Answer Any Cue Card With This Strategy || IELTS Speaking

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in this video I'm going to tell you some special tips about Q cards and if you follow these tips I assure you that your part to Q card band score dramatically improve Q card is undoubtedly the most important section in speaking because the examiner here J is your fluency so we'll start with the very first step which is you should have many ideas look in part you have to continuously speak for 2 minutes and if you think that's an easy task you are wrong it's quite difficult for a nonnative English speaker to speak continuously and fluently for up to two minutes so here you need to have as many ideas as possible and how will you have that during Q card you are given one minute to write down the ideas on the Q card so here you need to write as many as possible for example consider this Q card describe an Indo game that you liked playing when you were a child so these are the four bullet points what the game was who did you play it with where did you play it and explain why you like it so during that one minute I'll write as many ideas relevant ideas as possible for example for the game I can write table tennis who did you play it with now don't only write one person you can at your father then I played it with my friends then with some siblings and here you can just elongate it where did you play I used to play it at home but when I Grew Older you went to sports area and then at the University so here you add as many ideas as possible now why you like it because it's you can say a sort of exercise it keeps me healthy and Physically Active plus I want to be a professional table tennis player so that's why love playing it on the top of that I also enjoy spending time outdoor this way if you have as many ideas as possible you can continuously speak for two minutes and you will avoid uh um uh um uh next you should never get stuck at one or more bullet points look there are four bullet points and you need to cover all of them even if you miss one we're losing half band score and here when I talk about covering them don't spend too much time on them as well like there are four bullet points and you spend like 1 minute and 50 seconds on the first three bullet points and only the remaining 10 seconds are spent on the last one this way the last bullet point is covered insufficiently and the examiner will reduce your score so I would advise you to not give them equal time but divide them into 10 30 30 50 seconds moreover you should never give each of them equal time most Arts teachers will tell you to give 30 seconds each but trust me that's very difficult even for a native English speaker because speaking continuously for 30 seconds for a single bullet point means that I have to divide my ideas equally as well and it's quite unnatural like idea should flow into your mind instead I would advise you to spend the least time on on the first bullet point and the most time on the last bullet point now talking about what should we include what should we say during the two minutes now this is a very common misconception that you should only talk about those four bullet points no you can go a bit off topic and talk about other things other things that should be related not Irrelevant for example you can talk about your personal experience a story the present the past or even the future and I would advise you to talk about that because this way you can easily sum up the 2 minutes time period however don't go irrelevant like it's about table tennis but you're talking about boxing or wrestling don't do that you should be continuously speaking for 2 minutes because this way your fluenc is demonstrated don't stop before the examiner stops you and the examiner will stop you at exactly 2 minutes look you are not allowed any sort of watch mobile phone there so you have to continuously speak and when the exam stops you you should get an idea that the 2 minutes time is up you shouldn't be blank when the examiner stops you and with a concluding sentence like hence a tennis was the game that I like playing now let me tell you what can you add in your Q card what ideas can you add consider this Q card describe about about your best friend who is he and what does he do when and how did you meet what kind of personality does he have what makes you like him okay so besides these because these are the bullet points that you have to mention besides these you can say how long you've been friends like for three years four years your common interests like any game that you likeing your past fights like when did you quel over your fights because best friends do fight your future like will you be his best friend in the future or will he be your best friend anything like that your work or study depends where you work or what do you study your career your ambition does it match him like what does he want to do what do you want to do and why you consider him your best friend there also must be a reason so these are the seven things that you can mention in addition to this bullet points this way you can add a lot of ideas and speak comfortably up to 2 minutes and besides part two part three is also quite difficult so here I made a video on that you can watch it take care l
Channel: IELTS Success Strategies
Views: 203
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Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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