Our Top 5 Multiclass Combinations in Dungeons & Dragons 5e

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I wasn't sure how to get in touch with you, I hope you see this and are able to respond even if only by covering some of this in upcoming videos.

Unrelated to this video, you spoke in past episodes about using simulacrum as players. I'd like to hear more about how that worked out.

I took it with a bard's magical secrets. No one in the group would volunteer (I really wanted to duplicate the cleric), but cloning myself worked just fine. A few spare magic items dressed him out and gave some wands for rechargable spells. By the time his spells and inspiration wore out, I was able to cast it again, and then I had wish available by the time a third was need.

I had so many plans that never came to fruition, the most basic was to have him serve a diplomatic role while I adventured. Other plots were so diabolical, I hate to share. The main drawback is a simple dispell magic brings it to an end.

A second request is for a video on what to do with wish when you have down time. Given a week of r&r, what do you do? A month? A year? I had a plan which I never got around to enacting ( the campaign was fast pace word ending in days). I don't recall the details, I think it involved creating clones of the party before the final big battle.

Another high level spell that has long term downtime possibilities is True Polymorph. Do you turn your whole party into dragons, or death knights (is undead or incorporeal valid creature destinations?) Alternatively, you could make 9cr creatures from stone, make some friendly couatal, or other mobs. Maybe make friendly creatures that are naturally evil, then worry about killing or letting them roam the planet when the charm ends. Whole campaign plot of a monster ecology that could be defeated with dispel magic.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGogmagog 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
in the world of Dungeons and Dragons there are so many different classes to choose from but how do you choose just one well you don't have to multi classing is a great option in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition to really help you build the perfect player character by combining the powers abilities and skills of two or perhaps even more classes together my name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelley McLaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes welcome to our channel where we discuss everything Dungeons & Dragons including advice for players and guides for Dungeon Master's we upload new videos every Thursday so please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode today we are looking at our top 5 favorite multi class combinations in Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition we have restrained ourselves a little bit and we are looking at combinations between only two classes we didn't get into the trip of classes but these are some of the coolest most fun and most powerful options in Dungeons & Dragons for the dition this is a high-level overview we're going to be talking about the cool benefits you get from combining these two classes if you want more details on the classes themselves we have an entire list of class guides that you can check out now the principal benefit of multi classing and Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition is that it greatly increases the versatility of your character by combining the abilities that you gain from one class and another you can unlock new synergies that can greatly increase your characters power or give them more adaptable options in various situations when you multi class you are gonna be losing out on a lot of the high level abilities of those classes but most classes in Dungeons & Dragons are pretty front-loaded meaning that they get a lot of their key abilities and features at the early stages this fact is very important for the combinations we're looking at today most of the combinations we're looking at you only need 3 or 5 levels of each of the classes to get a really awesome combination rolling which means that you can be playing this character in the mid levels of play when it really matters waiting for very high levels for a multi class build that relies on 3 or 4 classes to come together can really make your character feel like a bit of a mess until you get to that high level we're really interested in getting character options that make our characters feel awesome as soon as possible there's a lot to discuss so let's get rolling as usual we haven't ranked these in any specific order these are just our favorite choices so the first one that we're looking at is a little bit of a controversial choice because it makes your character somewhat of a servant between two masters and that is the Paladin warlock multi-class this is an interesting choice because paladin's swear a sacred oath we're warlocks make a eldritch pact both paladins and warlocks deal with supernatural and extra planner forces paladins and warlocks alike made traffic with fiends Celestials Fae and other spirits which means that your warlock paladin could be something of a witch knight one who has an oath of the Ancients and a Fae pact or a paladin of the oath of vengeance sworn to the Raven Queen and a hex blade warlock instead mechanically speaking the idea here is that you take three levels of warlock and then carry on with paladin as long as you want now one of the big advantages here is that if you choose to go with a hex blade warlock this means that your character now relies on their charisma score for basically everything you're going to be using it for making your attack roles with your melee weapons as long as you're using your warlocks pact of the blade pact weapon and you will also be using charisma for both your paladin and warlocks spell casting this means that you can choose a race that gets a bonus to your charisma pump that charisma score really really high slap on some heavy armor especially if you take your first level as paladin and then go to town and not really have to worry about any of your other abilities scores although you'll probably want to invest in constitution one of the coolest things about this multi-class is that you can use your warlocks spell slots for divine smites and those spell slots come back on short rest this means that your warlock paladin may be able to be much more liberal with their divine smites because you know you can get those back on a short rest and you can use your paladin spell slots to cast some of your other warlock spells even if you're only taking a couple levels of Warlock you have the opportunity to get some really pics here like hex or armor of a goth ease which bring in some extra neat little perks for your character you don't gain much more by gaining extra levels of warlock and I think paladin is the core class that you're looking at in this bill yeah I think at by ninth level your character will have extra attack divine smite you'll be getting your charisma modifier too you're saving throws using that for all of your attack roles thanks to hex warrior you're gonna have heavy armor proficiency you're gonna be a really robust and flexible character and I think one of the awesome things about this multi class combination is that you get spells melee combat you get to be the party's face because you've got a really high charisma score you're really really resilient you kind of get to have it all with this character you just also have to manage all the role-playing baggage that it comes with that being said I love the idea of the oath of vengeance paladin being sworn to the Raven Queen I think there's a lot of great role-playing options and if you really want to play the witch night this is a great option of course the paladin isn't the only awesome class to combine with one two three levels of warlock the sorcerer or the affectionately known soar lock is one of the coolest blaster builds that you can create for a character and another fantastic multi class combination again mechanically this works by taking two or three levels of warlock and then going sorcerer the rest of the way some people like to take a couple levels of sorcerer maybe upwards of five levels of sorcerer first and then multi class to warlock there's a lot of different ways that you can build this character but the end result is that usually somewhere around eight or nine level you've got a character that's got about five or six levels of sorcerer under their belt and two or three levels of warlock and you're probably gonna be picking up the meta magic options as a sorcerer for quick and spell and possibly twin spell or empowered spell and if you haven't put it together yet you can use quick and spell on Eldridge blast and at higher levels this is going to make a lot of attacks indeed eldritch blast is one of the best can trips in the game to use alongside quick and spell either casting a leveled spell with your regular action and quickening Eldridge blast gets really good at racking up lots of extra damage and we can find many more ways to improve this depending on what type of sorcerer and what type of warlock we are I could imagine being a celestial pact warlock that is also a divine soul sorcerer or perhaps a Wild Magic sorcerer that has made an infernal pact as a way of stabilizing their powers much like when we discussed with the paladin adding warlock to a class gives you these regenerating spell slots that come back on a short rest which with the sorcerer you can use to regain sorcery points now some folks have taken this to a really big extreme by using the fact that you can convert the Warlock spell slots into sorcery points and then use those sorcery points to regain sorcerer or spell slots resulting in a character that never actually needs to take a long rest there have been a couple rules and clarifications that mean that this might not work and for a lot of Dungeon Master's they're probably going to shut it down regardless of if you play it this way or not the ability to have spell slots that come back on a short rest that can be then converted to sorcery points and used for other things really adds a lot of flexibility to the sorcerer and while you are giving up some of your higher level spell casting this does make you into a very potent Blaster mage so if you're looking to wreak havoc on your table the Sarlacc is a great way to go there's nothing better than throwing down a fireball and then following it up with a quick and Eldridge blast well the sorcerer warlock might be the brute force blaster mage as far as the battlefield brute the fighter barbarian really takes the cake as one of my favorite multi class combinations mechanically speaking you can just grab a couple levels of barbarian and then go fighter the rest of the way and that should give you enough to really mess up the battlefield a fighter gains so much from taking just two levels of barbarian you'll get rage the fantastic reckless attack as well as danger sense and some slightly more hit points depending on how you roll with those hit dice the downside of this is that if you are going to be raging as a fighter you're not going to be wearing heavy armor they don't work well together but the added benefits you get to your damage output is not to be laughed at imagining a fighter barbarian in a barbarians rage using reckless attack making an action surge turn with pull our master and great weapon master I don't think much is gonna survive that onslaught and at the same time the character is going to be incredibly resilient thanks to the damage resistance is granted by barbarian rage and this is where your enemies turn to you and say you and what army and you can laugh in their face as you cut down their entire force when your fighter decides to embrace their inner rage and take those barbarian levels is really going to vary I could see taking this as early as level 7 so once you've got your extra feet from being a six level fighter grabbing those two levels of barbarian I think fits really really well there although you could wait as late as eleventh level when you get your third attack from being a fighter and then imagine action surge three attacks another three attacks barbarian rage reckless attack oh that's a lot of damage you're a walking blender yeah yeah it's pretty scary and I think it's really effective a fighter gains so much from being able to just declare advantage on all their attacks and if you're a battle master fighter you can use all of your maneuvers even when you're raging really makes for a potent melee combatant and probably one of the scariest hand-to-hand combat damage dealers out there I often come back to how powerful the action surge ability is for that fighter it's one of the most potent abilities that any class gets in the game and that's why pairing the fighter with the rogue is another excellent multi class option indeed in particular pairing the fighter with the assassin rogue yields a pretty scary combination like the fighter barbarian we only need to take about three levels of rogue here to really start cooking with gas because the thing we're here for is the assassin rogues assassinate ability which guarantees critical hits for any enemy that we have surprised combine this with a great dexterity score and some really good modifiers to stealth through expertise we're gonna sneak up on our enemies action surge assassinate them this multi-class does mean that you won't get your fourth attack as a fighter but if you do get that surprise around and you have your three attacks and you're able to action surge making it six attacks all of them being crits you're pretty much gonna nuke any boss out there yeah I don't think much is gonna stand up to that many critical it's coming down particularly if you're using two weapon fighting or if you really want to get nasty take sharpshooter and crossbow expert to do this at range it's much easier to surprise enemies with ranged attacks and being able to just unload a bunch of automatically creating sharpshooter crossbow expert shots oh that's awesome Oh expert is going to give you bonus attacks the Sharpshooter is going to give you a +10 to damage if you're critten it's over that's yeah it's a lot of damage yeah from upwards of 120 feet range that means you're really gonna be able to get the drop on the enemy that you're surprising I don't think much is gonna be able to survive that kind of onslaught and again even if you're not fourteenth level which is when you're gonna be able to make three attacks and have assassinate combined even at earlier levels as early as level eight when you've got five levels of fighter under your belt and three levels of rogue if you're a human you can still have crossbow expert and sharpshooter by here I don't think many many challenge rating eight monsters are gonna survive that kind of damage output at all so there's one class that stands above many of the others is a great choice for taking a one level dip in multi classic and that's the cleric because clerics choose their subclass at first level if your character comes to a divine calling at a higher level when they take their first cleric level and choose their domain they will gain a lot of perks right away at first level including if you choose the life nature tempest or war domain proficiency in heavy armor and potentially put proficiency in all martial weapons as well I love combining this with a wizard combining cleric and wizard gives you a great option for a battle mage because now you're one of the greatest spell casters in the game with the wizard but combining that with efficiency in heavy armor and weapons it's going to be an awesome force to be reckoned with off the table so I love this idea of playing an elven wizard that takes one level of cleric as the war domain and then takes the blade singer wizard option so you're gonna have extra attack proficiency and have a heavy armor and you're only gonna delay your spell casting by about one level so you're only one level behind your primary spell casting progression but at the same time you've also been able to pick up really good spells on the battlefield like bless healing word and guiding bolt and then you combine that with your prowess in melee combat with your ability to use these weapons and armor you can pick up a lot of other cool spells to amplify your attacks and damage now of course you could combine this with an extra level of cleric some of the other wizard disciplines and many of the other cleric domains to gain a lot of cool benefits there's a really cool build out there by combining the knowledge domain cleric with the divination wizard that really results in a true prophet with lots of expertise and knowledge out there that I quite like that combination but almost any character class could benefit from hearing the call of the gods and taking just one level of cleric I could also see a really good option here of combining a college of lower bard with a life domain cleric this is really cool because the life domain clerics gain that very valuable disciple of life ability which is a massive boost to healing so taking one level of life domain cleric gives you heavy armor proficiency and a huge bonus to any healing spells that you might cast making this a really great option for both bards and druids interested in being the party healer for those of you watching this video a slight disclaimer is that these multi class options can be very powerful at the table and sometimes can even be more powerful than anybody at the table who is playing a straight-up class rather than multi classing so for you DMS out there just be aware that you may have to do some balancing on the power level of your party the counterbalance to this though that players should be aware of is that multi classing is challenging and not all combinations work as well as others and even some of these potent combinations have a few levels where they are really a mess and the abilities haven't fully come online yet and the whole character doesn't really feel that coherent generally speaking with a lot of multi class combinations it really takes until about 6 to 10th for them to really come into their own and the early-to-mid levels can actually feel really demoralizing and in fact if your character progresses beyond those levels you might find missing out on all higher-level abilities really it's something that you regret so be careful when you're multi classing because well it can yield a couple amazing levels of play where you might be the star member of your party the levels before it and even the higher levels can be a little bit touch-and-go I'm a big fan of adding multi classing in as a character option through roleplay you don't necessarily just want to throw this together without having a great idea on why your character is a paladin warlock or a sorcerer or warlock there are a lot of great multi classing options but I always find it more fun to really tie it in to who your character is work with your dungeon master on this there is no multi class combination that is so oddball and off-the-wall that you as a player and your dungeon master cannot come up with some creative way to make it work and make sense with the lore of your dungeon masters world and the story that you want to have for your character multi classing is a fantastic way to represent and play out your character's personality developing and changing and their evolving story so use that as an opportunity to find out how your character can be more satisfying to roleplay rather than just coming up with these multi class combinations to eke out every last bit of power for your character so these have been our top 5 multi class combinations and Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition if you have other great multi class options that you've tried out tell us about them in the comments below if you're enjoying our show please consider supporting our work on patreon you can find out how by following the links in the description below don't forget to check out our live play dungeons of dragon hime which airs Tuesday nights from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern on Twitch you can find all the previous app so it's right up over here and we've got a whole video that explains the basic rules of multi classes over here please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 1,054,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: hr9NVMLIbjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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