BALDUR'S GATE 3 | Episode #6 (Don't Mess With Owlbears)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream in order to ensure the highest possible quality of stream please acquaint yourself with the following guidelines number one no spoilers and no backseat gaming I realize that it is extremely tempting to shout out advice or scream he's behind you when the bad guy appears but if you could refrain from doing so it would greatly reduce the stress on other viewers and the moderators there could be exceptions to this rule if I get completely lost and end up basically asking for advice but you'll know when that happens because I'll probably be going okay chat I'm completely lost help me out number two be nice this is a pretty broad guideline But it includes things like being polite to people trying not to pick fights no profanity and of course no bigotry number three no drama this is an extension of number two really be nice but it includes the guideline of not engaging in controversial subjects that are not related to the stream at hand the world is a difficult place there are serious issues that need to be discussed by serious people at a serious place and in a serious manner this is not that place or time this is a place for people to leave their cares and worries behind and just have some fun so please leave any issues you have at the door and just enjoy yourself [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen can you hear me oh good slight technical issues mostly the issue that I forgot I have to click the go live button still not quite used to all the ins and outs of YouTube sorry about that I also figured out what the audio is issue was last time uh for some odd reason something I did muted all of the desktop sounds for me you got sound and I didn't but it was something I did I'm not totally sure why so hopefully this time if we get alerts I will actually be able to hear them I hope I'll get the hang of this I will it'll take few years but I'll get the hang of it human technical issues would never happen to a cat just saying okay early afternoon here in Alaska Alaska is it cold there good late evening from Finland it's definitely cold there right okay so what are we looking at let's have a look 299 concurrent viewers almost 300 almost oh cat cat did a Super Chat testing alert we have to wait for it to appear thank you very much for the $2 Super Chat come on come on alert it's weird isn't it we can see it in the chat long before Oh Amy Duncan $5 Super Chat thank you very much it's like the alert just hides just Waits no rush and it's going to LEAP out on us at a certain moment any minute now alerts please tell me I've got the alerts turned on this is going to be one of those streams um in the last video I decided to try cutting out the the start ramble um to to you know make it a little more viewable to people who come later on so they could skip through me just rambling on apparently that did not go down well people like know so I'm going to leave the rambling and well they asked for it right oh bring this monitor a tad closer so I can see many people do not like the cutting of vods I put the time stamps in as well I just I thought I'd test it out as a as a as a trial did not get well received it took several hours for it to actually process and it looks like it gets rid of the chat which is kind of annoying alerts still not working is streamlabs still having an issue do you think for me cuz that definitely was having a moment I was unable to oh no no no I heard I heard yes we have alerts we have lerts we need lerts lerts acquired it's should use the rambling as a lullab oh so everyone's asleep so they can't see me fail at the game I I'm going to take this opportunity to complain and whine at you guys not about you guys just I need someone to complain and whine that will actually understand what the hell I'm complaining and whining about YouTube keep demonetizing my cyberpunk series and I think they're um what's the word when they're squashing it in the algorithm there we go Amy Duncan thank you very much repressing it and when I challenge them basically I get the message saying there's too much um excessive profanity um can't be monetized and so I challenge it and the message I've gotten back in every single circumstance is um strong profanity such as the fword in the title or thumbnail to give you an idea of the videos that have been getting demonetized they have titles like cars Horseless carriages the the latest one be nice demonetized B extreme profanity in the in the title or the thumbnail be nice it's only on the cyberpunk series as well I I don't get it so either they're lying about it being human checked cuz there's no human could have looked at those thumbnails and title and gone oh yeah definitely that I am mortally offended cars would be nice and I can't even remember the other ones um and I've noticed here's the thing the cyberpunk videos are not doing well they're not people are not viewing them it's it's I'm I'm sort of thinking maybe just people at border Cy but people seem to like that game at the moment see Starfield people hate every there's there's a big backlash against Starfield so no one wants to watch the series um even though you know I quite like it but nobody's watching in cyberpunk either so it's like I'm wondering I'm wondering if I'm being squashed or if it's just not a game or it's just it could just be the way of things cuz when it comes down to it I've been losing viewers steadily since 2016 this could just be the inevitable heat death so to speak but it is I get a bit suspicious when they start to demonetize me this aggressively over titles like be nice and cars so yeah I'm I've I've asked for a human review I immediately got a couple of automated responses I don't know if those automated respons the automated responses said pretty much oh we agree with them but at the same time they also said someone is looking into it so I don't know if that's just yet another cuz I contacted someone and got a human response at least I think so probably AI response uh but I just maybe it's the thumbnail the thumbnails got the words be nice in it and the same cyberpunk image that all the other thumbnails have got and it's it's one of the generic box art images I don't know how it would classify I mean unless cyberpunk is now considered extreme profanity along the levels of the f word so so yeah it's um maybe change the thumbnail background but again though I mean like that you would expect it to hit every single one of the thumbnails and it's like I tried I tried changing the title and re-uploading one and got the same hit so it's not there some I changed cars to Horseless carriages there's something in the video I think I think there's something in the video but it's not telling me what it is it keeps telling me it's strong profanity in the title or the thumbnail I think it's got to be something else I think there automated systems picking up something I mean the game does contain profanity but then a lot of the games that I play do so I mean here's the thing though you can't be banning cyber punk you can't be making cyberpunk a bad word word on YouTube I mean there'd be so many videos getting flagged as not fit for for monetization it it would be ridiculous right there's got to be something there's got to be something in the video itself I think and I don't think it's in the start either because I've been listening to the start there must be something there must be too much profanity or something maybe I just have load of conversations and I don't know but you know I just I don't get it at all and I do feel like well it's getting the same views as Starfield and Starfield obviously that one dipped pretty damn quickly once the once the hate started pouring in so maybe a song yeah they us that's usually a very different warning you get so did I have the same issue with the first series no I did not no I did not so yeah don't know I keep thinking maybe it's radio tracks or something but I've got all the I mean well obviously I've got the copyright stuff off because otherwise I'd get a copyright strike and that's very different this isn't saying I'm using copyrighted material it's saying the material is not suitable for advertisers so it can't be the song cuz all they' do then is they'd they'd run adverts on it it'd be suitable for the ad but they just give money they take the money and give it to whoever the song owns by that actually will never happen because I will immediately remove the video or replace the sound um but it's been pretty good about telling you when the new cyberpunk vids okay I don't know maybe it's just not popular maybe that's just my channel now I I I have like I said I've noticed since 20 2016 basically since I stopped playing Fallout 4 My Views been going down maybe I should play Fallout 4 for the rest of my life until we all go slowly mad I will not be playing Fallout 4 for the rest of my life before any of you panic although I will be playing Fallout London maybe it'll get a boost uh I to be honest with you I'm not a big believer in the whole it's the game thing games can suppress you VI quite a bit but generally speaking I I get quite a lot of the um I get quite a lot of messages like you need to play game X you will get 10 times more views and hit a million subscribers and you know and it never happens um so balers gate doing well no not really well I mean look balers gate was doing well the first few streams last stream it's it's it seems to be on the same trajectory which is fine people I think people like to watch the first few videos of something see how it is get a sense of it and then just they lose interest so also you could have played balers Gate 3 when it was new you would have gotten more views yeah people say that and it never happens either I've played games when they come straight out and they don't get more views than if I play them later in fact sometimes it's the complete opposite sometimes playing a game later because everyone's watching the big guys or you know so someone's all of a sudden looking for it so all the thing is is the analytics tell me the same story through and through it's just people are not really watching my Let's Plays anymore so that's just how it works I'm afraid so they watch then they go play themselves right maybe that's why playing old games might be the best way to do it play old games did I see the new Metro VR game no I didn't I mean when it comes down to it the games that do well on my channel are well were Fallout 4 Skyrim oh and Witcher three oddly enough Witcher three consistently most new series get get a a good amount of views in the first few episodes U but then they always it always goes down Fallout 4 Witcher 3 and Skyrim how did Mass Effect do same just not it's just average normal what about the horror games exactly the same it's just you don't think long format gameplay content is just less popular now I think that's it Elias maybe my content is just too long form now I know some people like it that long form maybe I need to start splitting it up into 20 minute chunks and posting less a week I don't know is it just a let's play Channel thing I don't know I I got to be honest worse performing series the current two cyber Punk and Starfield but it's it's it's not like any of the recent series have been particularly good to be honest I think it's just I think you know after covid people got less time for long form either that or I'm just getting you know people have had enough of me which is something I've always expected you have a baker dozen of subscriptions two of those slots are your channels I don't want to lose you to the awful YouTube algorithm well I don't think I'm going to lose but it's like there is this very very slow dry thing I'm not a do up girl with a webcam I might be I just have a very deep voice oh I don't have the webcam of course oh I don't no don't give me guys don't I'm not I don't think I'm going away anytime soon soon but um yeah I may end up having to shake things up a little bit the weird thing is I get the feeling that if I if I there are certain things like Leonard I could bring Leonard back for an encore chapter I think that would do pretty well but it's you know what it is it's old bgs games old bgs games those seem to be the most popular on my channel but obviously can't I can't do that all the time cuz I just I would end up getting bored of it I need to do something new I need to do it cuz no one's going to watch me do you know like people people accuse me of milking Skyrim already but no one's actually going to watch me milk Skyrim if I just play Skyrim because I know it'll get views it actually won't get views so it's just one of those things Derek I I've dusted off the Derek let's um the the load order I've checked it all out I've even believe it or not I've updated to anniversary edition Skyrim and made sure the Leonard load order is working so I've got I keep these things relatively up to date I need to do the same for Taylor 2 wastelands as well because you know what there there could be a day where I just suddenly get the urge and I do sometimes think God I want to just go back to Skyrim and do something with Leonard but this the problem is is it's never going to be the same but it's still it'd be more for Nostalgia than anything either do a modded DLC or do some other content I've not done yet it will never be the same Leonard is too damned powerful now he too damned it's it's moved on but just for Nostalgia Tale of Two wastelands will continue that's absolutely for certain um so the update didn't influence the playr right well it shouldn't I managed to load the save everything fine yeah but like I said it's I can't just do it at any old moment as well first of all I got to have a slot in the uh in the timetable I do um I can't be abandoning series halfway through because that will that will almost certainly kill the channel um but I'm thinking Fallout London might be a good one you think I'm more popular with a mature audience oh definitely my my statistics definitely show I'm my my viewers are definitely they skew more to the older Generations AOW is coming up this year could scratch an elder yeah yeah I've heard about AOW I've heard mixed reports about it we have to see if I've got time to play and put it on the channel what I've decided from now on though is is I'm not going to start doing a let's play the second game comes out I'm going to make sure um that it's a game people want to see basically bloodlands masquerade 2 yeah that looks interesting this year though this year it's stalker 2 Fallout London I think stalk probably will not be that popular but I I think it'll get some solid support um maybe you should divide your let's play into chapters well I do don't I Leonard is like 10 chapters in right now yeah maybe release the First episodes of a new series for members only first first for feedback yeah but all my members going to get annoyed I start releasing uh one or two Let's Play videos see how they think it is and there's the other thing members are they're they're probably the people who like my content and actually don't have too much of a preference game wise so it might not actually give me a good indication of whether or not it will work with the general audience to be honest with you though I I don't ever I don't think I'm ever going to get a big gen General audience it's more about my keeping my core audience happy but obviously when I start getting problems like I'm getting with cyberp Punk it's it's worrying shall we say Red Dead Redemption 2 was fantastic I loved playing that game I do not regret playing that game but again not a popular series on the channel just Play Systems shock Tik Tok will love it I've got System Shock I keep meaning to play it for myself really miss Tales of Two Wasteland well Tales of Two Wasteland is not gone forever I finished um the main quest but I've still got a couple of DLCs and yeah no I've got a couple of DLCs I've got three DLCs actually got three DLCs so I'm almost certainly going to come back with Joshua that's almost certainly going to happen um so criticism of the cyberpunk let's play at the moment is that the slow steady hacker approach is killing the pacing see the thing is is you could have said that about Leonard though the Leonard let's play and the Leonard let's play again the last one that really got good views what number of views qualifies as popular I don't know 6 and 7,000 views in the first week Tale of Two tast Tale of Two wastelands will take us to the Mojave right I don't think so I think uh from what I gather when you go to the moabi it just resets your character from what I'm gathering you just plunk back down to level one so it's starting again so it's just you know that's what I that's what I read so I'm not totally sure there's any actual point I've done a New Vegas playthrough mostly so welcome minion rhon Al Al Danel has become a new member welcome got that alert before it popped up in the chat that's good you wonder if someone's reporting the cunk videos I don't know it could just be not popular could just be not popular there could just be people generally still burned from the initial launch I don't know but you know could just be people are fed up of seeing Starfield videos that don't want to come to the channel That is believe it or not I think a thing I think there's there's there there is there's a there's a section of the The Gaming Community that isn't just disappointed with Starfield who doesn't like it but sort of actively hates it in some way I do get that feeling CU I do get the odd hate comment which is always strange to me they might be waiting for you to get to the DLC for cyber that might be true uh but I'm going to do the DLC last I don't no spoilers please no spoilers I'm going to do the DLC last because I've heard it's possibly got another ending but I don't know how it works don't tell me how it works don't tell me if it's got another end in i don't want to know um but if so I basically want to have done most of the rest of the content beforehand just in case so what I'm probably going to do is get very close to the point of no return and then do the DLC and I'll probably do it as a separate let's play so I'm going to do Phantom Liberty I'll tell you another thing though I'm wondering if it's the way I've changed the titles recently I tried doing instead of having game name and then title all the experts were saying no you should have title of episode and then the game at the end so you know something like uh be nice SL cyberpunk episode 32 or something whereas I used to do it the other way around cyberpunk 32 and then the title I wonder if it's that I wonder if I wonder if all these experts are totally full of crap and that you should put the game first I don't know still like Starfield yeah I mean I haven't played it in a month or two I haven't played it in a month or two but yeah I like Starfield it wouldn't I wouldn't say it fills me with the same kind of longing that I think star um Skyrim fills me with I don't think honestly but yeah I thoroughly enjoyed it I mean you know it's in in many ways it's a step up for Bethesda it's just unfortunately some of the things that make Bethesda game studios games what they are namely the travel system was just so bad it does get real frustrating and real boring towards the end once once you're about 30 or 40 hours into the game you do get loading screen fatigue but I still enjoyed the game I still enjoyed the quests it's you know it's it's that mechanic of travel that's just not doing it you truly believe Skyrim was lightning caught in a bottle um I don't no cuz because morrowwind and Oblivion were pretty much the same and what they had the core following I think Skyrim benefited from the mod Community just getting better and better and better as well but I think I think I don't know there's lightning in the bottle I think Skyrim was the right game at the right time Mike oh my God I'm going to mess this up Ste Ste ten Roth welcome new member my Witcher three let's play play was much better cinematic experience than the Netflix cringe well thank you very much ugai interestingly enough I've been doing a let's play of Witcher 3 for myself recently just that's been my me game doing a sign build just for the LOLs carried on from um I did a I did a second playthrough of Witcher 2 where I went with the sky Tel so I actually I've I've continued on with that not recorded it before anyone asks it's just for me for me me so you need to do a New Vegas playthrough focus on speech this time oh hell no new Fallout New Vegas with speech with good speech skills is hella boring that's what made the Jack let's play what it was I think the fact that he could not use and abuse the almighty Godlike speech skill it got him in so much trouble and that was was the fun that was the fun when you play about a game by yourself do you end up rping or talking in character when you're not recorded no I don't talk to the character when I'm recording um I don't think I I don't no I don't think I I I get into it quite the way as I do when I do a let's play because I don't talk talking to the characters drags you in more than you realize way more than I realize it's why I enjoy let's playing so much because it does it lets me sink so much more into the game this is why I prefer first- person games so I can talk to people face to face why have I never done an oblivion play through I guess I've been waiting for Sky Oblivion really I could do another Skyrim character ah to be honest with you I I mean I've got Derek I've got Derek Derek is my Skyrim VR character um I may start him up again that was a ton of fun I don't think I'm going to be going back to Skyrim to do another let's play I've done three four if you count Derek go for play a game that makes you happy well cyber Punk is making me happy I'm playing cyberpunk at the moment I'm getting quite far into it um I'm loving what they've done with the game once I do once I finish up to about the point of no return I'm going to do a follow-up review um that will be before I play Phantom Liberty but I'm thoroughly enjoying what they've done with it and I will be doing once I finished Phantom Liberty the let's play I'll probably do two or three playthroughs myself to test different builds and thank you for the $2 2 Super Chat yeah ILO thank you for the membership St field is too empty for me to enjoy watching anyone play it uh okay I mean I'm not sure what we mean by empty if you mean on the planets yeah if you walk go to the empty planets it gets really empty um unless you're in a hub and the dialogue is pretty awful well the dialog is Bethesda I mean in actual fact believe it or not they've up their game the dialogue in Starfield is better than it's been in any of their previous games um again that's that's um was it damning with faint praise I guess you know it's um I still think it was it was a step up on their previous stuff so hugtan new member thank you Forum 42087 new member thank you very much you literally tried playing Skyrim the other day and couldn't even get past the tutorial without rolling your eyes is uninstalling it I I get it I still have I have such Nostalgia for Skyrim that I I still oh I love it but you know I do think there's very little I could do with it now that I've not already done or at least I think I'm saving it for things like Sky wind Sky Oblivion yak yak Jam thank you for the membership okay let's have a look maroin dialogue is literally Mastery oh God maroin dialogue it depends what you mean if you're talking about some of the uh main quest um dialogue Parts yeah the dialogue system in mowind though was sheer evil it was horrible the dialogue system was horable um but yeah some of the I mean some of the written stuff would have been good but the fact that it also wasn't voice acted really made it very hard to connect to but it was the it was the system the dialogue system was absolutely awful it was a hypertext document yeah wolf F said it literally a hypex markup document oh and it it brought out the absolute worst in me is anyone else guilty of this you you end up after the first hour or so of morrowwind your way of having a conv ation would be to talk to someone very quickly click on every single purple bloody word and as it appeared in the was it the left hand on the right hand side you'd click all the new appearing things really really really really really rapidly until you'd run out of purple things to click and then you'd quickly scroll through all the stuff that had come and see if there was anything new that you'd not heard from 10 other guards because that was for me that was the morrowwind conversation experience oh it drove me nuts but at the same time oh my god did I love the atmosphere and the world and just traveling around it but that's what Bethesda do well they've never done dialogue particularly brilliantly I mean I play cyberpunk right now and I'm just the dialogue is phenomenal I even love the dialogue system and you compare it to anything Beth and it just it knocks the crap out of it and I've recently did the the the Bloody Baron quest in Witcher three and it's like oh my God although I've got to say playing both games at the same time I realize they have improved um in in dialogue flow for cyberpunk quite a lot go far I know you hate mini games but I'm sure you agree Oblivion lockpicking better than Fallout no because it's more frustrating it's actually harder and there is there is um there is a penalty for failing whereas with with let's face it with the Fallout ones there's no penalty for failing you can't fail a Fallout lock it's just a Time sync with Oblivion you could fail them and you could you could bust the lock which which did have an effect but my god did I hate the system do I prefer the female uh V voice actor for the male oh female female voice actor superb and I got to tell you now corpo lines beat everything L okay I don't know how to say that lat 7A L latza welcome love the icon by the way you love the cyberpunk series fve's internal voice being a disgruntle middle-aged British man brings me so much joy LOL By the way I don't know if you've noticed for some odd reason and this was never intentional I've I've made my female v a bit of a road rager this was not intentional I knew she was going to like cars but there's something about the game and playing this character I just thoroughly enjoyed leaning out of a window screaming abuse at people anyway anyway you know what h I think I've rambled long enough we are now going to test the theory as to whether or not the people uh watching the vods mind me leaving the rambling I think now we should actually start the game oh I push my look sometimes don't I it's only been 40 minutes where was I and what was I [Music] doing L this the t7 was just an alternative spelling got it excellent I thought it looked like L but I just I always worry anyone from twitch would expect it yeah I know new audience but it's no it's not the it's the people watching the vods the people watching the vods stone door what was in remind me didn't we go into the stone door we went into the stone door but it leads back to the camper came from didn't it yeah it leans back into the emerald Grove so I was actually continuing on West to rescue Druid hsen PSA you want me to do the PS you want me to do the PSA One Last Time really should I do the PSA One Last Time how many hours have you been on act one I don't know not that long really probably nah don't need to do it not really we'll do it during a break we'll do it during a break right okay moving in and we don't have LEL with we going to do okay we've got we got some people up ahead oh people up ahead okay something's wrong yeah definitely something like that worries me okay you're a true Soul you can't die please stay with us I I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer okay we're here to help a strange symbol glows marked on their flesh and something within you stirs in response oh wait I will go where I wish what a lith being implanted with a mind flare Tad ball is a fate worse than death isn't it wisdom yeah no medicine I've got medicine plus one right his wounds look deep I might be a to help I might I don't know if I can but I might I'm willing to try is that a good idea wisdom I don't think I'm very good at that can I change character are any of these good oh no I can but I can't do isn't she better at medicine ooh ah all right should I ask what happens first I think right what happened to your friend first of all an oil bear please do you have any shut up andri do you serve the absolute wait the injured man locks eyes with you a familiar squirming churns in your head these hold his stair no I'm going to hold his stair your minds intertwin you see his siblings andri and Brena new recruits yours to Shepherd what protect them he is a true soul mind him he will he can I can I try can I try using the medicine now oh no Edwin Ed please he's with the absolute now you're you're a true Soul Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin okay no oh God see he had a tad bow in his head like me you almost I'm no true s what is a true Soul what is a true Soul explain this absolute to me what are you are you testing us the absolute is our goddess she's going to rip down the old world order start a new one then we'll be the ones with the power well you will firstly trul you don't need me to explain that a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule okay that fellow had a tad pole in his head and they consider him blessed chosen what Madness is this yeah okay AC crude summary you have more learn of your faith do I pretend you're mistaken I'm no truth perhaps you can help me I'm looking for the Druid hon why are you out here you forget the AL Albert you're still alive so go why are you out here this Wilderness is dangerous we know that all too well sir but the absolute sent us here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here why are they fugitives these fugitives tell me more we don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured that's enough to get us started the absolute wants them found at any cost okay should I admit to being a survivor of that crash I feel like I should at this point they worship people like us and he had a tadpole in his but he I mean it sounded like he wanted me to look after them he said followers which sounded a bit scary but okay all right I yeah I'm a survivor of the crash well actually a number of us are looks like you found me you br kill him wait what I guess the answer was no so it wasn't to come and help them and okay so that was ever so slightly annoying right question right he can't go and hide can he pass his turn can he delay his turn I always I probably already asked this and then forgotten can he delay his turn I don't think he can oh this is kind of annoying all right then I guess we're just going to do shooty shooty all right let's have a look you've got 15 you got 19 let's just start okay and was that it anything else oh he can do he can do multiple I got to remember this haven't I potion of invisibility don't need that cunning action Dash don't think he needs to do anything at the moment there's only two of them no choice but to keep going yeah I think what I'm going to do oh wa it does he have an attack of opportunity can I can I find out examine opportunity attack so if I if I run this person will attack me yes damn it all right then I shall not main hand attack we can in strike piercing strike all right oh I missed that's not good okay so then I shall what's this potion of speed flourish or push ooh two turns flourish one to four damage she's taking no D have we been have we just been missing all the time here right now we're totally getting our backsides handed to us right now aren't we in did he forget he had a rapia no I just hit them with a rapia okay this wait right okay so ah not doing too good so I think he should do we oh he doesn't have a bloody potion he doesn't have a bloody potion brilliant okay then I'm going to move him back a tad and I'm going to zap the living crap out of you I think what are my options here magic Missile okay Tor okay and do you have any can trips that could be used no I need to get him some uh some potions talk to me okay let's see eight of 9 can we take health potions from other people's in inventories doesn't that cost actions no wrong game okay wrong game I actually do you have anything cuz he's only got eight of nine no all right oh she could actually do a healing word does that take an action no that is a bonus action all right well first of all let's absolutely smiter this person oh for God's sake how why can't she do oh that's a bonus action it's all so unfortunately requires a slot and she doesn't have one God damn it that didn't work okay so okay now can he sneak attack can he sneak attack I mean he can't hide cuz they can see him sneak attack melee he can't right we need we need he needs advantage to do that he's threatened we don't have we don't have Advantage if flanks you can sneak attack I can how do I know if I've got Advantage you can if he has Advantage does he have Advantage he has Advantage how do I how do I see that how do I see this is it somewhere I can see it allies in melee range of the enemy try I just try but how do I see if he's got Advantage is that isn't there is something that shows me advantage or an ally near to the enemy all right so as long as this okay oh you got backstabbed with a rapia I feel like he should have a dagger in his hand I really do what bonus attacks he got uh um let's have a look oh W it can he go there and then the subtle approach yes not sure what bonus benefit that is okay okay so let's have a look I've got vicious mockery that takes is that a can trip it's a can trip I can do that as often as I like can't I I can do that as often as I like and they have disadvantage on their next attack roll yes I'm going to do that for neighbor a loome neighbor not enough resources action okay uh what can she do then she can't do anything she can't actually do anything there's nothing for her to do um oh wait no she could actually take potion of speed that's the bonus action if she does this wait no that was oh that was me I'm an idiot I thought i' passed my turn on to her okay uh oh no it's the start of a new bloody turn isn't it it's the start of a new bloody turn okay right got it got it got it got it all right well I can now I can now do this can't I can now run forward and think you can take me on oh God how am I missing this much how am I missing this much imp potion speed gives you another action oh God I should have read the potion I should have read the potion a damn site more carefully okay stop making assumptions and start [Music] okay when it wasn't wasn't that it tor okay okay that did not go well at least things have stayed interesting this is true leather armor face right so memo to self if people start talking about like I am enjoying our walks together true Souls you what what's going on what's what's going on um sure in silence I was lethargic why am I lethargic am I tired am I tired you can stop sneaking now still breathing I can't remember how to stop him how do I get him to sneak geez what the group up there's a there's a there's a sneak keep your distance oh no it's C isn't it but it's it's the one that takes an action got it got a long road ahead uh and where was the other person andri CH chain mail heavy armor okay a long sword oh speed potion makes you lethargic I need to start reading things before I take them gain an extra action point plus two bonus to Armor class advantage on dexterity saving throws and double your movement speed I was just going for movement speed cuz I thought you could run forward and stab but I thought it was a different character as well I thought it was her you know what I think we need a long sleep because we're in a pretty damned bad what let's check Edwin though strange power resonates within the corpse it calls to you okay your limbs move of their own accord there's something of value something your mind craves okay why let its hosts memories go to waste the tadpull has absorbed it all its experience could nourish you strengthen you let your body guide wel strength the tadp is toying with you force your mind shut you will not be influenced by an elith p it wait it's trying to grant me power but is it is it trying to control me [Music] ooh oh I'm not good with strength am I I'm not good with strength let your body guide you welcome the Tad's influence no I will not be forced into this no wisdom it's my best add a bonus okay going to do it we're going to do it we're going to do it we're going to do it I need 12 [Applause] hey your muscles loosen the tple breaks free of its deceased host your mind is your own again for now [Music] okay yeah I've only got one tadpole in my head I think two maybe one too many well actually two too many oh oh Journal updated find a cure we met some cultists who worship a deity named called the absolute one of them could telepathically communicate with us which means they were infected too yeah okay y I'm still thinking we should Camp because yeah right oh need to find a way forward I am very tempted to take lazel with us we got a bit of an ass kicking there we definitely did okay who was that oh give me a second maybe we take a quick break Zara Andra Hill I missed I missed the whole name thank you very much 100 Norwegian Crona Super Chat thank you very much did I disable the karmic dice I believe so yes I like the music having to Hope on a a dice roll can bring so much stress well that's D and D for you isn't it that's DND D it's part of the process it's fun I'm going to go top up I need another drink so don't forget to use your familiars to scout ahead do I have a familiar what familiar I don't think I have a familiar yet anyway yeah we're definitely going to do a long sleep I think this one I definitely need to okay see you guys in a few [Music] minutes better for for for for ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream in order to ensure the highest possible quality of stream please acquaint yourself with the following guidelines number one no spoilers and no backseat gaming I realize that it is extremely tempting to shout out advice or scream he's behind you when the bad guy appears but if you could refrain from doing so it would greatly reduce the stress on other viewers and the moderator there could be exceptions to this rule if I get completely lost and end up basically asking for advice but you'll know when that happens because I'll probably be going okay chat I'm completely lost help me out number two be nice this is a pretty broad guideline But it includes things like being polite to people trying not to pick fights no profanity and of course no bigotry number three no drama this is an extension of number two really be nice but it includes the guideline of not engaging in controversial subjects that are not related to the stream at hand the world is a difficult place there are serious issues that need to be discussed by serious people at a serious place and in a serious manner this is not that place or time this is a place for people to leave their care some worries behind and just have some fun so please leave any issues you have at the door and just enjoy yourself [Music] okay and I'm back is it best to talk to everyone before sleeping or after sleeping okay so anything else I'm no nothing nothing new to say to you yeah I I'm leaving you here until we've saved the Druid I'm going to bring you out for the cred FR I think I'd like some time to what's on your mind okay I think I think I have a magical artifact she be interest oh would I your enterprising approach to my problem is most encouraging but it is a delicate process to keep my condition stable I do not yet need to consume an item but keep it close by not be too much longer okay I was wondering that condition of yours why does it require magic think of it as tribute the kind a king might pay to a more powerful neighbor to avoid Invasion see now as long as I pay there will be peace but should I ever stop along comes a war are you possessed the battlefield would extend well beyond the borders of my body alone yeah I get it if we don't feed you magic something spanks out even murders us all yeah you definitely worrying me here definitely all right and where is oh there you are oh we should go through all of our gear as well okay all's well I hope aside from the obvious yeah about that we just had to kill a bunch of people who were going to worship us as a god um I want to talk about what's happening to us do I maybe yes fine what's on your mind um nothing to be honest there apparently nothing not a thing not an absolute soding thing let's can I right none of you can use heavy armor leel can though right should we save this armor let's have a look just in case it's better than hers cuz it might be it might be so I guess probably should entertain the idea that she wants it 16 let's just put it down here for now long sword is that a versatile okay that's not for me definitely I think we're probably going to sell this now if I add to wees and then I stick it in my that was my Wares bag wasn't it this one it loses doesn't it lose its we State oh yeah it does it's kind of annoying question can I how do I oh I can do that can I add multiple to where I can what happens if I move both of these and then select them and add to where they both come out all right so that's the way to do this anything I want to sell I can just stick inside here and sell on mass when we find a Trader good to know why am I carrying skulls nobody knows nobody acid vial these sound useful what am I keeping in here I'm keeping alchemical components I'm guessing this happens automatically cuz I don't remember sticking them in there which means none of these are alchemical camp supply [Music] keychain fire Amber so this this is for crafting that is just for selling acid vial hurl an acid vial that explodes on impact rope I feel like we should always have some rope Onyx celis CTIC bulb don't know bottle oh is that for crafting probably all right anything else no that no we're keeping this the Ring of I've got a silver band and I've got why have I got these I mean they're very pretty but I want the Ring of leui definitely mysterious artifact bound silver locket probably to sell silver necklace to sell book final breath I'm going to send these to the chest because I am too lazy to walk over to the chest that's right there yes I am rotten chicken eggs for some odd reason I want to try those out don't know why all right can I use arrows of ice with my crossbow probably not they're bolts do they are they heavy they seem a little heavy right you know what we'll keep them just in case we find a you know we might find someone who uses bow and then this type okay so I've now got my stuff sorted and I think we just sleep and end of the day here we go let's get all of our stuff back you can use them oh we can fire those from crossbows you have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points and spell slots if you long rest yes concentration oh okay you know what I've changed my mind about the arrows apparently we can use them uh oh right everybody wants to chitchat now okay let's CH J finally some good fortune come morning we know what to do nice outfit the sooner we find the Druid house in the better I can't wait to get rid of this thing in my head right uh how are you feeling the same these parasites are proving suspiciously benign yeah suppose I turn what would you do uh maybe I could leave you tied up while I hunted for cure no hesitation I just end your misery then and there let's not do this I don't like hypotheticals if you turn into Mon um tie you up I got to be honest with you I've got to be honest with you I think I think I'd probably just end it for you because I don't think at that point there's any cure I don't think there's any cure so I'm afraid I think it probably just have to end it let's hope it doesn't come to that though wise oh I hope you'd miss me after I'm gone I think I would if the positions were reversed you're all right if we're to make it through all this there can be no room for hesitation you're doing well it's a beautiful night I think I'll stay up to enjoy it while I still can rest well okay definitely getting a friendly vibe there definitely getting a friendly Vibe you know I've been thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring when we find the Druid will he know how to bring the worm under control will this little adventure of ours be over it doesn't have to be we can still travel together probably once once the worm is gone I'm going on my own way oh we can still travel together oddly enough I this is this is why I'm out here I want to discover the world find adventure and write epic songs about it so we can still travel together good I don't want you to run off just yet okay you're making it creepy now very creepy you're quite the Ally after all traversing a verus surviving the crash surviving everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for yeah it's muscle to body weight ratio it's people always make that mistake with Giani thought you didn't like me truly I'm pretty impressive I'm just trying to survive I like you I have many talents I if you if you want to to be honest with you I did get the impression you weren't that Keen on me you have your charms more than you think the smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a bit too perfect he may not mean a word he says probably not okay watch yourself aaran you're too close I think watch yourself aarion as a little bit too aggressive you're a little too close of course terribly sorry I was just going anyway I need to clear my head I'm sure I'll see you when I get back sleep TI yeah yeah okay h a fine evening don't you think yep the Moonlight shines warmly on us the breeze caresses our faces hideous all of it seriously I were doing battle up there among the tears okay perhaps fyon has its value you shouldn't discount it just yet the tears of saloon you mean with a ruthlessness born of the Mind flares enslaved ganki ride the astral sea a top of Red Dragons bringing their silver swords and cionic might to Bear against any trace of a lithin message yeah you're talking about the tears of saloon right yes Rocky bodies named after a false goddess look above watch the moon cross the sky the tears follow behind it Rocky bodies tumbling through the sea of night one of them is my crash clear see you're sounding quite poetic now and pleasant did you only train with the tears only my entire clutch battled beholders within the eye of the sky tunnels we infiltrated a neogi spell Jammer and laid waste to its crew the tears span torl Sky there is more to the realm than this grassy pebble K but enough of this you are wasting your resting time come Dawn we resume our search for a crash yeah amongst a number of other things that we're doing definitely but yes okay so apparently G doesn't need to talk to me okay so I'll know I will sense if people want to chat okay she was almost pleasant when she was looking up at the sky right anyway uh when it Auto Select let's have a look okay it's going to select oh no I I approve I approve wait no no whoa whoaa whoa whoa whoa I'm I I'm I'm sorry we only need 40 what what what was that 40 four you got three two I F I mean that is enough what do you with 44 but you should be able to do this somehow let's have a look we got three two 12 7 24 that's 20 so off what we got here 5 one two all right so if we do this we need to lose 10 10 we can lose 10 bang Auto Select sucks This is 40 of 40 you see full rest wasting food that sounded right excellent so we're all never a dull moment ready and rearing to go okay still no symptoms who no sign of tentacles so far the same except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away okay that I can relate to so you guys are not cheerful morning people then I mean I get it like wait save the refugees return to oh no that's just because we've not cumberry fire the only way we can save the refugees is to free is to rescue the Druid hen wow we have totally not made it anywhere okay right and how do I just do this no one back home will ever believe this all as well that ends not as bad as it could have so you you everyone's negativity is rubbing off on me it's very okay whisp weed always room for more okay recipe unlocked supplement of whsp weed leather boot why are there leather boots here wisp weed mergrass there's an open coffin with a wooden spoon does anybody know why there's an open Cofe here with a wooden spoon in it or why I'm getting the desire to okay North is up there is that a cave I just see before me a cragged rock leading upwards yeah that's that's a cave Al track it Nest must be nearby okay so guys out for owl bears do you think we can I think we I want to go this owl bear killed those Travelers I don't know whether we should thank It All Things Considered but okay all right what is that it looks like a part a junction let's move let's be careful I'm seeing some stuff down there let's just nice waterfall that's stench dead Al prey no doubt the eviscerated Goblin heavy Stone despite fitting easily in your hand this rough Stone has a good weight to it why would I want a heavy Stone I'm going to keep that for some odd reason another heavy stone pickaxe do we need a pickaxe I don't think we do need a pickaxe which you never know I've got a heavy Stone if we need one yeah there's an alluring bunch of treasure over there and okay there would seem to be an owl be so the AL be is not guarding the way here okay come back up here yeah those heavy Stones didn't seem all that heavy which makes me think they're heavy for the size okay I can't see anything so let's go down saluna statue in a stinking cave hardly a place of honor okay you can't aford to stay idle you know of this place okay what am I hearing almost Scroll of Arana failed what about the rest of you I kind of failed come on Gale to the nearest library a wizard sealed this chest wasn't an amateur either okay can he oh before I do anything before I give up now do anything long Strider I can cast this on all of us right cuz it's a ritual spell and boy do I like putting a show on about [Music] it and speak with animals can only do this to one person right oh it's only on self isn't it I think ooh do you guys have anything no you don't do you you have anything I applaud your taste okay right so Scroll of detect thoughts taking potion of animal speaking don't need war between no potion of healing oh we should definitely spread the love I think we should spread the love who does not have a you have a healing potion you don't you do then how do I how do I split them two one okay yeah uh two will do okay just important that we all have at least one I think war between Saloon and Shar read a Dusty volume that speaks of the conflict between a sibling goddesses Saloon and sha after Saloon ignited the Sun and brought life sustaining light and warmth to the universe okay that isn't what caused oh no pick up okay so oh glass chalice so here's the thing uh come can he open this about my magic pick up open oh this this this is probably going to seem a little what to do how delicious you know a long way to go still yeah yeah got to keep moving but G I'm sure can can you open this protective magic should have known does that mean you can't how then how how how examine okay made of precious stone and car covered in Gold the this chest is both sturdy and pleasing to the eye okay but there's got to be a way of opening this is this going to be one of those things where you can't pick it you need a magical spell to open it if so that's annoying all right so there's nothing of Interest back there candle all right so shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times I guess we go and see what the AL bear is guarding maybe it's maybe it's a a spell a scroll a potion okay you feel the Quake of its heavy footsteps before you see it an owl bear its beaked face looming out of the darkness okay why is she oh was I going forward with her first okay performance puff out your chest and raw no that should be me she she's terrible at performance she's terrible at performance survival back away plus three from wisdom animal handling oh I can talk to animals though right that's terrible cuz she's got no Charis she's got wisdom so survival and animal handling study the alart Bear's Behavior Okay add a bonus definitely need the Bic inspiration I think oh okay the Al's one good eye flicks away for a moment you follow its glance and see an Al bear cub oh hold out your palms you mean no harm the AL bear stares then sharply inhales your scent it sits back its eyes still fixed on you a silent ultimatum you can leave now or step closer and die oh I'm I'm thinking we leave no one stopped me yet now we're K killing an Al bear and a Al bear baby how much farther can I go unfortunately there's just sort of I feel like I wanted to talk to can can I go back and talk to it with me cuz I can speak cutting words opportunity when it no didn't I blood speak to that animal original cast speak with animal oh no they're over here they're over here that's right long Str over here um I wait can comprehend and communicate with beasts does that include an owl Bear all right what now does that include an ow bear I I want to talk I want to talk talk I just want to let's get going not distressed something on my mind this is probably a bad idea oh yeah that was a terrible idea okay right it was but it looked it looked under over here okay so they're all in combat now honestly though it looked distressed way to go talk to it not enough oh I am so very dead now yeah no I am like the deadest of the wait surely it's me first I am like the deadest of the Dead uh all right dash where's flee I'm trying to remember where flea was flea combat enemy too close okay so what I want to [Music] do oh wait can it climb up there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh can it climb up there uh if I do a dash I can get wait yeah yeah I want I want a I want a dash I want to dash want a dash I can do this I can get all the way up to here have to keep going oh okay can I now flee enemy Too Close oh God 27 M oh well I'm am I thought that would be nicely out of the way mind you where the hell am I going to flee to there okay can you guys flee wow how far away do we need to be to flee very far step quick enem is still too close how about Dash Okay flee yes where the hell oh we flee back to the camp we flee back okay flee uh Dash and don't get too close Fleet yes and okay right what oh it got a turn before her not good because is how oh is she going to be able to get far enough away to move okay okay let's do this let's do this B for now I got good old Reginal kind of stuck up heart oh he went down there okay attack of opportunity of course okay so yeah [Music] well like Swift as my feet can carry me yep don't kill me anyway I got to go go go go go go go go go go and then [Music] Dash is that far enough yet oh God no no not even not even close run it run run time do we have anything else perform can I per can does music tame the [Music] Beast crushing oh my oh my God from the top rope I [Music] want [Applause] okay you scroll of revivify how I'm dead I can't Rev vivify myself these guys are going to have to do it holy moly where okay so uh okay right so touch me I'm guessing it's time watch your back where where okay I'm over there all right so quietly okay where is the oh schoy please tell me it's where is it where where is it oh God it's right there it's not far okay oh God so who has this we got one can oh he can take that okay so how far can he do it and can we run in time choose who to resurrect can I choose where to resurrect choose destination take you okay someone there stly okay so right yeah where where where are those guys okay so I need to bring these guys ripe with magic yep unfortunately it's magic that we can't get to how do I get up there forth with and you there's no time to waste come on come on why won't it go up there what camera go where I want you to go there thank you no time for D wow so my mind and well in it yeah so that didn't go very well did it my face protects me no it didn't and um I'm I'm guessing I'm guessing we're going to have to do a quick short rest oh it only does 50% of my health oh lovely little pig me up do I need to do both I kind of need to do both both cuz I'm like completely lovely little pick me up all right still breathing so that was a learning experience don't play with the albear I just can't believe it wouldn't let me why why did it select her not me I was wasn't I controlling me oh and I've got to I've I got to do the whole thing [Music] again she was closer yeah but but like how do I make sure that I'm always the closest when trying to talk to someone cuz I was at the front it just it feels weird thought I mean how was I not the closest is the is is is the big thing oh these oh God I'm just refreshing what they've already got on I was not in front s my feet can carry so well how how how do you make sure you're in front cuz if I'm not in front now how do I not how do I tell cuz obviously when I'm clicking here I'm in front of them in my own mind but is it some system that I don't know about that like she's actually closer to here than than I am because of some dice roll or something at least things have stayed interesting okay all right cuz I guess so we've lost the chance to actually talk to the owl bear she was physically closer I I get that but how do I how do I make it so I'm physically closer like now I mean like for example how do I know I'm physically closer to the cave exit than she is is there an indicate is there any way of indicating I mean in combat there is I can see it you have to click on the character I don't understand what that tells me okay I'm not totally sure how that works to be honest do you have someone waiting for you in bould's Gat staran a sweetheart perhaps okay all right not one in particular the city is a very that used our only revive scroll anymore and you must be to get back then Slimmer pickings out in this Wilderness the only guarantee is to split up oh so what should should I should I basically can I link though no yeah I can I can I can link those so should I basically shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times move forward all the time like this and then just join up when I see someone something like this is that is that that sensible okay just feel like that oh X I can never say that ex sanguinated boar something good here I hope strange it looks healthy but it's Stone dead okay the pig's dead my friend staring at it won't bring it back come on we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and gawk at every piece of carrying you find what examine the B's corpse Divine canp guidance knowledge wisdom very suspicious the boar seems to be fresh only a few hours dead ex sanguinated means corpse you see two small puncture drained of blood and is it dead enough for you persuasion intimidation a persuasion these marks are strange do you recognize them six well let's both of them six yes we got it I it's been drained of blood with wounds in its neck it's been killed by a vampire I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you they are ferocious creatures but don't worry I'll keep watch tonight we won't have to worry about nocturnal visitors oh my God aan you're a vampire the only question is why were you not burning to a crisp that's all stop it there's probably something to do what's all the red stuff was that the friends thing my god look I'm not judging you for being a vampire but you're vampire who somehow not bursting into flames at the sun which probably something to do with a little thing in our heads okay all right there be a lot of dead people here um and if it's okay with you I want to go this way first Dead Goblin dead Goblin's drawing metal Fork don't need a metal Fork Goblin bow can sell okay dead Adventurer dead goblins dead Travelers mhm were they headed into the druid's gr oh that reminds me that does in fact remind me estaran can you do this no okay what happens it I mean can he have two daggers do we have we have I just got a spare Dagger of I okay offhand attack you will automatically use your bonus action to make an offhand attack while using two weapons unless you toggle this option oh are dual wielding attacks oh okay so which is is best then I mean if it's got I just I feel like that's got a lot more damage so you do a bonus attack if he's got both of [Music] them however I I've got to press that he's now got dual wield set is that what it is and I can toggle it like that and that a dual wield automatically uses his off hand one of his right or I could set it manually it's probably better to do it manually isn't it because does this mean he can do two offhand attacks cuz if he can do two offhand attacks and a primary that's quite a lot is that more damage than if he was wielding a a Rapier for example it probably is it's definitely more minimum damage right okay because it it's it's basically if he if he hits the minimum on the off hand is 1 to four I believe is what it said yeah one to four which would mean the the the damage rating on it would be 6 to 15 it's actually quite a lot isn't it it's quite a lot look at the numbers below the equipped dagger right so this is 4 to 7 and this is 1: 4 so basically two of those is 2 to8 so that would make it 6 to 15 o I can do the same with crossbows all right what now really really can I ah probably it needs to have um oh wait wait wait trust no one could I put a crossbow in his hand could I take my crossbow and put it in his no that is a hand crossbow hand crossbow I thought we could have like Mele CR Oh you mean I can have two hand crossbows I thought you meant I could have a rapia and a hand crossbow so that's what I was thinking so what so you I can't have I can't I can't have the old crossbow in one hand and Rapier in the other it's got to be two melee or two ranged all right okay all right okay have a lot on my mind and well in it right I should be paying more attention to what the hell is going on here I am not picking up clones dead adventurers send this to a starium scroll of Grease Scroll of ice knife quar staff and leather armor stuff to sell okay so this bridge can't slow down this so Travelers this is going back where we came right almost we went down there okay looking ahead could I hear something I thought I heard something shovel we probably need a shovel a broken loot pain and a spoon SPO Ladle Spoon and Fork lots more Cutlery oh plates are worth something oh mind you you know what actually wait some of the forks and spoons are actually worth a fair amount those for example I thought I heard something okay what does this say sign post West Boulders gate East elel right this is where I was coming from all right okay well at least we know the terrain but it looks like a bunch of people were traveling in this direction and they got attacked by goblins and I believe this is what am I hearing what am I hearing there's a dead teethling here and a backpack something's waiting up ahead something is yes question signpost Moon Haven what is waiting up ahead let's yeah over there surround him like keep quiet I know you're there show yourself okay you know what I know you're there show yourself you spoted us good it's like they say no fun in skewing a pig what doesn't know he's cooked uh I don't want any trouble curious I had almost exact same thought when I saw you there's no skewering happening here now let us pass we got you surrounded what all of you there's how this goes you take one step further and we'll fill your front with arrows or you turn around and your backside gets the same treatment as the symbol glows power courses through you oh Authority okay wisdom stand down now now why can I control these people with marks on their face Advantage use the highest roll from two die 20 oh because I've got I've got right I you I've got it on this and I'm a damn site more persuasive Advantage disadvantage reason athid so ah goblins are under the control of the the Mind flares no tell you what you just let us go and we will Pretend This Never Happened Okay add a bonus tough roll but I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling very good more than good spose it it's best to save our strength for a real threat oh yes keep go on then just keep your nose clean sound a bit like you've got a bunged up nose if you ask me but uh all right okay so this is charlon just passing through the stadium is impressed one inspiration gained plus 30 okay right now so we've got goblins in the neighbor Hood we're working our way all the way we're supposed to add the go ask the goblin Priestess for help we could have if we'd have let that Goblin we met go okay nothing right let's check these houses shall we Waypoint discovered is this the Waypoint [Music] no or is it yes it is that is the Waypoint okay okay I seeing something in here AP from crates to loot Rags scruffy Vagabond clothes what else not oh wait the wonders of Falin in the year 950 Dr there can hardly be a more prosperous and fortunate Town than felin felin's pact has brought property to the prosperity to this land splitting the wonders of wave Echo cave between gnomes and dwarves the town now boasts thriving communities of both people living and working together in harmony we've also tempted human spell Weavers from across the north to our town who are happy to work side by side with the allies of band delver's pact mayor Alder Leaf invites you to come and witness the miracle yourself see the poers big could you hide down out there I'm reading I just oh for God's sake it's just a sales document getting drunk off their chers in okay I'm Fair I'm sorry you guys are oh household prayer Leander to light Saloon to guide kellmore to judge and passage provide okay let's go chat with these people can we can we do this if we can hello watch what you touch if it smells light we it's right on count of you weing on it right yep yep got it got it real classy people we're dealing with here all right [Music] so Goblin's wandering in that direction we shall wander here nothing here nothing here extracts the rule of three I think I've read that cauldron wooden box broken cupboard wooden ble loot No Loot bottle racks nothing okay I I've got to give the Goblins their Jews they're pretty good at looting apparently I'm disappointed and yet genuinely impr pressed herb hanger dagger root dagger root dagger root mug wart potion of healing potion of sleep more mug wart an antidote to something why are we all legging it around what oh lacul light mugart recipe unlock suspens and The apoc's Ledger have I read that one read The Ledger is filled with the cultivation instructions for a range of medicinal plants one entry is underlined deliver specially requested plants to The Cellar keep away from prying up there's a Cellar I don't see one mhm but there is one so let's finish off cuz I know it looks like I'm just wandering around randomly looting things rather than focusing on getting a cure for our condition but that's because that's precisely what I'm doing because you never know sometimes that is exactly what will get you what you want we're going down okay then well nothing's attacked us so that's a start potion of healing wooden barrels with lots of stuff oh this is a veritable Gold Mine of alchemical components wait no thank you right you know you guys could help with the Looting that really would help I feel like I need somebody to be following behind me just taking everything and going woo you know just glass distillation set can't be added to the inventory examine okay it's a nice seller actually it's rather large wooden desk rather wait wait wait what was that bottle rack stack of books another stack of books nothing there okay so what this this person really did have an extensive and fairly Pleasant that might be worth a look what what oh well spotted well spotted tiger Mist examine it's worth a bit we're taking it to sell it and also see if there's anything behind it all right wooden desk ink pot worth something made with dusta oh what do we have there pile of books nope wait none of that okay let's go and see what that magical thing was all right lever it's we we'll pull the lever in a minute yeah we'll pull the lever in a minute let's just keep looking around and see if this right healer healer's log whoa that's not quite what I wanted to do but okay patient Samson occupation blacksmith malady gout comments Samson's become accustomed to the good life since he acquired that new Apprentice I gave him a tincture of autumn crocus and told him to avoid red meat nail patient brandley occupation Cooper malady large wood splinter in hand comment Splinter removed wound cleaned DED in Balsam ointment bandaged patient timic occupation non child malady swallowed bottle cork I.E stupid comments no hardness or blockage in stomach cork should pass without causing harm I gave the lad a Stern warning it's going to be ignored patient DEA occupation Apprentice black Smith malady minor burns to face and hands comments another burn from Samson's eager Young Apprentice the usual treatment was applied but I urged her to slow her pace of work before she inflicts real harm on herself okay can I can I pick that [Music] up I can nice potion of healing recipe all right we need salt of Rogue morsel suspension of Mer glass grass let's pick that up a suspicious poison healing reservate your poison resistance wisp weed are we going to find out how to actually do the potions recipe unlock sublimate of autumn crocus we all right let's look at the wooden chest I mean I know I know I've got um where is it no um I've got a potion thingamajig salts mugw oh oh so so for example now I could I can extract all three oh I've got 11 ofil so I can right I've got that uh sublimate Autumn crocus can't do anything wisp weed I could do that extract um anything else bellad donut extract and I can see how many could be made with each one on why does that say ah Rogues morsel ashes wait Balsam dagger right here we go extract all two dragon egg mushroom right wait no still still one suspensions M ah ex so now I've extracted everything that I can extract right I think so nope Elixir I can now make elixers and Potions cuz I've done all the extracting potions of healing for example they require Rogue moss and any suspension glorious vaulting all right I should probably potion a mind reading I don't need that I've got the power to mind mind read glorious vaulting is going to what uh no M Adventures could reportedly jump 20 ft in the air ooh why do I feel like one of those might be might be useful I'm going to have one I'm going to make one okay Elixir Peerless Focus which gives what a spellcaster who cannot maintain their spells is about as useful as a chocolate Kettle yes but what does it do what does it do resistance from fire Pleasant to touch I'm going to go with peress Focus I want to know what it does potions of healing I can make one or I can make an antidote I'm going to make healing oh and we can make a coating oil of accuracy all right so we could use right let's have a look let's have a look I've now got a ton of these things oil of accuracy I should probably keep that actually Peerless Focus that should definitely go to our Mage friend and then poison resistance I'll keep that glorious bolting you know what I'm going to give that to a Starion maybe he will need to jump somewhere stealthily all right okay wooden chest now there you go another potion of healing was that it was that is that is that everything I I feel like I must have missed [Music] something can't see anything up can I no right we got a wooden trunk large bottle another wooden battle bottle I think oh bottle rack nothing okay oh Valley with Brook okay so then what the hell's the lever for I mean I've done all those I've done all those I've done all those okay fine I'm pulling the is there a secret passage here or something a pulling the lever I have no idea I thought I'd be able to guess what it did before it ah I should have realized I couldn't loot that ooh light light lovely day this do we not have light the vocation can I just that's a can trip though right that's a can trip takes an action but it is a can trip doesn't he have something that makes items glow or did I not bother with that one okay let's move that is a nice amount of light actually ready okay we got bone oh okay vital of bone cap okay why why am I why am I getting this slightly unnerving feeling that all right you know what what now time for discretion stay low oh okay here's the thing I'm worried about going forward now because it'll start talking with him honestly no one back home will ever believe I sort of feel like keep your plade close silent is the grave let's try this way your desire okay we've got a bunch of certainly moldering caskets but there is sunlight here no one stopped me yet okay you know what I'm I'm going to take the a bag of holding oh am I am I carrying too much am I is this is this my way of whining that I'm carrying too much just just fine got loots okay A is for asthma okay you know what I'm I'm checking I'm checking I'm checking I'm not surprised you can't say I'm surprised when I was semi expecting that to actually happen I'm sorry I'm sorry but nobody's surprised they're really not okay so Firebolt oh let's have a look dark Vision duing resistances bloodening vulnerability poison immunity oh blood oh the skeletons the skele stabby stabby is not going to work very well I don't think actually no I don't what the only problem is that's all you've really got so all right them and this isn't really going to oh wait a minute can I do fire and then stabby stabby critical me oh you are how how how how how how two damage oh we are so dead four okay well it's a little bit I suppose um okay I'm going to move you away a tad although oh does he have opportun attack once per round a character can react to another action manage your available reactions in the reactions tab manage your actions robust Guardian used a main hand attack on a staran robust article needs 14 to hit they roll a 15 oh cutting words the target receives one die six penalty to attack roll oh so I can I can yes oh that is awesome the witchy now okay right so Thunder Wave Wait a minute now if I'm if I if I'm not wrong doesn't this put a big puddle of grease and we could set this on fire and it makes them slide what okay you don't actually have anything I can do Arcane recovery charge no um I'm liking that however I don't think there's anything he can actually do so I'm just going to move him a tad closer oh ow ow ow ow I can't move away from you can I push you back into the slop that would probably be nice sleep they can't be slept can they can they be slept surely they cannot be slapped 24 hit points they're just going to hit each other anyway uh oh Arrow of acid 30% disadvantage 30% disadvantage whoa so I I can't even really cuz I'm am I disadvantaged cuz I'm threatened okay then I guess I'm just going to go with um this is not going to do well oh oddly enough can I push you back into the ah yes I can then I'm going to move ever so slightly away from the big pit of oil are they going to used Range attack on gaale needs an 11 hit they roll okay oh my God that is now my favorite thing ever that is absolutely without any doubt the best okay you know what okay that did not oh so is it does this not remain on fire for them to then okay I thought that might be on fire for them right Shield of Faith protect a creatures attack until oh who should I cast this on who keeps getting their backside handed to them on a regular basis Reginal yep getting his friend up oh ow ow ow ow ow ow ow okay he's running around here right oh not good not good okay oh oh this is very bad this would be right yeah this is this is not good okay that's the bonus action he's going to need to take it right I feel like if I just blasted this if if if I mean I mean there's something in here but if I set fire to it will it prevent it from getting up or just help it anyway it's probably just going to help it isn't it it's probably just going to like get it out earlier than its friends need to oh we are so all very much dead Okay okay then so very very bad oh was that it oh you're still yeah I think think going to move him a little back and then the last board is set okay so I liked that I think that worked really really really really well so that is what I'm going to do I'm going to do that but I'm not going to set fire to it this time cuz I'm hoping they're going to have trouble running across it so for my bonus action I'm going to also take a potion of healing okay right sleep is it worth sleeping I don't think so feather fall detect thoughts vicious mockery okay oh it's a cantrip disadvantage on its next rooll okay a GI for a Lo okay I'm loving the shouting abuse at people definitely however that's pretty much it oh they're going to keep shooting all right guiding bolt this one is was that not one not disadvantaged apparently not okay full damn you all right and oh these take level one slots oh it's a it's it's a bonus attack but it's it still requires you know what she shouldn't be using that she should not be using that no she should not okay come on is he not going to slip yeah yay oh ow okay oh we are so good okay um okay so I'm thinking we just have to end these people oh nice you don't have any more healing stuff do you no you do not we [Music] invisibility oh wait wait wait wait wait will this mean that he can he's got cunning action Dash can he Dash whilst invisible can he Dash while invisible all right you know what I'm going to use that now there's blood in here then I'm going to use the potion of invisibility okay and then want to move you not through there you want to be moving around let's go okay I'm thinking of getting up there okay Victory is assured all right so you've got that one down let's have a look that is a level one conjuration I don't want set fire to this yet do I I don't think so Al no they're going to they're not going to come through are they probably not okay tor all right that did not do as much as I was hoping uh okay it's going to move you side a little never a dull moment okay let's have a look I could probably do with healing as well however right the disadvantage doesn't do anything that's the big question if it's successful they get disadvantage on their next role or should I just shoot them might be it's just I suck at shooting better chance of shooting that one no you know what you guys are probably way better than I am I I can I sleep him can I sleep him can't Target Undead no that that does make sense however I can vicious mockery your father sa oh we's saving that's why that's why all right buger okay so let's try oh you missed you missed okay oh nicely done not so nicely done now don't linger surely this is a he has Advantage this is a backstab [Music] nice and then oh no come come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh you just I like I'm sorry but I don't fancy that Jers right yeah I happen I do unfortunately right let's okay so if I do that could that knock them over it knocks one of them over all right and then okay he's got loads of health so he doesn't need anything like that so all right what does what what do this do Peerless Focus drink to gain advantage on concentration saves and against being Charmed magic can't put you to sleep replaces effects oh okay oh last until long rest magic can't put you to sleep oh interesting just not necessarily for right now okay so I absolutely need to to take some healing uh in fact I might actually need some more healing okay right however we need to start doing some damage 55% on this one can I get this for it [Music] let's acid come on 55 come on do it do it do it critical M just don't even okay so 60% or 45% but won't that set fire to everything back here it yes didn't didn't ham him but hammed both of those okay all right bonus action oh actually you know what can she get this on oh he's out of range how far will she have to go forward cuz I've got a feeling you need to pick me up he probably needs the Boost have to keep going okay okay critical [Applause] Miss Nice okay you missed okay so Firebolt 25% I didn't think that was the better option but I was just curious okay so stab really [Music] just and come on oh not an actual oh I should have just pushed him off the bloody wall shouldn't I I should have pushed him off the bloody wall that would have been sensible death is but a word away late now okay uh what we got here we got 17 of 36 feel like magic Missile is the way to go now torment oh still alive and you know what got me yeah I didn't expect that to work breathing despite everything okay so now I say we just and that one and Bic inspiration oh I've already done that feather fa not useful flourish healing oh healing oh yes right about now I think that's just basically what we need I feel like another long sleep is on its way holyy I'm glad I did that healing I am so glad I did that healing all right what you God wait sacred flame that's a can trip okay resistance bless the gain oh actually that's I should be using that or actually now that I think about it no I think it's I think it's time to to start unrolling the heels cuz we need everyone alive yep yes we do all right okay but yeah I'm going to use less early on next time I think [Applause] oh okay I'm going to stab him first just in case but yeah okay and wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute where are you going where are you going yes here okay that's cunning action Dash hungry for the slaughter and then it's not much but it's something we need to escape we need to start getting these guys unleash me right I will unleash you okay what we got nine and eight and okay okay okay Mage Armor burning hands Ray of frost Mage hand no again I'm I feel like what have we got four three Die four plus three I feel like this is just by far the better spell what about you can I get can I get one on you can Tor oh that wasn't quite enough I could have sworn it would be minimum enough to get him down should have focused on those two damn it damn it damn it right use that potion okay nothing important is ever easy yeah be nice if it was though right one to four damage Okay C all right that one's dead and anything else I can do no Bic oh healing word right who needs it the most actually you do there you go to stay focused and he right what have you got in the way of can like like bonus moves no you've got nothing that damages on but honestly I think right now all she needs is just just hit him with a little nudge as long as he as long as she doesn't miss oh for crying out loud okay Miss [Music] Miss if you die I'm not Reviving you I'm just saying allow me to demonstrate okay um we don't have any nope we don't we're we're down to C trips we're down to C trips at least that one's dead step to it sometimes the only way out is through okay not enough movement all right Wy toxin not a good option oh we win it didn't the acid do a spray that would probably hit a Starion as well probably not the greatest option what about Arrow of ice shatters and Deals damage to all caught in the frosty explosion also not good piercing shot gaping wounds that probably won't work on a [Music] skeleton especially if it misses okay let's go get a bit closer lies before me can't give up not giving up I'm just bloody annoyed sacred flame cantrip or guiding B 60% no mercy oh no time to rest no no no no what do you mean no time to rest this is exactly the time to get out of the acid pool this is precise because we don't have this is precisely the right moment to rest you couldn't get a better moment to rest resting is the only option Longbow we'll check that out okay anything of use can we short sord oh when it could he dual wield short swords can we clear that up I tell you what let's split up not as bad as it could have yes I'm getting hit by acid because of course I have all right and a bully wig trumpet another agile Guardian with a bow oh and a dark Journal a dark dark Journal maybe I need more Pockets am I am I that overloaded well we we're going back anyway soon dark Journal wasn't there one up here yes okay and one over there also incense okay and weave Moss all right everyone can come back now stay away from the uh acid pools weave Moss bottle CR if the gods are watching me I hope not because they're chuckling if they are wow we kind of got our backsides handed to us there rotten C no I'm sorry it may turn out that there's a use for rotten C carrots and rotten blue cheese but I don't care we're not taking them all right so so so apart from the dark Journal did we never a dull moment I got to know I I got I got I got to know okay summon quasit Alchemist fire not Buster poo Scrapper or is that scraper proficiency with this weapon unlocks fcked and revolting the abys is not the worst place this has been I don't I don't get it do I'm thinking no I mean it does doesn't do any better than a normal dagger does it no no it doesn't so you know probably a no right no no seems like a good answer Longbow 3 to 10 damage he's got a short bow would a longbow be better for him proficiency with this is is he proficient with this weapon that's the the the the big question cuz I'm not proficiency with this it it looks like he's proficient with it it it does more damage so that should be a nice option uh what else did we find we found the dark Journal I pay no service to the gods but by some blessing this Village believes me and my Apprentice to be simple healers my tattoos are hidden my red robes locked away and my lab secured I have not heard the word they since we arrived and only my Apprentice knows me as ilth this place is not ideal for my research but I can never return home not the way I escaped I'd be put to death with worse to follow the work here is simple and allows me to continue my research at night but progress is slow reanimation seems easy but restoring life that prize eludes me this tone contains the magic I need but it fights me at every step as does it my Apprentice at least my familiar has made it easy to secure bodies without raising suspicion this will take time with the zul find me before I can bring her back I cannot say but if they do come for me they'll have to face the Guardians I've raised so someone was trying okay did did Journal updated search The Cellar Nautilus crash region find the necromancer's book found it the owner of the Sellar was more than a doar doctor he was a necromancer and he was obsessed with a particular book right yes okay I'd almost forgotten that I was in somebody's Cellar to be honest was that it where did we come in right let me have a look no there a giant bloody mirror okay thank you for the Super Chat Captain Eagle for maybe we should take a quick break shouldn't we shouldn't actually be going on too long but cheese the C nerd in the universe those full of blood elves do love their damned bows be they short or the long type are we still talking about the poop Scrapper is it Scrapper or scraper it's scraper isn't it yeah double PE for Scrapper why do I feel like I should take that bloody thing in spite of it being revolting just like like like it feels like a unique thing two things you must know about the dark journal the first this is it's dark would this would the second be it's a journal what was the next L was something oh you have the sight my Lord no it's just a wild stab in the dark which incidentally is what you all be getting soon if you not don't start being more helpful the Poo scraper it's named I know I know I get it I do I completely understand it okay I'll be back in a few minutes guys I'll be back in a few minutes you didn't just leave the scraper in it I did ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream in order to ensure the highest possible quality of stream please acquaint yourself with the following guidelines number one no spoilers and no backseat gaming I realize that it is extremely tempting to shout out advice or scream he's behind you when the bad guy appears but if you could refrain from doing so it would greatly reduce the stress on other viewers and the moderators there could be exceptions to this rule if I get completely lost and end up basically asking for advice but you'll know when that happens because I'll probably be going okay chat I'm completely lost help me out number two be nice this is a pretty broad guideline But it includes things like being polite to people trying not to pick fights no profanity and of course no bigotry number three no drama this is an extension of number two really be nice but it includes the guideline of not engaging in controversial subjects that are not related to the stream at hand the world is a difficult place there are serious issues that need to be discussed by serious people at a serious place and in a serious manner this is not that place or time this is a place for people to leave their cares and worries behind and just have some fun so please leave any issues you have at the door and just enjoy yourself [Music] is is I'm back got myself a cheese sandwich oh my moderator's getting problems someone spamming well I won't be the one using the Poo scraper it'll be um you know who they have been dealt with nice one delatas not blue cheese now okay right where was it forgotten where it where where was where I it was in there wasn't it fine the mold casket I'm going we get straight to a stadium careful I'm mind fine you now have something called the Poo scraper why do I feel like that's a fate worse than [Music] death okay with haste so ornate mirror I'm going to look in the mirror or I'm going to open it speak your name repeat the name from the book you read illen Toth tell it your name githany my name is um hazera what I no it's this this is the answer this is the answer but this is the answer I just like every intelligent bone in my body is screaming to and all I want to do is say magic mirror or mirror mirror on the wall [Music] oh God I wish I could roll for this I got to try no it asked me what my name was it didn't ask me for a saying it did not ask me for a saying it said it said what's it said speak your name it said speak your name it didn't say be a little smart alec it said speak your name and if I say this for all I know the mirror will say fine okay Mr Magic Mirror tell me true and then it will proceed to call me that from the rest of at terity fine I'm illin toss my master was human pure and true you are not ill to caught in a lie God damn it if you are are his ally step forward and declare it intimidation open up and I'll smash you to pieces bad luck be damned yes I'm an ally I'm an ally of your master do I threaten the magic mirror now that I've lost the chance to be a smart alec to it can you intimidate an actual mirror open no smashed to Pieces bad luck be damned even if that works surely the magic mirror is just basically going to I mean you can't intimidate a mirror it's it's going to do what his master made it to do why do I keep getting the urge to do the dumbest things although apparently lying about who I was was the dumbest thing ah oh right fine I'm an ally of your Masters I think probably only a true Ally of illo may pass okay what is a true Ally what think you of the Z known as zast oh history he's a fine he is as fine as little has ever lived no he's a foul wretched creature he a foul wretched creature creat you are no soier but are you wise tell me why might one use balsom ointment I read the doctor's Journal he used Balsam to clean a wound yes I read the doctor's Journal he he used Balsam to clear a wound acceptable finally wait if you could see anything in me what would it be [Music] oo nothing good tends to come of ambition in stories like this I would see you freed ooh o can I free you I'd see the ones I love I'd like for a spell to get rid of this worm in my head it's not going to be that easy it's not going to be that easy now you know could I free you would you like to join us on a journey that would be awesome like we could put wheels on you or something you no nothing good comes from ambition in stories like this I would see you freed no this is my purpose I know nothing else oh okay you pay it to us no others ever did thank you you're welcome you're welcome oh see you oh where's Le Lael when you need her you see this is what happens when you're nice to people a well-guarded laboratory what were they hiding down here okay see I really feel like we need to get some rest before we continue but I also feel like I don't want to leave this place unexplored before I I rest I sort of feel morally obliged to poke everything before I sleep it's just I've got no spells I've got no spell you you know what I'm going to poke if I can't I can't I I can't Acorn truffle potion of animals speaking okay I I can't I I can't I can't sleep until I've poked everything it's just just I it will drive me nuts okay let's have a look we got to check what is that bring bring the torch like a dragon's head or something stuffed Hyena's head examine Len might infect its poorly stuffed flesh of this dead hyena okay all right okay why do I feel reluctant I sort of want to go around the outside research notes okay the coltania rubben what the hell is that you turn page after page filled with strange alchemical sketches and formula some are written plainly some in runes and script you barely recognize there are guides to transmuting metals and recipes for weapons of war but more than anything else the book is concerned with reanimating dead flesh he's trying to bring back a loved one Moon Haven log book the book is filled with pages and pages of observations tracking Travelers and people in the village you turn to the final pages 26 Alis Oliver sing Merchant arrives in moonhaven departs next day seven elent stranger name unknown passes through not theim 14 okay Three Men In Black armor pass through not thean hacket journeyman passes through not thean okar raid black armored soldiers some damage not thean but dangerous the book's key the book's key gem has gone missing familiar order to watch my Apprentice singer passes through doesn't stop familiar reports Apprentice disappeared near well okay need to find a Mel a well we'll observe raid some soldiers as before same soldiers as before counts fol taken smoke on Horizon raid okay no I I wanted to take how do I I do it by doing that basilis coil scrw of featherfall stop doing that research notes raised dead failed gone too long body decomposed reanimation failed comeb backer's ghoul had to kill again who was that is that iby welcome new member speak with dead failed answers unhelpful clone failed needs living tissue reanimation plus clone failed had to kill both ghouls Resurrection failed why magical curse true Resurrection I have reached the limit of my skills and resources is the book this the book offers help dare I accept you probably did though didn't you okay Fringe philosophy why can't I see that one Fringe philosop there's an antidote we'll take the antidote where wait it was right here I saw Fringe philosophy I saw Fringe did I pick it up without meaning well without realizing research notes no moon Haven log book no I didn't so where did it go stack of books oh I see it I see it I think there it is right the Publishers note claims the volume promotes magical Theory too radical for the mainstream this exit is attributed attributed to high artificer Thora Brin of balder's gate I suppose they seek to silence me believing that an artificer of the high house would not stoop to publish in any volume outside of the great gondan journals they so diligently guard but they forget that I am not so Grand before I lent my name and my knowledge to the High House of Wonders and all the Marvels therein I was not but a lazy farm girl who liked to look up and that was how I first saw them the slow and Serene Earth Moes entire mountains migrating through the sky above it was later I learned of their origins of the ancient nees Empire that fashioned them of the residual magic so potent it sustained them still the Wizards of Neil carved marveles out of the mundane lifted the earth a loft for industry for sport it was later still after I earned my place at the High house that I learned of the long shadow Neil cast along the evolution of our craft that their great flying cities fell in Folly and Flames does not diminish the Wonders they wrought and this stubborn aversion to studying them to learning what they learned is the very antithesis of gon's teachings yes many of the catastrophes inflicted upon the centuries were fruit born of meddling with neth's seed yes there Li last shining Bastion fell into Shadow their lore Twisted to Sha's dark and destructive designs and yes I say again whether the high house will sanction it or no to study the very flame of creation is worth it even should the fires consume us okay Zealot all right and pick up right okay what else do we have over here where did we come in wait no no no no we didn't come in there we came in there that looks like a j there's definitely something further over there but let's check up here first there is on death and Resurrection have I read that Fringe philosophy nope I didn't didn't manage to pick it up where's it gone okay wooden desk we'll get that first that's worth something not it's right there on death and read haven't I read this re yep no I've I've I've I've read that pretty damn sure I have okay gilded chest braces of Defense become the bulwark you gain plus two bonus to Armor class as long as you are not wearing armor or holding a shield I'm going to guess that will do nothing for me because I am I've got is this armor simple jerking light armor very probably I'm going to guess does nothing whereas absolute Bane on a hit with a weapon attack possibly inflict one die penalty to the target's attack roles I should give that to Lazelle I think but these now you have have armor that is light armor you on the other hand have clothing and so I cannot help but feel oh did you already what did you have gloves of power wait no oh double clicking it while I'm selected here puts it on you I have to actually drag it here did that make a difference I think that made a difference yes there you go you get them you get a bit more AC well done rusted iron gate keep a blade close whoa whoa whoa whoa deception failed be careful there are traps about disarm them then Okay add a bonus let's do it really oh my God am I going to do it just about I think no yeah come on oh my god wow with pleasure exception something failed something failed oh god oh failure roll again use inspiration try again use one thieves to oh no we should use an inspiration roll again come on oh that's better that's better that's better that's better that's better y yep yep yep yep that is much better okay can't give up now we use the inspiration but you know that's what they're there for step carefully there's a trap where where where where's where's the I'm sorry where where where's the Trap well hello yes hello and everything but be careful there are traps about where's ah disarm nice and don't actually you know what disarm on don't actually get any experience for doing this though huh oh yeah okay good enough good enough okay no time to rest I'm going to read it first oh the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth my don't put your hands near that Bloody mouth my perception fa you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in curious why don't you take a closer look I'll observe from back here that looks terribly heavy why don't you let me carry it for you why is he curent should we just leave it and and have someone with better perception try picking it up I'm I'm just going to leave it be for now watch your back who has the most perception what is perception it's wisdom or is it intelligence [Music] right but I also feel like maybe okay you know what go at least things have stayed interesting Shadow heart seemed to have some insight into this perception failed okay read the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess she didn't sens anything [Music] either you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in leave the book okay and then you come back out gaale your turn let's see if you can be a bit more perceptive nope okay right then first things is that blood no never mind first things best be on my way pick up the spider cocoons go the spider stuff it where was it what's hiding here is there anything in any of them nope all right well I'm going to be taking it I just don't know I'm going to pick it up I'll take that okay we got it maybe we'll find a use for it yeah I mean it is not too late I mean can I read I can read it from here I can I can the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the we got to shove something in its Gob I reckon you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those but I can carry it with me that's the important thing carry it with no put it put putting it away we're putting it away we're putting it away right we you don't know that could be really really useful and a minute we not check this one have we there's mug wart and a wooden chest and a lot of Scrolls cuz those were stuffed bear and I'm going to examine it and then apparently I'm going to use it I don't quite know what that is going to involve I doubt a bear this size went down without a fight okay then and then had a chair c crystal ball oh there was a skeleton with a bone don't need it okay so then there is huh wooden battle ooh look at that that's some nice stuff to sell must be Dusty in here I'm getting the urge excuse me very sorry bag of rotten food why would I use a bag of rotten food a rusted key I see you and a lever just pull a lever and okay all right that's going to go up somewhere isn't it wooden desk I got to say though actually in spite of the fact that I keep expecting to be horribly mangled by something old floppy hat I I think this place actually might be a safe place to make a camp oddly enough wait this looks isn't this is where we were right is have I gone false oh right we're back where we came from we're back where we came from did I miss anything is there wow that's a hell of a Sellar isn't it yeah look at that I think we should do the um the the the the sleeping next time is what I'm thinking cuz there's probably going to be some conversations this can only end in success I I I mean unfortunately we've used all of our spells we've used all of our spells so we absolutely we absolutely are going to need to to to rest again cuz yeah that was that was viciously difficult how close are we so we're miles away from leveling as well it's going to be a while all right probably should go through my bags and figure out what is and is not getting sold biting my tongue which is good um right yeah I think what I'll do is is we'll do the long sleep in here and then we'll head out but I'm going to be doing the next time I have to try and remember if there's anything here that I needed to take or I missed might be worth do do it crystal ball that crystal ball wouldn't fit in that book's Gob would it I mean it was crystal balls sized interesting thought however that we'll have to wait next time definitely okay um right have the credits not worked coming are they coming are they I don't think the credits are working God the credits not working a box where my credits not working just go the dashboard I don't need tilter fire at the moment I want my credits all widgets where the where's the bloody credits um poll game with this is just does go for love this game yeah I like this game it is a good game test roll credits how do I roll credits live I'm doing this from the actual is it doing it are you seeing anything no you're not are you this is worrying go all right more technical problems a huge thanks to members okay let me let me I'm going to have to double check the UR URL and try to figure out why it's not bloody working yeah it's just not my day is it yeah okay just the thing is is I'm looking at it I am looking at yeah I'm looking at it and it's working at my end on the on the what they call the dashboard okay let me just let me see if I do it again yeah okay right I think I've got it I think I got it there you go thank you to the new members um no the the the credits are actually rolling on the dashboard they just weren't here and thank you for the super chats thank you very much I do appreciate it have you all have you all clicked like those of you are watching have you clicked like we got 460 viewers con oh it's just dropped everyone's leaving hit the like button on your way out all right yeah ladies and gentlemen I'm going to I'm going to go I will be back on next Thursday for sure obviously Divinity original Sy to will be continuing on Sunday that will be over on Twitch and again I am I would like to get some random streams out it's just very difficult at the moment it's just wrong time of year so much going on very very different ult with the kids and everything so I can't promise it I do want to do more though I want to play this more so I guess that answers your question do I like the game I definitely want to keep going I want to get more done so yeah so I will I will be back on Thursday but who knows there might be a random one it will all depend so thank you very much I will see you guys next time good night
Channel: Gopher
Views: 14,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gopher, gophersvids, game, gaming, baldur's gate 3, BG3, Baldur's Gate, RPG, Role Playing, live, stream, play through, githyanki, bard, D&D, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & Dragons
Id: oPXr-kwThBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 36sec (11616 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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