Baldur's Gate 3 - How to Recruit Minthara AND Save the Tieflings (Sheepthara Heist)

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so this method of recruiting manthara in Act 2 while keeping the teelings alive and allowing you to also recruit howon was discovered by pow P AO uh and then translated by a Reddit user zookeeper game deep 360 has a number of advantages it's a finicky process but allows you to play the game completely normally up until the goblin camp and then completely normally again all the way up until moonrise towers and really the goblin Camp is not a hard process to execute it's the moonrise section that uh tends to give the most trouble first step of this process is probably one that you've tried before that is to deal nonlethal damage using the non-lethal passive to knock Menara out uh you do this before fighting dras Raglin um once she's down and out like this you can loot her I usually leave her cloth because otherwise she ends up naked in the throne room but you do you after this if you want to kill Dr Ragin you want to do it before you do a long rest uh once a long rest has been performed she will be back up in active and I believe it may trigger her to be hostile after you've killed dragalin do a long rest verify that she is up and moving about and you can see here she's so active that she's willing to accuse us of theft fortunately I think we can talk our way out of it after all we are such good friends next you can play the game however you like up until the start of act two that is either entering the mountain pass or entering the shadowlands from the underdark I believe the game can be played normally all the way up until you reach moonrise Towers so I believe you can go through you can do Shadow Hearts companion quest uh you can do I would actually recommend doing the Harper Quest where you rescue the Harpers from the Shadows if you want to do that because I believe passing through the shadowlands will automatically trigger that so the only caveat is you will need to be at least level seven so that you have one person in your party that can cast polymorph and one person in your party that can cast dominate Beast you're going to need to have a potion of invisibility or another way of giving invisibility on yourself and you're going to need to have at least one character that has 18 strength or a hill giant potion once you're ready to recruit Menara you're going to want to make your way through the shadowlands and get the moonrise Tower's Waypoint so there we go we can exit turn base mode and we are safe hop over have have a conversation with the guard now normally I would run through the cells but here to avoid triggering any interior cut scenes I use a potion of fly and then I use the overhead mode pressing o to fly up above into the second level Terrace and I can walk past all of the guards and get the moonrise to way point so like I said whole point of this is to get the moonrise Towers way point uh once you've gotten this and your level seven uh The Heist begins so we got the Waypoint we're going to flip back to the goblin Camp fast travel head over back to where manthara is located you can see her there we're going to need two spells polymorph and dominate Beast uh dominate Beast has an extremely low chance of hitting because she's a Dr and because she's a paladin I get first try in this run Uh I that never happens it usually requires several quick save quick loads to uh make that happen next you're want to select the sheep and have the Sheep fast travel to the moonrise tow Waypoint to do this you're going to need to exit turn base mode hit M hit the Fast Travel Waypoint and once you pop up you want hold down shift and keep pressing the space bar so that you reenter turn-based ASAP the reason being is you need at least four turns of polymorph remaining on the sheep in order to make it into the throne room with Menara before she breaks polymorph here I've got Scrolls of dimension door that I've kind of saved up through the playthrough that will allow me to quickly Traverse to the throne room with Menara I believe it can be done by just carrying her there using improvised weapon which you'll see at the end of this process uh in this run but dimension door gets you a lot more movement also highly recommend using long Strider on whoever's doing the carrying I didn't do that here until my second turn for some reason so here we go first dimension door click pop in and turn for everybody and really you should be moving your entire team behind whoever's doing the carry uh of note the other items that you're going to need for this you're going to need a character with uh 18 strength that will do the carrying of Menara and you will also need a potion scroll or spell of invisibility available to you uh to complete the last step of this process so here I'm sprinting people behind because I realized I probably should have somebody to open the door for carlac so we're going to move the rest of our team into position dimension door ourselves right up to the door open the door and turn on everybody and honestly I'd be quicksaving pretty much every turn throughout this process just in case something wonky goes on uh yeah each step of this is a bit finicky so the more chance es you give yourself the better see here I finally get long Strider on carlac like I should have done from the beginning another dimension door and this is the probably the most finicky step so make sure you quick save and what you're going to do is you're going to have your chauffeur whoever is going to be lifting Menara use Menara as an improvised weapon you're going to select an area further along the path that you're trying to take her and then before you reach the end of that pathing you need to right click to stop the character from slamming Menara down and harming her so oh I forgot to catch shs lagging behind as usual um so we'll just move her along as well carlac is going to pick up Menara here as an improvised weapon and pretend like she is going to slam her down right in front of the door just like you would do with a goblin right right there right click to set her down and you'll notice she's moved but she hasn't taken damage we're going to do this again and the place that you're aiming for is see those two pews kind of at an angle you want to get Menara kind of right into the Apex of where those two pews would be if they formed a v so you can see here I'm doing in several stages because the placement is extremely finicky and there we go we triggered the cut scene uh the Sheep will be judged now while the cut scene is going on I'm going to hit the character button in the lower left portion of the screen and select the characters that are not in the cut scene we can exit turnbas mode at this point and we want to regroup and move our entire party down into into the cells and we want to get one character the character with invisibility into the interrogation room where Menara will end up the cut scene still going on with carlac and Menara in it at this point so we are just moving the rest of our party you can see they try to go through the throne room here not a great choice NOP no no no no no we are going around not getting caught in the cut scene [Music] down the stairs and into the interrogation room now we're going to ungroup we're going to move one character into the interrogation room set them up right next to where menar will end up which is kind of over on the left here and then we're going to enter turnbas mode next we switch back over over to the character that was in the cut scene carlac in this case we go through the cut scene I always choose to try to mentally influence Zell we get on the first try car's very persuasive what can I say so once Menara been judged and removed you want to switch back to the character that is inter turn based you can see her here she's been place in the cell with us you need to initiate combat and do a trivial amount of damage to make her hostile here I use a single magic Missile you need to talk your way out of the assault charge I use charm person here and then the game takes away from me not sure what that's about I got scammed so I burned some inspiration points uh third times a charm and we manage to succeed once you exit this Menara is still pissed at you so you'll be in combat with men with that character this is where invisibility comes in I'm using the invisibility potion option here now I'm invisible I'm going to run out of the cell realize that I ran a bit too far and I can't actually close the door behind me so I'm going to sneak aaran over uh to close the door behind me once the door is closed I end turn this will cause manthara to search around for us she cast a couple of Buffs here who cares don't react so we don't reenter combat once this has happened and she exits combat because she can't find us we need to run a character back in to talk with the guard and we click on her here and now you're back in the game the game proceeds as normal as if menar had been left alive in the goblin camp and you can recruit her as normal using the system saving throws necessary or simply kill everybody else in the room uh so that's it that's the heist it's a bit involved but the nice thing is uh the Crux of the gaml that you have to do where it's kind of janky like this is fairly short in duration and around that you can play the game as normal
Channel: numbskull Gaming
Views: 348,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8NA-fOwXQlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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