BALDUR'S GATE 3 | Episode #1 (Who's This?)

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[Music] for good evening ladies and gentlemen and happy New Year this is the first stream of the year new game heard a little about it reliably told it's okay so you know yeah I'm succumbing to peer pressure so many people and I don't mean viewers I'm used to having people who watch my videos go going oh my God you have to play game X um oh my God you would love Game Y oh my God game Zed is perfect for you Etc I am so used to that but when you get it from people in real life Welcome minion oh we got a new we got a new member failen welcome yeah will you get it from your own daughter who you've not seen for a month and basically it's one of the first things she says when she walks through the door your brother when you go one of the first things he said when we were talking over Christmas ooh have you played balers Gate 3 yet the son of a friend the son of a friend we saw at Christmas oh you got to play balers gate three six glits new member thank you very much the alerts seem to be coming through pretty quickly now so I'm guessing I should probably play this game oh so all right first stream of the Year also realistically the first solo play streaming on Twitch so this is all pretty big this means I won't be taking a recording and cutting it up and uploading it to the alternate channel for those of you that don't know I do have an alternate Channel Gophers vids live where I uploaded vods from twitch to that channel because a lot of people hate watching videos on Twitch oh we got bromo sapiens and Lord zero new members thank you very much obviously I won't need to do that with this these videos will be on my main channel so this is it then the first one I'm going to just explain how things work if you are watching the VOD and you're thinking oh my God I just want to get to gameplay the way I'm going to try and do this is whenever I'm talking to the chat for extended periods or we're discussing stuff you will see the game like so you will see it within a window or maybe you will see something like this you will see it so as you're scrolling through the video you'll see oh he's just you know rambling when I go full screen I will probably be playing I will try I will try to have it like that so it's easy to see that's my the the way I'm going to generally do it um and I will try to keep long Rambles to a minimum uh Midway through the game so hopefully you'll be able to just skip straight to the part where I start playing the games you could use chapter breaks to indicate it as well I probably can but don't I have to go back I have to go in and edit it after the fact I may try and do that as well I may try and do that as well but part of the reason for streaming on YouTube was to try and reduce the workload streaming was causing because it was uploading to the other channel the bods to the other channel was taking more work than I was happy with so it little yes just start already yeah that's going to work uh you might even get Goa to finally do time stamps hey quo if if if you want to give me the time stamps I will put them on to to streams not a problem piece of cake there you go um if people post timestamps for things like that in the comments section I will almost always add them to the description which will automatically put chapter points in um if if I don't do it myself I try to do it on the bigger videos anyway that is how that is going to to happen from now on hopefully and the other thing to mention oh the start time I started tonight at 9:00 it's either going to stay at 9:00 or it may be pushed back a little further to 9:30 I'm going to try and keep it a little earlier on on Thursdays because I don't want to push people too much but it's getting harder and harder for me to stream at 8:30 my time my kids are not in bed yet my kids are whoa Jonathan feland was that a super chat or a donation it's not come up in the activity feed welcome minion $100 from Jonathan feland that should have come up I'm having problems that's a donation isn't it that is a donation oh I'm sorry that did not come up I'm going to have to figure out what's going on with that I can see you in the chat I saw it Go by that's a little Annoying I wish I knew what the hell was going on I see it in the YouTube feed as well I will figure out thank you Jonathan uh Snake Doctor member for 64 months oh I've put some Badges and things and some more emotes for members a bunch of new emotes I've not put the ladder well we're still discussing that quaro is really Keen for the ladder to be there but you know I'm not so sure it's appropriate but you know we we'll see oh was I think it came up it's just on a delay the donations are on a delay excellent am I soloing or co-oping this will be a single player solo experience uh you're excused quaro um let me just keep it onless so people people who watching the VOD don't get the idea that I'm actually playing yet um don't lie to a new audience why I lied to the old one all the time no I didn't I never lied to them I told the absolute truth it was you that lied for those of you that don't know for the new audience quo has a small problem with ladders and that is not me lying uh Sante how you doing member for 64 months thank you very much Louise Costa M for 57 months bg3 let's go quo is wowing okay those those who are long-term members will know I am not making it up quo has a problem with ladders in various games actually seeing them not falling down them just overall problems with ladders it's it's it's well known so much so that she actually commissioned ladders and no ladder emotes there was no ladder there was so a ladder we found it anyway I'm definitely I wouldn't say rambling off topic for those of you that don't know we did a multiplayer um Borderlands 2 play through it's I'm pretty sure it's up on the Gophers vids live Channel I think or did I pull it after the whole Borderlands controversy I can't remember welcome if you've never played Borderlands 2 and you want to watch some Insanity I highly recommend that that's on Gophers vids live probably I need to double check that um loved that game to bits so anyway right no yes 9:00 starting for Thursdays I'm having difficulty starting before 9 or even 930 probably for a while my kids are getting older they're not in bed yet I gave them firm instructions that they were they're in the process of getting ready but they had to be in bed before their mother comes back because if not she'll be annoyed with me and then I will be annoyed with them it's kind of like a little hierarchy going on but it's just making doing earlier streams more and more difficult for me just because they get this is they do this you know kids they get older nobody nobody mentioned this in the handbook nobody said in advance they weren't going to stay small adorable and going to bed at 7:00 so be warned um Harry Broadus new member thank you very much um and I think that's it I think that's it for the overall for the overall um noname related stuff did I ever play Tales from the board land no I didn't they grow get a refund I've had them for too long unfortunately can't send them back um my daughter is two months old she never wants to grow up oh bro sapiens rambling is why you're here $10 thank you very much I guarantee the um the the people watching the video afterwards are not here for the ramble well actually that's not true some of them probably are there's probably people typing in the comments as I speak in the future saying I'm here for the ramble but then there are others going hell no get on with it how old are your kids now 10 12 16 and 25 so really really really really put myself through the ringer a bit on that um so okay well I've been at this 13 minutes I've been at this 13 minutes let's let's get started with game stuff so I'm I'm going to go full I'm going to go full thing oh what I might do who's that there's that Super Chat thank you very much from BR bro saion they're on a delay I don't quite know what the Super Chat delay is um so when you see a screen like this it's me playing I've also got one scene where it will turn off alerts I may start using that during scenes or deep conversations I I'm going to see how it is I don't want people to be you know I if you guys just don't necessarily do things like this during like a critical moment like big epic moment sort of thing uh because I'm probably going to put it on uh Do Not Disturb mode just during Cuts scenes not during me wandering around and playing and stuff but Sam the Nuka new member thank you very much you're not lying this is not gameplay all right you you're technically correct this is not gameplay right let me just set my keyboard to digital I'm guessing I don't need an analog keyboard in this hey we might test it out I am running the game in dx11 I had a choice dx11 or Vulcan I did a little research and I was told well no I read for NVIDIA cards unless your CPU locked which I very much doubt I will be you want to do dx1 the 1% lows may be better with Vulcan but overall the performance is better with dx11 that is what I have been told um and from a very brief check of the menu I did notice Vulcan giving a few frames a second less Vulcan crashes more often than cards I heard that too so we're on we're on uh dx11 adq new member thank you very much and Patrick f with a super chat glad you're playing this may RNG Gods smile on you right well that takes us see I've seen this menu but I've not heard it I didn't have my headphones on oh okay what the hell's who's coming down the stairs I don't know why I'm just getting such such a DND D Vibe well I know why but you know what I mean like like dungeon opening everyone walking downstairs classic dungeon all right first things options um I've been told a lot of things I turned off nudity so that I don't get you know eviscerated the way I did with cyber Punk can you believe two of my videos got demonetized I tell you what I'm going to start with music I'm going to turn the M I know the soundtrack is probably awesome but it's going to drown me out when talking isn't it is it okay to turn it down or is that like I absolutely do not do there we go that's [Applause] the I mean tell me if if if any of these settings make you scream oh my God no you need 100% music I will consider putting it back 45 is good all right all right video quality just dropped did it okay I'm gonna go back I want to go through this it's a settings bit of a setting stream just so you know um show tutorials first time karmic dice I'm being told I need to turn karmic Dice off this um basically avoids failure streaks while keeping the results mostly random I'm told turn that off get the yeah I'm seeing the chats I'm seeing the chats chats oh my God I'm seeing the chats yes karmic dice is the true hard mode okay all right the start menu music is a bit loud otherwise it should be fine well tell you what if we get in game and you think the music should be louder we'll do it all right input mode automatic the rest of this is pretty basic I believe online visibility I'm going to do closed I don't want to be visible I'm not on Twitch keybinds I'm going to leave them as default um can you use controller and keyboard at the same time is there any actual point in this game probably not so I will probably skip that turn on edge panning why when enabled the camera moves when the mouse cursor touches the edge of the game window oh you can hot swap between I don't want to hot swap I want to use both at the same time to be honest with you no real reason then unless unless analog movement is actually useful in this game there's no reason for me to do both hot swapping is not what I want though um the whole UI is different when you swap no um I will leave mine on digital keyboard then digital keyboard so Edge panning it's like I had with divinity I will go with that and we can change the panning speed all right okay so keybinds keeping as art video borderless window lock Mouse to window when enabled your mouse cursor is locked inside the boundaries of the game window during game play this to be honest is only going to be a problem if I move my mouse from my render rig and I'll try not to do that uh um resolution refresh rate is 120 htz that's for vsync can I not change this this can only be changed in full screen mode now I'm running this at 120 frames a second assuming I can keep a steady 120 frames a second you guys will have a smooth experience if you start noticing stutters it means it's dropping below 120 and what I can do is I can lock it I can switch to full screen and I can lock it at 60 hertz which will make a smoother experience for you less smooth for me isometric games as a general rule don't really affect me too much whether I'm playing 60 or 120 I can see the difference but it doesn't bother me as much as in say a first person game it will drop below 120 well we'll see cuz I'm using a gsync monitor so it'll be smooth for me anyway we will will have to see we will have to see um triple buffering I like the fact that they've got builtin triple buffering I'm liking that that should help mind you with the gsync monitor I'm not totally sure it's going to help too much um right dlss should I allow dlss quality I mean that will be that will make it that will make it perform a lot better and maybe we'll keep 120 right I don't know how much EX off really we got a new member process failed off really use D dlaa overall PRI anti-alias in all right d d daa on antialiasing ambient occlusion depth of field depth of field quality I will keep everything pretty much at the highest I think I should be able to handle it daa instead all right we'll we'll all right we'll try it and if I can't keep 120 frames a second on a regular basis I'll just drop the frame rate to 60 rather than reduce the detail mind you how how how much detail do you lose with dlss quality all right let's look at the really important thing uh is there any motion blur or chromatic [Music] aberration has anyone reported chromatic aberration in this game I hope not it will be the CPU that's the issue in act three not GPU CPU is pretty good I got a 13900 KS slow HD Dem mode no Dynamic crowds yes I mean I've got everything on Max by the looks of things yeah I should be able to handle this on this rig we're not going to run dlss to start with all right audio we'll leave everything as is [Music] um mute sound when inactive no interface Pro possibly want to show do different things once I get in game yeah accessibility camera Shake longer Mouse interaction hole colorblind mode explicit content show genitals really okay there's an actual option on show genitals show cinematic nudity private moments all right show subtitles show speaker show text background what does ah what do you think for you guys background on background I'll go with off that's the default all right and everything else we're just going to Center cinematic audio enable to place cinematic dialog audio at equal volume through each speaker or headphone earpiece if Sur oh this is for surround sound all right no don't okay I think that's pretty much everything then not A lot's changed genital physics is hilarious are you kidding me all right background on helps all right all right you know what I I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to and set it to what 30 to 40 ah right so I can drop it like a little so that it's just it's faint that's going to make it easier for you to see then right just a little bit all right okay background off is bad this is going to be one of those things that no one can agree on all right okay there we go I think we got the settings as needed are we ready guys it's only been 24 minutes I'm ready to hit new game I would change show full tool tips to always why water a full tool tips bg3 let's go says n vea $20 Super Chat thank you very much what which what who who about what was that last one straw pole for um no I don't think so turn-based highlights exploration highlights nonone choose whether or not characters are highlighted with an outline and circle in combat okay ter based highlights is any of this show full tool tips when pinned when to show all the information contained in the action spell tool tips including a more detailed explanation and additional rules is this something that I should probably show full tool tips for now once I'm getting to grips with the game cuz it said when pinned you can press Tilda to highlight characters whenever you want all right assuming it's the same key on my keyboard it's very rarely the tier key on my keyboard and mine's a 60% keyboard as well there's that Super Chat okay PL please turn alert sound up is the alert sound low okay is the alert sound low that is interesting oh turn it down oh I see right a reverse psychology you wanted me to turn it down sorry didn't notice that all right I've dropped it 6 DB let me just see if I don't know how to test it oh god um I haven't got the thing open to test it see if it's okay yeah sorry I'm not I don't do this very much on this is my first real test I think for the new setup oh $5 Super Chat for arano how many hours do you plan on spending in character creation don't know you spent eight on your first character are you kidding me I think people will Riot if I spend more than half an hour on the character creation donate to yourself I this is I have to basically all right I'm going to test a new member welcome minion is that better is that a new is that better that was six dbel lower that's a lot lower for you not really that wasn't really way better yes okay better right so it was better okay um right okay so then then character creation equals D and D level of creating your chart all right well we're not going to rush it I guess but let's should we should we do it should we start we are 3 minutes away from the half hour mark half hour of ramble settings talk Etc make music louder no we're not ready yeah I I thought this was going to be a thing I've made the Music 50 yes 50 Formula 1 now formula 1's in a break sorry D drain and we got a new Super Chat Trey 36 t i for one I'm looking forward to a 6-hour character creation from you well you can blame you can blame the chat anyone who's watching the VOD you can blame the chat for this the alerts are better this is good we're hitting new game people oh select your diff I want more music is it am I am I wrong in wanting the music to be louder now is it I'm I'm kind of wanting the music to be a tad louder I don't know why music is so epic we want to hear it I'll tell you what I'm just going to boost the music a tad more right a tad more it's just when I first started it was overwhelming I'm going to put it up to 65 and then and then we'll we we'll go with it we'll go with it if it's too low I'll put it boost it back up if it's too loud I can drop it super brain thinking there right uh new game right I've been told to go balanced Explorer and narrative experience placing story before combat um obviously we don't want the combat to be too long in uh in this it's first time I've played this game there's the Super Chat uh we got tactician a tough campaign emphasizing strategic combat balance for viewers yeah guys it here the thing if I was playing it myself I I might go silly I might go go silly but then you're going to get really really micromanaged combat and I think most people want me to experience the narrative first right balanced is good especially if you're not used to the DN d uh five fifth edition rules last time I played Dungeons and Dragons it was second edition give you an idea and second edition had just come out so right um tactician is just going to be tough honor is probably silly custom I don't need to customize the experience I can change it at any time all right so let's just start with Balan let's just go with balanced start game allow access sh okay o okay mind flares f u okay me okay who are you Mr Disturbed thanks for asking oh in the eyes oh that was horrible ah enable tutorials yes okay was the game sound a little low or or was it the cut scene cuz this feels perfectly loud now but the cut scene felt a tadow better the eye than the ear agree to disagree okay origin characters aaran liel G Shadow heart can I look at these or should I avoid even looking at them just avoid even looking at them I don't I don't want to know right I don't want to know any of this oh I no I'm going to be picking a custom character I've been told that the origin characters what I want to do is learn about them in game I want to learn about them for my first playthrough and and you know find out about them this time next next time second play through Possibly play one Jonathan feland thank you very much for the Super Chat $10 thank you all right so we're going to go with custom random no oh right elf whoa okay okay okay uh dark urge custom no that definitely sounds like a second so we got elf we got T okay interesting very interesting body type what have we got I want to go [Music] male oo so we got we got we got little guy big guy little lady a big lady I don't know I'm I'm feeling a big but you never know I might want to go little who knows all right so we got elf tling Dr human Ganky all right what are Gan they look Elven ory dwarf half elf half halfling could be a halfling gnome dragon born I tempting very tempting very very tempting half Fork I mean it's tempting but I I I feel like I've gone too much lizard Dragon recently they have good voice the dragon born oh ganki are humans turned oh you only they're quite skinny aren't they they are quite gnome gnome I don't know I I'm I'm I'm really mixed on this why does some of them get multiple body types and then others don't the voices are the same for everyone GI do be skinny okay something with dark vision out of curiosity can I be any any class with any just okay I was not expecting that change I was totally not expecting that change that may have won me over right there um cleric eh Druid also a fighter solid Monk H too pretentious Ranger too obvious Rogue sorcerer oh he looks good as a sorcerer can I turn him well I can look at it got just you know warlock wizard okay I don't know why but okay wait minut what what bars know Music is More Than Idol fantasy it is power through study and Adventure these traveling TR trou troubadors troubadors trors troubadors H I've read that word so many times Master song speech and the magic within cantrips vicious mockery okay so this is winning me over like in so many ways I mean it's just it's just oh my God I'm going to get to play um yes what race though I mean I mean I sort of feel like I want to do this cuz it's just wrong I I feel like this is wrong but I mean that's too obvious but definitely more dandelion definitely more B dandel okay I'm not hating that or okay all right um half or B I mean half that look even more ridiculous how uncomfortable does he look but the dragon born Bard I I mean I said I didn't want to play lizard or dragon born cuz i' I've done that too much I've done that too much you can read class really easy so don't be afraid to play whatever you want even just to try out the class ah yeah it's the race we're talking about now um I mean honestly though for some reason this is kind of winning me over a little little bit I just for some odd reason I I I find The Clash The Clash there looks okay but it looks it looks too uncomfortable this just looks hilarious and this looks this is I can't explain it this looks ridiculous but also kind [Music] of kind of like suits do you know what I mean I would have thought this was going to be way better for I don't know like the Rogue or something uh but honestly I'm just I'm I'm loving this okay so when it he gets what does he get astral knowledge proficient in all skills of the chosen ability until long rest whatever that is cantrip who was that oh somebody gave another Trace 36t gave another Super Chat thank you very much oh that was the comment I read out um what it psionic GI yank pionic Mage hand conjuration cantrip create an invisible spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects is this like telekinesis so they've got Astron knowledge and telekinesis until long Rest Long rest is when you have to go to sleep at your Camp oh okay okay racial features you can move 9 m per turn Marshal Prodigy a lifetime of Relentless training gave you armor proficiency with light and medium armor as well as proficiency with the short sword long sword and great sword so not necessarily natural B material whereas this one's you wow they don't have anything going for them do they intelligence wisdom and Charisma too damned obvious half elf Dr what do we have cantrips illuminate you can move 9 m per turn yeah no no you know I'm I'm sticking with this who's that Cindy Johansson happy New Year gopher thanks for always making gaming so much fun you are welcome and thank you for the $20 Super Chat all right I'm I'm going with this I like the idea of being able to to use telekinesis I just love the look all right I love the look Class B I'm going with that I don't know why it's calling to me vicious when I first saw this I thought it said vicious monkey vicious mockery and blade Ward take only half the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks all right spells healing okay can he heal others as well heal a creature you can see no effect on on dead and constructs 18 M so he could he could be a Healer frighten a creature it does psychic damage they'll have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and they cannot move we got a new okay that's Amy Duncan thank you for the Super Chat ons save Target still takes half damage all right what else did Tasha's hideous laughter leave a creature prone with laughter without the ability to get up I'm loving this I'll read the details later on heroism make yourself or a Target immune to be to frightened and gain five temporary hit points each turn loving it aranel you might want to check out sub races for some of the races dragon born get the most sub races oh there are sub races this is going to take a while isn't it thank you for the super chat Aral and wait Cindy Johansson I read that one out didn't I thank you for the Super Chat we've got another one coming hiio toraki 99 $20 Super Chat happy New Year gopher first time being able to catch you on streams live also don't worry about pronounce pronouncing my username hiio torak hopefully I didn't do too badly Robert Glover $5 Super Chat thank you very much make sure you check sub races will do I absolutely will do um what actions Bic inspiration I'm loving the Bard I'm so I've already chosen my class I think I'm going gith raki I'm going gith raky I'm going I'm going Bard I'm loving what I'm seeing so far level one spell slots unlocked you gain two level one spell slots which are restored on the long rest all right but let's go back to the race there are sub races how do I do SUB races or is that later is that later trademark I can edit appearance yeah we'll do we'll absolutely do actually should I do that first I mean where to next H what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Hells be wary this place is trapped it's opened more of those wretched things quite like seven there's magic where two next although voice one feels almost more Yar you know what I'm saying like a little more do it after you'll revert if you change race oh all right yeah no that's a good idea that is a good idea that is a good idea no no no how do I go how do I go back is it is it edit character right um how do I do subes background abilities where's the subrace [Applause] thing base racial speed no Guth R choose a race first all right oh do you have to do you have to do something you have to keep going below next tab down after race oh oh God it's a I see it so the gith Yani have no sub rces Dragon B the dragon born has black blue oh they have different abilities no I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm sold on the gith Yankee I'm sold on the gith Yankee I'm wanting H what was that I'm I'm I feeling voice W Hells something just woke up down here beware it's opened I wonder what's back there for a for a Bard I'm thinking one or there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can feel its Aura no it's too serious I'm liking it's opened I wonder what's back there more of those wretched things I get more of a dandelion Vibe going on I do all right let's have a look uh I what can I change why does that look bright red and yet all right let's have a look General body art ooh uh let's worry about that eyes topaz oh oh I'm I'm I'm thinking should we should we go with pale blue eyes just because they look ridiculous with this character welcome oh no green green liking green who's that Noah Masterson $5 Super Chat thank you very much and contract new member welcome oh good grief micro filto benthos MX 129 MX dollar is that Mexican dollars thank you very much for the Super Chat I'm liking green I'm sort of liking green wait all eye colors oh this is going to give you colors that are inappropriate for your race or something probably let's stick with oh I can have different colored eyes no you know what eyes makeup okay I want a little bit of makeup we're going a dandelion thing here hair this is what I kind of wanted to no no too [Music] cool not hating sort of hating no no no NOP no what else did we have are these the female hair does they do look like it although well maybe not necessarily they're sort of all mixed [Music] in I'm sort of wanting something that screams dandelion it's 2023 goer it's 2024 oh oh sorry son of Skyrim 75 new member welcome chimata new member welcome to you too minion limper 106 thank you for the Super Chat wow how many hairstyles are there do the one with the Bal spot now I played bold character recently [Music] um that could be a sort of a Down by the River let's have a look at the original ones we we Bal is just too no um I mean we could go with that what was the original one I've sort of lost it yep I've totally lost the hair dup that I started with why do I get a weird Doctor Who Vibe going there that kind of go for the double bum bun it looks ridiculous unfortunately it makes me think cyberp Punk otherwise I would there something see I don't know anything about this race so I don't know how they're supposed to look I'm sort of feeling that I got to be honest with you I'm sort of feeling that it it looks rough enough to suit the face but at the same time like he's put some effort and put some style into it yeah it's a Warrior Race all right well we we're messing with that we're messing with that God he looks so angry oh but the thing is is can I what else can I change that was the hair faal oh I could do facial hair yeah that's it stream rest of stream epic facial hair please tell me they can have [Music] face [Applause] he needs a beard you think I'm I'm for some odd reason I'm feeling this I am feeling oh what have I missed what have I missed cindra Buel thank you for the 200 Norwegian Crona the Super Chat I've also missed one didn't I nadam I believe I'm missing thousands of you I am really sorry it's going by so fast I'm not quite used to this what do we get chimata new member n n nanka so glad you're playing balers Gate 3 don't forget your skills and background oh I won't I won't I promise Ming the meress no no no I'm thinking more see now do you know who I want to go for now I want to go Doctor Strange now all of a sudden I want to go a doctor strange kind of thing rather than Ming the merciless I'm liking that though what about change the color though I mean okay we could definitely get a little silly with this couldn't we H is it light that's giving him the red highlights who's that Justin new member thank you very much chasing the echo thank you for the Super Chat hair color got it you know what if I if I put straw poles up and let people uh vote on this I know we'd be going total pink but we're not going total pink no not this time we're serious this is a serious playthrough I don't know why though I'm liking the lighter colors just not gray you think I should go [Applause] gray change the you can change the highlights I don't really know how be honest with you a serious playthrough yes silver so see that's got a sort of yes it's not quite gray it's the hair tab hair color hair proceed facial oh God no you're right highlights ah graying gray neutral ah so that's what the highlights are coming from is it [Music] okay not seeing any difference going to be absolutely [Music] honest [Music] graying you're not going to know it's the graying are you with this oh graying intensity going to need that aren't I ah I see right okay let's take the graying intensity down and go with highlight highlight intensity this only this is only for the hair though it's only for the hair right we'll go with we'll go with that he's a b he wants to be striking striking see look at that that's a distinguished Bic face if I've ever seen one hair color it have I already P that yes no right and then facial hair graying green uh oh I think I get it you have to you have to set the hair graying to something so if I set it for example to Black the odd thing is is I would be getting reversed graying like that I actually I don't know why I think that kind of works what do you think what do you think that works right that is that is especially with the green eyes Okay so we've now got you can't change the the face too much then I think that works I definitely think that works he looks like a fencing Master ready to take on a new appearance I like your thinking yes I like your thinking skin color oh that's just this so the the only thing you can change about the face is the actual there's magic keeping this chest sealed does the voice I can feel its AA where to what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Dana Cher Dana tuer new member welcome I'm still thinking voice one be wary yes am is tripped scroll down oh oh my God skin color no I'm going to leave it I'm going to leave it as the original I I kind of like the skin color but what we got scarring ooh can of Dashing that's a sort of Dashing scar isn't it that is a roguish dashing scar if I've ever seen one maturity all right so just put that somewhere in the middle somewhere in the middle Freckle quantity why do I Freckle intensity why do I feel that really considering what's going on with his face freckles are not really okay what is vitiligo pigmentation what no okay I'm thinking we've got I'm thinking we've got our our guy yes I do I feel like we've got our B I don't think gith have freckles yeah I does this this really does work let's not accidentally touch race again all right Class B cantrips oh can I select more oh these are the available ones he comes with vicious mockery and blade Ward Maj oh I can only have two cantrips going is that what it is all right cha Charisma spell casting ability the ability that influences your chance to hit with certain spells for classes that need to prepare spells it also affects how many spells you can prepare spell save DC certain spells require enemies to make a saving throw the higher your spell difficulty class all right that's what DC stands for the harder it is to resist your spell spells so I want to get this as high as possible spell attack Tav a bonus to melee and range spell attacks improves your chance to hit with certain spells all right okay select can trips change your cantrip selection by choosing from the spell list below cantrips don't use spell slots and can be cast at will oh all right so blade W is not that good in tabletop I was really think thinking of ditching that one anyway um I'm not losing vicious mockery just letting you know Mage hand that's that's my old uh telekinesis true strike gain advantage on your next attack rle friends gain advantage on Charisma checks against non-hostile creatures this spell can be cast while you're silenced ooh in higher difficulty modes the target might accuse you of enchanting them ooh I'm liking that d lights illuminate light Infuse an object with an aura of light lasts until long rest this lasts 10 turns but this so this you could just put into your sword and suddenly it's a light source seems useful minor illusion create an illusion that compels nearby creatures to investigate I'm sorry I am Mr bloody Charming I mean look at look at this are these randomly rolled or is it just 17 Charisma though look at this I am dextrous I am I'm I'm a dashing Rogue B yes I am okay so these were randomly rolled does that mean I got lucky with the old Charisma oh no it's defaults look under abilities well oh yeah yeah I I I'm going to look under everything this is going to take as long as everyone thought yes absolutely okay spells choose the spell you know from the list below spells require spell slots to cast unless a feature States otherwise I have got healing seems like a useful one dissonant Whispers frighten a creature Tasha's hideous laughter not losing that one creature must have an intelligence of five or more uh heroism immune to frightened okay let's have a look what the options are animal friendship convince a beast not to attack you I'm I'm liking the idea of this can I speak to them can I speak please tell me I can speak to them who's that fish fiend $5 Super Chat is that Australian dollars a that eight strength is going to hurt your inner hoarder vinc Keith you want friends for conversation well I've taken friends I've taken friends I [Music] think I think I don't want dissonant Whispers And I think I don't want heroism I think I want Tasha's hideous laughter cuz it's bloody sounds bloody good and healing word I feel like that's going to be useful woo okay $50 Super Chat from Simon white thank you for the years of amazing content hope you have a fantastic 2024 so do I and right back at you Bane up to three creatures receive a penalty to attack rolls these are debuffs at all right you know what though I think I'm going to go animal friendship for now just because that's the charm ooh charm a humanoid to prevent it from attacking you you gain an advantage on Charisma checks in dialogue so far that's what I'm wanting let's have a look disguise self okay am I missing Simon white donated I've already yes we've right we we've said that one did I miss anyone else I think I've caught up right animal friendship is not what you want isn't it why not get speak with animals it's invaluable I will do yes processed failed thank you for the super chat um but I don't have that I've got disguise magically change all aspects of your appearance charm is redundant with friends oh wait a minute are you saying charm is redundant because I've got this but doesn't it stop people from attacking me is like is it is it I should use this for dialogue and this is more of a combat thing but because I've got it I don't need it all right let's have a look what else fairy fire all Targets within the light turn visible you do have speak with animals do I featherfall could be useful heroism no long Strider movement speed sleep oh I remember my D and D date oh holy hell speak with animals gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts Tash is hideous and Thunder Wave all right what else don't I need then animal am I going to need animal friendship to convince beasts not to attack me or is that like kind of pointless cuz I can't talk to them anyway cuz I got to be honest with you sleep I've always feather fall yeah I do remember the sleep [Applause] spell all right I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to go with a sleep spell so I've got healing so I've got support I've got a bit of offense and whatever the hell that is that's offense as well I'm probably going to ditch that I have a feeling that sleep's going to be better than this I just need to try that this has to be something that happened in my life process failed yeah get speak with animals is is invaluable thank you very much for the advice I think that's good I think this is good okay starting instruments pick the instrument you'd like to use it will influence the soundscape when you cast spells and can be changed later by equipping right hand drum uh no flute oh I like this sound and also for some odd reason it but what what about no I'm not feeling liar I don't know I I'm at the moment uh oh you can change these at level up and down the line yeah I mean look I like the sound of the flute I do there's [Music] something there's something kind of chilled about that but that's a classic it it makes me feel very very vas uh yasy there's something very classic about violin isn't that I don't know I don't know Pi Piper oh you winning me over with the pi Piper pick the loot be a rockar ad zero welcome new member flute or violin but it's all you here pick what you want I know but I'm broken I can't choose I think if this was smaller I might stick with this it's a it's just big if it was a very small almost banjo siiz loot I'd probably pick that no definitely not that the violin you see it's the right size but honestly yeah dandelion would [Music] use dandelion would use the loot he would wouldn't he he [Music] would you can hide the instruments why would I want to hide the instruments um yeah it's just the starting instrument you can use all of them all right are we are we going are we going classic then are we going classic loot we're going classic loot or are we going with um refined violin do he does he actually play does he actually play like like like when I do things does he play tuba cuz if he plays I think I want to see violin oh my God I think I got to see violin a guy playing a violin in the middle of combat I have got to see I have got to see it's happening yes Abs if there was a tuba I might pick that a loot Goblin I like your thinking no violin background okay what the hell is that you have oh sorry background acolyte you have spent your life in service to a temple learning sacred rights and providing sacrifices to the gods and the gods you worship serving charlatan you're an expert in manipulation prone to exaggeration and more than happy to profit from it bending the truth and turning allies against each other will lead to Greater success down the road I mean you know oh what does that give me slight of hand deception intimidation this one criminal you have a history of breaking the law and Survive by leveraging less than legal Entertainer Entertainer you live to sway and subvert your audience engaging common crowds and high society alike preserving art and bringing Joy to the Hess and downtrodden highlights your charismatic aura I'm liking this oh performance no both have performance so what is it that's got deception that's all that's got Acro oh no this has got slight of hand oh is that going to be like slight of hand like magic tricks I'm loving that that one Entertainer has acrobatics I can to be honest with you I'm not feeling acrobatics 2 hours later shush everyone said it was going to be like eight hours character creation I'm determined to do this in less than that think lot picking and pick pocketing right so charlatan charlatan is more your thiefy B I feel it though I do feel that Entertainer is definitely your body Bard but I don't I don't like the idea of acrobatics to be [Music] honest folk hero you're a champion of the common no Guild Artisan you're skill in particular craft Des eared you membership in the mertile noble no Outlander you grew up in the Wilds learning to survive far from the Comforts of civilization Sage slight of hand is lockpicking could that be useful or will we end up with a dedicated thief in the party anyway or will that make a dedicated Thief not [Music] required acromatic is more like flourish as you move Oh see now you're now you're making it sound [Music] cool dandelion was Noble yeah I guess what what what [Music] was history o i don't hate that idea you were raised in a family among the social Elite accustomed to power and privilege accumulated Renown power and loyalty will raise your status just doesn't sound like me but I like the idea of knowing history Sage you are curious and well read with an unending thirst for knowledge learning about rare lord of the world will inspire you to put this knowledge to Greater purpose I don't hate that I I I like that AR nerd yes nerd nerdy Bard with violin cous well read with an unending thirst for knowledge and liking it I'm liking [Music] it Soldier definitely not tin no at the moment it's basically it's basically charlatan I think I'm going to end up with a dedicated Thief type person in the in the party aren't I I mean there's going to be someone out there who can pick locks and I'm going to have them sages in uh oh yeah Entertainer does it tell you what what what what it uses Entertainer that's probably Charisma right charlatans probably dexterity I'm good at those sages intelligence I'm not that good at that but yeah I mean this is all irrelevant you'll be killing everything that moves anyway five5 from aethereal no a aranel aranel I find balers gate three bars can be masters of good roles thank to profic proficiencies you find it amusing okay um deception is charisma performance is charisma slight of hand is dexterity yeah 12 in is enough for having Arcana and history is it I don't know am I am I making a huge mistake hover over skill at bottom oh I see plus three to Arana checks whereas if I do Entertainer and go to acrobatics we get plus4 to acrobatic checks if I go to charlatan and go slight of hand I get plus4 so the 15 dexterity and the Charisma 17 are really putting in some work there whereas the sage cuz I've only got 12 I've only got plus three to a Cara checks 12 is plus one to rolls then why have I got plus three on it pro profam nox dedicated Thief yes and he's quite okay right so I don't need to take the charlatan so we're looking at either enter container so I can have acrobatics I mean this is the thing though isn't it really when it comes down to it it's just about what skills I get right do I want to keep my balance and land on my feet or do I want to be pretty good at Arana and [Music] honestly honestly I feel like the choic is more than skills skills don't matter roleplay I sort of agree look I I like this your curious well read unending thirst for knowledge learning about the rare lord of the world will inspire you to put the knowledge to Greater purpose I'm sorry it may be a Daft thing and all D and D ruler holics are now face palming hard but I'm sorry I want to be the sage it just it called to me the second is saw it abilities oh okay can I boost my intelligence anyway Sage is more Wizard or sorcerer [Applause] probably ooh okay so for example if I dropped Constitution one I could boost does that no I've got to go up a little bit more wisdom what does wisdom do senses and intuition improve spell casting for clerics and Druids if you go to nine what happens you get minuses I you know I got to be honest with you as a Bard how many of your skills rely on dexterity and how many of them rely cuz I'm honestly thinking I drop dexterity a little and Constitution and boost well I might actually equalize my strength but I I I kind of want to boost my intelligence yeah I want to make them even obviously so like like if I drop dexterity cuz dexterity hasn't gone on that's plus two plus two so if I do that I've now got mod intelligence but dict is useful for combat as a Bard do you have to be a combat Bard or B's main ability scores are dexterity and Charisma all right but 15 dexterity was kind of pointless right what about what about dropping that what about oh oh oh every point over 14 takes two ability points what's this plus one bonus ah these are where I get the bonus right so what happens if I put that oh wait wait wait I can only put one bonus in [Applause] so what happens if I do this put the plus two there then I get 16 Charisma or is it worth getting 17 Charisma cuz at some point I'll get a plus one and then I can put the plus one I can assign one point there one to each of the does that doesn't that get rid of a problem I had there or should I leave that there and just put the Constitution back because I want to be tough Charisma is is it all right okay 16 decks and 16 Charisma because I can now do 15 dexterity 16 or I could drop Constitution you can I still have the plus one so so what I what I could do here is I could do that and now I've got 16 dexterity and 16 Charisma or I be better big going 14 dexterity and 18 Charisma I mean I I'm getting the idea that that Constitution should be something I go for instead of intelligence drop intelligence of wisdom you can't add 18 in the character creation okay I I I'm feeling like I'm I I'm supposed to just leave this at 12 and 12 or even this but that's going to make my Arcana totally crap right I mean it's not the worst thing ever welcome the con 14 in is useless for a Bard right yeah Oh you mean for all of the other spells and things all of his spells and Main abilities all [Music] right all right for balance difficulty yeah I could probably play whatever I wanted couldn't I I could probably play whatever I wanted I mean look it's it's I it's not even that I want to be good at ARA or particularly the the most intelligent person I just genuinely that's what it was at the start right that's what it was at the [Music] start I just genuinely don't um don't want to have uh the where was it background of Entertainer I know it's probably wa what did it give acrobatics Jesus look at that that's a big boost isn't it land on your feet helps resist being shoved all right but I just I don't I'm sorry I like Sage I like Sage so I'm staying with sage keep your charisma up I can't though well I can but I have to drop the dexterity one point or even take intelligence down use recommended ghost to default yeah that's the default right that is the default um so charisma's 15 dexterity is currently 14 I mean to get Charisma higher I'm going Sage I am going Sage uh but to get another point of dexterity I would need I would need to drop something like so I could do oh I can't even do oh can I not get it oh I can't get past 15 no matter how many points I have okay but I could get 15 dexterity by doing that let's have a look use recommended basically if I do that is there any point 17 Charisma there isn't right no there's no real point I might as well drop that down oh actually now now that I think about it I feel like what I should do is have that one up and then do plus one there plus two there then I got two points left and I can even get a bit more there oh that takes to get it to 14 takes two God that sucks 17 is good but 16 is better 17 is closer to 18 so basically what you're saying is because because I will be casting with this if I can get this I might be able to get to 18 sooner right that is what you're saying all right 16 is more efficient at this odd numbers are useless right but can't I get a point later on or something I don't know honestly I do not know so if I get a feat that provides plus one welcome minion 17 is fine oh God whoa we got a lot of don't think of the number think of the character I am doing I'm thinking of everything I'm just curious as to what's going on I've just got a lot of things going on yeah um thank you for the $20 Super Chat Vincent Keith new members Noto Matos and the con t3p thank you for making me laugh today much needed you are welcome and thank you for the $5 tip uh Super Chat five Edition stats only give bonuses at even numbers thank you Von right [Music] okay all right you know what it started with 16 we had the recommended were this I feel like um I feel like this is pretty good [Music] actually but at the same time if I drop [Music] that that's not really well I guess it that gets me the bonus and dexterity as [Applause] [Music] well just I feel like I feel like I'm missing something 15 dexterity [Music] Constitution should I boost my Constitution a little I mean cuz here's the thing I could just do that that now I'm getting now I'm getting both dexterity and Constitution so I'm now tough enough cuz I guess I guess the recommended is basically telling me you're going to be getting in the thick of it a lot thank you the con thank you for the Super Chat $10 all right you know what though I don't know why I'm going to go with the recommended then I'm going to go with a recommended I just feel like I'm going to see this is what they reckon I'm going to I'm going to go with it I'm going to trust it this means I'm ready to proceed do I get to name him or does it start the people that say 17 is good so misguided yeah a lot of people say 17 is good A lot of people say it's bad stick with the recommended you can always change later once you know what you want thank you very much for appro process failed change proficiencies oh skill proficiencies oh oh wow Vox ratio $50 Super Chat thank you very much since your grandmother's unexpected passing on New Year's Eve oh I am sorry mate sorry to hear about that this stream is a sigh of relief sounds silly but it is play on and have fun I will do my best I will do my best and I hope I can bring a little joy into your new year now and again I am sorry about that yeah new Super Chat $10 from Satan's penguin names make me ggle go for you get two ability points every four levels some Feats have a plus one relative ability all right yeah but skill proficiencies I can change the skill proficiencies I've currently got deception intimidation and persuasion ah so it just adds right oh I can't do Arana but I've got deception lie cheat manipulate the truth okay intimidation do I want intimidation I feel like I feel like I'm more of a I feel like I'm more of a performance I feel like the do I feel like that's just more right perception perception sounds good but Insight read people in situations detect lies oh oh I like the idea of insight as [Applause] well animal handling influence animals pet all the dogs I'm sorry what what what what does that give influence all the anim animal perception and insight checks persuasion turn on the charm Co Kajol command to the stage these two seem like no brainers I already have speak with the animals do I need animal handling if I've got speak with the animals gim I've not been more excited to see play a game since the original Witcher 3 thank you for the 11o Super Chat all right I mean like I can I I've got a spell that lets me do this so I don't need this right or does this let you do the same thing and I wouldn't need the spell ooh performance is not that good um it's not the same thing anyway they compliment each other will I need to pet every cat I meet performance is not good really Insight read see I like the idea of read people I do like reading people I just feel like I should be good at performance I mean surely that affects my aren't I performing don't I perform don't I'm going with performance and persuasion I'm sorry I don't care if they're terrible I am a performer and a Persuader and I'm also insightful or perceptive I feel like I'm more insightful I do I feel like I'm more insightful than perceptive yeah nope that's what I'm going with all right this is me where do I change the name why do I change the name wasn't inedit [Music] appearance proceed will I get the option to change the name when I proceed okay doing it proceeding oh now we need to come up with a name now we need to come up with a name oh God [Music] so weager to get here Roger is that a good GI Yan name um 90 minutes not bad hour and a half hour and a half they said it would take 8 hours Reginald [Music] I don't mind Reginald actually oh God oh my God you know what you know who he sort of reminds me of at least at least if he had a hat on Reginald hargreeves welcome wasn't that what he was called Umbrella Academy who's that ex oh God that's going past ex Iris H new member welcome what wasn't it Reginald Reginald harres wasn't that his name in The Umbrella Academy I'm I'm feeling that [Music] Reginald Reggie good old Reggie it was $5 Super Chat from notam Motas thank you very much I went with the same stats and love my Bard she's snarky witty and lucky just as a Bard should be he looks like a Reginal doesn't he he does he needs a trilby though yeah so I could make it look I could make it look gi gi Yankee but you know what he's a bard he's adopted an easier way of spelling his own name Reggie Reginald we're going with Reginald and this is it right that's it I hit proceed and we're done stage name okay in that case we're taking a quick break we are taking a quick break toilet trip everybody get get snacks hydrate and all that goodness see you guys in a couple of minutes is my microphone still working yes it is there you go see you in a few [Music] minutes [Applause] [Music] [Music] River [Music] [Music] [Music] River [Music] [Music] you don't for [Music] e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] e okay I'm back my um my 16-year-old is about to make a smoothie for tomorrow we bought a a new smoothie maker for Christmas um it's a big super powerful one makes a bit of noise I'm hoping we will not be able to hear it from here and more importantly I'm hoping the neighbors will not be able to hear it or I've given her permission so um she sort of studying to be a peti Peery Chef even though that's not what she doesn't want to do that she wants to she wants to be a fashion designer but she's studying to be a Patisserie Chef she's bloody good here daband in the kitchen [Music] is Kono still here kico you do realize with this character all that work I did on the thumbnails was for not I I have to have this character's face on the thumbnails from now on I mean just got to completely do it totally got to be redone oh let me take a sip of my decaffeinated drink I've been really good the last few weeks you know I've massively reduced my caffeine intake sleeping tablets definitely done their job I'm going to start uh weaning myself off them in the next couple of weeks my ability points of what why what why did my ability Point don't change the no because I burn it no I did I went with I put them all at default I let I wanted them as default I wanted them I decided to let default I don't want to accidentally get rid of this beautiful character and it still cut the name all right okay so oh for the B run you might want to change loot Goblin to loot Goblin yeah I was thinking the very same thing but I kind of need a whole new graphic for it stop drinking coffee p 9:00 p.m. yeah I've got a decaf coffee and it's instant so it's really weak I mean I my oldest isn't 16 my oldest is actually 25 I got 10 yearold a 12y old a 16y old and a 25y old all right Reginald yes Reginald look at him he looks like the father in The Umbrella Academy not really but for some reason it's it's facial hair okay we are going all right guys Guardian I'm sorry what what is a guardian and seriously I have to go through all of this again are you this is why it's going to take 8 hours is it going to be like you need a guardian and then I'm what you you need a caddy what is a guardian all right what does that mean a [Music] guardian it can't be a dragon born can't be a dragon born it's got to be in it it's got to be I mean correct me if I'm wrong but it's got to be I mean first of all oh oh my God they've even got the beard I mean I I I I I I I I I feel like I have no choice okay do we do we do we have have the right hair to I mean that's the one it was going with it's not what I wanted to oh that that's kind of close that is kind of close eyes no they were very very pale if I remember rightly or were they green I can't remember I think no I think they were pale like ridiculously pale makeup I don't think so [Music] General none of them [Music] really that looks like Ron bloody Pearlman oh my God my guardian needs to be Ron Pearlman tell me that doesn't look like Ron Pearlman sort of a little just that's if Ron Perman was playing an orc with white hair that's how he'd look all right okay so so all right skin color um cool tone oh cool definitely cool someone said who I just don't even my my first thought was I'm going to pick a gnome Guardian that's what I was thinking I'm thinking I am going make him red Hellboy reference you can't do that unfortunately oh okay uh eyes makeup no hair and facial hair we don't with is that everything oh no voice remarkable wait what truly follow your instincts remarkable H follow your instincts I mean don't be afraid not going to be wrong as it it can't be wrong without the voice I mean that's I mean I mean you know what I'm saying no way it could be wrong without that should should I should I I mean should I not even try there's a checkbox for all skin colors you really want me to actually go with Hellboy the problem is is am I breaking the law by doing that because if I'm breaking the law by doing that I'm thinking I shouldn't you know what I'm saying I don't want to break the law on my first playthrough uh Hellboy doesn't yeah the beard the beard is unfortunately from from Steve however for some reason we've got a Steve Ron Steve Perman okay there's magic go you could be red uh all right um is that it Venture forth okay it looks awesome cuz it was either that or I was going to go I'm not going to change because it changed the way it looked gnome or something or halfling I liked the idea of whatever the guardian is him being tiny but but now now I'm in love with this as well I just don't I'm torn I'm torn the mighty Ron Steve hybrid Ron Stevan okay oh Venture forth so this one this one this is this is it right I'm actually going now we're actually starting the game now oh wow no idea how much more I've got left in me but we're definitely going to start Venture forth okay wait that guy snoozing cuz if not oh okay you're going to need a bigger spear good man oh it's harvesting I don't know who that is but I love them they're riding dragons please be on our side oh yes oh that would still hurt had a bit of a Helgen flashback [Applause] there h [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] hi okay you could free me whoa [Music] okay or I could free myself finally free I must find my K right okay so time to figure out how to do things okay why am I standing like that that's better all right looking good looking good where the hell am I supposed to be going uh do I have a journal yes I do escape the nautiloid find a way off the nautiloid we've been abducted by mind flares and infected with some kind of parasite yeah through the eyeball we need to find a way off this ship we right we where where is mind flare pod question you why would I use this I am free never to be captured again yeah okay is there aha there is a highlight what's hiding here yes just escaped already looting padot green as poison but no more dangerous than a pebble worth something though dead good absolutely light on my feet absolutely okay just just just just I need to um change the is it interface how fast it Scrolls Edge not Edge yeah Edge panning a bit actually I think I need to slow that down a bit it's quite it's quite aggressive yeah that's a little better okay what is that restoration better not be cursed I feel better do I do I I feel better right um probably should take stock I am Reginal the level one let's move no one stopped me yet I've got I can punch [Music] things I could throw something I've got a hand cross oh wait I've got a hand crossbow 3 to8 attacked piercing shot and mobile shot right I I'll probably get the hang of these at some point these are all the various different things I can do with my fist use melee weapons set I don't have any toggle dual wielding no in that's what I'm looking for inventory do I have anything let's see I've got a simple jerk in I'm wearing underwear good for me shoes clothes there's my violin and my hand crossbow excellent I have ammo for it do I have ammo for it I don't know equip equip I how do I can I do things with that can I do things with that I want jump I can jump I can do so many different Bic [Music] inspiration I'm feeling inspired I'm feeling massively [Music] inspired can I oh I have to I have to stop before I can move all right so I'm guessing I guess I'm going through the sphin right stepping through the spinter okay I I all right what else have we got a vicious chair can I sit in the oh yes I can do I want to no I think I need to eldrich tablet cerebral aquarium mind horiculture use range the attack examine okay resistance piercing resistance bludgeoning vulnerability I could destroy it would I want to destroy it I sort of feel like I want to punch it all right I broke it right I'm feeling good about myself don't is that a dragon I'm hearing camera movement make your camera to get a look at what lies yeah yeah yeah okay was oh I can use the wasda keys that's wait are we still we're still bloody well flying oh I can I can get in a little bit and then [Music] see okay get a bit more of a view where the hell are we I don't think whoa okay lady Abomination this is your end or your head throbs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon's Wing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the G's eyes my head what is this s you are th flaki blesses me this day together we might survive all that that's what I was thinking what made you think I was a thraw who are you can I okay I can do it like this who are you we need to figure out where we are what do you suggest what made you think I was a th yeah have you forgotten yourself unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind flers okay yeah let's not do that we're turning into mind flares there must be something we can do to stop that we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority okay first we exterminate the en then we find find the helm and take control of the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane we're not in the material plane got it [Music] ATT combat General tutorial all right yeah I briefly forgot to uh turn off the alerts during that conversation sorry uh right so we're not in the material plane she thought I was a thw now she knows we're not that I'm not I should have asked her who she was it's just it didn't seem all that important after what she told me get ready to fight combat happens in rounds and each participant gets a turn to act the game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions oh and I control her right well who who the hell is she she is a level one fighter your turn during your turn you can move take an action take a bonus action show your I feel like I would have liked to have read that a little longer thank you all right she is also GI Yankee um she's strong and Hardy great weapon fighting she likes two-handed weapons Marshall Prodigy I'm guessing that's what is when you roll a one or a two on a damaged die for attack with a two-handed melee weapon that die is rolled once nice Marshall Prodigy a lifetime of Relentless training gave you armor proficiency with light and medium armor as well as proficiency with a short sword long sword and great sword opportunity attack opport automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach I recognize that and she's got a supply sack an Alchemy pouch a keychain a Scroll of re vivify revives a companion o nice potion of healing how many action points does that take I'm assuming bonus that's a bonus action or all right so that's a bonus action is it okay skills athletic acrobatics right we can check this out later detailed view right we'll we'll we'll check that out later I think I know enough to know she runs forward and hits things okay 95% chance to hit all right is that she could do lacerate or she main hand attack hamstring shot no she's definitely a sword sort of person slash your targets vital points to make it bleed how much health does this have six I feel like just hitting it is the way to go so oh taste my Fury yep definitely when you're finished click the button in the right corner of the hot bar to end your turn or press space button right corner of your hot bar is this the hot bar can trips opportunity attack end turn this one with end turn written all over it all right but doesn't she has have some other things that was her action when it's green she gets an action but she could also do a bonus action is there any bonus action she could do if I click on it ah right pommel strike potion of healing dip dip a weapon into a surface to alter the surface or enhance the weapon jump shove Second Wind no she doesn't need that now cantrips all right no she's done she's done another right let's go and I've got action bonus action big inspiration once per long rest oh so I can only do this one time I can only do this one time is it worth doing here I feel like I should know this level one spell slot replenishable resource used to cast spells okay can trips all right those are my spells those are my cantrips that is my bic thing and this is my main action I'm thinking thinking I [Music] do can I shoot no I want to shoot that and we've got ranged attack three to four piercing shot okay mobile shot must have dashed or disen or disengaged this turn all right is there any advantage to either of these I don't think there is so I think we will just shoot him that that's it right I've got him oh nice right I'm not totally sure if I need to do any of this VI vicious oh no that's my turn already gone what else do I have I could heal if I wanted to or I feel like this is not such a tough battle I think I think think I'm going to wait cuz we might end up facing more than just three imp oh oh you missed and you're about to get this is your end stumped you prove surprisingly adequate in battle thank you did I just tell you what to the Hell in a in a in a minute in a minute I see cuz I could do with a weapon probably let's have a look light crossbow oh that's better than mine that's better than my hand crossbow but the question is is does the hand crossbow allow me to use some other things a dead thr loot all right right we walked in here never wanted the easy path I think we're supposed to be going going that direction is there anything else here is there anything else empty empty empty empty oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh another dead th another dead th gold hand X and restoration another dead thr oh God sh won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm on it I'm on it I'm on it I I just I really feel like we're going to need everything we can grab because we're almost certainly going to get in more trouble I thought I saw something up here that's where we came from isn't it that's where we came from I feel like I saw something was that my imagination oh wait no we didn't come through here did we come through here yes we did we ran down here right yeah this is where you did that cool Som assault all right my bad my bad my bad my bad right let's get out of here empty so where are we oh it is it's further up here okay did it did it get up yeah let's have a look what did I pick up I've got oh a rapia ooh rapia yeah but what the light crossbows they are better than my hand crossbow but does that the hand crossbow I think it means can I wield something else in the other hand I think I think I probably oh arterial mesh oh we can climb that okay that was we're going to the sphincter how do you feel about sphincters and know that is not a rude suggestion I'm not that Keen on them personally there goes [Music] nothing I feel like I should okay no G machinery I can make no sense of it wait a minute sacrificed cultist back oh there's a backpack anything of use thump something's thumping in one of those pods damn it mind flare pop okay you know what let's whoever that is let's get them out you get me out of this we'll do don't waste time on itic we must go what I'm sorry what what I look around but there must be look for a latch there's no time I need to get out of here look for a latch that might open the okay why is this one in um italic ah that means it's the end of conversation if it's italics right italics there must be some way to get this thing open try that Contraption next to the Pod they did something to it when they sealed me in Contraption next to the pod yo this thing right the console appears dormant look for a switch hit it look for a switch or release the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy an empty socket hit it nothing the console remains dant whoa whoa whoa do I have something okay what fits in that socket must life flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings all right so what else was that there's elaborate reliquary dark mind burnish necklace okay what else is there over here let's not get this wrong cuz I have a feeling we might end up getting someone horribly murdered right dark mind ithd manuscript furnish necklace elaborate reli you need thieves tools to pick a lock or you can find the key dark mind brain in a jar a brain in a jar okay we we don't have lock picks do we no of course we don't what have we got I've got this I've now got a brain in the jar and I did find an onyx but I feel like the brain in the jar goes in there the console appears dormant look for a switch mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first then you spy an empty socket all right okay so where wait a minute the only other thing we got then was the elaborate reliquary pick up lot pick okay I know th will'll do you know what I'm going to pick up can I carry it right okay um we'll worry about that later oh wait wait wait wait wait how about this was this what she meant how about that then the console appears dormant look for a switch on release mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first and then you spy an empty socket got it empty socket oh God do I need to have the thing in my hand backpack empty there is another person I want to have a word the man isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive me out yeah I'm trying to I just don't know how can we just punch the living crap out of it no D it all right let's have a look what have I got what have I got here I've got I can't open that dark mind drop item throw add to hot bar no Center nope no idea we've got burnished necklace equip okay that's not going to identify me is it wait wait wait wait read what why didn't I read can I not read I can't read it I can't read the manuscript uh Onyx it's not going to be that oh I can I can pick the back pack up I can pick everything up but it's not come on get me out of this thing all right look for a latch that might open the lid the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger yes stay calm I can find a way to get this open keep looking um okay so the manuscript is probably wait what does it say some form of historical record or it's hard to tell exactly what it is right so I can't read it can she wait send to her how do I change to can I just ah there enough waiting I crave blood read no okay so that that didn't work all right but then Scroll of this what am I missing here I've got a spiked bulb H [Music] backpack not really not really useful no how about this one then uh no also no can I just punch it the console appears dormant no leave right what am I missing time to press ahead no it's not time to press ahead right what have I missed have I oh there's more there's another sphincter no that is the sphincter to leave that is the sphincter to leave this is not I am not leaving this person I am not leaving this person okay oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me just move the camera I couldn't active oh I can ah wait wait wait wait uh what the hell is that D wait wait wait wait wait wait um we got an IL right let's have a look at this we've got something it's 4 424 was no okay does this do anything another mystery read the script no all right bionic energy radiates from the prisoners but they do not react oh machine made them hostile machine made them hostile okay she what the hell is that an intellect Devourer should we kill that or can I adopt it as a pet all right wait can she do another attack no not of enough all right then in turn easy these days yeah and he's still alive so maybe now is the time to do my wait no healing none of these are oh that requires an action does it that requires an action that requires a bonus action ah right okay what the hell is it with that thing oh that looked unpleasant uh okay no time to rest no no all so I'm going to push the last button no that didn't help that did not help all right well oh another step forward bronze necklace and some money not helpful a mug can I talk to this thing I'm trying to talk you are beautiful oh thank you oh can we keep it can we please keep something I want to talk to this can we We Are W are we okay now we're escaping that way can I go this way okay mind flare another mind flare pod please okay a key a key and a symet oh open locked pick no yeah it's Onyx and gold should I drop the chest then probably don't need the chest it's very very damned heavy all right all right well that's not okay how many hosts of these G infected Lots okay dazed woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you all right so that more stuff there's more buttons to push another dead th with an eldrich [Music] Rune I'm guessing I can't see that one either drop it examine oh this one buzzes component of a bigger machine could this be the one slave mind another brain another bre am I just getting tons of these I'm just getting tons oh could I have put those mines back in the people could I have put those mines back haing the people and I want to save her I can't how do I no that's not going to work all right okay so can I now do I have console appears dormant insert the Rune in into the socket it needed to be a glowing gr hums to life place your hand on the take a closer look at the at the powered up console yes skill checks General tutorials some dialog options require a skill check a dice rooll that must meet or exceed a target number your character skills add a bonus to this excuse me oh God sneeze him if you couldn't tell me okay all right total bonus one from intelligence and two from Arana proficiency total bonus three click dice to roll click the dice I want to click here cuz it's I'm going to click the dice I'm clicking the dice div to does this mean I need to get 10 so I need to get seven or more with the plus three or does it mean I need to get 10 because it's already oh no please tell me that's good yes success I understand the madman's machine not a good sign the pulsing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine perhaps it will open the nearby pod place your hand on the console suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head the par sight okay discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority ilit wisdom will the Pod to open oh no what oh I only need a two watch me get a one okay sorry I was feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated okay hi I wanted to save you just saying wait I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you're a GI you're a gith why did you help me uh because you asked you may prove useful getting out a curious tone for one who had like did did you feel that just now we were in each other's heads we've both got one of those little Wiggly Worms in our eyeballs I did it must be because of those parasites they put in us we need to deal with that first we have to get off this thing let's join up sure first you beg for help then you cast suspicions on me no no we're finished be on your way elf surviving no come more than merrier one moment no don't don't worry take your time uh at Cousy what is that it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now yeah yeah yeah she's right lead on what on it doing it see see We rescued her more the marer we need allies we need help we can we please take this with us come on I want to talk to it I want to talk to it why won't it let me talk to it can I make it what did it say okay you know what you're probably right I probably should I should probably exit the sphincter cannot believe I keep having to say that actually I don't have to do I I'm choosing to okay uh I need to keep is she is everyone fine 10 of 10 we're nearing the helm once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment ladies ladies allow me to take the lead please we need okay ladies did you get that weird feeling that something important about to happen okay that is a heroic stance yes it is we go forth seems simple enough wait a minute W they oh I was going to say Wen they little oh draw connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape no no wait we need to get out of here now I'm I'm wait did so I'm sorry lesser hell Spore imp Commander zal why are we having to fight him is it just because he's going to kill I I I'm on the side of the Mind flare I'm on the side of that I'm not particularly happy about this no I'm not who's that kale suard thank you for the 5o Super Chat okay I am new all right right well we got a giant pig 8 6 six I what have I got ranged attack astral knowledge that doesn't seem particularly useful or piercing strike what's that oh that's with my um now honestly I'm I'm I'm kind of happy with the old ranged attack for now I think although I probably should shoot something that I can kill all right and then I think this is about the right moment read the oh read the transponder before the naid crashing is 15 terms o we we got to get a move on we have definitely got to got to go move on uh what was I thinking I think now is the time to do inspirational Inspire an ally to add plus one die six bonus to their next attack roll ability check or saving Throne when it it lasts until the long rest no that it's but it only does the next attack uh I feel like we probably want to save that so I think I'm going to uh I'm just going to end my turn right and you are a cleric crap I mean great great no great that's brilliant and everything um what what have you got you've got the ability to concussive smash things Firebolt Firebolt is good I'm feeling like Firebolt is a good think what we got here we got spells guiding bolt four die6 radiant is that four di6 radiant damage that that seems like Overkill against that anyway so I think we'll just stick with Firebolt huh oh yeah oh yeah definitely what can she do there she could do Shield of Faith protect a creature from attacks increase armor by two it lasts until the long rest okay that could be useful dip uh I think we should put it on our tank to be honest is that that I think we should put on the tank cuz we're about to send her all right so you not enough movement oh okay does she have ranged attack Rush attack charge forward and attack the first enemy on your way nope there's a limit to that one oh she does have bow attacks though hamstring shot ranged attack that okay she missed you you missed you actually missed can she move oh she can move she can move and do the all right so she can move and do an action can she also loot she can loot H brilliant good to know so moving does not take action take the ship or Zar will have your head take the ship or zarel will have your head okay uh right um now it's me I probably should move a little then as well wonder if the gods are watching me no don't think so and if so they should join um ranged attack again I can just come on all right we got the Imp down and um yeah I think I'm going to end what should I do you should let's not all stack up you should go there and then I want you to guiding bolt is that an AOE whoa he's got 150 Health uh uh okay I I think that let me read everything that one says it does 424 damage radiant damage the next attack roll against this target has Advantage whatever that is I'm sure I'll figure it out oh what what oh well that's just brilliant give him to me trans okay ignore the devil we must take the transponder ignore the devil we must take the transponder okay okay then then then then let's just keep running Make Way um just yeah all right go go go go go oh that M flare oh we got to do it before the M flare dies don't we huh that's what we need to do and move basically cuz once the M flare is dead we're run we need to act fast moving can she can she loot no yes she can nice why not all right [Music] okay go go go go go go I love the fact that I can I can move open stuff and still do an action what action she got wait Rush attack oh she could use the rush attack to move a little IM we got 13 to wait now we're all right we're all right we're all right we're all right let's save that just in case ship hits the ground we're dead yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't waste a step I'm not wasting a step that was not wasted that was totally not wasted do I have anything that makes me go fast no hurry what's plan okay just go oh can't can't go can't go okay we just good there then I mean we've got let's have a look what we got we got hide improvise melee help disengage Dash oh I should use that at the start okay okay I should use that at the start of a round shouldn't I then main attack sacred flame inflict wounds guidance none of this is going to be useful charm Scroll of detect thought Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them okay when it what was that blessings of the trickster create another Grant another creature advantage on stealth checks all right all right so I should do Dash yeah I click out my double your movement okay so so how do what do I she used Dash ah right and now she gets a double taking position go wait hurry before they strike well I was oh there's bloody more of them not enough resources no AC oh she doesn't have an action now crappity crap crap a brilliant pel strike no how many's he got six what does the pmel strike do again one to four she could sh ah that might work all right you know what she's got to get some distance I think so run what about shove all right is ours okay yeah yeah yeah right uh I'm going to Dash and I'm going to I'm going to get here Swift as my feet can carry me and then why can't I sleep oh cuz I use Dash Dash was my action Dash was my action that's why mobile shot oh after using Dash or disengage this I get a mobile shot nice awesome need to stay focused you do you do uh let me have a look Firebolt I sort of I kind of want you to be killing stuff so on the Move Firebolt oh no you missed you actually missed okay well that wasn't good mind Flare still got some health left we're we're all right we're all right okay um taste my Fury nice and you can get there be true you can't do anything you can't do anything is there a oh bonus action pommel strike nope nope nope oh oh oh oh critical myth take this critical Miss what does that mean does that mean he's in bloody trouble light on my feet transponder can I can I use it the Helm's alien transponder you made it in time I I really would like to be on their side I don't think they [Music] agree oh and we didn't loot everything [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay they don't look that [Music] worried oh please tell us they'll be friendly if somehow we manage to survive the exploding ship crashing oh ow I really I'm about to die [Music] or okay as you wake the tadle squirms in your skull e check yourself for injuries orientate yourself where did you land yeah actually the chaos of the crash site confuses the landscape you'll need to find a settlement or landmark and you'll need to do it quickly the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is scking you need a cure right unique items go to your personal chest in Camp during a long rest to find some of your unique items love to small problem don't have a camp also small problem don't know where I am and I'm surrounded by bits of tentacles are going to be a bit of a theme aren't they yeah oh my God they're still alive okay that is marginally revolting can I save the game now I can actually save the game ravaged Beach I'm thinking ladies and gents it is midnight it is midnight oh did you lose the stream is the stream okay yeah I I I I I I did actually the first thing I did when I looked to the beach was press alt it's a bad sign isn't it Elder Scrolls game starts a prisoner laran game start start on the beach did we start on the beach him Divinity original sin I know we ended up on a beach in both of them but I don't think we started there did we okay definitely loving the story here's the thing you know when I chose the voice I thought it was going to read the lines out for me it's it's just voice it's just lines for the odd it's it's a laran game it's very much like divinity original sin 2 isn't it there are some lines that will speak out but the rest of it is no voice it's it feels very Divinity original sin too except more game mechanic sort of with the with the dice rolls which are very coolly done actually I guess I'm going to need to go through all of the things and read every single solitary bloody thing here you know what they all do so I get used to it and then when I start getting a party together I guess I need to just do the same with each and every one am I still level one I'm still level one oh cuz there's my XP bar see this is what I got to do I think what I might do is just boot the game up at some point off stream and just read through a bunch of crap here so that I've got a better idea of what is available to me I promise I will not go anywhere I promise I will not move from the beach I will not do anything and I will not even save the game I just I will look at it and read so I don't have to do it on on the um stream however definitely going to be streaming this next Thursday but there's a small chance I'm going to want to do a random stream if I do a random stream it's going to be a late one though it's going to be like 9 30 9 9:30 it's going once I've got the kids to bed I might be able to run random streams but I don't know when and it's going to be play by ear um you highly recommend redoing the skill panel so it's not a mess of random can I do oh can I move these around common B items passives C oh custom ah so basically it's probably best to just do custom and start adding things that I use on a regular basis right yeah if I do random streams though it's probably going to be very short notice you'll have to keep your eyes on it you have to unlock the bar toggle hot bar lock ah so I can even oh I can do that all right you know what that's going to be useful I might even have a look at that it's getting used to all the little intricacies use melee weapon set what whatever that is use these these will all start to make sense eventually yes they will increase rows oh so I could I can't minimize it any lower than that but I could make it bigger I don't think I'll ever need that people are probably sniggering right now wait opportunity attack do I have opportunity attack reactions respond to events triggers even outside of your turn you can toggle them on or off whether they automatically trigger to ask for input oh okay so this is this is a reaction common so if I do this it's not on but if I do it and someone moves even outside my turn I'll smack them a right these are my common all right and then my bar specific stuff all right it's going to take a little bit of getting used to what did that Alchemy I'll probably get a tutorial to figure that out yeah I'll probably get a tutorial to figure all of this out and I might just have I'm just going to inspect a few things but I will not move and I will not save absolutely um yeah keep you forgot goer can change how this game's dice looks I like the way it looks I'm I'm not going to be modding the game by the way I'm just going to be playing like for example if there are any options for example interface can I shrink things a little bit is it possible to shrink the mini map probably not welcome because oddly enough I kind of like sometimes just getting the camera like this and looking I feel like you get more of a oh wow definitely got a frame rate oh no it's still 120 it's kind of cool looking down there ramler thank you for becoming a member was it hard for the moderators was it were chat misbehaving underwear is actual underwear don't remove during a live stream I'm not totally sure you can because I've got no nudity option so yeah I like certain moments I think I like to look in like if we're trying to look at something look at a view I wish we could actually free cam it if you know I wish we could first person it just just just just to be able to get up and cuz what I want to do now is look up and see what he's seeing that would be awesome wait I can hide the I'll figure it out I will figure it out yeah no it is is it really would be was hell for the poor moderators they've been Champions oh they're going to kill me there is a first person mod yeah I don't want to use any mods on my first playthrough I really don't but it would have been nice if I'd have been able to um um just you know shrink this a little bit and maybe just see what he's seeing even if I could just rotate the camera down so I could look behind him that would be so coolz this is such a gorgeous looking game it is surprising how much it feels like divinity original sin though just with better graphics and and a lot more cutcenes and dialogue type stuff you know like the Cinematic dialogues I'm probably going to try and uh tweak a few things on my stream inside for the next time as well I've learned a lot today um and how was the music does the music need to be louder cuz I've actually found the audio to be relatively quiet in this game compared to all the games I've been streaming I feel like I could definitely boost the music more anyway speaking of visuals does look really good on YouTube yeah one of the reasons I ended up wanting to stream here 1440p and I'm uploading I'm streaming this at a huge bit rate 24K actually so I'm I'm streaming this at three times the bit rate and obviously a lot higher resolution so I'm assuming it looks a lot better the audio levels were perfect so you think I should put the music down I can put the music down then if the if the audio levels were perfect I'll leave it back at 65 how am I finding the game loving it so far you know I mean I've not got far enough into it but it's it's got an interesting looking story I can't figure out whose side I'm supposed to be on I'm going to guess my own so yeah ladies and gentlemen I'm going to get out of here it's almost midnight thank you for joining for this stream I will be streaming this again definitely Thursday and perhaps some random stream if I get free one evening so keep your eyes open I will tweet it I forgot to tweet this one and I will once I know I'm going to do it I will I will queue up I will queue up a stream probably a couple of hours before I'll try and do it as early as possible if if I'm pretty sure I can get free for 9 or 9:30 I'll cure up a stream as early as I know so okay yes so thank you very much I'm going to try and figure out if I can remember how to do the credits and oh I need to [Music] do let's see if that worked yay did it actually subscribers and reubs is that from twitch did we get some did some people twitch resub while I was there lot of new members lot of new members wow a lot of new bloody members actually wow and a bunch of very generous super chats Cloud I just got a cloud conflict with balder's gate on my steam it went popup Cloud conflict have I just lost my save I will be Cloud conflict that happen I'm going to turn keep save games in the steam Cloud for balers Gate 3 I'm going to switch that off if I switch that off I still have the local save that I made correct I saved manually but you know sometimes you get this oh there's a dis there's a problem with your sync would you like to use the cloud save or your local one and it's got to be the loc one but if I if I just say don't save I'm GNA I'm going to turn off the cloud saves I'm GNA turn off the cloud saves so it doesn't even do that I'm never going to play it anywhere else other than right here by the way I thought there was no DLC for this game I bought DLC when I got the game I'm pretty sure I haven't lost it anyway so ladies and gentlemen big thank you to everyone for joining big thank you to everyone donating and every everyone joining up becoming members um I know I missed some of you during cutcenes and things and I do apologize uh I still appreciate it though so thank you very much um I will see you guys soon we will be streaming by the way over on Twitch on Sunday myself and quaro stream Divinity original sin 2 we're some way into it I don't know how far everyone says we're not as far as we think but we're definitely over halfway um if you want to catch up you go to Gophers viz live I've posted the entire playthrough there it's quite a long playlist at this point over a 100 episodes um but we've been multiplayer in Divinity original sin 2 we did the same for divinity original sin one you will find that on the same YouTube channel look at me promoting my other channels go for vids live for all of the other stuff like this um and if you want to see us we will be continuing on Twitch on Sundays with the Divinity original sin 2 so if you want to see that you have to get on Twitch I know some of you don't like it but that's stay in there uh because we started there were 10 and something episodes in going to finish it there so you're more than welcome to join otherwise I we'll see you next Thursday or random if it happens so thank you very much and good night
Channel: Gopher
Views: 45,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gopher, gophersvids, game, gaming
Id: BwpzTNqB5ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 23sec (11003 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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