Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Karlach Romance & Endings [Good Custom Male]

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all right one horn the stink of a furnace advocates diaboli well I'll be God's Damned the blade of Frontiers thought I'd shaken you for good that'll teach me to underestimate you bloody right an honor to be chased by the blade of Frontiers but I great heat Roars through you her heat fiery as the as this then your lost in visions of demonic armies armies tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood the blood War you saw it from above as the nautiloy passed through avernus was on the front line what was that evidence proof that you're a devil a gladiator in the archdevil zaryal's army I can explain but it's a whole situation if you just hear me out another vision collects blade Rays slicing through Devils zarya's servants as her highest Dart around seeking Escape her rage and Desperation seep she is a victim of the blood War was an agent of it trying to trick us don't believe her lies you saw the truth I never wanted to serve Zario I was enlisted in her Army against my will forced to fight a fight I did when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it finally home or near it anyway you served her that's enough to damn you will catches his breath and his lips straighten she had dread twists his face you don't know what you're saying you're asking me to trust the devil you know monsters right better than anyone look into my eyes can't you see I'm not what you think you really are no devil are you I've I've been deceived oh thank the gods thought I was gonna have to take your head you would have died in the attempt but there have been enough threats today truth then hey truce I'm Colac but you already knew that and you are well met Soldier nice to meet you friendly around here it's been tough going so far I may not be a devil but I can put the Blade's reputation to work how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards little background if your moral compass needs something to Point At You already know I fought in the blood War I was good really good it turns out I've got a knack for killing demons that made me a valuable asset zariel the arch devil herself made me as her personal attack dog I played along until I could get the [ __ ] out of there but Devils don't like to lose their assets as Ariel liked it so little sent a bunch of goons so-called paladins of tear to take me back problem is I'm not going [ __ ] yes they cornered me outside the toll house just up the hill don't they've gone far after the scorching I gave him then we can work on evicting this parasite and take favor and buy their short hairs sound good I like her she looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety should the need arise hug you if it wouldn't Scorch your skin off ah hang on though looks like you've got enough backup at your side not sure there's room for me I'll catch up with you when it's time to camp for now but don't get to any of the fun stuff without me got it please no more leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind the crap Anders I know what you are don't let her hurt us please we just want to go home there's something in the squint of his eye you suspect he's lying enough I'll not play pretend anymore you're going home in pieces of needs must and you you'll soon learn what it means to Ally yourself for the likes of this garbage the furnace was never my home it was my prison I'm free now and I never going back [ __ ] man I won't go back I'm never coming back and if any of mummy's little friends want to pick up where the others left off they'll find nothing but a pile of Ash that's right she won't can't she couldn't even lay a finger I don't know what to do it oh that's a lot of a little steam after facing off with those ignots granted the fire's lasting a little longer than it should how do I look careful Soldier if I burn any hotter I might explode hear that infernal engine for a heart lets me burn as hot as the Hills sees me running in overdrive since I left of earnest won't be seeing my mechanic anytime soon so I'll just make the most of the extra heat just don't get too close until I found a way to calm it down High pain tolerance and a dynamic duo of truly shitty bosses but it's a bit early in the game to be getting into tragic backstories let's save the scar show for later after we've worked up an appetite for tragedy meanwhile I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines sooner rather than later believe me when I say this thing is hot it's time I face down those paladins they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area Flint he might be able to stabilize things if I can find him a weaponsmith huh not sure if he's the guy but I'd love to find out tune-up would do this Rusty Heart a world of good I'll be honest Soldier unrealing will hardly knows me but he chose my life over his been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that you can say that again when he was chasing me through a furnace I thought he was just another sad Merc how wrong I was that Contraptions are hot ticket item might not be our last scrap for its sake old rusty sure the year 10 air the place sleepy little town called Baldur's Gate our hero carlak and not need delinquent from the outer city with everything to give and nothing to lose I was a kid looking for a way to fill my days and make some cash when I fell into the wrong crowd worked for a guy I respected a lot turns out the feeling wasn't Mutual through the Jigs and the reels he made a deal with zariel behind my back you know Zario right archdevil of avernus she put this thing in my chest and sent me to work but to war I learned quick how to stay alive and the engine served me when it came to killing Devils ten years of that stories I could tell guy named gortash politician inventor one of these Wheeler Dealer types he seems to have a finger in every pie I guess I was naive to think everything he got up to was above board what did I know I saw a job a good job people I liked doing work I was good at sometimes I'm jealous of that girl oh It Feels So Invincible again depends on the type ice Devils hate an inferno but that's an easy one orthons love projectiles what they don't love is getting their bombs lobbed right back in their faces demons on the other hand every demon is absolutely singular you can't ever think you've got them typed out sharp instincts sharp weapons and a knack for improvisation that's the only way to survive them anyway what are we talking about [Music] first things first I need to get this engine tuned up things powerful but it's been feeling volatile ever since I left the Hills can't be too hard to find an infernal mechanic around here right funny you should ask I was just thinking about what would have become of us without that nautiloid I mean I know where I'd be trapped in a furnace still with the blade of Frontiers on my tail but what about you I can picture you getting mixed up in some outrageous [ __ ] Giants beholders fans the works maybe once we've wrapped up the current Shenanigans we'll rest a bit and find some new heap of troubles to throw ourselves at copper for your thoughts old rusty sure gives me energy power but you've seen it in action very hard to control if I'm excited at all Angry nervous delighted enticed I burn hot enough to burn anyone who gets close I try not to think about it I still think about it constantly but you know I try one of these days I'll sort the whole infernal the fair out get myself cooled off start making up for lost time but not today copper for your thoughts we were both part of zariel's inner circle her by choice Me by force in the grand scheme of things I'm inconsequential to zariel sure I've got the engine but I wasn't even her strongest fighter she favored me like a child fave as a captive pet mizora envied the attention I suppose I'm sure when Zario gave her the order to hunt me down mizora was delighted no kidding the fighting the chaos the Betrayal how the makings of a good stage show but I did not want to be one of the players I don't know you'd think she'd have more important things to do devils and their pride I thought I sensed an infernal around here but you aren't from El Torell what's your story I spent a good bit of time in the house enlisted against my will by the archdevils Ariel same as you I suppose if you're from El Doral the Devils were delighted when your city was swallowed up I thought they had you for Keeps glad you got out I got lucky it looks like you did too and brought some infernal Machinery with you a little gift from Zario keeps me burning hot very hot by the Sullivan might be burning out a piston ring or linking oil mind if I take a listener be my guest but don't get too close or your eyes will melt shut phew you really are burning up whoever put that engine together tried to house metallicize demono valves inside a ragnac's allocation very risky I might be able to help I'd need infernal iron and a prayer that my hammer Will Survive the work that thing isn't meant to operate outside of Ernest I'm not sure how much longer it will keep running the way it's going will you be able to turn down the temperature a little worried I'm gonna go in for a handshake and sing someone's arm off one of these days I'd worry about surviving the night first but help one help both if we can cool you off it'll stabilize your engine and allow you to touch whomever you please I've sensed some during our travels has a pull to it absolutely magnetic once you know what you're looking for I can show you where I'd look meanwhile I've still got plenty of weapons and armor in stock if you're looking to load up Dutch please let this work um the weight of it and that blaze of Chaos I can't imagine this where my heart should be must be quite the experience give me just a moment and I think there you'll have to install it I'm afraid I don't think there are thick enough gloves in all the Realms to protect me that kind of lead that feels good I'm still burning hot as Hell's Hole but I feel less changeable is mate pleasure and as for the heat I haven't got any solutions now but I'm not giving up could be brush and chamber had its own insulation or if we had some kind of Enchanted coolant find me again in Boulder's Gate if I'm worth my salt I'll have figured something out by then take care karlak and hopefully the next time I see you I'll have something promising to report pocket any infernal iron you find along the way in I had a wild dream last night this beautiful entity came to me promised to protect me Tommy the parasite in our heads could give us power sounds like it what did you make of it damn right things like a splinter we just need to find a way to squeeze it out old rusty show let's hope diamond is as good as he seems once my engine's handled I can focus on more important matters tadpoles cults Frosty pints another visit from the golden Paladin it said we'll get the answers we need about the tadpole if we Infiltrate The Cult indeed would you look at this place all these people happy because of us it's nice to be somewhere where good is still possible I'm a good quotations too I like you too a lot I'm sure you know that by now oh God you know I want that more than [ __ ] anything I'll come find you and the others have gone to bed wait up for me all right yes Buzz of Celebration quiets your happiest company will you see at least for tonight your heart skips a beat what Treasures might this night bestow hey a soldier I think everyone's asleep may I hello you I've been waiting for this all night isn't it mad how good life is the Gods I was afraid I was the only one 10 years is a long time to be trapped in the hells 10 years without a kind word touch when I look at you I feel real again alive Gods I want to ride you to you see stars uh I'm sorry I shouldn't tease you or myself I give anything to touch you but I can't not until I can be sure I won't burn you I'll turn you to charcoal guaranteed you can try but don't hurt those pretty lips of yours already they feature heavily in my future plans [Music] no are you all right you can't make me be the responsible one I'll destroy us both so what do we do now I like the sound of that my turn and that's a promise on that note I better head back to my bunk you might not be able to touch me you've given me a lot to think about oh hi foreign no mean fear my temperature God's I better find a way to cool me off soon I'm not sure how much more of this I can take what are you thinking about hmm sad I couldn't let myself feel sad in the Hills letting my guard down would have been a death sentence and letting Saying A cambian near me would have been disastrous I thought it'd be best to just to keep my distance but loneliness that deep gets into the marrow now that I'm here among friends feel it burning out of me little by little step by step if you have any ideas I'm all for it give me all you've got [Music] clever might even work come here um I'm dizzy and you are you all right I hope that's true because I'm hoping for seconds thirds and fourths once we find a way to cool off this engine mine too soon enough you're going to be mine but until then I'll play nice I don't mind sharing you with the Bookworm while I'm indisposed by the way I'm sure he can keep you entertained until I'm more approachable foreign guy named gortash politician inventor one of these Wheeler Dealer types he seems to have a finger in every pie I guess I was naive to think everything he got up to was above board what did I know I saw a job a good job people I liked doing work I was good at sometimes I'm jealous of that girl oh It Feels So Invincible again salmon is as good as he seems once my engines handled I can focus on more important matters tadpoles cults Frosty pints oh what's that Gail's granddad foreign too he certainly got the beardiness for it why'd he come all this way to track us down whoa now he's got a well I guess that would explain a little but Maestra I mean this is a lot to take in what's he going to do tell him to pick the right one or better yet I'll do it hey Wizards man they always need help picking the simple obvious option if Mr can't think of another way to stop the absolute and sacrificing Gail she's no God worth worshiping I'll say that to gailin you know gentle terms for a good cause stock up while you can I only hope foreign oh my God Soldier the Jahira don't you know the whole story years ago over a century Jahira was part of a group that saved Baldur's Gate from sarovoc a ball sport trying to plunge the city into war my mum used to tell us stories about them the Legends who protected the city from evil she said Jahira was a powerful druid adamant tough I've told myself those stories a thousand times since I never thought I'd meet Jahira she's a hero and I was always some outer city kid can't believe she wants to talk to us about working together what a day kylak I thought you'd be in the city by now we were ambushed by cultists half of us were captured we've got a half round here off the Anvil into the forge we'll find them hopefully before you run off into the belly of the Beast there's something I need to tell you well two things good news and bad news I only need one more piece of infernal iron to craft an insulating chamber that can make it possible for car elected touch people exactly oh my God it's really happening it's been so long we've got the iron let's do this thing hang on I think you'll want to hear the bad news too yeah sure first fix me please fine well go on then I don't enjoy saying this karlak but there's no two ways about it engine is going to blow and I can't fix it I'm not sure anyone can it's simply too hot to exist here in a material plane unless you return to avernus for sooner rather than later you give me something that'll let me touch again right safely yes but that's all I need to know do it please well all right this shouldn't take long same as last time you'll need to install it yourself you should do the trick so did it work only one way to find out foreign no Burns can we go to bed now hold on Colac there's something I need to tell you that engine of yours It's contained for the moment but it's just too hot to exist here in the material plane indefinitely I know you know that but the thing is cure I wasn't making any Headway with the mechanics none at all the environment here is just too cold to sustain metals like the ones inside you have to return to avernus for good or this thing is going to burn you up from the inside out sooner than you think the minute I set foot back in avernus zarya will force me back into service I'm not doing her bidding again I'd rather die I get that but don't rule it out the worlds just might be better with you in it even in a furnace I won't stop trying to figure out a cure but at this point I think we all have to face the inevitable you read my mind thanks Damon really you've given me more than I could ever repay it's been my pleasure good luck both of you look after yourself all right the best day two turn in I love to take this whole touch thing for a test drive I know we have important things to do but we deserve a little sweetness too oh man I can't wait yeah I mean it's an honor milady I will gladly Drink To Your Health as well garlic play times over pet oh I love this time of year The [ __ ] start popping up wherever you look what do you want mizora we're supposed to risk our next to get one of her assets what if it's a runaway like me or something far worse Will's happiness is my happiness I'd sooner see myself anemia than him but it's a bad idea to play games with the Devil you never win not ever oh hi listen I'm never going back if you said I could die right now or live a thousand years in the hells I'd choose to go out now with my freedom intact I don't expect anyone to understand that but I've been dealt a hand most people don't have to contemplate playing I want to live too but not under any circumstances I have the power to choose now and I'm going to make that choice myself but I don't want to talk about this no I've been given a huge gift I can touch the people I love for the first time in a decade and for the first time in a decade there are people I care about all around me let me enjoy that please thank you I try look I don't want to fight that's the exact opposite of what I want to do right now let's start over hi I'm carlak and I get to touch you anytime I want how about that oh hi incredible can really alive like we can finally be real we can be close to you now without fear without thinking too hard we can just be I was hoping you'd say that what's this fresh entertainment but you're too fresh for this place aren't you there's a whiff of the surface to you holy [ __ ] an orphan powerful Devils I wouldn't get on their bad side without a good reason of the hell's about you the stench of home with of the surface besides a servant of zarya if I'm not mistaken I know the stench of our infernal Machinery anywhere what do you know of infernal machinery only what I can smell and whatever engine Burns within you is grinding to an inevitable explosion burning and fear with it there's something else almost hidden by your fear stink cherries Musk and sofa Raphael I can smell him all over you where is he hey Soldier I thought I might come visit you later when everyone's asleep please we've waited long enough I think see you later I can't wait I think the others are asleep hi since I met you all I wanted was to be close to you we're sure I won't hurt you right foreign touch you as deeply as you can be touched I want you to be mine completely say it loud I'm Yours karlak I'm Yours completely [Music] I'd like to take you to bed now [Music] God's be damned the good day to be alive [Music] [Music] oh God sorry I was in my own world uh hi hello good morning sorry I didn't wait around this morning I was just just buzzing didn't want to wake you I loved it too more than I've ever loved anything this night was incredible this morning is incredible every moment with you is beyond belief you still like me right and uh and nothing bad is going to happen now foreign good I adore you you know thank the gods for that I guess we'd better get the day on so much to do so much to see together hey something in the air down here it's like this place wants to be forgotten go on if you're happy I'm happy are you happy couldn't have said it better myself always well flow didn't tell a lie she said you'd find me at here you are Carlock isn't it now there's a name I'd hope never to hear again what was Flo doing here didn't think to quiz her about her business florenta the garotta cambian on you back in avernus she was the closest thing I had to a friend that said she would have choked the life out of me if I ever turn my back on her the fact that she knows where I am where I might be going doesn't exactly Delight me let's hope it doesn't come to that what did she want anyway she came dressed as a novice gave me three Soul coins said I could sell him if I wanted if I kept him for you she'd consider it a favor Oak Soul coins huh this could come in handy I'll explain later away from prying ears but trust me you'll be into it sure but she did have a condition for every coin you take you've got to hear the story of the Soul trapped inside there you have it Flow came all this way just to try to make me feel like [ __ ] clever use of our time memorize a bunch of sad stories on her behalf did you didn't need to your flow did some devil woo-woo and stuck him in my head couldn't forget now if I wanted to you want the coins or not first coins got the soul of a woman named Mavery she was born to a cruel mother and a violent father and three Evil Brothers all named balder she never knew a day of love in all her life when she was a girl of 15 she sold her soul to Tiamat in exchange for someone who would love her unconditionally she got what she asked for fellow named Clint destined to be her soul mate struck by a card and died a few moments after clapping eyes on our Mavery poor guy it's God of her soul is yours now thanks I guess sure you will listen has got the soul of a man named Frakes lived in a village near Neverwinter hit hard by the worst hunger in a thousand years freaks called out for help prayed for his children to have meat to eat zariel answered made old freaks grow flesh upon flesh after flesh his Wee Ones had all the meat they could stomach he should have known better to die a thousand deaths and let zariel into your life whatever you need to tell yourself last one's got the soul of a little boy named on gear eight years old he liked playing in the sun with his friends that's all I know that's all that's all oh and this slip of scratch well thanks Flo hearing a bunch of desperate horror has ruined my day which I suppose was the point you got three Soul coins after the bargain didn't you I'd quit whinging if I were you I did my part that means our business is done unless you've got a chilled gold to hand so hey we've got this Soul coin right thing is I think I can use it my engine can anyway zariel used to top me up every now and again when she wanted me to go after an especially Wicked Target nah it'll be fine sort of next time we find ourselves Toe to Toe is something we want to squash drop a coin in see what happens [ __ ] yes now I just need something to sink my teeth into let's get going [Music] we're in the belly of the Beast now try not to do anything too heroic you saw the extent of Flo's friendship she'll lend you a hand long as she can crush your spirit while she's at it I knew never to let my guard down around her you always made me laugh even when I at least wanted to if she'd been completely different from who she was we might have been real friends nothing worth reading cambian manipulation at its most obvious because she did as much as it makes me want to puke to admit it Devils you know [ __ ] devils they're really screw with you don't they and [ __ ] Tash oh the general voice is this where we salute you saw God's hash didn't you what the [ __ ] was he doing down there it's all of this because of him the tadpole the absolute how I was his bodyguard I looked after him with my life I trusted him more than anything he gave me away to zariel Just for kicks he ruined my life just when it was starting and now he use up the entire sword Coast he has to die and I'm gonna be the one who kills him can't get away with what done to me to us he won't get away with it I wish we could stay and see what this place will be like without the Shadows but it's beautiful [Music] no rest for the wicked huh he got his claws into me early I was a wild kid brawling my way through the city one of my mates got wind of a bit of work guarding some indoorsy type with lots of enemies seems like easy money so I went in for it he one look at me said I was perfect I like that not like that you know just it felt like a good fit I kept him safe and he paid me well well enough to move my folks into a better neighborhood and put something away for the future my future every did him trusted him and he returned that trust at respect his life was in my hands and I took that seriously the whole thing with zariel happened so fast I had no idea what had gone down until it was over one minute I was in Baldur's Gate a happy healthy not quite kid the next I was burning up in a furnace with an engine for a hot zariel loved that she paid him well for my services she'd wanted to test her new machine and he said I'd be able to handle it he was right sometimes I wish he weren't evil evil bastard [Music] [Music] the city of storms Steel is an endless scream in Nature's womb there's no peace here until now your eyes dear there's pain and listen deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and Trust a shield I pray you wield all three stirrer bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally let's do it close your eyes little ones be still a stone to Earth and remember to breathe I see you bond between you so tender so fragile but do you see it for yourselves Carlock her Fire Within can incinerate an enemy or a warm a beloved a listen think who does she loathe above all others just the sound of his name makes my blood boil probably literally can't stand the [ __ ] ding ding hear how your bond thrums with pleasure strong vital pulsing with affection many things Delight the heart but only one makes it sing tell me what is her idea of a perfect day you know me too well the sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue what they sag and suffer with age the future brings many trials a decade from now what will the mighty car lock do where will she be kids huh I don't know how about a really mean goat but I don't know things can change I guess I've heard you really know me don't you it's wild in so many ways we barely know each other but where it counts you're deeper in my head than that tadpole how close you are two hearts beating a perfect Rhythm but I know the truth only one face haunts your dreams each night close your eyes sweetness and she will come to you so you're the lick spittle who crushed the bone Lord's Throne what's on your mind yeah I had the same thought so much has happened between then and now maybe we just got a little caught up in it all but I'm not going anywhere I've got plans for the future you know and they involve you foreign s and dearest Duke raping God thank you for joining me on this exceptional day him gortash [Music] from here situation is delicate motions I don't want to put you in Harm's Way either I'll wait for now but that trick is going to pay a moment please my friends an old acquaintance has come to pay her respects please call back come and say a proper hello my respect lucky I've agreed not to shove my boot up you oh how I've missed your colorful turns of phrase we must catch up just as soon as I've had words with your little friend as for you I understand congratulations are in order Thorne's defeat hasn't gone unnoticed you're known The Who You Are and for that netherstone that you carry Quakes are a clear warning if nobody steps in soon it'll free itself from the authority of the crown I expect it'll start with turning the sword coasts infected you among them a prism of yours won't last indefinitely next The Grand Design the Mind flayer Empire reborn if we're lucky we'll become slaves if we're unlucky well not the most thrilling of prospects but it's a fake that can be avoided if you and I come to an understanding together we can still restore authority over the brain of course God has always did have an eye for opportunity there's an old wisdom a brittle Alliance can never be mended it can only break with Catherine gone or improved treacherous bals chosen once the nether stones for herself she only cares for blood and your blood and mine are of particular interest to her her assassins hunt you even now they are very efficient Killers even someone with your talents should take heed or in changes shape faster than you and I change clothes you know she's tricked you before she's targeted me as well I'm well protected but she's extremely good at what she does if Orion obtains all three nether Stones she'll plunge the coast into chaos and paint the city in blood I can't let that happen I want to lead this city to Glory not Scorch at Earth I'd like to propose a pact a Divine oath sworn upon spirit and flesh I Do no harm to you nor you to me furthermore you'll have nothing to fear for my steel watch while our pact stands Thorne's stone is yours to keep when you slay Oren and take her Stone you bring it here so the three are united once again Together We Rule faerun as kings We Rule as the absolute what do you say shall we be allies I can detect no deceit this Alliance could serve us well and if it does not well ignored honor it hmm let's be allies said the Viper to the Frog perhaps a demonstration of why you need my help will motivate you to make the right decision you know Camp is compromised one among you is an imposter faceless who I can't say I'd suggest a thorough investigation you'll find I speak the truth sounds all too believable The Faceless in your Camp is like a knife at your throat remove it quickly or any alliance between us would be exceedingly short-lived even horror has a home find her nest and slay her there for all its charms Baldur's Gate has long had a cancer at its heart a hidden temple devoted to Baal that's where orange became what she is where she worshiped and schemed and now it's where she hides from my watches when she's not spilling blood in the streets you're resourceful I trust you'll sniff it out if the trail goes cold follow the bodies before you do come and witness as I make history as the first Archduke of Boulder's Gate you will follow me and you will show due respect distinguished Jukes Patriarchs dearest Raven guard I will heed your call a new chapter begins swear us thou by baldran's blade to defend the citizens of Baldur's Gate from enemies within and without I swear sweareth thou true faith and Fields he to the Same by word deed and decree so that none may suffer I swear gathered guests Grant ye consent and the gortash the council appoints you Archduke of Boulder's Gate my friends the steel watch stands ready Let its blade fall on any who would diminish our city and you honored guest will find me in my office above when you return do not come empty-handed so there you have it Lord and the gortash in all his glory what did you make of him yeah [ __ ] always had expensive taste how anyone in this Hall could charade he is and they expect these big metal monsters to tuck them in at night while the absolute knocks on the gates If Only They knew the truth the Dead 3 orchestrated all of this and it's working I wish this city the people running it we're smarter than me gortash isn't their salvation he's the monster at the gate here I pluck and Colac cliffgate my parents hi mum hi Dad uh sorry I haven't visited I've been away I'm back now and I brought friends I miss you so much but I'm happy and getting up to some really important [ __ ] maybe you can see for yourselves I don't know you're with me here anyway taters meant I love you in the cliff gate household I can't even remember how it started anymore lost family law there was a lot of silly nonsense in our house my mates used to say we had our own personal language I guess I'm the last remaining speaker so there was no such thing as death there was only change dad thought that was a load of woo gone meant gone unless you struck a deal with one of the Gods said he had better things to do in life than beg favors of Immortals I'm not sure what I believe something to look forward to a bit morbid true all the same you're looking well would be a lot better if you'd find a way to fix this engine Damon I haven't stopped trying but all roads lead to a dead end sorry I didn't mean never mind glad you're all right in any case you've got here best I've had in years Mistress of the house lets me operate from here for a fair price I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy good someone should be [Music] Carla cliffgate that can't possibly be you can it sight for sore eyes where the hell's have you been girl last I heard you'd run off to Neverwinter and that was what 10 years ago Neverwinter who told you that gortash said you didn't even give notice ah that prick but never mind that look at you the years have been good to you I won't lie they have come on girl tell me everything first thing first you saw the news didn't you about Archduke gortash right I'm sure the fox will make a great Duke of the hen house I think you were the only thing that kept him a little honest after you left things got dark fast I got out while my soul was still intact started working for an arms Merchant still in the trade as you can see like my fellow Gregor that way I've been together eight years now and Carlock we were little one on the way [Music] credible congratulations mum life huh you're going to be incredible Gods I hope so even after all these years it seemed to happen so fast but now that you're back in town you must come to ours all of you will have a good supper catch up you can meet Gregor I'm a little one in a few months are the two of you together uh-huh isn't he handsome absolutely you're well suited I can tell just by looking at you pleasure to meet you by the way I can't tell you how good it is to see if it's I'd love to come have dinner with you and Gregor we're in the city on some urgent business but can I come find you when it's all settled I'd love that meanwhile if you're still in the business of intimidation you should take a look at my stop hope that wasn't a lie I hope we do get to meet up with Fitz when this is all over First Step save the city then save myself and last but not least dinner with an old friend what more could you ask for I figured it out exactly what I want to do with you they'll be fine I promise I want to go on a date a first date no weapons No Monsters no mysterious voices just you and me and dinner please say yes yes oh amazing put on your least bloody tuna can meet me back here don't keep me waiting too long all set I'm buying all right let it be said Let It Be written let it be done give me a beat to run ahead I want to make sure everything's absolutely perfect see you there hi hi you made it you look nice thank you hmm buldurian seafood stew no thank you what do you think you'll have just what I had in mind of the Rothe ribs please and two glasses of and two glasses of wine so you're an adventurer right how's that going uh bad ish not trying to one-up the local villains of course but man have I seen some [ __ ] but hang on this isn't first date talk tonight I'm a mystery to you and you're a mystery to me that's all I can do to keep my hands to myself anyway we are terrible at this [Music] show me your ways foreign [Music] oh that's easy during year two of my Fabulous Adventure in celibacy in avernus I once got so um pent up I burnt down my field tent blamed it on an imp and never told us all the truth beat that [Music] right you are hey uh Hank I think we ordered the it's a bleeder worst guy I ever met anyway how about a toast oh [ __ ] may we live every day like it's our last [Music] because you never know when your last will come foreign [Music] the food and the company [Music] to do I know I can't stay forever here with you in fact I feel like I don't have long left at all we've been through so much and the worst is yet to come I have every reason to feel terrified hopeless giving up but to be here with you in the city I love in this world that I love so much it's all I could really ask for you hear me you all I could ever ask for I love you and I know that whatever else this city will throw at us we can handle it come on there's something I want to show you upstairs [Music] hope you like it hey [Music] wanna play pretend you and me let's imagine I get to live 50 more years we have a whole life ahead of us what do we do you know what that was never part of my plan but in this fantasy I can picture it you me two little uses that's a pretty picture isn't it damn it I wish I had a longer road ahead of me I want to walk it with you I'm not really tough enough to face any of this you know I'm scared shitless but there's a courage in me I never knew I had I've always thought I was Fearless never scared of a fight of the future but dying has taught me so much there's no courage in fearlessness there's courage in being [ __ ] terrified but still going forward still being grateful still trying we're going to save this city together it's going to be the last thing I do call me when you work out the secret to immortality until then I'm just going to get busy living my life the only one I've got that Bloody freak won't get away with this that's my wizard she took and we're gonna get him back darling oh thank the gods it's over I say my last trip to the hells ever ever no such thing as a home in the hells if Hope's happy good for her but mark my words some devil or other will push in and claim the place sooner or later stick around in a furnace long enough and you'll run out of Hope entirely no Soldier I'd rather live out my days in the world I love and live forever in a world I hate I don't know much but I do know that it's hard to keep a good woman down isn't it I don't know you managed it for a solid decade I never meant to harm you dear merely to help you realize your vast potential to the hells you let zariel take my heart as though any of it was yours to give away the greater good khalac something I wouldn't expect you to understand you feel no regret do you all right how about fear then oh you do quite misunderstand I've already made a deal with your companion we need each other do we know you ought to reconsider divided the Elder brain will create an illicit Army yourself included in its ranks together we can tame it I'm sorry you feel wronged by how things ended between us all those years ago but now we must look to the Future you make it sound like we were lovers oh friends but that wasn't it I trusted you I respected you it was my job to protect you and that's what I did I was so young I didn't recognize evil when I saw it when you turned on me I was too dumbstruck to realize what was happening no way he'd hurt me I thought you betrayed me for reasons I still don't quite understand but I suppose evil has no real cause it just is until it isn't you utter brat you're going to burn this place down good no you have to stop her do it now foreign feel like I should love but two Gods damn tired is that it then killed the bastard who ruined my life and now I crawl into a corner and die am I [ __ ] missing something I'm beyond overwhelmed I'm I'm finished he's dead and he's no [ __ ] Soria now than he was before what was the point I'm still dying dying I'm going to die [Music] [Music] don't say that so you found some way to fix me that now gortash is dead I'll get my heart back my heart [Music] mine [Music] they don't they took I'm going to be as dead as a gortash any day now any movement and what then off to the city of judgment to waste into Oblivion into the dirt to get eaten by maggots is that it for me is that [ __ ] all and you you'll just keep going won't you watching the Stars warming your hands on the campfire dancing eating making [ __ ] love all night all of it all of it thing I suffered that's why I survived 10 years of Torment the fighting the glory the loneliness of the [ __ ] loneliness all little I can rot because the person I trusted the most gave me away to the devil it isn't fair I don't want it like this thank you could try you've got a wish spell in that pack of yours what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do now [Music] let's get out of here I've always hated this place stupid [ __ ] gigantic Bridge or whatever I think I need to go to camp for a while be alone scream at the sky and come and find me later if you want to thanks for listening for existing love you hey Soldier you're back old habits did I miss anything while I was off having a silk I missed you too you know I wouldn't have bothered falling in love with you if I'd known saying goodbye would be so hard I probably would have exploded somewhere around scornable so at least a trip home would be short I'm trying to stay here now alive while I can but it's like my mind is whittled down to the black hole that should have been our future yeah wow [Music] God's you're so right and we are beautiful aren't we this is everything oh I'm sorry I don't want you to be sad I mean I do but not too sad no I can't I'd rather die here in faerun my home than live in service to a devil foreign calculus a hundred times there's no permutation I can find that doesn't end in me dead or wishing for death This Is It this is all we have each other and all the moments we have left speaking of which is something I wanted to ask you will you stay with me when it's time for me to go I think I can do anything if you're there even die all right but if we don't I hope I can count on you haven't let me down yet and it'd be a poor showing to start now now enough tragedy I'm not gone yet and our schedule is packed with important heroics isn't it plus if I cry anymore I'm gonna run out of tears and start leaking motor oil thanks for everything darling I love you a lot [Music] I have a fair star encounter with the nether break from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones you make only one move at a time where the nether brain calculates every possible once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do cannot outmaneuver it think like in a method better yet you won your mind is not capable of this mine you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prison to face the brain assimilating no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against me still don't trust me after all we've been through remember I have been your salvation from the very beginning your night in shining armor I freed you from the nautiloid prevented you from crashing to your death I have protected you ever since no small cost to myself I came to you as a leader but I did not shy away from showing vulnerability I needed you as much as you needed me I was not above recognizing this when you discovered my true identity I did not flinch from the truth I never lied to you not once I am just like you we have the same enemy the same story I encouraged you to fulfill your potential or while protecting you from harm now I ask you for the last time to trust me release the never Stokes to me [Music] I told you to get Yankee would only want to kill you but what you are still you choose break our alliance even United the nether brain was going to be an impossible enemy but apart we have no chance of survival since you will not work with me work against me believe me no option but to join the nether brain foreign [Music] key Prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt freak of a lifted you took advantage of my powers you slaughtered my honor guard nonetheless it seems we must be allies Prince of the Comet gets true honor do not patronize me you rejected the illithid when it no longer suited your needs no doubt you freed me because it suits you now forgive nor forget your abuse of my powers could have been much sooner you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor guard they would have given you a noble end any Worthy into destiny and Gage would have done so my guard would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain were it not for the choices you made this we are aligned I am obliged to overlook your transgressions we will destroy the nether brain together and put a stock to this nascent Empire before it expands into the Stars the cake was correct about one thing netherbrain's power is beyond us hardest metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself this point take an enlisted to unleash the full potential of the netherstones wait maybe you don't have to it it should be me I'm dying my heart feels like a live grenade blow any minute you still have a life to live I don't if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world [Music] anytime Soldier you tiefling you would volunteer your life for the greater good you would make the ultimate sacrifice I thank you the brain wants nothing more than to see all in all in my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out but just as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute Inn once it reaches you it will order you to transform will only take a moment and once you are a mind flare I will fold you under my protection once more fear of Empires pleased my own with the withdrawal of office's power carlak's mind is rushed with the full force of the nether brain process then Stillness she stands transformed once again closed off from the nether brain's mind my people will remember you tiefling the rebel elithid who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city and follow the path of the nether brain painful to say the least the most is wild [Music] you don't need to thank me I somehow feel like like this was meant for me maybe in other tentacles but bigger picture and my engine Nets it's silent no heat no gears still there but no longer threatening to explode Soldier [Music] yes yes gods is it possible [ __ ] right I get to be alive I get to stay as a hideous monster sure the one that can feel think live but I'm still myself I still love you and more than anything I know what our mission is delighted I get to do the honors is incredible and I intend to celebrate after we've defeated the brain let's finish this thing Soldier it's time and I'm ready if you are we can do this darling we're nearly there I didn't know there was so much me Beyond Myself and I didn't know I had a chance at life more life and so happy I am ready to do what must be done let's do this surrender subdued at last this is its death rattle join me we 've become absolute This Is It Soldier this is what we fought for time to end this thing the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of kalak's strength to keep it there [Music] no more tadpoles Bring It's Time To Die must I must obey I must end nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions through you obliterating all thoughts all feeling called Birds silence for the first time in a long time your thoughts are entirely wrong and then gravity [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] should have learned a bloody swim can't believe I almost drowned at the last hurdle we really did it and we didn't even have to turn into mind flares to do it sorry I didn't mean too well you know it's all right I knew what I was doing I will ensure that all gift Yankee know your name and your sacrifice what you have done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain [Music] with their lost Prince returned people will burn away flakkids corruption is all thanks to you dear lift it who defied a nether brain I did didn't I I saved the [ __ ] world and I think I might live long enough to tell the tale too I thank you my liberator my savior Soldier [Music] thank you but Beauty no longer concerns me this vessel this flesh is but a means to experience the depths within and without before all I cared about was survival now I think I'm ready to live I love you too before that love was an irrepressible Inferno now it is a calm cool object of beauty maybe you're right I feel this changeable less afraid I feel ready for whatever is to come at your side I have learned to make peace with death to accept New Life to conquer all that stands in the way of us and our destiny we are indomitable and the life we lead will be legendary let us begin together as one no what are you doing it was all I had thank you [Music] [Music] what are you doing stop [Music] together conquer come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I know you I know you know your own mind if this is what you want then all I can say is give them hell Soldier fascinating you take on the sacrifice that you could have foisted your responsibility onto another perhaps I misjudged you the nether brain wants nothing more than to see all infected become gake my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out but just as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute Inn once it reaches you it will order you to transform will only take a moment and once you are a mind flare I will fold you under my protection once more you will be the savior of Empires not least my own with the withdrawal of all fierce's power and is rushed with the full force of the nether brain exhilarating and equal measure you wish nothing in the world but to evolve laughs as you are once again closed off from the nether brain's mind my people will remember you the rebel illithit who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city and follow the path of the nether brain we can do this darling we're nearly there it should have been me but what can I say a few tentacles look good on you [ __ ] yes Soldier I'm burning hard and fast I'm ready to fight a big old brain impossible surrender it knows this is the end of the road pay it no mind join me wield me become absolute command it to Die end this I must obey I must and hopes nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions of unborn benefits [Music] the pain rips through you penetrating all thought feet [Music] [Music] silence for the first time in a long time your thoughts are entirely your own and then gravity you are a mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate have a selfie possesses quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike have ripe for manipulation not manipulation and consumption you will not be able to trust yourself at all you will be a monstrosity Beyond Redemption perhaps you're unique among a lifted kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature and Rogue mind Flair like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take who are you [Music] don't do this your life feels cool as appears as your flesh her is no pain and the need to sleep sleep sleep [Music] I'm not too hot I think I think this is it engine's finally cooked Colac I thought after all we've survived maybe one last miracle would rear its head but no I'm sorry I'm not I did it is going to be all right my friends are going to be all right hang on all right what's happening [Music] goodbye son goodbye see good you have thwarted The alithered Grand Design you have defeated three Chosen and a nether brain you are miraculous earned the right to live your fate will be what you make of the city's going to be all right [Music] engines finally cooked hold on just long enough so how'd I do [Music] for you and for the city and for myself and blah blah but most of all for you careful hot [Music] how'd I do it's spectacular oh it's the one thing I can't be isn't it same below is above I love you you more than anything I saw oh God [Music] goodbye see goodbye [Music] thank you [Music] I'm ready I stand by I'm going to ah you can't [Music] all right all right we have to go now can't hang on much longer foreign [Music] what do you think you're doing together conquer come on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] counter with the netherby from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones the problem was you you can make only one move at a time where the nether brain calculates every possible once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do who cannot outmaneuver it you would have to think better yet one your mind is not capable of this mine you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prison to face the brain no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against me thank you now stand aside I will assimilate the get Yankees power in your Stead stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen driven a blade through your throat at first chance free Prince Orpheus and you side with cake you want Orpheus dead you'll have to kill me first lies you have been seduced by empty promises gay tricks think I ever hoped for more from you damned my people for eternity and I will rip off your every limb and bask in your agony by kids Eternal Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways do not judge me come we must follow the brain's path time will not fail we can do this darling we're nearly there what were we doing again [ __ ] yes Soldier I'm burning hard and fast I'm ready to fight a big old brain impossible it's up to you at last it begs for its life join me wield me become absolute it bleeds because it knows I'm its master I will finish this the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps [Music] [Music] away I must end Hope's nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions of unborn methods [Music] you're obliterating all thoughts all feeling you tadpole Burns in your brain [Music] goodness silence for the first time in a long time your thoughts are entirely wrong and then gravity [Music] we did it Soldier the city's going to be all right engines finally cooked held on just long enough so how'd I do huh careful hot how'd I do spectacular it's the one thing I can't be isn't it same below is above [Music] you more than anything I saw oh God [Music] [Music] goodbye son goodbye see goodbye [Music] I I stand back I'm going to thank you [Music] all right all right we have to go now can't hang on much longer [Music]
Channel: Naughty Gaming
Views: 331,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, Larian, Studios, romance, Karlach
Id: IhQ-igdceI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 34sec (8194 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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