Baldur's Gate 3 IS Raising The Bar For The RPG Genre

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hello there you may know me from sorry FFXIV or maybe this video just popped up in your recommended which would be kind of sweet either way I want to talk about Baldur's Gate free my most anticipated game of 2023 and it has been for the past three years I've been playing this game since it released in Early Access and I've put over 100 hours into the game alone which is more than I've done for some AAA games from start to finish which goes to show just how much content is in Early Access and that only includes act 1 of the three acts but in this video I wanted to mainly talk about why a border Skate 3 is getting so much controversy over on Twitter and that's because bottles Gate 3 is raising the bar for the RPG genre and that's just how it is now to give you a summary of the scope of a game Baldur's Gate 3 is going to be I have a little summary here for you so at launch Baldur's Gate free will include 11 races and 31 sub-racers with a plethora of character customization tools 12 classes and 46 subclasses with the ability to mix and match classes with multi-class Inc with over 600 Spells at your disposal and 308 passive features 174 hours of cinematic dialogue over 2000 interactable NPCs with different reactions depending on your chosen race and class a story that takes over 80 hours to complete three difficulty options one for casual players one for medical and one for the truly hardcore with each combat encounter being specifically tailored to the difficulty like having more hazards for the player on the hardest difficulty six playable origin characters and four non-playable companion characters all being romanceable and honestly my summary barely does the game any justice but as you can tell the game is a cause for celebration for any RPG's consumer so why is it getting so much controversy on Twitter well to find the answers we seek we have to go to the original tweet made by zalavir Nelson Jr now this thread caused quite a bit of commotion for AAA developers and consumers alike mostly AAA developers agreeing with him and consumers disagreeing and we have a right to do that let's start from the top I'm just going to say this now bg3 is raising the bar for RPGs I'm sorry but as consumers I think we have more say in the matter than what developers do that is just how it is this is mainly aimed at AAA developers who are owned by multi-billion Dollar corporations and have the resources to build games as big as well as gate free if they wanted to but I'm going to say this now as consumers I don't think everyone is expecting a clone of BG free or anything similar in scale just do things smartly bg3 is only doing so many of the these things the way it does is because it's DND and d d needs the freedom to make a game using the DND rulebook larion had to prove themselves to Wizards of the Coast to even be accepted and they were rejected the first time they tried this they were called to Green now I can't remember exactly where that quote came from but I've been following Baldur's Gate 3 for a long time now and I do distinctively remember that they were declined at first so they went on to make Divinity original sin too to try and prove it to them even further which did come out as a really good game and it did prove to them that they were willing to take up Baldur's Gate free but let's go over a few of these points so Dev cycle stretching back to 2017. yes they've been working on the game for a long time shouldn't all developers be working on a game for a long time if you want to make a truly big game worth your 70 dollars or however much games are worth nowadays then yes you should be making a game worth that amount then we have the next point two massive games and their definitive editions worth of tech and institutional knowledge to draw from okay dos one and dos two are really two really good games I've played them both but the amount they're doing is not comparable to bg3 I'm not saying they cut corners but they were smart about the things they did for example not as much cinematic dialogue and stuff like that it was mostly text on the screen which you would just you know go through and it was voice acted but it wasn't cinematic and there weren't as many permutations as there is in Baldur Escape 3. in DOS one you could only play a human in DOS two you only really had your class to pick from and people didn't react to the abilities you used and such because it was abilities and not classes in those two so again they were smart about the things they did in these two games two not cut Corners as I said but just be smart about it and not be on the same scope as borders get free super successful Early Access period lasting three years providing crucial Community feedback accounting and cash flow yes larian are big on Early Access they've done it with their previous free games now dos one dos two and borders gate free and it's proven to be really valuable each time now I understand that I don't think AAA developers can exactly do this because of producers and limitations and stuff like that and ndas I'm just gonna preface I am not a game developer myself and I'm fairly educated on the matter but also not super educated I can guess them and stuff like that and I've been playing games for a long time I've been a Larry and supporter since Divinity one two the Dragonite Saga dos one dosto and now bald Escape 3 and I'm sure there's some games I've missed either way I've been with Laren for a long time now and they've had their ups and downs and their rise to prominence and they've found a way what works for them and I couldn't be happier for them honestly but either way let's continue over 400 developers in seven different offices around the world not including Outsourcing Partners okay this is true larion have grown in size but actually at the start of BG's free development they were only 120 people and now they're 400 so they have definitely grown over the course of making bg3 which is normal they've hired more people because they've wanted to make the game bigger and bigger and bigger so I don't really think this is even a point this is like yeah they're an independent company but AAA developers can also kind of get away with this as well so not really sure what the point is here unless you're like directing this at Indie developers which is just a non-issue at that point because no one's expecting a Baldur Escape free game from an indie developer so yeah either way the licensed brand and Rod of one of the largest IPS in the rod DND at the Apex of its popularity with the rise of actual play movement and a movie I feel like this is kind of like a jab at larion I don't think they're trying to do this but it really does feel that way because it's almost like they're saying that because Baldur's Gate free is based in d d it's as successful as it is now maybe but there's no way to say that for certain right there is a absolutely no way to know this could have been Divinity original sin 3 and it could have been just as popular if it got the same attention now who knows who who knows what would have happened it might have not gotten the same attention it might have you can't say that because it's just not you can't prove it right so there's no proof here this just seems like a jab to say you got lucky and you got the DND IP they worked hard for that dndip and as I said previously they will refuse that first they had to prove it to Wizards of the Coast that they deserved that IP and they've been through failures and successes to get the IP so I don't really think this is a point so yeah nothing more really to say about that so larion is coming into this game Swinging with a gigantic weight expectation to deal with but they're also doing with an immense amount of win direct experience resources specialty tools Etc yeah I mean of course right it's yes they've specialized in making RPGs for a very long time good for them that's kind of what I want my RPGs to be anyway I want my RPGs to be from experienced developers and I'm not saying like RPGs always need to be from experienced developers that's what Andy studios are full right we have games like Celesta which is a really good DND based ND game and it doesn't have the best graphics but that's whatever because it's a really fun game and it's based on d d and if you don't know solicit yet and you can't wait for bd3 I would recommend checking that game out by the way because it's really good and those developers that are working on solicitor honestly I think they have a bright future in making a game like Baldur's Gate free maybe a few years down the line so I think it's kind of unfair to kind of point this out like yes if developers are really focused and really passionate about RPGs they're going to specialize in making RPGs and then in an era of Mega games battle Skate 3 is one of the largest attempted built by a specialized group of people using mature Tech specially built to make this specific game reinforced by invaluable Mass player feedback and Market validation ahead of its launch okay if a game developer is making a game like an RPG I expect them to make the game specifically made to make this game right now I get that you can pull technology from your other products and make a game together with that that's fine that makes sense that's kind of how you need to make game sometimes but I don't as a consumer I'm not going to look at this and think yeah that's fine I'll settle for less I'll still pay the same price as part as gay free but I'll settle for less that's absolutely fine no that's not how we think as consumers we want our money to be spent well we want to get time out of our money we want to get enjoyment out of playing games with our money so of course we're going to expect something similar in a way but not a direct clone of bg3 and this is kind of where he goes from here this is not a new Baseline for RPGs this is an anomaly trying to do the same thing in the same group especially about the same Advantage could kill an entire group of Studios you're not wrong here again this is like a non-tweet thing to do because of course you want to specialize in in making a type of game so there are other games that are anomalies we have to go back a few years but let's look at Mass Effect let's look at Dragon Age let's look at Witcher 3 all of these games kind of pushed the genre forward the RPG genre forward and made various Leaps and Bounds in Innovation so I don't think it's unfair to compare like when I look at Witcher 3 and then I look at ff16 maybe some some people were expecting a Witcher 3 F of 16 which I think is unfair because ff16 combat is absolutely fantastic and The Witcher 3 does have good combat but some things don't feel as good either way I don't think a direct comparison is the way to go but yes some expectations are in place there and it is kind of just how consumers feel about this kind of thing as long as we're getting the same time invested and enjoyment out of a game We're Not Gonna mind honestly and then they go on to say if laryn goes bigger or better with the next game the larion themselves could die and that's the risk and reward of the mega game this is also true yeah larion could make a bigger game and it could kill them off and this is a true point if larion do make a bigger title they could end up killing their own Studio off I don't think they're gonna do that because that would be kind of city of them but it could happen right I'm not sure what laryn's future plans are DLC maybe even a Divinity original sin 3 using a lot of the same technology from Baldur's Gate free and transferring it to the Divinity original sin 3 could be a good idea and could be a new step for larion we'll see either way I personally have been as I've said with Laren for a long time and I don't think they're gonna do something like this for larion they've only been raising the bar every game and then you know so please celebrate the achievement represented by Boulders get free it looks like a mass amount of effort is about to pave off in a big way for the one of the brightest voices in the medium yeah I'm glad this could have been all the tweet this could have been all the Tweet just you know bg3 is going to be a really good game but don't expect Indie developers to make the same type of game but yes as AAA developers we should be striving to make games just as big as Bots get free and even end of it Indie developers they should be striving to be better of course but you know don't drive too high and try and be the next bottle to get free because as an indie developer you just won't have the same resources and I'm sure Indie developers know of this and I'm sure a lot of consumers who play Indie Games also know that they're not going to get another Baldur's Gate from an indie developer because they don't have the resources and they don't have the time to make that kind of game or the technology or the experience but there are smart ways about doing this kind of stuff there are smart ways of making a game on a similar quality level of Baldur Skate 3 without including as much as wild Escape 3 is including and then you know but if you shout every RPG should be like this going forward you have no excuse No One's Gonna do that in their reasonable mind no one is going to shout that in a reasonable mind so again I just don't think this tweet was necessary and then we have some quote retweets as well but the only one I really want to focus on is one from Chris Bolsa here who is the senior designer for Diablo 4. it goes hard to say Alex wen's favorite game is Ultima 7 and that had 12 prior games feeding into it but you know this is from Diablo senior designer Diablo has been a game going around for over 25 years now and like come on man really either way I kind of just wanted to go over these tweets just to give you my thoughts I've really excited for Baldur's game free I honestly think it's going to get game of the year or at least be nominated for Game of the Year and we'll see where it comes up in larion have worked really hard on this game and they honestly deserve it so we'll see how well the game is even at launch but as someone who's only played out one put 100 hours into it I can fairly confidently say this game is going to be good it's probably going to be worth your money if you are a fan of RPGs anyway that'll do it for this video I might make some more videos on Baldur's Gate free but really I just wanted to talk about this issue because I saw these tweets and I just wanted to give my thoughts on the matter because I think this is an important thing to get your thoughts out because this is kind of like not an attack on consumers but for AAA developers to come out and say this kind of stuff it doesn't Inspire confidence in a lot of us as consumers so yeah I just wanted to get my thoughts out there and just you know reject this whole idea that we shouldn't be raising the bar the bar is going to be raised there is no ifs or buts about it and that's just how we as consumers need to be heard we need to be hard we need to get these thoughts out there and do not settle for less even though you're paying the same price anyway that'll do it thanks so much for watching really do appreciate your time and thank you to my patreons like always you really do help me keep putting out content like this anyway catch you in the next one goodbye for now
Channel: AzuriteTV
Views: 4,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, AAA
Id: kTEBuEziUis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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