Baer Returns to No Man's Sky (Ep. 4)

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oh yeah right we were uh working on bear force 2 now this whole new uh endeavor that we've made extremely good progress on in fact we're mostly done we just had to shift over to this technology tab and uh clear out the couple of melted fuel cells on the corroded tanks which should not take too much effort either so things are looking pretty good here i want to go ahead and whip up a warp drive or not a warp drive a warp cell which i don't think we actually have the uh resources for let me take a look here yeah we need condensed carbon which turns out carbon is a little more uh uncommon than i thought or at least it's not very readily available in the uh in the stores as far as i can tell maybe these guys have some the carbon or condensed carbon i don't know if we already tried to buy from these guys but worth a look yeah no luck they do have some chromatic metal we have a ton of units maybe i go ahead and try to buy a bunch of stuff that will we know we'll be able to use later on like spending a million units here to get like 4 000 chromatic metal just to have in reserve especially because we already have some i'm pretty sure in the inventory i kind of like that idea we'll just do this let me take a peek at our inventory real quick as well just to see how we're doing here yeah now that feels good now we have 6900 chromatic metal so obviously that was a good decision for us and buying a bunch of ferrite does not wouldn't be a bad idea either i don't think ferrite dust sodium salts even cobalt maybe like any of that kind of thing that these guys are just selling offhand at the uh at the space stations i feel like i ought to just go ahead and take advantage of that while i can because i'm certainly gonna have many more opportunities to get units then i am going to have opportunities to get this kind of stuff so that makes sense to me not to mention it's really cheap i mean we just bought literally all of his ferrari dust for 60 000 units or not even that the cobalt's kind of expensive but i still feel like that's worth it and then the oxygen yeah that's also fairly cheap really uh when you look at the total amount that we're getting there and then we can even get like some carbon nanotubes that wouldn't be a terrible idea although i know these these don't stack nearly as efficiently as something like the uh the elements do i know chlorine's really all that good ah not not for that price yeah no thanks we'll get some peripherium though uh ionized cobalt's pretty good too i'll probably just get like a thousand of that i think i need to be a little more a tiny more conservative than i have than i have been so far let's get like a nice fat stack of that and then see if there's maybe one more person to buy from here yeah someone just landed so i'm gonna chat with this guy yeah i think extra resources are always a good idea i don't want to find ourselves just having to bounce back and forth between space stations just looking for random nonsense as much as we can we want to avoid that as much as we can i want to say more ferrite dust i feel like all the ferrite dust we can find i might as well get not to mention the oxygen on top of the oxygen and then the sodium probably too falls in that same category um i guess that's probably good i don't think i need more chromatic metal right now let's go ahead and leave with that and then we got to go get a bunch of carbon we have a ton of oxygen now so that's nice well i don't think we need to worry about that for a while and then sodium is looking good oh we have a bunch of carbon we just need condensed carbon okay well that's nice well good we're actually in great shape here then we need to sell these i think what do we do with this we just sell this right i'm pretty sure we just sell that let's go do that real quick are those space pants well i'm in space and i'm wearing pants so you know it's a fact though come on excuse me need the terminal thank you uh no carbon here either right yeah oh well um wait a minute what was the thing high capacity vector compressor so there we go oh was i on the buy menu again goddammit bear why are these green those are the only green one is that oh this is an oh this is a commodity right and then this okay because these are the i think if we buy these things because you see how this has like that price uh percentage next to it i believe that's different in every space station and so this is like a little uh kind of like a trading commodity minigame where you can like try to buy a whole bunch of stuff from one station and sell it for a higher price at a different station so i think that's what's going on here pretty sure that's what that means yeah and that also meant that we got a really great uh deal on those because the demand was pretty high for those here so yeah that was dope that's good okay that paid for quite a bit of what we just bought too so that was uh really nice now in my in my normal playthrough i spent quite a bit of time talking to everybody and trying to like learn all the words the language and while i'm s while i'm you know talking about that i suppose i could be doing this too but even doing that even like dedicating myself to doing it it still takes so freaking long to learn the language especially when you do that and nothing happens which is that a glitch pretty sure that was supposed to oh this is the science terminal guy i thought this is a okay we gotta do that too still but learning a language is hard yeah weird right but yeah no it's gonna be a long long long long long process if we do end up trying to commit to that because yeah no especially now that we're you know starting basically from scratch here i don't know how how how often i'm gonna be doing it is basically the the point i'm making there but i don't think anyone really cares anyway so i guess let's get back to it right yeah we need to go get some uh some activated carbon no no that's not even a thing activated copper and then uh pyrite that's it that's all we need 120 pyrite and then uh 75 activated copper and then the stuff to make a warp cell but i think we just need to condense some carbon to do that so let's just go find the planet that has those two resources which probably doesn't exist but you can find them one at a time i also kind of want to go here and check out the salvageable scrap i think i'm going to do that first because i'm very curious about what's going on with that hey shambler this planet is uh not super friendly though but i'm sure we'll be fine it will be just fine [Music] i don't mind that too much bill yeah i'm down with the mouse all right so i don't actually know how to go about looking for the salvageable scrap but i'm sure i can figure it out my initial assumption would be that i want to try to scan around and maybe look for like a base like this and then maybe i can talk to somebody and they'll give me some information about it wait a minute did we not land on the thing we did yeah whatever oh yeah we definitely did hey what is this this isn't the what is this thing comms tower hollow terminus activated access records logs from the previous calls are available quarterbacks something something something something okay cool neat all right i don't really know what's going on with this this is cool oh i thought this is it oh come on now i'm gonna have something that looks like this and it's not gonna pick me up and do the work for me nonsense it's a space ladder wow it's like a normal ladder but it's got a cool hologram projected onto it space [Music] i really had to commit to that foot pedal slam you have no idea you'll never know but i was i was so comfortable i decided no damn it barry you got to hit that foot pedal for that joke you can even call it that you're getting way too deep into analyzing the previous 15 seconds though now at this point we have to get to the level of analyzing the analysis is this necessary is this necessary this part of the bit is this even a bit anymore can you recover from this i think this is unsalvageable i think you might be in like a bit loop all right buddy we're gonna get out of here here's what we're gonna do and get back in the ship we're gonna pretend this whole thing never happened okay all right here we go three two one whoa hey how's it going everybody didn't see you there still streaming apparently wow okay mind if i do i'll do some streaming sure yeah go for a stream isn't life just one big bit here here buddy ain't trying to make yourself laugh at all times what are you doing probably having you know like a terrible tragedy or trauma something that would interfere with your ability to do that look i don't know what's going on with you i'm not there i'm not i'm not part of it i'm just i'm just trying to issue a useless mantra that may or may not be impactful in your life while i aimlessly fly around in this planet not truly knowing whether or not i'll actually be able to accomplish anything here but that's i mean that's another metaphor for life right we're all just aimlessly meandering around not really sure whether or not there's a purpose to our being here we're just doing our best tolerate but hey thanks for the gift it's appreciate it welcome to the pile bear hugs for james the hobbit well they're a sub goal real nice and early appreciate that thank you thank you very much for the support i suppose we'll have to set a new one won't we let's go ahead and do that now we gotta continue to hit these arbitrary number goals dude it's extremely important boom 11 69. nice yeah nice nice one there hey nice bear good one bear good one buddy i like that indeed teach me a word teach me a friendship word excuse me can you can you use it in a sentence please can i get the country of origin all right oh it's right there sure enough made me look like a fool i am free to explore free to pursue my passion for struggling it's like it's like they're like they they scripted this to me it's like see it's a word people use they say it all the time it's it's just a common expression welcome to the bear pile uh he still wants a freaking science terminal though please go a hue yourself i'm not even sure how to say it james the hobbit paying forward the gifted subscriptions be sugar bunny welcome on into the pile you love to see that thank you very much gotta give them a few bear hugs as well get them nice and comfy like the support no raffle from naming stuff today we'll do that for sure yeah i just gotta i like to let a few more folks filter in and then we just i think actually i like the way we did it last time where we uh scanned a bunch of stuff on the planet and then we just you know rapid fire a bunch of the names at the same time i think that'll be better so we'll probably do that we'll get that uh we'll get that going eventually here though wow he's got some weird stuff frost crystals convergence cubes i think i need these for something i'm gonna buy them because i feel like i i could have sworn that was in like one of our um like we already have one i could have sworn that was in one of our recipes those are gifts gifts for the corvax oh yeah right but i think that i'm pretty certain that it was also in one of the recipes i'm pretty sure about that all right i'm gonna go ahead and whip ourselves up a whole bunch of condensed carbon let's do that thankfully that won't take too long and while we're doing it i guess i could go get the carbon that i'm using back if there's even any around oh there's some over there okay this is definitely my my timing is different on the um on the move now i think i think it might have been because we got that uh upgrade which is weird we haven't identified that yet either oh golden the refiner makes pyrite oh really well that's good i'll save us a trip and then can't we can we turn copper to activated copper somehow or does that that only happens on like the super hot planets right or is maybe they're a way for us to do like a portable superheat or something i don't know pyrite is called fool's gold after all i think i knew that at one point yeah that makes sense all right well got quite a bit of carbon back that's nice oh [ __ ] does a ton of damage be more careful oh [ __ ] all right well i guess i'll just climb the freaking ladder god so boring what the hell careful our ladders do damage you're better off just flying regular space ladder yeah those ones you gotta pay extra for the ones that don't hurt you on the way up all right so that gets us that which gets us this the uh antimatter that we need to make the warp cell once we make the antimatter housing which gives us this which then we need to make wait how do we make the uh i don't know if i actually have the recipe for the other one the warp hyper core i might not but either way i'll just do this and there we go that's that and now we gotta do this wait no right yeah i forgot we're gonna do this too put this back put carbon back in there and then we need to do gold it's a pyrite dope okay cool that works and then i can just buy gold from someone too pretty sure this guy had gold gamma root i wonder if i use that needs a storm crystal to make out well all right never mind then oh don't leave don't leave i need to buy stuff from you [ __ ] oh damn it oh wait that's my that's my ship i could have sworn i saw someone's legs going into the vessel in the under underside of it how's the guy up there hey buddy you got any gold you got gold yeah he's got platinum i'm gonna buy this i should buy that in any up or at any opportunity that i get i should give more platinum because that was uh surprisingly difficult to come across as we were looking for it platinum's just better i mean that's just the science fact right platinum's better than gold ask any scientist i'll tell you literate what well you may want it it's just better it's simply better what accent is that sir i don't know but i'm scientist i do science that is a pretty cool ship yeah hmm let's do let's put the platinum in the ship that makes sense and then oh we're using the pyrite actually so let's just go ahead and do that now oh right yeah oops i'll do that repair there we go cool god damn it here we go and lastly the activated copper sell that tainted metal to the salvage guys in the space station all right yeah i forgot about that okay cool now we gotta do that too um but we also need to put away a couple more things and get more suit upgrades let's do man wiring looms i guess i don't think i use these in many things besides the ship upgrade slash repairs and then we've got the hypnotic eyes as well and this several things to sell to the ship salvage guy maybe i should just go there let's just do that but first no there's nothing left to do here right i think all we needed is the activated copper left and that's all for the ship oh and then we have our multi tool to fix as well i keep forgetting about that yeah we've got this stuff to do we need hermetic seals dioxide and that's it which i have i wonder if i've got the stuff to make three uh three more hermetic seals apparently i do cool okay great let me do this all done all fixed all right oh wait no all we need is uh the pyrite oh [ __ ] nice there we go oh no we need seven more damn it ah crap okay there's got to be more gold somewhere you got gold i need seven gold or pyrite maybe just give me pyrite that'd be worth that would work for me too isn't this just poop this this is just red poop you got red poop for sale i don't want any red poop why did i buy gold i think the gold that i bought i turned into pirate already don't think i have any pretty sure i already did that damn it here and maybe he's got some i got two ships up here ah damn it don't hit [Music] me right more gold please yeah no i guess i can just go shoot asteroids that'll make it pretty quick but all right whatever i'll just go get my own gold ah i'll just get my own god but the gun was missing just teleported a bunch of 30 year olds back 15 years asteroids are you at least space is pretty that's always nice i mean that's a pretty cool look that's that's pretty dope am i getting scanned [Music] i thought it got scanned for a second there oh there we go that's what we wanted i should have put down a beacon where i was did i pick up my refiner yeah i did i'm right there with you sean yeah i love the visuals in this game and i just i love the way oh wait a minute this is not an asteroid field it's a freighter oh [ __ ] this is cool that's a cool looking freighter dude oh there's some asteroids oh there's a cargo pod with gold in it wait is this isn't this the this is either corvex or some like one of the weird no i think this is corvex i mean yeah i'd go for the gold in the cargo pod if it wasn't just an asteroid field like right next to this too i feel like this is going to be a lot a easier less hassle i want to go chat with this dude and see what the price is on this bad boy though because this is a pretty cool looking freighter i seriously doubt i can afford it though yes corvax hey buddy how are you doing commander glazzo i like that name in fact i'm gonna call you commander glazo they seem amenable to an offer what you got oh god oh no [ __ ] he even has gold ah [ __ ] dude god damn it i would almost yeah i might have done it too i think i would have done it ah [ __ ] [Applause] maybe i can sell some [ __ ] real quick will you buy my stuff no you're not gonna buy anything where can i hmm man i want this thing now this is a cool freighter let's go see if i can get back to the space station and get back here before he leaves i don't think he's gonna go anywhere i think i'm okay get back to this thing where the space station go over here there it is okay so let's see this is is there a marker on this i think so right i don't know if i can place a marker i don't know if that's a thing i don't want to lose it i mean it's gonna be difficult not to see maybe i don't know let's just we'll go this way and then geez i don't know i feel like i'm gonna lose the thing i'm not worried about it leaving i'm worried about not being able to find it when i come back out i'm worried about getting lost if i just turn around here oh i can see it okay oh and it has a tag on it okay yeah well let's just tag it now actually there we go okay we're good all taken care of yeah we will be able to sell more than enough to cover the cost oh in fact now i should go uh to salvage scrap dude and give him all that crap we got on the derelict crater yeah so that'll probably take care of it by itself right we might as well sell all the other stuff we've got to oh there we go that was nice the corvax awaits my decision um what do i do i can't sell anything to him sneeze right down grandpa bear as well yeah how do i sell him the scrap what do i do oh yeah there's gonna be a new inventory slot here too huh oh i already bought it nevermind it's the purchase old scrap option is that not the opposite of what i want to do oh and now you gotta sell okay i got you um so we're selling from the ship inventory because that's where all this stuff is uh i'm just gonna get rid of this i don't know what the hell this is for i'm pretty sure it's just a commodity oh baby there we go nice okay and the hypnotic eyes sell for quite a bit too i wonder what else we use this for probably not a lot how's grandpa doing wing chun grandpa is going down there grandpa grandpa let's just check it in i just like why you guys sound so mean all the time so bitter it's like i keep you down in a well in my house or something [Applause] i mean you don't have to like dispel the illusion grandpa bear we can just pretend you're down there and i'm up here it's more fun that way if you want to like ruin the bid i guess i guess that's fine long answer he's doing terrible or short answer long answer is the bit let's go see sounding extra echo-ish today oh no i think the echo is at the normal level how are we doing is this the echo oh yep this is definitely the echo knob this is how we turn the echo up [Music] that's that's better crunchy echo yet um what the heck was i doing all right yeah greater little distracted do keep in mind we're gonna get the free freighter at some point here too but then again i don't know how long it's going to be before i get back in the story missions and i think that might be a story mission thing so maybe just get this plus this one comes with 200 gold right which is really why we're buying it i mean also look at the [ __ ] thing cool as hell that's a that's a sweet freaking freighter dude i like that a lot no no threat no threat we're good all right the free one could be crappy too right yeah at least we know this one's pretty good it's not great but it's serviceable it's got blue leds made for gamers right yeah it's got like the flames painted on the side or if it doesn't it's gonna oh that's true too high i can just sell the freebie we get get some units off that you can have more than one freighter right [Music] i indeed think so it might be actually now that i think about it that might be one of the few things you can only have one of there we go dude ladies and gentlemen we've acquired a freighter let's go bear clap bear clap bear clap this is ours now it belongs to us it's all mine i can touch everything i can do whatever i want they can't tell me not to it's mine i bought it i'm gonna lick all the buttons you can't tell me not to i own the freighter i lick it yeah i don't even have a tongue but i'm still gonna lick it all right buddy now what do we do honey's gave don't call me honey honey the ship's foreigner former owner is visibly relaxed they seem to revel in their unworried return to pure freighter captaincy to the simple life of engines without plotting in cargo heart in the sail has not prompted them to immediately flee the vessel thanks for the gold sucker give me that give me that [ __ ] mine now all right yeah we get to talk to this guy too this is a fun part quarterbacks is pleased to calculate routes for the traveler captain but the fleet requires a fleet command room before it can depart navigator s has prepared an expedition but my freighter lacks the fleet command room i need to maintain communications during the voyage we gotta make a fleet command room let's add one purchase upgrades uh-oh um oh freight recoloring oh dude we gotta make a pink freighter hell yeah absolutely we also need to learn how to make frigate fuel we need salvaged frigate modules also all this stuff because this would be dope yeah we need to get all these uh upgrades too um let's see right yeah i forgot about that part yeah there's like the mobile base building mechanics here so now if we open up the construction menu we can go to the freighter stuff and then we can go to a fleet command room and we can put that right there and in fact we can build more than one and that'll allow us to send out more than one expedition at a time we can put one right there which doesn't make a lot of sense because i'm pretty sure that's wait wait oh it did build it in the same place this is inaccessible on either side now because all right well glad to see that that's a possibility let's let's just go ahead and delete one there we go that fixed that okay we'll uh here we go yeah so we'll just do that there that makes sense uh and then we go like this i think i'm gonna go ahead and build one there too that works for me cool that matter beam on the right of the freighter research page is insanely useful okay okay noted all right and now that we have these fleets command stations we can go back to oh that's fun we can go back to this guy and he's like yay thanks for making the fleet command stations now let's send the fleets out oh wait just kidding you don't have any any ships to send so you can't do anything you big dumb dumb dumb idiot go get ships go get some oh wait no we do have one we have the interstellar frigate ioshi's focus which clearly that's not the name of that frigate and we're gonna have to figure out how we rename that we also need to rename our freighter but i think i need to rename the freighters something that i decide not not necessarily something that we draw out of chat so how do we do that we need to go to how do we rename the freighter that's a good question oh that's in the that's in the quick menu right i think that's if we go to here and then to utilities might be library um is the it's somewhere man where is the freaking thing bear freight one yeah that's not bad inventory where is it oh yeah yeah yeah right yeah freighter there we go okay we got it okay cool so i don't even remember what i named my freighter in my old my old playthrough um let's maybe come back to that when i have an egg oh freight bear that's not bad i kind of want to go with that jay martin thanks for the 44 months on the bear pile welcome on back in this unfortunately does not answer um oh you know what i need to do is rename this the bear claw as well there we go uh let's see how do we rename the the frigates oh man it's fleet there we go right yeah dope okay so this is this will be a fun one we get to rename the frigates after members of chad that's a good that's a good pick me i like that pick me that'll be fun so let's hit it p-i-c-k-m-e in chat right now all one word that's all you gots to do we'll be entering into the drawing i'm gonna rename this frigate after someone in chat that's gonna be dope and then we're gonna send you out on expeditions all the time it'll be like darkest dungeon but in space and with spaceships and nothing like darkest dungeon at all all right get it in now yielding in now if you'd like to be selected unless uh oh oh no i gotta archive the old one dum-dum you got an old one going here bear get rid of that do the new one there we go there we go all right oh that's a great that's a [ __ ] perfect name could not have been a better choice that is the name of this frigate that is absolutely correct rock beard very good okay well that's that yesss rock beard yes i like that let's send you out on an expedition friend view potential expeditions so we got to do something real easy or the easiest available one anyway shortest with the lowest difficulty rating is going to be inspecting the wella row let's do this sign rock beard assigned there we go we go back we see that we have a fleet rating of two however it requires fuel which we don't have right i forgot about that part there's always there's always one last thing you forget so we go to the freighter we make freighter fuel which i don't think we can do right because we had to do the research right okay so we have to go to oh yeah we're afraid of warp map too we have to go to here we have to i don't think we have the resource for this though yeah we got to find a salvaged frigate module which how the heck do we do that interact with one of your command rooms uh oh well unfortunately one of our command rooms has disappeared oh nope two of them are gone yep they're all gone we don't have any command rooms anymore those are those don't exist so that's unfortunate that was oh wait no no no still gone here tell you what let's do let's let's uh let's see how this how this goes we'll get in the ship and then see if maybe we'll do uh we'll do it turn it off and on again for the freighter how about that get out of there reload it in the middle dock reboot the whole system yeah this pirate's still just hanging out outside the freighter waiting for me [Music] all right certainly that fixed it certainly that got got the job done jump cut oh no it's even worse oh good there we go so there's nothing am i supposed to do something in here no available options i think i need to uh i can't remember how to actually get those modules i don't remember if that was even a thing when i played last the freighter specific modules for research that is uh that's a mystery to me it's supposed to give you the recipes for fuel for free probably storyline to introduce you to freighter basics oh it's probably a quest thing huh yeah maybe we should go main quest for a little while just so we can find that because that's gonna be going to be important we want to get those uh those frigates going if we can but hey we got a freighter at least that's pretty good oh no don't doubt god [ __ ] dammit i'm gonna come fight in a second don't i'll get out there eventually [Music] just hold on thankfully this isn't costing me any launch fuel but okay we got this figured out i'm gonna get well away from the freighter now okay here comes the threat oh wait now these are just oh these are other freighters apparently check your quest log we've got we're looking for artemis right now which is our oh wait oh there we go okay plot an expedition we need oh now it's saying inspect the fleet command room let's go back to the freighter everybody i love this place let's go back [Music] certainly it'll work now if it doesn't work now we'll just go do something else although that'll be unfortunate because i don't know how we're gonna use the uh freighter if that's the case because we're gonna have to figure out how to get those modules eventually inspect the fleet command room yeah no that's the same thing read more about fleets in the guy what the hell is this bugged this feels bugged maybe it's this specific one there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go that's what we want uh download data yes yeah there we are good okay and now we should be able to go the freighter and make a bunch of this [ __ ] which we need dihydrogen for but we can make that at least for now and be able to at least send off the one expedition but we need to get more dihydrogen and let's do this assign the ship go rock beard get the fuel um we can't afford any of that stuff all right i think actually we have to do that before [Music] we uh do this or before we get to this menu i think we have to make that in a different menu but either way we're good so let's hit it off they go and we've done our first expedition so now we just wait 59 actual minutes and then we summon our freighter to wherever we're at we check in on the fleet command room which we can look at right now and see where they're where they're at speak with commander expedition we literally just left commander i don't know why you're checking in on me right now but yep we're still we're still moving within eyesight of the freighter we'll be on our way now i'll do it farm i'm having a good time i recommend it can you follow them yeah that'd be fun oh yeah i keep forgetting we can refine the dihydrogen from the jelly which weirdly has like uh like you can make more out of that what am i trying to say like you can make an infinite amount of the dihydrogen just from continuing to repeat that process right yeah because it makes more dihydrogen than it's worth pirates let's have some fun i got a brand new ship with some fun guns i haven't tried yet pretty good although okay they're hurting a little bit now we there's no need for you to actually deal damage that seems that seems unnecessary some chromatic metal though that's pretty good oh am i getting some support i'm getting some help from this dude let's go buddy thanks all right some lemium you can't actually follow them they show up on the galaxy map oh that's awesome i love that that makes me very happy all right so we're still looking for activated copper we still need that to repair our multi-tool so i am mostly looking for either a planet or a moon that will provide us with that come on now i don't care about that stuff just let me see this moon let me see it i keep forgetting about that salvageable scrap too maybe we go to a different system for a little while don't scan that though aggressive sentinels no [Music] thanks you don't let me scan this now this is just a mystery planet i guess one of these days they'll show me what's going on here there we go that ain't it [Music] i think i'm gonna go ahead and make a jump [Music] let's go for let's see i could go through the black hole that could be fun might as well try that let's head toward it let's go along the route that will take us closer to the black hole i'm okay with that goodbye coffee nice having you again today see you tomorrow the yolk or system that's not the name of this system you goofs this is the silent system i can't believe they got that so wrong this here that's the silence system we haven't we been here no that just looks familiar no activated copper another planet hiding behind there lots of planets here this is good hey there we go let's hit it a torrid planet you say i don't like that word let me google that just to make sure i fully understand it though torrid of course it's a brand god damn it that's what i thought yeah i mean based on context very hot and dry torrid there's our vocab word for the day apparently i want to land on the dark side too no this is not looking good oh quite the opposite actually the complete opposite in fact oh boy yeah this is some unpleasant weather holy [ __ ] good god this is [ __ ] crazy whoa we're like on the surface i can't see a thing look at these storms i look the ground is right below me i cannot see anything holy hell this is a dangerous place to be i can't this is bad there's something there i find this activated copper still oof cakes okay come on now let's get there oh my god this isn't even ah [ __ ] i can't see where to land man where's the landing pad there is none let's go right here more like horrid planet for real extreme heat with aggressive sentinels jesus christ this is just not where you want to be holy [ __ ] extreme sentinel planet you don't see that very often oh wow sixteen hundred credits he spoiled me i'm glad we have our uh extreme heat protection we would be in it is 300 degrees celsius what the [ __ ] what is this place this is hell this is actual hell god damn this is awful we gotta get to the light side at least man i'll get we can hold on a second get back out back out under the safety of open space holy hell and then let's at least go where we can see for god's sake lurky mclurk face 53 months on the bear pile welcome on backhand so you thank very much it's upsetting to me that the sub goal is displayed as 1.17 k that's not what it is twitch you know damn well that's not what it is it's a very specific number [Music] oh i know it's gonna be hotter on the light side but at least i can [ __ ] see man like that's a lot more concerning to me not being able to look at where the hell i'm going plus hopefully maybe it won't be such a horrible storm uh sector what am i trying to say storm area swell cell that's the word i'm looking for i thought they were planet wide maybe it doesn't really look like it this looks a lot better at least see stuff now there's somewhere to land okay hopefully this is a little more manageable here yeah the storm must have ended huh that makes more sense all right how's it looking now how we doing 102 that's still still gonna melt you into the earth but you know 200 degrees colder so better i guess there's a sentinel just waiting for me to slip up too we got in here oh i'm going to blow this down well let's make some ammo i guess did they have the i got the scatter blaster don't mind me i'm just blowing down the doors it's fine don't worry about it interloper let's see ah apply override chip hey there we go that was easy good thing i happen to have an override chip uh learn new recipe sure oh god damn it uh multiple expansion slot then come on what inventory is full which one oh my exo suit that makes sense let's just get rid of this then put this in here and then uh i really just don't even like having navigation data i'm gonna put these in the starship too though god damn it i didn't even want nanites i wanted the other stuff oh yeah i can put the refiner in the car go through cool oh wait in the oh yeah no but no yeah that's well i mean i guess it doesn't matter if i swap them between those two things right apparently or i don't think the uh cargo inventory slot is any different i hit that save spot i don't think i did oh i did i gotta rename that though two tata wookie random numbers jones that's what this save zone is called oh no actually that's the name of this planet that's a good name and the name of this zone is ollie man one good very good it's important work we're doing oh whoops all right let's go find that activated copper it's around here somewhere i guess it's just gonna be storming all the time so you know maybe i should just i'm just gonna land here where i think it's maybe like a little protected and then i think i just need to scan from the ground and just find somewhere i got a deposit there we that's go balls too technology modules i guess that's the closest these are weird critters it's an odoxius oh there's somewhere here yeah you cool oh right yeah the sentinels don't like me taking these i forgot well let's run away see ya now recharge this recharge this thankfully we have a ton of those resources now yep here why is your character so thick that's just how he was made by me oh is this dihydrogen oh man i got excited i thought this is all dihydrogen are you mad you gonna be an angry boy you look what you look hostile you do you are hostile you're going to attack aren't you he's attacking get the [ __ ] out of here leave me alone i'll scatter blast you i will i don't think i will i'll do it yeah that's right give me that leg meat yum yum oh yeah oh i gotta put this away oh [ __ ] oh oh man this is this planet is horrible god this place is just the worst that's not that's a hostile creature too god damn ah it's terrible there's these [ __ ] gas clouds coming from the plants what the [ __ ] i gotta get this carbon and get the hell out these sandals are chasing me down too oh i'm getting munched by plants it's just a nightmare run where'd the carpet or where'd the [ __ ] copper even go i lost it oh the sentinel force was deactivated that's good where did my i lost the copper source i have completely lost it uh oh boy yep it's missing he's attacking god damn it these animals won't leave me alone the settlers found me again oh right yeah the storm makes my jet pack better i forgot that's pretty cool let's just sit in here for a second holy [ __ ] this is a horrible place just regroup for a minute uh this is australia the planet yeah god damn okay there it is run away again you all want to die oh i got i'll deal death out happily if that's what you guys want more than happy to oblige i need i need to put some [ __ ] away too that's what i need to do hmm let's move the gravitino balls to the ship just destroy that one they're not even worth that much dude that wasn't worth it at all feast on their intestines yes delicious mmm feline livers eating raw my favorite yum yum yum okay good and then exo soup move this to the starship kabam no we don't even have room in there [ __ ] i can't move to the freighter either i should have put that in the freighter all right man we're gonna get this [ __ ] done moving over to the terrain manipulator i'm even gonna put it down the smallest one because i'm certain in our ability to do this let's get it taken care of here we go we're back reach the copper get some mining these are weird looking things oh i do not they're the worst thing i've seen so far i hate this there's some five nights at freddy's [ __ ] dude do not like you oh god look at the [ __ ] thermal protection go down when we don't have our shield up jesus that is real bad that's that's pikachu in 50 years right yeah when the cartoon doesn't preserve his youth eternally left to his own what the [ __ ] is he doing man oh it's so upsetting weird ass dance over there you weren't supposed to beat him after midnight lord what the hell is that jump his feet are hot that makes sense i guess yeah this is the natural survival tactic you have to learn when you live on a 300 degree celsius planet bear thank god there's constant storms in this place there's probably storm crystals on this planet right i gotta get a crash course on how those are required again certainly getting plenty of activated copper find them an extreme weather storm like the one we just had right can you only find them during the storms why are you not getting this there we go that'll do they can be located using the f scan tool when the storm is going okay okay all right i got to figure out which chat member this horrible monstrosity is we'll name this one too this one is a uh that's known as an orion 933 right there but uh the five nights at freddy's monster that thing yeah that right there what's that called that's a not bill murray which i'm pretty sure we've named another thing and not bill murray but this is also not bill murray so you know like it kind of makes sense seems logical to me oh you [ __ ] muncher who's the muncher who's been who's been chomping at me tejan tonga knock it off cut that out all right had enough of that you making that weird ass noise bill i'm gonna make some pellets hold on come here buddy quit chomping at me here bud here you go all right we're good very good gently milk that's upsetting that's that's upsetting [Music] halo halo that is your name yeah i'm gonna keep that yeah get him halo yeah kill him that's right battle cry feast on his corpse you protected me make go away frightening make go away frightening yeah he's eating him good lord nature is metal dude you're my best friend down hearted oh gently pat he likes attention he loves attention oh he's a happy boy yeah all right that's my happy buddy we gotta go with appearance five with 15 decals and making everything pink there we go uh number 11 with a dark green and black accent perfect oh who's a happy bird yes he is that's my happy halo new thing new thing what are you talking about buddy incompatible size oh god damn it i wanted to ride you around let's go back to the ship fella i guess i better recharge my equipment yeah better do that i love the way you look you're such a goof who's a goofy boy okay i feel bad for hating you before i like you a lot you're my new best friend look at the big one what a big one you talking about he thinks oh it's a friend it's your buddy look hello friend you want to make friends go make friends with that one yeah that's okay i'll see if he'll come along too let's see if he'll be friends too hold on what the hell process in a nutrient processor to generate edible products weird uh where the okay here he is hey buddy ah dad i can't i can't bring myself to do it twice i love seeing wookie random numbers jones just scrolling constantly along the bottom it's so good drink the milk you know what i will i have become immortal or nothing happened definitely need this i try to melt the flying octopus i don't think i can actually give that thing food can i it's a hostile creature i'm pretty sure it won't even give me the opportunity he wants to kill me he wants me dead might as well as well it's not really even worth the time honestly okay i think we're done here i'm pretty sure i got all the activated carb or activated copper i need check the multi-tool just to make sure we still need pyrite and dioxide for that what the hell what the oh he killed this thing and he's eating it i got so confused he's inside it holy [ __ ] dude he's a menace what are you doing buddy what's going on feeling alert protection what are you looking for huh is it this guy gonna protect us from this thing he's coming after us buddy you gotta get him yeah get him get him halo sick him don't run away halo halo master's dying halo master's getting eaten halo he hurts a lot oh ow okay bye oh this place is bad oh this place is very bad oh halo killed it and made some poop i'll get some poop wait do i need to like scan that what do i do with that hello i don't know what to do with that oh there we go aha okay yeah these guys hurt a lot i think i need to get the hell out of here this is a bad place to be let's go oh cool yeah we certainly have been doing that all right well hopefully mission accomplished right oh right this is where we needed the activated copper there we go ladies and gentlemen bear force 2 has been fully repaired love to see it back in action um and then we've got a few other things we need to get rid of let's head let's head to the space station real real quick oh god damn it just thought of that when i landed there man we got ourselves a hell of a ship upgrade here very happy with uh air force two now it's worth looking at these guys as they warp in now for us for sure because this is uh hopefully yeah no actually there's a look at all these all these are recruitable frigates so we can approach these guys and talk to them hopefully we'll be able to afford uh hiring one and adding it to our fleet although we're pretty low on units right now yeah i think we're gonna need to find a space station first sell a bunch of stuff and then try to add some more frigates to the fleet [Music] that's a good way to go now the fleet has arrived so yeah i guess we can just go to that system and watch them do their job that's kind of fun oh hold on trade frequency hi how's it going oh this is cool death death what why did you say death at the end though that's upsetting okay weird i'll bet i'll be able to sell a bunch of [ __ ] to you huh hold on i can go to my other inventory as well wanna sell you that [Music] sell you bad he wants to trade to death yeah uh i feel like i gotta sell that to somebody else so i'm not gonna sell you that and that yeah same deal i'll show you those [Music] for now that works he's just [ __ ] melting me with his thrusters there that was rude all right well actually that kind of saves me the trip doesn't it no i i still need to i need to go uh talk to the scrap dealer one more time and uh oh boy sell that uh derelict freighter crap to him because i think he wants it for some specific reason but i'm not sure about that let's find out barrel roll uh yeah just him i guess what does this do is this even i think this is just oh no this is what do you do with this i need a station override code never really paid attention to that all right you you do this and then we go to sell then we go to the starship inventory curious bone fragments there you go buddy there you go buddy looks like it was basically the same thing but i'm glad that i did it anyway and i guess that's it we need to move that frigate fuel over to the actual frigate soon as well i also need to buy more dihydrogen i wonder if i can actually uh find any of that maybe this guy will have some too but i think i might be able to buy some from the galactic terminal and make more starship fuel no no luck we can probably buy people keep telling me though and i gotta remember where i can buy dye hydrogen jelly and then uh break that down and that'll give us some more so maybe i just do that especially if this guy's got something for sale i think we already got the uh exo steel upgrade from this place but we'll go check man that stinks i don't think i want to buy any of that ion batteries are kind of good but we don't need them right now the override thing doesn't actually do anything yet oh is that for later okay apparently we haven't got this yet so this is good yay that's huge any one of those is going to be really really good for us maybe we'll be able to find a nice upgrade module here too framerate thank you for the 14 months on the bear pile welcome on back in appreciate it bear hugs for him thanks for the support i'm not super excited about any of those movement modules kind of nice but i'd rather have an s-rank one but i guess i can go for an a-rank one for now that's still pretty good that's still pretty good i think i have a technology slot i do not oh that sucks can i get another one you can't can you oh wait no we just put it here that's right so we're gonna go like this and then wait move that and then go like that nice let me get the uh adjacency bonus as well that's pretty good that's a big boost to the jetpack tanks that'll help out quite a bit oh you have to go to the different stores of the suit to upgrade them in the station i didn't realize okay so if we had i see it's actually still better for us to install that there anyway right because we want to have it adjacent to the jetpack for any of the movement modules so i got to keep that in mind for the future too i'd recommend checking the multi-shop tool guy for s-ring scanner upgrades also not a bad idea because we've got a lot of slots in this multi-tool now which is really nice yeah we've got the space for that for sure we need pyrite and dioxide still as well i can move the tech around yeah i just i think we're good right now oh let's see not a lot there's an s rank mining beam module that's a pretty good idea let's go ahead and install that mm-hmm there we go nice it's pretty good okay that's a good good little trip there so let's have a look we need to make a bunch of frigate fuel which we can do now we need more dihydrogen still we need to make we do need to make atlas passes as well we'll have to do that eventually that's important to get rid of or to knock out and then let's see i guess we just need to make another warp cell for the most part right now okay why is that not going up all the way here all right yeah i don't really necessarily want to go for the multiply of the one jelly forever route though mom it feels like it'll be tedious i kind of go back to the nexus and see if i can pick up a nexus mission right now that sounds like fun i also want to look through my log and see if there's some stuff that we should do at the moment well that's obviously an option hmm learn an industrial unit let's just go with i kind of want to do community research let's just do that go for the nexus i like that all right yeah i forgot about that sean yeah the scanner upgrades can massively increase the amount of money you get from scanning stuff which adds up really quickly yeah yeah i did that in my other playthrough and that is a good idea for sure i remember that now [Music] let's hit up the nexus and see if we can find a fun mission to do oh trade lord salty tuna man that's a great name look at all the cool ships so fun that guy's got a neat companion what the heck is this that's so weird why is the entire nexus shaking what's going on hello there we go good lord that was weird all right let's see ooh collect five storm crystals i kind of want those anyway let's try it i like that play [Music] come with bear taffy the doomed on a mission to collect five storm crystals everybody i'm gonna give people a little bit of time to join my expedition while i'm doing that i'm gonna go to the bathroom so hold on just a second i'll be right back we'll go collect some storm crystals everybody hold tight [Music] [Music] sure so you got any friends any any comrades ready to undertake this expedition it's gemma it's gemma 92. all right we got a buddy you know what i'm ready let's do it yeah [Music] teamwork [Music] hold on i did not realize this was a thing and uh unfortunately i cannot wait a minute there we go yeah no sorry [Laughter] it's not that i don't want to talk to anybody it's just that i don't trust a single soul on the internet nearly as much as i trust myself to not say the wrong thing i'm sure i'm sure gem is a wonderful person but i am absolutely taking no chance whatsoever on them randomly dropping a slur or something like that on my stream i prefer to avoid that so here we go [Music] i'm sure we're i'm sure we're going to be a great tandem though we're going to get these storm crystals baby i'm going right to it okay yeah exactly james you don't want to run that risk i think this is going to be a new space station too so we might want to just go ahead and uh what what the oh those are oh nice super critical planet oh my god dude i thought these were coming off of the planet for a second i was like holy hell that is a huge building but no that's a uh that's a freighter pretty sure i want to go look at it now though because it's like really well lit that would be dope though wouldn't it yeah we got [ __ ] huge tower coming off this that would be so big though that's pretty cool hey how's it going oh okay never mind is it just it's the big green freighter okay that's that's why i can see it so well okay oh gemma tagged crystal rich planet dude what the heck you can't even scan these what is this those are other star systems oh cool neat okay gemma tagged something i think he tagged this yeah he's going there let's go follow my buddy i think he has discovered the uh the destination space is pretty cool man i like space all right gemma has landed pretty cool landing spot oh nevermind he decided that ain't it hey buddy are we going i'm following your lead captain i trust you know where you're going but oh now he now he looks like he's following me oh this is a problem oh no where do we go dude i don't know man think i know where storm crystals are you guys started this mission having any idea what i was doing of course not well all right i better go try to find him i guess all right chad help me out you gotta find a storm first right it says land on the target planet which i think is this the target planet pretty sure it is let me see what happens here hold on intense cold i know okay this works we just gotta i think we just need to wait for a storm so we just gotta hang out hang on laser protection i better just sit in my ship then i guess find a large chunk of land land and wait for a storm well that's pretty much where i'm at right i'm just gonna wait for a storm here just waiting for a storm yeah i was gonna go get that dihydrogen too but it is a little risky out here man it's very cool probably worth it though happy girl what you doing it's just me puppy you're so cute you're gonna hang out with us today oh you don't like it you don't like it goodbye oh where'd my ship go where'd my ship go oh there it is okay i got lost where's my storms where's my storms at [Music] it's also a hostile sentinel planet yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun dude we need to go back to that other place that was just non-stop storms man even without the storm this place is negative 92 celsius though that's pretty ridiculous yeah i really feel like we just have to wait this out huh [Music] and you know what i love already having only had it for a very short time this right here bear chef launch system recharger oh yeah i never have to worry about that again so dope so extremely dope i suppose it's better if we go to other portions of the planet so that we can cover more ground once a storm has actually begun so i'll go over here although this is just one big island too yeah this is a mostly water planet well these days the storm's gonna start up and then we'll start getting some goods this looks a little more promising unless this is just ocean right past it yep sure is damn it come on where's a big patch of land oh hold on over here nope big island and i cannot believe a storm hasn't started yet this is a uh maybe i should go to the other planet i think the other planet was also super intense weather come on storm bunk god damn yeah there's just i'm starting to think this just ain't the place we need to go maybe find a planet that's a little more uh a little more volatile a little more you know has a bit more land would also be good oh hey this is cool always like seeing these a bit more horrid yeah like that other nightmares though might as well you can see storms from space you can wait out there in case you might find one on the other planet oh yeah you know what let's do that patience is a virtue seldom seen from twitch streamers brother my job is to make every moment interesting so when the game's helping me along with that it's nice when i'm having to do it all on my own oh god damn it come on the moment i leave see it helps right it helps when the game plays along okay here we go a streamer nothing's blown up in the last 30 seconds could you get on that i know i know where or where our priorities are man i understand okay so what kind of symbol am i looking for here for the storm crystals because i am gonna [ __ ] die out here if i stay and stay out too long thank goodness i have a bunch of sodium but there's one found it dude yeah this is gonna be tough these blizzards are intense here we go wow neat holy [ __ ] yeah these blizzards are nuts okay let's go recharge this the protection here look for another cluster god damn this is awesome i love this let's see if i can find another one before i oh we can only tag one at a time right yeah that's okay so i better just go get the ones that are closest i can probably oh good he got one dude he's getting a bunch go teammate i should probably just go with the ship for this but sunk fallacy oh god run oh [ __ ] i forgot mountains are impossible to climb in this game it's an impossible task oh man it's one crystal come on dude oh damn it okay there we go back to the ship holy hell all right let me charge a little bit find one more uh thing there's one hit it this guy's killing it he's getting a bunch already oh no hurry hurry hurry go quickly run out of time oh nice we landed right next to him no they sealed up damn it ah [ __ ] dude i got a stupid ass gravitino ball i don't want a freaking gravitino ball damn it ah son of a [ __ ] that was so fast of course i left the moment the freaking blizzard started up god damn it get rid of that i can't remember how many it said to get at the anomaly but clearly it's saying 20 now all right well we got 11. let's go look and see if the other planet's got a storm or is like potentially going to give us storm crystals bring it on then come on just quit giving us seizures for god's sake who's fighting us hello hello who's there oh it's this guy hey buddy how you doing this is a mistake last mistake you're freaking alive goodbye if i can hit you i can hit you i can do it trust me friend i can do it there we go thank you oh god damn it come on leave me alone i'm busy busy here i'm getting storm crystals super critical planet i have to assume that's probably got some probably got some potential right super critical sounds like it's got some storm systems going on holy [ __ ] they are hurting a lot there goes one stop shooting please me shoot only you shoot none thank you you actually listen a mind control device cool that's useful for uh oh my [ __ ] god nope bye no more time for this i'm leaving this is 45 seconds away man [ __ ] it let's just stay here it's too far away it's too freaking far away dude we gotta stick with the blizzard planet leave me alone leave me alone just get back onto the planet no more space combat i'm done what the [ __ ] excuse me what is this the middle of the ocean i can't even land on sunken freighter oh cool can't land on that either ow oh god oh stop it says undersea space monster eating me that's pretty dope okay waiting for another blizzard out in the middle of freaking ocean dude nothing but water and a one single floating space island hey there bell fire i don't think i can mark it no there's nothing really to mark there they're still getting scanned too that's annoying yeah this this planet is like mostly ocean this is bad there was something there [Music] come on now there's land somewhere and also a way to stop this song from playing please please god before the blizzard hits again give me more than a single scrap of land come on now oh good the fleet mission is complete god this is real bad i'm growing more and more concerned that we're actually not going to find enough land to hunt for crystals on before the next blizzard hits it's just nothing but tiny islands everywhere tiny tiny little islands we didn't find a nice planet we found honestly we found some pretty horrible planets so far today this ocean planet here yeah i know this is not really doing us any favors and then we landed on what was an absolute nightmare planet before this too that was getting up to like 300 degrees celsius yeah i'm thinking this is not gonna go well i gotta we're gonna pulse engine oh they're summoning more [ __ ] yeah we can't go back out into space because the [ __ ] pirates are gonna ruin it for us now this is nothing but ocean dude this is awful this system is a pain in the ass oh i think the pirates finally left maybe yeah i think they're gone thank goodness i don't know how i lost him but i lost him yeah that works okay okay that looks like a little bit more land [Music] right there maybe this should work this should at least give us something the blizzards have not been very frequent here so tell you what i'm gonna learn a lesson we're gonna wait we're gonna sit here in the intense cold with this frigid wilderness freaking weight dude avoid the sentinels an animal i scan a plant there we go happy to scan d-pack 57 months on the pile welcome on back in thank you for the congrats as well yeah i was super stoked about that cosmic ocean victory very happy bear just leave me alone here leave me alone yeah we're just gonna wait man it's very shortly here i'm sure the game will see fit to provide us with a blizzard in the meantime we can do this which is also very important work zoom hand to the right yeah tappy sweet guru oh hi i did harboring here yeah on a co-op run on saturday we finally made it through it's very exciting i don't want to be by this sentinel anymore i don't like him landing over here he's a jerk there we go i want a better view thankfully lodge fuel is no longer a concern landing area not clear come on come on man oh look at knowledge stone i'll go for that why not [Music] there we go god damn sandals dude freaking everywhere all right well this planet is just just not it for storm crystals man it's unfortunate that this is where we were sent but i firmly believe that me and gemma once we get the opportunity here it's provided one more chance people knock it out in one more one more session so you just gotta be patient that's pretty much all we can do in the meantime let's see what else we have left to fix up we've got the loom damage here pyrite and dioxide which i think we've already put the peripherium in there right yeah no no need for that the freighter has nothing nothing needing repairs we're pretty much done repairing stuff right which is really nice it's really just the uh the multi-tool at this point go ahead and stack this chromatic metal with the others too in fact i should make sure all of our stacks ah oh god damn it come on what even happened i was just sitting there i'm not even doing anything you guys being jerks i'm just trying to wait i'm just trying to be patient this is what i get what'd i get for playing fair god damn it no loitering yeah can i wait here is that okay yeah you can't make pyrite from refining gold so i could do that now if i wanted this is really just not the planet for this man it's really unfortunate this is where we had to end up never mind i don't know what the hell i'm talking about this is the best planet for this all right come on storm crystals come on storm crystals it's right here isn't it i think this is one of them hopefully that'd be dope i don't think the blizzard started yet okay here it comes let's see if this cracks open oh god damn look at that protection drop crazy come on now open up for me oh here's one yeah nice all right okay we gotta go go go go go let's do it move move move gotta be quick go go go go go got it yeah okay next [ __ ] sentinels everywhere man jesus there's one 181 go ah taffy doesn't like my intensity right now i'm really liking these quick quick trips with the ship intensely ramping up here this is a good one this is a good one yes nice okay next is here that's very close we did it yeah go gemma [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna get more though so why not i don't think i get to keep any of these i think i'm only gonna keep the yeah nice oh hold on we need to find more ah there's more back that way oh [ __ ] i need more launch fuel there we go there we go and then okay hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry okay where'd my mark go there we go i can already sense the blizzard stopping oh yeah nice awesome okay more storm crystals there we go no no they're not nope nope nope no one's activated we're good no let me get it let me get it go go go go go go go go go go go go go ah son of a [ __ ] come on oh god damn it god it's so fast [ __ ] all right that'll work extreme night that oh god damn it well whatever this works can i not d tag it now untag can't untack it i guess that's frustrating all right whatever let's go deliver the goods space anomaly here we go is that it i think it's still here isn't it yeah oh wait no this is on the on the planet [Music] who's this i'm so confused this is a oh this is a space station right now i'm just gonna land here hold on confused by this hey celestial this ship's looking thick yeah i believe this is a cargo ship pretty sure [Music] oh just wants to go to the trade out post oh that that makes more sense okay this must be polo secure lock box deposit the item and register my delivery wait what i have to do it from the anomaly i think because obviously i didn't get 20. i just need to go back to the anomaly oh the other guy already dropped him off and the mission's done i just have to go back okay okay gotcha thank you yeah it's a thick ship to match a thick captain right that makes sense it's pretty logical all right here we go i love this place man it's so cool so it certainly made a lot easier having a teammate i might have had to stay on that planet for a long while to have to get 20 by myself nice uh complete mission oh god david i still haven't moved this friggen fuel off either i get to keep the storm crystals i think i lost a reward though because i didn't have a slot for something else oh no there we go we still get it get 10 ion batteries let's move uh the storm crystals to the starship i guess and then that was it i guess that's still dope though storm crystals are worth quite a bit too like a half million for four that's pretty good i think we need those for upgrades too cool we did it yay additional salvage opportunities speak with iteration helios to learn of salvage opportunities okay i did hear the multiverse update is out now yeah i might have to get back into that where is this guy is he here christina oh no that's way no let me look at the log that is which one is that what was giving me that uh that little uh tool tip god that is disturbing oh never mind it's a little less weird but still upsetting okay uh let's go ahead and get out of here i need a quick silver shop guy okay yeah i want to go check out the uh finished expedition too oh here he is hey dude i miss the feeling of dirty hands and hard work here's some mineral data nanites cool 235 nanites that's nice and then we've got another thing to do ask about derelict freighters energy emergency broadcast receiver yeah oh sick that's good and then we can just do this oops yeah cool all right second derelict freighter let's do it we're gonna have to make a lot of inventory space for that though so i should probably prioritize that first let's go to the freighter and dump off a bunch of [ __ ] and then we can do the uh fleet review as well and send them on a new expedition that's a good idea good use of time where are we going i'm not warping just started warping for no reason back to silence now i'm being attacked okay hi oh let's send us back the system we were in before we started that makes sense okay that's logical goodbye okay well let's summon my freighter back oh wait hold on there's one more ship you running buddy running away out of here yeah the pirates aren't particularly impressive it's not the strongest uh competition escape possible oh thank god let's get the hell out of here although i mostly just want to summon my crater here so i'm just going to do that although apparently i have to get away from wherever we are right now so i guess i'll just oh never mind god damn it well yeah we're just going to run once this dude fit i'm not interested in this this is not for me okay goodbye i'm out of here see you god damn it stop disrupting me i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm not coming back done fighting good who wants to talk to me damn it indeed oh freighter captain oh i helped the freighter captain [Music] to defeat those guys and now he wants to help or he wants to give me stuff never mind okay i guess i'll come back i'll come back for free stuff yeah you've certainly found the way to tempt me thanks fella let me board this get some goodies uh can i board please there we go all right the habarasso sounds like a pepper my god why do you jump like that buddy what do we get what's the goods give me some nanites how about that if i can just request something vic reagler bear hugs for him oh so this is the free freighter event whoa that's a nice freighter that's better than ours considerably better than ours well [ __ ] dude he wants me to buy it though that's some [ __ ] take money instead give me the cash equivalent dude there oh come on wait a minute no undo undo 200 chromatic metal how is that a fair trade i'm never helping you again consider this an ally lost with a disrespectful reward some hot garbage dude well we at least already have one i mean i feel better about having had to pay for my freighter anyway i feel like i really earned it after having gotten 21 million units worth of free stuff just handed to me out of nowhere at the nexus i really feel like i earned that thing speaking of which yellow here we go wait til one costs half a billion yeah by that point we'll have 4 billion though [Music] at that point i'll be a space billionaire i guess most of our billionaires are space billionaires now too aren't they calibrating the fleet commander goosen of the rock beard oh i completely forgot to uh give myself some more inventory space but here's the result 30 000 units for their first trip a little bit of magnetized ferrite that's that's all they got 135 magnetized ferrite not a great result there but hey it's our first expedition i suppose our expectations should be a little lower now what i really want to do though is go ahead and finally do this with the frigate fuel over and we're going to store some [ __ ] here i'm gonna put some storm crystals in the frigate boom we're gonna do metal plating boom we're gonna put the uh ion batteries i guess let's stack a little bit of the uh o2 as well taffy girl's back mission tippy poopy i want to keep most of the stuff on my person is the thing which makes this complicated um god damn it yeah i'm just gonna keep the rest i guess which is really bad man i guess the pyrite we can store and then the salt and the ammonia probably don't need those chlorine don't need that paraffinium don't need that all right that feels better that's good let's roll with that for now let's send these guys on a new expedition rock beard ready for inspecting booties buddies there you go buddy i think you can handle that let's send you off with a mind control device too why not well let's hang on to that i guess there we go he's off good stuff okay take care now that we've taken care of that we can uh hit up this next air like freighter we already got in the there we go yeah i wanted to do that too sean but i want to keep a lot of these things but i suppose be right on the freighter so i can always just pick him up right when we're done so yeah let's just store it all oh wait no we charged the suit with o2 right yeah so we need that what do we need to keep we need to keep o2 phosphorus and ion batteries and sodium so we can put the ferrite dust away copper away put that away put that away put that away all right that's good for now i suppose i can put some stuff on the ship too there we go that's better all right cool let's do it yeah i like the derelicts that's neat all right let's go just gotta find it there it is easy oops right yeah gotta actually land on it there down to bear force one we uh left it behind in favor of bear force two got an upgrade one day we'll find bear force three and so on and so forth until bear force eight at which point i will stop naming them and the rest of them will just continue to be called bear force eight for no reason no reason at all just something i feel i got to do i don't know if you've done this but if you summon the anomaly and talk to nada again he can turn on your milestones for a ton of nanites i do need to do that drawable thank you appreciate you watching the vods too it's a good call [Music] unseal oh let's collect emergency supplies okay cool override seal better get that going too okay oh wow they got us a lot of stuff hold on a second i need to put this stuff away uh that goes in the starship i can't reach hang on hang on a sec i mean i guess we should get up to bear 469 yeah that's a fair point carbon and dust the dust is mostly on the freighter but that's fine we got a lot of ammo too oh repair kits oh wait we can just use the repair kits on the multi-tool here we go how do i do this again isn't it do i have to have the repair kit in the same i swear it's supposed to show up with like an option now like hold c to use repair kit or something maybe if i transfer this to the multi no isn't that popping up hey tracker how you doing go to the damage ah there it is thank you i knew it was something like that i just keep forgetting okay and then i think that was all of the oh i guess i should just put these on the starship too okay although we'll probably find more of those i hope i find more of those those are always nice it's dope tracker i really like this game i think if you're on the fence about it if this is appealing to you at all i think you should give it another shot especially if it's been a while all right we're gonna get everything here dude i have completely cleared out my inventory we are going scavenging we're getting it all ah partial report words too many words to care our thermal control is uh oh boy oh [ __ ] okay do not i think when it says do not move it's saying do not move at all it's saying like don't even move your mouse i kind of want to kill this thing but i suppose i should probably just leave it alone oh records terminal detected it's gonna be where i don't see it there oh that's probably it right there oh boy careful man i almost just want to destroy [ __ ] [ __ ] it let's kill him i was the bolt caster you want a scatter blaster that certainly made me feel better can just get this go go go access crew manifest there's all the people oh he had 69 crew nice nice everyone's dead oh no oh god how horrible there we go right yeah i remember we were uh confused about that last time i was anyway more stuff you know what [ __ ] it dude i ain't scared i ain't scared of this [ __ ] [Music] bring it on bring it on help me with the acid i don't even care do your worst there we go i want the stuff dude give me all this [ __ ] yeah there we go worth it there we go they're all dead but hey at least there are 69 of them right yeah that's there's something to be gained from that just shut up just stop stop it that's enough that's enough out of you got enough of your lip i wonder if i can just shoot through this window it'll probably be a lot faster okay here we go look for everything salvage freaking module yay that's good that helps unstable canisters might even have some stuff okay i guess that's a dead end warm up a little bit i think i actually do have to go through the window is that a thing oh well [ __ ] oh well now goodbye [Music] there we go all fixed scan to see all the interactable so you don't miss loot ah okay wait i think i missed this then pretty sure i missed this loop nice oh sick crew locker that's cool that's pretty neat whoa melee movement boost in these places holy [ __ ] i need to be doing that more oh there's also just not even a window here you can just walk through okay now i know that cool just walk right through it dude can't believe it drones malfunctioning the air is becoming thick now all right you know what not bad enough i've had enough of this attitude from you guys i'm gonna need you to cut it out all right cut it out it's not your nonsense here we go now we got a thermal unit right there all fixed scan these suckers and find ourselves some loot yes sir oh yeah wow this is nip knit buds oh that sounds delightful get all this dude all that mm-hmm yummy yummy yummy uh-huh oh baby this is working mm-hmm ow what the [ __ ] oh you're hiding there get out of here how do you even open these guys i don't think you can [Music] very nice okay there we go oh cool there's another data pad on the other side of this too right there so let's go get that all right there's a very um oh cool security credentials there we go there's a very dead space feel to this to this derelict ship exploration which i'm super into oh we can uh bring that on right yeah apparently not more goodies though subsurface testing interesting experiment aborted protection yet another log snippet oh boy pre-flight crew appraisal enthusiasm 13 sounds like my chat no i'm kidding you guys are great i'm just joking everybody here is wonderful so supportive so kind so enthusiastic about everything i don't need that stuff i'll feel wonderful bear you should because you are [Music] let's just fool in i swears wow taffy doesn't feel wonderful anymore she just feels insulted okay let's see feels good that i haven't had to use that much sodium so far i felt more like fozzie bear wakka wakka dramatic fluid loss that's what happens every time i take a leak oh my this fluid loss so dramatic now oh we got more behind me [Music] a lot of these boys i read this already i don't think i did i think they're also still attacking me we're just crawling around apparently come on god damn it get out of there you little snot get out of there all right that works i guess so i can show off my incredible accuracy wow he's such a good gamer so good at video gaming get gamed by the ultimate gamer nonstop gaming action gaming of a superior form the world's most ultimate gamer oh hold on gotta do a little more a little more gaming three days now and still no sign of kasich what are they doing with all the kids they're kicking the air has been switched off but they're still cause it's like a metal song i also really dig the uh i totally lost my train of thought there i really dig the whole vibe of this it's all just good nobody for an alien's reference i mean i haven't seen the movie so it might as well not exist i think i've seen any alien movies i've seen like i've seen a fraction of the predator movie like the original one and that was on tv i don't know the aliens movies though bear my heart can only take so much abuse i'm really going after you today i apologize empathy 79 couldn't be 10 less come on oh no turn back on come on let me turn it back off i'm too comfortable oh here we go hopefully i didn't miss another one of these before that could have been bad captain's dna required uh deceased captain's fate is extinguished yes uh login as cadet as a zinnie there we go temporary commander uh azzazzini perfect we were promised battle in vengeance but all we found were quivering survivors another skirmish still the machines follow we have obtained a working sentinel vessel brah okay the sentinels leave us alone now they even ate us as if we were one of their own oh [ __ ] they found an interesting thing okay then that's quite interesting um i guess we're going this way this looks right this seems correct gotten a lot of stuff from this dude okay oh dope a lot more stuff [Applause] yeah baby all right cool that helps let's see and now we go this way i think yeah it seems right no this is where we came from hold on where do we go i think we need to teleport back now we need to find the engineering unit which i know no oh here we go we haven't gone through here now we have gone through here i'm turned around now [ __ ] i got lost grab that um [Music] hmm there we go where the heck do i go is it this way i think it might be this way no i think it's back to the ship though i'm so lost oh god our inventory's full that's insane let's just oh these are like okay hmm oh we can get rid of that don't need the uh extra ammunition the holy cow yeah we filled up that inventory we got storm crystals cool neat okay we can get rid of the extra o2 as well i don't need that that's cool come on get there another high capacity vector compressor nice truly just do not need that much o2 i guess we could just use some [Music] we have that extra again use the log snippet offense number three third strike buddy sorry to say that's all you get this thing fires a lot faster than i thought it did really good there we go okay i think this might be the yeah this should be the last room certainly looks like it [Music] sticky residue coats the interior interesting we've certainly seen our fair share of sticky residue around here we got to get rid of [Music] another o2 and then i want to keep that for sure i want to keep those uh these are good to give to the um to the other alien races so that we can build our relationship with them i just want to make sure that we've got the inventory space for this before we do it fabricate [Music] i want to see what a freighter bulkhead does oh cool oh increases the inventory capacity for the freighter neat can i just use that oh and this other thing is a freighter module too oh no that's just a normal freight frigate module right okay good okay and then i think that's it for that i guess there's one more terminal then because that wasn't the uh engineering one i think god we have a lot of stuff now let's uh life support gel isn't really necessary i'm gonna just get rid of that i don't need that at all unstable plasma could probably be useful for something nice lots of loot to be had still here here we go okay this does appear to be a dead end though i must have gotten what i needed did i not let's just teleport back if i just go to my uh log here yeah apparently we got it okay guess we're good cool well done it was an effective trip hooray all right back to the space station then sell all this garbage dope uh where'd it go i just passed it didn't i there we go hit it it's been a good day man got a lot done feels good these sales done clear out the inventory install those frigate upgrades for freighter upgrades i mean might have enough units after this to consider getting friggin too that'd be delightful hey fella sell the crew manifest get some taint of metal sweet you know actually hold on let me um actually now let's do this first god damn it can i get back up yes hell yeah let's do this first what coward of a captain dies before their ship is destroyed there we go more tainted metal there's no honor for the shopkeeper here we go all right he will take our tainted metal for 250 thousand years that seems fine uh i'll sell you the larval core say thank you to grid pusher for the resubscription eight months on the power come on back in thank you very much i know these aren't selling well here but i'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of them anyway so the hater core uh sell the high-capacity compressor that's fine keep the bulkhead thank you for the bear hugs appreciate it y'all sell the bones and then i think there's other things for me to sell in my other inventories here hold on i'll sell is that it i guess so okay yep that works i have storm crystals too i want to go give the uh the gifts to the uh aliens here so i can just rid myself of that stuff as well hey fella let me give you uh oh i don't have any corvex casing but i have the other two hey you would you like to have a viking wonderful standing increased and also please teach me a word if you don't mind i'd like that too trade symbol word there we go forget that's a good one okay and then we give you one of these increases the standing oh i don't have any more apparently so i must just have nitmit buds left which i don't know if there's any geck around here i don't think there's any gecko in this place i'm also not sure if i've gotten the upgrade for this place either let's go find out the slime can be refined in a nanites or something like that is that a thing i can do now or does that come later because i could just sell it now if that's the case i don't think there's any deck here i'll probably just sell this one for now you can do it now in a refinery well too late i should have waited for longer than five seconds to be fair all right so what's next goodness we've got i think actually yeah i think i'm gonna go ahead and wrap up for today for now but we've got a lot of exciting stuff to do it's gonna be fun man i'm looking forward to it i might get back on the main quest line too we'll see but i'm gonna put a pin on this i think i'll visit nada real quick that's a good idea that's good way to wrap up let's get those nanites that's right here that's easy i think i remember where he is too should be a bunch we've been scanning a lot instead of ending for the day you can play for four more hours i mean yeah those are two more or less equivalent choices i appreciate it for me yeah thank you i mean yeah it's a that's an option for sure hey nada oh that's polo hold on there's nothing 16 indeed 16. [Music] great take this okay that's nice just hoping for a little more but that's pretty good 500 like 16 more hours right yeah hmm i mean we can do one more thing let's do one more mission man i feel like we can do that i'm into that i bet we'll get a cool reward too i bet we'll get some friends to come along with we us do one more mission what's my excuse i'm hungry i'm tired i want to be done nah it's stupid there just keep playing unearth ancient bones that sounds cool that gives us nanites a warp hyper core could be neat i don't really want to do pirate hunting getting quicksilver is probably not a bad idea though you get some unique stuff with that welcome to the bear wolf i appreciate that thank you for the subscription bear hugs welcome into the pile thank you very much hmm well with a shout of one two three or four which of these missions would you most like to see be undertook because i'm pretty uh i'm pretty evenly split between the four to be honest with you those rewards are more or less well not not exactly equivalent i think i'm more most like to get the nanites maybe but in general i'm not really particularly drawn to anything in particular particularly particular two or four sounds pogba you i could try out four or pipe records a good good result or a good reward um aren't i registered there we go that's right okay i like my a that's fun all right i'm gonna do the same thing we did last time here though since i conveniently have to go to the bathroom again let's give this a couple minutes see if there's maybe any uh friends that want to join us for the ride and i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick i'll see you in a sec [Music] who's gonna join us for the mission who's it gonna be it's gonna be no one that's okay that's all right i'm okay with going on my own i'm sure we'll be fine yeah be nice if we had a way for chat to know which nexus i'm at maybe you guys could come help but i don't know if that's really a thing we can do that's just sort of random right yeah just on the different servers i got chat right yeah y'all are here to do it with me we'll do it together i came up with my lunch plan while i was in the bathroom i know exactly what i'm doing after this you know we'll give me some raisin canes i'm gonna take my little scooter going a little scoot scoot about a canes give me some chicken num num num site of floral infestation located reach the target plant right there okey dokey full minute wow deathly green anomaly that sounds fun there just happens to be activated emerald here too nice long trip we're gonna have to get the uh warp drive upgrades at some point the emerald is one of them and then there's a red one and a blue one that'll be a later on objective though making me jealous there's a canes right up the street i've been loving my scoop for the of the street trips man scooting around stop scooting around bear that's a good time man floral hazards not a combination of words i hear very often but that's pretty dude it's like a full circle rainbow cool let's fly through the rainbow portal yes [Applause] it's beautiful it's pure magic i gotta go this way though it's over here i think we're flying through a big ass rainstorm here yeah oh here we go oh [ __ ] ah all right whatever that works wherever this is oh boy poison cyclones that sounds fun falling traveler's signature is nearby use the target sweep mode good old extreme storm jet pack dude there he is and over there it is snagged around the ankles piercing thorns completely unaware we reduced the numbers but all right scout to locate the hazardous flora the analysis visor can detect floor at range okay is it this die die you son of a [ __ ] you killed my friend ah we've exacted our revenge ah here we go oh good it's convenient okay it's here oh is it this yeah it's this thing oh it hit me back how dare you scan it i can't scan it okay can i just beam it or dude yeah i'll just do this there i killed it wait what i didn't eliminate it it's it's certainly gone is it not did that not do the job fine i'll do it your way [ __ ] shoot the thing this is gonna take a minute it's kind of tough here let's try the mining beam oh yeah that's way better there we go that's how we do it okay that's way better this way this way it's in range there it is there it is he's son of a [ __ ] die i still haven't scanned it oh i have to go to the there we go get him it's a quillefia it's a queefia that's what that is this way very far this way he's a big boy he's a big buddy what's that it's like gravitino balls hexaberry cool that's neat one more dead nice oh this is what is that that is activated emerald oh we should get that god damn it i gotta stand further away from these things let's go harvest this this is really good this is super pricey just gonna get as much of this as i can i totally forgot i have a plasma launcher now too i should try that on these uh flowers that's an ideal first target for that weapon test out our new plasma launcher on a plan i think this will be really good a very valuable resource are you supposed to be able to grab the o2 from the center somehow i think those are only certain plants pretty sure those are only like designated flowers or something like that this is a ton of emerald i think i'm just gonna go ahead and be inefficient with it i'm getting a little impatient i'm okay doing it this way there's a plant you can snag oxygen crystals from oh is that the sac thing is that what that is what is this oh weird oh well okay never mind cave marrow there we go even more down here that's probably good let's keep looking for flora there we go easy peasy very good there's one right there as well that's two that is a big range on those guys does not look like i'm close enough to get hit by that oh there's two more knowledge still tell you first and have cool condensed carbon ah we need an advanced mining laser i didn't even realize that was a thing cool okay over here we got more dihydrogen here too this guy's hiding underneath a rock yo let's go ahead and get this might as well get out of my damn way i'm getting this whether you like it or not damn it you know what just for this just for being a little pain in the platoon yeah how you feel now how you feel now you feel like you made the right choice huh you think you did something smart today you think you guys are on the side of justice no you're on the side of being dead good work there we go oh god it's just gonna get worse well there's the last of the floor at least i suppose we just leave that seems like a good idea up knowledge stone never mind must acquire knowledge must acquire knowledge and get dihydrogen i'm not leaving without it without that knowledge that pure unfiltered knowledge did i lose it i think i've lost it i think i've lost it completely yep there's another one no that's a rock [ __ ] i keep getting fooled this is why i need knowledge stones so i can identify knowledge stones better and not think that they're just rocks or not think rocks are them oh apparently there's another objective to fill to hold on hold on what do we got oh another one is it the boss no it's just this weird little pod thing okay oh there's more huh it's more than just the one yeah i'm pretty sure that's what it is all right well keep going i guess now there we go there's no list of how many of these ones it is though and this is the same thing that's still having us do this hazardous flora takes many forms bear apparently at what point are we done killing the hazardous flora you know there it is again okay hey well done coffee something to be proud of and a similar note i've managed to go through this whole stream without drinking look at me go i think i'm on like a streak of not drinking on stream actually pretty long one go bear i've done any hard drugs on stream either look at me go i'm kicking ass good job bear good job not doing hard drugs live on your broadcast you did it well you didn't do it more specifically truly an inspiration the bar is pretty low these days isn't it man hey mission complete all right we did it and some damn dagging hey i've identified that already it's kind of funny which just does love it when i stay hydrated that's true okay time to go back to the nexus i guess what's that oh it's just a buried thingamabob that night's hooray okay time to summon my ship there we go big old ship boom and back to the nexus what happened to my head it's just a light bulb it's just a light bulb now is all that's a thing that happens to heads totally normal okay summon the space anomaly here we go well done everybody ah go team go oh people are giving stuff away maybe if i stand in the middle they'll give me things here give me things i want stuff complete mission cool i get a warp hyper core neat uh let's put that into i would like to do that on the freighter i guess it's probably better suited on the yeah definitely better suited on bare force too that's a fully charged hyperdrive that's pretty dope okay good nice let's get back to the freighter real quick and install those um modules before i forget oh panda booty is initializing a mission at the nexus hold on he wants to survey a planet that's going to take a long time dude but i'll do it i'll be a good teammate be the change you want to see in the world right you want more people to join your missions at the nexus start joining missions at the nexus maybe we'll find another teammate meanwhile i can probably uh yo these these shoes are slick yeah i love them i i think it's so funny that this is a an option for this character just straight up wearing like just some american sneakers yeah that is uh pretty dope straight up nikes dude yeah well not that nikes are made in america but warning mission not yet started leaving now will be oh no i can't do that i guess i guess i have to stay around i wanted to run to the freighter real quick and install those modules but i think i have to uh just hang out we're just fine we can find something to do on the nexus what are those right i remember i remember when they said that barry you're doing it again don't forget to eat hey chad wanted me to stay around and shirk all of my human needs in favor of playing the game for another four hours all right so don't you go chasing waterfalls slash telling me you need me to prioritize correctly i wonder if this just makes it so i can understand them more i would certainly like that oh this is the thing you needed the corvax convergence keeps for i'm just gonna get these i wanna make these and see what these do and hopefully these actually have the effect that i want them to install an empty inventory slots the superior advanced translator translates one word one wow what i'm sorry i'm sorry i need i need to take a second here they decided to give this a words translated statistic of of one is this perhaps the most useless thing ever made in any context by anyone for any reason ever is this it i think we found it i think we found it i think we found the most useless thing anyone has ever created wow that's amazing well done honestly bravo and i bought it i'm the i'm the dumbass that bought the [ __ ] thing one word what the hell why is that even exist i'm gonna destroy it for god's sake i'm destroying it yep oh wait no i don't have to destroy it right yeah because i didn't actually install it but wow why is that so bad that should at least be like a hundred one word most useless thing ever made yo third party member the gang's coming together we're gonna do it dude we're gonna assemble a team i can't believe it i do have to wait still though he's really he's holding out dude i think he truly believes that if we wait long enough we'll form a full team we might need to form a full team man i mean we're surveying an entire goddamn planet you forming a full team might actually be necessary let's go find panda booty and see what he's up to it's so supposed to be somewhat decent if you stack them all but i don't know if that works properly i don't know man yeah that's just even still it's gotta be a lot more effective than that to be worth considering at all hey buddy what are we doing here fella buying some stuff construction research upgrades panda booty i'm beginning to lose confidence that panda booty is here which is unfortunate i'm beginning to suspect he may uh may have departed we should see if he's got a uh oh right yeah this isn't the modules this is the actual upgrades for this thing but is there something i need in here what about the uh there's the advanced mining laser which i already have increases the yield from items harvested with with the multi-tool that's probably worth it the optical drill quantum computers and solar mirrors oh panda booty moved well good he's still here at least that's nice um this is gonna be a beam upgrade right yeah the optical drill so we want oh i never actually put the advanced mining laser on this thing i need to do that carbon nanotubes and hermetic seal i need carbon which is on my ship yes nanotube excuse me oh that's condensed carbon oh no god damn it [Laughter] ah all my stuff's on the freighter [ __ ] oh i can do this no i don't think i can i think this will abandon the mission too panda buddy let's go start the thing start the mission start start the mission start the mission panda panda start it start the mission start the mission panda please god i'll abandon you i'll do it you don't think i will leave this party started start my own party i'll start a new party i'll do it everyone's waiting on you oh i'm an idiot no i'm not an idiot i'm ready it's panda look at this s rank dude oh it's him waiting on panda booty not ready hit the reddy button brother please you know i think i need to abandon this sorry friend sorry friend he's not patient enough oh frigate fuel that's actually pretty good construct an underwater outpost i'm not doing that i'm not doing that stuff let's do tell you what i'm just gonna go back to the freaking probably call it good for the day i need to go eat anyway install these modules get our stuff back that'll be good for me uh current systems why am i still in the group oh i i left the mission but i didn't leave the group did i okay wait did he start the mission because i it wasn't telling me i was going to abandon it huh okay whatever i'm just going to summon my freighter hey buddy what the heck that was weird can i leave the group from here i wonder probably not oh well as long as it's not holding me back i'm good cool yeah congrats it's been a fun day thanks for hanging out everybody appreciate the support today for sure like i said at the beginning of the broadcast today this has been this has been easy streams for me man been being able to clock in just play a few hours and no man's sky has been a treat so thank you all for supporting this truly do appreciate it look forward to many more streams of this looking forward to many more streams of other varieties as well to come thanks for supporting your good buddy bear let's see add additional storage with the cargo bulkhead deploy that there we go and then [Music] the other one is this right because it's a salvage frigate module allowing for faster than usual travel there cool gulp all right that works now we need to go to i don't think they're done actually with their uh yeah i think they're still going speak with commander i need another hour and a half all right cool that'll work that'll do i think i wanna i wanna leave us wait this i mean this is about as close to a an observation deck i suppose as i'm gonna get on the frigate right or on the freighter i mean not a lot of the view here but it's something at least right there we go all right that'll do that'll work thanks for watching folks it's been a lot of fun i like this game quite a bit the infamous ftu drive faster than usual that's good yeah it'll wrap up although i haven't saved here actually have i no i got to go uh yeah i did the upgrades right yeah we got both yep all good i'm gonna put my storm crystals away actually too hold on oh freaking hell freaking frick freaking frickers so many storm crystals goodness yeah what are we going to do with all these storm crystals man who knows we'll have to find out next time oh is there a multi-tool upgrade i didn't install as well was that oh right the advanced mining laser we needed the carbon for that which was in the freighter which is right here there we go there we go yeah yeah and then this that boom get the nano tubes and then i guess we can just put this here and then we need quantum computers and solar mirrors eventually i'm going to stop playing oh no what do you need 36 gold and 5 silver i think that's on my freighter right no damn it um yeah we'll just have to do that next time so i don't have this stuff nano tubes hermetic seal i can probably make there we go there's that at least that's installed and then quantum computers and solar mirrors just a little more difficult although i think i've got them now actually yeah never mind apparently very easy just the solar mirror left all right cool there we go and now we go to the ship create the save point there we go cool that'll do it thanks for watching everybody hope you had a good time appreciate all the support subs tips and bits and whatnot thank you very much for being here hope you have a great rest of your day i'm gonna take off i'm going to go get some food
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 2,668
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: hWFck99Xg-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 23sec (12083 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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