Baldur's Gate 3 Playing As Astarion Part 35 #Astarion

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[Music] Shunk in a interesting all right I'm compiling a translation dictionary so Waring species of the underdog can understand each other it's an essential step forward I'll admit it ah a surface dweller you find yourself in the Cradle of all knowledge relating to the underd dark the Society of Brilliance tell me what can the society do for [Music] you yes dear lady Esther one of our most reliable contractors though unfortunately this particular request was tooo much even for her once the dust has settled on this whole invading Army mess outside the walls I'll find another contractor perhaps they will have more success was there anything else I should really get back to my [Music] research feel free to explore the lodge our knowledge is here for the common good after all [Music] a merid must remember it's in the back of the throat next I just need to interview somebody who speaks classical mean [Music] loock my Surface dwelling friend how long has it been I am glad to see you well I see your tadpole remains in its state of suspension your case has set us on quite the detour from our planned Expedition work we've thought about very little else in the field seeking further subjects for study though it has been gone for longer than I anticipated after observing the nature of your tadpole stasis we felt it wise to report back to the society omam went out into the city to seek out further undeveloped infections like yours but I have heard nothing since I admit I'm somewhat concerned we are usually stickless for updating one another on our progress amelan believed the answer to this riddle lay within the city walls and held some connection to the cult of the absolute I had the distinct impression it was intentionally keeping its hypothesis from me as though even the theory would be enough to put me in danger why that would be I can only theorize myself it is rather outside my area of expertise omam is most likely safe and well and simply absorbed in its work however it would put my mind at rest to confirm it if you happen across its [Music] path naturally the underdog provided us with some most unusual Salvage plenty to keep an inquiring mind [Music] busy research on the surface stops during what day once I publish my paper proving that it's just hyena might infections that make null so angry I'll be famous [Music] really thinks of me [Music] Don't Mind If I Do [Music] your tagple stasis is a most curious area of course I should get back to your tp's stasis amelan believed the answer to this riddle lay within the city walls and held some connection to the cult of the absolute I had the distinct impression it was intentionally keeping its hypothesis from me as though even the theory would be enough to put me in danger why that would be I can only theorize myself it is rather outside my area of expertise omam is most likely safe and well and simply absorbed in its work however it's of course I should get back to my research there's a distinct nees Tain to the air in this city [Music] o stop a moment fine come in then we might as well meet the [Music] family everyone oh M's Mark here we go are we quite sure she hasn't actually died this time brother she looks dead smells it too it has been a hard road but I can clip you both around the ear to prove I am no ghost if it would help forgive us mother we're just surprised you still know how to find your way home she always brings the smartest people home too enough Ryan I taught you better manners than that no you didn't ascending spell can carry 25 words do you know how many jira's only message contained in all this time she's been away seven if you are trying to help me please stop the message went I'm sorry you know what to do so why haven't you done it you were supposed to get the young ones out of the city and you were supposed to be dead that's what your Oso stoic message meant yes yet here you are so what happened out there I got my skin saved by this one we've come to take the fight to the cult which is exactly why you all cannot be here why you plan on winning don't you you're the one who saved us so tell me are we all [Music] doomed so fight that's what all you Heroes and Harpers are for isn't it you are a very irritating girl uh-uh this isn't your house remember you'll keep a civil tongue under our roof if we let you stay at all have mercy sister she's old after all so old she can stay but only if she brought home presents seems I'm outvoted see mother that is how you go about talking things through with your family now if there's more more to discuss then bloody well come in and wipe your boots I take no responsibility for your plants you know I'm more of a mushroom man you've let my study turn into a Thicket is this what I am hearing I tended to it I just let it thrive in its own independence you know say way you raised us I raised you to be a sweet and kind boy what happened I watched what you did instead of listening to what you said this house has taken in a lot of children over the years Mother Dear was sometimes more Commander than well Mother dear ha you see this one is well trained I have no need for you anymore faithless boy oh save your fangs for someone who thinks you might actually use them I've only ever seen her truly angry once we were down the market when I was about 9 years old some Merchant started in with the usual yes but where's your family who son are you really well mother was done with him well let's say he won't have any sons of his own to worry about hm Nature's law in action along nicely [Music] clanking I hope you were hibernating Little Cub I can't think of another reason you wouldn't come down to say hello jir I didn't want to see if you were really dead they said who said Jord and Ryan they didn't think I could hear you little sneak Thief well they were wrong look not dead I just had a few Adventures like uh really now Cub solude is a wonderful thing but not too much come downstairs and fight with your sisters wait here I was keeping this safe my Harper pin oh was a certain little sneak Thief playing down in My Sanctuary no no this Harper pin opens more doors than most come down to my study and see if you can figure it out Don't Tell Mother it's peaceful I [Music] feel something over there I wonder if it take long to I just trimmed [Music] you pay no mind to those you're probably safe so long as long as I am here but if you do not trust me take the weight from the pressure plate [Music] there have no fear traps aren't meant for you but uh better to get close okay the only batch of wilderness this city permits me to be supplies here to Aid us the arch druid's eyes and ears have fallen away in her absence I am training new ones [Music] I bring word of gnomes gnomes in the sea there's been killings in a holy place stins of incense and blood down by the blushing mermaid there's a stink of something F smell of ass too but boss doesn't care about that [Music] oh dear someone's left a tra hard for us [Music] K but if it's supplies you seek weapons to Aid in our fight you won't find them behind that door there is nothing back there of Worth to anyone but me on my word all you will find inside is dust and the moldering keep sex of a much younger woman but do as you will I have nothing to hide and I have been content to follow your lead so far this is a ritual of the Timeless body Jahira have you been playing with immortality yes the threat of spanking never kept the children from poking through my things why should it deter you it is a ritual or it describes one at least practiced by Druids of certain esoteric circles if they be learned and powerful enough the practitioner of this ritual might slow their aging extend their life well beyond its natural reach it is not something you need concern yourself with I've picked up stranger things in all my travels trust me if you wish it's uh possible I was a little too quick to judge a little too caught up in ceremony it is a ritual if they be learned and powerful enough it is not something you need concern yourself with I've picked up stranger things in all my travels trust me [Music] let me guess you need something watch your back [Music] watch your elders and [Music] learn [Music] what now let's move [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] what's in here just be quick if you are not meant to be here the arch Druids traps will see to you if you have business be about it a fine day to you sir are you known to this court crude manners but you speak well enough for a peasant jessum discovered an old family tree in my study we haven't had a Moment's Peace since toan nobility you might be royalty jira you don't want to be queen of course and Ryan curses too much so it would have to be me careful girl they have a habit of taking against tyrants there huh I'm not a tyrant if anyone calls me one I'll have fig chop the head off come on spare me your salutes little traitor you w me right into that Ambush sorry Commander you are my commander but George promised me P huh I can't fault your priorities you look after them for me can I have a real sword no fine no arguing just tell me you're well I I'm well and Min we're working on it you'll get him back I owe him a kicking for showing fig how to throw hatchets so this cult what's our plan I'm not full enough to think I can change your mind but if you're staying I don't want you taking up arms there are other ways to fight really like [Music] what a fair point though I'll leave the herblore to geord I was always better at breaking bones than mending them I remember the very reason George had so many patients to hone his Craft on if I have to stay home and babysit then it's your job to make sure there's still a home to look after take what you need and we'll do the grand reunion when you come back for good so love ly as it is to have you back mother go away you have work to do ay I Commander wait one more thing there are doppelgangers among the cult be on your guard huh all right then if you turn up looking for hugs and kisses I'll be sure to shoot first that's my girl every city should be for proper F earn CR nor East bould's G Northwest House of grief never wor for the rich before but every B you take flowers are so overrated they're bright gy and almost never make good poisons the colors are frightfully vivid but I've come to grow fond of Fun's Flora delicate stems growing from mighty groups each their own I suppose although I am [Music] right The Taste observe the delightful color and twice as FR Exquisite do not be blinded by smiles and songs evil comes in many forms it's not a lie if you would just listen I could explain you have done quite enough explaining Vol gam you have poisoned the very hearts and minds of these good kind gentle citizens With Your Love eyes your delusions your conspiracies though you hide behind a mask of Stories We have seen Beyond the Veil we see what you really are fearmonger here here attention seeker here here agent of Chaos your parasite stirs in recognition this man is infected re the hells follow today citizens we rid ourselves of this cankerous s today we burn away all falsehoods today we will be divided no longer for today we rise in truth don't you stand there help me God damn it help me of course we'll save you Vol I think this mob has made the rather silly mistake of taking you [Music] seriously the newcomer speaks and speaks of evidence and tral miles and Justice and in so doing they delay their very own salvation dear citizen dear friend rest assured you will have your justice but I'm afraid the time for trials has passed now is the time for judgment [Music] no please no [Music] [Music] war is an old woman's game done [Music] and go for the throat [Music] [Music] No Escape need to act fast [Music] let's make this quick inum field [Music] sh [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh [Music] h [Music] consider my hackles [Music] erased [Music] [Music] let have some fun TR got to concentrate [Music] I am Fury I am death taste my Fury [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the easy part [Music] [Music] I may not have claws but I make [Music] them let's turn someone inside [Music] out let's end [Music] this time to D some [Music] punishment will [Music] ascend [Music] where you [Music] fallen [Music] keep your distance [Music] [Music] down yes we have two children you can't make us up all right and I are risking Our Lives God I really thought I was done for I suppose thanks are an order again what's an heroic story without a little risking of one's neck ehy and you know what they say the bigger the story the more people want to kill you for it I'll tell you all about it but not here too many eyes ears and where pawns about meet me at your camp [Music] yes gith yanki the word means quite literally gi's children but I have never known family the way jira knows it my so-called cousins are simply spawn hatched from the same clutch I will never know who laid the egg I hatched from and until I met you here's family I never thought to wonder well enough brooding what did you [Music] need better enough waiting I C blood all right well these three then there's something jir is adept at keeping secrets and for good reason she was wise to try and keep her family safe I just wish I could have done the [Music] same slipping through the absolute blockade is Risky Business everybody Captain you can't make us spit up the family and I are rising our eyes I ate sending Le packing the girls off without me but if that Smuggler can get them to Water Deep and away from the absolute this is life and death for me too mate you only get as many births on my Sloop as you can pay for if I allow any freeloaders my own crew will scrag [Music] me [Music] very well I'll do it suppose I can find some way to make it good with the crew I don't know who you are but all I can say is thank you if you ever have children you'll understand what you've done for us oh thank you sir thank you I just couldn't bear to leave our girl's farther behind papa says I have to be strong to help Mama I don't know if I can be that strong but I'll try [Music] oh wave mother Queen of the depths hear me please carry hly to her final Rest In The Deep Wilds please sorry are you here for wave servant H's funeral oh it's already started out the just inside yes oh please you're most welcome we have much to be thankful for May the wave mother smile on you as she did hly there's enough offerings in here for for the VA off you go I was just about two times wave mother's breath was so overbearing can't chat these offerings need to be stored before the next tide or there'll be a landra to pay the wave mother sees all even you I me thank [Music] [Music] you the celebration is in the main chamber praise um [Music] you're the unrival queen of the see sir waves wave mother oh God sorry mate no time to chat just here to make an offering then [Music] leave [Music] my next SE just make sure to sweeten humbly despises ditherers extra please brought me your blessing can't [Music] chat fish Rejoice sisters for umber has blessed her humble daughter with a pure death her lips blew with her kiss her lungs full of her quenching word Umble his Mercy saved her from a slow sinking death in the Beast Shadow how dare this Beast Su the safety of Grey Harbor we will find its master and send in struggling into the Queen's Embrace not a sweet sleep like holl but a suffocating flood of fruitless GS and bursting flesh you supplicant what tribute do you bring to honor the wave mother's Fallen daughter a fine offering always appreciated in the eyes of the wave mother your tribute is well received breathe deep as she [Music] permits yes thank the wave mother blessed umber so fit to spare her an ignoble death but her passing was not as the wave mother intended it was a beast who took her life an unnatural one whose very existence is an affront to umly a wretched metal monstrosity humed by hubris a rusting pollutant that bleeds black blood into um's pristine [Music] Waters the queen of the depths is generous to those who serve her and her favor is far less deadly than her WTH fine the master of this poisonous beast and slay him then one of her most precious gifts shall be yours the Beast struck Holly while she was swimming in gry Harbor she was found by some fisherman we haven't found its Lair as yet Perhaps you can find where the Beast takes its Slumber and skew it before it [Music] wakes that privilege is not yours to [Music] earn salt kiss your brow we await your return and the Beast Master's demise sing sisters sing in um's name oh umber hear us umber bring your daughter home [Music] glorious wave mother pour Fury upon the Beast responsible for this Injustice leave it master in the fum [Music] something over [Music] there if they're right about the swagen I may take up another line of work though nothing seems safe these days can't chat these offerings need to be stored before the next tide or there'll be a landra to pay she washed over H oh she I'm sure and has much more important things to worry about Ohara H these you look lost the stairs behind you will take you back up to the temple all right you shouldn't be down here this place is off limits to lay people how about this my favorite I'm telling you a sa stole my B what just [Music] SW go on then the [Music] SP all right how much for the S Peter including meend how many I'm not surprised this Catch aend Co you'll have to wash them all never been war is good for some businesses what can I say I got mouths to feed too I was this close to Landing that deal next time for sure my father always told me Kate Commerce is like Warfare fight for it like your life's at stake oh Brando bearish curs me I should have taken that deal the first time it was offered at half today's price oh I'm a w is [Music] [Music] good [Music] pay's all right but these dawn to dusk [Music] days entrance prohibit you will not be warned [Music] again we'll be [Music] well shall we cut and [Music] run in let's [Music] go [Music] not but another [Music] [Music] Harvest [Music] onward [Music] [Music] [Music] better make Camp soon might be a wild [Music] [Music] a better position [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what subtle steps a letter from fate Dost thou require a new Ally Then thou must this is the price of balance well by doom and dusk I strike thy name from The Archives rise [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go it is Splendid to see you again my friend if you hadn't saved me from that mob I'd be Penning a guide to the afterlife based on firsthand experience perhaps you would Hazard a guess as to why the mob turned on [Music] me quite right but it is not aurin herself who has marked me for death it is her dread Master the Lord of murder has returned as he did 100 years ago Bal has set his accursed sights on balder's gate and his temple runs red with the blood of the innocent Orin is his Chosen and like sadok before her she is able to take on the Savage form of the Slayer if the Slayer is not stopped it will Slaughter every living thing in this city as one of those things I'm particularly eager to stop it and there is a way I have a study of the Beast penned by the wizard irenicus himself it contains all the knowledge needed to slay the Slayer now I just need a brave Adventurer willing to face bal's Chosen and to put the knowledge into practice wonderful I can scarcely think of anyone more suitable it will serve you well a study of the Slayer penned by John nenus it's one of a kind so do try to keep it away from the inevitable blood bath h a genius exiled from his home in the Elven Paradise of sanesa when he attempted to seize the power of life itself he instead turned his magnificent mind to murder on a grand scale that is how he came to Crave the power of the Bal spawn he saw them not as living things but as tools for his own machinations in the end though arenus took the form of the Slayer for himself it was a BAL spawn who thwarted him the same that saved Boulder's Gate I am a living witness to bal's defeat those hundred years ago so I know your battle against him is not futile he can be stopped but not all of those who stood against him survived and those who did were never the same again I wish you luck my friend and I hope that when I see you again you'll be in one piece two or three at most very well [Music] then good I was just starting to miss the sound of your voice of course honestly my heart's racing the ends close my parents are close I just know it thank you I'm not sure I would have ever made it this far without you fine what's on your [Music] mind [Music] [Music] h [Music] oh
Channel: Gameplay Hotspot
Views: 129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 Astarian, Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, Role-playing as Astarian, Baldur's Gate 3 tips, Character progression, Baldur's Gate 3 walkthrough, RPG adventure, Baldur's Gate 3 companions, Vampire character, Astarian backstory, Baldur's Gate 3 decisions, Role-playing games, astarion
Id: mKJGp2oLsVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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