bald memes.

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I'm Bob NAB yes it has happened gamers I no longer have my luscious hair that I used to have I know a couple videos now have come out with me as a bald boy but I thought that I would go on reddit because I asked you guys to submit some memes on reddit of me being bald boiled boy am i narrow dynamic is from here also you may have noticed lately in the videos that when I say words like and and pubic that one can probably say it but they get bleeped why I've been advised to swear less on my channel am I going to swear less on my channel no because I it's hardwired into my brain I've always been a vulgar little boy I'm not gonna change just for YouTube but I have been advised to try out bleeping swears and videos so if you don't like it I'm sorry trying it out for a bit to see if it changes because ad rates on my channel are very very low anyway so that's that so alright let's get into it guys let's get into the bald memes slash artists crank gameplays if you'd like to submit some memes I'm gonna go and read it a bit more Ethan is one step closer to becoming Tom Holland that's my favorite thing that people say I know that it look like I'm ten now it's fine I know but when people say it looks like Tom Holland oh Tom Hollands hot as hell it's such a big compliment thank you it just needs that perfect British accent oh we died in the butt got it unlock dude ooh this art is real good I thought that this art is really good though I love that I love that lets peep the comment van truth thank you so much thank you thank you five and a half hours how long that took damn I will never let go of even looking like I told you to defrost the chicken by the time I get home and I'm five minutes away it's not gonna be defrosted in time Billy you need to do as your mother tells you dude that chicken if that chickens and the thought out by the time home it's a spankin time today's the day rip Easons floof it was the day and guys we absolutely destroyed if you are confused why my head is shaved by the way I shave my head for charity we did the Hult from home charity stream on the 7th we did the hope from home charity stream and I said if we hit fifty thousand dollars on the stream then I will shave my head live on stream which happened in an hour you guys raised over $50,000 in exactly an hour like we hit it oh we we started at 9 a.m. we hit it on at 10:00 a.m. on the dot which is crazy so not only did we hit it in one hour but we over the course of about 11 hours we raised a hundred and fifty one thousand dollars for charity which is so damn cool the till the five-page is still open if you feel like going to go and donate it's just till to fight calm /i crank a play slash crank versus kovat I'll leave it in the description but if you miss out on the charity stream and you still want to donate you can go and do so but we raised one hundred and fifty one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars and twenty nine cents so insane thank you so much I see no difference okay gamers all right all right all right all right I would like to think that there is what's happening my teeth are less janky I've grown into my face a little bit more my ears don't look gigantic I grew into my ears a little bit what else different come on anything come on I get it all right I get it I understand all right ERP I'm like going eat some scrambled eggs even I'm an egg now how does it feel excellent you should get beat up like that for jokes like that God you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about honestly oh geez we we had a glimpse into the future here this is more horrifying though people are also telling me to shave my eyebrows no way dude no wait maybe I'll do an eyebrow slit uh-huh dude be hot as hell Hot Topic but yeah we had a glimpse in the future this is horrifying this is absolutely horrifying I mean the the same venture you can on the night versus the morning after I did actually forget that I shaved my head I woke up in the morning and I went to brush the hair out of my face that wasn't there and I was like oh it's all gone it's all gotten so short it's so short it does feel so cool though yeah I'll give you some Hera Samar is that sound good probably not guys be honest I look different I've aged I know that it's similar most amazing pictures on the internet new study reveals that bald men are smarter stronger and sexier honestly though it's not a bad look I think I'm pulling it off well gamers okay I think I'm pulling it off well I think I've got a little bit of like a bad-boy look okay you know how about boys do whatever when Ethan says he's gonna shave his head everyone in the chat that was when I was shaving my head the entire chat was just it's insane how much more spammy YouTube chat is versus twitch at twitch chat is normally so wholesome and calm and respectful YouTube chat is none of the above none of those things the opposite sucked all he did was complain all the time all the damn time all he did was cry and be like why was he bald did we ever as Caillou appeared much younger than an original line of children's books he originally had no hair we're illustrators found that adding hair made him look unrecognizable it was decided that Caillou would never have hair unrecognizable huh right he is on record I love it I love it I love it that is weird that is weird God you don't god you looks like he's about to rob a gas station Ethan sidqa win Siddhant I think not but oh god we made our own toys I kind of look like that thing to that part of Toy Story to freak me out so bad when I was a kid this specific spider monster thing god it was awful uh-huh God the Four Horsemen of the haircuts I had some what everybody else is saying - they're like you either look like Sid Tom Holland or feel like three people with shaved head I get it we're white dudes with shaved heads we do all look very similar if I had facial hair Felix and I would look the same will I ever have facial hair probably nine that's a unfortunate reality of my life you think coming to marks house wants corn teams over to yell at him for saying lumpy head I actually have a very good skull thank you everybody scars on my head look as a crack man open a child I've got a pretty normal head I would say would you say so I don't have a lumpy head okay that's normal blow-drying it spots you gotta get the water off dude when your hair is so slick it is crazy how fast your hair your hair dries after taking a shower like you don't even need to really wipe it with a towel you just go like this and it's done it's great it makes it easier in the morning see this is a good drawing I feel like I'm sick [ __ ] look at that jawline look at the hairline that's the other thing is people can't be like oh you didn't who's a bad hair I mean I don't think anybody ever said that anyway but now I have a shaved head and I have a great hairline so how big is my forehead thank God it's a forehead shaved Ethan Eggman just a basket full of me baby just a basket full of me how many of these did you find this Easter huh this is so exciting this one is the most upsetting of the bunch I think I think it's because it making it's making me actually bald I love how they acted in highlights oh god that is so awful why would you do that that is so bad oh no he's in zone officially go blank with his new short hair I like that that's cool-looking that's cool art even smashed for NGO men's rogaine maybe I'll put Rogaine on my face then I can have facial hair does that work Rogaine can indeed help you grow facial hair however it's not magic Rogaine aka minute Doxil their exact same thing over as many Doxil stimulates the blood throat of hair follicles around the application area this means that if you have hair follicles for whatever reason that are not growing and it also may help you grow hmm Rogaine extra strength is probably what I need right 16 weeks all right bye now place your order what's done is done what's done is done all right guys I could put Rogaine on my face it's fine apparently when you're halfway through becoming an egg and you realize dude that this part was so rough just having like most of my head shaped but then the big flip on the side still real rough dude nearly caught 69-420 that was so close damn damn damn damn dude I mean he looks so much better with the shaved head than I do why can't I look like that why do I have to look like an egg why can't I look like Nick Jonas with a shaved head hmm you've got this made do you or the level look like a jacket at all now for details about compensation pairs the video of Noel it's shaving his head on stream is really good at this point guys I feel like all the memes are the same you know I want some what I want what I want is something original like that was that was pretty good ooh cool fan art I like that I like that hmm don't really like that someday my hair will go back as someday Oh picture mark with a shaved head he looks weird hold on old on old on can we just say this is weird right this is weird mark should shave his head in this shave his beard and then we'll see who really looks like a 14 year old probably still me but that's not the point kids stay clean shaved real men will have beard legends will be bald what can I say guys I am a legend I really really am I really am a hero some might say the chosen one others would say god damn it the parent just walked in on their child doing this because God that is so good also keep your razors away from children what are you doing dude what are you doing kids don't know what to do with those all right guys it's more or less the same memes at this point I am going to end it here thank you for supporting me as an egg thank you for supporting me no matter the length of my hair I really appreciate it thank you so much I've been streaming a lot recently over on Twitch if you haven't already go in the description down below go follow my twitch it's a fun time I've been streaming every few days now as you can probably see by the videos there's a lot of like stream highlights and stuff which I hope you guys are enjoying it's been a lot of fun especially during the quarantine just like hanging out with you guys and then Justin editing it down into videos has been really great so thank you guys so much for watching hope to see you at the streams see you guys in the next videos and tilde and be blinded by my baldness ready ohh [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 203,897
Rating: 4.987329 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, crankgameplays bald, crankgameplays shaving head, crankgameplays shaves head, shaving head live on stream, crankgameplays stream, crankgameplays shave, ethan shaved head, ethan shaves head on stream, shaved head, shaving head, reddit, reddit memes, crankgameplays memes, funny memes, reddit reaction, funny reddit videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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