Baldur's Gate 3 (Shadowheart Romance)

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foreign [Music] the console appears dormant [Music] console hands to life purpose will it free the captain or transform her like that other unfortunate [Music] suddenly you feel a shittiest squirming in your head of the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority [Music] feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind latches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company I did be because of those parasites they put in US they'll have to wait we need to get off the ship alive first let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way shadowhunt one moment thank you [Music] it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on you're alive I'm alive how is this possible I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us you're more concerned for her than she is for you clearly we need to take care of ourselves first things first we need supplies shelter and rest of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads no I don't recognize this place but anything's an improvement on where we just came from we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that lead the way I suppose you've noticed I'm not terribly fond of wolves they're ravenous Predators with fangs like daggers it's hardly an irrational fear to Harbor you've been decent to me so far maybe if you can don't make me face any more of them at least not alone really some might think it makes me a liability maybe that's what I like about you you're different you already know my biggest secret what more can you ask she took me in when no one else would without her I wouldn't be alive she's my mother she nurtures me cares for me loves me don't believe the lies the salute notes tell what besides my life's calling in the greatest problem I've ever faced well I like night orchids and can't swim is that the sort of thing you meant it's a deal no I can't quite literally I mean with my memory suppressed I can't betray Shah's secrets but I can't remember much of myself either if I managed to return to Baldur's Gate and fulfill Shah's mission then my memories will be restored of course it is an active face not to be undertaken lightly shall will reward me when I succeed fine what's on your mind I don't think I've ever had a confidant quite like you and if I have I can't remember them think I know what you mean there's an undeniable Rapport and yet we haven't made time for each other time alone easily remedied if you like I know a place not just yet let's choose our moment some quiet night when the others are asleep and there's no distractions I'll come for you everyone seems to be in High Spirits strange you know who I never thought I'd find myself caring for exactly right never gave them much thought certainly not that bunch in the Grove yet we came through for them we saved their lives odd [Music] that's more easily said by some than others but nobody's here to debate right from wrong share a bottle with me we should wait a little while until the others have drifted off best not keep me waiting I'd prefer not to entertain myself you made it come here sit with me so eager I'm surprised it took you this long well to begin I think a toast is an order any suggestions bold what does US entail I suppose I'll find out to us now tell me something about yourself I know tadpoles dragons marauding goblins or anything like that something about you seems like you truly know the city I never got to explore it to my liking don't stop now not just as things are getting interesting don't laugh but I'm not quite sure I have anything to share when you worship Shard secrecy is everything we'll sacrifice our own memories when ordered to a lot of the little things no loss to me right now I did and you remembered you're sweet there's still plenty of wine and the whole night is ahead of us nearly light the others will be awake soon another moment won't kill them I suppose well it might but let's take that risk thank you for last night me too she Trails off you read an invitation in her eyes that didn't hurt did it [Music] good to know for the future let's head back if we must [Music] all's well I hope no I just wanted to see how you felt after the night we spent together when we talked and kissed I hope so too though I'm not sure what kind of courtship will be afforded given all that we're facing but if you want to see where this goes I do as well I was he mentioned dark just this year's and we've come across other signs of a Sharon presence during our travels I'm not sure I can dismiss that as a coincidence very serious of you but go ahead always good when I'm with you fine what's on your mind quite splendidly to give credit where it's due you and I have shared some good times together and it seems we have plenty in common I suppose some would commend our actions goblins would have raised that whole place to nothing if it weren't for us no excuse to rest on our Laurels though we've still got our own problems to contend with there's something I've been wanting to share with you it's now's a good time it's good to put into words I think it might be easier to just show you use the tadpole the connection come into my mind I'm sure I trust you I don't remember how it started only how it ended I was fleeing [Music] [Music] thank you she asked my name can't remember what I said can't remember anything before those woods all I know is she saved my life and gave me a new home with Lady Sharp [Music] Hut that's all I remember but that is just common amongst the Luna's followers to send their children into the woods alone a Rite of Passage to find their way home perhaps this one has gone awry you're reading too much into things a childhood bauble that's all just because saloonites claim something doesn't mean they own it normally I'd agree but with you it's getting easier by the moment this must be the last step I need to pray only by Lady Charles Grace did we even make it this far you feel your mind slip into Shadow Hearts but you are not the only one present there is another ancient commanding rendered from purest Darkness [Music] as you command night singer now go warm my Blade with moon creased blood beware of your companion that wasn't for you to hear my lady Shah Demands a Sacrifice one life not that it matters but her reward aligns with your own interests remember what I said let me do what I need to I have felt you coming the first in a century who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart her fate is mine to steal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark Justice here is to turn your heart from everything but lost you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling but your bond is strong you may yet be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of life and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well her fate hangs in the balance I yes I think so my whole life's been leading to this no turning back now well well well [Music] what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god you know what I am little assassin that I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be please thank you hi I can't believe I just did them ladies Shaw will disown me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite showering and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss [Music] Our Lady of silver hear me she who guides the Moon made song The Night song is no more [Music] foreign [Music] you have given me a great gift little warrior don't you find it I was so curious that you would spurn your dark lady perhaps you fell a staring of the truth already but that will come later there is a battle yet to be fought you have done what we feared was impossible you have released me from A Century Of Sorrow your power is great so too must be your weapon you must choose what you will wield and the moon Maiden will provide thus I have said thus will it be sir are you ready kill Catherine Thorne we need to leave lady Sean would stand for us to be here not after what we did that's what frightens me she must be angry yep I don't feel it or hear it there's only silence let's get out of here please whatever's coming I don't want to be in the heart of the Shadow fell when it finds me the Night song will be headed for Moonrise Towers we'd better get there and see what she's Unleashed against Catherine Thorne I I thought I was done for I thought perhaps I might have been dead so like some sort of terrible dream but it's real isn't it I stood before the night song I heard lady Shah's words and I failed her was then failed her I defied her because of what that asima said I tried to leave but Char blocked me punished me for failing her I thought I knew the limit of pain that the incurable wound could inflict but I had no idea felt like I was suffering the agony of a thousand people all at once my blood was boiling my hair was on fire I thought I'd claw my own face off with the pain but then she released me banished me more like she said I was an outcast that all of her children would know me and revile me Shadow heart looks distraught abandoned by her goddess and all former allies it's their Divine Magic admitting who empowers her now may break her spirit for good [Music] I suppose I do don't I you've done more to help me than my faith has in recent times if I'm honest thank you there's been something between us for some time a connection more than friends I recognized it but didn't act on it I thought my face was the most important thing in my life I couldn't have been more wrong I've squandered too much time already I want to be with you now and always do you want the same it wasn't too long ago that I could never imagine smiling again shows what I know Night song promised she'd tell me something about myself I need to speak with her as soon as I can what she said to me back in the shadow fell about the wolves it's no coincidence she took flight to hunt down Catholic form all I can do is help hasten his demise and hope that answers soon follow you really need to ask I'm sorry I have a lot on my mind Shadow fell Night song I can think of a little else that's not the first time you've made such a leap I don't know maybe it's a saloonite trick or another way for lady Shah to test my faith the sooner I speak tonight song The sooner I'll know what the future holds for me assuming I have a future at all thank you I think any attempts at comforting me might be in vain just now but you're sweet to keep me in your thoughts what do you know about me you spoke of my past being chased by wolves I told no one about that almost no one but I certainly didn't share that with you there is nothing I can tell you that you do not already know yourself they trained you well trained you hard chiseled away any part of you that did not fit their plan they made you forget I chose to do that for the mission to protect us secrets yes yes that is an old song girl your goddess cares more for her precious Secrets than she does her devotees to the point when you freed me you suffered a bond between me and that dog Thorne a bond of pain his inflicted on me when I laid eyes on you I sensed a similar Bond you Tethered to two others someplace distant let me help you remember you feel Shadow Hearts mind tug at the edges of your own with this sensation wants you to see whatever is about to be revealed your mind joins with Shadow Hearts something pulls at you both bring you elsewhere [Music] foreign [Music] ERS followers to send their children off into the woods to find their way home perhaps this time it had gone awry it seems that one child never came back it was taken what what's that man you already know did you not see yourself in him do you not recognize your own blood father that was him that is him he lives still and your mother too no it can't be I'm an orphan and who told you that your adoptive family you are not to blame you were young impressionable they took you because they wanted to break and remake you but you are a child no longer you are a woman one who knows what must be done my parents I need to save them your parents are with your abductors you will need to return to their lair but be warned you may have once thought of them as comrades mentors friends even lovers they will all be enemies now you have been forewarned for what is to come but not yet forearmed I was able to retrieve it before it sank too far into Shah's umbral domain sure is quick to discard whatever she has no use for I think you know that well enough but I felt it called to me as I took flight whatever Shah calls her own saluna has equal claim to they are one and the same their power is matched and mirrored take it you will find it useful what do you do with it that will be up to you same as before I'll need every Advantage it seems thank you a debt repaid you returned my life unto me now go and claim your own hurt Shah torments you still what a spiteful creature she is this will not stop until you take action see that your parents sacrifices are not in vain allow the moon Maiden to guide you at last I've been lied to my whole life and I was gullible enough to just believe it my parents are alive and I have to save them I think a part of me always knew that part that Shah denied to me thank you but I want you to refrain from foolish heroics when the time comes we'll be entering a nest of vipers I couldn't bear to lose you not after everything we'd better press on for now and hope we're ready when the moment comes but before that there's one thing I need to see too see for yourself soon enough just leave it with me be honest what do you think of the new look well I'm glad someone does perhaps I'll get used to it I have a lot to get used to right now the city of stone and steel is an endless scream in Nature's womb third new peace here until now your eyes dearer there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and Trust a shield I pray you wield all three star bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally you can't hurt I suppose unless you embarrass me then you might find yourself hurting in a whole manner of ways close your eyes the steal a stone to [Music] Earth and remember to breathe [Music] I see you I see the bond between you so tender so fragile but do you see it for yourselves Shadow heart an endless Storm surges behind sharp eyes listen think from where does Shadow heart draw Comfort on a cold Dark Night well good though I'll forgive a middling wine so long as the company makes up the difference hear how your band throngs with pleasure strong vital pulsing with affection the heart craves Comfort but needs respect how does one earn the dark-haired maidens respect very good don't say it so loud the sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue but now we must dig deeper into the most painful reaches of the spirit shame sits in Danish we must name it Shadow heart what is her deepest shame I didn't think a little game would sting so much when I agreed to this but you're right a perfect score and platted we've been studying up on me every night at camp how close you are two hearts beating a perfect rhythm I can still feel the shadow fell all over me still hear her words in my ear feel unclean I hope that's true but I'm not so sure she has a far reach and a long memory I have an idea something I've wanted to do for a while something that might help me put her in the past but I'll need your help wait until the others are asleep then come with me there's a place we can go down the coast a little this will do take off your clothes I don't doubt you in the slightest come on then we've already come this far fine well don't just stand there turn around foreign you haven't even attempted to peek I'm a little offended [Music] you're lucky I didn't have anything more dangerous to throw than undergarments [Music] I know your turn [Music] thank you [Music] I I don't know if I can do this now that I'm here [Music] all right just stay close [Music] that's cold [Music] come here thank you I needed that I needed to know I can face things without char I don't want to go back not just yet [Music] just a pebble now don't you dare stop foreign [Music] something the matter I should hope not after the time we spent together my spirits are thoroughly lifted [Music] oh not feeling any regrets I hope good I'm glad I feel the same way though I'm still finding sand in my hair I wonder what the others will think of that [Music] I suppose it doesn't I'm glad we have each other and I hope we'll have more opportunities to slip away since we arrived in the city can't help but feel a little anxious but I'm not sure I know why I don't think it's what happens if we fail that concerns me will be beyond our worries at that point think what bothers me is what happens if we succeed I've never been able to write my own future I wouldn't even know where to begin [Music] well I want to save my parents of course take them away far from Shah's influence someplace peaceful away from the city perhaps [Music] I'd like room for animals lots of them all shapes and sizes so long as they appreciate a warm fire and more affection than they know what to do with I want to grow flowers I want to be surrounded by colors every day I'm tired of Darkness yes I want to share it all with you if you're willing then it sounds like I have everything I need more of life than I'd ever imagined possible without sure it can be another vile trick no there is no trick it's her Jennifer Jen a little girl it's Grace is you I'm here to get you out of here they're all gone it's over [Music] it is not over it matters not if you raise this if you see every one of your brothers set that was never where my power resided every time you try to step every time you try to reach for the Luna my hold on you bites deep you had learned bad there would be able to make things worse for yourself and for them I am neither I am nothing I am the empty room the dreamers sleep the Shadows shadow there was no pain before my sister said this Flame now you exist until you find your way back to my embrace you cannot we are still bound to you you cannot but free us and free yourself from her curse the moon Maiden needs you more than you are the future you must return to the fold we are the past and our duty is almost done eloquently put his mind stood up well to his time here the same cannot be said for your mother such brief fragile lives humans need is my final lesson I leave you now to dwell takes and make your choice parting words make your flesh crawl there is no lesson to be learned here only a family's torment a spiteful goddesses whims and an unspeakable choice to be made she's gone I don't understand so I will never admit defeat not until she has stolen one last thing from you we cannot allow your future to be her last prize not after all your mother and I haven't dealed you again your companion understands I think help her please help her see what must be done no I I can't I came here for them and did us all these years that dream kept us going that you would break free no matter what they made you do to us we knew you was still in there I knew the dark woods wouldn't frighten you you were always such a brave girl she was and still is you've saved us now save yourself you'll be out of Shah's reach and we'll be at peace but I only just under you again after all this time by the moon maiden's Grace will never be far please Jennifer is this truly what you want it is what we need Guiding Light for Saloon is faithful but they robbed you from us now that can be righted and we can rest I can let go now I've seen your face again not good foreign they're free now those am I I'm part of them are still here with me let's leave this place there's nothing more for me here Shadow heart still I can't run away from who I was all this time besides there's something fit into it can't cast a shadow without sunlight doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost faith or forgot about it I wanted to come here see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am nose I tool lost not shows Oblivion I had my family show at the moment foreign by my hand I remember but they can't comfort me they can't give me advice can't tell me what I was like as a little girl [Music] it's been a long time since I've shed a tear I don't even know how long Shadow God she's as much a part of who I am as Jennifer can't just forget her it's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me better than before perhaps it can't cast a shadow without some light why hello lover that sounded more Debonair in my head I'll admit do you need something of course just the one [Music] fine what's on your mind no notes you've exceeded my every expectation even if I could have made it this far without you I don't think I'd have wanted to last night was perfect though I couldn't help lying there thinking about my parents before you stood I gave them the release they asked for freed myself from Charles grasp just as they wished for but there's moments where I think I'd trade there to be able to see them again to them again so much only they could have told me but that's all gone now I've got to move on find some place for myself I was hoping you'd say that whatever lies ahead will be far less daunting if I have you it could be just like old times well hopefully not exactly like old times I think I've had enough camping and Mortal Peril for one lifetime foreign
Channel: DarkYamiThe3RD
Views: 7,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, PS5Share, Shadowheart, ShareFactoryStudio
Id: evJzMZnT-cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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