Spelunky Daily Challenge with Baer! - 7/14/2018

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a fresh new run here it's as though this is the beginning and nothing ever happened in the previous few minutes I don't remember that do you cheat what are you talking about there's no VOD to prove anything I'm back with coffee so am i oh boy yummy that's what but you know what that's what the problem is that's what the problem is I didn't have my energy mmm there we go I got me all natural ice coffee from madrenas spiking me for the day that'll do its stream time right now just started very first run will have great success hoorah good luck in your very first run Thank You sloth burglar appreciate you recognising my false promises to myself math man bits for win it's that rhymes I'll allow it you ever got more of that too I do finally yeah I mentioned this the other day I finally got my damn shipment in and I got I got the Casa B madrenas dude I got it all they hooked me up I was thrilled I got to open my palate a little bit more I think I've been so addicted to the dark roast I tried the cappuccino the caramel all kinds of good stuff man just started watching bear on YouTube I found this place is a blast already good to have you digital corgis yeah thank you for making the transition we've had a lot of people doing so and I'm really glad to see that like I love the YouTube audience just as much as the twitch audience of course it's just that the twitch audience is so much easier to interact with on an individual basis just like we demonstrated just now so thank you very much for making the making the trek fluff copter I have infinite work I didn't I read that already but yeah thank you for the $5 and yeah good luck with that man I am I am rooting for you close I think I got it didn't I thank you very much for the subscription as well welcome to the pile appreciate it boom I even knew he was there I level plays first frustrating as the dark levels are they sure are bangers can I get a couple banger alerts uh-oh all those I don't know sour please doesn't really fit very well with this does it it's more like a like a slow ditto kind of Jam I need a bear bang or emo that's a good idea that's a good idea that's gonna be our new slot the one that's like 200 subs away only 200 subs away folks oh boy we can do it together ditto but slow yeah something like that what about bear book I do wonder what the what the long term value of bear book is as much as I like the idea Wow alright that was dumb eep-eep ooh this is nice call that exactly what I asked for thank you and I'm gonna get out of here before a spider kills me mm-hmm [Music] have you heard get out of the car ace my ESOP right get out get out of the car yeah no I love that song actually I connect on a deep personal level with that song holy it's awesome sitting and watching spelunky with my husband on a regular basis against monkeys how we found you originally when you're doing daily YouTube runs yeah hey oh man the nostalgia bombs yeah I really do appreciate y'all uh again it's it's easy enough these days I suppose to make the make the jump right from YouTube to twitch you don't have to and so many do stick around and I really appreciate it it's nice to know that even from back in the day they're still folks and just didn't watch my stuff so that's it's heartwarming thank you I think about it too like I I know people's interests changed and I don't fault people at all for like you know growing out of my content or out of the you know the NL SS or the LSS crew or anything like that although on that same note I do feel we are kind of a bit more I mean I I hesitate to say this cuz if it's a bit elitist but we're a bit more mature I'd say them the typical twitch streamer or let's player you know so I guess we have that going for us but anyway the point of that wasn't to just to my own horn the plane that was to say like I understand that people's interests change you know you grow out of things that you watch on twitching YouTube and it's very common to do so so to see that people are still interested like five years after the fact is actually remarkable to me it's cool so thank you feel like the analyst s crews what you grow into not add up I like that although there are some yes there's some questionable elements to that too doesn't say a lot about what we're aspiring to if this is what we're hoping for the crew is the strangest makes it mature in juvenile and ends up hilarious yeah exactly like we've got a I think you know we've got a good grasp on the important parts of being mature but also the important parts of immaturity aka the the funny parts of the maturity that goes one shopkeeper I guess bomb him I grew out of Bionicle let me go back what you grow out of Chad that you wish you could go back and enjoy again I'm sure you've got like something that comes to the top of your head right away I'm try and I think there's like a couple for me I kind of wish I could go back and like be super into pokemon cards again because that was a fun time I'll Pokemon for sure for a few people right just like base level Pokemon yeah childhood innocence oh so sad Yugi oh yeah sure sure Disney movies you can't even get into them and all anymore what about things like I mean like okay I say frozen purely on ironically because I genuinely think frozen is a good movie you can't watch that at all you can't even enjoy it mmm a smile he says come on now we don't need more anymore uh nihilist Arby's accounts on Twitter left Coco you like frozen yeah I think they're still good movies despite the maybe surface level emotional value presented within them Lord blendy welcome to the bear pile buddy thinks we're trying subscription much appreciated bear hugs please be from Dublin hey Mel abide oh yeah first time cashing live welcome on in triple-a video games to be honest see that's I'm kind of with you on that because I can't play a lot of them anymore without having a very jaded mindset a very cynical attitude toward at all so that's why I got so much about games like God of War which managed to you know capture that childlike enthusiasm despite that attitude I bring to it I think that's pretty incredible you grew out of not being cynical yeah multi-camera sitcoms there's an interesting one I don't know if that was ever really on board with those like the laugh track stuff the shows that told me when to laugh I could never really be a fan of dog hey buddy oh my god you're alive yay let me darkest dungeon videos I am gonna make more yeah you got daily videos still coming up for the next little while here I'm sure you got those twitch stream beauties upcoming I'm sure we're gonna play a little bit more today as well after spelunky well I think we're ready to go yeah let's do you leave the bets open for now by the way in case you want to jump in there real quick Finn via the thousand biddies for the dunks thank you friend appreciate it very much like I'm you playing a game boy you know what you should watch this hell a good comedy the big gay sketch show bonus points for baby Kate McKinnon I've never heard of that with a name like that you'd think I'd at least have heard of it the big gay sketch show and now it's never even entered my radar being new and too much acid and tried to watch friends and now my life has a laugh track yeah bad trip dude grabbing a continual bad trip goodness that doesn't make me ever want to do acid were mouth excel well I don't know maybe I guess we could it's not the daily no gotta worry about our score too much they also want to get myself a chance for a hell run do you do do you know what if that's a good trip what if that's a goal God then what what would a bad trip II really put that now horrifying perspective a bad trip would be like you you look in the mirror every morning and you are a different member of the friends cast like on Monday you're Jennifer Aniston and on Tuesday you're Matthew Perry I don't know maybe you'd enjoy that maybe that's another good trip oh boy that was kind of dumb please die thank you you could do worse than being Jana wamblam iced tea I'll give you that much yeah she's got a pretty good life I assume but lost oh spot-on key Saturday doing pretty well man thank you for the biddies David Schwimmer would be Monday's which day of the week is it is the equivalent for each member of the friends cast that's a very important scientific study we have to undertake right now because sunday is the day of rest obviously so you got Monday through Saturday to assign to each of them members of the roster Joey is Friday okay I think that makes sense I've never even seen friends but I'm gonna have very strong opinions about all of these all these selections Ross is Tuesday you [ __ ] stupid it doesn't make any sense of course Ross isn't Tuesday Ross is Thursday thinks Ross is on Tuesday dumbass oh [ __ ] run oh god no ah damn it it's like the second I realized it was too late you're a cool person bear I don't stop as much as I'd like to but i lurk whenever i can genuinely help me out with some bad things with blasters so thank you that I still can't [ __ ] spell bear correctly beautiful thank you so much silver knight for the fifty dollars that dunk is in your honor my friend enjoy it and thank you very much for the continued support as a name I have read many times and I'm happy to see still around thank you very much you're on that sub leader for if I'm not mistaken right down there this is a pretty damn good start let's not throw it away I've got 75 bombs my god only for help though so let's be cautious yeah see that that right there that's the situation you don't want to run into I think it would be a lot better off going from the top on these guys and maybe trying to drop a few bombs down so let's do that yeah they didn't work very well there's one nice oh you got his friend too didn't he yeah sweet [Music] and there we go nice wow that's a pretty clean black-market bear feels good I'll go ahead and grab the gloves I guess - probably worth it yay yeah looking good hmm I didn't know there was a leaderboard but I'm on it so hell yeah indeed you are Matt yeah I like that some leaderboard I like yeah cuz twitch I mean twitch has of course the consecutive streaks for subs but they don't really have a way to UM to award people who have you know amassed a total amount of subscriptions that maybe aren't in a streak you know and I think that's I'm pretty damn sure that that's what that leaderboard does it counts the total amount so like people like this snapper up there even though his streak hasn't been maintained that's neat yeah you're up there - mmmm yep okay let's get through this yeah I would like twitch to change that that would be one easy big fix I'd love for them to make oh my god it's a jetpack you didn't even see that sweet yay yeah I do feel that that's like a one big easy fix to make is being able to reward long-term subscribers or even just like allowing them to restart their streak you know like I feel like that's that's fair you have like a three-year streak and then you missed two months and you come back and you start over again that doesn't really seem like it's fair so that would be nice oh goodness oh goodness there we go I think you can restart shrieks now oh you can okay well that's good great well in that case maybe they don't need to but it would still be nice to know just oh the pool the pool party every year to reward subs yeah there we go why haven't I thought of that pool party at bear's house BYOP bring your own pool temple night welcome back temple night Thank You Ocelot for gifting the subscription appreciated you oh you're bad Janine Lutz can buddy well this is going quite quite good I have a lot of issues here I've got 69 bombs so obviously we just keep going with this that's how you end up with a yard full of kiddy pools hey if I if I get more than two that is call to action here I'm gonna be pretty thrilled with that bring your own madrenas there you go I mean actually I could I can definitely supply that I got you covered when you're gonna play darkest dungeon Barry's gonna be in a couple of hours here was it supposed to hit the shopkeeper not just graze by him I don't know if you're familiar with how the gun works game BOTS do um oh you can restart streak so we'll look at that okay confirmation cool I do still like I can't help myself but instinctively avoid the climbing gloves sometimes even where when I already have them oh boy that is nice yay where's my doggy there you are I'm your pal bets are still open yah go fix that in but a moment get your bets in now before I have the chance to eliminate your possibility of big-time earnings on a success bet that you know is gonna happen here no for a damn fact hmm let's see that's inconvenient um I think we're all done here do you need to get a shotgun again obviously he just toss a couple bombs down there and probably take care of that oh come on oh my god ah okay oh god oh god alright alrighty then we're good we got it oh my goodness I can't keep taking stupid damage it's a problem that's a big issue okay we're gonna get out of here we're good lock those bets up that is it done locked whoo he was aggressive no Kenny wanted blood I know there was like three shotguns around that entire level I probably could grab em dumb dumb damage any chance you guys do some monster high when it comes out I II don't know [Music] I'm gonna have to see how the how the Squad feels about it because I'm lukewarm on the game but if everybody's down to play it I think I'll probably hop on it looks beautiful and I'm sure the PC version is gonna be a lot more accessible for everybody obviously I [Music] just didn't really get sucked in when I tried it myself I know Ryan likes it a bit yeah so that obviously increases the odds significantly so yeah all right only to health so I would like to actually grab Rufus and there he is give me your buddy I actually put you in the door properly there we go that could have done were my guess but I'm almost guaranteed to die that way so excited to play with all your discord pals yeah I'm I need to make a I've noticed a few people posted and talking about trying to find groups to play games with them a bear pile discord I might need to make like a looking for group chat or something like that if y'all like you could benefit from it let's go ahead and bounce yet I think so I think we're did good you'd use that my right cool thy will be done there we go that's convenient I have tried Flint hook yeah I actually played through the majority of Flint hook and got to the very end of it where you have to beat every boss in succession Wow Jesus and that part of that game was really disappointing to me it just felt like a lazy way to wrap it up but overall I was I'd say still positive on it I guess I enjoyed my time with it enough I wouldn't go back to it though is the thing like I'm probably never gonna play it again here we go my god that's annoying I'm gonna commit a bomb to doing this I just cannot deal with it so that white Rufus I guess let's do that I'm not a thanks for keeping me entertained while recovering from PRK asai surgery the commentary is fun even if my eyes aren't up for watching all the time goodness oh my thank you thank you the biddies speedy recovery to you oh yeah we're done here too this has been pretty straightforward that take off in a minute just want to say I'm loving the DD color of madness Paz although not enjoying 60% on madrenas whomp-whomp you can get 40% off it's a little pretty good deal still pretty good I'm thinking of getting LASIK is it scary to get I've got a guy that a couple friends get it weren't - weren't - what's the word I'm looking for traumatized by the whole experience they were they were fine I'm sure you'll be fine 8-bit hype bits for a bid that's what we pay for in this game I forgot that's how you pay to win in spelunky I love having them shoot themselves it's very satisfying oh why pay attention buddy there you go still have no Kepala even though we've made a decent amount of sacrifices just haven't had the chances oh my god too quick here I live I like this song it's nice more climbing gloves yes he's done it hey there demon stress relieved how you doing my wife had LASIK definitely have a friend or go a partner go with you see was show she was so looped out on the meds but she said Oh fireworks they start that's great JB masterpiece thanks for the subscription my friend welcome the pile appreciate you twitch Prime support bear odds please if you wouldn't mind shad thanks for the thanks for sharing the love yeah we got back to normal give me four valium and told me to choose so it was totally fun during any time they give you a four valium and tell you to chew I think you'll probably did you're gonna be just fine for a little while everything's gonna be okay I might actually go back to enter the dungeon fans yeah it's uh it's up there on the possibility list for sure I've got chasm that I'm very excited to play at the end of the month as well and there is dead cells coming out of early access in 21.0 in the beginning of august so we've got a good amount of stuff to do it's exciting of course we'll continue our DD campaign maybe you can throw a modded campaign back in the mix dead cells coming out of early access finally they've been making updates to that game at an incredible rate and now our right in line to release fully like they had planned to last year so it's another success story for early access ah God this is annoying there we go mothership welcome to the bear pilot math youth for the bits and the sub combo thank you so much and barrel heads please again if you wouldn't mind chat thank you for getting me newest member warm and cozy sleigh the spire is great too I've been playing for plenty of slave the spire still the daily challenge for that game has got me wrapped up it's been my offline game though I've been permitting myself the ability to play it horribly and absent the criticism of twitch chat and YouTube comments not that y'all are ever all that mean to me YouTube is though what can't you be nice YouTube why can't you be nice like your brother twitch chat you got so much to learn from him let's see back to being good and resting my own yeah you rest up appreciate it thank you you want some brownies you made me brownies twitchchat oh that's so lovely I mean it's the thought that counts obviously considering the distance between all of us assumedly but hey wow what a kind gesture on YouTube you can't get bands so people feel no boundaries you can get banned you just got to come back with a new account immediately afterward kind of like twitch but not quite all right that's gonna free him so he's gonna come down here probably and last my brains out baby dude there we go don't get crushed there it is bear what's your favorite baked good great question I'm a big cake fan I love spice cake it's a thing that we've gotten pretty frequently and donuts as well actually we hadn't found a good donut place until like a year or so ago around us and then I bought donuts from them like every week for three months and gained five pounds and decided hey I probably shouldn't do that anymore but damn those are good the heck is a spice cake go to the grocery store and just look at the spice cake mix it's tasty man it's off the hook no kidding good [ __ ] Junior love your videos thank you for the dollar 17th it supplies our duck donuts around you best donuts I've ever had never seen it you don't mean Dunkin Donuts I'm guessing but duck donuts no that's a new name never heard of them I got to try some more I guess I mean well now now I don't coz I found the right one around here but I was trying a few in my previous locale to no avail they were suboptimal man they had those doughnuts over that are like welcome you know those TK duvet round doughnuts gross man they're - Scott no they had there was this one place that had like the gourmet doughnuts you know what I mean where there they look amazing they have these incredible swirly designs and like three layers of fontaine and some [ __ ] stacked up on top of one another that makes it look really really good but those are so disgusting those yeah the doughnuts that are trying too hard that's a good way to describe it and it's there they're trying way too hard on the aesthetic appeal and not at all on the flavor it is a disappointing experience nuclear owl welcome with Bearpaw buddy thank you very much for your twitch product subscription as well appreciated was a nice snag IT captain love you too thanks for being here welcome on in I've had some bacon doughnuts yeah I'm not a big fan I don't really love bacon all that much i i'm not i'm not like bae bacon when it comes to my my food stuffs in fact i might not like it at all okay i think it prefers sausage i might even prefer turkey bacon to normal bacon I think Bacon's bad is the thing and I want you to unsubscribe because of that [Laughter] [Music] I'm going I'm going too far now I'm being purposefully hyperbolic the thing is though I'm not actually a big fan of it also not a fan of bacon don't be afraid to voice your opinion here this is a safe place we'll all just hate you for it you also prefer sausage and turkey bacon I think it I think it tastes better it's not a Mormon thing no I don't think I don't think we were ever restricted in our meat choices not that I was aware of anyway I think there were certainly rules that my mom would all Mike I think there were certainly rules that my mom would take a lot more seriously than others or you know would a enforce on our family a lot more judiciously than others like via the fact that we weren't supposed to have caffeine where my mom was like a once-a-day coke drinker she wasn't ever about to give that life up so yeah we were we were pretty lenient most of the time although for a long time I wasn't allowed to say the words but or shut up when I was a kid that was how restricted my available or like my choice of language was she thought that would be too offensive all right I'm gonna shut up there you shut up I'm telling I'm telling mom then one time my brother got so mad at me he said shut up butt-head and I was like did I did the : d face but in real life I was I was aghast I was taken aback we weren't allowed to say shut because it's rude shut up because it's really yeah the word shut being banned I think maybe a bit overboard mouths that gave my parents didn't let me play video games for more than an hour a day is that common I wonder like how how many how many folks had similar upbringings where you were restricted on your gameplay my god it was that way from me grew up that limit to same yeah yeah it seems like it's a unfortunately common thing maybe not unfortunately I know depending any perspective of it certainly benefits to be ad from forcing kids to get outside and enjoy their lives oh my god this guy is gonna kill me single-handedly am I gonna do here this darkness 4-1 man this killer let's see it's playing video games not enjoying your life though no yeah I'm certainly not making that argument I'm just saying when you're a kid you should be outside a bit - I believe that I alum think I don't think it's unreasonable for parents to make their kids go outside sometimes at a young age even if they don't force them to like interact with other kids just to get out and be in the world is helpful inside only a little light and fresh air yeah it helps helps round you out well I played a lot at the dump when I was a kids what the hell do I know found an intact Chinese checkers set once though that was a highlight we still have that my family still has that checkers set we're not checking said Chinese checkers set like there wasn't a single marble missing out of a Chinese checkers set that I found at the dump it was it was baffling to me this level is pretty bad yeah I'm actually really suffering sure what to do I think I need to drop bombs on them drop ball drop ball drop bombs on them like this and then like this like that and then let's see let's see how can I help me out a little bit yikes got it you dd-do I want the dog to a bit of a risk though wink where's my scepter damn it there you are this is a horrible 4-1 like the ease of the entire run up to this point has been negated by the difficulty of this stage I still don't even know how I'm gonna get out I'm on the wrong side of the bottom of the level here I still got so much [ __ ] to do let's go this way and then go through here I guess I want to bomb out the rest of the lava too and I think the shopkeepers even still down here oh my god run oh [ __ ] that was lucky that was lucky that was pure luck [ __ ] just gonna take a sip Oh get me out of there I can see God's I can see again whoo driving like it's hard we did it we did it yes I want a gun though want my gun there we go easy [ __ ] worth and let's go let's go let's go Kapali would be nice to you but I'm happy I'm happy here damn fine run damn fine all right don't get squished I got 75 bombs it's time to make mincemeat of the City of Gold we shall we shan't we shan't die here gonna get all that money get rid of all the danger I'm a happy bear I am indeed I'm home and with my people how can you turn gold into meat you just watch you just sit there it's [ __ ] a watch like this is a twitch broadcast it's not gonna happen but you just keep your eyes peeled oh this feels good this feels good man this is just nice just to blow up everything in here we're not having Apollo of course so we're just gonna kill these guys so many bombs so much gold beautiful gold Goenka alright has this been set off it must have set off right must have been so must've it's even Anubis 2 is already dead easy money baby easy money baby easy money this shopkeepers gonna shoot me this shopkeeper is gonna find a way to shoot me I guarantee it [Music] it's gonna happen he's gonna sneak through the entire hallway here avoid bullets like goddamn neo not letting it happen he was there I knew it was there if I hadn't been shooting my gun my prophecy would have been true sneaky little [ __ ] Merrill yeah neo what did I say yep so so many bombs beautiful beautiful I've even got a decent amount of money for this run this is all going great yeah now we go mm-hmm I said now oh okay you know what no I don't believe you I don't believe you Chet I know you have video evidence but I live in my own reality and I never mispronounce anything you said John I'll actually know what I'm probably I probably did say John didn't I I do that from time to time but now you're telling me I actually pronounced it correctly I don't know what to believe anymore I don't really [ __ ] this up man this is a nice run you never find this many bombs here always lucky oh my god that was like 20 bombs just on Olmec yay where's our door right in the middle looks like freeze Yama are no balls did we get a freeze gun up there if we did I'll totally do it I don't think we did all we did yeah all right fair enough you're right your honor percent right about that freeze Yama or no balls indeed [Music] I don't know it's been a while for sure since I've done this if I've ever done it I can't remember the last time I've seen a frozen Yama head let's go make it happen there we go here buddy hell's about to freeze over oh yeah that's a great tagline for this movie hop on down buddy all right made it to hell on our first run of the day our very first run that was definitely the first one I played what a treat a horrible feeling of new job yeah I forgot you could do that that's fun all right let's not get knocked up infinitely by that [ __ ] now we're Gil is that a succubus I don't think so no it wasn't I'm the worst see it nice oh my god freeze ray Oh pee now [Music] get up get up there we go you just jump into lava that was great all right off we go I got three help I'm gonna be a little careful Anelka Paulo unfortunately this position is a little disappointing we all right yeah I can't get hit by him anymore totally forgot how are you avoiding all this look at this that is masterful sir I congratulate you all right we're out of here [Music] mmm-hmm I mean I do like dogs I do my best sometimes you can't help it Jewish yeah Oh go get stabs here again or that'll happen that's fun too I can't reach them with this can I dammit it's so close I'm sure I can get in with this there we go yay got a bomb [Music] that's so great man freeze ray oh my god I forgot freeze ray is so good oh [ __ ] no gadget let's just get rid of these [Music] double kill [Music] okay good nice and slow nice and slow that'll get them all right [ __ ] 5-3 yes oh my god the bombs I'm gonna go this way you go a Safeway guaranteed to die hence her having said that obviously going to put me in an immediate danger going down here yeah this looks like the Safeway for sure bear I actually wasn't that bad okay ah yes yes [Music] let's go let's go Rosen a yak frozen in time reason there we go yeah totally meaning to do that there we go that's it we're gonna get rid of all this [ __ ] hop on down fellas hop on down there you go nothing further to distract me today I have a singular objective you're rid of this kill those guys up there there we go [Music] oh no no no no [ __ ] got it good only to hit points careful for glory No ah yeah yeah don't throw it bear come on here we go for glory again yes yes [Music] oh baby oh baby he's done it he's done it freeze ray Oh poo law school maybe the biddies buddy let's go home let's go pick out that victory bet let's do it yes yes big money big money baby give me a bear yeah in chat if you got a success he'll bet over on death roulette and you're rolling in the spelunky bucks right now rain twenty seven well done dead Steve you got it rainbow panda bear has balls confirmed even got the nice safe parachute landing that's always nice I really like that they actually added that as a feature if you have a parachute at the end of the game it makes it land safely yes damn even got a half mil you even got a cool half mil to the bear - welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with which time much appreciated my friend Manny an airhole Oh fireworks yay callback joke callback joke - a chat story brilliant comedy oh man I got enjoy the victory music for a second I don't get to hear it enough these days [Music] winning feels so good he's actually done it damn bear man it's such a great victory song - it's such a feel-good experience and look here I come here I come my mama's their shadow creeper welcome to the bear bile thank you for subscribing with twitch prime buddy appreciate it bear Tommy that's me that's me that's our on the list how fun all right that's enough Tooting my own horn yay okay it's time bear made the game that's right time for the daily challenge boys and girls for July 14th 2018 let's do it starting off with a hell victory always makes me feel nice tease me like a bit of a confidence boost let's start the death roulette bout or death roulette round exclaim roulette in the chat if you'd like to bet on what you think will kill me probably a spider apparently welcome to the Jacqueline burner well with a bare pile thank you very much Jacqueline for your Twitter Prime subscription appreciate it all in on spikes let's go away no way man I'm dying into something - something like respectable today or you know what I'm not dying at all [ __ ] that that's a bad attitude bear you're gonna live death is an option for the weak you are strong you are strong death you must show your strength oh man I really want to try to use this spider to jump up here but that's just the worst idea I should definitely instead jump from there it can't do any good to the game bot 12/12/12 yeah it's so close it's so close yeah dammit I don't want to use a rope but I'm gonna do it [ __ ] you're lucky I care about you Rufus game bye thank you very much for your subscription bear-hugs please if you wouldn't mind them a chat thank you for the support you for sharing the love of the newest member no come on buddy here we go worth worth it sub train a-rollin the five streak thank you all very very much for the subscriptions welcome to the pile thank you thank you for you support more hugs please thank you thank you thank you oh I do need to go that way I see a crate it's got to be done gotta be done it's gonna be ropes it's a pickaxe oh [ __ ] alright it's a mattock damn could be useful you bet on crush trap it's a unique bet that's a fun bet that's a bet that will pay big bucks should you should you win so here's what we do we drop this down here didn't set off that trap but that's ok we use a rope and a bomb to get up to here and kill this guy cuz I say it's worth it to get the paste a little bit of money and the dog more health low on resources right away but we'll do what we can I guess here in the early game it's been set off get the money oh boy that was nearly done damage as was that whoops okay don't toss him away and it's a decent shop might not be worth killing him oh hi yeah I think it is actually let me just take the mattock with us so I've got to do this drop him in there bring this with me obviously not gonna set off that thing up there that'd be dumb nice and then let's go take care of this real fast nothing else I knew I would do it god damn it all right I knew eventually I'd have to sneak in it's stupid hit now do I take the madacorp the shotgun I think the mattock probably the mattock because I got 10 bombs I can deal with a shopkeeper at the at the exit there will you play spelunky to on-stream when it comes out now I don't think so now I'll just let that one slip by now I need to play that [Music] I'm gonna do that which is a bad idea but it's the safest way to handle this and then see what's over here nothing of value did not mean to use that rope early on by the way that was a big waste hopefully it doesn't make a huge difference um let's see I think I should just yeah just ignore this section and maybe even just drop down to the bottom here in order to get to the to the other Matic it certainly makes sense oh come on there we go drop the thing drop the damn thing damn it here okay and now so I can get back up this way I think I'll go ahead and build a staircase and then I guess just start killing these things then I gotta worry too much about ghosting yet oh you know what oh that was bad [ __ ] there we go there we go that's what we need um I don't think I'm gonna get there I don't think I'm gonna get Rufus here I think I'm gonna have to well actually I could do this yeah it's probably worth it hey buddy and let's go get ourselves the other mattock - there we go cool okay now I'll just drop this over here go get the dog keep him out of harm's way for a minute and kill the shopkeeper don't oh what a double kill that was sleek Oh is there a there's a vault here isn't there son of a [ __ ] I can't get there's no way I could have gotten it shoot oh well that was a tough level we had to do what we could ropes yeah I'll take it thank you um I don't think I want to commit the resources but he's gonna drop down if I do this so I guess we'll deal with that oh my god I'm so glad I'm getting all the damsels cuz I'm taking the dumbest hits in the world okay [Music] he's gonna stay up there I think oh boy that's bad let's see how do I get him out of there how do I fix this issue I think I could you know I could just ignore him actually cuz he's just got a dog in there there's our Jedi I wouldn't mind though no [ __ ] [ __ ] what happened what okay how someone go check the clip on that what didn't work how did that happen I like face through him I am so shocked that that worked out oh my god okay let's see let's go over here and get out [Music] their magic bear of the ethereal hmm holy [ __ ] want destined to die this day maybe today but not that day holy crap okay hearts beating a little bit which is obviously abnormal for me nice come on down come on down now come on yeah there you go probably not gonna ghost this either I'd say so let's just go ahead and grab that gym cut through here of course okay I do want to get this - I guess come here buddy yeah thank you bear you can turn the cheats off Shh it's the only way I can remain relevant as an entertainer gotta have my hacks I gotta have my hacks oh my God if they named a breakfast cereal hacks I would so buy it just for the memes hang on y'all can't hop into csgo yet I haven't had my hats teacher bear's cheating hey teens you ever cheat on tests in school hell yeah smoke cigarettes right after I was so hip I was the coolest kid in school now see the trick is all the cool kids are laughing at those kids all the cool kids are the ones getting an education and building for their future you see teens it's cool to be smart oh they're both dead great thanks for the jetpack just gonna go ahead and cut through here web gun where Oh God oh my god in the black market - oh no okay here we go let's see we're gonna go like this this is bad this is bad I gotta get the ghost down down there right now right now right now come on here we go damn it no oh that's gonna be a pain in the ass all right we can do this though first of all I'm gonna get my gun and I pulled out my gun yeah I have three moms I gotta keep that in mind I'm still in 69 bomb mode come on out Oh God thank you thanks for listening spray him with bullets sprayed with bullets sprayed with bullets he's gonna die he's gonna die you know hop over here he's gonna get shot you're gonna get shot eventually I'll get shot no problem see it I knew it I knew it'd get shot somehow in some way he got shot and I'm happy there we go okay now moment of truth here let's get up here grab this Matic and make this happen I also need to find the the entrance to the black market over here so that's gonna be a an additional endeavor okay so the plan here get the ghost all the way over to the left side crawl back down this way get underneath I thought that was another diamond but it wasn't and that's not gonna work either [ __ ] I would do this hmm I guess I have to like carve down the left side or I could use a I could bomb the gems and get them out of there I guess that's the probably the easiest way to do it yeah I didn't even get them all oh well I think I should be able to get him now though I should have done a better bomb on that I should have blown it up all the way too far to the left side but now I should be not all wait no now what I need to do is whip them but then I'm not even gonna have them very far oh my god I really [ __ ] this up that was a goofy couldn't make this so much easier so even now even now I have to like Maddock through still cuz even doing this yeah oh my god I really got this really goof this up oh well eventually we'll get it is just going to be a matter of me figuring out how to deal this annoyance Boop I shouldn't waste the Matic on any and not unnecessary hits either because they're all precious precious precious Matic hits hey shaggy how you doing just a quick peek caller welcome on in good to have you all right alright here we go so now carve over to the right side a little bit off the top like this and there we go thank God okay that was Oh way too much work fit goodness I'll grab that gem as well I guess bear we go mm-hmm mm-hmm dug a tunnel under the vault and set oh yeah I guess I could have done that too history here we go here we go cloned how you doing welcome also still remember we've got the we've got the black market entrance to still find the location of which is I think right over here it's lower down this way yeah it's down there in that corner okay so grab this oh my god I have to use a rope for this all right five thousand gold for a rope I guess it's worthwhile trade right now we get to the black market finally there we go did it hallelujah share welcome good to see you there we go there we go I'm gonna bring in a shotgun for this for sure there we go okay hey Olli that's seven and a half minute 2-2 or two - one actually good lord white the trek but we've we've done it we got what we needed now to instantly die in the black market that's a great start oh man that's sly little whip I'll get him don't worry bear I'll take him out there we go this is a hell of a starting section nice smattering of bombs there to help us out that is a Rufus store down there unfortunately three bombs is all we're gonna get from there we do already have a jet pack so clearly we're in a decent position at least oh that was not what I wanted [ __ ] now we wait for him to jump out go down that way and hopefully get a double dunk well we got a one there's the second nice there's another jet pack to the double jet pack run very possible there's another dude up here still and it doesn't look like it okay that's not a great shot by there we're not getting a lot of bonus goodies from here they're not gonna be able to fall down there either I don't think so I might have to just bomb or something well that was a crate duct holy [ __ ] that was awesome I need you to fall please I don't think he's going to though yeah they're still not gonna fall down there son of a [ __ ] it's just obnoxious hey there we go sweet nice alright easy enough what's the opposite of a dunk a claim where you try to dunk but you end up just smashing it off the rim and it bounces 20 feet into the air or a layup a brick yeah there you go an air ball do you do did da go survive that I didn't even check I assumed he was dead we survived that that's the important part I'm killing blue frogs is the other important part and not dying to them and I'm gonna grab the jams how did Green Lantern how are you the good boy was still alive I'm a bastard wowie I gotta stop that I gotta stop that [ __ ] oh my god okay there's our dog go again [Music] OOP he's totally gonna jump up here and shoot me I know it somehow in some way he's gonna make it happen whose sasquatch well the bear pot my friend thank very much for your subscription appreciate your badge or enjoy your badge mee maws thank you for your support there we go there we go eventually we get the dunk yeah I gotta go get my buddy spider spider in the pot no I appreciate his badger that's exactly what I wanted to say it's a nice badger I mean if you had a badger I'd probably appreciate it I don't know if anybody's got a badger as a legal pet but yeah if you have a badger as a legal pet don't lie I'll know if you are vote yeah if you have a badger as an illegal pet it's a bear legitimately your favorite animal it's probably become it by virtue of my everything I don't know if I had one before this so I mean dog probably but beyond that bear is nearing the top of my list that's for sure no I used my one of two ropes to tell that monkey no and also to murder it I have three ferrets do those count yeah those are basically badgers I guess Badgers Badgers we don't need no stinkin Badgers that is a that is a UHF quote Weird Al's family-friendly comedy UHF starring Weird Al Yankovic and Michael Keaton wait no not Michael Keaton Michael Richards Matt Michael Keaton Michael Richards that's a different person Rallos Wild Kingdom you got it you got it was Michael Caine yeah peach spring Weird Al and Michael Caine supplies yeah that was a weird cameo for Michael Keaton Michael Clarke Duncan rip and that that was a day that really made me sad he's he was one of my favorite actors he was great I loved him in uh Talladega Nights he was hilarious michael keaton richards yet alright well we got a vault here so let's go ahead and save the gems we got I guess we've also got the Idol head to grab eventually I should probably use the mines instead of just blowing them all up willy-nilly so let's do that very thing right here nice there's our warm entrance not that I think I'm gonna use it this time just trying to kill everything real quick Green Mile best Michael Clarke Duncan oh yeah you know I think I gotta agree with you there he was unbelievably good in that movie doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo yep that was close didn't even get the gym good [ __ ] bear well done whoa it really should have used some minds for this that was kind of dumb and how am I gonna get them out of here goddamn it it's a very inconvenient layout for that [ __ ] you can sneak through here too maybe good shot but it is kind of on an unlikely scenario to try to count on oh wow speaking of unlikely scenarios okay sure that works and let's go like this bomb straight through and then he should hop out as well after nearly shooting me in the face great yay look we're gonna get our ghost like right now how convenient if you go to the worm then spaceship don't you technically get another floor for money farming you do yeah so it's usually not a terrible idea but going to the worm does also skip by a few it ice cave stages so it's kind of debatable on whether or not it's worth it usually on the ice caves you can actually get a decent amount of money even without using bombs because of the mines on the stage you can free gems that way well like I should have been doing this entire time but it wasn't a ralien how you doing that by rui mode I'm so stoked for those root happy plushies he's gonna send me one cuz I got streamer privilege I'm psyched I'm irrationally excited for it you know I think I'm actually gonna look into maybe getting some bear hype plushies done to it didn't realize designed by humans was into that I was in that area of merchandising so I'll see if maybe I can make that a thing it'd be really cool we've talked about that forever making those bear plushies gonna be really fun a chubs blushy oughtta be adorable a mere brown plushie is the big old square revolting horse well with a bear paw revolting horse thank you for your subscription yeah yes oh it's so good the origin of wet foot was me accidentally typing wet foot into chat once and then it stuck because miss typing and mispronouncing words is the height of comedy as you know specky 0e he spelled the word wrong what a doofus but bear you never misspell anything I mean that is true it must have been somebody you know impersonating me again that he's a pretty common issue on this website you're just so damn popular right there I guess afternoon evil dust money are you doing wearing spectacles over a monocle you got to make sure you got that proper vision don't want to miss out on anything oh man we are getting the full wet foot experience here I'm loving it not even a shopkeeper interruption that feels great yay 40 more seconds enjoy it uninterrupted until the ghost comes and ruins everything it makes it sad favourite track in this game absolutely it's so great it's so cheerful and happy [Music] don't kill me there we go there we go Apollo time baby the vaporwave ghost yeah coming in here to throw on a youtube study playlist for us it's low fight chill music bro why don't you just hang out it's so relaxing oh yeah man just chill bro it's all good it's all good in the neighborhood piece off Punk ghost just chill all 4head Wow chill out brother oh this ice reminds me of those crystals and darkest dungeon oh yeah this melting phallic ice mm-hmm oh crap I can't blow it up from there oh yeah hang on hang on here we go I guess I'm not getting that one this way you think me do a Hulk Hogan who says it I can I can kinda Shula brother no no when you try to do things on call like that sometimes they work out and sometimes you just end up looking like a big old [ __ ] doofus that's all right though that's all right almost happen it's passable okay Randy hook okyun like Hulk's brother Jeff that was Jeff Hogan hey I'm Jeff Hogan what's happening brother I'm tough too not like my brother hold keys the man but I'm I'm a big tough guy Jeff Hogan insurance salesman yeah yeah that's pretty good level I'm happy with it there's no no I had here right we double-check chad is there a moai on this stage I don't think so I think we're good yeah we're good kill yourself just to be safe yeah I better double-check all right we gotta get out of here kyoool no I nice there's a diode and I leave a diamond behind damn it rip I'm gonna try to save those tripmines this time see if I can't use them more effectively Exide what is your favorite planet in our solar system besides Earth curious since I'm visiting an observatory soon oh that's cool hmm again not ever something I've really given much thought to but I have very strong opinions about you know I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with Uranus because it sounds hilarious seriously they named the planet Uranus like that was a joke wasn't it wasn't that a joke made by NASA scientists that's been taken too far like what have we called it Uranus wait what they're gonna they're actually gonna use that name no we were joking don't call it Uranus that's the are they put it on the map already it's too late a planet where you cannot win no matter how you pronounce it how do you make it sound good Uranus no now you're just cheating yourself that sounds like a urinary tract infection Uranus pretty sure Uranus predates NASA who named Uranus you did right hopefully I can't even talk about it without making stupid jokes Uranus the ancient Greek sky God now he's gonna be the one made fun of I'm sure he was the he was the God that always got picked on for his stupid name the other gods would come up to women like show them as a show them they're [ __ ] and be like hey I found you Uranus maybe like guys stop it I don't like looking at your buttholes now he's got a real problem with that you're honest is how you're supposed to pronounce it being an alien in you this is actually gonna be a nice little bonus to our coffers here isn't it cool I like how in the beginning bear called this stream war mature no I didn't know I'd now see what I exactly did was I said we have maintained a wonderful balance between areas where we need to be mature and those tiny little pockets of childlike immaturity that we welcome to the surface because they're so harmless there's that it's harmless joy derived from the silly name of a planet no it's suffering from that tiny pockets tiny little just insignificant surges of childlike wonder your tiny your time shut up Uranus is tiny gotcha I actually I don't know if that's a good thing you probably want that tiny pockets of Uranus okay now I'm starting to it now I'm starting to question it the whole stream is a pocket then the whole stream is just one pocket of immaturity yeah you know what I don't disagree with that that's a pretty astute observation okay I just sat back down what the [ __ ] conversations I'll just sit in on what's your favorite planet it's pretty normal thing to talk about pretty standard conversation there man I know you're dealing you being pretty normal people you know [Music] hurry up best planet is Planet X Planet X's battlegrounds 100 planet's drop into a solar system only one survives Planet X gonna give it to you what [ __ ] wait for you to get it on your own let's go deliver to you knock knock don't open the door you'll die there's no atmosphere and there's no sky it almost worked ice princess thank you for the Betty's ice princess appreciate it very much enjoy the football giveaway chat enjoy my near death fare on spikes as well that was close good god a planetary battle royale where the inhabitants of every planet had to fight for the survival of their planet welcome to the no hit kill well the bear pile thank you for subscribing I appreciate that very much enjoy bad emotes okay go ahead and see my dog Oh 100 galaxies dropped into a cluster sounds like a bad anime premise 100 animes drop into crunchyroll one survives [Music] dude anime battle royale that could actually work though put 100 anime characters on a fantasy island with all the boobie ladies from dead or alive beach volleyball cheering them on constantly it's already a thing god damn it are the do a boobie ladies there I don't think it's complete without them Saitama would win easy I have money on him for sure Saitama I'm gonna go ahead and go sleaze too I guess and you gave Rob [ __ ] for darksouls Royale I didn't give Rob [ __ ] for darksouls Royale dark free free where I'm all about these Battle Royale variants I want to see which ones emerge successful 100 twitch streamers drop into a stream winner keeps the channel [Music] do push-ups pair I appreciate you advocating for a healthy lifestyle than my chat but I've got I've got gems to ghost one punch drops into a man 100 battle royale games dress literally three people in a row did the 100 battle royale games drop into steam joke that was hilarious [Laughter] three separate people almost instantaneously after what he have four of them actually yeah wasn't it I saw him just missed that one too it's cuz you're all BOTS I know yeah it was like almost the same copy-pasted message you guys you guys got a twitch staff does show up in here every now and then you gotta keep it on the down-low okay I know we're botton up in here we got to be a little little sly about it be do diddly doo I'm gonna make some cash money up in here though [Music] I got 9 bombs I just realized that's still an issue so I definitely should not have done the one I just did but since I already did it let's go ahead and finish all right I just forgot that just drops him down I thought for sure he was gonna die from that that was a goof okay so now let's see let's see let's see let's see let's die die I don't really need to be over here oh that actually helps though thank you [Music] let's see oh my god this [ __ ] alien why did I put them there 100 100 Battle Royale jokes drop-in to twitch chat jokes drop-in to twitch chat good lord I think you've maximized the meta I think you've done it and we are now I think I go for the plasma cannon oh my god you know I think I actually go for the plasma cannon with the alien Queens still there yeah that's the play no I don't even know what hit me what oh I thought for sure I was gonna get out I don't know what hit me there I think the alien cleaned it or something I bumped the coin I bumped the Queen darn it darn it hey fifteen fell that's not terrible that's a decent shot decent score that will go to the alien lord oh yeah that was a I was an alien lord kill and the mothership where's he at where's he at oh yeah one person but daily Kaylee winning big off the alien Lord bet 7200 spelunky bucks goodness well played lay off the piper I gotta drop the weight yeah clearly that's the issue here all right y'all I'm gonna go ahead and make the switch give me a few minutes and I'll be back we're gonna continue our darkest dungeon color of madness run I'll do that for probably 90 minutes or so here today so hang out for just a bit and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 9,271
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: HPuW0PRyt3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 40sec (5860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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