Why Is Everyone A Druid Now? w/ Swen Vincke from Larian Studios! | Dropped Frames Episode 358

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[Music] thank you thank you [Music] hello and welcome to drop frames I'm joined by Co with mysterious night traveler Z you said it was my turn I had to dress up as a knight and you didn't tell me which night to be so I just picked a night and I'm dressed up as a knight that's what you said you said you had to dress up as a knight for this this podcast and and now and now I'm doing it why do you look disappointed I put this took this took literal minutes to put together fair enough fair enough is this is this not what what we wanted that's great it's great you know okay all right it is what it is Zeke it is that's why I didn't do the full the full suit of armor because that joke was very small and it ran of course and now we're ready to prepare to go excellent the full suit of armor for a 30 second joke didn't seem like you know economically uh responsible sure yeah maybe not maybe not you guys doing Cole what's going on with you bless his heart um it I am very excited for today yeah this is gonna be fun yeah short and sweet that's what's going on short and sweet Zeke everything are you good what are you is are you okay did you overheat with the the massive green screen gown on no no I'm great I'm doing I'm doing excellent okay thank you for asking JP how are you I'm doing well I'm doing well uh if I'm honest I'm a little nervous less cause the interview but more because of things that'll be happening at the show if that makes sense but we'll get to that all a little bit later uh let's bring on our guest because I think that's why everyone's here I love that he joined the call I don't think you guys could see this I don't know if he thought anyone could ever see this with the username the dark urge that's how uh that's our guest today uh from larion Studios uh spin the dark urge how's it going sir welcome to drop frame welcome back I should say to drop frames it's been two years since we've spoken it's been two years indeed hello uh all of you how are you doing uh we're doing well we're doing well but is uh it is awesome to see you uh real quick just to start the show off on the right foot uh reynoldore had a question um if a halfling gets a game over screen if it sleeps with house in in Bear form the floor is yours we need to hire him then as a writer I think that's uh that's a good place to start Jokes Aside like the past month it's it's been bears bears are all the rage uh Sven like did you expect that to go public what it did and how it did and like how are you guys writing the like marketing aspect of the fact that you can have some extracurricular activities with bears and maybe other things in your game like how how is that how did that come to be oh that's many questions all in one uh so it certainly blew up much bigger than we expected we didn't expect it to go this large uh as how did it come to be uh very natural to be honest uh if you know the character nice halson who's its root in the game uh he's been around for many hundreds of years so he he's seen things he's done things uh he can watch it so he's been spending time with wolves and with bears and what have you uh so he talks about it very openly um and so he becomes a companion later in the game a few certain things uh and uh but he's very open-minded uh so he um in this particular scene uh basically says well uh we've been interested in one another and you can basically you can see what happens right I mean like he turns into a bear he holds himself back and then it's up to you what you do and then the Cinematic team did a really good scene around it because I have the little squill that comes in which makes it like funny as it was intended to be sure and it uh we picked that scene because it shows a lot of things at the same time it showed deep characters with a lot of background it showed you good cinematics it showed you humor uh it showed you um a number of things that you would not expect from the game that gives you choices even at moments like that so it shows lots of aspects that made bg3 the game that it is and so that's why we liked it and it did really good job actually yeah I mean it took over social media I don't I didn't expect to see that many bears uh it not only took over social media video what was what was so interesting about that scene is all of a sudden Baldur's Gate was popping up in mediums on websites that you know balder Skate 3 probably never would be on but now it's like this thing happened in it let's all talk about it and all of a sudden you're seeing it everywhere which was uh very cool to see as a big fan of the game and uh what's even Wilder about it is I'd say 99 of everything seemed was just positive just like this is hilarious look at this and then that would lead to the inevitable like players can really do this like what else can they do and that would kind of you know it's been a very interesting public discourse on that for sure yeah go ahead go ahead no no absolutely I mean that that's literally it right so it's uh it's what it intended to show this game allows you to do much more than you expect and it rewards you visually in ways that you do not expect uh and so and it it does a lot there's a lot there's a lot of scenes we could have picked so this was one but there's a lot of stuff that we could have picked yeah did you guys expect it to like because I'm sure not only the social media presence but I'm sure internally like sales shot up with that with everything with that did you expect that or are you just like this is going to be a good way to show exactly what you just said how big and how many things you could do in the game this is a very hard question because you don't know what the different permutations look like um we always expected bg3 to rise back into the charts as we got closer to release because we had a lot of wish lists and we also know what we made we're very proud of what we made so we think it's a very good game so people will start talking about it and so inevitably hopefully and that that should lead to a picked up interest in the game sure so the bear certainly helped because it it's like uh we gave the Elixir an extra booster let's put it that way but I I would like to think that it's also because of all the other stuff that we've shown all the gameplay that we've shown to people there's a lot more and we had this little press event there was a bunch of people that came there they walked out uh changed persons they didn't expect it to be this extensive a game with that much uh depth and and production quality really so um we heard that a lot from from people that were there maybe it's because we fed them and we gave them drinks or whatever uh so but I mean but I I yeah obviously I tend to agree with them sure you're a little over 10-ish days now what what's the hold on go what's the official countdown how many days 11 days thank you hold on let me check my Twitter yeah yes 11 days 11 days until ball to escape actually that brings up that brings the question 11 days and what time of day oh I was gonna say that's one of the first questions that what it was one of the most asked uh from the community is is do we know a time at which we will be able to play on the third so we wanted uh to do it very early in your morning uh but uh steam asked us to do it later early in their morning so that they could give the proper support so it's going to be probably 10 o'clock in the morning um yeah Pacific indeed okay okay so that's a standard 1pm ET yeah exactly okay this time actually now yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true yeah so it might still change them but I mean like I think they want to be around last time steam crashed when it when the game launched is very big also it's very large game and so you need quite a lot of its toll and so there's gonna be a lot of uh bites traveling through the internet I guess sure sure how are you guys doing and how's the the team doing like are you ready is it is this the like quiet Calm before the storm like where is everyone's and and yours head and mind at with all of this yeah we're doing the last fixes uh last little bits that are being done but it's very quiet here I'm in the office in the Belgium studio and there's two of us here I know three of us sorry uh so it's not a very spacious office just before release so it's it's done essentially and there's obviously still bugs that we're chasing we're playing a lot uh so uh as we're doing these playthroughs we discover things and then we do these small tweaks but it's literally today actually uh so probably already happened they're locked like as the they locked the build so you're essentially yeah that's gold right if that that's not a thing anymore New Age gold I guess well we all reserve the rights to make some changes during the week so we had this plan so this week is still for like whatever must fix that pops up or a high priority thing that still pops up um because every single time when you do we call these massive integrates there's always something that can go wrong so we are not going to check if something went wrong or not and then we'll fix that up uh but yeah we're very close to to finishing so uh hopefully everything goes well no major disaster happens we've had a few already so we'll we'll see sure sure uh and when you said something about the the download stuff uh uh how much like is there an amount you can preload for the the actual like you know the button is pushed yeah that's a good question uh so I'm not gonna answer it because I actually don't know what they've planned for it sure I'll be fine but I I imagine that they're going to do something but I I actually don't know uh it's very large so it would be uh would be cool there's obviously the game has changed tremendously versus Early Access versus what's out there now uh I quite heavily so yeah um so yeah we will see and this is probably again in the unknown category but uh players that have access right now um it's not advantageous to install and download what we can already I'm assuming it's going to be a whole new thing a release yeah so I mean it's gonna be I assume that because everything's compressed and so that compression there's not going to be a lot of um there might be a few bites that are the same but I would basically it's going to be a full reinstall makes sense makes sense you guys uh you said earlier that you and the team have have finished playthroughs and I know you even tweeted about finishing a playthrough recently uh can you say like what you were playing what class what race what you know path you took potentially yeah yeah sure I mean I've been doing multiple permutations with cheats so that means that I I skip over certain things and because it's just to see if everything holds together uh today I just actually just before the show an hour before I finished a um an evil Dark Earth run uh where I had a lysel with me uh with or get Yankee Warrior I had um one of our new companions mindara with me uh I had [Music] um uh Shadow heart uh evil shadowheart I have to say uh with me also uh and who's my effort I can't think of it now I've been playing with them the entire time uh Shadow heart Liesel uh mintara no in darkers no that's it that's the fourth yeah exactly okay what class were you playing on like your character drew it through it and I wanted to test the wild shape and all kinds of um forms and see what was going to go wrong with it so um I forgot that this is the game in which you can turn into a roughly which is like a kind of a an underdark cow and have a conversation with another cow or you can be a cat they can talk to a rat and I saw an intimidated rats and so it was a lot of fun very evil that's extremely evil stuff there I am not going to spoil it but I did I did some pretty gruesome stuff some really really bad stuff I actually went full evil as dark as I could uh so I went I went very dark yeah interesting interesting I saw also the new ruler of the Forgotten Realms by the way so you you may say Sir okay sorry I apologize sir apologies sir yeah they're uh speaking of you random tangent there's a on live stream Fells it's a popular like streamer um subreddit the number one clip right now is a soda Poppin uh kicking a squirrel and killing the squirrel and the clips are already you know you're already getting all that stuff out there it's already starting yeah that's a very dark urge thing yeah it's happening it's happening uh cozek I don't want to dominate the questions by all means so feel free to jump in with anything you guys have sure well I have like a list of of community questions so Zeke do you have anything specific that you wanted to ask nope go ahead Co your turn awesome dig in so um over the last couple days we've been collecting all sorts of great questions from all over the Gambit uh as as usual if any of these questions are spoilery in your opinion or you just can't answer them feel free no big deal um first is from a fellow streamer uh Dan's gaming and he said how much will our class and race affect the story and quests in the world I know it's kind of an open-ended question but just kind of in your own words how would you say that would affect it uh I find it quite amazing actually how much it does um so I have this um well I mean like I there was a run that really I thought it was really amazing is when I played a gift route and that's because there's a uh there's a lot of Druid reactivity a lot of give reactivity in certain sections of the game and it was really very different from the previous run where I had not played as that so um I'm not going to say or claim that for every single permutation you're gonna have these big things but there are ones where you're going to really say oh wow that is really different because I am of this race or I am um of this class uh yeah it's it really lets you uh yeah play to the role in a lot of ways we had a team that's been busy in the last year specifically um we call it attack reactivity team uh so they've just been through all of the content and they just said okay well what can we do for each class each phrase to augment the feeling that you are that Ross Place race and class in that specific situation right and so they did a lot of stuff that I hadn't seen yet so I've only really been seeing it in the last couple of months playing through it and say wow okay this was really good this was a really I felt like a paladin I felt like a druid I felt like a sorcerer or a wizard here and so it's fun um I would say that for the races uh there it depends a little bit on which type of race if you're Dragonborn or your GIF or your trial you will certainly have a quite low reactivity if you're more of the normal races like dwarves and else then that's going to be more cluster than the same things you will still get it so it's really it's asymmetric but I think that's normal uh so but uh but it does you it's not gonna happen that you've played as a class or as a race and you have not felt like that had an impact on your gameplay so that is that's for sure there's really a lot of reactivity to to class and race cool awesome I saw it pop up a ton of times in chat it might even be in uh our questions that that code pulled here people want to know if you can roll for stats like just that's the number one thing out of the game is no rolling for fence no no it's one of um so we wanted to but we cut it and the only reason we cut it was production uh reasons so it's not that we thought it was a bad IDE but I mean like we we've been working on this game for a long time and at some point where it's just it's okay stop the features and putting it in that's one of the features that was was cut at that time got okay yeah that was that was definitely I think one of the ones that I saw uh that popped up the most um go you got any more we'll wrap it oh absolutely um so uh from Reddit uh a gentleman named grunt 5000 actually is planning on doing a big play through with his friends and he's kind of I think kind of new to these games and he said well my friends be able to contribute in conversations in co-op mode if they didn't initiate said conversation or interaction uh so the way that you can do that in this game is you can suggest what the others should be saying so you get the option to suggest uh which questionnotes uh you want the the other players to do but the one that initiates the conversation is the driver of the conversation so we don't have a big discussion system uh dominantly because the number of permutations that that would lead to would explode it infinitely and so we actually had that system in there for some time uh but it was just not tenable it was too much so we did experiment with it especially because it's also a cinematic game right there are um but you the the that set there's a lot of moments where you have to make critical choices and I'm sure if you're gonna play it you're gonna have the same thing with your chats uh where there's gonna be a lot of discussion uh and so in critical conversations the entire party is Dragged In so you're aware of it and all the conversations you can listen in so you can always listen in you can always see me when somebody's talking uh but in critical for conversations it's going to be like well and there's some really critical ones where it's a lot gets decided and that changes the world tremendously which can be good and bad for different party members so you you will be able to discuss with one another heavily cool cool of just extra clarification um whoever initiates the the conversations all of the roles and checks in the conversation will be on that character correct yeah but the others can contribute uh for instance if Shadow heart has guidance and she can Aid and enroll by giving a bonus on the guidance okay yeah cool yeah you can make your you can make the main character more smarter if you have the spell to do it yes I know that yeah yeah yeah it's correct uh yeah also just a quick yes or no one uh Brett assassin on Twitter was wondering if you anticipate the game being steam deck verified at or at some point shortly after launch uh it's a really good question uh we are actually trying uh so we're there was a new version of proton that came out on experimental was just like yesterday I think yeah so we're uh we're working on it so we're trying to get it there it might not be there on the day of release but it's not very far off awesome we're working we got a well I mean like literally was looking at it yesterday cool cool great you were talking with uh with or answering code just now uh in terms of talking with chat is there any plans for this is very streamer Centric question any plans for twitch integration uh somewhere down the line there is oh there is there's twitch integration yeah fantastic that's going to be upgraded and updated uh on day of life and you can also switch off their sex if you want there's a button I'll hold you to that I'm wondering if there's going to be a category like is that going to be a category so like the new category system like Converses of excessive bear sex no but but realistically is there also a toggle to only allow bear sex well that would require the three of you to play Druids pick bear as wild shape and just stick around in the same area I mean figure right water in the forest and hey I'm down if you guys are you know what we're we're all adults here you know sure um on a slightly more less bare sexy note uh cookie night on Twitter was wondering how will multi-classing affect class specific dialogue particularly if you have the same level in multiple classes so in the dialogues you get them all so if you are a thief uh sorry if you're a rogue and you're a wizard you get the options for Rogan you'll get the options for wizards in your dialogue uh awesome they'll just options yeah yes exactly you get extra options because you know them both uh and that works pretty well actually excellent cool so this is a bit of a broader question and this is one I'm very interested in too uh redditor Arc 724 says I'm very curious about the struggles they went through with five E's resource attrition and rest systems and translating that into the game yeah it's uh We've we've been there a little bit all over the place with that through the entire development um trying to serve out we settled now on our camp supply system where supplies is actually the thing that defines whether or not you're going to be able to get fully arrested yes or no uh we experimented with um we call them danger zones zones where you contrast so you know if you play the original original games there were moments like oh my God I I can't because I'm in this dungeon and so it was really a question of resource management uh turns out most playtesters hated it and so we still have a couple of them where it really makes narrative sense but we we had to remove quite a few of them of these danger zones because uh people do our combats are quite intense and so they usually come out with like one HP after a combat and so they really need to rest and if they don't have to walk outside of a dungeon to be able to rest to then go back into the dungeon that turned out to not be that much fun so we reduced that so right now we have a a system where you uh you take your camp supplies you can go camp wherever unless you're in a danger zone and if you're in a danger zone your map is going to be red so you'll know that you can't rest there and there's there's quite a lot of locations but not as much as we initially plans initially we thought that uh resource attrition was going to turn out to be a lot of fun but yeah it turned out not to be the case people don't generally like losing things slowly in video games um just real real quick I just had a real quick one um uh people want to play this on their steam deck is there like is it optimized is it is it good to go or what's going on well that's the what he asked before right so the uh steam deck we're gonna try uh did I miss the question totally missed it it's okay I got mine I got mine about twitch integration you got yours about the same question we all get one yeah we're good right we all got one we all go uh I'm I'm curious and I think we maybe asked a similar question the last time you're on but you guys have boomed to what like 400-ish employees now as a studio and I'm always so interested and we always talk about this whenever anything happens in the industry with so many other game companies like how do you keep larion larion and not like fall into these pitfalls that you know are in this industry because there's so many people over and over yeah like it seems to just cyclical almost every year where like another company does X thing but larion remains larion like what what is it that you think makes that happen hey if if they're if you can pinpoint it yeah I don't I don't know what the answer I mean like I can't judge for others um I think we're a company but there's many companies like that so um we're really very care a lot about what we're making and the um we've always had this thing where we have quality time and budgets and time and budget our sub um subjugated to Quality uh which is not necessarily always the smartest thing but it's been the company and it's what we want to do we don't want to do want to do it differently um so and that passion you will you'll find across the team it's everywhere and people will always say yeah well you join us you got to be prayer prepared we're going to redo things we're going to redo them and redo them and that's not for everybody not everybody can handle that and it's fine which is okay but we are the ones that will redo it and redo it until we think it's fun because otherwise we're not gonna we we don't like it we literally are um I think maybe that's the best one to capture it we really want to play this thing ourselves and enjoy it and so we will do everything so that we will enjoy it to the point that we can't anymore because we overdid it which happens so and I think that's um and because it yeah because of the way that is structured I guess that's that's the thing so I'm not as long as I'm going to be running this this is going to be the way right it's going to always be uh we're just gonna make something that we want to play ourselves and as long as we have a good sense of what we what that what or as long as what we like is what the the audience likes we will be okay in the moment that what we like doesn't match that anymore we'll probably be in trouble uh but uh that's the way it is I mean like but I would hate to make something where I can't be proud of what we made and that comes out it's just not so you know also my age anymore sure just uh just to add something um funny enough I was talking with somebody who works at larian Studios who's been working on Baldur Skate 3 a pretty good amount and funny enough I asked him a very similar question as JP just asked Sven except his answer was significantly shorter in fact it was one word his answer was Sven that's very sad of him that's that's why flarian is where it is and that's why we have he goes is Sven basically like does everything like and he keeps it that's not true yeah I know yeah well but it's kind of him yeah he had some very nice things to say about you so you apparently uh are inspiring some good stuff in your team for the record but yeah okay but I have a very good team also I mean like it's they are really uh and and I've said this a few times in interviews before and I want to make a point of it this because people are about to discover what they did and they haven't really seen it yet uh this is a team at the top of their crafts they're literally you can sense it in everything that they're doing they're so masterful in the way that they are doing their things uh it's really a joy to see it in action and I've seen some of these grow over time so but what you see now what they're doing it's really really good and we've been lucky enough that we've been joined also a whole bunch of people as we've grown that are also at the peak of their craft and so you're seeing the combination of that in there and so that's gonna I think um it's it's one of the reasons because it's in everything you know it's in and even the smallest details when you walk around like yesterday I was walking in the Attic of a vampire house I won't spoil it and tell you where it was okay and so somebody are taking the trouble of dropping a number of books in there and different locations that you went it's like small diary and it was a story of a woman uh who had become a vampire because it was her family tradition and it was a beautiful story that was etched out there and then you could see that the team that had worked with that said okay well this woman she would have lived like this this is what she lived in the Attic clearly so this is how the attic is going to look we're going to make like that okay but we need to put some gameplay in there then they started putting gameplay around it and it was like it was a really fun little puzzle that they made out of it with a very nice twist at the ending and so and it looked beautiful it felt beautiful it had great sound the the storyline was very good and it was that it was a little thing they just did it you know oh yeah sure this is what we're going to do here and that that that level of attention to detail is would you'll find throughout the entire game which is really what what I find so special about it uh it rewards exploration in so many ways just because team had so much passion for what they were making and they they cared so much because I mean you have no idea how many d d players there are in the office uh who really like this is this is going to be it guys this is DND because we're going to do this and so you see that all come together and it's great it's really absolutely it's absolutely great I kept on being uh I guess look this is my job right but promoting the game where that really yesterday I was playing in this section I was here for 20 minutes silent watching this end of one of the particular permutations of uh Astorian the vampire and Shadow of art uh and I um it was it was amazing and I was telling my I was saying to myself oh my God I hope this is the path of the reviewer picks because it's so incredibly good uh right so and but nobody's gonna pick it because it was so evil so but it's but it was really it might you never know but it was I mean like you well you'll see for yourselves but it was really good and but it was good because of again that attention to detail that there was in every single aspect of how that storytelling was done visually auditive and the narrative the way that all of these these gameplay sections are arranged against one another so it's really yeah it's really what why I founded this company to make this kind of thing awesome you brought up for viewers is reviewing this game of like a weird process because there's so many permutations in it that it's that you know reviewer a can get something completely different from the other you know 100 reviewers that they'll never experience right on one playthrough is that like a worry is that just the game is that how it is a serious worry because we're also because we moved our data earlier we compressed three times that's actually one of the things we sacrificed and so and moving it forward you said okay well we'll just uh we'll have less time for the reviewers as a result of this uh and um yeah it worries me because I would like them to see exactly how much there is I would like them to see the different permutations to see how it is because it is um I think it will be obvious when you play it but I don't know anymore because I've played so much of it and I've seen so much of it uh so I but I hope that they are they're going to be aware or at least try a number of things and say oh holy [ __ ] that that did that just happen did that game completely rotate because I just did that and the answer will be yeah yeah I did sure because that's what it does all right so I I will say I hope that if uh they are like any of the reviewers are like upset or disappointed or or whatever with any sort of like path or ending they get I hope they blame themselves because the choices they must have said sure no no that's not true no no that's us that's us that's us we need to make sure that you always have a good time right so that's our jobs uh so it's just that um you can't have like 110 on everything right so you need to there needs to be some variation or there will inevitably some variation there are things in there that we we genuinely as a team are convinced of this is really really good uh there are moments in there there are there's there's really a very wide spectrum of emotion that you're that you're going to get as you're gonna play it as it should be because for a lengthy RPG based on DND that's what it is [Music] yeah we'll see I mean look I hate review um at times because that's like it's out there can't do anything anymore sure yeah the only thing I can do is like just go and sit in the corner and just say they're gonna hate it and then just see what happens and wait until to hear what it is so I don't know uh review course is going to go out very soon now so we'll see and see what happens um speaking of experience raw visceral emotion um will Druids be able to talk to boo the question we debated that question for a very long time uh so if you wildship you can talk to other animals it's one of the ways that you can talk to animals if you want it's how I am with my cat I made it a point of turning into a cat whenever I saw a rat but boo is special uh who is special and exactly how special you'll have to find out yourself a follow-up question when you picked Samuel L Jackson to voice him how did that process no but we we actually the the mystery of who is that it's the mystery of Goo so we wanted to leave it alone and so um I think you'll find a really good Minsk at least I I enjoy him and you'll uh because obviously your your mind melding with one another so because of the the tadpoles that you share with one another so that'll be interesting um but um yeah you'll find out you'll find for yourselves I mean I I love the scene in which you find the well never mind you'll find that all right be careful yeah oh man oh um one kind of just quick mechanical question and and this is kind of opens the door into a little bit of of what you guys were thinking with this so a lot of 5e players uh notice that there was no Dodge action is that like how did how did that thinking come around is it they're in different forms like how how does that work no it's not in there and so that's the there's no ready there's no Dodge so those are um there's a so whether or not that's the right decision we'll see with the mods people are gonna mod it in it's possible um yeah exactly so uh but um we're not shipping with it okay cool cool um kind of a more more broad open-end Development question uh this is from enzival on Twitter what was the hardest thing to make for you in the game what was the thing that you most iterated on and on the other side what was surprisingly easy for you so the hardest one was actually uh the bit that we made during covet and that was the hardest bit and just because it was the the we were working in completely different circumstances than we were used to so it was very hard to make those bits um I gotta say that the uh the ones that were the easiest ones but in hindsight it should have been predicted right so we had this city that we were making we were afraid of the city but we worked hard on the city but to be fair that was probably easier than making the bit that we made during covets even if the city was such a big big thing with so much content going on so um in this particular game I think that would be the thing the hardest one would have been everything we've made during covets just because it was so such a dark time and so conversely we also it's a it's a dark section in the game and which I realized afterwards so that's funny actually we made a dark it's one of the darkest sections in the games is what we made during this darkest time in our development career so that was kind of fun yeah so makes sense and a lot of that worked out um also uh going back to kind of the The Early Access process uh Arc of Aether on Twitter is wondering if there is there if there any particular character class interactions in Early Access that most players missed that you that you looking at your data can you say that again cool they were wondering is are there any particular character or class interactions in Early Access that most players missed was there was there anything in the Early Access that was like that you saw in your data yeah so I so I personally don't look that much of the data because otherwise it's going to influence me too much and so um I I sometimes tell the team like oh nobody picks that option but I actually don't really know what I'm talking about so but uh the um so I wouldn't be able I would have to ask one of our analytics guys to tell you the answer so I don't know cool very cool uh I kind of outside of the game outside of Baldur's Gate just real quick personal question for you do you have like a comfort game or a piece of media that you would revisit or constantly play like when you weren't playing Baldur's Gate for the umpteenth time that you would often go to during the six years of development yeah it's painful because I'm so bad at it it's into the bridge on my switch uh nice great one great one I suck so hard at it and I just keep on going back to it it's ridiculous because I travel a lot for my job and I I am on the plane and I got all these games that I load on my switch and I just keep on going back into the bridge hey it's Comfort that's how it is yeah exactly nothing wrong with that man that's a great one yeah dude my steam my steam uh says I have over 300 hours so I feel you I feel you on that yeah that's great it's great I was uh reading another interview that he did I think it was with with Eurogamer you've probably mentioned it multiple times in multiple interviews but you said that uh Ultima 7 is your uh you said the the game that defines you uh what what is like your favorite Ultima 7 memory your core memory of that game that you know if you had to say you oftentimes go back to and think about yeah there was a Lish in the Ultima 7 and he told you that he was unkillable and he wasn't uh but he was really really hard to kill and I spent I don't know how much time in that dungeon trying to [ __ ] hang out tell him I'm gonna kill this it's impossible he can't kill this thing right so but it was it was lying that was and the game was trying to tell me via various Clues uh but other than that it was just a sheer sense of reward for exploration I I picked that up from that game and said that this is one of the games that rewards exploration so much through systemics through systemic interaction with the world because you you have to put your little crates next to one another and climb on top of it to get through things and like there were Secrets everywhere I loved it uh and it's been it's a heavily defined how I I think RPGs should make make because I want to get that same feeling from our own games and to you know what it's funny that you mentioned it JP because yesterday I was uh in the city and I said oh we got it all right and I was literally that was that feeling that I that I had a long time ago when I was playing Ultima seven I felt it as I was walking through the city exploring one of the houses and I said okay we got it I just felt like that because I hadn't seen what I had done with the house I knew the general intention but they had put multiple things in there that that were Secrets upon secrets and then another secret and then a nice rewards and felt it was that the first time that you had had that that feeling so far in the game when it kind of you know as it's taken so long on the journey to get to that point uh uh I think so to be fair yeah because well no there's another section where I had it in the game I'm not going to tell you which one uh earlier on we're going to say okay that's actually that that nailed it and um and but there's here it was it was special because it just it just reminded me of a moment that I had in the past and that I never told anybody in a demon there but I was having it at as I was playing it and I felt like uh it was yeah it was it was a really good day yesterday actually because I also I'm preparing I'm doing a little thing I Was preparing for it and I uh I came up with this really really cool insane idea of how I'm gonna do it and I had that also happening and it worked and I was so happy because I I enjoy when the systems allow you to do something in the game like uh the denial of the designers intended it to be like this but I find a way of completely bypassing it but which fulfills my role-playing itch and so I I discovered that yesterday also also in the city I uh I found the ultimate Way of robbing a bank is essentially what I did uh and it was okay really and I thought I already knew it how to do it because I did it actually at that press event I was telling you about but I found a so much better way of doing it uh so which is ridiculous it's completely ridiculous but it's really cool cool uh excellent amazing let's keep going with uh with Community questions here in the final absolutely um unpopular onion has this question and I'm gonna add a little bit of my own preface to it you guys have created something incredible like you said you have this very fine finally honed team of extremely experienced people making this engine that you have Baldur's Gate 3 in unpopular onion is wondering will there ever be a dungeon master tool with ways for people to create their custom campaigns and maps for their own DND campaigns uh so no I don't think because that would be a huge undertaking in its own and to do it really yeah exactly so uh I wish we had it because it would make our jobs easier and so so no I don't think we're gonna be gonna be doing that it's uh wow this type of because it's it would be very complicated is that something that might be left to like modders and stuff like that so we will support modding uh so as after release would there will be a lot of support coming for modding I mean not right away and because we're focusing on finishing game right now uh but um it will still be quite a challenge to do it and you do have the engine is there and it allows you to do a lot of stuff uh really a lot of stuff already um but your the problem is that the visuals that you have to put in are quite expensive to make in terms of time that you have to put in there so there's no generating a dungeon thing there's no easy way of rapidly putting attention together so you would have to spend time on it you would need team to do it so um but I'm not saying that's undoable I mean it's just the way that it is right now okay speaking of that and and we this is uh there's a couple questions that we just had literally 50 plus people ask and of course this is super early and I was even debating asking this because the game's not even out yet um but have you guys alluded to or talked about more content coming in the future for Balter skate three uh or anything like that or are you just focusing on the release a hundred percent uh well I'm not gonna say 100 but pretty much 100 definitely right now uh so no we've been uh obviously I mean like um or Studio like any other right so we already know what we're going to do next uh but we haven't alluded it to it at all uh externally I don't think so awesome uh just a quick mechanical question to decide in there uh this is from LK biohazard on Twitter will it be possible to trigger more than one companion scene per night at the camp currently in EA due to the one limit it can cause sometimes uh a scene to be missed so the cam system has been upgraded significantly um you got to be careful in what you think of as a Mist tonight because people have this completionist view uh and and you can't because you just can't this game doesn't allow you to be completionist it's because you just can't see everything and so what it does is for instance I'll give you a really simple example in one of the early nights that you have in Early Access there's a moment where I think it's a second night or something like that you can talk to Shadow heart or Stern or Gail or whoever's in your camp and they'll have an extensive dialogue and then if you go talk to Shadow Hearts you say what were you two talking about right if you would have gone to a shadow heart she would have had her dialogue and nobody else would have said what were you talking about right so you would already have to do it in the right sequence just to be able to get that moment with her uh and to to to to to to to consume all of the content that's full of those things right it's full of things where you're never gonna see um things because they React to what you did uh and the the trying to see everything is just not going to work what I can tell you is that the game has systems in place and people will discover what they are and to make sure that if there's something that was important you will not miss it it will always make sure that you see everything that you need to see uh let's get to discover but I don't want to how many times have I gotta play this how many times we're gonna play this goddamn game to see everything and it's gonna be a very hard actually I don't think there's a anybody that's seen everything unless you actually really use our debug tools so um because it's it's made to I I used as a analogy where I say it's like what we try to do is because it's not cinematic we try to make a screenplay tailor to your play the screenplay that's made for you specifically on your PlayStation where you get movie interactive movie with a whole bunch of systemic gameplay in there that is literally giving you what you should be getting based on what you've been doing and I don't think there's been a lot of RPGs like that before I can't think of one because I would be all over it right now so at least at the level that we've done it um and so we'll see I mean if that works out and you guys think the same thing definitely let me know so because it's what we tried with what we try to do is we try to say when you you think about all the adventures that you've had you would say yeah that was actually because it was me and that's what I did and then when you talk to each other you say holy [ __ ] that didn't happen to me at all right well that's probably because you didn't do anything you did different things and that's how in my ideal version of RPGs that's how it should be right so you get really immersive narrative experience where you're free to do whatever Shenanigans you want but you always get a story that's really um taking you on a really fantastic ride specifically there to the things that you have done awesome goal yeah yeah exciting uh I think we can do one or two more depending on okay this is a quick one this is more of just uh something the community was wondering I saw this question was like oh man now I'm curious too this is from Pure establishment on Reddit the question I have to ask Sven is what exactly he was talking about when back in an interview he said that he had this huge secret for years the quote I got a thing I can't talk about so I've been sitting on this for years already so you already know what I'm talking about yeah I know what it is I know I also know what I meant have you divulged that secret I have yes was it the dark urge no it was beer sex no no [Laughter] six years ago he just wanted to see what would happen if you included it in the game he wanted to see serious PR planning well done to you and the team right before release I'm seeing in my head like the voiceover of the no clip documentary be like it all started very weird way yes I have an idea no it was a darker it was indeed a dark urge yeah that was the characters there was uh something I always wanted to put in a game and so and the team embraced it they came up with really cool version of it and you'll see uh it fits really well IT addresses a lot of stuff that I've seen people talk about that I couldn't talk about so I I enjoy um yeah enjoy it being in there now so and it's cool but I as much as I hate to say it I wouldn't actually recommend it for people that play the first time yeah people will I know I mean but I I wouldn't but it's it's fine it's um it just gives you because you you get different versions of the story um and and there's a variety of things that are gonna happen uh where you you could have had something completely different if you weren't dark urge right and it's nice to know how this is how the story goes I'm the darker snow I get a completely different perspective on it holy [ __ ] and there's a there's this holy [ __ ] moment that comes but works better if you already know the first version around I don't want to list the doctors yeah I mean like it's a it's a problem with the Avatar versions The Avatar versions are actually really cool and so what we call we meant um avatar version I mean your origin system where you can become a character and see through their perspective but they work better if you play the game already once because then you see it through their eyes and then you say what was what was Shadow heart thinking the first time she saw you right so and now you know when you're in their head because then you're talking to yourself and so but you know some of their secrets also because it's you so you know the secret so it's better if you first recruit them as companions and then afterwards one you know the secrets you go back and say okay well what does it mean if I have these things in my heads that's why we add these Origins for replay value yeah I was gonna say cool yeah as a quick follow-up um would you recommend a custom character or An Origin character over your very first character I would always pick a custom and and discover my companions I um I think the origins come into play when you replay it that's it there's nothing wrong with picking An Origin right it's just like um the entire origin system is about where do you put the camera right and whose heads do you put the camera on the same thing it's the reason why all these things work if the three of you are going to play as Origins and you play together you're gonna have a good time you're just gonna have and that you're gonna be in uh you might be in competing situations also where you're interested don't align with one another specialty from your origin background which is fun and then works well so uh but that's yeah you'll discover all this for yourselves very soon if everything goes well awesome last super quick follow-up on that um I know that traditionally origin characters are kind of locked or their their classes are kind of uh very much a part of their character will you be able to respect them similar to the other characters as well yeah yeah so you can respect everything and you can respect through the game also there's a gold price to be paid but you can respect anybody the only things that are actually locked in are the the subclasses of two of our origin characters when you start playing uh when you recruit them but yeah you can respect in any case so does really matter great it's just a bit in their heads they will always have that in their background that's important to say like okay we'll always be a warlock he will because his story doesn't work if he wasn't a warlock will always be a druid yes exactly but not necessarily in but he will even if you respect him he will still be a druid uh no okay because otherwise that would become impossible right right and with those two little specific side classes if you were to spec respect out of them you could respect back into them on those two characters they're not gone forever if you respect out of them no no no no you can you can just keep on the respecting uh your um you meet a character that allows you and it gives you a narrative reason why you can't respect him so you can just go and talk to that character and then they'll say hello I want to respect and says this this amount of gold piece he said I don't have any gold well don't bother me then [Laughter] fair enough awesome fair enough uh that's it for me yeah final question thanks everyone who submitted questions yeah thank you so much uh for one putting that thread out and everyone else that there was like 200 300 responses on Reddit oh yeah it was wild people are very excited for the game it had a lot of questions uh final question for me is what what's the next like week look like for you is it heads down I mean you submitted the game you said today but you're still doing some bug fixes but than than usual but it's a triage really uh you always decide what do we put into the final game what do we leave for a patch and you have these lists that accumulates and so it's the triage process it's the most boring thing in the universe uh it's really not a lot of fun it has to happen it's an important part of a release uh so but that's been live I've been playing a lot so I've been playing a lot also the entire team is playing right now anyway so everybody's playing what they've been working on for all this time and so basically as a final big beta test uh for sure issues will come up and there will be Panic uh everything that's associated with the release how it goes yeah is is launch day just a 24-hour Whirlwind for you where did you buy the bat phone for the call yeah so well we we so we have to it's a funny it's a really good question because our studio heads have been asking this entire time what do we do do we do a big party don't we do a big party do we do a big party don't we do a big party so I don't know I mean like if there's something that we missed uh so typically when you release something there's always a hotfix because there's something that you missed and you don't know what it's going to be it's like device driver 320 000 point a does not work and it's like five percent of the internet as it do something and then that kind of thing so that's the ultrafix process um so we have two release participants we have one for the release date and one a week later the one a week later the party it's the actual party the action party the one that you can you know actually drink at yeah and relax a little bit yeah and the day itself depending on how it goes we'll see we don't know we actually really uh I mean like this is a huge game it's a very large shirt so uh it's yeah it's large so we don't know I think it's I think I speak for a lot of us it still blows our mind that with a game this large that you guys were like you know what we're gonna do this a month earlier than we anticipated like it's it's it's mind-blowing that that sets a lot of you know hopefully Great Expectations on how you feel about the state of the game so yeah we're very uh very excited for sure we're also late actually and so that's uh yeah it's it's nice so we're earlier we were gonna just leave that a little you know amorphous no it was also the split between the console and PC that made it possible yeah so moving the console later uh suddenly removed a bunch of pressure this allowed us to reach the PC version earlier so all right find out very soon cool yeah Zach you got any final questions one yeah one last question um it will be optimized for steam deck just I knew it I knew it had to ask you know [ __ ] that felt so dumb dude I'm sorry about that oh my God that's okay it happened there's a team working on it so they're uh so they're they're trying to make they're trying to figure out what their right settings are uh because they're just let them know that Zeke really wants it yes yeah you gotta ask three like Zeke is a huge steam deck fan and he really needs it ported yeah I mean immediately I'll make sure that they that they know they're very motivated to do it fantastic uh well let's uh you got any shout outs anything to say I know you said you wanted to bring a surprise on Twitter so it what anything you say Here's the final yeah it was one of those other Secrets there's still a few secrets we haven't divulged and one of these uh Secrets I think is ready to be announced now um not so long well it's been several months by now a certain gentleman visited this in our recording studios in Guildford in London uh and so recorded a uh a character to be put into games so and I think we have a little video that you can watch uh how that particular gentleman did I think he did pretty well to be honest let's see how it goes by the way I'm the only person that's seen that I think sven's seen it as well uh but cohenzie could not so here we go foreign there's a character who's written to be intentionally incredibly annoying and people who've played the original games will likely recognize certainly the uh the line from which he's descended my name's narber adventure to be soon to be the best adventure anyone's ever seen so the minute you meet him he starts following you around constantly pestering you you can try and tell him to shut up and he just doesn't happy day dear now why would I do that oh wow that sounds awful I I don't think I want to sound like that so the game gives you an incredible amount of Freedom uh so if in real life you met Co Carnage in the street you could decide to push him in the river in the game if you meet coconuts in the street you can push them in the river go Carnage into the river in real life thank you you can kill him and he still won't stop talking why are you leaving me I have so much more to tell you fantastic oh man I was I was up so hard not talking about this for months said until I saw the fact that we could push him off the cliff and then I was like great I'm that's I'm just gonna you know click save quick load just constantly yeah push them off uh this is a huge personal thank you to spending the team it was it was it was magical going out there every every person I talked to from larion was just the height of professionalism just super friendly it was it was an incredible experience so uh yeah I I am honored to be a part of this especially to play the main character of Baldur's Gate um that's this is big this is big the big role ever ever ever since Baldur's Gate newber's Adventure um you know playing his descendant is really truly I can't wait for the DLC I mean I we got that expensive too right it's gonna be a great it's a huge absolute story yeah but it was fun yeah it's got a nice story also it's got a little twist in it which is also really cool really I wish I enjoy which you'll discover for yourself uh yeah no see this is Well written character so you'll uh you'll have fun with it fantastic well thank you so much uh Sven for coming on it when uh when PR told me that yeah you can talk to him a week before release I was like are you sure about that that's uh that's crazy so I I appreciate your time we all appreciate your time here uh and joining us you'll have to come back uh maybe not in another two years maybe we'll have you on you're welcome back anytime but we'll talk to you hopefully sooner than that yeah a little a little post-launch check-in down the road yeah that could be that could be a lot of fun well first I mean if you hate it I'm just going to be in hiding somewhere in the jungle forever if you like it I'll probably I'll be happy to come back okay all right Fair thank you for having me fair enough great rest of the day thank you so much you as well we'll talk to you soon have a great one have a good one right click the end call but that's correct oh man uh how was what was the call I have to ask like the motion was that the first time you've done motion capture yes motion capture uh it was wild I mean it took a lot of prep work a lot of training um one thing that's that's not not trained like a lot of setup and stuff um a couple things that were really interesting is that I I never realized that you have to have like a ready stance which is not standing straight up generally there's like a stance in which people stand in as they're talking or doing motions and every single animation has to start from that stance and end at that stance so basically for like four hours I was like kind of like on the balls of my feet a little bit like you know like doing these these these multiple takes and I mean there's like there's hundreds of lines for the character because of course it's reactive to class selection all sorts of stuff yeah and um and it was it was wild it was a very cool experience I can also talk about this which was super cool so during my session uh Neil newbum who plays a Starion was there and he is like a super professional awesome actor he's done all sorts of things uh he leads voice acting if he just did Deliver Us Mars you know that he was the dad and delivers Mars and ran the whole thing and he was constantly like giving me tips and you know being like no say it like this and do it like this and it was it was uh it was incredibly helpful and I was very appreciative to him for that he was uh he's a very cool guy safe to say like an eye-opening experience then into that field oh completely like the amount the amount of people that were like technically knowing exactly what they were doing and exactly what they were looking for and uh their their ability to properly Express like what exactly what they want and what I what I need to do to get to that point and things of that nature it was uh it was very eye-opening like it's there's there's a it I didn't quite realize that the industry was that refined I guess to say like that that uh good at what it does um everyone knew exactly what they were doing the entire time and there was probably 15 20 people like all doing their individual thing from you know like multiple camera checks to making sure all the things stayed on properly to you know they were constantly talking back and forth and relaying like okay do you have these sensors on okay cool how's this look how's this look how does this go and you know it was uh very cool very cool so it was it was a great experience did you get the ad-lib anything or did you stick to the lines well I got I they basically gave me they gave me the lines um which were on a big screen in front of me and then they essentially gave me like some notes here and there but it was pretty much freedom to however I wanted to do it the timing the like any they very much were like you know make this character yours like do what you want uh they of course had an idea about how they wanted to sound and look sure in some scenes they wanted to look specific ways and I did exactly what they said but other times they were just like how would he say that and I'd be like oh okay yeah yeah it was it was it was very cool you got to be the character rather than play the character if that makes sense exactly yeah and I I'm already um seeing lots of questions I'm going to purposely not be answering too many things about the content or the line oh I'm sure yeah it's all story yeah it's it's there's there's a lot of uh of there's a like I said there's hundreds of lines with this character it's not how long is that the process for you like what uh how long were you days four hours a day yeah like it was it was uh it was a lot so there's there's a lot of a lot of things that he can do in different situations that lead to different outcomes and and things like that so I am looking forward to murdering myself and and seeing what that will take place so there's lots to do yeah yeah I'm just that that's what I'm most excited I'm not even I think me and Zeke will both just be like all right that's enough out of you and then we're gonna go find the nearest there's a whole thing that unlocks I mean it's gonna be it's it's a it's it's a they did such a good job and and um the woman you saw talking the lead writer yes she is one of the lead writers and she is so good at what she does like it was uh it was like just reading there were definitely times during the take because some of them a big portion of it I saved to cold read um to get like a better more natural reaction out of it right and uh there were lines that I had to retake multiple times because I would start laughing while reading them um so like she's yeah she's top of her craft for sure awesome awesome did they come to you very excited for the rest of the game did they come to you with that character idea or was that yes okay yeah cool so I I was talking to them before covet funny enough uh they reached out about some stuff and then um years and years and years and years and years later I I reached back out it was like Hey so is this happening and and they were like yeah you know we'll get back to you it's kind of busy right now this was a few months ago and uh and finally I mentioned I just messaged Sven out of the blue one day and I was like hey do you know if you guys still want anything I'm here to help and he replied back between much like oh I knew I know who you can play nice so yeah it was uh it was it was and that began the whole process cool also special shout out to Karen Kelly who was like the guy that was helping me out the whole time dude is amazing um he was I I'm just gonna say he was the guy that said Sven it's like the Pinnacle and what's his own experience uh he's one of the community coordinators he does he he's a man of many hats but uh he was a guy that helped me when I was out there and he was just top-notch phenomenal like yeah very very cool guy fantastic fantastic yeah the uh that is it from me the link for that will be up soon I think coaster I I don't know if y'all worked there I think cos tweeting it or bulger's gate tweeting it or something for that video whatever they tell me to do yeah it'll get posted sometime later today uh I I am I can't put it up anywhere except for this VOD that we're currently recording so it's not up to me I was incredibly nervous when they're like all right so we're gonna give you this video you can't say anything if you play it we're gonna be very upset with you do not [ __ ] this up and so I sat here like all right well let's how can I make I had to do a bunch of [ __ ] I'm glad it went off without a hitch very very proud of that very happy with that anyways yeah let's move on to show we got we got things to discuss we got things to talk about because Baldur's Gate is going to take over everyone's life I think in uh in 10 days 11 days or so sorry 11 days and 11 days well no it's under 10 now right it's actually it's actually correct yeah it's it's 10 days 10 days 22 hours and 45 minutes counting you know who's counting yeah who's who's counting who cares who cares yeah uh news we don't have much there's not it's not much that it's not not too much happening right now a little bit of a lackluster Newsweek Mortal Kombat had some stuff you can you can have homelander and uh Omni man and some other wild characters in Mortal Kombat one so that's the whole thing uh that was San Diego Comic Con is happening right now and it's kind of weird because they don't have any actors there because of the strike so they're yeah it's like here are some costumes from our things take a look it's it's a very odd show this year uh to say the least so uh video games I think got a little bit more of a focus um they showed a new Spider-Man 2 trailer also a new Spider-Man 2 PS5 blade and controller uh I haven't watched the the trailer yet but I think I think Venom shows up in that as well as who Venom is in that game for spoiler purposes so don't watch it if you're worried about that uh but that's out there armored Core six had a big trailer uh story Focus trailer this past week which is uh really badass definitely check that out if you haven't but apart from that like not too much news we could probably just talk games um the Microsoft Bethesda thing I think got pushed out to October was the uh the information on that so that thing's not closing for a while yeah I saw that the Ubisoft was shutting down an active accounts Co I know you had some information on that that Barry called up on Yeah Yeah so basically when it first came out um and don't get me wrong uh I I am all for hating on large faces corporations doing dirty things I I totally am but when that first came out I even I was like there's got to be more to this like this the last thing that Ubisoft needs is this huge public Fiasco about stealing people's money and everything so Barry actually followed up in it and he found a source that stated that Ubisoft is shutting down accounts that haven't been logged in for X years they are giving notice before they do and it's only applying to accounts that have no purchased products so basically that is something that many many many companies do that is not that is not that is not a thing that is like Ubi specific in any way um I think it's just one of those situations where you know a few people made some assumptions some tweets got some traction and people were flipping out all over the place yeah um so yeah it's a non-issue essentially if if what if what it turned now if it does turn out the deleting accounts that have money associated with them that's a huge issue um but it does not seem to be that case got it okay uh here here's Maybe here's a silly thing to go on to you said tweets and it made me think of what's currently happening at Twitter are they still going to be called tweets after this like brand thing that he's talking because he's changing it is it is it Twitter X is it just gonna be called x no yeah did you see this no I haven't seen this at all what are we talking he's changing it's no longer going to be Twitter he's he's decided that it's it's no longer Twitter or something I don't know x.com apparently redirects to twitter.com now I don't know what's happening it's he said it last night that they're gonna start to like phase that stuff out so I don't know I I honestly sometimes think that he's just trying to kill the site yeah I wonder if that's like his out like of some contract that we don't know about I don't know I don't even understand my Lord yeah yeah I don't even know it's but the real question is is X gonna give it to us I'll give you some money depending on your Tweet engagement I guess he's giving it to some people that's true yeah yeah Jesus oh yeah that's something that that I never like thought about having to do is is like not interacting with any sort of things yeah Twitter blue check mark accounts that I don't want to give money to so if you if you don't want to give them money you have to [ __ ] actually ignore them and that's like sometimes I realize that's pretty hard yeah but now with all the all the [ __ ] ad you know Revenue that they'll make from you know saying salacious [ __ ] for no reason I mean for no reason other than money you know to say like you know uh men are stupid money please thank you see all the reactions all the retweets all the quote tweets like give me that delicious money yeah that's all the rage babe uh activism blizzard uh we could spend a whole segment on them uh this past week they uh had layoffs via their Esports Department uh I think specifically with the OverWatch League um everyone is gone from what I read uh there's also this there's a vote coming up uh and it's a vote to continue the league uh via and it says under an OP updated operating agreement a termination fee of six million dollars will be payable to each participating team entity a total fee of approximately 114 million if they do not uh agree to continue the league uh so we'll see what happens with that it's it's been a an odd week at least on my Twitter from all the the Esports folk that I follow uh talking about OverWatch league and worked at OverWatch league and you know that was their employment uh for the past several years so definitely rough uh rough stuff there um on the other side of Activision Blizzard or at least down the the hall uh Diablo 4 launched season one this week uh and before that happened they put out a patch and no one was happy with the patch and they had a big uh stream on Friday I think is when that went down um that had it had Pez the community manager the associate game director and I thank the game director and they essentially just came out and said like yeah we messed up yeah this this was uh the IGN headline is Blizzard admits it messed up Diablo 4's disastrous Nerf patch and announced upcoming sweeping changes so it's kind of wild because like I feel I I feel like the the Fireside Chats and the and the and the communication thing was specifically to reinforce that they were listening to the community yeah and then this patch comes out that was the literal antithesis of leave listening to the community and it and then they had to do like a we're sorry panel and it's just kind of like where was the disconnect here yeah how how it's it's very strange like that that you know the these personable people that seem like good dudes and it's kind of like you know you want to like give them the benefit of the doubt and get get that human element in but at the same time it's like the patch pretty clearly shows that they're going whichever way they want to go with it right and that you know and that so it's very strange it's a very strange and uncomfortable disconnect yeah yeah is there like can you suss out a like a logical reason bore this patch I mean you can definitely look at it and put the I wouldn't even like I think I could cover my bases and said yeah you could put tinfoil hats on but in a lot of ways like you could look at what they did and just point to oh they want to make more money they want to keep people involved in the game they want it not involved but they want to keep people in the game longer by slowing everything down and it's like you know I who knows if they slow things down can you pay to like speed it up somehow no no you can't pay to speed it up but you can make your character look better that you're going to be staring at for longer periods of time right like that's I guess maybe they're go again playing longer so you okay yeah yeah because I saw actually I saw a video now correct me if I'm wrong or if this is just like completely false or whatever but there is like I saw a video of the activate season pass button yeah next to another button you press all the time that is that a true thing yeah so it's it's when you open up the season pass and I think this is specific to controllers but it also applies to uh mouse keyboard users because there's no uh confirmation but when you open up that menu the default uh like unlock season pass with your Deluxe or whatever they called it the kill Diablo packet whatever the expensive package was on launch that um that menu is automatically selected and if you press a or confirmation whatever the confirmation button is on a controller it automatically just applies it there's no like do you really want to apply this it's just boom unlocked uh and that was happening to a lot of people uh that's kind of like yeah that sounds [ __ ] awful it sounds like purposefully maliciously bad yeah a lot of people have uh have uh you know um enabled their season pass because when you bought that version of the game you got like a free token to unlock a season pass and so you could potentially save it for future seasons unless you unfortunately open it up and press the confirmation and then it used it uh so it's uh it's it's a really like I I watched it live and I was definitely there was a lot of that type of conversation of like oh this is all on purpose they're slowing the game down so you know the the kpi gets increased blah blah blah and I was like kind of saying those people are all wrong in chat but then I ended the stream and I was like I don't think they're that wrong I think the people that were stream maybe aren't the ones that made that decision but there's a part of me that thinks you know the marketing the the the the the the the the bean pushers at Activision were like ah this could potentially increase our growth uh over the next quarter type deal it's yeah I don't know there's there's no I mean that we we had a talk about this as well there's there's no there's no denying it the longer you keep players in a game the more inclined they are to purchase your cash shop items yeah yeah battle pass be it all this stuff artificially inflating the length of time a players in a game is a direct monetary thing and that's what this entire patch did in many and multiple different ways like I the the idea that that some of these changes were not in there for That explicit reason is is almost unarguable um so and then and then combine them all together and it's a clear direction that they're taking yeah so yeah it's it's uh it's very unfortunate it is very unfortunate yeah yeah and and and I think I have like such a hard time admitting that that's probably happening because it's it's the last like Bastion of my copium with blizzard of like no they made so many good kids it's this isn't really him but I I think it's I think it's kind of happening I think it's a thing I and I honestly also it's very it's very it's even more unfortunate for the people that are adding that humanizing element to these Dev things these Dev events because sure they are good people and it's almost like yeah they're it's almost like they're kind of feeding them to the Wolves right in a lot of ways by like doing this kind of stuff and then like putting them in front of people to deal with the Fallout of these decisions on the back end yeah yeah like it it must well dude the generals don't go on the front line homie like yeah you're not right my point is my point is it's almost scapegody and and that's really really unfortunate yep you know because they seem like good dudes Adam's a great guy I've known him first awesome guy absolutely uh we've worked with him since Warframe dates when he used to do that so yeah it's it's uh I I really hope that they've that they've realized funny enough I kind of have a cdpr view of this where it's like I kind of hope they realize that they can't screw up this bad and maybe they just will put their nose to the grindstone A bit and realize you have to make your players a little happier you have to throw them a bone you can't go this far with it which is essentially what they said and that we're sorry we went too far with it we were sorry about this and it's like uh yeah so we'll hopefully the future will be a bit brighter but man if it's not it's gonna be some dark days for D4 yeah are they doing something about it like are they are they yeah oh yeah yeah they've got a patch coming out um and a lot of people will be like ah it's not fast enough but because of like how cert certification works on Console uh pushes it takes a little bit of time so I think they said they've got another stream happening this coming Friday and then the patch will happen not too long after that um they they were pressed by Community questions of like can you give a solid date on that and they specifically said uh production will not allow us to say a date and so probably like 10 days 14 days something like that um but you could tell that they were definitely not able to say the the proper time getting more details so some people chat are saying uh maybe do better check on this it's not what you guys are saying I I don't about what we're too far off here yeah I'm trying to get more information I don't think we're too far off here I mean that's I know I don't know about I'm following it Loosely but I'm I think yeah I I actually has to do to clear it up a bit but we'll see I'll see if I can get some more information yeah let me know we want to make sure the right info gets out there yeah yeah I watched it live so I I'm hoping I didn't misinterpret it I was also looking at chat which was a whole nother uh thing during that as you would expect in the uh volatile it was so funny because uh me and Cove played Poe and we've talked about Poe multiple times here the poe subreddit was like [ __ ] rainbows and unicorns and happiness and it's because all those people that were angry were over on the DeForest being angry style and pissed off and then next weekend during the Exile con they're all gonna shift back over there fine with whatever it gets announced there so it's you know it is what it would be a thing yeah that's gonna be a thing um the the guy clarified he said just the leveling speed that you were talking about that part it's actually faster post patch yeah they did talk about how they want to yes there was a lot of conversation specifics about how they do want to speed it up by how they want to or how it is I don't know if it's not but they if it is at the moment I didn't get that high level but they talked about how they want to get it back it's interesting fact to be fair although I would say like 80 are saying it's not faster there are some people saying it is faster yeah because there's there was a there was a confusion with that there was a mob density patch and now we're getting into the weeds it happened later on Friday I think that increased the density within nightmare dungeons mob density means there's more mobs to kill thus more XP so that might be what they're talking about when they said they increased the speed uh in the like 50 plus area because there's more mobs via more mobs AKA more XP uh later on that might be what it is but it takes a decent amount of time to get there and some people are saying yeah I I very lightly saw the stuff about the stash issues on characters whenever you load a character you're actually loading all of their stash as well which is one of the reasons they were talking about yeah so there's there's an issue with with characters loading and they were saying it's a performance issue because whenever you load another character you're actually also loading all of that character's stashes that that has now spawned a huge amount of people that are very confused as to why that is there's people defending the coders saying like you obviously don't know anything about code if you're if you don't know why they're doing this other people are like no it's just bad code like it has become this large debate yeah which I don't think anyone is fully capable of doing for the record because nobody knows why it's like that except the people that made it I saw uh but it has been uh it has been a thing someone just linked it a lot of yelling Joe who's the associate game director who's on that stream he tweeted um they were talking he's talking about that and so there's it's got some lead into it it says when we say they're expensive he's talking about stash what we mean is that they create a lot of memory overhead when you see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with all of their items that is what teams are working diligently to improve so that we can have more ASAP got it I wonder there's no trading in the game so like what's the point of loading other stash and that's a weird thing game devs are still mapping inventory to I so like I don't I don't I don't see them not like oh this will be fine this will be fine no worries yeah yeah we'll see uh that being said all of that stuff aside uh I played D1 I went in I played the the D4 season one sorry uh patch went into it with like The Path of Exile mindset of new season I'm gonna have a bunch to play I quit after six hours and like I don't I hit like maybe I think 35 or 36 on a new character it's not what I was expecting that like Path of Exile has trained me to expect granted completely different games uh I fully am aware that they are vastly different titles um but it wasn't enough to like pull me back in for the same amount of time that a Poe launched is and a lot of things a lot of it is that the game just came out and so many people are still you know experiencing or have experienced that grind so recently that I think it might have been too new too recent um so I don't know if this is what it is for three months D4 is gonna be a weird thing and and the next Poe league in August will probably have its highest player count of all time uh with people looking for a new arpg uh but those the games are so different like and I really do what not only that but I mean the the poe is going to be right after I mean exocon is like it's Saturday yeah next Saturday so okay so now that's gonna just add to the hype I wonder I wonder if the poe devs are gonna are gonna joke about any D4 stuff yeah I don't know I I don't know I don't know how they'll treat that yeah let's see I'm very curious to see how that goes um God imagine them announcing like some kind of revamp to the new player experience at Excel con this year like that would just be that would be the this would be literally the perfect time for it yeah that would steal all of the Thunder all of it just suck it up like a tornado oh man if they can somehow like capture the quote unquote casual experience right and make that better like everyone gets a free stash tab or two just yeah yeah I mean that that might be enough I don't know if if people uh people want more arpgs to play they're in a good spot the that type of game is in a great spot I saw even uh Grim Don is getting a potential expansion or something later this uh this year really yeah um so they're thinking about doing that and last Deepak is doing well so arpg [ __ ] is they're eating you know they're still doing 1.0 this year at least one more major patch but I don't know if it's 1.0 I haven't looked to be honest I I would hope so but yeah I'm not I'm not sure I'll see if chat game is awesome yeah I am really looking forward to returning to that one yeah uh that's the four anything else news wise cat will be missed news wise yeah yeah let us know Zeke anything on on your site I know viewfinder came out Zeke I know you played that so I do want to talk to you about that Pikmin 4 came out I don't think any of us played that I saw Dan was playing it seemed like it was fun yeah uh oh Remnant two yeah room two came out we'll talk about that for sure um oh I'm playing uh a hot new game in the Cozy stream actually uh I've been watching the I've been watching a little bit of it it's so it uh I can relate so much to you playing that game because I do the exact same thing with a different game uh I think everyone uh I think everyone in general has that game that they always go back to but I think specifically from like our age demographic we all have those super [ __ ] old games that we go back to It's like a don't have anything to play or don't want to play anything else at the moment let's go back to this game and so I I'm nailed it how is the Everquest going uh it's lovely yeah there's a new Oakland uh progression server it just got the first expansion last Thursday okay uh I've got some members from the community that I'm playing with and we're hanging out in the evenings and drinking and reminiscing and talking about what makes old MMOs cool and what a new one would look like and just they're very fun relaxed streams and what's also very interesting about it is um obviously since the game is sold it attracts a completely different audience and uh it's a very different feel a very a very different type of stream so especially like an hour or two in so it's been it's been great really been enjoying them nice nice what do you actually do in EverQuest like when you when you fire it out like so the whole thing about EverQuest is progression um like you're you're either in a camp holding Mobs with friends or either looking for a group that's a big thing uh you may be running around and doing light questing but there's really not a lot of questing in the game uh you might be sitting on your ass in Commons or whatever your your server zone is you know just reading auction items and buying and selling things but most of the game is spent playing whatever your character or classes roll in sitting in one place or moving around a Zone uh just killing enemies over and over and hanging out it is uh we've talked about this a lot it's a very chill experience it's it's one of the only kind of active MMOs these days that isn't like a piano when you're playing it um you don't you don't have to sit there like perfecting a rotation or anything like that like you have a very select few abilities generally just a handful they each have very specific uses and uh and you're just kind of chilling you're just relaxing it's a very chill experience um unless you're playing an enchanter or something that's a different story um and some roles are a little bit more involved than others like if you're a polar or something like that but yeah it's just a it's a great way to just kind of like veg out hang out with people and um relax yeah you do you fight bosses or do raids or anything or anything like that the cool thing about EverQuest is that the camps and zones generally have rare spawns and rare spawns then have rare tables uh they also have placeholders and things like that so there's there's bosses bosses rare spawns everywhere everywhere in the game um some Rome some stay in one place you know all sorts of stuff and they all generally drop items um especially as you get to higher level that somebody really wants so you you know it's it's it's very much kind of going around the world finding the best experience to keep your level going or finding items that you need to make your character better that kind of thing mm-hmm it's uh it's it's an interesting experience I I always enjoy watching people that have not seen that but play MMOs of like today's era go back and look at it because they're just like there's nothing to do what do you mean you just sit down and wait for your Mana to regen while talking what are you doing I got we got 10 things we could be doing right now yeah it's oh yeah a different a different field a different feel absolutely yeah another thing we've been talking about more and more is that you know a lot of the people that grew up on these older more kind of relaxed social MMOs are now getting older and they're now getting to the point where they don't have a lot of time but in some cases you know they've had their careers they have their careers they're they're they have all this money and now there's like the amount of people that have come in and are like man I wish there was a new one of these I wish there was a new current Day game like this it's wild it's like this whole genre it just doesn't exist if the only ones even come slightly close like Pantheon and others are have all sorts of issues associated with them like there's no AAA company or even double A really that's like trying to make an MMO that's like an old classic social style like Doc Anarchy Online EverQuest you know like they just they just don't exist yeah it's just it's it's such a so I'm trying to say is do you own an oil platform because I want to talk to you I think it's time it is any sounding oil princes out there yeah just like 50 or 60. 50 million that's all you need 50 Cent that's all a little more yeah will they get the ROI though I think they have to be oh no not at all yeah they would just have to give me the money they have to be a fan of them so this is funny we've we've talked about um like I've joked about getting a whole bunch of money and buying the Everquest IP EverQuest is still making millions a year really from sub EverQuest one is still making millions a year Millions being single digit millions dollar reduced yeah okay it's not yeah I would guess mid to low single digit Millions but even then that's incredible it's a cash cow you know what I mean so it's like that's chill it still would make it so it's not something you could just go pick up the IP for kind of thing like it's it's actively making a good amount of money it's actually making a lot of profit so you know there's I mean it's there if you were to build one granted it'd be a lot of upfront costs but especially these days and probably make money yeah yeah we will see what happens in the MMO space it's still a million dollars that's right you're absolutely right a million dollars yeah a lot of money yeah yeah uh we didn't mention it but OverWatch 2 is going to steam that comes off the heels of a uh of the company Activision Blizzard admitting that engagement and player investment is declining so they're going to try to get on another platform and see if that that helps well honestly that's the only way I'd I might play it I mean if it's on but you still gotta like even if it's on I think I just want to get the [ __ ] Battlenet launcher like it's still launched yeah yeah yeah I I really would love to have um uh seagull on uh the stream but I feel like it I feel like it might be like one of the most depressing shows it would be a eulogy oh God it would be so dour yeah like we'd have to the show would just get all a word by the way yeah I think I think dower is the word of the day did it okay all right how to use it in a sentence chat got it uh the arena it's like that you haven't seen your game you haven't seen your your cousin in years but you see him because someone's dying you're just like it's good to see you it's been a while to be honest terrible circumstances but they're doing uh they being the OverWatch like streaming Community most of them are playing battle bit these days and doing quite well like in terms of just viewership battle people being excited and all that stuff so oh my they found the new home which is cool um that's always good to see when it comes to that that type of streamer uh Arena mode launched for League by the way so that's a brand new mode they're first in what seems like forever so you can now play what was that game that that the V uh the vampire devs what is that game called V for vampires no that's not the name what's that game that called that came out recently battle right what game did battle right make B Rising that's what it is they made a game called battle right and now Riot put that mode into League of Legends sorry I had a brain no dude that tickled me that's that I love that yeah B for vampire B for very that's yeah M Dialing for murder man I mean there's a president it happened how it goes how it goes and then uh palia finally had their fish their first official gameplay look uh that was like an hour-long stream where they talked about everything in that game zero combat you can you can shoot a deer with a bow and that's it that's all the combats in that game otherwise it's just collecting wood and catching fish and building a house and doing all that stuff you can cheer other people on when you fish as well and they'll catch fish better hold on I mean hold on they took all of the stuff that made me play valheim that that kept me playing valheim it took all the stuff that I liked and just took it out of there and then they left the rest of it like are you like are you serving me like you say it's a steak but it's just the gristle of the steak like I don't get it why would anybody play it Zeke this game is gonna make it's going to be huge it is so cozy uh it is so stupidly cozy um it's gonna be it's gonna be a game that a lot of people I think are gonna put just so many hours into it has it has very interesting and and intuitive social elements uh tons of customization uh and building Freedom like it's yeah yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a thing it'll be a huge huge deal I think it'll be a thing uh that starts the day before Baldur's game I think the closed beta does um for this so yeah it'll uh for everyone not playing Boulder's game they'll probably be checking this out um and I I don't know if it's coming for console I think they're focusing on PC only this there's like an hour-long stream where they literally go through like NPC relationship mechanics crafting Quest multiplayer gardening housing customization skills opening somatic all the things if you want to learn all about the game uh you can go watch that hour-long video um on on pelia and uh invest in pelia now just to make a lot of money if you thought Disney dream light Valley was too action-heavy try this game a try Palio yeah yeah that's long did that already launch full I know that's coming out soon in 1.0 it's been in like this weird Early Access stage for a while quote unquote Early Access but oh it has not launched in 1.0 it says my chat anyways that's enough news talk video games that we've been playing viewfinder okay it's out have you finished it is it done how is viewfinding uh viewfinder is excellent it's it's uh one of those um one of those games that is um like art as video game you know it's it's got really really cool mechanics um but it's also like you can see how much effort and time they put into it it's not overly lengthy um as far as like I did all of the all of the levels and all of the challenge levels and I found all the all the Collectibles and I did it in just under 10 hours so it's it's not bad like as far as that goes but it is me so take that for what it you know Z time whatever whatever that means to you um however uh all of that like you know aside it's a [ __ ] excellent game um it is mine mine mine bending and mind-blowing and and like the visuals and and all of the stuff that you can actually do in it it's it's something that after I played the demo of it I immediately went and like after I finished the demos content I immediately went and found a speed run of it because there's it's it's one of those like the only limit is kind of like your imagination like within the bounds of the games there's just so much [ __ ] you can do um and it reminds me kind of of you know people are gonna compare it to other games that are that are similar like similar feeling like portal um or uh the one that I came up with that it had a lot of uh similarities was goragoa which was also a very like art as as game puzzle game kind of thing um but uh it's if you don't know what viewfinder is the basic the basic premise of viewfinder is uh take picture or find a picture put picture in front of you leave picture there picture becomes reality um so it's like those old um um older Windows commercials where they would it was it was Windows right where they take the frame up and they go yeah and they leave it there and then they like you know walk into it or whatever it's it's a little bit like that and uh the the cool thing is you can take your picture and you can you can rotate it you know in front of you but you can also put it anywhere in three dimensions so um if you put it like on the ground below you you will fall right into it because then gravity takes hold once you let the picture go then all the gravity happens so you can put it below you or you can put it above you and anything that has you know gravity will will rain down on you or fall on you or whatever right um but all of these mechanics are used to solve puzzles and I would bet that with all the levels in the game there are semi-intended ways I would say like the way that is most logical to solve a puzzle and then there is the way that you found which is totally awesome I love that you can find completely 100 percent different from anybody else's way of solving a a a a puzzle because of the the the malleability of all of the pictures and stuff like that um and it's it's like there's there's so much stuff you can do with just just like having uh you can make copies of pictures so you take a picture you put it out there and they make another comment on the comments like one of the first things I did was uh there's these voice logs video or voice logs in the game that are on gramophones and you press them and they're like you know they give you backstory right one of the first things I did was take a picture of it put it next to the the one and so I took a picture of those two now I have four took a picture of that now I have eight of them and I just went poop and eight voice logs just go like in a time when in a time when in a time when in a time and there was like like all going at the same time and that kind of like open my like open my head a little bit like holy [ __ ] I can make like you know given the constraints of the game I can make like I could do so much stuff yeah and I love that I love that like um another game that I kind of like felt this that a little bit of that was Scribblenauts where anything you can draw it's like what can I draw to get past this okay it's like sure you can draw like a giant pencil to make a bridge or you can you know draw like a rocket ship to like go over the gap or and that's this yeah it's like how am I gonna get from here to there what is the most logical in my brain do I build a bridge do I make it like uh you know uh take a picture of it and bring it closer to me that kind of stuff it's it's wonderful I had a I had an absolute blast great it's out now um is viewfinder on Game Pass I don't believe so okay all right I know it's like 15. I'm gonna I'm gonna look right now I saw whatever it is it's definitely a great it's worth it like this is yeah oh yeah it's it's one of the more creative game mechanics in a while and it works so surprisingly well I'm excited to play it we're doing a we're doing a puzzling stream uh where I will be playing this and we'll I'm sure I'll I'll do great I won't have any issues it doesn't seem particularly difficult it just is what what can you come up with in terms of your own imagination yeah it's it's not it's not uh it's one of those games that that uh I really enjoyed I just wish there was I wish there was more of it you know um there were a couple of puzzles where I spend a little bit of time on but nothing like um like other puzzle games where you get stumped for hours you know you're just sitting there like just [ __ ] staring at like yeah I'm not it's not like you remastered yeah this one is way more like okay that didn't work I'm just going to experience take a picture of this and try this and you talked about all the rewind stuff which which even yes I I have not talked about that yet um that is one of the mechanics in the game that absolutely it just has to be there um and one of the things you have to do or like uh it wouldn't be I don't know if it'd be viable without it but there is a rewind mechanic um that allows you to if you placed a picture wrong because you can place a picture over the goal like the every level of the end goal is to get to the teleporter to go to the next level if you put a picture over the teleporter the game will say uh you broke the exit you're gonna need to go back so oh you broke the game and can you finish this level anymore basically exactly cool so you can rewind back and the cool function is um if you if you double click um or or double press I think it's R yeah uh double tap r it goes back like to the last picture so you don't have to like go rewind through like slowly through the entire thing you just double tap it it goes okay last picture okay last picture last picture depending on you know how many minutes very very convenient yeah it also really promotes a lot of testing so like if you if you need to angle something properly or if you just want to see if something works I mean you can just like super rapid fire like this doesn't work okay RR let me try this okay RR and you can just kind of make it exactly how you want to very easily which is nice you don't have to ever worry about that cool uh I saw some talk about the voice acting in this not being great is that it's in it's Indie yeah okay expect this not being great how though uh it just didn't it just wasn't good no like poor quality or poor acting poor acting poor acting okay okay okay yeah it's yeah that's I mean it's flat but you know yeah it works it's all voices it honestly is it didn't bother me at all I'll be honest with you because of the the chill nature of the game like I never felt in the game until like way late game like end game stuff like I never felt rushed oh okay I never felt like there's any sort of intensity like the the the the premise of the game is there is a reason for this uh place you're in the the game has explanations this isn't just like puzzle game for puzzle's sake you know how like portal has the explanation of GLaDOS is testing you right this has a similar kind of like it's not it's not just cause you know you're actually here and you find out why like there's a there's a like a kind of a reveal or like earlier in the game but I don't want to you know spoil it but you like oh okay that's why I'm doing this and tell me if just answer it spoilers is is the cat the narrator of the game or is the cat does the cat have any sort of meaning in the game yes is the cat depressed because I looked at their social media and it comes across as like God I hope someone buys our game and it was like a picture of them like is that is that in parallel to the game it's it's a it's a little spoilery okay but the the cats the cat's primary function is is related to the world got it and no I I think I think it's I think that's just kind of so it's just like a marketing Twitter okay all right yeah because that I saw I saw them tweeting when the game launched and it was like God I hope someone buys their game we've been live for an hour and no one has and then they like took a picture of their their Steam thing it's like zero sales I was like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is happening right am I do I need to go buy this game so they cheer up like what's happening um but it's it seems like that's not the case so anyway viewfinder I think you both give it a thumbs up seems like it's worth 100 cool condom cool okay totally that is uh let's viewfinder cool let's talk remnant cool I will uh I'll pull up some footage uh how are you enjoying it I know you kept loving it did you re-roll yet I don't know if we want to start I got a new class today okay I know multi-classed um and I just to answer your question viewfinder is not on Xbox game pass okay got it sorry um no I'm loving Remnant uh unfortunately I I will say this publicly as I as if you are interested in playing Remnant I do not recommend playing the Handler class with the dog I don't either um it's it's unfortunately it's just does not really it's a great idea but it doesn't quite work too well in in execution but uh overall the game's a lot of fun the environments have been great there's tons of loot everywhere there's apparently a lot of upgrade pass like I said I just got my second class before I ended today um there's lots of little hidden secrets everywhere there's lots of like cool story and audio logs to find I mean overall I'm just I'm super super super enjoying it uh this is Remnant one by the way um I was looking at your past vods and I saw Rim I was like that's it but uh it does look a lot like remedy one basically Remnant 2 in a lot of ways is just taking everything that one is and either not changing the good parts or adding in cool extra stuff that that you know really really adds to it so far um I've been I've been even though some of the dialogue has been a little iffy it's all been voice active which has been great yeah um the feel the Gunplay still feels good just like it did before I like I said I'm just scratching the surface of the Dual class system but that's been awesome this character is amazing uh and and yeah it's it's been great I'm playing a nightmare and looking forward to continuing my run Nightmare is difficult but not impossible he'll say I agree it very much is one of those things where especially with a couple of the boss fights you just really have to buckle down and you have to learn every phase you just have to learn every single phase you have to learn the audio cues the visual cues and then once you've learned them you just gotta execute yeah um but it feels good because even though some of them you know you know a game does that well when you do the boss fight a few times and you're like oh my God this is so cheap this is like what the hell's going on this is impossible and then 30 minutes later you're still fighting that boss but you're doing 10 times better because at this point you've actually learned every phase you've learned what to look for when to look for it where to be in the arena at the certain time when you hear the ding off you gotta roll twice like it's one of those things where they they start a lot of the hardest boss fights that I've done start feeling like oh God this is gonna be a three-hour slog and then like half an hour later when you win you're like okay that was manageable cool and felt good and that wind felt good um so it speaks highly of the of the design how many bosses have well before I ask this how long have you played the game and how many bosses have you done about six or seven hours okay um I would say and uh I'm I cleared the the first area your first area yeah we should say yeah yeah thank God yeah exactly my first areas they're all different um this area which which has I've not had some yeah yeah um and then I went to the area after that which I think everyone goes to I'm not entirely sure um slight spoiled but Labyrinth okay well I went to the Sewer dude what the sewer is okay I don't maybe you go to the Labyrinth after that I don't know I don't even chat some people are saying yes yeah well everyone's gonna go I I should we should probably say like a game starts and it's Unique for every person in terms of where it throws you and and what you encounter because it's which is really interesting because not all areas cater to all classes and not all areas of the same difficulty like some mob some gen like for instance my first like 10 mobs I fought are air mobs and my dog couldn't even do anything about them yep um the first few bosses I fought the dog was literally useless yeah he would just run to the Mob while the mob was doing his big pbao he just die instantly um so yeah one of the reasons I probably again don't recommend picking the Handler class to start with it's got some good passives of me synergize well with other stuff or if you have a companion or another player with you there may be some stuff you can kind of work with there but yeah it's a it's a little difficult anyway it's awesome yeah I love it I I enjoy it I can't wait to play more tomorrow I I Echo everything you said I if I go back and I say if I go back yeah I got the first Remnant one since I played at launch that final boss left like such a bad taste in my mouth that it's honestly it has defined what this game is what this series is this IP is that uh when I got to the first boss last night playing Handler and I would I zoned in and my dog falls through the world and then falls down below and just immediately dies and you can't even resem you can't use the heel that's apart I was just kind of like I enjoyed the game a lot and so yes I have considered rerolling I've thought about it uh and and I could also I got close to killing the boss without having uh the the dog help me whatever um and so I might just kill him and go on that being said this game is without I don't want to spoil it in terms of what they are but the game has [ __ ] legit jump scares that's it the game decided that hey let's start JP on the path to jump scares oh dude oh now I'm excited okay and so I got one and there's a clip floater out of I was not happy when it happened and someone said when I fight after I finished stream last night uh I was reading my Discord and someone said man uh JP should be glad he didn't kill that boss uh because the level after it is terrifying and I was like I followed up I was like well what do you mean he goes there are legitimate jump scares with like horror stings happening in the level and you would not be happy with it uh so now I'm like do I really want to continue with that [ __ ] in mind knowing that I have to go through that uh I don't know I don't know I enjoyed the gun play a lot though I enjoyed the game a lot just just as instinctually dude jump scares just piss you off they just make you angry yeah because it uh it's the initial like I'm fine with the scared aspect but once it happens I start to be uneasy about it happening again so for example one of the jump scares was kind of Environmental and so since that jump scare happened I never go near that type of thing in the environment and they will the devs know what the [ __ ] they're doing because they will put items in front of said environmental thing and it's like hey there's an item with nothing around you could really go get that yellow iron that you need to upgrade nah [ __ ] I know better I know better can you do you have the clip handy it will we can watch it if you want yeah yeah Zeke uh link it link it in Discord and I'll show oh never mind someone just posted it yeah okay it will uh spoil it for those that are uh let me let me go over here it will spoil it for folks um I I think it'll be worth it so yeah anytime you show a jump scare it spoils the jump scare but yeah yeah yeah and we can act I can actually pipe you guys audio this time to be honest yeah listen like we are not gonna lie I love this it's new audio stuff boom [Music] oh damn okay and I'm not gonna show what happens after that because it is uh spoilery wow but wow all right yeah uh [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] that guy completely uh I love that like you do a very similar thing to me if you just like yeah no I I got up I got up and walked away and came back like 30 seconds later yeah I had uh I had to recollect myself so yeah it's actually incredible yeah uh I I really did enjoy the game though like gun play is it's fun but for me and Co I don't know if you encountered how much you have encountered it thus far because I know it exists throughout the game but the cool part of the game for me was walking into a room and not being like slapped in the face with hey this is a secret but something in the room that looks a little bit more important than you would see in a normal room and thinking like there's something going on here and then kind of like looking around and saying like something's up with that and going investigating with that and then saying but something's also up with oh and then solving it and getting rewarded for it I love a lot of environmental like it's it's almost like environmental storytelling except a lot of times it's it's environmental hinting where it's like it won't ever kind of tell you explicitly what you need to do or in some cases even where to go but there's like these always these fun little hints like they'll put an item just close enough to a ledge where you can see like the top of the color yeah when you're looking up and you're like I want that how do I get up there and that's when you start like having maybe just look a little bit closer around this room here and uh yeah it's it's it's definitely very very cool how they do that and there's so much of it too there's a ton there's a ton of it um which is great this part was fun that looks like a nightmare yeah yeah but and and those uh uh type of instances I don't know if you have the healing dog unlocked at this point you might not be level five oh I did it towards the end of the stream okay yeah a lot better it yeah like the dog works so well in that instance because it it'll tank and it'll like heal itself and you can kind of like send it to go fight something and I I found a uh our ring spoilers should I not see what a ring does that matter Co I think it's fine I found a ring that I deal more damage when a mob's not targeting me so it works with my class with the Handler class because that's cool targets okay yeah um great for Co-Op too yeah it's it's fantastic uh and and it was great and I got to that boss and my dog just kept falling through the world and I was I was so tilted and freely upset me um so I we'll see we'll see all the guns feel great I've got a One-Shot sniper rifle uh that is real it's called the Widowmaker how are you finding the scrap gain in this game uh I have found enough to upgrade constantly but some of those things are like 10 000 scrap and it's a lot um I am constantly out of scrap yeah constantly like I'm always scrap starving this game there's always like multiple things I want to do that I can't do yeah and I don't know if you get more scrap in higher level areas because like I went into a like a dungeon or whatever they call them and I think they're Dungeons and it was like level four like this area is level five were you earning more scrap in this area right not really somebody said that it takes around level 20 until you really start seeing like a palpable increase in scrap but I don't I of course geez confirm that and then other people are saying in chat that the devs have acknowledged that scrap is an issue oh okay so yeah yeah something to think about can I can I do another little spoiler by the way that's kind of fun sure yeah so in this area that I'm in there is uh Mist all around the outside that if you go into you start vomiting all over the place and getting really slow and you I think you eventually start taking damage or something okay well there's a certain part in the second larger level where you can't see it but you can actually unless you have a specific skill from I think an Explorer or an adventure class or something that highlights items there's a corpse through the Mist so you have to go in you start vomiting and then you can jump over something ludicorps drop down loot an item take it back and it unlocks a hidden freaking class whoa okay so they're they're now people are like how many of these are in the game wait so a hidden class on top of the eight or whatever yet well it's it's a it's a class called the engineer so I can now drop a turret where I can then or I can use it as a heavy weapon and then I can overcharge it to not use ammo is that the pet class it's a dropable no I think there's a Summoner something yeah there's a Summoner yeah yeah I know that's not that this is the engineer so I'm now a Handler engineer um but my engineer is now the main class so I don't have to worry about the dog although I think I have the dog too um oh so you get sub classes oh you get you get to be two different classes oh I didn't know okay I have not seen that yet cool which is freaking cool can you get the skills of both so you get two active skills I saw like an X and A C or something um I don't know if there's like a prime in subclass or if it's just dual classing maybe Chad can help me out there I'm not very sure that sounds good that okay it's it's I think it's dual classing not subclassing um but yeah yeah so you don't have like a primary and a sub I think you actually get like two classes you get to be okay damn that okay you do Q you can do Q for NG and E for dog on your in your situation no you can't do class the same class so we can't have two dogs that sounds great yeah that sounds like a lot of fun um I since spoiler I won't say how you solve it I walked in the map is really fun in this game because it won't show you that a room exists that you can go into if it's a secret room but every once in a while like you'll see something that you can duck under and it'll like go into it and then the map will populate but that's a room um I walked into a room yesterday and there's a chest in the center of the room and all around the room on every aspect of the wall are numbers that have been carved into it with like a knife and you can solve the puzzle with the information that you're given and it was [ __ ] cool oh yeah that type of stuff is so fun and I'm sure Chad barraged you with the flashlight thing right uh I know that I know that happened to me then it works oh oh in the beginning of the game where you yeah yeah to get the thing yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah and and have you looked at the flashlight do you look at the flashlight have you looked at the flashlight you look at the did you know that with the flashlight you can okay Chad thank you thank you yeah no yeah um so it's cool I I love all those secrets that I saw like that there was a Dev on uh on Twitter social media that was saying that not all of this game has been found like they're all there's entire classes that haven't been found yet yeah that's cool that's that's freaking awesome I love that yeah yeah oh yeah that's that's hugely cool I love that all that stuff exists um all that said I will 100 stand by the fact that if if you have the means this game is one thousand percent more fun grabbing a buddy or two and playing through it uh without question um because the entire time I was playing it's like man I wish I had uh I wish I could like tell someone to go over there and pull that mob or or whatever it seems like it's definitely a a more fun with friends game that being said it's still fun solo I still had a great time solo Oh yeah it's a slower movie played it solo so far and I'm loving it yeah yeah it's a huge huge sign slower process I will like I go through a room I don't know if you're the same I go through rooms slower because I'm solo and I've watched people that are grouping and they're just like playing like it's [ __ ] Destiny that's full speed so you kind of get that feeling where it's like if I miss something one of them will see it yeah something like that you know so but when you're solo it's like it's a it's a different experience a very different experience let me take down the spoiler thing so uh that's Remnant two you're gonna you're gonna do a full play a full playthrough oh yeah story places I'm gonna I'm gonna do at least one full story playthrough um I'm doing a little bit of multiplayer I'm actually got a sponsored look at it on Monday with Dan's gaming I can do some multiplayer which I think could be a lot of fun and then uh after my single player uh play through I think if Barry can get it working we might do a co-op but he is unfortunately one of the I think the low single digit people that can't open the game yeah sucks yeah nothing to look out for unfortunately um but there there are people that are get there's this weird virtual memory error going around that some people are getting that you literally just can't open the game it immediately errors out so devs knowing they're working on it but you know we'll see we'll see how long it takes unfortunately yeah that sucks I I the game launched uh like Friday I guess at like 6 p.m and I knew Barry was playing it so I pinged him and said hey how's the game they just sent me a screenshot back of the giant debug log yeah yeah so yeah I didn't know it wasn't fixed yet that sucks but anyways that's Remnant two uh uh if you want to play now you do have to buy the 80 version till the 25th and then it launches 25th for the 60 version um there's also like you get are you did you use the armor any other pre-order armor I have not used any of the DLC armor oh God there's you know no point playing the hardest difficulty if you're gonna use all the DLC stuff yeah yeah yeah um that there's like three armor sets or something like that but yeah that's from the two uh and I'm sure we'll talk about it next week a little bit more I might go back to it uh it's not on Game Pass is it I don't believe so no not at least not now I don't know if it's going to be there on Tuesday um yeah okay it is uh it is a pricier version to play at the moment uh Zeke besides people what else you've been playing well I picked up a game on uh Friday called my friendly neighborhood which is I know this for a reason why do I know this what is my friendly neighborhood it's Sesame Street but dark I guess okay um there it is you uh play a repair man who goes uh to try and fix the the tower the the the antenna on top of a building and guess what you can't just go up there right away you've got to go through some stuff to get there and uh yeah so uh this game my pretty neighborhood something scary is happening with everyone's favorite Saturday morning puppet show the friendly neighborhood play as Gordon a repairman sent to get to the bottom of this disturbing dilemma fend off puppets and solve puzzles in this survival horror Adventure um so I played the demo of this uh which I think yes the demo is still available on Steam if you want to check it out yourself um but I played the demo of this and I I think I put like an hour or so into it and it was I gotta say it was really annoying because uh when you uh see that there's puppets everywhere The Muppets they're they're legally not Muppets yeah they're they're puppets let's not get sued yeah you know so you uh when you knock down the puppets um you can either leave them knocked down or you can tape them up because if you come back to the room and you have not taped them up they will be uh up and on their feet again ready to attack you if you tape them up they stay taped up for every time you go back in that room so if it's like a a hub area that you go you find yourself going through a lot probably a good idea because tape is a very very very limited Supply like a very limited quantity of of duct tape because I mean there's only so many ducks in the world um but yeah it's it's it's the like the thing that you find in the the lowest quantity is the thing you obviously need the most or you would like to have the most is the the ability to keep uh the the puppets permanently disabled but it does like I understand why they do why they do it like that so you have to pick and choose like specific areas or parts like I usually use it on HUB areas that I'm going to be traversing a lot or narrow hallways that I might have to come back through um because you can avoid the puppets attacking you um but it's I just love that the fact that you just said that and we're all just like yeah uh-huh yeah yeah video game um yep yeah uh the annoying oh that was that's right I was on another attack uh during the demo there was an the annoyance came from these puppets never stop talking ever never not even when they're taking oh God it's like Drop frames so yes exactly um unless you're unless you're talking about um uh Path of Exile or or you know something like that then there's you know one of us will stop talking anyways um [Laughter] they even when they're on the ground they have voice lines and they were really annoying they I think might have cut it back a little bit because they are less noticeably annoying uh after the you know after playing the demo I was really apprehensive about going back to it but it's not as bad plus plus if you like there is a puppet talk slider so you can it has its own audience knows it very much does so that's good um the it's it okay the gameplay of the of this game is very Resident Evil um in that uh you in order to wasn't Resident Evil one of the games where you like in one of the games you had to burn the corpse or else that would come back right you could knock him down but they wouldn't stay dead unless you like burned him or something similar idea with a duct tape um you knock him down in order to make him stay down you duct tape them but you don't give very much duct tape so you got to use it wisely if you can um also it's um the save system is a people within uh ribbon a ribbon so you have to find tokens you have to find like uh uh my friendly neighborhood tokens and in order to save like the typewriter ribbon in Resident Evil right um so it's you don't get a save whenever you want I mean you can't save as many times as you want only for as many tokens as you have found and I think there's a finite number of tokens so um I haven't had a pro like a problem having enough tokens but just be aware that you know don't save every time you you can just progress and then you know save after you've done something arduous or big or whatever cool um as far as like the the dying and stuff goes like it I don't you don't it's not like super difficult in that way where you know you find yourself like game overing a lot and having to restart that doesn't happen a lot um and it's kind of a little like I would like it to be more more gory I guess more hardcore a little bit more like more like you know like your Muppets like blood yeah yeah something like that but like there's no I haven't seen like any real blood in the game like when they they're creepy don't get me wrong they're [ __ ] creepy but when they attack you it's just like they go like hey and they kill you without like actually doing much does uh is Five Night at Freddy's have like a lot of blood in it yeah I look at this game and I'm like oh this is they're trying to capture that audience but Five Nights at Freddy's is built around a a tenseness and jump scares or yeah like that kind of stuff right yeah this this not not as much um they kind of tell you the puppets I'll kind of tell you when you walk into a room they tell you where they are because they're talking like I said non-stop um so you kind of know where they are but they do kind of put like a puppet in the middle of you and that other room like see there's one right in the middle right so in order to get to the pizza shop like I kind of like uh she's gonna notice me she's gonna notice me okay or you could just knock her out and tape her up which I should have done because I didn't know how long how much time I was going to be spending in this area yeah um but yeah it's it's uh a lot of it is um get to new area find the area map find the safe spot complete area by finding key to lock box key to lockbox does this lockbox opens valve grab valve put valve here valve turns on water water does this you know and then that's basically how it how it goes um there are some like um extra added things you can do uh in the game that are not they're optional where you can um help certain uh enemies in the game and I was like I don't want to go any further than that but like sure look for ways that you can like if you if you find an item in the game that you're not sure like what the [ __ ] is this go with it in the mind like oh maybe this is that because I was why I got this items like I have no [ __ ] clue what this does it doesn't relate to anything I've seen in the world but then eventually I was like bloop and I'm like oh [ __ ] okay oh those things can be achievements too yeah yeah um but like I haven't finished yet I'm about seven yeah seven and a half hours in um it's I was told that I have a couple more hours left on the Run two two or three so I'm guessing it's like for a normal playthrough it's probably like seven hours for most people okay 10 hours 10 11 for me cool my friendly neighborhood it's a game oh a puppet game do what I played another game the sponsor stream for one what'd you play corbourne oh I think was that this morning yesterday morning yesterday morning yeah I've been getting up earlier so I I tune into the streams now in the mornings uh I saw you playing that yeah how was it like I saw so this is this kind of an issue and it was just [ __ ] Garcia big skill big skill tree uh corbourne right now is Early Access and I had not heard of corbourne but apparently it's it's like an established IP so if you've heard of corbourne before this is a game that's like being built around that they've got like a fan base Community that's helping them make it right now it feels like an early access Survival game so I I'd say right now they're like they're they're finding their voice so to speak okay um figuring out exactly what they want the game to look like there is a lot of building there it's it's a PVE game um you make a little city then what's or you make a little uh place to build but what's kind of cool is players and can join and then join that you can expand it out you can have like individual buildings inside of it and apparently it gets to the point where it's like a tower defense thing later that you can activate on your own so it's doing some very interesting things also when you factor in the giant skill tree um but a lot of it just feels really early access right now and a lot of it is you know they're still figuring out how they want to do things and how they're going to make things so it's it's cool but it's definitely Early Access and uh it's I feel I feel like it's uh it's kind of like a valheim right now maybe a little bit more Rough Around the Edges than valheim was um but it definitely looks like it has some serious potential is uh let me I'll skip around here a little bit is it what is your model is it anime-ish character type like it's cartoony it's cartoon fortnite gotcha so it's it's kind of an animated looking cartoonish characters yeah I don't know if that's what the base material is like or something there may be like a reason for the aesthetic um but it's it's fortnite let me see if I can try to find the menu for the like skills because it is is this it nope that's just learned recipes the skills is like there's a ton of skills and then like any of the circle ones have three perks you get perk points that you use like it's it's uh pretty extensive like it looks if they can actually fill out the content to get to keep up with the skill system so um looks like it could be very interesting you might have said I I thought this was an MMO is it an MMO not really it's it's small group so you're not going to be playing with like hundreds of people you kind of like break into like a small community shark kind of thing but there that being said there are other people running around doing their things as well while you do and you can join up with them and they can join your town and stuff like that and it just handles that at random when they pop into your world yes okay yeah it's it's like an instant based kind of thing got it so um I'm gonna ask you the same question that I asked you forever Quest what do you do in this game it's a survival game at heart okay it's a survival game so you're you're crafting stuff there's like a loose main quest that kind of takes you down the backbone of what you can build and and learning the crafting system and things like that but it is at heart it is a survive it's a multiplayer survival game same follow-up question are there bosses lead enemies things to fight not that I saw there are things to fight and there's a combat system but I do not know and I heard they mentioned Dungeons and stuff but I'm not really sure how much that's in the game and I did not get to them in the hour and a half that I played I'm doing another sponsored stream of it uh later it was like a two-part thing um I'm actually gonna try to specifically explore things I haven't done yet in that stream if I can yeah I may have to just keep doing what I'm doing to kind of progress down the main quest but I kind of like to see you know what what else you can do in the game as well to keep it interesting cool like for me especially for valheim like the building stuff in valheim is awesome but I love the exploring around and killing the bosses and having to like build your ships and stuff like that so I'm wondering what kind of core boards gimmick is to keep players in it long term makes sense so my uh just last question what do they use instead of this what what game do they use instead of this in the sleep study program I'm just curious like I I'm curious uh uh personal question Zeke uh and I I don't mean this with any sarcasm or anything does a game have to have for you specifically to play it does it have to have like a like a directive because I I you asked me the same question with like when I posted yeah yeah absolutely no it's about sandbox games just put you to sleep right yeah yeah yeah yeah I I want a game with with a through line with okay with some some plot some point to it uh and and it's just it's a matter of preference like trying to I'm just making jokes I'm not poo pooing anyone who likes no games that are Make Your Own Story or whatever but it's it's definitely like if I go into a game I want something to like a storyline to follow that is that is sure like whether it's whether it's a light storyline like valheim had a very light storyline you know it wasn't like quest Quest quest Quest it was like uh you know it had it had a progression it was like do this boss go to this biome next biome next biome next biome um but it had a like you know a point to it like I get it I have like games I like need a point yeah yeah I think I think I'm I noticed that when I uh I don't want to jump back into Diablo talk but I noticed that when playing the new season of Diablo Zeke where because there wasn't a clear like I didn't have a story to progress through and this is a longer conversation where it's like in Poe I discovered that I enjoyed doing the story a billion times because it's a directive to me to get through faster every single time and I didn't have that in Diablo and I was like what the [ __ ] am I playing this for what am I doing here yeah and so I I do have uh similar Tendencies uh with that so yeah anyway well it in that vein like um uh when uh like you know just using valheim as the example when valheim was like getting a I heard it like they're getting a big update and I was like oh awesome what more bosses more him is like it's the Hearth and Home update I'm like yeah [ __ ] that what the [ __ ] like seriously give me something to kill give me something yeah I get it I get it it's like no I I don't mind building it's not the building that I mine it's the fact that I it's the fact that I like I personally can't get the enjoyment behind well building some lavish Castle yeah just because you build for purpose not Aesthetics is exactly exactly yeah but that's my life too like I I could probably have afforded like a bigger house or something like that but like I don't need like a big house or or you know a lot of room and [ __ ] like this this what like and this has been all my life like I could afford a bigger apartment but I got the smaller one because a it's cheaper and B like I don't need a lot of room you know like some people do I don't I build I like you know I look for function over yeah over form yeah I get it I'm wrong with that man nothing wrong at all um I've the game I've honestly played the most this past week hasn't been on stream it's been holes at torment I'm I'm done with I put like 15 20 hours into Halls of Torment I've done everything and that I've gotten all of it I've done it all okay dude that game is fine I feel like that game's gonna be what it's it's gonna be like vampires so good like once it's done and gets 1.0 and everything it's it's fantastic I've actually debated going back to it I'm not I'm not done with it all right all right so good there we go awesome okay it's a lot of fun yeah I've been shouting about it I've been talking about like how great it is I'm like okay is it that great and yeah so I'll play it that's I was looking for a game to play on Tuesday and I guess that's what I'll do yeah Hall's a tournament that's right uh Co I actually went back to EXO primal I didn't spawn they contacted me for a sponsored stream funny enough after our stream after our show last week so I did it on Monday I I don't know if we talked about this and maybe we did I think I said something along the lines of like yeah stripping kept playing and he got different Mission types or something I did two missions and it unlocked the next like stage of the game it why the [ __ ] is that not the base it's so much more fun than like the first base game the first like level that you did in the base yeah I read afterwards on Twitter that apparently the game puts you sorry match makes you with the lowest level person in your party in terms of the story and it also follows along with where the general Community is within the game in terms of where it match makes you into and what's available in that so it's like it's it's like artificially keeping people at the beginning of the game basically it was when when I was playing yeah and I don't know if that's still the case now that people have progressed with it um granted it's still on Game Pass so maybe it just has a constant flux of new people playing it but like the first and we we said we're kind of reiterating what we said last week the first couple of missions are pretty Bare Bones like there's not much in them you go and kill them it's the same thing essentially um and then I unlocked the the like next levels and I fought like T-Rexes and there was like a giant swarm of mobs that popped up and you had to like fight these pterodactyl there was like a hundred plus pterodactyls that were it was here's my question it was wild is it good enough to keep playing it is it good enough to keep playing it after that um yeah make it sound pretty cool I would say let me keep playing it I I will not but that's because I'm solo if I had people to jump into with yes though I don't know if it would hold my interest outside of that because I don't know like the best part of the game for me is the PVP and I think they like took a step back in the PVP because the general Community disliked the PVP and they just wanted to play against and hunt the dinos um and that was kind of what they think the community wants but it being a live service game they can kind of Take It Whatever Direction I guess they want now at this point um so we'll see there is like a story boss at the end of all of it that apparently is really cool but I didn't see that and I don't know how long it takes to get to that point I had a couple of community members and and mods that did get to that point but I I don't know how long it took them um but it's it's set it's still exactly what I said last week it's a [ __ ] weird game I don't know I don't know how that game came about and how it is I'm glad that it exists and I'm glad that people are like trying it's not a new thing but they're trying new IPS right like they're trying to to put new stuff out there instead of number game 17 or whatever you want to put there but yeah it was weird I'm glad I went back into that sponsor stream because I got to see other aspects of the game um cool and then last week I I finished 16. I'm done I beat the game uh congratulations I guess we gotta start are we still doing a still wanna do spoiler cast for that I don't even know if Max is finishing the game I I don't know where he lies with that ah you know like it's kind of run its course I might have waited too it kind of has and and honestly now that you're done with it I think I can safely say like you know like there's not a he it's not like seven yeah it's not it's there's not it's done yeah it's very much done and there's like a little bit of stuff we could discuss about the ending and how it leaves some edges open and you know but it's not it's not there's not a huge amount of discussion needed I feel yeah I don't think it could be a whole show I don't think so either yeah having having gotten and finished it um oh Max is apparently playing last night he's just chugging along taking his time okay he Savers the flavor of fans he is yeah well I mean fighting games right now are in a yeah a golden age like it's a crazy time for fighting games I understand yeah finish 16. a little sad when I finished it but also like I'm glad I'm good I'm I'm done with that being done ready to be done good to be done uh [Music] if we're talking about finishing games like yep after 300 [ __ ] hours of playing I finally I guess finished War Tales oh nice oh that game is [ __ ] huge man there's it just it's [ __ ] huge and it takes so much to hide like every battle it's turn based you know turn-based combat so it takes just turn based strategy it takes a long time yeah but I finally got all the way like I got all of the main missions uh on all of the parts of the map and stuff like that and I got I got it all done and um I really okay can we put up a spoiler tag please because I really have to say something uh uh spoilers for war Tails this is important if you're playing it uh here I'll here's some wartel spoilers with DC dual Force footage yeah that's what I was gonna talk about next okay sounds good uh if you're playing War tail spoilers here uh but I would just want to say I after I after I've like finished this part of the game I went and looked up as like end game or tails and they're like nah hello wait what there's not like a a wrap up uh big conclusion and they're like nah nah nah just you you can just complete all the quests and get all the recipes and do all that [ __ ] if you want I'm like you've been sandboxed Zeke oh okay okay there was no like there's there's a running story in each land but there's like I thought there was gonna be one like cohesive thing that touched all the lands yeah and nope nope there is one enemy if you've gotten far enough in war Tales which is like I don't know one percent of one percent of you probably watching um because it's a [ __ ] long game there is one enemy in one place that I looked up because I was like this guy seems impossible and I looked it up and the first first thing I got was first result was like a Reddit post is this guy impossible I was like oh good oh good it's not just me yeah so there is one enemy in the game that was [ __ ] hard and I spent so many hours until I found something that worked on it and I was like okay I found something that works on this I'm gonna go back and I did it I was like okay we got it done but that guy like you it's unbelievably like hard right when you come up because all the other fights are you know pretty standard you like maybe you get like close to death here and there but like it's not like I'm playing it on the expert difficulty you know that's probably also what added length to the game but you get to this one place and you're just like okay and you like start whacking and you're like wait and then you look at the health bar you're like are you [ __ ] joking me this has got to be a joke and then it just confirmed it like later on like is this a joke and then you see that someone else is it has the same question is this a joke did you kill it one specific like item that because I you once you like come up to get something like that I'm sure a lot of you out there are like okay I'm gonna try this thing I'm gonna try bleeding nope and try poison nope I'm gonna try this gonna try that gonna try the other thing and try you know party of this party of you know Party of Five you know I'm gonna get uh good show and and finally I found one thing and I was like oh thank God that works that's it but yeah I finished it uh ish like I still got like I mean it's a Sandbox it's like a Quest open I guess but yeah anyways yeah that's four tails or 300 hours 300 hours Jesus Christ there you go it's a long one that's a long one uh let me what is this uh spoiler tag sorry uh there we go uh this is DC dual Force they contacted me didn't even know this game existed they sent me an email and said hey you wanna do a sponsored stream we saw you played Marvel snap this is our card game from DC and I said yeah I'll check that out uh CC snap it's DC well it's snap is so much of its own card game like this is DC Hearthstone is really what I would say this is um and and all the the good ways it's got a PVE mode uh which is I I think card games these days like you have to have a PVE mode to keep people interested that don't want to deal with people playing Galactus for the 7 000th time and be frustrated so uh with the metas basically yeah yeah you can avoid the meta um and and snap is very much a game of The Meta uh this game I think it does have PVP I know it does have PVP but in the two hours that I played it I didn't play a single PVP uh mode I did their PVE mode and the way that that is is that once a week they're gonna put out a uh basically they're gonna put out a comic and so the comic that's in the beta right now is this is where we're getting really in the weeds for Comics uh the new 52 which is a new DC initiative from a couple years back uh they did episode one or sorry issue one of that and basically you've kind of go through the the comic as it were with all the big fights um and all the heroes from that Superman Wonder Woman Batman Green Lantern all that stuff and it kind of it presents it as a comic uh and I really like that it's a PVE mode right like it's a comic nerd a superhero nerd it's fun to play through this stuff um presentation is this isn't voice acted uh I don't know if they plan to put voice acting into it um at a later date the like opening of the game the tutorial is voice acted but none of this is which is kind of odd but I enjoyed the PV aspect of it the card game aspect of it uh is fun I wasn't frustrated uh with any of that you get to choose this stuff so you get to choose a flavor of ice cream and that gives you certain uh benefits correctly dude oh I did because vanilla makes your characters Invincible on your turn and that's crazy strong because you just attack everything and don't take damage back um but yeah it was uh it was a cool thing of like hey we saw you played a card game here's our card game you should play that and I said great I I like this type of uh sponsored dumpling snap let's do more of this uh I funny enough I log into snap every single day because every single day you can get your 50 free credits and then I log out that is what I've been doing for three months at this point um log it in every day and getting my 50 credits and logging out uh and that's a uh that's a that's an investment uh what what is the the sunken cost what is it where you like oh yeah you put sunken cost fallacy you put money into it and you're like put so much into it at this point you just have to keep going you have to keep going that's exactly right that's exactly right uh and every once in a while I'll get next to the uh the the cap uh that's D I didn't have the name of that's DC dual Force I'll get next to the uh the cap of ten thousand and I'll be like yeah let's just up okay I upgraded that card I can get this card okay great see you tomorrow snap and then I uh close the app and move on uh so to answer your question am I playing actively no I'm still booting the app though every single day because it takes 30 seconds to collect my 50 credits uh and move on but it's also because I put let's say an amount of money into that game uh and I would feel bad if I just like quit cold turkey so yeah that's that sunk cost yep sounds sounds familiar yeah sounds familiar when I used to play poker it's like well I know I'm beat but I already have 50 in the pot so what's another three dollars like no no say that three dollars in full dude save that three dollars unfolded if you know your beat just save it and fold you're good yeah have you used three dollars you didn't lose I have either of you noticed the Resurgence talking about like spending money in games and and whatnot and the streamer world that uh knife opening is all the rage again people are back to opening boxes and see it oh yeah CS go and buy oh this one's 16 Grand it's the biggest look at this it's can't wait till someone launches or finds a new website and we go down that whole [ __ ] Rabbit Hole again sometime in the future because is it still is it still like shitty like like people are doing shitty things or no it's just it's it's at the stage in in case opening where it's that's the stream right like I'm gonna drop hundreds of dollars oh my God a case speaking of that speaking of that's the Stream oh NPC oh yeah we didn't talk about that that's right yeah yeah is it what I think it is is it what I think people paying is it people paying a real person to do voice lines whatever their menu is yeah sure okay it is uh it's the tick tockification of live streams is what I would say I I mean to be fair though ice cream's so good ice cream's so good yum yum yum yeah yeah so the object is to repeat the things exactly like say them exactly the same way every time no matter like if you like have like the gang gang or the ice cream like you have three gang gangs in a row then you have three ice creams then you have gang say exactly the same like you're a focus the point is that you are a robot with an idle animation it's a play it's supposedly to play on like AI stuff and and it's like you you are you are an NPC in a video game and as people give you money you react to it the exact same way every time yeah that's that's the entertainment people are making uh uh about seven Grand a day for five catchphrases is what they're saying on this article on the guardian so it's lucrative uh that they don't talk in between right no they don't ever try not to it's it's like it's like a street performer like that does the um that does like the standing still kind of thing the robot yeah yeah the point is they're they're in that mode so they're not supposed to do anything which is hilarious because apparently one of one of them like a kid acted up while they were doing it and she just starts going off on them in French like Midway through that goes right back into it like whoops whoops uh um are you guys cool if I play a clip of it well a lot of gifts for you flowers for me beautiful oh and this girl pops popcorn while she does it too ice cream is so good ice cream so good keeping money gun I got your name well a lot again see you hey hi yes you got me feeling like a cowgirl what is she writing down go crazy go crazy for hours well thank you baby I love you no ice cream is so good oh okay so ridiculous oh my God this is so upset so absurd oh my God it's just an absurd well dude I mean like people are giving them so much money so much money yeah so much money you know you guys now you know about it you're not gonna stop thinking about it yeah I can't believe any of you out there are even the smallest bit surprised or horrified at all yeah whatever no I'm talking about people in the in the chat they're like oh my God what like are you serious like when the like mukbang [ __ ] came out like the [ __ ] ASMR like I don't get ASMR at all and everybody's like oh sometimes it's really really good for good it's never it's terrible always are you serious and then I saw that and I was like oh of course of course there's that there's going to be like you know I'm sure there's there's already a porno adaptations of it like oh oh funny enough when it first started when it first started it was uh fetishized oh really like there were there were articles going around that like this isn't good because it's fetishizing like the women that are doing it and all this kind of stuff and but then that played into like a whole new you know discourse of well who cares yeah you know if they want to do that they can do whatever they want and you know so it was yeah it's it's a whole it's a whole thing but funny enough that again exactly what they said when ASMR started you know oh no no people if they're licking the mic you know it's the whole it's the whole it's just cyclical it's cyclical and this is the new random internet Trend I'm sure give it a year or two we'll get the next stage of whatever that is yeah what's funny she wasn't doing it but but oh so many people are doing as a joke a lot of big YouTubers are doing it now too yeah um but what's really funny is a lot of them have actual idle animations yeah they'll do so like while they're waiting they'll be sitting there like this thing and they'll just sit there just like an NPC in Skyrim you know and just like do the little Idol animation while they're waiting for people to give them money um it's yeah it's wild it's wild yeah no I'm I'm gonna do the same thing interesting uh I'm gonna do one of these uh these NPC streams and it's going to be what's can you lowest bid amount you give is one right I have oh I have no clue how The monetization Works everyone's doing on Tick Tock yeah it's all on Tick Tock that's the thing it's not big the things you can do on Tick Tock is you can contribute with like these little emojis essentially and they're worth different amounts I think yeah so as they contribute hours of money for that emoji exactly so you know and it's that kind of thing yeah well I'm going to do uh an NPC stream yeah it's not on Twitter it's going to be it's a good point one bit one bit and the thing that I'm going to do is going to be 10 minutes long [Laughter] expert from you just read a paper Game of Thrones yeah exactly exactly what I'm going to do it except I will do nothing nothing so arduous as reading or talking it will be like I will uh I think I think eat a sandwich will be like the thing or or just eat eat one chip at a time for 10 minutes yeah it's it's uh it it honestly is unless I'm mistaken I think it's the first thing that's really taken off on Tick Tock when it comes to their live streams because for the most part that I've seen the biggest live streams on Tick Tock were like people streaming the Taylor Swift eras tour people going to Disney and streaming their like theme park uh experience and then kind of in the like 100 to 500 viewers it was twitch streamers just exporting out their streams to tick tock at the same time and hoping to try to grab that audience and now these NPC streams are taking like 20 30 40 50 000 viewers live um and that's the first time I've seen those streams get to that size in that multitude of streams so tick tock's probably just like let's [ __ ] go like we finally founded finally found an audience it's it's these NPC folk uh let's let's try to monetize them and bring them in um so we'll see that that would be like a circle of hell for me if I was made to sit down and watch those NPC streams because that's one of my like did we still say the word trigger it's one of my hugest triggers is is loud repetitive noises and especially mouth noise mouth noises you gotta not tune into those streams for sure for sure uh what do we got 10 minutes eight minutes Cody you want to talk uh sea of Thieves uh sure yeah also I have a little bit of news Okay um what do you want we'll see we'll we'll do you know news real quick um I have joined an indie Dev Studio oh yeah yeah I am actually uh officially a producer nice um I'm meeting with them every single week they they pitch me their idea a couple months ago I I played the demo of it I think it's something that could be absolutely amazing and uh they have said that it's an established team which was one of my like check boxes and getting back into game devs I want to work with an established team who is already producing uh it's a team that would some of them have you know veteran stuff under their belt and uh and it's it's already going along very well they brought they actually seeked me out and they were like we want to bring you in at this stage of the development because there's a lot that can change and a lot that we can add and do this is the time to do it and frankly we want you to help us like make this the best it can be cool um so there's like zero information out about it yet there's a lot of information coming but I am very excited to see where this game is going if if done properly I feel like this can be like a very unique amazing awesome experience so yeah I just you know cool look for code's new game Legends of the raid shadow oh yeah does it have a name or is it a code name uh it has it has a name okay yes but not that it's public yet yeah yeah I just didn't know in terms of where it was at code name or actual name cool look forward to it that'll be fun uh anyway so back to important things uh sea of Thieves I played the Monkey Island part one any good uh now what is absolutely incredible about this is they have made an entire 3D version of the original monkey Islands Island like you actually run around you talk to all the same characters even the loom guy is there um they have added like new puzzles and stuff basically to um make it more sea of thievesy and work with those mechanics uh it's a very light kind of Adventure game at this point but for Monkey Island fans it is awesome uh they got the guy that actually voices guybrush to be guybrush and um what's also super cool is there's all sorts of not only like little Easter eggs and stuff for Monkey Island but you enter an area in full 3d and they'll be a stool in the corner and if you go and sit on that stool the camera rotates around and you are looking from the perspective of the 2D Adventure game and then guybrush will come on and like say an Easter egg about that scene and that happens like multiple times throughout it just like like any time you get to an area from the original game if you think like where would I need to be for this to look like from the game nine times out of ten there's a place you can sit and then he'll like give you a little thing about it which is super cool so so it was uh well I was gonna say it's like a love letter to Monkey Island fans yeah it's fan service it's a fan service yeah it's 100 sea of Thieves fan service to Monkey Island fans and it works wonderfully uh it's only the first of multiple Parts oh and um it is it is it is I'm there's no question I'm gonna be day oneing this as they continue yeah it was just it was just a joy to play is it free yeah it's a free update receive these things oh it's completely syllable so this is in the this is in the container of what's called a tall tale which is basically a stand-alone experience that you do not need to do with other people oh and it like it's much more story focused and it can be just you and your thing it's okay oh I'm sorry it's not free but it's on Game Pass here we go game is not free but it is on gameplay sure oh there's that um but yeah it I had zero issues playing it solo and um and it was just a joy to do a lot of fun cool is this the first one of these that they've done no they didn't see if these were Pirates of the Caribbean that's right they did that Disney excuse me a tall tale yeah tall tale tale for Pirates of the Caribbean yeah yeah and I when they told me about that they were like now that you've done Monkey Island they're gonna do Pirates of the Caribbean I was like I don't know I can't really do that without Johnny Depp it just wouldn't feel right and everyone in chat was like they found someone that sounds just like him like if you if that's what's stopping you like you should still give it a try so I may give it a try at some point because apparently the guy that plays him is fantastic uh at it so we'll see maybe down the road but I will say like the the Allure of that to me no question was Monkey Island and uh and it and it did it great it it did what it set out to do very very well who a lot of fun Zeke you got anything for two or three minutes I got one game that I played vagrant story for um oh yeah tweet that said you were frustrated with it what happened was that the game that you were frustrated with or is that a different game uh I think it was probably that sounds right for this game um what what was frustrating about vagrant super old oh no no uh no that was yes yeah no no this that was bigger story right because everything takes two or three more seconds I believe is what I was complaining about because it might be I don't know like I I had I had trouble like um separating this from the other recent game the other um um uh Soul Reverb that I played oh um because they're of a similar I think a similar era a similar kind of similar like sort of similar look-ish um but let's see yes Vegas story is one of those older games that could be great to go back to but the quality of life is just abysmal everything takes three to ten extra seconds and that idle time just adds up I would love to see a remake with those things in mind because the mechanics and story are great it that and I I stand by that because it it the patients we used to have we don't have anymore as Gamers um for a lot of things sometimes we can Overlook it sometimes it's you know there's certain things that old games have that we're like okay it's fine it's an older game but like every like this one this was one of those games that it was just like oh I gotta go save sit like six button presses just to save the game you know and it's just like screen yes do you accept Okay save file here to go and confirm and and then ten seconds to actually save it because when you get the game like I did on PS3 it emulates a PS1 so the Save times are exactly as long as they were on the PS1 so it's it's it's difficult to um get over that yeah with the with you know what we've become used to today what's that I'm I play a lot of old games so I've got a lot of forgiveness but this one was just it was just too much however on the plus side the game itself is is like the story is good I like the mechanic the um the battle mechanic of the sphere that goes out of you um to be able to attack something so if you have like a dagger your sphere is really small if you have a crossbow your sphere is really big because of the of the range on it um and I like that idea and I like the idea of once you get into the battle mode it kind of pauses and you can pick where to hit them if you're in range of their head their body their right arm left arm tail whatever I like that like that all was very very cool um the puzzle solving also very very cool I didn't mind like you play a lot of stacky block but I don't mind stacky block I'm a fan you know it doesn't bother me yeah um but here's a save am I gonna save it no I already did okay I never did um but uh it's it's another one of those like it's semi-punishing like on boss fights if a boss like you're learning the boss and then you die you're like okay go back to the save point go back to the boss and you have to sit through the [ __ ] cutscene again you're like oh God like the fourth time it's just like oh mother you know he's like slow like oh cinematic cutscenes to you see the foot like step in the frame then you see the other thing step in a frame and they're all like you know a minute long and it's like [ __ ] like and you can skip some of them but not the boss ones no boss there are certain like yeah if you haven't watched that [ __ ] every time I'm just saying if this game got a quality of life remake update whatever I would go back to it in a heartbeat because it has so much else going for it that I that I enjoy plus plus I would be remiss if I didn't mention assless pants there are a lot of characters who have assless pants in this and it's a choice and I don't know why that choice was made but I admitted I'm I'm I'm all about it that's cool just like you can see them cheeks for a lot of characters it's not just the main character for a couple of different characters you see them cheeks it's very strange it's wild game yeah yeah I hope this gets uh some sort of uh remade remastered next one I don't know now that you've played it hopefully the the curse yep the curse all right come on Magic I'm hoping my magic there's some open there's some magic left that old hat like a little bit I hope it works it's good it is uh I would say it's it's safe to say it's like a beloved game uh but it is a love it or hate it game as well at the same time oh for sure for sure yeah cool cool that's it cool that's a show let's do some shout outs let's wrap it up uh I don't think we're gonna have a guest next week we'll see I'll let you guys know um but I don't have anyone 30th 30th yeah yeah okay so we should be good uh let's do some shout out Zeke start us off what up everybody thank you for joining us big thanks to Sven from larion Studios for joining us and answering all the Baldur's Gate questions we could throw at him in an hour uh and let me say that dude had better answers like to like good answers to my joke questions I was like I wasn't expecting like an actually useful you know good answer to my stupid joke question but he absolutely did it so hats off to Sven for joining us uh thank you to Cohen JP also for being the co-host every week uh my name is zeko the third you can find me out of Slash Ezekiel underscore III on Twitch Twitter and YouTube and Ezekiel the third all spelled out on Instagram and Tick Tock if you want to join me on Tuesday it looks like I'm gonna be finishing up uh the last couple of hours of my friendly neighborhood if you want to see the conclusion of that Muppet excuse me puppet legally distinct Muppets uh legally correct that that that uh puppet show horror horror thing for survival thing I'll be doing that and then after that I will be checking out yes I have been influenced I'll be checking out that um Halls of tournament that's good it's great you're gonna like it yep so I'll see you then if you wanna come on over thanks for watching cool shout outs hi as always thanks to JP and Zeke for the show and a huge shout out to Sven just incredible to have him on not only for again right before the release of the game they've been working on for six years it's been incredible so yeah a huge thanks to him and everyone who submit any questions which he answered a bunch of Awesome on that note hi I'm Co I'll be on tonight for some cozy Quest and then tomorrow morning for more Remnant 2. we've got a lot of stuff coming up this week as we get everything ready for Baldur's Gate in 11 days so I very much hope to see you guys here for that or next week for all that fun stuff too so thanks for watching and have a good one hey speaking of Butler's gate did they say anything about steam deck I don't know we still think it was mentioned it would have been perfect I'll get them back when he comes if he comes back yeah yeah we'll ask about it when he comes back yeah it's good good idea it's a good idea uh hi hello how can I forget that I don't know how we forgot it I don't know how I forgot it uh what am I doing tomorrow tomorrow we got a sponsored stream we're playing some Assassin's Creed Ubisoft sponsored us because I think they're doing a sale I don't know what's happening I'll talk about it tomorrow uh when I get the cheat sheet to tell me more about that sponsored stream and then uh Tuesday day off Wednesday There's no last call so it'll be a normal stream Thursday I think is Puzzler day so I'm going to play a bunch of uh bunch of puzzle games probably viewfinder probably Q remastered probably that Mars game uh and uh we'll do it cosplays it's a It's A Thon reward uh that the community supported so That's Thursday Friday is the big uh Final Fantasy 14 Fan Fest day so I think they're gonna be showing 7.0 trailer or something I got a keynote we'll be watching that live Saturday is exile con uh that's later in the day I think around 6 p.m Eastern I'll be watching that I'm sure a lot of other creators will be as well yeah uh I think uh I think if you want to join me in Cassie Mexican they're doing like a big sponsor push for that coach again a lot of people yeah I'm in there too yeah okay yeah we'll figure it out yeah uh that's next Saturday and then apparently this one's gonna be big man yeah we're making some big stuff there yep a ton of people sponsored for it yeah um so they're doing a big marketing push we'll talk about it next Sunday I am which one is that Excel Excel con is uh Path of Exile yeah that's their business their big event they're going to show a lot of Path of Exile two stuff they'll probably talk about their new league uh or season I don't know what Poe calls it League I think that's in August sometimes I'll probably announce that um I think that's it oh and then I'm launching merch Co did you get your merch by the way it said it got delivered I was I didn't ask I did again I got I got the yeah I got the the mug but I haven't gotten I don't think I've gotten the blanket yet yeah yeah blankets I'll open all that up on there and I love finding new interesting ways to rip that apart as they have every one that they have for now great fantastic uh I'll launch that probably later this weekend then we'll Circle back around and do this whole drop frames thing again cool I was just waiting for JP like uh so the package arrived right so I mean you're not wearing it oh I know they got a mug you get the right size because I could talk to somebody if you want to wear it next time on this no he said he ordered it that's all I was saying and then the the merch guys said that it got delivered I didn't know if go got it or not anyways we're out of here thank you so much for watching if you're waiting for this fan interview we're gonna upload it immediately after I close here and then YouTube's gonna do its processing maybe 30 minutes 45 minutes something like that so look forward to that youtube.com JP we're out we'll see you next week for more dry frames have a good one bye bye
Channel: itmeJP
Views: 120,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dropped, HD, games, Dropped Frames, itmeJP, Xsplit, streaming, Cohh, 1080p, streamers, Ezekiel_III, CohhCarnage, Obs, Twitch, live streamers, TwitchTV, live stream, twitch tv, video games, itmejp, playstation, playstation 5, xbox, xbox series x, react, state of play, twitch drama, videogamedunkey, mrbeast, xqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 50sec (11030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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