Simple Eggplant Parmesan

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hello welcome to cooking with Pina today I will be making my version of eggplant parmesan these are the ingredients eggplant parmigiana Dijon Oh mozzarella salt pepper olive oil and a very simple tomato sauce this tomato sauce you can find on my first episode of cooking with Pina the first step of making the eggplant parmesan is to cut the eggplant and it's about 1 foot of an inch thick and try to cut them all the same size if you can the next step it is to put them in a cookie sheet I like to use the parchment paper so it doesn't stick to the bottom of these cookie sheet and overlap them just a bit so that that all of them can fit on one cookie sheet the next thing you do is to brush all the rows of the eggplant with just olive oil just brush them like this very lightly with the extra-virgin olive oil so all the eggplants have been touched with the olive oil as you can see I'm not using any flour or egg or breadcrumbs that was that is why this is my version of a big plant parmesan I just feel that this it's more healthy the next thing you do you put them in the oven at 375 degrees until for about three and a half minutes so this is what they look like once they come out of the oven they're a little bit crispy on top and that's perfectly fine they're not overdone they're just right now the tomato sauce is all ready then you're gonna put about a little bit of tomato sauce at the bottom do not put cheese at the bottom otherwise they will all stick at the bottom so a little bit of tomato sauce at the bottom and then once these have cooled off you begin to layer them and some of them are still hot but this is fine again you overlap them a bit not too much I really like the taste of the eggplant that is the one of the reason why I don't put egg and flour and bread crumbs when you put egg flour and bread from state the eggplant loses its taste somewhat and the next thing I'm going to put on some some part some mozzarella cheese then you may put in the genre job just to your liking obviously okay I won't go too much salt because the the tomato sauce already has some salt so just a little bit in the same thing with pepper if you like pepper I like pepper just and and then of course you need to put in more more tomato sauce that sort of resemble lasagna then you layer them okay I like to sort of spread around like this and you're ready for the next one next layer so if you think of layering it like lasagna it's easy when this is baked after it's after I finished its baked for about 10-15 minutes all this some upsell is nice and melted in its gooey and when you take it it tastes it looks so great and parmesan I really like the parmigiana Dijon oh it is absolutely fantastic with this and tomato sauce this you can have nice fresh bread after its baked and it's done this even tastes better the next day if you want to make the day before or a couple days before I know sometimes when I was working I made it a week before and then I froze it which was really very nice I put it in the freezer so the morning when I left to go to work I took it out by the time I came home was all defrost ready to go in the oven and my family had delicious a delicious dinner as you can see it goes very fast very very fast especially when you don't have to fry anything normally I don't like to put mozzarella on top I just put some cheese the parmigiano Reggiano to its liking to sprinkle a little bit of salt the very top and put my tomato sauce and that's it now you're gonna put it in the oven for 375 degrees and let it bake for about 15-20 minutes smells so fantastic looks absolutely you can see they're bubbling as when you see this that means it's done you see these bubbling on the side as you can see the cheese is nice and gooey it's nice and melted and I'm going to taste it absolutely delicious and with a glass of wine fantastical thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to cooking Betina arrivederci and approaching about salute
Channel: Cooking with Pina
Views: 809,119
Rating: 4.8076363 out of 5
Keywords: eggplant parmesan, Italian Cooking, Fresh Cooking, cooking from scratch, Naples Italy, organic cooking, low fat cooking, healthy cooking, vegetarian cooking, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, fresh tomatoes, home cooking, simple recipes, Italian kitchen, Southern Italian, Eggplant, Cooking with Pina
Id: zuWw56O0P4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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