elliot or me get some got to get shot the way they just be standing straight up my man is he out here with a pistol like you know what I'm saying I Manan hey Broken Arrow go hard don't it Charli of bish get hey hey real it's a good thing he seen that cuz they about to be barbecued he got some of them that's some of the people Char listen to me you're keeping us alive now you forget about that one and you keep them coming in you're doing well son oh my God Jimmy can you hear me it's Joe it's Joe Gallow grab his leg I can't help you you got to do it by yourself get him on that Chopper okay oh my God oh my God man that's so hard to watch I can't imagine this [ __ ] man just I just now we put them back in our heels and we got us a l i want you to attack that cut off yes sir they try to get Mill Gibson to go back to um HQ two what two days ago two three days ago is they one them coming in for debriefing yeah it might have been longer than that Sergeant Salvage you still here yeah hey The Savage and them boys been holding it down no ammo you know saying they have no refill on ammo no water no food no mother was holding it down that's a nice day sergeant Savage Savage is his last name when old dude reported back said we we broke all broke all their lines you beating the Americans congratulations I wonder if he's in trouble Brigade headquarters once who lifted out on the first Chopper at dawn what idiot who keep ordering that in the middle of a goddamn battle General West more than wants a briefing give me this is the second time they try to do this I am in a fight now I will not leave my men is that clear that's the second time they try to do that there's two of my men unaccounted for out there let's go ahead and get him what he say I'm with you sir all right they looking for old boy from American Pie and um Willie like I hope my man ain't dead you found him he's dead you know what I'm saying I just had hope my man was just you know what I'm saying like holding on Julie brought another oh God Julie Julie it's yours no I was wored for him the whole movie but he was a good guy he was a really good guy he died keep my promise sir they're ordering us all out they're going to a March reinforcements in requesting permission to rejoin the line sir proba had a dog Gary own sir I wonder what was going through kuster's mind when he realized he led his men into a Slaughter sorry kuster was a [ __ ] you ate God dang sir major hand out the last of the ammunition yes sir hey bro Gib is good [Music] third day so it was a day ago well no yeah they try to get him out fix bayonet I don't I do not like this I don't like this I don't like this at all I don't like this song at all I don't like this coming in they attacked them before they got a chance are you going are we going full commit we're not going to pull back any bruh what are we doing oh thank [Music] God oh God oh God this song still got me [Music] nervous hey snake came through in the clutch didn't he you wondering how Custer felt sir has kill a hard [Music] line I don't know what that man said but hey they packed up quick didn't theyo there's no way I could go back to where keep going bro you had 4,000 people they had 395 I mean I'm I'm just I just I just feel like if you got 395 of people I don't give what we playing and I got a th just a thousand hell 800 I I feel like we win I feel like we should [Music] win ni [ __ ] I'm this on the guy that tried to ban at you translated some of it want have a look at [Music] it it's American artillery how many casualties what the hell happened here Joe Hey Jo right I ain't talking about it Colonel what was the key to your Victory Colonel how do you feel about the loss of your men sir have you notified the family sir I'm telling you I hate reporters I really do I don't know if they like this for real but a movie reporter I hate them glad you made it son thank you sir I'll never forgive myself for what sir that my man died and I didn't they got some virus guilt I don't know how to tell this story well you got to Joe you tell the American people what these men did here you tell them how my Troopers died yes sir thank you Mel Gibson he just like he's aged in this film right there he just like a old tired dog that's just been through so much [Music] my man's broken inside he said he' be the last one off [Music] too he kept his word first one step on last one step off [Music] man you know that's crazy hore superiors congratulated him for killing over 18800 enemy soldiers then ordered him to lead the men of the seventh Calvary back into the valley of death he led them and fought beside them for 235 more days this a telegram kids go to bed isn't there's someone at the door go to bed the telegram or him okay cuz he said 285 more days I didn't know I didn't I didn't [Music] know children your daddy's home they they was sneaking downstairs to see what it was anyway for others their only family would be the men they bled beside no honor guards to welcome them home they went to war because the country ordered them to but in the end they fought not for their country or their flag they fought for each other dear Barbara I have no words to express to you my sadness at the loss of Jack the world is a lesser place without him I know you to are sure of this and and yet this knowledge can't diminish his loss oh he send it back to her with abiding respect and affection how more oh that's a good man we who have seen war will never stop seeing in the Silence of the night we will always hear the screams so this is our story but we were soldiers once and Young [Music] [Music] that's so many people man that's that's so many people [Music] man all right we just got finished watching this We Were Soldiers and um I enjoyed that movie I really did but yeah that's that's another one of them ones that this will be the last time I'm watching go know even though he got to go home and stuff I just I I just can't I can't I can't handle [ __ ] like that knowing that people really died and people really had to go through this stuff is it's hard to watch this is this is why I've never watched stuff like this like growing up I don't like seeing people hurt I don't like seeing people unhappy I don't like um he waits to the end of the movie to get on the bed like he he he Wast till a wrap up decide I want to come hey man this man's timeing is wild I hate seeing people hurt and this like them walking with the letters just I'm I'm glad we didn't see everybody break down like we did the black lady and she fought that [ __ ] as hard as she could she was trying she was trying her best like nope I don't accept it like no no no but the reality was the reality and then just knocked on more doors and more doors more doors and I'm I'm thankful that this movie did not linger on um his name his name old boy from American Pie his wife I'm glad I didn't Ling on her and show her ho [ __ ] I telling you I'd have been no more good cuz we hung with them and been around them a lot more than we've been with everybody else like M Mel Gibson and Sam Elliot I'm telling you like them two [ __ ] is part superhero because everybody else duck n you know what I'm saying least touch over like on the phone and stuff these two [ __ ] he hey my bad fought SE Elliot fought the whole situation with a pistol I never seen him pick up a M16 and let off shots he had a pistol the whole time even when they was putting the bayonet on the [ __ ] [ __ ] he had a pistol man this is a really good movies this is one of those movies that is better than what I thought it was going to be because I me personally I've never heard nobody or I've never really seen in the comments you need to watch We Were Soldiers you need to watch We Were Soldiers like P Ry and hacksaw Ridge um it's been a couple Apocalypse Now there been a couple other ones people have mentioned um that I need to watch but We Were Soldiers was not one I heard it was a good movie from blank I'm saying but I didn't think I didn't expect this you know what I'm saying like I really really like this but I will never watch this [ __ ] [ __ ] again you know what I'm saying I can't I can't I can't I hope y'all enjoy watching this with me CU I enjoy watching it with y'all need to go eat some ice cream and just get back to me I mentioned earlier if you ever watched before full want to watch the full length it's over on patreon pick the patreon I'm going give shout out to the VIPs got shout out to Leslie Trey John Herold Becca June the beautiful do Missy Big Al Robin big Frank Cody stanmire Paul siwicki Frost 1997 Anna Rondo Jeff jigan Adam grd B Allon red tail Z TJ gangler Thomas de Brandon gared Elizabeth espo Nicholas Jenkins super nobody Rachel martinz dle bb98 nin Nick Co movies at midnight jimy Gibson Miguel Brooks k mclo Echo peanut Sammy Zachary Jonathan Patrick Ryan rocket beardo Blackbeard Bob hot Indie media am and lock Jake sson ban boore Jake slogin ton8 Aragon Captain Roberts Dom Lavar Hawkins show Colin Le Shaw Jason Harley Smith Brad Williams Rick Miranda Michael Clark Jesse Gina Luke the first Antoinette Cil M de fast pH guy burrito Amy K Ralphie Long Island Bianca the salt Nation Brandon Adrien Trey Nicholson Kyrie w summer Devin Ronnie Collins Rick P Stephanie Nick Chris Bianca big rig and John Gray like all y'all for being for y peace everybody else being part of the family as well y the best part of this channel so y'all be good y'all be safe night night for
Channel: EOM Reacts
Views: 17,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie reaction, first time watching, movie reaction first time watching, reaction, movie reactions, first time watching movie reaction, movie reaction first time, extraordinarily ordinary media, EOM reacts, first time reaction, movie first time watching reaction, first time movie reaction, eom, eom reaction, we were soldiers reaction, we were soldiers movie reaction, first time watching we were soldiers, we were soldiers first time watching, memorial day 2024, memorial day
Id: El9hlgGI1lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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