Baer Plays Dicey Dungeons (Ep. 7)

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I don't honestly know what I want to do today I feel like I've been fairly balanced in my approach I haven't done a lot of which though let's maybe do a witch run today what kind of craziness does she have going on a random spell each turn yes come Oh of course yeah I know we tried this a couple times didn't we let's give it a whirl again tonight on dicey dungeons oh we joined together to watch an inevitable failure you should play thief three I saw you were having some struggles with that I'll I'll probably entertain you or entertain the idea I should say hopefully I'm hopefully I'm entertaining you word I'm trying to anyway he died haha I'm the best witch player ever hmm yeah sure I've been missing this music man I'll tell you what I set it on the NL SS yesterday too but these jams have been in my brain permanently let's memorize good question maybe we'll find out probably gonna freeze him with this let's see what this does replace the spell and slot this with the unexpected spell What Huh What huh what I don't know what that means I got no clue what that means but okay I'm gonna throw this guy set up the unexpected spell well no doubles that time mmm oh we can maybe get one though get an even dice of gold colleges ah come on man damn it well I don't have a lot I can do I guess I better put that in there throw that at him there we go the poison purse do not like the poison ah there's the doubles replace the spell and slide ah that was replace the three with the unexpected spell Oh with the surprise spell that we get I see ok ok ok ok ok ok gotcha no no I fit that learning this is episode 2 of The Witcher hmm compete some ways to deal damage I think that seems smart another six that I can't use geez geez I better roll three more dice just to kill this thing oh no oh god oh no oh god well here you go [Applause] and this within the five even though I've been getting nothing but sixes hey cool all right we filled up we're good let's go murder a baby squid that always makes me feel better Oh blood cauldron that's fun Nami Nami now five damage seems good I'll probably go ahead and just put two of those out on the board and might as well do this twice but I'm risking not being able to play either of these if I do that so let's not gamble twice on that yeah cap the 71 months that's that's so many months that's so many months holy [ __ ] thank you buddy welcome on back in an Desmond gross misty a few minutes ago pal thank you very much for your research person as well on uncle Wayne keeps me on my toes with that I'm realizing now wow that's fun see these aren't even alright well there we go yay maybe ten months appreciate that won't come on holland ears again deal that damage burned ice is pretty good probably duplicate plus Hall of Mirrors probably works pretty well I need some ways to build damage so I gotta keep these I don't think I want magic shield appreciate seeing the bear hugs as well thank you thank you for your showing us support for these folks I'm gonna bump late on the board I just go ahead and well let's see I could get a duplicate out there but I don't want to do that because I actually want to do this to get the howl of yours on the board there we go Hey look at him go and we'll do this too and I'll blow my nose uncle right there now sixes let's see I'll pry just like a crystal ball here now bum plate unfortunately I think I'll put a burning light out there [Music] another Hall in here is this help duplicate could work let's do that see if we can make use of that I think I'm gonna do this do this do that do this do this BAM and then put another duplicate out well that's not that big a deal let's do this the infliction and then I'll just do that for fun because I think that adds on to the two that will have her to the four that we'll have I'm pretty sure that's how that works okay okay we have another crystal ball she should be dead should be able to find a way to kill her here your five already all mirrors really doesn't need to be on the board it doesn't really help me either so I have enough to just talk a matter on the host yeah you just do that actually let's just do that the original they grow from Dustin ladies on your loud [Applause] he's settling creature let's go with taking upgraded one screw it I'm gonna have fun with this I'm gonna apply so little logic to all my choices you bet your sweet but tuchus anybody double dice value don't mind if I did aliy do all mirrors with the six Steph Curry with the shot hold on I don't I don't even actually want to do this oh okay what if I do that oh you [ __ ] alright fun there that's better yeah Britton Hall is good but I know I'm gonna be able to use that very often against this guy I'm hoping to be able to kill him quickly jeez lucky for him here poison for both you and me in it and it dope what a weird thing to get well that's my upgraded slot so I can go ahead and do this just like y'all said I should one person said I should burning light on there it spiked it welcomewelcome hop that limit break right away I get though I get a weakened wooden stake spend forty to have no effect thanks that in there all the one again okay [Music] you do nice alright he doesn't die next turn I don't know what the hell to do in seven dice up in this [ __ ] the buff blade to boot we do need to get some actual damage on the board I guess I [Music] don't think burning light upgrade it actually does anything I wonder what a cauldron op creative it look like there we go that's pretty good there you go buddy it's more dice all day that's all you need man you'll up hey Malik I will come on back magic cheese magic dagger probably better actually this works kind of well with what we're doing here if I just want to make a bunch of dice definitely take this in place a confliction all right and he'll a pirate set all dice too - that's weird afraid it looks like three damn is reusable all right get on the board too great that's good yo Pablo big-time spoiler buddy why you dropping that in here come on I had no idea that was even a thing and then the answer right away good lord any kind any kind of awareness for the streamer [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I guess I know that now thanks Jesus now let's see I'm gonna just probably a magic dagger and upbeat about bees at his face I know if people think like I just know everything immediately I to them in the dark like a smart shark shark so I'd not like you you're not in the dark but it rhymes so I have to do it thanks lit twitch Prime buddy appreciate it welcome into the pot oh god I'm just screw it man you're gonna burn me I'll burn you how about that two for two each time I'm happy with done do dagger you did [Applause] hmm now I'm gonna I'm gonna answer your first question trash attack bear how do I make lead into golf well no I can't cuz I just wanted to read it cuz I thought it was amusing but I honestly don't know thing after that hey buddy I don't we're doing that for two yeah Life Drain that's fine I guess what am i using least become okay we can get it later if I want I need to heal fury spell ooh that seems fun I bet it would be great upgraded to but it's like an even to repeat next attack anything to boost the witches offensive capabilities in my mind and let's get rid of maybe even magic missile no I'm gonna get rid of cauldron I know that's insane I'm having fun here I also should heal it definitely should have healed there that's all right I got his weakness in my back pocket we're burning them right away - oh okay was not expecting that but now it's there that's good although of course we can change that I got to keep that in mind - all right let's go ahead and get burning light on the board that's clearly gonna be a good idea and what we'll do actually now is boom boom boom boom [Music] frozen's okay and you need a six to actually be able to do something about burning him obviously is still good Bernal dice with meteor good Lord I wish I could have done that I can get more dice it's always good I just Hall of Mirrors into the burning light and then just pop one of those burns on him does this does this mean I'm confused about the I guess I should have done wrong whatever let's see what that bit it is okay that's what I figured so we can do this okay I'm just learning I'm just learning here that was obviously not what I should have done but I was just trying to figure out the system okay let's see oh good the six goes away yeah I guess frozen does hurt quite a bit here [Music] Thank You bi you don't which is tough yeah which is probably one of the more difficult well I mean it is the most difficult according to even like the designer himself based on the difficulty rankings she's the only five-star difficulty character so I think it's safe to say she's the hardest one to play I'm certainly having my fair share of difficulty with it I'm so scared to move the dice around the cards although I am pretty sure in the most recent patch notes teri actually fixed a lot of that I shouldn't just say teri I'm pretty sure he's got at least one or two other people working with him on it let's see although it is mostly handled I think I just want to attack first I really want to try to get a fury spell but I think the best way to do it would probably be to just take the double ones I have on here so let's just here let's just do this I'm gonna hit him with that don't put a double one Furies fell in the upgraded slot hit it with a four five in the burning light and then do that there's some potential in the system we've created here it's just a little convoluted it certainly helps that he was Oh actually no I didn't want that I want in the first place I helped say he was weak to the thing we had obviously the fact that we were dealing double damage with fire was really nice there okay let's let's go kill another millennial I should change this prepared spell for sure this definitely does not need to be a fury spell here that's just bad that's why not screw it sure then drop makes for you at which time appreciate that well c'mon into the pile bear hugs for use Oaks good to have you back try to him I think it's fixed I'm so like the like every minute honestly that goes on that I broadcast that I don't have any issues is just a tiny bit more relief a tiny bit more weight lifted off my shoulders a little bit less stress that I have compiled over the course of months of troubleshooting of trying to figure out what in the [ __ ] is wrong and it's working now and it feels so good it feels so good that it's working I'm so happy about it uh yeah we got to change this up that obviously is by the part of the problem here I should probably just put another burning light on the board I guess because I can get that the problem I'm I'm gonna have to say it was like what they fixed and all they fixed was they went into the panel in the bedroom closet and replaced a splitter in the wall that's all they did holy [ __ ] I three burning light on the one thing [Music] hmm let me think about this if I go we just look like a two in there and then I'm gonna do fury spell in two other two burning lights I guess I can use the other five with it too that wouldn't be a problem I think now you actually have to do it this way yeah that's better beautiful whoa that's a good turn well that's a good turn right there buddy all right a little effective we got the job done oh man that's annoying okay just Huck the die set or to I guess it's always fun see no other character but the witch has the ability to just shut the Dicer that matter enemies that's always satisfying no no okay I mean look at this spell book real quick - pretty sure what's this upgraded look like no that's not good no that's what that does okay all right I could put duplicator that'd be pretty good hmm they always come in threes oh my god okay try that oh it's gonna be tough these are six right away I put a Hall of Mirrors on the board and just build a shitload of dice okay with that okay that's pretty good depends on him not getting a terrific role what you did so that sucks I think that was a perfect role for him actually good for him he deserves it hey there's the fury spell all right let's see Belle's crucible role a burning dice okay well I'd like to try to use this ooh okay well you know what that works out we'll take it put the fury spell and upgraded well hold on we should I have a six for it so I could put it up here and then we could duplicate magic missle six [Music] that works it's pretty good okay and then like to get more Hall of Mirrors but I don't think we really need more we got five dice already throwing these threes obviously aren't helping us I should probably just go ahead and do this it's a Hall of Mirrors well [ __ ] wow that's really bad damn I guess I just put that there thanks to filer I'm really happy about it okay I gonna die that's alright katastrophe fun let's do this does really do much to him sadly I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna die yeah oh well I wasn't really expecting to win this one at least this is a pretty solid banger to my subtle one at that one three or five it's a 1 we could get a fury spell still wouldn't do it it was a 1 all right [Music] I almost worked all right stuff I gotta build a little smarter ah they welcome back to the stage my favorite perennial failure the witch she sure is sure is buddy you me an insta-kill toppled ice all I understand memorize now okay we could actually use that I could be pretty impactful let's say nice nice dice yeah lady Luck's being pretty brutal the dice are not the dice are being kind reduce to damage from each attack I don't feel like that's very good I really want to memorize it and be able to kill them [Music] try not yeah there's that poison he wanted up blade actually might have been worth trying to keep around but I'm gonna stress it nudge okay fine do-do-do-do-do-do that's good [Music] there we go pretty ideal yeah when you use memorize it saves the random ability you get to spell books lot at you congregation of boxes thanks for the 22 months welcome back into the pile let's keep that burning light build bear-hugs if you got them folks thanks very much for the support wheat to the top of the pile my friend shed we could just leave after killing him might entertain me I had the very idea yep I've never really been one to skip fights but I can certainly see it being valuable in some some circumstances I can do three to five there actually let's see let's try to get a higher role okay okay willing to gamble nice pays off for me alright pretty solid effort there only one odd should be able to get through you think because of white lucky five looking window game night kids haha marshmallow will get you next step I'm running out of Moises on these guys mostly just digging into my own throat oh I can't adjust mindlessly approach this next battle - I guess I'm going for all of them shield sure hey Dad Dennis thanks for the five monthly subscription welcome on back into use well appreciate only I had a five if I only have a fun vanuatu be war cry my goodness even without uncle Wayne here to greet you you still pop it on back in the pile thank y'all they're kind appreciate it try try okay well sure [Music] [ __ ] burning dice back at the pirate is a pretty satisfying flight does it really feel like you can win in this circumstance let's see six is ain't very good for me okay [Music] we go nuns doesn't even merit getting on the board sadly I could get a new burning light here but that would cost me some HP I don't really need to burn speaking of burn oops oh man he's greedy real greedy play look at this son of a [ __ ] knows he's gonna die still goes all-in on my ass some white guy things are the eighth month free subscription welcome on back tell you what I'll go prepared this time let's see if maybe I can be a little smarter about things here first of all I'd like to get a burning light up there and magic shield is gonna go at some point I think I should probably use memorize but it's well I don't know we don't have to we don't have to actually put that on the board Hall of Mirrors again we've had me place of magic I think and then we have it on the board maybe this is an insane play what I'm gonna [ __ ] do it because I am a wild card man [ __ ] wacky [Music] [Music] hmm well didn't get it I've got two fours so there you go another burning light on there I guess I'm just gonna throw a bunch of dice yeah hey that's gone hey how's it going he burned me back the [ __ ] there you go he gets his teleport spell not a problem for as you can see I have dice to throw at your face but well yeah I'll do that first but didn't work and now it works what it's an attack this [ __ ] House me throwing a dice ahem not an attack now care about game logic talking about real logic [Applause] magic missle again I mean these are not good for what we're doing we're looking for big rolls big rolls I probably got a swap out and memorize at some point and magic you'll really is there anything better than magic shield here probably probably magic missle automatic dagger even it's all magic for God's sake let me take that and then yeah you know what that's okay I mean infliction obviously is bad too maybe we take this in place of that sure all right great heal up chill sneezy here's our Hall of Mirrors trigger bet on there and get a missile on board cool be good burning on sneezy obviously helps out wow there's the big rolls sweet okay might as well holy [ __ ] huh I don't really want to keep hex not that good I think we just murder sneezy I didn't even I didn't need to do that at all sorry pal you got to die you got a dime in goodbye okay a gold cauldron I do I want to do this but want to limit myself this way I don't think so I don't think so the analyzing the Hall of Mirrors in the starting slot here I feel like I want to go cauldron again that's what my gut says to do I'm gonna do it I did get the Hall of Mirrors trigger right away and I did just miss it right there to look at a six I get a magic dagger on the board though and they have six to get the burning light right away too you can also get the hall of mirrors on the board and still get it right now and then get a new dice and still go that's okay let's get a memorise on the board see if maybe I get something worthwhile cuz having memorized obviously sucks ass completely useless [Music] when I was a concern for him magic spear whoo we're all magic baby magic missle magic that mean I'm a witch for God's sake bucket oh it's gonna replace holidays though Terry thank you for letting me take the dice out of the things I put them in Thank You Terry ha let's see I'm not getting it this time [Music] I think I've known Acharya here but the 27 months welcome on back the pile appreciate you thank you thank you thank uh I feel like I'm in a tough spot here it's some sort of magical gathering indeed all the music slabs in this game would saying it is incredible let me go ahead and pop the cauldron back in here and let's see if I can swap things around a little bit I want to actually do this play instead nevermind let's just do this this is good double burn with the damage he's gonna hit me with a hammer and that's okay he doesn't really do a ton of damage overall or doesn't really have a potential to anyway Hall of Mirrors in the random slot that's weird alright that on there I got a 5 again for the burning light I don't like I even necessarily want to activate the solid mirrors man in there that's not gonna help me actually I'm gonna get the magic missile on the board who's that'll do and then I've got two burning I've got them nice array let me think I'll probably take Doppel dice over memorize catastrophe I'm good this this would be a stupid starting play I'm gonna do it chest it I have you know like decent odds of having Hall of Mirrors straight away why not see it worked I did it and I get to do that haha Oh frozen on the bully isn't very good very very good I get a magic dagger out hmm now let's get a burning light there we go that's good all right so he's gonna be able to do a lot of damage here now my crystal ball what what the hell is that well weird thing to get all right oh man I'd love to have double dice out right now let's get it [Music] I can't get another burning light though so I should just magic dagger and that was a mistake oh well I could have actually got a magic missile on the board I think that would been a little better I might even have lethal there but he shouldn't get lethal here yeah we good I'm Stephen had to kill himself oh he only has a limited amount of rocks I just realized that's cute that's adorable [Applause] okay heal me thanks I just take that and then we go I'm gonna get rid of this abomination of a setup first of all oh here we go that's a decent setup actually just to be able to get big damage out immediately these guys both deal a lot of damage I might be boned either way let's find out hmm that's not good that's not good at all these be very bad it was max battle-ax luckily not a lot of progress on Beatle head but ok and Ferno certainly helps all right that's our magic missle activation I love to use burning light twice think I will like this oh wait wait wait we can't damn so we better just do that darn hmm [Music] well I think I'm happy with now I can put another magic missile out there and then we just yeah that's good okay we're good we're good oh we got another maximum battle-ax that sucks we gotta try to kill him here and we got it well that was convenient thanks game holy [ __ ] yay you know sometimes it just works out glad those aren't rotten apples slimeball I'm good okay here we go after the keymaster trying to be quick about the damage here - not another wooden stake come on [Music] that's some good damage to start burning on the keymaster obviously works fairly well to all right the second burning light oh no I don't wait what what the [ __ ] is this [Music] what okay he's trying to bait me into using something to kill myself thanks Johnson you're the best John's exon together I think I've got it yeah oh boy get to keep our limit break after that - that's nice eels no these are all very good though I should definitely get well the one I can afford I guess inferno which is you know if it's what we what we're doing here and I think I'll actually go ahead and replace maybe magic dagger with that we could probably just go super aggressive and put that in the first one and just have damage on the board [Music] Oh fun cool Oh God oh well Wow we got another burning lie on the board do it really just wants me to do it anyway maybe I will you can't stop me [Music] yeah that's pretty good three five four four doesn't matter get up with this six in the three-year and I guess didn't not enough what I do [Music] [ __ ] this and burning him anyway he still got to pay the damage man he's still got to pay the toll I'm probably gonna die god yeah even if I throw them at him it doesn't really matter [Music] alright that's proving too difficult right now let's do a gesture episode a JEP asone a straightforward adventure for a straight forward warrior but your gesture so okay board Sandow thanks for the 25 months appreciated oh it's you again how's the despair going what about the sickening waves of regret pretty much under control to be honest you know this is going to end terribly I was already trapped for eternity that is ending terribly well next time around you won't have a cushy job in the introductions and razzle dazzle department it will be down on level one hanging out with the Frog in that unbearable space guy all day every day you know what they say a change is as good as the holiday but you should enjoy this change I'm making to the rules then can you go hey where's the Frog it's a puppy she lied you you you you Oh oh right yeah [Music] okay I know I'm a warrior now great okay I get a six Hey [Applause] anything I'll take it and he literally anything it's actually quite good oh man by [Applause] okay cool go get more stuff and unfortunately that's the only thing we got but I'll still do it maximum damage he Bittner we're all in a lot of sixes holy [ __ ] that's weird yay [Music] oh my god I don't think I've played an on six still had one now he's gonna force me not to play at six I'm still rolling the sixes though dude I still have sixes to play yeah six shooter huh that'd be pretty fantastic speed run this [ __ ] up house like a space shield give me a six please come on don't you don't you're doing me like this Wow come on nonsense you'll never get me have fun dealing with my 10 shield sneezy lucky bump for the +1 here - actually that's not a bad idea although I don't think we even have enough things to actually justify that so nevermind [Music] well bummer [Music] I'll take the shield [Music] come on [Music] Macca I know you're not trying to but I feel like I need to use this as another opportunity to instruct people on how to correctly ask questions and is in a stream chat because that's a big time spoiler for me again the second one today in fact lots of fun for me didn't know that was a thing now I do [Applause] just be careful try be careful hmm definitely not destroying a card I guess I got to get the Taser this is the third I want to say I've been been trying whipped which episode two to no avail unfortunately it has gotten the better of me over and over so now moving on to the jesters second episode to try my luck at that actually could a bumpkin plus one there to get another activation there mind I guess PPP PPP PPP I like your self-awareness mixed in between the two actual spoiler jokes numbers that's that's pretty funny Thanks please do it thank you this is actually looking pretty good already we got a decent a decent build so far and yeah why not take a spatula - nah man this fight sucks this fight sucks it sucks get 1 1 3 there we go that's what I like to see jaren on thanks for the 20 months buddy appreciate it I don't get it bear can you explain see why it's so [ __ ] hilarious is it's a vacuum ha ha hee a vacuum it's the double gifted sobs dude appreciate that very much welcome on an y'all I'm with shock Steph Curry with the shock boy pastern who gives a [ __ ] you poison nice upgrade that spike shield would be pretty good oh no dude upgrade a Taser right yeah that's the way to go unless this is good yeah I'll get the Taser big rolls big rolls use Oh actually should have gone to here first it's you again we just got some new stocking I don't there's something we can tempt you with I would like to get a broadsword if I can afford it sadly I'm not rich enough haiku facelet which Prime well c'mon into the pile appreciate you bear hugs if you gotta bear this fight isn't cool I got nothing to say to you when I roll that one knows them Thank You bad I might just hit them with the four here yeah that's right good good get them the rear old hey nice that's the good [ __ ] oh oh oh oh my I can't use oh I can't use that six but hey still pretty impressive [Music] my banana chips so good I don't know if I've ever had those what does it sound like as a good healthy snack in it I got to replace some of my diet with Dan's got that lethal somewhere right by doing that yeah that was gonna say the UH when we went to wink oh we used to back when we lived in Washington we've get some some dried mangoes every now and then dried bananas dried mangoes then then some tasty snacks oh [ __ ] super pirate monka super anime get bump again that's probably good so god I'll wait no how much more do we have actually to do though nothing okay that's better damage race I did 23 in the first turn so that feels pretty good I have Curie available so he's probably dead by hooray I probably didn't even need to do that I think I could hold or held on to limp they held on to the limit break there and I got a deal with a wisp again good good me bet satis thanks so much for the Reese sub forty nine months I'll watch bear while I recover just like my childhood man that's weird why's that wow wow what just blew my [ __ ] mind let's re-roll at four I think and hey there we go that's what I'm looking for tips hey doing good to see let's do four damage from that and then just straight-up hit him in the face that's fine the build is face basis the place [Music] I'll hey Mack don't worry about it appreciate you sticking around being aware of it at least I don't mean to single people out I just and I know usually it is in fact like almost always I'd say it's not meant to spoil for the streamer but it doesn't just happen absent mindedly so I'm just trying to spread general awareness that that's the case streamer abuse is a thing it's a real thing you guys we have to take it seriously okay I have Keeley beep beep boop beep could just kill him could just hit him with some things until he dies there we go that works well I mean I don't have real feelings but I like lying to you it's still not a deal sorry I thought you maybe may have changed changed your tune I know I have other stuff this time though wisp but but it'll be better where's my spatula you know what I'll take a shield actually I'm terrified of you where's my spatula this is [ __ ] I'm gonna do this one no [ __ ] okay okay here we go there we go there we go that's what we're looking for good still gets a really big play unfortunately despite all of our precautions okay well I'm probably just gonna double this down real quick bump this to six that lift that to a five him with this and he's dead [Music] half rain nacho thanks for gifting the southern that guy well there we go look all is forgiven in the welcoming bear pile get in the hugs [Applause] wholesome game they feel so good for me Disney made me the sweetest all right I'll upgrade yeah do that [Applause] who's this look like I might be worthwhile we've been getting six is pretty consistently though we have enough manipulation cards to be able to rely on it I think let's instead maybe do the spiked shield that's really not that good either [Applause] okay bump yeah the buff that's better nope aw man thanks for the five gifted subs as well I appreciate that it kind I'll still not a deal sorry I keep lying to you coming back in just to refuse you business over and over not a good luck my bad thank you thank you very much ed oh just really kind chat today thank you thank you love it love to see it let me get a shield try to find my my poison attack here not work actually [Music] quite good in fact that was really nice Wow I'm very glad I upgraded Klump this is gonna be great yeah I'm starting to think I may actually need to wait until I get a little bit further into this floor before I approach that next upgrade station for that very reason hey how's it going because I don't want to just waste an opportunity like that again just reroll these a few times haven't even really been using combat role at all that's garbage okay keep the shield up and I'm gonna get this good one here I don't have spatula available do I know I don't good enough still got a shield up I'm pretty sure upgraded spatula just turns into more uses which would be good we can still definitely benefit from that if this gives me anything but a one I'm good thank you [Applause] so yeah we'll hold off on this until I've got some more cards in my inventory I'll go ahead and save the heels - it'll be okay against the racking it's gonna be strong against the poison we've got but I still got other things I can do these are not great rolls go ahead and do that he does let's take this I don't think I need a shield against him spatula definitely does not help this is bad this is not the order we want to see these things in god damn it now all right it's not too bad right yeah he's all about poisoning it was a complete waste of the one he had the one still he would have been able to do that again with all right nice see what do we want to see that in for sure and we get to reroll the ones a couple of times five there we have people right pretty sure yeah there we go ahead with a poison anyway [Applause] sweet we get here another upgrade we can't really use sadly I'm gonna have to get juggling ball actually pretty sure I will I've got a denying gold doing might as well maybe even upgrade something else why not plug it let's do spatula yeah done heal up kill crackin there we go I feel like if the MA a I didn't miss play as off and it would be really really hard like the enemy attacks get insane yeah I haven't honestly seen nearly as many instances of Miss plays as I feel a lot of other people have been seeing but I think there's certainly a lot of truth to that wow that was lucky that's exactly what I wanted nice damn this is going really well holy [ __ ] come on get in there you can do it okay you go for the poor damage I'll take this shield though none holy hell that was a great start do you think okay this will be tough [Music] I just go okay I was gonna say I might just do that to try to get rid of a curse and that works I can bump twice and then re-roll a few times I don't have the bump anymore but I got this Plus that nice boy was winnowing with joy adorbs for struggling three and you interrupt me for yet another fight what kind of weirdo spells his name bear some edgy kid trying to be cool trying to be like well everybody spells it the normal way I played the bastard [Applause] correct numbers yeah you just got to deal with it [Music] quite good good lord we are looking at this deck being executed to perfection right here holy [ __ ] [Music] just one a five that's all I want alright I'll take it [Music] Peter Mack 34 months on the pile thank you very much welcome on back and appreciate it hey let the dice he hit him with a sword try to get a bump on the board [Music] ready just shield we're just hitter oh that was stupid well now I guess it works hell yeah Wow I was convenient max-level sweet toxic goons okay last upgrade that I don't even know what to use oh yeah that works okay Madison will make of like arrange the order of cards and that'd be cool seems a little too strong I suppose for her Madison is immune to freeze [Music] in the narrow ran in the narrow rings in there there's our bump maybe we'll run into spatula immediately after that now okay let's get the juggling ball here's our spatula spike shield up do max damage on ours taser as well get the shock get the poison re-roll for a six all right pretty good start [Music] all right he is set up a chocolate cookie for next turn that sounds very on-brand for her I prepare a chocolate cookie for next round I'm an evil Girl Scout hmm there we go I get the five again okay hey there we go the bum spatula combo is pretty brilliant man I love it okay well David I won't do that am i for damage for damage all right bye Madison that was fun I suppose I'm just going to haha she gave up on baby squid I suppose I'm just going to have to do this myself ridiculous [Applause] you know the drill well done blah blah blah spun the wheel but look it seems you don't win your heart's desire this time what a shock so to complete a alright good all right I love burning night is still here oh sweet yeah man that's that's really funny I like that a lot burning that you wanted me to do beef three right that's what you were saying oh god no yeah okay yeah this this one [ __ ] sucks I haven't even done it yet and I can already tell this one [ __ ] sucks let's all give a cheer for Fiat for the thief who's playing to win wealth and also immoral wealth and go you liked it sadness you seem to be the outlier for sure increase and reset all dice Oh Oh but that obviously was not good because I wanted to use the tutu's to get in there but oh that's me okay now I see roll three dice of the current uptick Oh God well [ __ ] you can win a diet of wolf puppy Jesus what the [ __ ] God [Applause] I'm gonna die do that do that do that [Music] man yeah man oh but now I'm gonna force goddamnit I got to think about that [Music] well oh no I have to get a three or a three and a two and our lose no well gets right be free sucks let's not do that ah elimination round that's more fun Oh now entering battle again the warrior who somehow is still trying good yeah sure I do forget that warrior is very boring to begin with but maybe that's incentive to get some of his episodes finished up now this chapters gimmick this is the elimination round so it just means each enemy has upgraded equipment and more health straight up harder yeah really a gimmick good luck to you Arthur penguin hope it goes well early claws certainly fine by me it's just ascension yeah pretty much I guess I get a 6 I win unless I can't use the floppy garbage all right there we go all right erosion hello going face is very strong in this game it does seem to be the case yeah faces the place seems to be the case [Music] yeah how about a 6 though yeah that's cool how about a 6 he can't use them give him 6 is all day 6 Thank You al we ha ha weaken the sword please Thanks do that go on no yes I've been waiting until that game sees some modifications I don't even know if it necessarily will it was fine as is and I'm sure if the developer kept it mostly the same I'd I mean I did obviously my opinion doesn't [ __ ] matter as far as that's concerned just whether or not I'm gonna play it though I doubt if it doesn't end up changing a bit hasn't really even been on my radar to be honest with you wolf are they're making a new one because that's an old game in it I also could have sworn I just played a bard scale game a Bard's Tale four or something we're just getting all the perfect role here have you complete that for a brownie oh the director's cut okay and I'm pretty sure I played that for it bounty is probably not something I play it's on that stream but I enjoyed it when I played it [Music] that's blind right there yeah okay let's see if that live no the big dice I don't know why I did that but okay that works let's see now I believe that's a fun way to get it too though Wow baby squids didn't want to talk I thought maybe you'd have something cute to say about being kicked out of the announcer role I've really enjoyed the fact that there's been some like continuity with the characters within those sorts of ways that's been really fun to see I'll probably take a snowball I need something else to use with it first now I mimic fade it again the first mimic I've ever seen - [ __ ] they got me dude yeah I think you missed a twig oh you got fired she got fired I should say mmm I do have fury I can do that [Music] that works I should have bumped that obviously Camila spice and a pal thanks so much for the 15 months welcome back good to have you thanks for bear hug and y'all if you got them certainly love to see it had to bump up gray claw no this is really all that good right now I'm gonna leave that from now see if I can get someone else better to upgrade I could upgrade its snowball actually that'd probably be worthwhile claw sadly not as good here but I'm still just gonna use it why not really needs more damage just to hug myself I'll give you a hug geez we're so stingy with the hugs lately it's that like it's a finite currency y'all let's get a little aggressive need more how are they ever gonna know that welcome in the pile if they don't see a bear hug in the chat you guys come on come on can't even give the guy a $3,000 suit a bear huh come on guy walk it around at $4,000 suit Danube again we get a bear hug in this chat [Music] yeah that'll do it right yeah definitely do six-shooter yeah oh [ __ ] this'll be fun wonder what that upgrade it looks like six uses let's go that's the whole bill dude that's the whole [ __ ] build just all sixes give me all sixes [ __ ] the sword sixes we got to upgrade our bump now thirty-six damage yes it's the devil's build only six is six yes yes yes beautiful I can't wait to can't wait to shove that failfish hand straight through your skull when this succeeds beyond your wildest belief Scott Scott how you feel now Scott [Applause] hmm target feels pretty good we could get the snowball in there with that they'll probably replace spiked shield yeah I actually like that play cuz I don't think I want this in here anymore I like that more let's do that cuz snowball can actually build a majestic that way I have something a little more reliable and we're going up against fire man so that's pretty freakin good yo we really need to upgrade bump that's gonna be pretty freaking important for this spatula be cool too but no that's important and I'll thank you I think I'm just gonna double snowball right now [Music] all right you gotta have it happen a few times can't use these so they're all going wow that was nice thank you and then we will hit you with this in the target well he's just the best player of all time isn't he oh yeah frozen's the way to go ouch okay then hmm [Music] just do that oh yeah that's some good big-time damage right there try it try it try it there we go perfect place he gets one fireball how bad is that not it's not even bad I'll tell ya how about it is not see you kill them with a one easy peasy lemon squeezy I will take that deal I will indeed and I'm gonna finally fix what I've done to myself here and this stupid stupid idea that didn't work god dammit it was right I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of saying his name again but after all he ended up being correct hmm well yeah there we go give me that give me that do that oh oh baby oh baby there we go try to save that fury if I can but I might want to just go ahead and pop them with it right here double fries will be good yeah we'll just do that oh wait right yeah I'm heaven with a 5 mm hmm that's not a bad play it all right there Wow onde Konak leat pwnage [Music] maybe this time I leave myself longer legs well it's great to be made of wicker you should try an anonymous gift Oh fine sky whatever welcome to the pile Dermot hmm well here we go optimal plays optimal plays where's the bear hugs you know yeah Scott gets all the bear hugs right thanks guys thanks for getting your bare leg down for Scott a streamer is screamer I got compression on man you ain't hearing them screams it's all monitored thanks to the wonderful powers of software now if you were view you oh I hear the real screaming I'm protecting you from it man mmm take a chance on it [Music] no I good enough actually hold on [Music] it's just not good enough honestly it's just not good enough it just simply won't do I'm gonna have to get a 5 from this too that's just not what I said at all come on now come on now be reasonable here I can't even use this for that was my fault actually that's definitely not what I should have done they should have done their oh well yep yep I tried running a hardware compressor and it just overwhelmed me completely I'm not I'm not smart enough I found the built-in compression that with OBS to be sufficient I could certainly sound better but look I already sound much better than most people on Twitch let's be honest it's not just the voice I'm talking about the overall microphone quality here lit I'm I'm rocking some high quality stuff already we're looking pretty good sounded pretty good at that [Applause] another upgrade that's exactly what I wanted thank you oh okay I wish I'd seen that first um that could replace shovel but then the bump is less useful I guess no it's not it's still pretty good in fact give us us even more control over getting the perfect cards to play all they want to really do is just have optimal use of everything I've got six shooter riot I mean we got the upgraded bub now that was the whole point literally going from all I wanted sixes to the two I never want sixes shut up Scott alright no I'm happy with this I think still [Music] we're giving you to feed a few that's like near ideal again although we have the additional bumps this time of course what all I need to do is go Bam Bam Bam Bam well let's do I should have bumped the six to be able to play it even but whatever yeah okay this can I end up like I'll have extra dice probably which if that's the case I'm beginning to wonder now bump is even necessary well this sucks with poor dice now yeah I don't know if I could play I have like all big stuff in the backpack anyway we don't need to worry about that right now that's an oo or that's an even that was a - okay so that's good another even [Music] four or six but bump it twice turns into a six which I can using the shovel there we go all right enough another curse gonna be with only one blind thankfully because I week of his camouflage so that was really good for us let's get a reroll for something higher there we go Oh baby that's nice so now we don't even have to worry about the blind one we can just hopefully be able to use it somewhere this is a four five or six it's a four or six I bump it into a five oh it's a six so that's right there oh [ __ ] fine bummer out there still pretty good I only got one oh he didn't even get to overwhelm there wow that was pretty convenient for us to cool all right we should be able to do this process of elimination oh that was I had lethal there that was stupid whoops man weakening overwhelm makes that garbage Garbo thanks [Applause] yeah it's a really neat mechanic I really like blind a lot the way it works in this game is quite clever another upgrade what would we even get Oh does upgrading battle-ax shrink it cuz if it does I'll totally put that in there and place a bomb yes get it always a spatula ah damn it I was so tunnel visioned on the battle ax that's okay though my bad you can still get it though after killing these two I think we'll have enough we can still get it I'm using claw yeah definitely using cloth it's getting us some good results probably gonna be missing bump right away ooh that sucks unfortunate six there [Music] fury okay and the curse Jesus Christ all right so what do we want to use first to try to get rid of that curse I think I'm just gonna take a chance good good okay that's fine that's fair had to be one of them I will do the poison not a problem dude Wow she hurts oh Jesus [Music] oh no I'm missing my bump now especially without this got the odd boy I'm scared [Music] please kill her got a he'll treasure chocolate cookie the direwolf warlock definitely wolf Hearst he's still probably gonna kill me I'm missing my bump now man we're doing that [Music] I'm racing him I am erasing him to the finish line as much damage as I can as quickly as possible there's our four for the battle axe if I double that it's 16 immediately sure we've got a three for the claw I need a high roll please that's acceptable [Music] day [Music] while here for a little bit first does not come through I need to deal 17 damage can I do it oh man this is actually like a perfect draw hell yeah hell yes still got a deal with him I can get our six-shooter play now though or he'll that's probably smarter the decision do I go all in faces the place or do I heal and believe in the build we have man Oh God what do I do think about this I've got bump and an upgraded six-shooter with a spatula for dice most I can do is I roll sixes and bump them to get two more dice I'd be able to deal with sin an optimal situation whereas with the build I have now I have probably like 20 damage 20 to 25 plus status effects I don't think the six-shooter can even get it done I think we need what we have and I think I need to just heal you got to do it there we go I had no faith in the six-shooter I couldn't do it so we already have like the best play already available here [Music] like that is really good 22 damage with a weakened of frozen and a poison so technically 23 damage I guess and that's 13 less than the six shooters optimal result and we're able to occur we're able to achieve that result pretty consistently so that's what's big for us now we do need to re-roll here unfortunately the frozen did hurt nice okay give me really anything I guess thanks actually know that I couldn't use that damn let me see first do that pretty sure i battle-ax but I think I actually want to turn that into a five to get the maximum snowball oh no I could go three into the four and four into the five but then the six is useless what if I just did this instead and then we have the one to put him to cloth I want bump that to a five I know the temptation exists to backseat in this moment by the way let let me let me just try to figure it out here decide what my best choice is I think I need to do hold on hold on if we put a five if I turn the four into a five that makes this 8 damage in this 6 plus subtract 2 I think it's like the same I think it's the same but I definitely need to freeze and I need a claw so I guess that's what I've done here I think I could actually even bump those one sure we're alive I think you got confused and fortunately so I got to figure that [ __ ] out oh I have fury all right max level upgrade full heal and an extra dice whoo okay I think we still believe pretty strongly in the current build see if we can upgrade uneven inflict one weekend nothing really seems that great now I might take the claw just so we can use leftovers more often but the shovel might even be better but that's really the only place we have to put sixes anyway so we don't really need to do that hmm why is music not match animation fair point missed opportunity chat what do you think I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna upgrade the snowball at this point I'm not sure or not actually yet no I don't know why I said thanks Claude yeah I was with young claw I don't know why I said snowball claw was what I wanted to do for sure I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be claw because like just the value proposition for everything is a little low I think at this point is just gonna be like which which one allows me to use dice more often we have enough control I think we right now it's not really even gonna matter I'm create this six shooter [Music] here we go fa I still can't say her name more fighting I could in I'm stuffed okay just one more didn't mean oh she's the she booster shield up all the way huh that's right really do not need five dice with our bill but whatever I should probably make sure I'm gonna get okay yeah that works [Music] got it be that there we go yeah she's gonna he's gonna be tough except the spam is certainly not a lab but I'd like the NC Mouse I don't think we're spam I think we're being pretty reasonable here I need a one I'll just throw that in there I guess bump this into another dice but I don't need it at all I think I'm just gonna try to turn us into a five okay geez me another use for sixes weakening her is decent to all goodness actually weakening the tower shield is massive weaken is the way to go against her absolutely let's double weaken hell yeah there we go that's unfortunate wow that sucks why'd I do that dammit oh well sub-optimal but I still got our next turn I'm pretty sure love that weekend baby oh man that's nice see ya it's done here to give it another world yeah absolutely this could definitely be the time that you win your heart's desires I believe I believe have fun oh look at that what are the chances [Applause] simply cease to be forgetting something innovative [Applause] dittos in chat please I know it's rigged but we can still dance [Applause] damn damn whoa are you poor complete the elimination round complete any two of them nation round episodes whoo ah yeah happiest moment wanted to be a great giant big squid not just a little baby squid adorable one day you'll grow up to be a great big giant squid baby squid it's a very pure game and then that's nice okay whoo okay I want to try out I'm I'm willing to dive into a parallel universe boy am I love how are you getting on you know if you stop fighting against me and start working really hard on being a good minion then in a couple hundred years you might have a shot at becoming a level boss what no I'm getting out fine I'm going to win this you're really not you know and that's another thing I'm beginning to think you might not have our best interests at heart you're not the smartest of my little battlers are you of course I don't have your best interests at heart I don't even have a heart - theoretically have them at in the first place but what I do have is more monsters for you to fight and you go it's a parallel universe everything's totally different except the same it's a superb game absolutely remembers it's terrific love it do that damage double if your health is critical wow that's neat Oh combat spatula cool okay fury double next action but that equipment cannot be used next turn Oh my shield oh cool that's what the question mark stuff was okay I see typical I spend all day stuffing roses and rabbits up my sleeves and then I lose before I even get to use them I know that feeling buddy nice three uses of weaken dude holy [ __ ] there you go oh it's of weakened question mark two extra damage from each attack I see alright see you got a stack that up which is greater than that works better if I can get a bunch of low rolls oh [Music] okay remember mine there you go a random piece of equipment is poisoning that's interesting cool this is really neat yeah this is incredible that they've managed to do this level of complexity with these mechanics super rows oh [ __ ] so much content I know it's so much bigger than it that it initially seems that's so cool dude Oh baby that's some big-time damage only one even Rosewood skier very good I'll take that I'll let these thorns yeah I didn't even look at it restore to help of each attack this turn oh that's not really that good weaken makes it so they take one more damage per attack for each point a week and they have so here I'll show it to you again so when I have that take one extra damage from each attack 1.41 per each point of weaken inflicted so it'll go up like that so he's gonna take three damage from this one now our first instance of fury double next action but that equipment can't be used next turn that's gonna [ __ ] us I don't think I even want to do that right now Oh probably not knocks that'd be Oh reduce all dice values by one that's not even that good although I guess if you had like four stacks of frozen you could reduce all dice by four which would be pretty crazy nice I'm not sure I'm never gonna be able to make as much content on the game as I have on doctor darkest dungeon apart from maybe darkest dungeon 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 burning dice can be used on equipment will disable that quit equipment for the rest of the turn there the next turn wool do double damage can only use on even turns whoa and crescent moon blade dude this is cool holy [ __ ] three uses of katana that's pretty freakin good - I'd love to zouk I haven't heard anything about it yet we certainly open to the idea obviously so this is turn one so this is that this is this would be a shield that we'd be adding can't get me I know it's incredible bamboo I love it I really love games like this too that are like deceptively deep I even saw Terry made a post acknowledging that there were some people that were a little disappointed because they thought the game was a lot shorter than it was they thought it was only like six episodes long and they never realized that it's got a lot more content oh we didn't actually see what the shield did yeah whoops cannot see remaining health from blinds so that's not really that big of a deal [Music] that's just unavailable - jeez okay all that was stupid I needed to do the weekend first I got I think I got to think about that stuff now wow that hurts she'll kill you all that's no I think that's thorns I think that's what thorns did what turn is this turn three so we're gonna be doing shield again plus I probably should've just used fury they're all shield just heals you for the amount at the end of the turn okay that's actually pretty cool damage you win check it out dice value minus one lose one health reusable though over and over and over again with that that's interesting [Music] survive for three turns oh my god reusable capacitor mm-hmm not like that she's being so quiet [Music] I'm gonna get it [Music] bitchin oh we can first duh damn my well-heeled for one shot temporarily disables random equipment cost three health to UM shock that's pretty effective so I can play the burn dice but the equipment will be destroyed or not destroy but unavailable in the next turn and I can do that alrights also immediately destroyed I got to keep in mind so once I go like this alright that's okay we'll have the other one next turn we should be alright [Music] 50 Newton's d ppppp future okay this'll do okay it's completely different man this is nuts it's a totally different game hmm that's fun lock enemy dies that rolled this neat roll a one from the singularity things are pretty good I want to get rid of katana this is taking up two slots it's just not that good her green dagger sounds like fun let's try this build out this is a little weird but I'll try it candle could be usable turn us or turn unusable dice into a parry and dagger play or something this really actually doesn't seem that great right now but maybe we can make it better hey come in stick around if you like baby squids coming around to see it that dam is locking it who okay anyone that is a terrible upgrade that's not bad three uses of weight went all the way it applies the weakened first okay so it's slightly different okay hmm this is good whoa I think that's pretty good that seems really good hmm you know what I bet we could upgrade parrying dagger and then play around the enemy roles let's try that that's how we should want to use that anyway give that a world press and upgraded is definitely good too though I was I was considering that for sure hmm so what do you have evens and odds particularly matter which one I choose then hmm I think I'm gonna go ahead and candle pickaxe double capacitor Locke is six okay oh wait what locked all enemy dies that rule six must be used first okay even help [Music] I guess we won't use that [ __ ] up rate yeah Wow if they can't use a 6/8 Cruz than complete I suppose yeah right that's if you think about it it's okay if you don't just immediately react to what you see at face value I guess it can be useful ah let's see pretty damn sure I have lethal yeah [Applause] you think people do all right keymaster you knew we got a lot of capacitor here [Music] bucket for shots a little extra damage I forgot those are not nearly as good unfortunately so I probably won't do that again or will I know I won't let's see oh god yeah locking in with the huge huh way no no it does it matter I don't know if it'll make a difference [Music] like it changes nothing yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] battlecry took five week in once per battle Wow what our upgraded that's got a bit decent huh as is definitely not worth including oh boy super dry add only level three ain't gonna poison her I thought I ever end it - let's see [Music] I'm actually considering going all-in on the week in here yeah yeah I'm gonna do it and Locker three Linna oh wait what did the lock do oh okay that's ICICI she can't use any of the other ones until the three gets use got it okay double the six I think flip flip there we go should a weaken first there gotta remember that that's gonna be critical to getting all the damage out that I can he should be a little easier to deal with he does have a lot of health of course walking his six does nothing for me so I probably won't even deal with this [Music] I'm at shield actually sure heal up a little bit we'll flip the fives actually shock might have been better now it doesn't really matter it's just damaged still see Lee gets curse you're gonna get another one up here what's curse all the equipment has a 50% chance to switch target Wow okay that's interesting that's what that means okay [Music] there we go another curse and then a hollow crystal thankfully not that good for him I have not dealt that much damage sadly I don't want a chance giving him a shield my boy oh boy now [Music] he's just gonna curse me all day I might just die to this guy even turns his damage I miss played this play it belt you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me and we're potato
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 6,473
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: dicey dungeons
Id: mrp9m4925wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 5sec (8345 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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