animal crossing memes

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you know what I know everybody loves animal crossing right now guys especially with all of this quarantine happening also we all just got got right here with the quarantine and everything happening in the state of the world right now Animal Crossing is the perfect game to come out right now and oh my gosh Reggie thank you so much for what you've done for us even though Reggie's not there anymore right he retired right I think you did ready to come back I can't remember I love Animal Crossing so much I had never played Animal Crossing before New Horizons but I loved it so much maybe I'll go back and play in my own time or maybe I'll stream it I don't know some animal crossing new leaf in the original one also I bet streaming a ton on Twitch if you want ears the twitch link twitch on TV / cranking plays I don't have a schedule but I've been streaming a ton recently a lot of Animal Crossing a lot of other stuff also depending on when this is coming out on this Sunday I'm doing a bed stream I'm just gonna be playing Animal Crossing all day in my bed I don't know when this video is coming up but it might be coming out the day that it's happening who knows I have no idea but check my twitch and find out anyway that's not why we're here we're here to look at animal crossing memes I've seen a bunch of other people do this obviously but I didn't know animal crossing back when Miss first came out back when animal crossing first came out I didn't know anything about animal crossing so I was like well I gotta wait and you know learn about the animal crossing before I can make an accurate video about animal crossing mean so we're just gonna go all time because why not a villager asked me what my favorite food was and I thought it would be funny if I told them involved until my friend toward my Island and sent me these photos anyway foods I know for a fact that oh and just love some balls see that's great are you in balls to this one hit different what's happening it's a cute island sorry there is not really room for queue here Oh God I was like Amy put a great video out on Twitter where is it where is it yes here it is here it is baby I've got a spy right here for you good me turns on an animal crossing is about breaking news nothing to report it's right Ysabel obvious move one thing I don't like about animal crossing is all the freakin dialog you have to go through and the beginning in-game it's nice and sweet but it's like I know you have nothing to say Isabelle shut up I don't care I mean you're lovely and I love you so much and I would die for you but also please I don't I just want to go water my flowers when the whole town gets together for a celebration and rold comes out and it's [Laughter] on byron eight sign showers a great game play boats your Animal Crossing Islands close your favorite villagers whatever if you'll do me your mat - you did it I'd never bang the number but not somebody that I used to know music video that's what that is whoever puts clay in the balloons [Laughter] pokeball okay replace tyre with egg and you've got me because like getting it yeah getting entire sucks but getting the eggs oh my god the whole bunny day thing sucked so bad for multiple reasons one everything was just eggs so many things all the fish everything in trees it was just eggs I hated it so much but to the sugar you could make out in the eggs I didn't care about I thought it was all ugly and stupid and I didn't care about it I did not participate in bunny day a bunch of people like did you get all of your bunny day things and I was like no because I know that the bunny man whatever his name was is creepy animatronic guy he was like hey if you collect all the bunny day things I'll give you a sweet surprise and I thought oh the sweet surprise is just gonna be another bunny day thing and sure enough it was I just didn't care there's some carrot all the Sun is rising an animal crossing the game plays in real-time that means the sun's rising for you do baby I've never seen the Sun Rise I've never been up at 5:00 a.m. I should do that'd be fun I did what I thought was impossible what did you get oh my god oh you sniped him didn't you yes snipe Dominion I've had this a moment ohh oh my god that's a good at it too it is the scariest nothing gives me so much anxiety okay Animal Crossing is both the most calm relaxing game I've ever played and the most eggs I 'ti inducing game I've ever played in my life being chased by a spider is the most horrifying thing that can happen to you it's worse than when you're a kid you need to turn off the lights and then you have to sprint up the stairs it's exactly like that I don't care if you time-travel please don't have me tribe travelers and animal crossing it ain't honest but it's my it ain't honest Trudy you gotta get your turnips you gotta get your turnips dude you got to invest in the market and the markets strong you know you got invest and you know you'll make yourself some pretty pretty pretty bills do you can't just spend all her money on 47 tarantulas and 13 million turnips Timmy and Tommy haha money birds are gone if you don't want your kids or your nephews or whatever spending all that money you know teach them a little better but until then Timmy and Tommy they're my pals they don't scare me out of things like you do Tom Nook although I have paid all of my debt back which is nice and Tom now let's be customized my house for free which I appreciate this is my house storage yep and I'm crafting in my house yup and the materials I need to craft are in my storage makes sense to me so I should not need to take the items out of storage to use them while crafting you need materials that's true they should make it like that what villagers do you guys have by the way let me know in the comments down below I'd love to know me every time I wake up and go straight to playing animal crossing i created the sperm asaurus rex i hate it Thanks selling a single tarantula 300 fish 30 depending on what kind of fish I mean hold on a second 38 72 times 4,000 it's 15 a million bells dude if you had 30 at 3872 red snappers and you sold them oh my god would you make a profit even just even just a single full inventory of a stack of 40 of those red snappers 160,000 belts live in Sweden oh then you wake me up at 2:00 a.m. for a stupid system I love Muffy so much she's my favorite villager I love her so sexual penetration that's your thing well I didn't know you were into sexual penetration then again look at those magnificent muscles you're probably a top-tier sexual penetration bro you know it's like that Mac I want more dog villagers dude the high value of a hot item today is bought me looking at all the cute furnishings I don't have my villagers home it's true one of my villagers have really cool stuff they've got dopes and I've got nothing actually I am making a pretty cool house right now I'm making a little game room they're just kind of fun in my basement I've got a little game room going on I've got a pretty cool bathroom my kitchen needs some work but I've got upstairs so that's my bad I've got a big stone thing in there so that's pretty cool yeah it's coming along animal crossing switch implements a new feature to encourage people to play the game for at least 30 minutes every day for every day you skip playing one of your villagers executed my dark Isabella who's Isobel but she says publicly executed really funny y'all be like landlords and then effect Animal Crossing villagers with big ugly villager leaving just say no your villager legally cannot move out of your island without your consent is that true I mean those be unhappy and Stan you're I like forever but maybe you can make them happier you know you know show them what they want you know some people they they don't know what they want they think oh maybe I just need to change no let me bring a better life to you each nook miles ticket island will be different you'll never see the same it's true huh you lied to me I gotta send a P today that's pretty cool 99 more and I'll have a dollar Timmy Tommy neat oh and Tommy open him the drop box every morning 230 dead fish dude I want to just be able to buy fish bait from the from from nook's cranny it would be so great if I could just buy fish bait Oh be so nice jewel to Lou deal ho no particular car near the Nickelodeon it's cosmetic Renault car scuzz can occur in wave yep go in are going to seek a case letters beautiful credits roll if I can song and I love this this meme template so much it's so good alright guys I'm going to stop here these were some good old-fashioned animal crossing memes I love animal crossing so much it's such a fun game it's the perfect game for right now on on during these times when we are forced to stand my god I need but I just need about the but it's so good all right I'll believe me now goodbye forever [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 190,557
Rating: 4.9864149 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays
Id: 6Q1BGFR97mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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