Huskies & Raids - Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal Ep. 16 [Rimworld Beta 18 Ice Sheet Challenge]

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[Applause] [Music] hey there and welcome back to rim world my name is Pete and after a short vacation break today we complete another episode of owl room World Ice Sheet Survival Series in the last episode we did a lot of trading and as a result of that cambia is now pretty well equipped so today we'll try and focus a bit more on projects in and around the base to start us off there was a good comment on the last episode suggesting that we put the hoop stone ring inside of the base and I think that's not a bad idea now cameo doesn't have to walk as far if he needs some joy for tonight however he is content with meditation and soon after we can see him head off to bed at this point I also want to quickly mention the thrombosed those appeared near the end of the last episode and we now currently have two of them on the map and this was also a question last episode and I was happy to see most of you in favor of playing it safe so even though cambia is moderately well equipped at this point we are not going to risk anything in an attempt to hunt and sad we'll just leave the two animals be the next morning then while cambia is having breakfast trading seems to continue and exotic goods trader is passing by and of course we will see what they have available alright we are going to spend a bit of money here 1800 silver to be exact and we'll do so in order to purchase a social neuro trainer max serum this serum is a single use item which upon use gives you 50,000 experience points towards a particular skill in this case that would be the social skill now 50000 experience points that sounds like a lot but for cambia it will sadly be reduced to only one third of that since cambia has no passion in the social skill still social is currently one of the skills that cambia has almost no experience in and so the experience gained here will bump that skill up quite significantly as a matter of fact after using the item can be a social skill is now up to level 5 and even though can be is currently not interacting a lot that's actually not a bad thing a better social skill directly influences trade processes in our favor and it also increases the chance of successful social interaction and especially that last point could come into play soon because we have a bet to spare at the moment and if someone happens to pass by who would fit into our colony we could very well have cambia start the recruiting efforts so all in all I think it's 1800 silver well-spent I also think this actually just reduced our colony wealth which is of course also not a bad thing on Randy random extreme difficulty since colony wealth directly impacts the strength of rates so with a social skill increased cambia will now continue with the research he has a big project in the works at the moment as cambia is currently researching geothermal power once that project is finished we will be able to build a geothermal power generator which we can put down directly on top of the steam geyser in front of a base where it will then produce a constant supply of energy day and night no matter the outside circumstances and for the rest of the day research is actually all that cambia does and so we rejoin cambia around noon of the next day where after a few more long hours at the research bench he has now finally completed the geothermal power research project now we're not going to start building a generator immediately for the time being our solar panels and wind turbines do the job just fine and we also definitely lack the steel and the components to actually build one anyway so instead we'll have camera do a bit of much needed to clean up around the base and afterwards he can take care of the muffle Oh which is once again ready to be milked once that is taken care of will then send cambia out mining with a 158 steel our reserves are not looking too bad but I have a few plans down the line and for that we need significantly more one of those plants includes upgrading our base defenses especially the traps but once we eventually get around to building with the geothermal power generator we'll need a lot of steel for that as well luckily the steel deposit here happens to be quite large and I think over the course of the next few days Kambei can mine it out in its entirety while he's on his way back to the mining site after a quick snack we then have the opportunity for peace talks but I think I talked about this already in one of the earlier episodes I don't really want to make peace especially not with the tribal factions their raids as rare as they are normally pretty easily taken care of and to make up for the lack of modern weapons they always tend to send a lot of attackers which for a cannibal such as cambia might not be the worst thing the world so for that reason I think we'll just let the opportunity slide here also the spiders recent increase in the social skill cambia is probably still not a good negotiator so we might actually mess up and hurt the relationship even further the next morning then can be our returns to mining again but not for long as cambia is hauling some steel back to the base we have a rate coming in and this time it's a big one that's exactly when I talked about just a few moments ago a large travel rate consisting of ten attackers now there is one thing we need to keep in mind here because we do not need to kill all ten of them in order to cast the attack a stiffly will only need to eliminate half of the group and with a high-quality charged rifle three gun turrets and a couple of traps that should be manageable so first things first we'll quickly have can be a switch on the turrets and then for the time being he can continue mining the attackers have spawn at the opposite end of the map and they actually haven't started the attack yet so we still have a bit of time and we might as well spend that doing something productive a few moments later though the group of aggressors gets going and so we prepare for combat now we have to be a bit careful here because so if the attack is here are wielding bows and all of the bows in the game actually have a higher ranged in our charge rifle so our attackers definitely have an advantage in that regard even though our rifle is of course the more powerful weapon so even though I was thinking about it we're not going to engage in a shootout here instead we'll just run into cover and prepare a small ambush all right that just allowed us to get at least one burst of shots in but with the bulk of the group approaching I think it is now best to get behind our line of Defense's the deadfall traps then do their job for enemies already down or dead as the group exits our small corridor on the other side and with a charged rifle and three turrets we have the welcoming committee ready and so it doesn't take long until the next enemy is killed which immediately prompts the retreat however we're not done yet we have a chance to get a bit more human meat here I think cambia is more than ready for a feast and so let's try and hunt down whoever we can by the way the downed enemy here we would be able to take this one prisoner but the stats don't really impress me all that much so I have no plans of recruiting her in his pursuit cambiar is then successful one more enemy goes down while the rest are fleeing and for the other four will very likely not be able to catch up so we'll amplified right here a decisive victory for cambia who can now start taking care of the repair and cleanup process with a corpse over cambia shoulder we then once again have a trader incoming this time it's a bulk goods trader so let's once again see what they have to offer all right we are once again spending a good amount of money here because we are going to buy cambia two Huskies now there are several reasons for that number one we can buy both a male and the female one here which could potentially lead to offspring number two Huskies are very comfortable with the low temperatures out here on the ice sheet even though we will have to install a heater during winter and number three and this is probably the most important one they have an advanced trainable intelligence meaning we can train them to actually haul stuff and since a large portion of can be as day-to-day activities consists of falling that could be a huge relief last but not least they're able to eat everything including raw meat which will very likely make them a bit easier to feed than the Buffalo now we're also going to sell a bit of stuff here including all the dead men's clothing as well as 215 units of human leather we will still have more than enough left and with the corpses we just made from the raid we're also about to produce a bit more in the future with the stuff we just sold we now have to pay roughly 500 silver for the two Huskies which I think is a fair price and here they are two young Huskies they're hopefully going to be a couple soon and who knows maybe the two will turn into three in the near future for now we'll have to make sure the Huskies are taken care of and down the line we will definitely build them a small shelter for now though we'll just put an animal area right in front of the base they will also get a small stockpile here where cambia can bring them some meat and we will also set up the training already the priority here is to make them competent haulers as quickly as possible and for that we'll have to first train them in obedience and then in hauling that will take a while but luckily Huskies are not the most complicated animals to train and so even cambia with this rather low animal handling skills should be able to succeed - animal sleeping spots then go right next to the door and with that we are ready to continue the rest of the day then proceeds without any major incidents in the evening then we have can be a flick another switch near the battery which will now allow our power generators to recharge the battery the three turrets have drawn a good amount of power during the short time they were active so let's now use the quiet of the night to bring the battery back up to four in the early morning hours then a tornado's pauses with its presence luckily though it is far away near the northern edge of the map and also quickly disappears over the mountains just a few hours after the head while Kambei is already busy doing cleanup we once again get a small natural disaster this time it's a flash dome striking the ice sheet but once again Kambei gets lucky here as the storm fortunately strikes down on the other side of the mountain apart from those two acts of nature this day also passes by a pretty uneventful at least for the moment cambia still has to do all of the hauling himself and so he spends the majority of the day hauling corpses and equipment as well as a rearming traps the next morning then starts with a round of muffle o milking before cambia can then haul back the ambrosia that one of the attackers dropped ambrosia is a mood enhancing drug in the form of a soft fruit which gives a small +5 mood buff as well as a 50% increase to join it is slightly addictive but only has an addiction chance of 1% so using it doesn't really come with that big of a risk however we will still not have cambia do that the benefits of using ambrosia are really not that noticeable we have been doing a good job of keeping cambia mood in check and especially is needful joy is barely a problem at this point and since we only have four units of ambrosia here we might as well sell them to the next trader who knows when we need to make our next big purchase and with that we now actually have the remains of the raid cleaned up and so cambia can now go back to what he was doing before which is mining out the steel deposit to the north of his base a few hours later our steel reserves are up to 518 and that should do just fine for one or two larger upcoming projects the battery for the turrets is also fully charged again so we can switch the power supply back off and then we can watch cambia during his first husky training attempt once again we cannot start by immediately training them to halt we have to train a bead Ian's first which luckily only requires one successful attempt on this first try though cambia remains unsuccessful with both animals and he now has to wait for a while until he can try again so he can now use the spare time to clean up the blood of his enemies which is currently causing a pretty hefty mood debuff every time cameo walks through the trapped area early in the next morning their nature is once again troubling us this time with a solar flare that shuts down all of our electrical equipment right now though we're not really depending on anything though as cambia once again starts his day out with the animals in a second attempt to train the Huskies once again though he fails his attempt and so it is now time for food production our meat reserves are currently getting lower and lower and even though we haven't reached critical levels yet we now have three animals to feed and that means cambia should probably switch over to human meat again after the recent raid we now have six human corpses and storage ready to be butchered and that is exactly what cambia has on his to-do list today half a day later than the butchering order is complete the solar flare has also disappeared and cambia once again has a healthy supply of human meat to consume after everything is hauled safely into storage we then try the whole training thing again but once again cambia remains unsuccessful after a bit of cleaning in front of the butcher table cambia the FO heads off to bed now the next day will surely once again be full of activities after breakfast and a bit of hauling once such activity is then unsurprisingly once again animal training but sadly cambia again fails on both attempts after having no success with the Huskies things go a bit better with the muffle Oh even though the big animal was suffering from food poisoning earlier you can still see the remains of that on the floor around it cambia is able to gain 12 units of muffle of milk here and he can also quickly clean up the mess as you can see how a muffle o is also down to its last few meals so after hauling the milk back into storage cambia will once again start cooking I specifically saved a good amount of muffle Omid for that and cambia will now use that meat to prepare a few simple meals and in good cannibalistic fashion those will then be fed to the muffle Oh at this point by the way I would like to know what do you think about the muffle Oh going forward should we continue to keep it and keep the high food cost that comes with it or should we be happy for the 200 units of muffle Oh bullets produced so far and instead slaughter it soon to preserve some food for the Huskies right now the Huskies are definitely the more important animal in my opinion their ability to haul could make them extremely valuable especially as long as we only have one single colonist while for the muffle oh the milk production is a nice little bonus but the deciding factor here is actually the wool which is one of the best materials in the game if you want to make clothing for the ice sheet so let me know what you think should we try and continue with three animals and maybe research hydroponics soon or should we cut our losses and get rid of the muffle Oh instead in the early evening hours then cambia once again twice as long as an animal trainer and even though as usual the first attempt fails number two is a success we now have one husky trained to obey its master and I'm sure we'll be able to do the same for the second one shortly by the way the name of the Husky we just trained is scarlet but I think I would like to rename it for the next episode and this time with the help of a simple mod I know that will work so I will pick one name at random from everyone who comments on the video and if you have an idea for the name then leave that in the comments as well should you be the lucky one who's picked I will take a look at the comment and if there is a name in there I will take that name instead now back to the action here we also just had a warm urgent arrived so we are once again due for some trading however it will take the trader and his companions a while to arrive in our base and so in the meantime I think we can deconstruct a few mechanoids we currently have eight mechanoid corpses in storage so let's fire up the machining table and disassemble them into their bits and pieces around midnight then camber takes a break from work to save some power I have also flicked off the light in the workbench again and cambia can now squeeze in a short nap while the war merchant and his Caravan are slowly arriving and so after just two hours of sleeping will send Kambei out again ready to hopefully make another good deal the first thing we'll do here is to sell the ambrosial it doesn't make us a whole lot of money but it's something and it also frees up the space in the storage room we'll also sell all of the bows that we scavenged in the last raid and as usual were also selling all the dead man's clothing and that's about it that will make us 193 silver not a whole lot but better than nothing after catching up on some sleep we can then rejoin can be around noon and we can see the second husky has now also successfully learned obedience this one was the male husky his name very fittingly of violence but just like his female companion that name is going to change in the next episode as I will now pick not one but two names from the comments the remainder of the day is then spent at the machining table as cambia disassembles the last few mechanoids and while we watch him work we are slowly going to make the cut in today's episode I have to say this one was pretty eventful we had a rare human Raider on the ice sheet we also successfully researched geothermal power and and I think this is the most important one we now have ourselves two canine companions once the two Huskies are able to howl they will definitely be a huge help for cambia who can then focus more and more on the more productive tasks while the huskies will quite literally carry the load once again leave comments down below both in regards to the muffle oh and to the husky naming and in the next episode we'll then find out how animal life on the ice sheet continues if you liked this episode then I would be happy if you could leave a thumbs up and if you want to support the channel and haven't subscribed already then go ahead and feel free to do just that thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time kiss you
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 276,487
Rating: 4.9890804 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld Tribal, Rimworld Ice Sheet, Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal, Rimworld Tribal Ice Sheet, Rimworld Ice Sheet Challenge, Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal Challenge, Rimworld Tribal Extreme, Rimworld Starting with nothing, Rimworld start with nothing, Rimworld Ice Sheet Guide, Rimworld challenge, Rimworld Strategy Guide, Rimworld Randy Random Extreme, Rimworld geothermal power, Rimworld husky, Rimworld huskies, Rimworld raid, Rimworld raids, Rimworld Ice Sheet Beta 18, Rimworld
Id: _1-Uz0VtUGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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