The Drow Race | Baldur's Gate 3 Lore

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welcome back for another lore video in this video we're going to talk about a sub base of elves who are greatly feared across the continent of faerun the drow so grab your coffee enjoy the fire and join me on a journey to the Underdark [Music] the drow are a playable race in baldur's gate 3 and like to get the Yankee they should offer a unique and interesting experience if you are one of the drow who ventures to the surface world you should expect to encounter feelings of mistrust and fear almost everywhere you go will you break the stereotypes of your race like one named Drizzt Do'Urden already given to your more evil inclinations either way your journey shall be a tale to be told for generations to come at the end of this video we'll talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages to being a drow and baldur's gate 3 so you want to stick around for that if you guys end up enjoying this video please subscribe for there's much more Baldur's Gate 3 content on the way let's get right into it the drow also known as the Dark Elves live below the surface of faerun in the Underdark they were a dark skinned sub race of the elves and were for the most part feared and hated by most other races they were shorter and thinner than the other sub races of elves standing typically between four foot seven and five foot five and weighing between 90 and 160 pounds if you are one to think of their smaller stature as a disadvantage you will quickly find yourself 6 feet deep beneath the ground drow could live for centuries sometimes up to 750 to 800 years before passing from a natural death however unnatural deaths involving violence or far too common for all you beardlovers I hate to tell you but the drow were incapable of growing beards but they were capable of sometimes growing long sideburns so maybe you could settle for mutton chops the drow were a very intelligent race many may argue more intelligent than most other sentient creatures however their seclusion in the Underdark would make them lack in the wisdom of the world from birth the drow were taught that they were superior to other races which led to arrogant ambitious sadistic and treacherous personalities if this doesn't appeal to you fear not for there were some who challenged the ways of their upbringing and ultimately became heroes of the surface world Drizzt Do'Urden is a prime example if you're looking for an inspiring epic tale of a drow elf start with The Legend of Drizzt book series the first couple books are also set in his homeland of the Underdark and will give you a deep understanding of the cruel trial culture any other good drow who had good morals would find themselves still conducting immoral actions for the pressure of their society was too high the good drow who had the courage or shall I say stupidity to let themselves be known were oftentimes sacrificed to the goddess of the drow loth the queen of spiders most drowse goals and life were to increase their station for they desired the power over others that that would bring this often led to violent competition which many times was conducted through methods of assassination outside of the public eye showing emotions like compassion or love was very rare for a drow for it offer enemies easy ways to exploit their culture turned them into distrustful sadists as they derived pleasure from inflicting cruelty on those weaker than themselves much of the drowse evil alignment comes from their worship of the Demon Lord queen of spiders and goddess wolf wolf drove the drow into heavy infighting under the pretense of calling the weak while her true goals were to hold absolute power and control over the drow and distinguished the rise of any alternative faiths the drow lived in city-states characterized by a theocratic matriarchal and militaristic Society the drow nominally had two purposes the first being that of forcing all other races of the Underdark into subservience the second was about driving the entire elven population to extinction their goddess loathe convinced the drought they needed to engage in perpetual infighting and violent competition which would ultimately make them stronger and smarter the chaos and self-destruction that would come from this would actually prevent the drow from reaching their purposes and it could be thought that this was purely entertainment for the queen of spiders despite this the drow continues to worship loathe and seek her favor the drowse most known CID was called men's / Anza a city of spiders it was a large underground city-state in the upper north dark the location of Menza bronson was actually fairly close to the Dwarven city of Mithra hall a tunnel known as dry gully tunnel was one entrance into the Underdark from the surface many drow raiding parties would use this tunnel to raid the surface world inhabitants menzo Bronson was located in a huge arrow-shaped cavern about two miles wide and a thousand feet high the city was mainly carved from calcite and it was filled with blue green and violet fairy fire this cavern had a high density of Fairs Rus which was a magical radiation only found in the Underdark this radiation would help build and hold the city together as well as interfering with the casting of teleportation and divination spells it was a nice natural defence for the city menzo Bronson was founded by a priestess of Loaf named menzo bara by the wishes of loathe herself menzo Burrell ed7 drow families from the city of Goel affair to the north dark the city of menzo Bronson was born claiming this giant cavern was not easy however for there was a clan of dwarves and other Underdark natives that already regarded it as their home drow city-states were made up of different noble houses these were the powerful and rich families they owned large estates where the strongest house would often have a large public temple dedicated to Lowell second in power to the houses for the merchant clans and most who didn't fall into either of these categories lived a life of desperation oppression and poverty the houses were led by female drow called the matron mothers who are powerful priestesses of law under them where the female members ranked by age the male officers other male members who were also ranked by age and then at the very bottom the servants and slaves the men shall be fighting for equal rights in this society in most cases a matron mother only lost her position if murdered by her eldest daughter and which typically marked a new direction for the house or its total destruction when the houses went to war with each other the attacking house would have to eradicate the entire enemy family with one single attack and if even one member of the family being attacked survived member could apply for justice and the entire city would turn on the attackers what a brutal society exterminate all and everything will be okay leave even one alive and we will punish you although shifty untrusting alliances were formed between the houses at times no alliances were allowed when one house was attacking another in one of these noble Wars covert warfare between houses through methods such as assassination were not exactly forbidden however it was only tolerated for a certain amount of time before the drowse ruling council forced the two houses to enter open war like I said before legend of drizzt book series in the first couple books you get a real good understanding of the drow society especially with warring houses slavery in the drow society played an important role half to two-thirds of a normal drowse city's population consisted of slaves many households had two to three slaves per member any unskilled laborer in the city was carried out by these slaves so the slave trade was quite a booming business slaves were not always captured but many times bred or bought from sellers the drow saw their slaves as cheap replaceable tools that they were allowed to treat with cruelty and exploit them at will a slave was generally not allowed to look a drow in the eye or carry a weapon unless given permission various creatures and races were used as slaves from using their own drow to having highly valued dwarven labor to the common goblins and bugbears during a period of time known as The Silence of wolf where the goddess of wolf did not answer any of her supplicants and the drow clerics were unable to use divination magic a group of renegade mal drow led a slave uprising which ultimately forced the slaughter of a large number of slaves soon after the slave revolt the leaders of the drow city received word that the Dwarven sub-race called the duraguard were amassing an army to attack the city of men's Oberon's on the drow army marched out to meet them where they were ambushed and lost 1/4 to 1/3 of their total number they were forced to retreat back to the city then came the siege of menzo bronze on itself luckily for the drow the silence of lull ended in priestesses regained their power and the drow were able to defeat and force the retreat of the invading army menzo Bronson and the drow society would recover and the city mostly returned back to normal now let's talk about the advantages or disadvantages that being a drow might bring you in Baldur's Gate 3 we'll start off with the bad news drow have a weakness to light in general has do many creatures and races of the Underdark they say it takes a drow up to ten years of exposure to sunlight for a drowse eyes to get used to it I remember the struggle that driz still earned and went through when he first emerged onto the surface world so in baldur's gate 3 if Larian follows the player handbook they might give your drought disadvantage on attack roles and on wisdom checks that rely on sight when you or your target is in direct sunlight it's also definitely possible that Larian will leave this out though some of the guaranteed advantages from what we saw on the gameplay reveal are you will gain a +1 to your charisma ability score you will have dark vision which will allow your character to see objects and opponents in the dark up to a certain distance and it probably will be very useful if Baldur's Gate 3 takes us to the Underdark you will gain drow weapon training which allows your character to be proficient in rapiers short swords and hand crossbows and you will also gain a special cantrip spell called dancing lights at least that's what I'm assuming it is the dancing lights can trip one cast will create up to four torch sized lights making them appear as torches lanterns or glowing orbs that hover in the air for a duration of your concentration you may also combine these lights into one glowy humanoid type form these lights will allow you and your party members to see things better or they can sometimes be used as a distraction thanks so much for watching guys if you guys enjoyed the video please like comment and subscribe I really appreciate it's a huge help to my videos I do all sorts of gaming content on this channel ranging from comedy videos to live streams the game reviews to game tutorials etc I would love to see some of you guys on a future video much more baldur's gate 3 content to come til next time
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 78,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Drow, baldur's gate 3 drow, drow race, race, lore, baldur's gate 3 lore, dark elves, elf, character creation, baldur's gate 3 classes, baldur's gate 3 races, baldurs, gate, bg3, classes, wolfheartfps, rpg, Drizzt DoUrden, dnd, dungeons & dragons, underdark, menzoberranzan, larian studios
Id: e230MOpQelI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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