Band 9 IELTS Speaking Interview (Fastest Speaker)

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so F do you play any sports yes I like to play football table tennis and sometimes Cricket as a side hobby uh cricket is very popular in my country so I feel like I should play that as well do you like to watch sports on TV yes I like to watch Premier League football it usually happens on Saturdays and Sundays so around that time I'm usually glued to the TV watching my favorite club play football okay which sports is popular in your country in my country I'd say the population very interested in cricket but that is actually not the most that is actually not the national sport our national sport is kabadi but uh due to the mutual interest in cricket I feel like uh people like to watch cricket more who is your favorite sports star well since I live in Bangladesh people would usually expect me to say Shakib Al Hassan but I actually uh love Leonel Messi play I think he has got gifted and his footballing ability speaks for itself what kinds of sports would you like to to try in the future in the future I've always had an interest for hockey I'm call it a passion but uh hockey is not that popular in my country but if I was ever to try one I think that would be the sport okay this is the end of part one let's move on to part two in this part you have to describe a place where you like to study this your Q card it's your pencil you can take notes if you wish okay from now your time starts okay yeah okay your time is up would you like to start now yes so a place where I like to study is actually my room it's situation situated inside my house and I usually study there in the afternoon because at night I have coaching so in my room in the afternoon that's the only time I get I get to study and I usually study um School subjects if I have a test the following day I will spend more time in my room studying for that particular subject and uh I like to study there because I think my room's balcony has an excellent view of trees so if I'm ever overwhelmed or stressed by studies I can always look outside and it will calm down myself and it will my mind will bring it will bring peace to my mind and I can start over again and concentrate and also my stationaries and my laptops my electrical equipments are all there so I don't have to carry it around if I want to go study some worlds and it's a familiar location I'm used to it I've lived in my room for years so the environment is also familiar okay thank you may I have the Q cut please sure thank you and the pencil okay so let's move on to part three and we have several questions for you what are some popular subjects that University students study in your country in my country I think economics is popular because it's a social science and you can relate to it every single day besides that I'd say engineering is also very popular because I have a lot of people in my school itself who are studying uh engineering like physics chemistry and they might have a background and a future in that later on when they pursue higher education do you think that University education should be free for students absolutely I think anyone I don't think anyone should be denied their right to education just because of their financial situation I think that's very unfair and I think uh the government should do what it takes to improve the situation do you think students from all majors should study subjects like math and history well absolutely I think math is important in every single major I don't think there is a major that doesn't require math and as for history it's our country's history I think it's very important it's part for culture and our tradition and we should never forget our Roots so I think history is also very important what are the differences between the public university and the private universities uh in my country I'll would say the private universities are more expensive and uh education quality might be the same but in terms of cost ID say public universities are more affordable and I think that's why people tend to have higher attendance and more people get accepted into public universities right how technology has brought benefits to the way students prepare for their exams I think it has immensely improved the way students prepare I think you can go to YouTube and if you're having a problem the YouTube video can solve your problem in minutes and uh there are many websites that can help a student prepare for many subjects you name it it's all it's all there the last question is how the use of technology in the classrooms will bring more benefits to teachers and students I think uh we're seeing it right now and I think it benefits the students and the teachers a lot for the teachers it gives them freedom to uh explain certain topics I think can be explained by a pen by a marker and a board I think you need laptops and uh Zoom boards for that and for the students I think they'll have a better understanding if technology is used cuz it's new it's it's actually a trend and I think students are more adaptable to technology so this is the end of the speaking test thank you for us thank you for joining us thanks a lot thank you
Channel: BARC TV
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking exam, ielts speaking sample, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking strategies, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking example, ielts speaking perfection, ielts speaking fluency, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking preparation, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking samples band 8, ielts test, ielts
Id: Bmea5dLb0co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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