Eggplant Parmesan - Chef Pasquale

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/giss32 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2012 🗫︎ replies

So much better than half the fools on the Food Network, I love it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DalaiLamaDrama 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2012 🗫︎ replies
today we make eggplant parmigiana when you read the make it's a sauce boil onion garlic eggs mozzarella a breadcrumb with make black oh it's right over here okay now you got to make it a sauce for the eggplant parmigiana we need to demand anything garlic amid audio okay now this is for my sauce so the gal cation is already a what I've got to do I gotta put my sauce this is when I make a sauce visits all make a sauce I'll make this the summertime okay now the sauce is so thick nice you got a boil for our and the source of the rav4 the Inc play parmesan now I'll start the kuru the two parts over here for fry the eggplant Apple two garlic a I use oil we start with eggs this it's a mix salt a black pepper if we start the break legs okay thanks is ready now we gotta start cover this egg egg play first thing you take it out this piece over here in this side on the back now before I start the car make sure I do like this you color one piece like that like this the peg like when you coroner you never move you can do this the size the car okay now we do this I got to prepare the background and the exits already done if we start do this now before start the plane we put the gas on boat by this now we start with the place and heggs put on the breadcrumb it's already with the breath if we start put this all right now this you got to make a show that's a nice brown hey you look still you gotta stay a little bit the mall the biggest sugar it's a nice brownie with torn on the other side okay now this it's a rated torn at the other side look up beautiful calm look a nice good alright okay not this it's ready to take it out and what I do I put on the ticket tab over here get that little oil dry and this okay that one is ready too now we start with a play the prepare you gotta put a little sauce on the bottle make a show the sauce you go all over and we start put the frost lay back plain we put the most sauce on the top get the sauce make sure you go anyplace with pura mozzarella parmigiana cheese on the top you put a little extra sauce poor mozzarella I'm the Jama cheese but this dish it's good people can you know like too much meat it is it's really good to eat this eggplant parmigiana this is ready my ramen what's already he they are gotta put this right inside from maybe let's say for a minute maybe ready let's check my egg plain they're ready I was a cover the not born my mozzarella look are nice let me say you eat this you gonna move now you gotta relax for 10 minutes like this stop the boy in the mozzarella maybe cheese become more fun now let's check something little cool yes ok ok now let's test my Bureau of n like a really good hope everybody make this it's easy to make it's really good thank you very much everybody Bon Appetit
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 257,305
Rating: 4.8917942 out of 5
Keywords: orsara, Recipe, di, eggplant recipe, Sauce, cooking, pasquale, parmesan eggplant, eggplant parmesan recipe, chef, eggplant parmigiana recipe, how to cook eggplant parmesan, puglia, Parmigiana, italian chef, recipes, Recipes Cooking, eggplant parmigiana, eggplant parmesan, recipes with eggplant, how to make eggplant parmesan, Eggplant, Cooking Show, italian, sciarappa
Id: K6EWVs6f-58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2012
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