Guns Found In London Canals

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yeah that sounds a real one see the magazine comes out press that button there morning everybody today we're in london we're nigel and uh from north hands magnet fishing and his friend shirley they've been hit the ambidex already and uh they already found lords of things safes and uh my favorite so far this really old parking meter nigel found apparently it still gets money so we're gonna see what we can find down here so it looks like uh shield has already found loads of stuff on this side but i'm gonna see what i can find with the beast from online magnets almost like a bit of a motorbike chopped up so something's probably the most like robbed obviously they chopped it up to get rid of the evidence i've even found a crutch has another one so shirley found the other one early this morning unbelievable this was actually quite clean though you can see in it wow loads of stuff in here oh nice wheel comp and i've never seen a green one before that's new all the ones i found are yellow ips so interesting shirley you ever seen a green wheelcom i before it's a london thing this beast is actually it's pulling up stuff every single frau so i've got the saw the wheel comp a stone bike um two bike [ __ ] so far just hold the metal i've watched i've been here five minutes mud there's tons of stuff here today's gonna be a good day nice little fold-up chair a bit what i don't like but when that beast gets a bit too much for me i can have a sit-down shot oh darn it wow i might even take that arm in there put some new wooden slats on it and all the little stuff all the time and stuff we're chucking in the bin um i got asked in the comments once why i throw away even the smallest bit of metal um because you can get money for it but um i had a friend take on the scrap to the scrap yard the other day two tons it was and he only got sixty pound for it so i scrapped my scrap metal at the minute because of this uh covered situation it's got metals not worth very much still with uh taking the big bits but not a little you find a shoe let's find a woman's shoe the uh the woman's not in the water and i found a little crowbar or pry bar probably used to a force locks or padlocks off sheds or something another coin i found quite a few of these i'm not there for but i found about three of them as well somebody's lovely trousers they're not mine okay 5p coin collection is piling up a little pair for the uh congestion charge oh sorry jesus that would have been a nice one that would have been as well i'm finding these bike clocks find about eight of them oh nice i think i have to come this side which bat i think it was like that was it yeah [ __ ] was empty wow that's amazing that bit early to find it everybody's got you we shot a fox for that eight o'clock in the morning yeah one week yeah coming out daylight find an old adjustable wrench and a set of keys that's an interesting set of keys with a little dots on it okay wrench that that'll clean up nicely and uh on one of the other casts i found a little pair of needle nose pliers interesting some good little finds bag of rubbish so it's attached to the plug before i pull it out any guesses what it'll be feels quite heavy let's have a microwave or an iron let's see see what it is it's definitely not a microwave oh it's not a hi-fi system would scale that put out a little light for the uh for the road works i thought there's been a few putting there that's when shirley found this early this morning so uh find a little watch i don't think it's valuable because it's magnetic but sir the watch is a watch i'll have to clean it up to see what make it is and i'll once it's cleaned up i'll put a picture in the video um i don't i don't think it's valuable because magnetic cure what to find maybe it might mean there's a surfing there found an old walkie-talkie hello it's like the size of my first ever phone one of bt telnets they're huge things [Laughter] yeah i started there excellent really i don't know it's might be bb gun i won't when nobody's around because i don't get wrestled to the ground no yeah little bb gun [Laughter] we're getting a phone card a minute yeah it's definitely a bb gun i don't hide it because i don't want people thinking i'm concealing a weapon we've been i've done that he's done that you've come over madden it just shows you there's still more stuff in there there's way more stuff now it's got two more casts so that's just one bridge cleaned um onto the next and see what good things we can find so this water looks really clear you can actually see the bottom which uh you don't get to see in the northwest of the uk because we've done ourself it's a little bit cleaner sort of way and these are the views from the second bridge really busy also before you can find some good finds here that looks clever oh no got it stuck in the middle side just gotta care for that oh yeah nice found a jacama spike and a bit of old bridge find myself a little beer keg with the uh the grappling hook so i'm gonna have a quick tidy up i've been here about half an hour and i'm not too sure that that's off i don't think it's a boat what is that it says viking johnson something like quick hawk maybe it's off a boat not too sure and uh that's a spare end of a hammer i did find the jack of a spike that's that boardwalk two packing meters blurred and just loads of general rubbish pulled up an old phone okay still in its case shell inside it see what phone it is but yeah that's across the stairs it's the old nokia oh yeah i've been in there a while got a nokia nokia 402 i suppose it still powers up i said the front drilled out under the back so the back's all been drilled oh nigel's gone and done it it's even in a nice sock oh it looks a real one yeah yeah that sounds a real one see the magazine comes out press that button there that's seized up is it nice yeah yeah they're already up there with another one we've found yeah if you don't if we get caught with it you get five years in jail wow even if you find it because you don't have it yeah you got the license yeah what is it this looks like a nine-millimeter handgun i told you find all sorts in here i've got some elsa bike just bit of scrap bit of steel to see if it says like blank in it or if it says like a manufacturer's name on it because if it's a blank you could keep it because if it's a blank you can only say eight million right there for a while excuse me found another one
Channel: Drasticg
Views: 36,175
Rating: 4.8967743 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing uk, uk magnet fishing, drasticg, drastic g, gareth bryer, drastic, 2 Guns Found In LONDON by Northants Magnet Fishing, northants magnet fishing, magnet fishing guns, magnet fishing guns found, magnet fishing gun uk, magnet fishing london canals, magnet fishing uk london, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing police involved, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, canal magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing uk rivers, magnet fishing finds uk
Id: T46tMXSgXqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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