Converting HATERS To Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers | Reaction/Review

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I don't remember the last time I was I was this happy to film something I'm not okay I was like I was this happy in general in general literally no no I'm just so excited like this is so growing up this used to be my favorite now return the king is my favorite but I love this movie it's time for me and Brin to clear our names okay I'm sorry I said juy so much we're going to you know who we're not dialog off to soon darn a Tik Tok and it was like your birthday month is your Lord of the Rings character G I sent that to Carter okay but I'm just confuse what's going to happen I have no idea like do you guys remember where we left off yeah because they split up fro and Sam are going to they're going to that and then the other ones are going to go s Mar pck yeah who's going to die this is no okay no but for for this I don't think we're going to get a significant death this movie I don't think so either I hope I've recently been thinking a lot about gimly so I hope he gets some more scrim time wow wait why I don't I don't know it's just he just been out my mind guys I got a little something a little Care Pack it'll it'll make an appearance I forgot the ring gosh dang it it'll make an appearance next movie Return of the King but I got a little care package wait wait is this movie any of your favorites out of the out of the trilogy it used to be when I was younger this one is yeah a lot of times when People's First watches this one's their favorite this is Caleb's favorite I hope some Eagles in this well guys first movie uncut and this movie uncut and the next movie uncut and all of our future movies and all of everything will be on our p in the description sorry sorry people were a little upset that we didn't watch the extended version well yeah I was upset too I'm one of them let's just do the third one extended yeah okay we have a ton of movies planned for the future like we said last time brig's never seen Harry Potter I know crazy uh I've never seen like random stuff like Indiana Jones Transformers Fast and Furious never seen any of those okay I'm I'm excited I'm so locked in right now oh okay we don't have to rewatch this yeah why are they making me really [Music] watching War me too all wait excuse me G was already oh my gosh right now if this gives me a shred of hope that he's alive and he's [Music] not wait is it unreal one of my favorite sh get up is soul un real right there dud please tell me he's still alive please look at him maybe he just fell in the water and he swam oh what is he still alive what is that's me every night since the first movie just dreaming of Sam is the best friend ever Sam was probably the most true person to ever okay it's kind of cool he's like remembering Gandalf as like the ultimate hero eyes close to the ey it's getting heavier oh no oh no he has great skin yeah that's what I was thinking this whole time other stuff it's not bad nothing ever dampens your spirits does it having no water with that sounds terrible it's like a Popeye's biscuit no water oh oh my God I hate me guys how do you find I'm really scared I can't do this right now yeah thises 12-year-old m is in shambles right now 26-year old me is in shambles right now oh my gosh oh my [Music] gosh oh he's strong how you not scared oh my God down every day yeah oh my [Music] gosh sting you've seen it before haven't you go release him or I'll cut you Thro cut it regardless cut it yeah just cut it anyway that's what I do e e e wait why are they keeping him look they hi to so every to this rocket maybe he does deserve to die he does it would be honestly a favor look at him he's miserable no way he's going to take it off can make that I can trust okay good job what the ring is treacherous hold you to your word no way wait he's going to wet him free there's no way there this is happen I yeah good job Sam yeah Sam it's true yeah he said not to he's not to decide like Li death that's why fto is also being like somewhat willing to let him he is so scared I'm so scared you guys [Music] can't oh that's wow you see wow that was actually I would have never found that in a million years the one thing PPP did good oh my God that's me country Wars I bet you're so strong gy probably drives a Bronco I love this thing oh there's something strange at work here some evil gives speed to these creatures sets its will against us he knows so much [Music] yeah sorry yeah I I know that they it gets stuck in my head the whole last stuck in my head oh my gosh we have only to remove those who oppose us it will begin in the RO they're never going to win how long have these peasants stood against you dang it don't they have the Epic little towers they burn the stuff dang it you know you know the mom's not making it dang it no oh my gosh taking the OU vill it's Billy is he in Game of Thrones if we don't defend our country Sara will take it by force The King The King from V sag I forgot his name looks like double door kind of he's like the he's like the king's advisor Lance your uncle is wearied by your Mal content your War hungering how long was it since s born you what was the promised prize screamer he gets her e this is so gross he's so gross too much what no I like that guy you are banished forth with from the King om of Ro what under pain of death so that was another kingdom yeah does it make me really want to read the book this is Juicy yeah I want to read that yeah we should have a wait you need to read our book forch okay come on M you can do it that's M on the hike I don't like these things talking they're like brothers a they're so cute might a yeah I can't with them I'm sick of them you remember the old the fu why can't we have e oh no they're going to eat no everybody Mar they don't deserve this they're going to start fighting please no oh my gosh how smart fight each other yeah oh yeah they're so gross R did you watch rig that horse back so it really is that is so epic shooting a bow on for oh like what new B so oh I was this what to say what business does an elf a man and a dwar having the quickly wasn't any sentence to yeah I I thought he just got Ked out I give your he ran away I like the I like his helmet he's cool oh my God I love that I'm Aron of AR no longer recognize his friend from not even his own King how do you escape my comp those loyal to Rohan and for that we are vanished they've taken two of our friends the URS are destroyed we slaughtered them during the night till you see two har s be small only children should rise we piled the carc and burn them stop no it's not Reales to better Fortune former Masters yeah they ESC may they hopped on the horse yeah but do not trust to hope they they for sure gave him a better death scene that's really true that he gave them a horse two horses true yeah it is really nice that's really nice darn it gim we doesn't get his own Lego better ride the white one if he doesn't it's he better oh yeah he is with gim G like not even on the saddle he's just on the back hey that would HT my nightmares there's no way that that would smell so bad bro I was justad no way they're digging through they're Hing for their friends it's gimly they're little knives darn it there's a no but they probably took it [Music] away if you know you don't you know here I don't know he really get ATT track yeah he's just good oh look wow he's so smart Brin don't say anything about him now oh my God I like I like see a lot they're giving us a flashback while he's tracking look they're so they're so little they're taking so many steps and every's like barely running barely jogging that's true into fangor Forest I know oh my gosh they're never going to make it no way they're going see I told you guys I knew there's no way they were dying yeah pipp and choked and choked and choked all he did was choke and number one but he he he he's still following them yeah pipp is the best yeah he's this hungry yeah I don't know why they didn't think of this first but you know it's fine oh no oh my I knew it he's like he's like my God thought he was like so high oh my God oh oh tre's going to get in wow oh my gosh oh they can't they can't catch a break it's talking Mary the tree is talking tree shepher of the forest don't talk to the Mary don't encourage it scw I love the world the token cre this is so cool nobody cares for Woods [Music] anymore that hurts so bad he that hurt so [Music] bad oh my gosh they really can't catch a break please [Music] I can't do this anymore s man's going to get him man us sorry it's a b that is that is the worst thing ever yeah he's going to drown mares for for literally hundreds of miles he's going to drw them oh dead mares there are dead things Dead faces in the water I love how he says that how old is Golem he's like 600 he's like 600 years how is he like still living though that's what I don't so gross just dead bodies everywhere yeah that's so gross like one of their moms or something one of these rats can to open their eyes or something yeah please is it going to open his eyes please no why is he doing I'm scared okay please no oh my I can't I can't I can't kind of looks like Hercules the ring overpowered him oh yeah oh yeah good is it go go strong hand wait go I actually Sav him he wants that ring true he's going to be like wait he was true yeah as scary as that is it'd be so sick to like be out there and see that why you like sleep not there now is the time Jack no wait he dides he have he took it just G that's creepy Jack froto has it oh what's he doing then he said your life was a sad story they do not see what son has fed on dead SME yeah that's that's the only that's the only thing I knew coming into this movie I knew smeagle backstory hey he's getting proud remembering his name the way bro they're back no you can the good thing these guys are literally wait wait Dr though dude they're so cool not really dragons they call them felies how did they get those for your pre okay aor is so smart please no I can't do this do not let him speak he will bur SP us we must be quick how he is always everywhere you are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbies where are they they met someone they did not expect who are you show yourself he has ascended oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I'm going to start crying is this real is he really there this is heav go too far oh my God wait is this real from the lowest dungeon to the highest [Music] the until at last I threw down my enemy and smot his ruin upon the mountain side Darkness took me but I strayed thought and time and every day was as long as a life age of Earth I've been sent back until my task is done up what wait that was they us to call me that's crazy doesn't remember his time in that place was just so long oh my gosh wait is this real life Carter yes sir oh my gosh I'm so happy me too I wow he ascended oh my gosh I'm so happy oh I'm so happy I'm so happy right now oh he's about about to get something okay that is so juicy they sue each other Shadow fact Shadow fact is is the name of my first kid oh this this this music could oh my God could be more back why don't they put gim on the back of the Lord of hor oh my gosh wow look now they're sitting happy he knew the hobbits weren't yeah look they're just chilling wild and dangerous to few left to manage them how was BR last yeah why didn't you sh tear I already knew we were crying I already knew G yeah brg knew got spoil you knew I've seen the movie seen him like back when he was like 12 I want this look I want my house to look just like this to us so it's just like Dobby and Harry Potter why is goem so loud he goem scares me so bad it's not funny what not not those get remember they were in the cave it takes those massive guys wait I kind of feel bad for them me too that's no way they're running through this right now no oh my go is in shamble yeah look that would hurt so bad that would hurt wait why he cuz it's Grable oh oh my everyone in this show is so blind yeah they're so no can't wait their their cloak looks like a rock oh never mind I'm BL no you didn't know yet no I love I love the Lo glorian gifts come in so close yeah like his bow and that over what so cute he C I know they're so cute oh my gosh Maybe kind smart cuz remember he got tortured in there [Music] oh yeah he's saying like why this before yeah not to something I'm kind of starting to light Golems I'm kind of feeling bad for him he's just sad you want why they really hurt him but he looks kind of cute probably the first person that's been nice to him in 200 years true he wants he wants just love he's just like all of us a juicy area it's like a poor Village did you hear what sarmon called him no said these peasants oh yeah I didn't hear that is this like a sugar daddy type relationship or something kill him that's his that's her knees that's his knees dude that is a little corpse off the he's still full of life yeah no his outfit is so good yeah I hate Mr filch look at him why is he so gross oh is it cuz he's overtaken by the darkness he's just gross guy he killed him for sure e she loves he loves her right he snake yeah good job walls of your Bing in about you his CH he's kind of a wait does she like this we might have to use the r word he's risen please if they kiss I'm I'm I'm done I'm walking out me too you okay good job good job proud of her it's like no I was so close she better run away for good excuse me who is that I'll let you oh I just got chills oh symbolism so they just filmed the mountain and then just CGI houses on it actually that's so sick is looking so like this is a real building no way that's so cool wow I think mostly just the outside find a graveyard I can't I still King so armed and upgrade him by order of GMA worm to E I hate Primo you say the walking stick you would man from his you read the mon no his most powerful weapon that little win oh is so juicy really your is L Death to words what an insult just wrecked it is it stop oh look at them time to go okay this guy's on on [Applause] oh I would stay still if I yeah me this guy is so disgusting s's going to know he's too far gone you have no power here gandal the grave oh dang it that was kind of wa I will draw you Salamon as poison is drwn from our W oh my gosh wow get off is so power right W gain more power why is his ey wow his outfit is no I know he's soy look so good he was using magic I was just about to say before I was like why do he still have a gray [Music] cloak oh wait oh okay he's turning more the curse it was the curse okay I was like he's freaking amazing no wonder do not disrespect d a he was so under the spell you could even tell what it was okay I can't wait till we finish all like Watch Ed if they grasp to soon wow EP yeah I think Steve the best sorry wow guys that's really cool I got chills yeah me too gosh the music is so good Howard short cooked kill the snake yeah kill him please yeah oh blood has been spilled on his account he's going to run toon where is we do not no parents you have to BU that child he was strong in life his spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers it's not the out H must fight you have 2,000 good men riding north as we speak they will be 300 Lees from here by now s not AR king of ran just by order of the king the city must empty they fle to the mountains when they shut stand and fight gets his gets his light bags to be a coward will need you before the end the people of ran will need you what 2,000 years like four 300 lives of men what why is he leaving [Music] then you some skill with BL R is that the knife he threw he stabbed into L's leg season do you feel my a cage you're a daughter of k a shield maiden of Rohan I do not think that would be your fate love this love the red and black he nice but then the green he know this I I knew it I said he going to go right City they will flee to Helms Deep they will have and children them okay he likes it he wants to kill them all they should have listened stinker why he's dragging himself call him night him down is so sweet oh my gosh like a little kid a dog is Max you know about it nothing ring it's getting get the ring is kind of getting him though I don't know why I said that it's a ring what do it's the ring okay I love Sam you can't take your eyes off it it's my task mine my own dang it you hear yourself why does he call himself we and us I think because there he like the split person that's what I thought but I didn't know that's s not list a I kind oh I feel bad for him too a why would you be without me after us now go away he's Brave yeah I'm proud of him the mother back now I never did he leave what's going on his head no it's all his head yeah but I'm like like I'm proud yeah I'm proud of him no [Music] true true how did he catch two r there's only one way we to braak the comies what is wrong with need few potatoes potatoes I love that little conversation that little that's like the most civil conversation ever there's always just swarms of people around yeah why can they never catch break bigo's pretty smart I wonder how he learned while being in oh my gosh they're abusing is it all you fult what the freak those ones are way bigger thans that is so cool how crazy why is M so czy who is it I it's El wait not that all wants they H [Music] elves that would be a cool thing yeah wait I'm [Music] curious It's a good guy right it's a good guy they're good guys I hope mys oh dang it no they're good right I'm sure dude those mountains are ins crazy are we just going to see these people die's trying to dwarf women look the exact same as dwarf mens just spring out the F in the ground which is rler oh can't ride anymore oh no are you sure he's taking no yeah he's cheat I thought well she give up a moral life for him and look what he's doing yeah see he see of his girlfriend no my girl promised me AAR see look she gave him her necklace and she gave up he's like Saka for real I wish I could have someone RIS me to sleep yes he s her I told you he would cheat Brin heast I told you he want to cheat I told you guys said he would never cheat and look how juicy her outfit is okay I want to go back to rendale that looks unal R yeah let's go back to yeah let's go back guys yeah this is the memory I think she's so cute I don't know how you guys have little see I told you Brad where is she I only have Fai in him look she knows the woman gave he just didn't answer there's me this is important girls love a mysteriously what she stays because she still has she stays for you her people yeah just listen I not you are AF it was a dream no they'll father went back okay no this belongs to you no she's going to like I feel so bad for her much how sad she is so he wasn't cheating he yeah he wasn't cheating they're broken up elves can sail through the undying lands which and they live forever so [Music] popcor what is that what is that werewolf Hy [Music] be his fault he didn't trust Gand Gand must people and make haste I can fight no oh do this I remember her I remember her he's fighting demons right now yeah bro he's temped yeah I like this music too I love oh my wow W can we yeah I do that [Music] I I love when the king leads the charge so epic dude the action scenes in this are so St oh my a he so h e no give me please wait bring your pretty face to my [Music] a stinking oh oh [Music] wow he Snips why he smell it give him a second poly just those morgs die pretty easy though it's always a one shot that was a goblin not a ward he airb is so cool oh w oh my go the dumbest ever oh please no I can't do this he has to be live right please if he's not I'm done he's going to like ride it back better he's like H with one handing if he's dead I'm walking out the St that be a W for that orc that was no way he snatched his chain too bro that orc was on business if he's dead Carter I'm done I'm not kidding oh no please no I can't do this get the wounded on horses leave the dead I can't do this he's a king all right straight to [Music] business no they're going to go to H seat knows they're there right SAR everything with ran has a little no she's alive oh I don't want to watch anymore people are safe Lord where is he all our for behind the wall the gate and set a watch on the surround out of walls dude letting this rat live ended up being such a l right even if it is breached it would take a number Beyond Reckoning thousands to stor the K oh they've been they've been grinding they've been grinding the new Rising it's victory is at hand the land will be stap with the blood of Rohan L to hell to war he's crying oh my gosh your favorite it's Mary and P BR I'm sad I don't want to wait I don't think he's dead I know but I'm so sad always so crazy but I'm glad that P's back days oh that would be so scary but where are they going like what's our end goal why are they just sitting there yeah the war is starting oh my God see he better be alive really mad that's some nice water right there for real bro he has to be you you they would give him a better Destin too let me die there oh my gosh wipe away those tears aie thece of the wow no one better be saying I don't care cuz I just cried for nothing wake up bro found him his horse just horse the greatest horse of all time wow I love this horse I think that's the same horse wow look he's so true he's sleeping with him okay he has he has so much grit you're telling me he's like dying he still gets on the horse I don't like this guy I don't know why I know you guys I like's I like him I think he's cool why you he's a narcissist he joked what if she like she's going to stay for him and he's going to be with the other girl sure he'll do something legendary though if he's the yeah I'd way rather be princess slow decay of time Aragon will die and there will be no comfort for you no Comfort to ease the pain of his passing an image of the Splendor of the kings of men in glory just wa for him to die Breaking the world that's actually a good point but she'll still look like so pretty and he's just dead she could just like stand no he looks unreal the Dad's here he will dwell no I get why the dad want her to go grief it's weird because what he's saying is true but it's just a pessimistic view he just spit facts of your life well he's lived it he's like thousands of years old there is nothing for you here only death what's the point of living forever though if you're going to be depressed that's a question if she were to have kids with him would they be out like would they live forever would they live forever I know it is like a hard yeah it's a hard decision well and it's like Loki she doesn't even know if he survived like that's true he just went on to a mission to to fight I do not think there're with that I'd be on the first goat out of there or she's going to run away she's I think she's going to run away on the journey I want to be this is so juicy anyone Translate yeah one second bro sorry s will use his puppet San to destroy the people of Rohan has been Unleashed L has to do nothing the ey of now turns to Gondor the strength oh I forgot that they're with those El is failing in his heart Frodo begins to understand it is the risk we she look Prett this movie than the last in the Gathering D the will of the Ring grows strong men who are so easily seduced by its power who are these people they're handling she just said he's the young Captain I know that all life on this Earth the time of the elves is over I need this easterlings and souths are passing through the black gate how many some thousands more come every day that little city sh was as Gile oh s attacks RIS God he knows now we do not have the strength to rep him and then tell me that you are all Spies spies now wait just a minute you're not SP we are Hobbits of the sh your bodyguard is Garder we set from Riv with seven companions one we lost in Mor oh my gosh doesn't even know that g is alive Aron son of Aron I can't are they ever going to go back to the ster FR B that kind of looks like him are they twins dead how when he didn't even know that either dependent i' hope you would tell me who my knew it I don't know he doesn't have that star look I actually like I think he's way harder than his brother he looks he's cuter he looks like a gry joy I actually like smle he's kind of Miss creature where's M Sam how did Sam sleep through that his protector maybe smeel got sad and let Golem back in oh he's just swimming the waterfall pool wa for my come out but he lied remember he's like that mean he'll know that he has the ring if he says yes right oh W wait please let me go down to him okay yeah is ital no the eyes are little I need you must trust mon come on his eyes are no this is smigle right smigle listen to me why he build a train scared they already HT him they already hurt him once other people wa I feel [Music] bad a answer me doesn't cry yeah I feel so bad look at his scars what did they steal no you're going to tell okay use the ring Mr F just this once what Sam's getting cloudy judgment too the Ring's taking me S yeah you put it on put it off he's never going to want to take it off he'll F me this is the answer to all the rids the ring of power within my grasp get home do you remember what what the the elf lady said no the ring wants him to take cuz men are weak to the Mountain of Fire Sam is so I love Sam reinforcements to leave the ring will go to gond I feel there's my man I feel so bother they so close now they're just going all the way back Bro kind like what I thought the was an Army from Eisen guard and an army from Two Towers Tower the ey sorry II thought the eye was with eard I with the bad guys dial it in this is kind of confusing bro how' they even film this bro his horse is so goated yeah I love his horse they're about to get attacked you are luck CEST had the most Reckless man I ever knew oh bless you how does he even have the strength we walking oh no oh no oh that you SE [Music] that so epic yeah look him great host you said 10,000 10,000 destroy the world of men it's like they kill everyone to get power but then it's like I don't know like what do they have power over when is this freaking when is Billy going to get here or is Billy going to get here a little late bil I have fought many he just trying to help a sweet I love I love gim so much underated hes Reb the colage hangs by thread this is to be our end and I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance they epic it's crazy it's like send out rers my Lord and will El the old allian story get women and children into the C to Provisions for us there is no time spies okay what are they doing how are they still just chilling in the trees yeah I'm with them for a very long time Gathering a gathering of what wow an are so funny surely these guys cook on the [Music] battlefield come on keep moving it suck to be in the cave it's pretty sick though just in the mountain though the air would get so St dang it that so hurt you they just they every man they can get he's a boy why don't they why don't girls fight that sword was garbage yeah that sword looks too many wi too that's it yeah they're one of them why don't they all go in the cave they're like trying to speak an Elvis to like and then they're like one of them like huh you are our King sever music CS so hard yeah I hope they can all the stop I'd be crying they're braver than me how did it come to this think about dayen too he just woke up from this crazy woke up just got freed from this crazy all this war crazy curse gosh I feel sad they're so little I know I'm really glad so many things make me more emotional these days I don't I'm like men are saying we will not live out the night okay that's so sad they say that it is hopess that look hor is good song The Worst blade I've ever seen you can tell he's just trying to give it home this little kid kind of looks like aor bro no wonder the elf prin wants to stay for him he's so true accurate depiction of how quickly guys yeah guys get over there armor that is no a oh my gosh wait what if it's what if it's his nephew that's coming with the horses who are you'll recognize him hopefully if you don't you're done done all these guys are like dang they need archers so bad yeah they really needed these look they're just grinning I'd be so happy are you kidding me oh oh yeah armor sick too bro that's B of gate armor long ago spoil anded together they so happy I love thead yeah I told you i' always love the elves he's like not used to the the elves are my favorite race his name is Hower we have proud to fight alongside men once more wow these are these guys are so I bet is so it's time to lock in if I'm those little boys I'm peeing my I'm running jeez bro oh whatever luck you live by let's hope it lasts a night Thunder wait till the can't die your friends are with you like just blink twice if we're going to be Twi the of [Music] C so [Applause] many what's happening out there shall I describe it to you or would you like me to find you a box no so that a dang that was a dang good shot got they are so scary scary so it begin [Music] no so epic I'm scared I'm 17 [Music] [Music] yeah those lad are be so hard to push back why there so much weight on them I feel sick why are we watching the trees I just want to finish this fight I'm so scared I know like how long do I'm scared are deciding whether they're going to go to war well they're for sure going to go to war Mary yet I have told your names to the ENT we have agreed you are he's so happy what about Sal you come to a decision about him they cannot fight this war on their own all these guys are so loyal I'd be running it defense us all unless it is worth taking a long time Tove he's picking out the cheing I heard someone count you hear a dwarf counting his death I'm so scared right now oh my God I sck to my stomach is this it is this all you can don't say that first what is that that wall oh to break down the wall I'm so scared K I can't watch this who that ugly he should be the real king come on Lego Los never misses bro oh he's wearing a helmet so it wouldn't do anything what you saying see it's like I'm never watching Aon movie ever again soar was so true so true [Music] no so epic everyone L just woke up from being passed [Music] out oh my gosh he's so unreal he's so SI wow that's crazy I'm sooud cannot hold back this story oh my God this is so they just like dragged Mary World wow looking guilty Mar's going crazy but your part in this T is over go back to your home the woods yeah the sh will get got too right w't be a sh I mean Mary's not wrong he won't stop won't stop here yeah Eisen guard's not that far oh wow wow no no oh D it [Music] [Music] literally [Music] czy oh come on we can take okay it's a long way trust me what I can jum the trust me don't tell me out not a word well they had to get is [Music] so the big boy lad oh I can't do this anymore those are so big holy wow out [Music] of oh my oh my pull everybody back that guy got destroyed pull them back I wonder if they even killed a thousand [Music] yet I will leave you at the Western borders of the forest Mary's so depressed they look so depressed but that weing God yes exactly it's the last he wow wow he's so true I love his little ACC doesn't make sense to me I always like going sou somehow it feels like going down hill they both kidnap so I ring were not safe the dad probably was putting pressure on him too you must let me go climb up sometimes and they tially awfully [Music] oh he's going to see what the what the Orcs did and then he's going be so bad my battle I know not and acorn yeah maybe Pippin was so smart guys ices with Eisen guard tonight with a stone PPP this movie has really redeemed himself say one say one bad thing about [Music] massive and we go to our yeah W this is save today like always okay no he's used to walking like on all fls but then walk it's goinging to himself his eyes almost a weapon that will change our Fortunes in this war you want to know what happened to Boromir he tried to take the ring from Frodo after swearing an oath to protect him he tried to kill him it's interesting that Sam never told froto that froto has demons he was going to D what then he said in the ring is why he died which like scared not exactly sounds like something my I'm so confused how this movie is going to end I feel like the first movie I thought it would like end in a bunch but this one putting their flags up the white hand The Fortress is taken it is over you said this Fortress would never fall while your men defend it they still defend they have died defending it leer what can men do against such Reckless hate right out me ride out and meet them Glory your son is rising no go to my C oh please e the Horn of hel hammerand shall sound in the Deep thanks one last time so sick yes F Deeds awake oh I got chilled Alin and [Music] [Music] the dude they is putting work right [Music] now wow we're saved wow wow King nice I knew it is so epic I wonder how he that [Music] sock that insane the horseback is so op it's like 50 to one if you have a horse a lot people wow I [Music] soart wow yes Jee [Music] W there's so many of them [Music] jeez they're just throwing rocks in his Tower just throw a rock at him oh that is smart that's really smart I forgot wow that looks so juicy oh on yay that gu did dowsing his fire just flooded all there that was a strong D oh no oh no he's scaring me right now where are you going just go oh that shot is crazy [Music] NOP Sam is the best it's me it's your Sam don't you know your Sam okay he needs he get I can't do this they're smart they just pass it around like between the two of them my right we shouldn't even be here look it's like in the great stories Mr F the ones that really mattered sometimes you didn't want to know the end because out to the end be happy but in the end it's only a passing thing this Shadow even Darkness must pass those were the stories that stay with you that meant something even if you were too small to understand why FK in those stories had lots of chances are turning back only they didn't they kept going because they were holding on to something what do we hold all too s there's some good in this world Mr F and it's worth fighting for I think at last we understand what another fro to beans if you let them go your life will be forfeit then it is forit WOW gold Sam wow s's Ross will be terrible his retribution Swift the Battle for Middle Earth is about to begin all our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits that's three little HS wonder if we'll ever be put into songs and tales I wonder if people will ever say let's hear about Frodo ring Frodo was really courageous wasn't he dad left out one of the cheap characters Sam wi the brave I want to hear more about Sam I wouldn't have got far without s was being serious so was I dude s doesn't realize how goed he is it's crazy he's so true so much Brave Master broke his promise Master betray us some B and then we take you precious Master where are you come on fa r [Music] who oh my gosh that was very good that one is so good dude I still I still have a lump in my throat from Sam dude Sam speech Sam I I was like dude I top not gosh I love Sam Bro I went through with that movie to all six stages of grief oh yeah that one I like that one way better again end was thr the first one oh yeah I was never bored during this one no see that's the funny thing is that that's what I'm saying like most PE did you like this one better or the first one yeah this one was so good I was crying te I cried like five times a I cried so many times you like this one or the first one better I don't know dude what the first one went by faster for me really I feel like it's not even a competition yeah see like the first one that's what I mean like that's what I mean like after the first one went by faster but I this one this way the first one like I just feel like um and I mean obviously here I'm talking all three of these movies are like my favorite ever yeah and it's like wait there's only three yeah I thought there was four there lot the next one's of the king very they're all so who did they say they like this one or all three of them say well Brig said Addy and bradin said they like this one better I just feel like I like connected a lot more in this one like I was more emotionally usted like made me feel more things yeah I agree this one had higher Peaks for me yeah but the other one I thought overall overall was it's like pretty consistently like when I feel like the first one kind of has like set it up like like the first one kind of yeah I feel like this one's more depressing until the very end oh I disagree this one's pretty sad this one's straight depression until the very end when there's like this one yeah this one made me really sad but it was also like the highest of highs right likeand came back Aragorn oh Aragorn aror son of aror yeah yeah no like it's not a hot take if you like this one more than the last one it's not by much I think but I'm more with Brig where I think this one has well this one has the same high peaks maybe higher with Helm steep Helm steep Helm Deep is like Helm Deep is so might that was so PE yeah like I and then and no I think this is one of my favorite movies yeah like theod like getting theoden's like getting like hopeless and everyone's like right out with and then when they see the the dawn on the fifth day and they look they look East aorn was even cooler this movie they're like you need a dude elepant imagine if every or was on a Warg this would be the easiest wipe in the history morgs are op yeah I saw a bunch of comments saying they wanted more of brig's slots last movie so let's hear from Brig from last movie yeah um about not about the last movie right no like just saying like I feel like I don't know this one I mean they're both really good I was Carter thought I was like quiet I was just dialed dude just been dialed I feel like this one you kind of have to yeah trying I'm trying to absorb and just take all of it in make sure I'm dialed but I've really enjoyed it um yeah I don't know I'm torn I don't know which one I like better I think the first one it's it's super sick how they like build the world and they show like you know each place and how cool they are and and each place is unique and it's all green and blue and beautiful and then this one is very dark and very dreary and it all seems overwhelming and hopeless but then we get Peaks where you know we see Sam speech and we see that scene with with Gandalf coming and there's a lot of Hope and a lot of dread coming for the next movie but I mean I thought I thought they're both like really good like I enjoyed both of them a lot the war is definitely a lot more present in this movie yeah I will say the first the first movie moves a lot of different places while this one's more like centered on Rohan and like the defending against Eisen gard it's really symbolic too because like I think as as time goes on in these movies the Rings influence is felt more and more and more and the movies slowly get darker darker darker you know as the ring grows in power the movies literally get darker so it's like I think that's it's true because yeah like the first one you're just like filled with all these all this Wonder this adventure this like there's a but you're filled with like all these things and it's just like just the like blue colorful mountains everything like all this stuff but then like the ring is growing and the forces are growing and things get it's literally like just dark you know and I think it's sick too how like evil could have easily prevailed like this could have been the last movie but every single person like in every people had to show courage CU if if one AR like if one PE like if the elves decid to just sail away like Rohan would have fallen easily yeah or I guess whatever the what is it the elm the Helm's Deep Helms Deep yeah Helms Deep would have fallen easily without them without the elves and then they were still going to fall without Gandalf clutching up and then Eisen is Eisen guard M Eisen guard was you know still fortified and strong within the the trees the they decided the the ants yeah see I'm cooking the ants decided to to fight and so was like a like all of mid Earth had to come together or else everything would have fallen so yeah and sarmon was like shook to see the ends too cuz they haven't fought in like like what the men and elves haven't fought in thousands of years like yeah like like people are coming together the was like he didn't even want to reach out cuz it was just like things are happening that haven't happened in Forever much did every elf die I see one elf I know they don't show them near the end like I'm pretty sure they white I think a lot of them died but a lot of them yeah a lot of them made it back in the key for sure oh I thought a lot of them I didn't have enough horses to like I thought all that was left was in that room but that's yeah I liked this movie so much better than it's does it have to deal with like feeling like better not death like wise like no cuz I was so yeah I literally was like ad you have to watch cuz she was just like oh my she's not even dead I feel like I was going to throw up um no I just I this movie was just so much more enjoyable I feel like the first movie was a lot more Exposition but now we probably like come over the climax and are ready for The Descent and honestly like I just think this movie makes me way more emotional it's just I just think it's so much better I think the characters have already developed and so I think that their presence is just yeah so much more and I really liked seeing all their character development like I feel like Aragorn has always been just like he's always taken over like the role of leader but now especially in this movie you can see that he is just grown so much and developed and he kind of like it has to learn from the and how to actually people cuz he's like no they're going to HS deep that's stupid yeah but he's like no he's just trying to do the best he can for his people he's like what would you have me do yeah and I love the relationship shown between legalist and Aragorn like just like their little best friends and then I also did really like the relationship between legalist and gimy I thought gimy was really funny in this movie gim so I just wish they I wish they had shown froto and Sam a little bit more but I understand why they didn't um but yeah I this movie it's not comparable like I think this is one of my favorite movies I I think I could reat it's not take all three of these movies are top 12 of all time so I think I could watch this again right now no you know what's funny too I is that Aragorn like has like his character art goes really under the radar like you don't really think about it because he's so he's like he's just a focal old time yeah and he's such like a perfect vision of like being a man you know in a lot of ways and but if you remember where he started in the first movie he's a ranger who's he was like fearful of the weakness in his blood you know like he's he's afraid of ancestry and his like ancestors and he also didn't want to take take up the mantle he was like no yeah like cuz he's afraid he's afraid of falling into like that that same weakness that broke his line you know and so he's like you touched on his he's being a leader you know like he's having a character Arc that I feel like goes really under the radar cuz it's not as like it's not as like obvious yeah which I'm glad I noticed and now no one can make fun of me because yeah I think he's hot which is why I noticed but like it's funny cuz Jack's like oh like er had to learn learn from theod a little bit but like Theoden would still look to eror like in those moments where he was like like he looks to like so like so much cuz like I think Aragorn's one I think he's like tied for the most courageous guy in the whole in the whole trilogy BR I want to hear some of your thoughts yeah I um I agree I like this one a lot more um a lot more well I don't know I feel like it's okay I feel like I the the first movie is is a really really good movie but I feel like for me it's like all about the emotion and I felt a lot more emotion in this movie I think like similar to what Ai and brick said like I like the first movie really set up like some key characters like you already loved froto like Sam Mary Pippen and so in this movie like you still saw a little bit of their development but I don't know I feel like it was cool to then learn more about other characters like Aragorn like we talked about and even smeagle like I have always just like I I didn't even I don't know any of his story but I always knew he was like the creepy like weird little guy so even to like see I don't know I really felt for him and like I like like I'm rooting for him so that was like I don't know it was cool well it's it's good that you touch on that because back when these released like smeagle was like not like the star of the movie but like he garnered a ton of attention for This and like won a lot of awards because of they do his characters so well like the scenes when he's talking on the right of the tree it's it's smle and then left feel so bad when they're talking back and forth like the angle goes from this his eyes are different really good well the think about like like everything he's been through in his life and like I don't know I think it's really cool forgot his name he was like locked away into like this goem and theno kind of takes it out of him and then he has this internal struggle like he freed himself and he got rid of gollem and then froto froto like did and didn't do him dirty he was going to die so froto had to go to him but then he also in in smeagle eyes he got betrayed and then Gollum weas his way back in and now we see that he's feral again I just feel like so bad for him I love him but I also I liked at the end it was like so sweet when Sam was talking and he was like that was you think they're going to like know our names like we're going to be know be like Dad was so great and it's cool cuz like I feel like people really do that like I don't know it's like a cool like parallel to like the real world kids grow up like knowing about this and like they are all lower than yeah I agree I agree I love yeah I'm glad that you guys are um 9.0 are touching on a lot of things that I feel like are really important you know I can't froto and Gandalf have to reunite yes because I'll be on well well I mean are we're going to say our favorite characters this time there's one well have you guys' favorite characters change well mine was Bor last time he's G on he can still be there oh you mean favorite characters in the whole movie movie both movies so far could be your third number one I don't know wait can we rewatch legist jumping on that H okay yeah number one legalist that's not I mean I bet any of you could guess number two aror I love number one is leg he's so juicy all I've heard you talk about is Aragorn here's the thing I don't I feel like I know nothing about legless I just think he's okay here's the thing yeah aror is cooler so I feel like he had more things to talk about but then you look at legist and he's just so much more like he's so subtly cool that's what I like about him he in your face is more so like based on cool factors no hotness too but okay no I no just like and like how much I felt connected to them like I'd be way more sad if legless died but then I was so sad when I thought Eric gor died so my number three it has to be Gandalf it wasn't last time but froto was kind of giving me demons this movie so it has to be Gand no my three are so shocking to me I think it has to be Gand smeagle and wow smeele number two wow wow Carter she really she really is your wife I really connected I felt like so so Sor no no he is such an interesting like character to like really dive into and like kind of analyze because there's just so much to him like and so I I think he's really fascinating so I think that's why he no yeah I I agree like I think like your list is just like my my it would be like my second list well Sam is just really like shine in this movie because you see like and so cute because at the end he realizes that he's Brave it's so cute because like the whole movie he doesn't even really think he's like doing anything he's kind just like oh I need to help froto like I need to like help him but then at the end when he realized he like oh he's like Sam why is the brave I'm like no I actually know what add is saying with this movie like I got choked up and like teed so much like that lump I heard it from the bathroom like the lump dude the lump was it Sam's monologue at the end was I did not I did not even want to keep watching this like like kept poking me and I was like I can't do it like I can't watch I'm glad you guys are like emotionally invested because I think that's that's like one of the things I think that Lord of the Rings does so well is like it it like theem it just packs so much emotion into like a story about good vers evil you know and like has just such good examples of certain types of characters you know like broken characters like non-broken characters just leaders uh people like Sam that are like a leader and they don't even really know it just from being who they are like stuff like that but is your top three changed at all um I think so I don't know mine's pretty basic I got Aragorn oh that's gim's number three wow I like gimy and then's number two dude I don't know it's like a mix between Sam and Lego le like Sam's character is obviously way better the leg Los is like so epic he's so epic okay whatever or or Eric shot kindi did you know why this like Jr token wrote this no so he was like a soldier in World War I and like when he was witnessing just like so much evil like and then like but he also was witnessing all these different countries like come together to you know yeah like defeat that he just wrote this like he was just he was just thinking about it like the whole time and like a lot of his characters are based on like people that know so cool and it's like it's yeah it's bro who's aror out there I think he's actually written after like Jesus actually yeah that's what it kind of did seem like but Carter kind of going off what you said when you said that some of their characters are like broken and unbroken I think that's also why I talked more about Aragon than legalist evenor sorry and anyways eror is it because he's just been I think he's been through more than legalist so he just has more character depths yeah that's one thing about these movies that I I wish is I wish there was more about Lego me too cuz he's so but he's also like he's he's so pure yeah that yeah and he just doesn't have the mantle of like Aragorn you know having being you know so it's kind of like he is royalty not a lot of depth to show from him cuz he's already he's already so honed in a character same with gim like gim we is kind of in the same box leg have the same role as Aragorn I feel like he'd fulfill it just as well like he's just as honorable and holy and pure you know what I mean but he's just he's just like his right-hand man yeah I agree well I think like that's like the coolest thing I feel like about this movie is like what like BR Carter kind of already said but there just so many different types of characters people like all their backgrounds are so different but they're all so integral and then they come together for like the same cause it's like every like place and and person is like so necessary cuz without one like even if the trees hadn't decided to step up like that that made huge that a big difference well no point shows that more than gimly and legalist cuz they're dwarf and elf are like literally Arch Rivals like they're like nemesises like they have beef and like even still like now they're like really good friends joking Elmer's like I would cut your head off if it stood a little higher and Lego was just no hesitation just draws his bow but then like even still even Rohan and Gondor they're having beef right now like gim we's like you have to toss me he like don't tell me even um what's his name not the word B's brother even he like came around at the end real like bigger than just like if you let him go g it's over which is like a kind of a a little look you know like it's a good it's a good look for fair because like that is more than could done well if you remember what uh what's her bucket said what why am I forget your name glad yeah gadriel she said that like Middle Earth was doomed ifir took the ring all he has to do is take that's what the ring was plot and the ring wanted it yeah the ring was trying to will fair to take it like Fair's goated yeah I think without B's death though Fair wouldn't have been able to well maybe even what Sam said hear yeah hearing about Bor from Sam that's my own brother and then Sam's speech it like I think it really some sense the biggest fumble of the movie was GMA just letting him run away oh he's such a rat true he's literally why they let him run away good thing we're watching uh we're watching the third one extended right yeah we we have I have to get merch the third one actually has like so many we're going to go get ear I actually last thing I kind of want to tell you guys I know it's going to be a little weird but the this song here at the end is called Gollum song and I just want you guys yeah the oh wait this would not be a reaction The Two Towers if I didn't tell you guys okay Aragorn's looking for the uh when he's looking for the hobbits in that very thing and he kicks that metal helmet his scream like it seems like so real like his yell it's cuz he broke his foot when he cooked that metal like like in real life he broke his foot when he did that so he like yelled there show little but he played it off did you know like yeah so just listen to these lyrics We I just want you to hear it for a second cuz it's so it would be a reaction if I didn't say that
Channel: Cinema Gek
Views: 78,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Wikpd0xJOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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