Eggplant Parmigiana Recipe

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hello everybody and I will make it so easy dish a lot of people he asked me for this dish you got nah it's a time for every bar in the garden he got an egg play it tonight we make a crepe parmigiana I got a two-act play over here I'll read a clean up no clean up back clean a wash I got two eggs a salt a black pepper I got a bakery no cheese I got a flour black chrome it's already seized everything I got mozzarella our shred the mozzarella girl like when I shred by myself it's a more good I got my own mega sauce it started this we start the slice of the egg play first thing what you gotta do you've got to take it out this piece over here like this if this other piece over here okay and you take around this piece over he gets not nice flat and we start the quarter the piece like that see you like the quarter run you can do run I like with the skin it plus the skin when you cook is stayed together they say over here we call it play permit job in Italy we was a say melanzana melanzane alla parmigiana okay now let's start do with the flour egg play the pour flour eggs a breadcrumb like this it looked at the oil do not be too hot okay you know one of the headache play the born now this is about three minutes you were you do you take the fork and you look oh look a beautiful a you told so still it you know like this you leave a stay a little bit more but look at this smell is so good nice day like three minute like this and like actually before you pick it up on one side you look like this set soon already you leave a stay a little bit more not we can take her out but look at that you live a drain little of the oil over here raid on the parts I got a pool and a pedi towel like this the little oily guard the paper towel is dry okay now we repeated the same thing like I did the first one yeah I got the rest and do the same thing it's so easy okay now I see this an egg pray when I fry I put a three piece on the time in this part it's a really very good the big but when I was working at a restaurant in Torino we ever the stove first thing at the stove he was four feet but were feet long and when we was a fried egg play you can fry it maybe 20 or 25 piece on the time now this see I gotta go three on a time and what do you want me to do it's our my unbelief it's okay now this is to the way I prepare the eggplant parmigiana what do you need that you put a little bit the sauce and a bottle of the dish kaleidos an egg tray in not stick you do like this gig Argo every place the sauce slider now a garlic play over here I'll leave a foot piece cut the four piece you gotta go right on the top like this she look really good now we start prepare a whip or like this one over here like that by this a one piece over here like that after there you put a little sauce right on the tap it with the spoon the flat spoon you spread all over the place now you put little mozzarella a little pecorino cheese when you make your tomato sauce the taste and everything it's a differ it making sure the seeing see got a plumber Tamara make sure the make a sauce that the sauce it's so good and you do the job I got a journal in a basement for three four years in no go bad okay now this is the last way like I say a keeper the last lady that explained nice a piece of gonna tap like this look a beautiful oh nice a piece nice apiece nice apiece apiece apiece apiece a paw paw paw nice sauce Bella Rosa Rosa Roy red the red this is sauce look at this okay this he got a gun here on a 400-degree he got a stay for 40 minutes after we take out a whip or mozzarella and pecorino cheese and we put this in the oven for 40 minutes okay we close to the oven ever again and this the car tastes really really good okay now it's a 40 minute let's see not my egg play parmigiana oh look a beautiful look we pulled the mozzarella a pecorino cheese the liver stay for five more minutes like this in melton eyes mozzarella and the pecorino cheese a look so delicious okay I have the nice and less wine okay now the cheese it's a Mac that we take her out but not this it gotta relax it for ten minutes when they relax all the cheese inside everything become affirmed okay now it's a time the core of this a clay and we see what it looked like look alike very good make a shoe the color good and now we quarter and a half over here hey I wanna take a nap one nice piece for me come on baby show that everybody what it look like my piece it would my knife I want out to take this nice piece out like that okay now it's the time of the test I cook I got a taste and let's cut a nice a piece over here another thing I got over here I got my oh oh yeah baby if this is a really good with oh yeah baby it melt in your mouth now this other piece it this is the rest and give one piece David buddy look at this recipe and give it everybody okay here this this is for you can you say you like an egg play parmesan it's a for you thank you hmm what it does it has it is good but this Saluda ching-ching I think my face it on red this how a baby it make you sweat I'm a swept all over thank you so much the watch and I want to say thank you the rebirth salud a ching ching salute Chinchin thank you very much
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 819,828
Rating: 4.9521365 out of 5
Keywords: Eggplant Parmigiana Recipe, Eggplant Parmigiana, Eggplant Parmesan recipe, Eggplant Parmesan, eggplant recipe, eggplant, how to make eggplant parmesan, parmigiana (dish), chef pasquale, orsara recipes, italian recipe
Id: 6JfeZL14L48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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