Baldur's Gate 3- A Comprehensive All Classes Level Dipping Guide

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everybody welcome back to the channel I am Joe usual and today I want to talk to you about class dipping now this isn't the same as multi-classing as we're only taking between one to three levels at the most of a secondary class to make our characters more interesting more powerful or even just give ourselves some combinations that we normally wouldn't be able to have if we went with the pure class now it does bear mentioning that in the tabletop version of Dungeons and Dragons you need a 13 at least in a certain ability scores to be able to go into certain classes like let's say this Barbarian has an intelligence of nine traditionally they would not be able to become a wizard because they didn't have an intelligence of at least 13. however larion Studios has removed this restriction so we can go ahead and we can go into whatever we'd like now that doesn't mean that it's going to work very well so be aware that some things are not going to work with other things like The Barbarians rage you cannot rage and you cannot cast spells at the same time so you can't be a raging Barbarian and cast spells now if you're not raging you can can still be a barbarian who casts spells you just can't be raging while you're casting your spells now the good news is that we're going to be able to respect early often and cheap earlier in the game in the First Act you're going to find this Undead by the name of Withers and we're going to bring him to your camp now he'll come to your Camp No Matter What later on but you're going to be able to respect your characters over and over again and that coupled with the game save system allows for a lot of experimentation and eventually you're going to be able to create a party that's going to be exactly what you need for your game okay right off the bat let's talk about saving throw proficiencies now the saving throws are going to be whenever you need to do an ability check to uh to see if you're able to overcome something and your original class that you take will have your your original saving throw proficiencies now if you were to Bard it would be dexterity and Charisma if you took fighter or Barbarian as your original class it would be strength and Constitution so your original class is going to give you your saving throw proficiencies when you take a secondary class you will not have these saving throw proficiencies so we're going to ignore those for now because uh because we're just talking about dips right now which will be your secondary class right okay okay first off today we're going to go ahead and start with Barbarian now you're going to get light armor proficiency medium armor efficiency Shield proficiency simple weapon proficiency and Marshall weapon proficiency and also for clarification purposes and to make it a little bit easier for you to follow I'm going to go ahead and use Baldur's Gate Wiki today this is a this is the most accurate Wiki as far as I'm concerned that exists on the internet right now it's made by players four players and I highly recommend it so if you'd like to go over there and you'd like to follow along you can and any changes that are made to the game should be on the wiki as soon as it is absolutely possible because the players that are actually putting this together are doing a really good job it's the official wiki of balder's gate all right your first level in Barbarian is going to give you rage now what rage gives you and you get two of these rages per long rest what rage gives you is it gives you resistance to all physical non-magical damage which means bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage and then you're also going to get whenever you hit on an attack you're going to get an extra two points of damage that is added to your damage as well so and you also get unarmored defense so if you are playing say a monk who also has unarmored defense those do not stack but what that will do is when you're not wearing armor you add your Constitution modifier to your armor class so if you have a plus two to your Constitution you will have a plus two to your armor class so also wearing heavy armor does keep you from raging so you're not going to be able to Ridge if you're wearing heavy armor so if you're a fighter and a barbarian then you're not going to be able to where you're not going to be able to rage where you're wearing your heavy armor however that's going to be okay if you take a second level in Barbarian and you're a fighter you get Reckless attack and Reckless attack gives you Advantage when you attack against another opponent but also that will allow them to have advantage on you as well until your next turn so be aware of that and also you have get danger sense which gives you advantage on dexterity saving Thrones against traps spells and services so services in this game uh mean like if uh enemy Caster casts grease on the ground and you go and you and you're you're gonna you need to roll to see whether or not you fall you get advantage on that saving throw with danger sense so be aware that that is that's a very cool ability also you can't be blinded you can't be deafened and you can't be incapacitated when you have danger sense so that's a passive ability that you're able to able to have as a barbarian now to give you a couple of examples of classes that are going to do really well with with the Barbarian class dip is we're going to be fighter and Druid now fighter with action Surge and extra attack at level five with the rage and The Reckless attack is going to give you an immense amount of damage in your first round it's going to be a burst damage that you're really going to enjoy I think and then with Druid you go ahead and you go into a rage and then you shape-shift into an animal usually it's a bear they call this a Barbarian Build and I will be doing build videos later on once the once balder Gate 3 releases completely but right now I'm not gonna we're just talking about dips today but the Barbarian Build is one of the more popular and more powerful multi-class builds that exist in the game so it's something you should be taking a look at if you're a druid is is either a single dip or double dip into Barbarian all right next up we have Bard Bard's not one of my dips that I get excited about but you know what it might for some people I know if people like birds it's a Charisma based class uh you do get Proficiency in light armor simple weapons hand crossbow long sword Rapier and short sword as well as musical instrument proficiency we are going to get some spells and we do get bardic inspiration which is kind of nice uh it's going to give an extra when you cast it on one of your one of your party members or yourself you get a 1d6 bonus to your next attack roll ability Checker saving throw that's kind of big also if you take a second dip in Bard you do get song of rest now what this basically does is it gives you basically like another short rest so normally you get two short rests before you have to take a long rest and this song of rest actually gives you an additional short rest rather than taking a long rest if you're running low on supplies having bards in your party might be beneficial to you also at level two you're going to get Jack of all trades which is going to add half of your proficiency bonus rounded down to Ability checks you're not proficient in so that can be very big as far as making your rolls when it comes to your social aspect of the game you also do get some spells as a Bard you're going to get a couple of canned trips most of these are okay if you have a low Charisma most of these will still be all right minor illusion light Dancing Lights friends things like that things like vicious mockery though you're gonna you require your opponent to save if you have a low Charisma they're going to be able to save a lot easier than if you have a high Charisma build say as a warlock you could be a Bardock a Bard lock is a is a perfectly justifiable um uh uh build uh you you go Warlock and then dip into Bard to get these extra abilities most of these these spells like you're like you have cure wounds um you have uh healing word you've got a feather fall you've got let's see what's uh what's another good one sleep is a good one that doesn't require there's no saving throw there speak with animals is great and you know warlock didn't have a lot of spell slots so if you wanted some more spell slots this is the way to go now cleric is one of those one of those dips where it's it's it's very simple but it's also super complicated and the reason it's super complicated is they're going to be adding a ton of cleric subclasses in the in the game when it comes out so depending on what subclass you pick that your spells are going to change you're going to get different spells depending on what domain you pick and also you're going to get um light armor proficiency medium armor proficiency but if you take work cleric you're going to also get heavy armor proficiency and then you get Shield proficiency with simple weapon proficiency but if you take warcleric you're going to get Marshall weapon proficiency and then of course like I said your domain uh spells are going to change depending on the domain you pick and then at level two if you decide to take a double dipping cleric you're also going to get your channel Divinity action which you can have I think it's one one once per turn or once per long rest I think it's once per long rest for at level two and that is an additional ability that you can unlock depending on your domain also at level two you get turn Undead as one of your channel Divinity actions so with there being as much Undead as there is in the game I expect we're going to see a lot of build videos where they have a cleric as a secondary class because it's almost a no-brainer if you're going to if you're going to dip or you're going to multi-class to multi-class in the cleric and just depending on what you want to do that's going to depend that's going to dictate what subclass you're going to take but three classic builds are going to be a cleric fighter uh cleric Paladin or cleric wizard those are those are the three Classics that that I I can think of off the top of my head I will be doing build videos like I said in the future but right now let's just we're just talking about dips now the Druid and Ballers Gate 3 is a weird one because uh in in classic dungeon and Dragons uh Druids don't wear metal armor and they won't use metal Shields but it doesn't seem to be a problem in Baldur's Gate 3 as I put in I put Shadow Hearts armor on my on my druid and it and Madrid didn't have a problem casting spells so you should be okay most times if you're not proficient in the armor you can't cast spells so it didn't seem to be an issue you do have proficiency and light armor and medium armor and shields you do have some weapon proficiencies here and then you're gonna have spells and can trips that you're going to be given as well and if you double dip now this is what most people are going to be doing you're going to double dip I'll take two levels in Druid and then you're gonna be able to Wild shape and you're going to be able to turn into an animal which is basically going to double your hit points or more in battle so you're going to be able to just wild shape uh go into battle then when you get down to to zero hit points then you can shape shape shift into an animal again and then get down to zero hit points and then you'll have your other class that you can fall back on so I mean just having a double dip and Druid for any other class uh can be really really powerful now the classes that synergize well with Druid are going to be cleric and Ranger because they are wisdom based classes well Ranger is a dexterity based class with wisdom as their secondary uh highest trait so I mean you're going to have your dexterity is going to be super high and then your wisdom is going to be the next highest uh trait that you have so those are going to synergize well with Druid and but like I said if you're going for just the wild shape it doesn't matter what other class you are it's definitely going to be helpful so you know just like any other spellcaster if you have a low wisdom in Druid than any of the other abilities that are gonna try to you're going to try to hit people with you're gonna have a hard time hitting with like poison spray you're gonna have a hard time with with the cantrip or in with the prepared spells trying to entangle someone with entangle it's a strength saving throw if you have a low wisdom you're going to have a hard time entangling people they're going to break free pretty easy or like with Thunder Wave you'll have a hard time knocking them back they'll still take half damage but you're going to have a hard time knocking them back if that's if that's your your goal okay so the next dip is going to be a double dip in fighter and um you can just take one and that'll be fine but usually people take two levels in fighter because of the action surge at level two now at level one you get fighting style and that's nice you know there's a bunch of different fighting styles you can choose from you do get Proficiency in all of the armors all of the weapons and shields which allows a Caster to be able to cast their spells in heavy armor which gives them an immense amount of durability and also that gives them second wind at level one as well which is a bonus action healing ability once per long rest now action surges also once prolonged rest and what that does is it allows you to take a second action in your turn once per long rest so what that's what it basically does is it allows a Caster to dump a high level spell twice in one round which could end a an enemy right away or end a whole battle right away depending on the level of the of the Caster so to give you an example even a level one wizard that has two levels in fighter is going to be able to dump two magic missiles back to back in one round and now if you're level seven and you are a level five Wizard and you have access to level three spells that gives you access to Fireball and if you can dunk two Fireballs on the enemy well then you're just gonna end them all together at least that's the potential for having two levels in fighter if you are a caster and it's not just that either you know a fighter Rogue is really nice fighter Rangers really nice really a double dip in fighter and any other class is probably going to be pretty okay and definitely worth trying out all right for Paladin there's usually only one reason why somebody takes a double dip in palate and that's for divine Smite now there could be other reasons but at level one you do get all of the things that the fighters get you get Proficiency in all of armors all weapons and shields you also do get lay on hands which gives you a healing ability and you also do get Divine sense which gives you advantage on attack rolls against celestials fiends and Undead for two turns it's a bonus action you have to activate it and then depending on your subclass that you pick at level one you're going to get another additional action so for both of the Ancients you're going to get two healing Radiance for all of your allies within a 10 foot radius or for oath of devotion you're going to get holy rebuke which you call upon your oath to Grant an ally a vengeful aura that deals 1D for radiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack and that lasts for two turns now at level two you get a couple of things you do get a fighting style like you do uh at level one with a fighter so you can pick up an additional fighting style and so you could have two different fighting styles if you went with like fighter Paladin but most people pick up Paladin for level two for divine Smite and what that does is when you hit with your weapon attack you do the damage of your weapon normally does but you also do 2d8 radiant damage to normal enemies or 3d8 radiant damage to fiends and Undead now they're also you also have access to other smites as well but to just give you an example really quick just so people say don't say I'm not thorough we have searing Smite we have thunderous Smite and we have wrathful Smite so just to give you an example of some of the other smites that you can have there at level two they're first level spells you get a bunch of different first level spells as well when you get a level two Paladin also if you are going for divine Smite most people go into sorcerer because the Paladin and the sorcer their ability scores are both based out of Charisma but with Baldur's Gate 3 not requiring a a ability score of 13 in your different abilities I would suggest maybe going and looking at possibly instead of sorcerer which only gives you two spell slots at level one maybe looking into cleric which will give you three which is an additional spell slot or maybe even wizard which gives you three spell slots as well at level one uh depending on what you want to do if you're going for divine Smite the more spell slots the better oh and also if you have any levels in Paladin and you kill an innocent by mistake or on purpose uh just be aware that you might have a visit from the original oath breaker and then he might force you into making a decision that might change your whole entire character yeah it's a thing all right so if you're gonna dip into Ranger it's going to give you light armor and medium armor as well as Shield proficiency you are also going to be proficient in simple weapons and martial weapons you're going to get a favored enemy and a natural Explorer ability and level one at level two you're going to get a fighting style and you're also going to get some spells that you're going to be Druid based or nature based so right now we don't have the information for the gloomstalker ranger at the moment but I will have a build video coming out for the Gloom soccer Ranger when full release happens so if you're here for that I apologize but today's not the day for you but favorite enemies right now we have available Bounty Hunter which gives you proficiency and investigation creatures you hit with ensnaring strike have disadvantage on their saving throw Keeper of the veil is you specialize in hunting creatures from other planes of existence you gain Proficiency in Arcana and can cast protection from good evil and good which grants protection against aberration celestials Elementals Faith fiends and Undead magebreaker gives you a history of battling spellcasters you gain Proficiency in Arcana and the true strike cantrip which gives you advantage on Attack rules against a creature wisdom is their spell casting ability for this spell this by the way Rangers are a dexterity and wisdom based um uh class so keep that in mind if you have low dexterity or low wisdom some of your stuff is probably not going to work so well a ranger Knight is going to give you Proficiency in heavy armor as well as a Proficiency in history and Sanctified stalker will you're sworn to hunt the enemies of a holy or druidic order you gain Proficiency in religion and the sacred flame can trip which deals 1d8 radiant damage wisdom is your spell casting ability for this cantrip all right like I said wisdom is going to be your main uh your main stat along with dexterity you're probably coming off of a rogue if you want to dip into Ranger because uh Assassin Rogue gloomstalker Ranger is probably going to be the favorite of most people who want to like multi-class or dip into Ranger so we're going to get you that build here in a future video I promise natural Explorer years of traveling in the wild have made you a particularly attuned to a beast or Adept at surviving in certain environments Beast Tamer is going to give you the fine familiar cantrip guys or spell not cant trip spell so you're going to have you know your your little uh your little uh uh familiar that you can carry you can take with you cast that spell you can it's the same as every any other find familiar spell so you're going to have your choice of I think one of seven or eight different um different animals that you can choose from you have Urban tracker which is an expert navigating the wild within the city you gain sleight of hand proficiency I don't know why you would take this I mean you go if you go to the origin you go to charlatan you can get that there I mean I mean depends on what you want maybe you want a different origin you want a different proficiency that's very possible and that's okay I mean I'm not I'm not here to judge I'm just here to give you the information um let's see natural Explorer now Wasteland Wanderer is in is interesting because it gives you resistance to certain uh damage types so if you are a cold Wasteland Wanderer it gives you resistance to cold damage fire is fire poison is poison now if you were to let's say just for the sake of theory crafting let's say that you were a Dragonborn and you get a resistance to a certain damage type let's say you're a black Dragonborn and you have resistance to um your breath weapon is acid so you have resistance to acid and then you become a and you dip into a ranger Wasteland Wanderer and cold now you have resistance to cold as well and then let's say you want to dip into Sorcerer And you want to take um draconic Heritage and you want to dip into um red dragon and that gives you resistance to fire now all of a sudden at level two if you were to do each one of these at level one sorcerer level one Ranger level one and then you have a dragon born character you have three resistances at level two that I would never I would never do that but somebody might and that's just a an idea of how versatile you can get with some of these built at an early early level and like I said at level two you're also going to get a fighting style it can be archery defense dueling or two weapon fighting and you're also going to have some spell slots at level one there's a number of different spells that are like I said nature based or druidic based uh animal friendship cure wounds and snaring strike fog Cloud uh Hale of thorns Hunters mark uh long Shredder speak with animals now some of the a couple of these if your wisdom isn't high enough it's it's not going to do you very well like a fog Cloud isn't I think maybe hell of thorns might be the only one animal friendship as well those are going to require saving throws by your enemies so you're gonna you actually well no that's that's a ranged attack so that's actually going to be your dexterity or your strength depending on the weapon that you're using I think halothorns is probably going to be dexterity because it's probably going to be a long bow maybe a short bow so uh Halo Thorns is going to be depending on your dexterity but like animal friendship is going to be a wisdom based spell and they're saving or is it this let's see let me let me click on that right quick yeah it's a wisdom save for the animal to being Charmed so if your wisdom's not high then the animal's probably going to be able to save against uh animal friendship but chances are I don't know how much animal friendship you're going to use in the game but regardless most of these spells are going to be okay for a low wisdom you should be fine shouldn't be a big deal if you want to just dip into Ranger and have a low wisdom it should be all right all right so if you're dipping in the Rogue you're going to get a light armor simple weapons and crossbows long swords rapiers and short swords at level one you do get sneak attack damage and uh from both melee and ranged if you're hidden that's an extra 1d6 damage to your attack rolls if you hit um but now in regular dungeon and dragons that is only for finesse weapons which is uh you rape your your dagger and your short sword however uh up until a couple years ago the long sword was working as well so I don't know if that's still the case on full release if they're going to fix that or not so it's definitely worth testing out and also most people who are are dipping into Rogue not multi-classing but dipping in a rogue are going to want to be more sneaky because they want the sneak attack damage you do get expertise at level one you get expertise and expertise allows double your proficiency bonus on a skill you may choose two skills that you're proficient with in and gain expertise in those skills now that's only skills that you're proficient in if this is not your original class then you're not going to be proficient in stealth so you want to make sure that your origin is one that gives you Proficiency in stealth like urchin okay so that way when you go to your skills you can go ahead and you can add that to your proficiency or for expertise and get that bonus for your stealth otherwise you're not going to have it and you won't be extra stealthy and if you're dipping into Rogue you probably want to be extra stealthy and if you really want to be extra stealthy and I know I'm not I'm not here to make a build I'm here to just show you the dips but your race that you're going to want is going to be the Deep gnome because they actually get stone camouflage and they get advantage on stealth checks so what that'll do is that that bumps your stealth all the way up to plus seven actually it'll be plus five because we don't have uh we're not proficient in stealth it wouldn't be plus seven if you start Paradise Rogue and you did that then and then it would be plus seven which would be your super super broken anyway that being said at level two you get cunning uh action Dash and you can do you can Dash as a bonus action and you can also disengage which means you can get away from the enemy without uh provoking an opportunity attack as a reaction so you can get go you can hit you can run and uh they and they won't they won't be able to attack you if you use the cutting action disengage as your bonus action and that tactic works really well with monk Rogues with fighter Rogues or if you want extra damage with your sneak attack go Barbarian Rogue or even Ranger Rogue for that matter for your favorite enemy bonus alright Sorcerers are natural magic users that don't have to learn their spells from spell books they just automatically know them and if you're gonna dip into sorcerer chances are you're wanting to sculpt spells and let me go ahead and show you what I'm talking about there at level one you don't get much you do get to choose your subclass there's a chance that you you've picked sorcerer because you're another magic user and you want draconic bloodline because you want a resistance of a certain damage type and you want the natural armor that the scales from the that Dragon bloodline give you so you have a better armor class and you don't want to you don't want to spec into a martial class so you're wearing armor now that's one option as far as why you would want to inspect into you want to dip into your sorcerer another reason would be on levels two and Beyond you're actually able to sculpt spells you have sorcery points which can go into meta magic and meta magic allows you to do different things with spells that you did other magic users just can't do so with careful spell you're able to prevent harmful spells effects from affecting your allies which is similar to a Wizard's uh subclass which we'll get into later on down the road here we have distance spell which allows you to double the distance of your spells so you can actually hit from further away we have extend spell which allows you to extend the duration of your spells so you're actually normally it doubles the amount of time that your spells last and you have a twin spell which allows you to uh to fire one spell but hit two different people and does uh does equal damage it doesn't split the damage it does the same amount of damage to two different uh individuals now I was I also saw that uh a while back the twin spell actually could hit the same creature and it shouldn't do that they really should fix that on full release but it should only be able to hit two separate creatures but twin spell um uh evidently was able to hit the same creature twice I don't know that's still going to be the case on full release but we'll see now on level three now normally I've only been going two or levels one and two with the with this uh video but with sorcerer it's a little bit different because at level three you get an additional sorcery Point by the way you only get two sorcery points at level two and you can take sorcery points and exchange those for spell slots and vice versa so you can take spell slots and turn them into sorcery points and take sorcery points and turn them into cells spell slots and it gets a it's not that complicated although it sounds complicated so with a little bit of toying around with it I'm sure you'd be nice it'll be easy for you to figure it out uh I'll explain it a lot better and and I'll show you what I'm talking about in a future video when I talk about Sorcerers but for right now we're going to keep it kind of limited uh so on level three you get additional metamagic abilities we have heightened spell which allows you to uh empower the magical effects to make it harder for a targeted creature to resist the spell so basically it makes your DC higher so that people they have to roll higher to resist the spell of say like charm person or hold person or something like that quick and spell allows you to uh cast multiple spells in a turn it turns a action into a bonus action when it comes to Casting a spell so basically it's like um The Fighter second level ability action surge where you can actually do more than one action in a turn what it does is it turns a spell into a bonus action so you can actually cast a spell as a bonus action and a and then you can cast another spell as an action now in regular DND the rule is that you would only be able to cast a spell as a bonus action and then the cantrip as the action now um as far as Baldur's Gate 3 goes on full release I don't know if they're going to change that or if they're going to allow you to cast two full spells and not just a cantrip and a spell as a bonus action and an action or if they're going to be able if you're going to be able to cast two full spells as an action or and one has an action and one as a bonus action with quick and the Quicken spell we'll have to wait and see and see what they do and they may change that later on down the road and then we have subtle spell that says the ability allows Sorcerers to cast spells without chanting or hand movements and allows them to ignore the silenced condition now I also read somewhere that somebody said that it also made it to where people can or you can't resist the spell like a whole person if you used a subtle spell that it automatically Works no matter what no matter what the role I don't know if that's the case anymore I don't know if it was ever the case or just something I read so I didn't I never even I never noticed that because I hardly ever use subtle spell because there was no reason for me to use subtle spell and Taylor the tabletop version it's kind of cool for something like sleep where you don't have to use hand movements or you don't have to speak it just happens so so uh but in the Baldur's Gate 3 it's going to be a little bit different but for the most part that's one of the reasons why you would dip into sorcerer is so that you can get meta magic and you can use it for you know various purposes and scope the spells to your will so you're able to do different things also sorcerer typically has a lot of spell slots so it's normally paired with a warlock and with Paladin so you have what they call a sore lock or or a sorkidin they work really well together because they're all Charisma based all right now warlock is another Caster that you would typically take to level three and then go elsewhere with the with the rest of your build if you were just going to dip into it and the reason there's a couple reasons for warlock to be going to level three mostly because at the third level you get you're packed from your uh from your Patron and it's either packed to the blade packed to the chain or packed to the Tome normally now in the Early Access version we only had access to pact of the chain which allowed us to get a um a familiar and that we can use and it was a unique familiar there were unique familiars that only the warlocks could get that none of the other classes can get um they are going to put pack to the blade in which is going to be similar to a hex blade warlock if you know anything about warlocks you know what I'm talking about if you don't we will do a deep dive into warlocks once the full release is out I'm going to do deep dives into everything it's kind of hard to explain right now but if you're gonna if you're going to dip into Warlock and chances are you're probably going if you're looking for this spell that everybody wants it's probably going to be Eldritch blast and the reason for that is this can trip is the highest damage cantrip in the game uh for for the level that it's at and then also at level two you get Eldritch invocations and some of these abilities can't be found anywhere else such as agonizing blast with the Eldritch blast it actually does extra damage which is equal to your charisma modifier so you like if your charisma if you have a high charisma let's say you have a plus two or a plus three you're going to be doing plus two or plus three damage with your Eldritch blast each and every time armor of Shadows you can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will and um which is which is great because it didn't cast a spell slot uh let's see Beast speech you can talk to uh speak with animals it will not that big a deal Devil's side is really huge because you can see normally in darkness both magical and non-magical at a distance of 80 feet that's basically Superior dark vision and it's magical Darkness as well so if somebody casts a Darkness spell on you you're gonna be able to see through that and you won't it won't affect you mask of many faces is a disguised self at will a repelling blast is another one of the big uh invocations that you can get and I love this one because it knocks if when when you hit somebody with Eldritch blast you knock them back 15 feet there's a whole bunch of these and I just those are a couple of my favorites I'm not going to read off all of these because it would take forever but the that is the one of the reasons to get level two in warlock so you can get Eldritch blast and you can get these invocations now if you wanted to go to level three and get the pact uh like I said we're going to cover those and they're not all all in the game right now it's going to happen on release but definitely is something to look at also their spell slots they recharge on a short rest now normally in tabletop DND that's a big deal because the long rest are few and far between it's not that big a deal in Baldur's Gate three so that's not really an issue because it's so easy to have a long rest in Boulder's Gate three that is just not that big of a deal now we get to Wizard and I'm very particular about Wizards because they're my favorite class in the entire game and so I'm gonna I'm gonna say I'm gonna recommend not to dip into wizard now you can if you want utility spells and you want uh cantrips that's great it's an understandable and they get the most varied amount of spells in the game 100 they also get their school their their subclass at level two and some of them are very helpful um like the ab duration wizard gets an Arcane Ward that will allow you to mitigate some damage um and like the Divination wizard will allow you to fudge dice rolls a couple of times during a long rest and that's all well and good uh Ward magic uh Wizards actually have a couple of decent things that they've got as well however the Wizards just don't come online until about level five when you get your level three spells um and if you're gonna go level five you may as well go to level eight and then and then actually dip into something else rather than dipping into wizard in my opinion now I mean there's I'm sure there are people who are going to say the same exact thing on every other class that I've covered in this in this video but I am particular about my Wizards so that's me and you know what you can do as you wish and I highly recommend that you experiment and tell me what you think in the comments section fighter Wizards are very very popular they're dishes right and and they're very they're very popular in Dungeons and Dragons tabletop a cleric wizard gives you a ton of utility that uh you wouldn't normally have I mean you can get magic Missile and and find familiar and you wouldn't have those if you just took a regular cleric and you dipped into um wizard you can get those spells and that's perfectly fine I have no no issues with that whatsoever actually I don't have any issues with any way you want to play because it's your game guys and you can play however you want okay so with the monk at level one you're gonna get unarmored defense which is going to be the same as the Barbarian and you're gonna get martial arts and then at level two you're gonna get key and unarmored movement now key um you get key points depending on your level key is going to be there's one of three things you're going to get a Flurry of Blows patient defense and step of the Wind uh Florida blows are immediately after you take the attack action on your turn you can spend one key point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action patient defense allows you to spin one key point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn and step of the wind you can spend one key point to take the disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn and your jump distance is doubled for this turn so and also so and also your own armored movement is I mean it is going to be uh plus uh 10 feet so if you're not armored you're also if you start as say a say a dwarf or a gnome or a halfling you're going to be able to go 35 feet but because you start as 25 feet however if you start as a Wood Elf and you get 35 feet now it's 45 feet so actually dipping into monk might be super helpful for you uh depending on what kind of build you want to go with but really your subclass doesn't come online until level three but let me make this perfectly clear and my final thoughts here um and if you're going to take three levels in any one of these classes is you probably want to take four levels and get your ability score increase or your ASI or take a feat and just go four levels in a secondary class and eight levels in your main class but then we're talking about so we're talking about multi-classing instead of Dipping and that's not the whole point of this video so the whole point of this video was to talk about dips and what you can do and give you some ideas for some different builds so hopefully I accomplished what I set out to do today and I helped you out in some sort of way and hopefully you enjoyed yourself and you got you know if you got something out of it give us a thumbs up and if I've earned your subscription don't forget to hit that Bell icon for notifications and don't forget I will be doing build videos throughout this entire next month because we have a whole month before Starfield comes out and I start covering that game and I'm gonna play the heck out of this game but we got to get our character up to level 12 and our whole party up to level 12 and play all the way through the game so I'll be delivering you all of those episodes as well on this channel as we go long so anyway guys thank you very much for coming in hope you all enjoyed it as I always say I am my usual me you be your usual you and we'll see you in the next one thank you so much for watching guys we'll see you later bye-bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MyUsualMe - Daily Games
Views: 15,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 classes, classes, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3, baldurs gate 3 trailer, panel from hell, baldurs gate 3 guide, beginners guide, build, class guide baldurs gate 3, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg, baldurs gate 3 rpg, crpg, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 changes, baldurs gate 3 early access, my usual me, baldur's gate 3 all races full release
Id: dwCH9mCgPfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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