Bag full of Guns and Ammo found Magnet Fishing

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you open morning everybody yeah come up with a Monster Magnet men just doing a couple of bridges that go over the water we're gonna see what confined oh wait nobody's been here before how many magnetic some show or find something drastic Jesus always right make sure you don't point that make sure your game loaded it's what anybody yeah you spawn the right pull a stop-start summit in there still padlocks around so loss on it off is well yeah yeah yeah I don't that's loaded close behind that's it no box completely out jack completely empty but the sooner you know it's big cousin if the barrels been caught the bottom ends been caught not want to find what I find I have a feeling about this place boys I had a feeling this stock go two rounds so then rang the police they're gonna complete end in technical way obviously it's not always in part never to point guns at people because these recorded this condition you're not the old I'm not gonna mess about a little too much and but we've got the shells out of that one and what this one and still wadded and they're not gonna mess them up with it what an awesome find Brian maybe Steve mystic couches that have too much okay well you know the thing is it is in the background so chop-chop and so to just come out on the rolling to give you rights no rot in the line yeah they'll open now and show if you want comes out that's like [Applause] yeah but what time was this job called it [Music] notice what she does great very very funky yeah but is whatever spinning is rinsed out I'm sorry baby ominous yeah we go with the chocolate yeah I can what come it's very very thin on the edge like she's being safe you know in general i reactivated I thought of coffee business well you'd be like a single action Marciano's he's getting sent today only don't forget to subscribe to the Manchester magnet men see you next one
Channel: Drasticg
Views: 505,401
Rating: 4.8180809 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing uk, uk magnet fishing, drasticg, drastic g, gareth bryer, drastic, Bag full of Guns and Ammo found Magnet Fishing, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing gun uk, magnet fishing gun find, magnet fishing gun find uk, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing shotgun, outdoors weekly magnet fishing, drasticg magnet fishing, treasure hunting, magnet fishing finds, magnet, fishing
Id: QQDpSUC9v9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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