Baldur's Gate 3: Sorcerer Class Overview

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all right [Music] what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you my class overview for the sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3. continuing to go through the classes before launch today we are talking about the Sorcerer And while this will be a bit specific to Baldur's Gate 3 it will of course kind of serve as a guide for 5th edition DND as well simply because that is the system the game uses but we're not going to be diving deep into the math of anything here but more talking about the class Fantasy on top of things like the general mechanics the class uses that make it unique the math of these things if you will I will say for the relevant build videos when it comes to talking about a sorcerer though there's a few things that set them apart from other casting classes that we'll go over in this video that ultimately make them one of the more popular ways to play a spellcaster in 5th edition DND because a lot of their mechanics center around making the spell casting as fun as possible even if they are a little bit Limited in what they can cast in comparison to say a wizard but first and foremost let's talk about the class fantasy of a sorcerer what actually sets them apart from a wizard well where a wizard learns their craft through arduous study and practice a sorcerer has an innate magical Talent this can be from a variety of things and where it comes from specifically will make up your subclasses one of the most common versions of this if you will is a draconic bloodline somewhere in your past a dragon has gifted your family with some essence of its very magical nature which has then manifested down the line as you someone with an innate connection to Magic just the way dragons have it but while that is certainly a popular way this can happen it's really just the tip of the iceberg because a sorcerer can gain this ability simply through a strange twist of fate or a significant event that they went through so while many might be born with this Talent it is possible for you to come in to contact with it later in life life just as an example so where a wizard uses study and practice a sorcerer is more about a natural instinct for magic so naturally when it comes to role playing a sorcerer a lot of it comes down to how did you obtain the power that you have and what do you plan on doing with it and because of the nature of how you are gifted or potentially cursed even with this power can lend itself to some very chosen one style of story moving on from the class fantasy though a little bit of general information about Sorcerers is that they are Charisma casters rather than using knowledge to cast their spells they coerce and will their magic into existence or maybe they even persuade the universe to do the things they would like to do which naturally makes Charisma their primary stat when it comes to proficiencies however they get next to nothing they have no armor proficiency and they are only proficient in a couple of weapons such as daggers slings quarter staffs or a light crossbow because as you might have imagine they rely very much so on their magic or at least in most cases which will swing back around to later but from there I want to talk about the subclasses that will be available to us in Baldur's Gate 3 which will then form our sorceress origin now in Early Access we only have access to two of these but on the full launch of the game you will have access to a third one known as storm sorcery but let's start with the most I would say iconic sorcerer origin which is the draconic bloodline first you have to pick which type of dragon you hail from so to speak which means you pick the color of dragon that is related to your bloodline this corresponds with an element the element of these dragons will be used for a lot of the subsequent class features that you'll pick up from this subclass for starters right at level 1 we get draconic resilience which makes your character a little bit tankier which can be a nice offset for your inherent sort of fragility but then at sixth level we'll pick up our Elemental Affinity whenever we cast a spell that deals the damage type of R type of ancestry you get to add your charisma modifier to its damage essentially making the Spells you cast of the same damage type that much more powerful and you can also use this to potentially gain resistances as well using sorcery points which we'll talk about here shortly now there are other draconic bloodline features but those are what you're going to get in Baldur's Gate 3 as we have a level cap of 12 to work with and the rest of it comes later there another I would say common sorceress origin is wild magic wild magic is quite a bit different it can actually be considered more of a curse than a blessing in many cases but essentially be it either just a sheer fluke or coincidence or a fey creature playing a prank on you you have been gifted with wild magic magic that is born from chaos naturally this can be very unpredictable every time you cast a spell there is potential for something else to happen which are called wild Magic surges now the extent of these random effects and exactly what they can wind up doing in Baldur's Gate 3 we don't know the full scope of yet I would say but it is very much so a tangible effect that can happen when you cast spells that can either be helpful or potentially detrimental in either case though we still get class features associated with this for starters we get tides of chaos right out of the gate which allows us to manipulate the forces of chance essentially to give us advantage on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws which basically means we have a better chance of actually succeeding at them though typically this particular ability interplays a bit with the wild Magic surges which will be interesting to see how that gets implemented overall at sixth level though we pick up Bend luck which allows us to spin sorcery points on either helping or hindering a creature on those same parameters but instead of Advantage they gain a 1d4 bonus or detriment to whatever they happen to roll for them just allowing you to influence the fate of everyone else last but not least for Baldur's Gate 3 subclasses though we have the storm sorcery a sorcerer with this subclass gets their innate magical Talent so to speak usually from the plane of Elemental air to some degree it's also potentially just the result of you being born during a particularly vicious storm that infused you a child with natural magic or maybe you're descended from a being that deals with elemental air like a gin this particular subclass has a lot of potential in Baldur's Gate 3 though because of a house rule larion has implemented where targets that are wet actually take double lightning damage so if you're willing to set some stuff up you can use storm sorcery to devastating effect right out of the gate though at level 1 they pick up tempestuous magic which allows them to move a certain amount of feet on their turn without provoking attacks of opportunity allowing them to get out of the way by basically and then later at sixth level whenever they use lightning or thunder damaging spells you can cause a creature nearby within 10 feet of your choosing to take extra damage based on your sorcerer level with it being like an extra Arc of lightning out of your body or something that kind of thing so unsurprisingly if you really want to lean into lightning and thunder damage storm sorcery is the way to go and again given larion's house rule it can potentially be devastating now that is the subclasses but let's actually talk about what makes a sorcerer unique otherwise in terms of their spell casting because Beyond a sorcerer's subclass mechanically speaking they're actually a very simple class to play unlike other casters who typically have to prepare their spells in many cases such as a wizard or a cleric Sorcerers can just cast what they know as you level up you'll gain access to more powerful magic and these slots to cast them with meaning you'll be able to cast more and more powerful magic as you level up without ever having to prepare it or worry about whether or not you sorted out your spell book for the day so to speak but this does come at a small cost sorcerer is no less spells overall than a wizard does now in a game like Baldur's Gate 3 this really isn't going to come into play very much but a sorcerer's spell list is a bit smaller than a wizard it's basically what they can learn is more limited but again where the game's cap is just level 12 here it's unlikely to cause much of an issue in a game like this but that leaves us with the most interesting part of being a sorcerer which is their font of magic feature or their sorcery points and meta magic starting at level 2 you'll pick up sorcery points and in Baldur's Gate 3 you actually get access to metamagic right away as well whereas in DND normal you get access to the meta magic at level 3 in Baldur's Gate 3 you just get both right at level two because it makes sense basically though sorcery points are a resource for Sorcerers that they can use to do one of two things primarily either convert them into extra spell slots allowing you to cast more spells without resting or you can use them to cast meta magic which are effects that you can add on to spells with the role play of this being that Sorcerers are so naturally in tune to what magic truly is that they're able to alter the foundation of it slightly which allows them to provide extra effects like being able to cast spells farther being able to cast them without hurting the people they don't want to hurt or potentially even casting something twice with the same spell meta magic is what really sets apart a sorcerer from everyone else because they can do some truly devastating spell hits with these especially if you're just leaning all the way into a blaster Caster or a damaging spell casting build that said though mechanically that's pretty much all they've got going on all their eggs are sort of in that one basket but nonetheless that unique mechanic does allow them to do some pretty unique things like alter what is already a very diverse list of spells and this is in a addition to the normal up casting pretty much every spell Caster can do or they turn lower level spells into more damaging ones by using higher level spell slots to cast them sorcery points however are regained on a long rest so you do have a limited pool of these to work with that increases with your level typically you'll have as many sorcery points as you do levels so because of all this when it comes to actually playing a sorcerer they make amazing primary spell casters they also make very easy to play spell casters because a lot of the more micro managing things associated with something like a wizard have been taken out of it you can cast spells without preparing them you can alter them in fun ways to do devastating things and really just focus all in on just absolutely obliterating things and it's because of that that Sorcerers are so popular as a spell casting class but it can be a little more complex if you wanted to with the addition of multi-classing I would say there are two very popular ways to multi-class a source that allow it to do a couple different things these are mixing it with a paladin or a warlock by mixing a sorcerer with a paladin you gain access to a lot of defensive features you wouldn't have otherwise like armor proficiencies alongside better weapon proficiencies and extra attack if you take Paladin all the way to level five and if you're using a melee with that particular mixing of classes it will allow you to use these sorcerer spell slots as fuel for a Paladin's Divine Smite feature which can have some fun effects with other sorcerer abilities and then another popular option here is what is called a coffee lock which is a mix of Sorcerer And Warlock the reasons this is so popular in the tabletop version might not be as effective in Baldur's Gate 3. basically by mixing these two classes you get access to the sorcerers sorcery points which lets you create spell slots and then a warlocks packed magic comes with extra special spell slots that can then be used to sort of fuel this because warlocks can replenish their spell slots on a short rest and this can sort of feed into an infinite Loop of spell slots in the tabletop version but in Baldur's Gate 3 there is a two per day short rest limit which is going to put a bit of a damper on the Ridiculousness of it otherwise but I imagine even in spite of that it's likely to still be popular so there's some ideas when it comes to multi-classing a sorcerer however ultimately a lot of people enjoy playing a sorcerer because it is a very straightforward simple spell casting class that can do some devastating amount of damage with the skill ceiling really being around when and where to use your meta magic to get the biggest effects possible but ultimately it's a very straightforward class that can pull off some really big damage without excessive abilities or Min maxing to get you there that said that's pretty much gonna do it for this video like many people I'm a pretty big fan of a sorcerer precisely because of its very straightforward approach compared to something like a wizard but I'd love to know what you think about the class which you can let me know down below which of course means to like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music] foreign
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 162,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, Connections, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, bg3 multiplayer, bg3 gameplay, bg3 panel from hell, bg3 panel from hell recap, bg3 final panel from hell, bg3 release showcase, baldurs gate 3 release showcase, baldurs gate 3 panel from hell, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 classes, bg3 sorcerer, bg3 sorcerer overview, bg3 sorcerer guide
Id: zUiGyT9_v6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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