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hi friends welcome back to my youtube channel my name is liv i'm also variety streamer over on twitch if you guys would like to come hang out and join us for the live streams i will leave a link to my channel in the description below i just want to say a huge thank you to anyone that has joined us over on patreon i really appreciate you supporting the channel there are full length reactions available so if anyone else is interested there will also be a link in the description below but today guys we are back with the second episode of band of brothers and i'm starting bracing myself for this episode because we left off they were on the plane about to jump um into a war zone so i think it's going to be a pretty heavy start to the episode definitely um i think we were eased into it with the first episode being mainly based in the training camp so i'm excited um bracing myself to see what happens in episode two but guys thank you so much um for liking and subscribing and with all that being said guys let's get into it i love that final shot of them on the hilltop like that and we lost a lot of people that night but uh you try to put it all on your mind oh gosh wow so they're the real-life power tubes i feel like i could listen to them forever i just want to hear them talk that's so interesting um the real paratroopers actually experienced it well it's such an amazing way to start every episode it really sort of brings you back that this is a true story that real people experience this what he said how how do you play yourself mentally how did they throw themselves out of that plane knowing what they were jumping into is amazing i mean i wonder what they're all thinking right now what were they all thinking what was going through their mind as they were flying you know to their destination to jump what do you think what what are you saying to yourself in your head try and give yourself i don't know any kind of peace in this situation even if that's possible they can barely hear each other it's so loud in the plane even i'm like struggling to hear them in the plane how did they talk to each other they wouldn't have soundproofed the planes would they it's not like an air um a passenger plane is it i guess the noise maybe it helped drown out their thoughts i don't know oh they're already being shot out they're already being shot out oh my gosh whoa i didn't know they would be literally jumping into i i didn't realize it's people that wouldn't have even got a chance to jump i didn't know they were literally headed straight into oh yes just get out get out the plane it seems safer at the moment these are going to go and also jumping when you put all that around you as well like planes other people jumping the sky's just littered oh my god i just can't even people did this pete this really happened would have all just landed so scattered wouldn't they away from each other i wonder if the rest of them are as lost as we are yeah where is everyone else we're not lost we're a normandy that looks like they're people right yes or at least they found some people at least we know winters can read a map and has good navigation oh no start here obviously it's enemy i'm gonna run and hide at this point it's probably best that they hide instead of trying and fight because if half of them don't have their weapons and their gear do you think it's the best idea to hide keep them alive until they can get their weapons and equipment there's too many there's too many of them they're going oh he didn't wait for his command but he did do the job so yes he disobeyed orders but oh my gosh what was that at least he got the job done and now they have weapons he's the guy that lost um brother isn't he just for the jump or found out about someone's brother dying i can't remember it was his brother or not well that's a nice a peaceful shot of them isn't it he just said i wonder where they shot all of them this and where do they shoot it obviously a lot of it is all a lot of it's on location so far it all seems like it's on location apart from obviously the jump scenes how did someone get caught when they jumped in the net oh no but he's got all his gear look he's got all the gear they should take the gear anybody needs supplies or ammo now it's time to get it that's such a hard job to do especially when they know it's your guys but i doubt it's warfare smart thing to do is take the supplies would love to watch a making of this show i wonder if there is one like a documentary morning sir captain america is enjoying the war where are you from son eugene oregon eugene my family answered the call all true aryans should return to the fatherland you're [ __ ] me right what got you eugene i was going who were those guys then i didn't think i understood who they were oh easy company oh yes there's some more of them wouldn't that put you in line to be the next commander of easy i gotta run on the same side but different uniforms different platoons are these guys not on their side he just killed them [ __ ] three how many crowds do you think we're facing no idea oh kraut's the enemy okay yeah proud shouldn't you be outside with the other able company guys see you around we're splitting up now going with their companies well there's just there's constant noises going on around it must be really confusing like which direction is all the noises coming in from like disorientating that's the word really disorientating for them i'll draw their fire to the right from the truck take two men and hit him from the left okay they're trying to take down these big guns don't give away your position until you have to i want that tnt as soon as you see we've captured the first gun go oh they're trying to capture the guns okay oh he's in a tree they're in the trees yeah don't shoot your position oh they're throwing the grenades are they no no no no no no always make sure oh this is so well shot this is so well shot it's so immersive the way they're just how do they shoot this this the shots are so close up and it's all moving with each i need to see how they shot this [Music] but he survived a grenade twice grenades oh okay so there's another gun to get me to get the other gun what's he saying they don't understand what he's saying i need to know what a luger you'll be all right is i'm sorry i messed up let me sorry hey sarge yeah you think this is a ticket home baby i just got here i'm assuming that powder was like disinfectant or something or to help stop the bleeding wow this is such a cool shot the way they've shot this how do they do it so close up close and personal and all these like so realistic how'd they do it the camera guy must have literally like just been there in their face [Applause] oh no my gun looks like it's broken oh no he didn't make it i'm looking for italian headquarters are you kidding me oh my gosh this is brutal it's absolutely brutal this whole thing has been choreographed so well okay back to medallion well they've got the tanks that will help [Music] oh look at the blood-stained road the success of the invasion was far from certain we had an hour to rest and scrounge whatever food we could an hour to rest south and secure the town of cool in an hour they probably wouldn't even sleep because they were just running off adrenaline or evening something here oh could you imagine the smell of open flames in there as well yet sir don't drink oh he's like yes i'll have it it's been a day at first i do now you know you found that had every crowd gun in normandy on it oh yeah yeah oh the map he found giving them all the enemy positions i set that map up to division i think it's gonna do some good well hopefully they know it came from winters and he gets the credit for finding that map that obviously um hit him though seeing that losing that tree just throwing the can of tuna away it's oh my gosh hold on to the food well looking at that seeing that night i took time to i promised god and myself that i would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace you would wouldn't you you'd be so thankful for every single day just for surviving each day i can't imagine what these men really went through you lived through the wall you would thank your lucky stars that you you made it to the next day winter's the distinguished service cross was awarded to richard winters easy company's capture of the german battery became a textbook case of an assault on a fixed position and is still demonstrated at the united states military academy at west point today this is all these people are real this isn't completely real how they did it what happened amazing okay wow that was such a good episode this episode really makes me want to see a making of this tv show the shops were incredible especially when they were um at war down in the trenches combat was happening they were so up close and really really immersive shots and just the sound effects and things being flown through the just everything i would just love to see how how it all came together how they choreographed it so smoothly because it was all on location um i just want to see how they did it and how it was made because it was just it was so good um a wonderful just a wonderful watch even though it's very harrowing what's happening is a true story oh it's just an amazing thing to watch um how they did it um because they did such a good job and the acting as well um from the soldiers from when they were in the plane just all the way through just they seem to really sort of capture the emotions that all the soldiers would have gone through during war just amazing i've really really really enjoyed it and i'm just looking forward to continuing um even though i know there's gonna be a lot of hard hard moments um it's just been made so wonderfully and i'm just looking forward to continuing so thank you so much guys and for watching if you've made it this far i cannot wait for episode three if you guys want to come hang out on twitch there will be a link to my channel below as well as a patreon if you're interested in full length reactions um but i will see you guys again very soon bye [Music] me
Channel: LiivReacts
Views: 51,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _PDi58McifM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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