Darkest Dungeon w/ Color of Madness DLC (Part 1) - PC Darkest

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watch the opening cutscene again to get us in the mood I was come to our family ruined I ruined it whoops I had it meet it here we go ruin has come to our family you remember our venerable house opulent and imperial gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the war I lived all my years in that ancient rumor shadowed manner patent but decadence and luxury and yet I began to tire of conventional extravagance singular unsettling tales suggested the mansion itself was a case where twosome fabulous and unnameable power with relic and ritual art meant every effort towards the excavation and recovery involves long buried secrets exhausting what remained of our family for German swarthy workmen sturdy shovels at last in the salt soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations in earth that damnable portal haunted deluding our every step unsettled the ancient earth but we were in a realm of death and madness [Music] fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity until consciousness failed me you remember our venerable house opulent dent Imperial it is a festering abomination I beg you return home claim your birthright and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows of the darkest dungeon he said it roll credits all right it's time to drop into the tank is done believe that what districts flageolet shield breaker cribs in court sure [Music] did it normal campaigns for the original studies of the game we'll go target study this time blood moons a little too crazy you will arrive along the old road it wines were the troubling serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside late only I fear too evermore tenebrous places there is a sickness in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path he will face viciousness violence and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrorist [Music] so steal yourself and remember there can be no brave without madness the old road take it to hell but in that gaping abyss we will find our redemption in the darkest dungeon they are so good at just using the most pompous sounding words ever like the language is so flowery it's great however the devs are saying that they one of the hardest things they had to do was come up with increasingly more fancy sounding words all the time all right I don't know the how the game plays all right brigands have run up these lanes keep to the side path the hamlet is just ahead press I need to move forward for mouse-click party move forward dispatch this dog in brutal fashion that all may hear of your arrival commas turn-based all right so hope invade oh yes no no no no stop where is maybe two other tutorials there we go for that off all right it's done Oh but only that sorrows we play the game of thousand times power as the fiend pulls blossoms get smited gets my ID cover something knowing where Lee would offer that I can't do without covering something so some of the tiles inside my tea leave nothing unchecked there is much to be found in forgotten places an ambush send these vermin our message the rightful owner has returned and their kind is no longer welcome tracking shots accuracy damage crit okay stunt daddy got him ah damn it [Music] don't [Music] all right protection [Music] forget got him to newly onslaught destroy them try studying again come on no it's okay make them bleed make them bleed stab up No stop it stop it The Argus size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade hi women hold on sash something he's gonna put on right now perfect trap disarm Plus dodge - stress yield and what's it here oh great okay just poison perfect great you baited right off the bat right off the bat you babe it's how it goes all right let's see not bad they both live that's good what you get out Holy Slayer that's perfect on our on him that's good actually that's actually very good yes your dad is here short as it is this squalid Hamlet these corrupted lands they are yours now and you are bound to them Julia made us a couple of your moats Julia made us a couple of darkest dungeon themed emotes let me upload those real fast [Music] thanks for subscribe oh he's dead penguins fur thank you for subbing thank you very much we're bored for this it'll be Dan Reid danrage and Dan lol over the last one it'll take a while for them to just show up all right not bad in time you will know the tracklist for subscribe my own failings Geppetto thank you for sub it I think I need to save these two dismissed and Renault for an achievement I think I have to get them all at the end of the game women and men soldiers and outlaws fools and corpses all will find their way to us now that the road is clear thanks for subscribe oh he's another one in lenguin thank you for seven alright let's go ahead and all right you are going to be when Queenie then query you uh Gepetto we'll keep adding as we go along you will die for me most will end up here covered in the poisoned earth awaiting merciful oblivion can I upgrade this yet thanks for subscribe oh he's dead number of Heroes 2 3 & 4 it's very poor more arrived foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this thank you the Medicare thank you for 7 channels have Grady multiple Thank You dead-stick it's very nice here alright let's go ahead and go the next journey a mecca of madness and morbidity your work begins she has healing she needs to be third spot then he's got she can go back spot I'd be fine up her go back spot him go third spot it's more important the usual suspects the cost of preparedness measured now in gold later in blood okay take six of those couple shovels one key all right let's go all right here we go first dungeon first real budget far the darkest difficult and difficulty no more torture wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the fool hourly alike the DLC comes out on Tuesday we're getting our characters ready for it though [Music] while there's no one on the backside whoops well off him [Music] almost brush the Seattle pitch give them no quarter no quarter Oh gone fiend gets my tit Gold another shovel shields not bad yeah well my the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage start hurt oh hell no oh my god woman oh my god what the hell you sweated executed with it beauty I'll trust damage oh my god we actually hit her yeah danrage denry live dark salt dark darkest dungeon themed emotes for you guys at killer their formation is broken maintain the offensive stunt him Oh No you can't do anything to the front row kitty you're going next lets you go the DLC will be called colors of madness as the comes out to use - a faint hope blossoms okay you guys like danrage yeah it looks really good doesn't it should do a good job okay keep going yeah Julia's have artists she's not feeling very well so if you see her in chat uh no no no no no no you greedy bastard [Music] they start her place Oh No Oh back it's a graveyard slash confidence surges as the enemy crumbles well she didn't get Sun last night - try again okay God at that time they go dan wall dan lol will be live in a minute as well are abomination cleansed from our lands oh yeah come on baby all she resisted good job get those heels in please good stunt start heal it get it round the heels in please continually onslaught destroy them okay use a key on there was there a button to like go back to default positions was that a button I could when there was a button for that to like get them to go back to the deep foul there we go okay thank you yeah they put it there I remember there was eat the food all right keep going this is fine all she did this arm and bowel invention can we get it down lol check not yet alright get more food and riches let's try to stay at O 3 light level of not lower than that that's how much damage it took well see what's down this way shovel yeah I swear if you spill your drink on me I'll be real mad I'll kill both of them back there hopefully at least the one that's gonna spill the drink go to try to hinge your hand good Elif micellar can kill next to go ahead and stun that guy oh good dodge smooth good job gently this is how a life is taken if that's gonna do a for damage them okay so we can start hitting this guy well now you're kind of useless you can't do anything so go ahead and just hit that time buff Kemalists great is the why cuts on its own goodbye oh good job good job that dodging hey Plus dodging good job be weary triumphant pride precipitates but a dizzying fall open it yes treasure I don't have food so I'll take stress damage so you got a good now eat your food though you got it go now yeah I'm sure the DLC have more badass quotes that way they have to its kind with the games known for [Music] max HP - once me oh yes we have bleed resist and steady my distemper sent stress all good stuff in twitch Mike Mason there's my old a tragic extent of my failings sorry dad jokes [Music] mother dad Doakes right today right [Music] Oh Dan lol was live while it's like a scary yeah Julia's doing a fantastic job doing back to study votes she said she might do a couple more she feels better but she did not feel very good so make sure you send her some love if you see her [Music] uh-oh shield breaker that's new I've seen what I've seen that Rifkin swinging she mesmerizes her prey before the final strike then a herbalist what does she have Pierce + crit armor-piercing Adler's kiss flights two points for three rounds crit damage it makes her go back one but she does it impale back one hits everything this is per battle to forward one self two blocks plus three speed [Music] chickens up twice that's interesting that she has punctured smooster forward one bypasses guard breaks guard can't be guarded expose back one she's all about moving back and forth initiate damn all right we're naming them after new sub so let's do this person our shield breaker is [Music] brand-new sub was minikin Congrats you're gonna die real fast and then other new sub was penguins Congrats penguins penguins firt thanks for subscribe oh he's dead oh thank you peach October octo be thank you for the sob as well beautiful let's send fresh kegs cards and curtain rooms promised solace to the weary and broken alike well microphone I'm using I'm using this one right here the one right there I think it's a road procaster not the podcast about the procaster one there's dust everywhere it hit you think so dusty sorry-sorry didn't help much it stuffs kicked on out to wipe it off later some thick dust she thick the cobwebs have been dusted the pews set straight the abbey calls to the faithful oh great can we upgrade this anymore nope need papers I have no papers I just have to go back in hope we don't get - stressed in there all right let's try the shield breaker class forward one back one back one forward one interesting and then for her complete 100% of room battles for 90% of rooms I see that one all right eight of those one full stack of food couple shovels do two keys this time all right let's go the show breaker is a standalone DLC that you can buy I haven't played with her at all yet she was released in between crimson the new crimson DLC that came out they sell holes of your lineage once familiar now Thorin see how she is she has a snack attack which is cool go ahead it buff this mr. go yeah finish back to the hood hi he said it back to the pits executed with impunity he said a chat he said back to the pit a trifling victory trifling victory she's great but be careful about camping with her does she have like some sort of debuff with camping she seems really powerful back pains loot [Music] Wow good Dodge good touch another rattles ah you could have saved us no no believe in Jesus another abomination blend out from our lands snake kiss begone wind nice be wary triumphant pride precipitates but dizzying fall don't don't don't I hate the good I hate the greedy one greedy was such a pay the ass okay add it let's go grab the treasure wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and a fool hourly alike and room battle type thanks for this bit sonority and gin trio says because sports fall go go go go that guy dealing for three bits stun confidence surges as the enemy crumbles whoo execuse hell yeah now that's fine she's got a million moves to move forward so get rekt lady I'm t-rex Lord attract them double Stein [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry yeah we got a stun even after getting stunned before awesome oops get poof's Wow oh damn it God has the fiend Falls a faint hope blossoms God sorry sorry chat sorry sorry these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can be beaten hey keep going I'm super sorry I love you to chat 70% over Europe possessed by evil intent go down that way it's done most important thank you taking away enemies turns is the most important thing start patching people up oh yeah oh yeah us No ah it all dodged Bres disadvantage give them no quarter al therefore maker vibin maintain the offensive not bad White's okay might as well heal a little bit now now we're pissed success so clearly and view or is it merely a trick of the light all right is the trick of the light though yeah you got give to the some that happens here if you're not careful people gift you sub and not looking our community here does love to do things like that maps in the book nice perfect but yeah you got to be careful like if you're not looking bam gifts up if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption ah back [Music] the light the promise of safety Wow already so she left unanswered you kidding me what the [ __ ] annihilated [Music] come on oh [ __ ] getting getting the collector right out the ballet barrage that the very precipice of oblivion O'Reilly Japan oh you're going down Geppetto it's over Geppetto well there was no her Harold in the task we're gonna be no we gotta find its accomplishment got a pullout be Slayer yips get the collector first done users may seek separate them action and consequence will invariably have their dreadful you Union new courtyard quest of God all right you need to go here what do we have here I'll see Baba nation well I can you abomination without the occultist though leper this mam understands that adversity and existence are one of the same unyielding death plight stress and cave stress stress healed through their holy that one's it's that one's better take that one tortured and reclusive slowed Raza dangerous than he seems hmm okay is it possible yet oh oh this game is stressful I don't really have a healer for the next one it's fine who needs heels go in there ray dad the bellows blast once again the Forge stands ready to make weapons of war alright let's go the next dungeon [Music] so be fine it's great domination leper oh that's not good ah okay our leper what subs what new subs do we have I see peach as you don't that that's a better name for terabytes yeah better name for the lady peach ox happy thank you for seven all right then our other new sub was thanks for subscrip there we go there it is thank you for subbing do eyes it thanks for subscribe oh he's utilize it and then our abomination is going to be rock [ __ ] thank you crack Kui thanks for 7 thanks for subscribe oh he's dead for sin again thank you for 7 they are we capped now we're fine alright this is gonna be a rough one I don't know how good we can do this but you have to go ahead with whatever we could take third row third row third row okay we're fine that'll be okay it's gonna be a rough one no healer it's okay no heals he needs a healer our bliss has a little bit of a li but not much just look a little this is fine corruption to soak the soil stopping old never a baton over a battle question let us burn out this evil 50 60 100 % you doing it left-luggage I think that requires a key yep Oh sapphires pretty as the light gains purchase the spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear fudge don't do that road to it whoops fine your art [Music] as the Fiat Emal's made hope blossoms [Music] ah come on yeah DLC is coming on Tuesday for this game called the colors of madness [Music] slaps expert vision the end approaches brakes guard by mrs. guard accuracy damage less [Music] hunt for out of surges as the enemy crumbles don't girlfriend about getting my god what the hell could you not get crit for once Jesus Christ their formation is broken maintain the offensive ya know healers it's fine [Music] oh my god continually onslaught destroy them all okay we're fine [Music] [Music] ruff a handsome reward for a task well performed I think it's better for him to be in the second row as all his stuff is about the second row we can actually sell fuel to [Music] move you there okay the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it actually helical stress clear Revit [Music] yeah okay I'll bandage there's no mods pay attention mess them up there you go helps to did nothing yes how cut cut cut good gun for death by inches by what three inches come on fresh disadvantaged give them no quarter kneeling stop it self-heal here your stress please thank you okay he's dead kill that thing you'll get why does it hurt bandages heal bleeding a time to perform the arms one shouldn't battlefield bandage heal bleeding shouldn't just do that when that logically makes sense I wished he'd make it so it would hear bleeding - Soph Iliad of it in radiance may we find victory that in victory may we find radiance [Music] Oh [Music] bandages nope that damn it okay scabby herbs that nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with mrs. intense malformed with miss tint he's actually working pretty good as a third real person only this beast mode all the time of course two paddles of a tweed libero battle the tree is the one that required the bandages you do it thanks for subscribe oh he's dead tomate demon tail thank you for subbing you'll be one of our new party members oh now like this come on hitter good job [Music] Oh dilated [Music] the expansion sought out until Tuesday clothes not quite stop stressing us or I'm gonna go insane stop it he's dead ah ah ah okay good [Music] but exdeath slowly gently this is how a life is taken the slow death unforeseen unforgiving thank you it may be good he did good stun please thuds thought yes yes stress is a big problem but we're fine otherwise Gloria Stressless can be healed but never hidden [Music] okay seize this momentum push on to the tasks and two more ah okay two more battles use a shovel gasps more treasure and bandages stay back Oh subscrib yeah whoo thank you for seven you'll be in our group next oh yeah go back to the pit [ __ ] sorry thanks for subscribe Destin come on baby thanks for subscribing thank you for subbing flyyy thank you very much heal your stress oh the Appalachian cleansed from our lands these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can be bleedin the match is struck a blazing star is born thank you for the research there come aunty res the grill kappa two of ethereal taxi Stormborn doom teen master Wiggles Booker fair Asian characters give thanks pals important though Bob Nash Finn great red dragon peach Lord lunch ever violet fan our low casual Galvan Aven asked supreme migoo with that 60-month er ther and vigilance tough enough level champion phantom crusader failed dawn thank you for the subs guys that's ignore everything for the new sub [Music] boom as well don't grope her he went for the grope attack you can't do that hashtag me to God stop it got'em [Music] - needs a heel [Music] last fight though sir [Music] it's done first of stop hitting her [Music] my hands breadth from becoming unwound project no more funny business great is the weapon that cuts on its own exposed to a killing new dlc today france life what is it title the stream say thank you st [Music] [Music] hey what you can't heal backwards [Music] well whoops [Music] success so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the light let's go ahead and take all that with us see what's in here I don't have a key unfortunately we still get it though yay packs laden with loot are often low on supplies all right we're out of here we did a virgin so pestilence will yet be driven from our woods uh stun Chet's P chapter you lived I thought you were to die for sure you're now a lurker dimmler and raku II you are a weapon tinkerer it's not that great of a perk I'll just pay my buddies paid dearly for her freedom not deserves better than this place Oh another shield breaker well we'll take the free one sure why not what else we have we need another healer those are not healers great heroes can be found even here nine years and rain antiquarian though I'll take one of those and bounty hunter also the through a ninja hunt thanks for subscribing oh he's dead we come life I didn't look at their first buffs - Rick crits kills brain skills sucks what's yours bears the good deeds reeled imagined yeah let's get a new one faded and hearts can't hard skinned you got clumsy Dodge hard skin is great faded is also good take that bandage and pillage the dancing steps of war as you can heal thank you for 7:45 and Mac attack all right who are new ones would you look at that that's freaking fate Mac attack is that [ __ ] perfect or what it was it was preordained I know Wow what's the ball thing on the bottom left that's the ghullam of twitch subscriber subscription it hides in the bridge demand your twitch bride [Music] let's lock her up this would have been nice thanks for subscrip oh he's all manner of diversion and dalliance await those who cross the threshold with coin in hand just let you go there thanks for subscrip oh he's dead let you heal as well the other ones are fine love to spoon yeah thank you for the soul but there's another Mac there's two Macs all right uh Kratts crew duck thank you for subbing then love to spoon yeah thank you for subbing I think the rest anytime chant Oh Sonic Chandos was this up alright forty-five [Music] thank you for seven IRA going back in thanks for subscribe oh he's been [ __ ] for [ __ ] boy slim totally not [ __ ] totally take no mistake we will face ever greater threats our soldiers must be ready well let's hope so lordy ok the rough and the beanie is always so rough ok we'll try this again medium one this time you up front then our healer in the back then she's gonna she's gonna buffing and stuff but I think Geppetto is good in this dungeon although I feel like I need to change give them a new ability I think his noxious blast is really good first front row tell he can do you can hit every row with plague oh my god what's happening Emperor dog local boy subscript o happy zigga thank you for the subs guys again julie made us some darkest dungeon themed emotes as well thanks for subscribe guys I'll check those out again if you see her in chat she's not feeling very good so make sure you send her some love she's been having a rough weekend the plague doctors a woman playtech could be anything I want because I can name it to be anything I want I like green treats the appropriate there and by the way I'm really triggered that you would assume that like and let's go ahead and do that take away the melee mash and do group party keel perfect alright can't spit any more money all right we're going in what about you brah now how about you I'll try the leper the greater good let's double-check trinkets just got stun skill chance I think I want that on my plague doctor max HP - one speed only has one speed so let's go ahead and do that give him some more HP all right raise those hands chat wish us luck we're going it was just luck oh good the first medium dungeon take a couple more holy waters don't think there's anything else all right we're good all right hello grimlock how is everyone doing today by the way you guys having a good Sunday hope you guys are having a mattress a slipknot and what better place to begin and the seat of our noble line however sent a room battle so I don't want to waste any time I'm gonna have to go this way first because it'll be more backtracking if I don't you're greedy okay who has a high chance disarmed you have a 70% chance could you for watch just do it carelessness will Geppetto Clemens Geppetto and Chad what's wrong with you are you distracted what's going on what's happening bro come on Geppetto tell me what's going on tell me what's distracting you decorative urn which one is that that that is a is it holy water I think it's holy water is it do you guys remember is it holy water I think it's holy water yeah whoo get the treasurer oh yeah Thank You Chad huh and again a handsome reward for a task representing debuff skill chance all right does it help too much but it's fine how much confidence sir juice has the enemy crumbles you don't jump yes back to the it feeling burnt daghestani difficulty of time to perform the armed ones limits as victories mount so too will resistance okay damage what's your things 1% crit hopefully it gets the AXI buff yeah dankest dungeon just the first time ever playing that's no it's a new save we're just getting ready for the DLC which launches on Tuesday which will need a high level character it takes a lot of time to grind up so got a little grape juice so it's fine Lutz five of those would be less than just carrying plain gold and somebody rid of this she knows combine that and use one of those in radiance may we find victory I've only completely come completely beat the game once that was it when the other deals he came out this would be our second playthrough the Lord paper is like I know you don't really need the journal pages but Makos aunt it's cool is advocacy on witnessed by his own eyes in order for them the neural blades in order for the journal pages to count you have to bring them out of the dungeon they're like an extra challenge they're completely just fluff you don't need them at all they don't give me any game benefit they're just like it I collect the whole thing can I have a turn please thank you jumpin Jesus x1 doubt with impunity Phipps in court had a lot of problems but they were good at make a fixing lot of the issues ahead of it over we gone free and it was really annoying when it first launched [Music] oh yeah ah gotcha combination of God thongs from our lands Oh God [Music] success so clearly and boom or is it merely a trick of the lights I care getting here the journal page I don't have the luxury of doing area it you gotta wonder though isn't it your boy do you wear Crocs know where alligators dan lol thanks for subscribing Laura thank you for subbing that streamer money well Shay more money is entirely your fault like I'm just sitting here being all cute you're the one giving me all the money like with sub when twitch Prime and stuff that's your fault not mine I didn't do anything I'm just like you guys are like give that man okay thanks for subscrip oh [ __ ] me a stick thank you for something we're doing okay so let's go ahead and do the next room battle thanks for subscription oh he's dead thank you hailstorm for the sub as well definitely not cute but funny now you hurt my feelings hurt my feelings that even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage now I'm sad in your ravine awesome plate great thanks for subscrip oh he's dead all right here we go great waste you know chapters brush this advantage give them no quarter stun them both gotta love the plate doctor lady doctors so strong the Jack continually onslaught destroy them at 24 crit baby you're Jeff there I come is broken maintain the offensive I'll stun him again uh top everyone up I'll come on could you hit watch lady with that please there we go DOCSIS blast by keep going the match is struck a blazing star is born am i play doctor let's do this come on baby I'm on baby knock him out good job good job go ahead ever move ever good job the fiend poles a faint hope blossoms come on you got this no nope don't spill your kool-aid on me Oh stress stress stress [Music] did Oh God yes that's what I'm talking about great is the weapon that cuts on its own that's beautiful absolutely gorgeous I want that picture I think these don'ts full-stack of these things is less than just plain gold oh god they a suit of armor is it the herbs or is it bandit one of these does something I can't remember which one is it nothing nothing okay let you open it it ruins tactics of terrible I don't care what that one actually no that's fairly good actually we're in the ruins right 50% damaged and ruins accuracy and crit versus unholy plus 10% damage of torture buffs 95% down town he is just gonna just go in here it is about all of them yeah he's just got a freakin destroy everything a spark without kindling it's a goal without hope Laura that stress party minus 15% stress one companion minus 15% stress [Music] self-only minus 2% stress accuracy [Music] you gotta remove all the stress I work very well it's a great buffer have Rica stress is better as the light gains purchase our fine spirits a-lifted and purposes may require four great mechanical hazards possessed by evil intent beautiful bottle of room has no has no fight in it we already checked your damn kool-aid is staged a cup mr. oh sorry did I spill it my back pop buff buff buff okay stun them good job earth thanks for subscription oh thank you hold on first I want which Prime come on help Hill BAM goodbye so close don't spill your kool-aid Thank You solo for that fifty three months three stupid two month three sub he's awful if he gets moved to the back row okay you're dead and you're dead so go ahead and heals the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden farts level snow I gently buys how a life is taken oh we're done Ceaser's this - to dodge well that can't sucks what else is there though there's a bunch of loot potentially yeah let's go for it what is she doing the turtle page for Dow what it's not greed just going for the loot just for you know scientific purposes stop nipple it on him geez goodbye goodbye goodbye be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall all right keep going don't don't no okay he's about to steal all my stuff all right got this come on baby the wheel took right fall deuce I know he's about to be like Dan lo lol steal your [ __ ] steal it all whistles just whistling here nothing going on don't mind me Daniel Oh got'em ow Oh get destroyed jail destroy again one hit bail remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer he said it yet and that's it what another can have two battles what that thanks for subscribe oh you know so close Debbie that he'll for three Atos sucks got one okay he's dead stop hitting everybody how praying DLC launches on Tuesday so now we're out by TLC yet proof good Taj good Dodge killing Hagen heel flap is knit good heel obliterated oh this Arjun at least promises success the way is lit the path is clear you go and require only the strength to follow it so close thanks for subscrip dead I have to save for to eat okay here we go we got our four to eat and then we can grab the last treasure and Thank You bishop for the salt it's very nice you shut top right see better let's put over there that's not covered anything could you serve a trap mine successfully steps are the exception and not the rule where is it rim all right let's get out of here my moon all my errands adventure we will claim what is ours good one good one one st. crit on the healer great well I see she can create such a walk in blood and delusion he bears the burden of a thousand lifetime flatulence we had to get rid of someone see [Music] penguins get the hell out of here just don't turn your side penguins the condition of those poor devils who remain RIT penguins by Penguins had to make room sorry five penguins alright who's our last new sub that was Bishop grats bishop you're our flatulence hmm Lisa didn't die well he can come back and get some time okay I can't upgrade that this is positive quirk treatment reduces cost positive negative for you zees treatment that was worthless stress recovery stress recovery a man in a robe claiming communion with the divine madness madness let's see what all wait we need more people a second healer yeah someone's got to go someone's got to go I need more slots I gotta get rid of someone I need to have it definitely need a second healer all right let's see Minnie can you gotta go sorry buddy can I gotta make her soul battered and broken cast aside like a spent torch thanks for subscribe oh he's dead Thank You Recaro for the sub thank you very much and one of these guys got to go to like a big girl for the gesture we have one of each class thank you Ricardo and Bishop think of a sub skies peach goodbye pH ft long shoulders wild eyes and a stumbling gait and maker for the this one is no more good to us I had to make room so I get one of each class goodbye alright let's see roko Rao you're our jester Congrats and then thanks for subscrip oh he's dead nabek yard you're uh you're our newest vessel vessel we have create anyone's stuff yet Geppetto's gotta cure their disease they got some well sorry you clear that please the front line of this war is not in the dungeon but rather inside the mind okay ma'am you got a destress your photos got you stressed - okay let's see they nerfed the hell out of finale didn't they yeah oh well combining combining the flatulence with the other guys really good leaders they're really good at bleeding I see Hume or two-round self clear my target transfer bleed let's write you bleeds himself the transfers somewhere else forgive what that one case so bleed five points for three rounds self heal self - 30 percent damage Maya Simpson dodge - four percent speed remember if that's any good I think it is the gesture I set up a good lead party so I want flatulence up front jester's third party our new healer can be nucular can be in the back [Music] double check so thanks for subscribe second is fine don't finale one have that I think it was some ANOVA cry right away with the this person [Music] [Music] it looks very sad it is it's that way on purpose though I was supposed to be sad well let's try his skills kind of suck for what we're going for she might be okay now she wasn't a blight though we don't want that try you I don't like the skill you have so let's swap that out all right we're going in then should play Christine cuisine Royale what is that is that like Battle Royale with cooking [Music] just another battle royale game oh god I don't want to do that so tired of battle royale I can't I hope it just dies one day just people stop playing it so tired of that stuff just gets exhausting it's like MOBAs mobos were done to death and they they're finally like MOBAs are finally starting to like become not as popular anymore they're starting to die a little bit I knew all these paths once now there are twisted as my own ambitions right at the back edge or herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with Miss intent all right open treasure keep going does anything else work with the shallow grave besides the shovels the just shovel or something else as well why hate on something you don't like because if we that was a thing read it would go away it would not exist a fortune waiting to be spent disarm finally worked [Music] head up doggy's up okay stop it [Music] stop it [Music] stop dodge it brah I got and that cuts on its own quickly lost and disease as the fiend Falls a faint hope blossoms goodbye bye-bye [Music] first kill him continually onslaught and here just that rule them o-genki if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption okay let's keep going it's gonna be a rough dungeon I could tell he's not one that transfers bleeds actually that would have been good here another one nice good start good start [Music] you're less stress baby oh yeah hell yeah good job Chad just this momentum who's in it together tasks and yeah he shouldn't have either of these should have that one but yeah Casey accidentally gets up to the front we'll have finale littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood all right boy we will he'll punish yeah do the transfer bleeding thing how about a lot I think okay are you playing with hero skins at the workshop no no mods at all any sort of mods could potentially break the new dlc it's coming out so i don't have any one of them installed shovel there's a last shovel oh oh that's not good it's very bad oh god old tree old tree I can't remember what does old tree is it herbs or bandages or is it anti-venom [Music] it's neither oh yeah look it up okay antivenom I don't have any venom okay there's probably treasure so open or nothing okay nothing have you tried PPD what is PPD sounds like peanut butter detective or something ambushed by Powell invention that is herb's though for sure give me that meat packs laden with loot are often low on supplies why would you that rotting carcass even if you do have herbs for it this is nasty all kinds of nope not going that way I ran out of shovels already that second thing I'm on hitter waiter oh so close okay she's gone I'm eating milk rice and you can't stop what does milk rice that like rice pudding or something because rice pudding is the [ __ ] I love me some right foot yeah sedated it's hard to go wrong with that he said it chat a toe [Music] slowly gently this is this is how a life is taken [Music] Oh thanks for subscription thank you for seven wait store inappropriate sir inappropriate very inappropriate is that a type of storm you see coming the mile away their formation is broken maintain the offensive you all are bad people all of you they're all bad people very bad more food helliya a handsome reward for a task well performed gasps [ __ ] we have so much food watch your step we're like on a vacation where we bring lights is so much food so much it's ridiculous about a food you ever going to make a to meet your family and like you literally break just just a ridiculous number of snacks for the car it's absolute just so much brush disadvantage give them no quarter I remember when on vacation as a family like we gonna oh go to that place one of those like warehouse club places they just get just so many snacks all the snacks [Music] confidence surges as the enemy crumbles [Music] okay you have heels [Music] is this my keeps resisting my disease oh you can't do that well struck [Music] hey careful eyes alone thank ya dissuade the sharpened blade oh my god kill over here thank you a trifling victory victory nonetheless ancient coffin has treasure let's go back yeah the iOS version does have full contact matter by zero I was looking at like the game release scheduled for the rest of year and lay from September on it's like game game game game game game game it's gonna be so much freakin fun flash of years like when there's lots of games to play I don't I have the excuse of not going outside which is great who wants to go outside so I could stay inside be like yeah I'm just gonna play games all day a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming Horrors [Music] let's see no disease accuracy stress bleeding [Music] less chance of surprised we've blight trust the light no amber Hamas of safety duh no we have to claw our way through without tools of iron you must rely on flesh and indefatigable purpose finding the stuff is only the first yeah Jim always shovel how it must be carried home gone through like a big bramble of nasty spiky stuff play it's must suck yeah iOS version includes everything it's the full game thanks for subscribe oh he's dead thank you for subbing your friendly local Cutlass beyond measure awarded to the brave and the fool are really alike yeah I know I could play it with a weak key but try not to play the weak II kind of ruins when you play these guys right off the bat no don't resist my disease got it do you play from home you like right now no I'm playing at the nerd field office is so good i streamed from the office not at home Oh another abomination cleansed from our lands oh yeah beautiful yeah good I go to the office to play games we're in an office building and people next to us are doing like actual jobs and stuff and I have to say here look all cute for people to donate and give bids and subscribe at which Prime out of are you a thought Dan yes pretty much the thought every time I walk down the street someone shot on me good god big on and I'm like what are you talking about diminish [Music] oh it's bad slicer killer okay she's dead the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden oh yeah do jumping jacks it'd be kind of like interesting like someone carrying a bowl of jell-o and it's like wiggling it's not would be something like that it's not very and stop the people what I see usually [Music] the slow death unforeseen unforgiving yeah when you work from home like you stream all the time from home so you can often stay at home for days weeks even months on end without leaving the house so force myself to get out of the house helps out a lot really helps battle depression imagine like staying in your house for a week two weeks yeah I can like way way heavy on your brace specially if you live alone go interact people very much get a little crab a little cabin fever yeah like JP hasn't left his house and like a week or something some ridiculous get the treasure one all the treasure so by having an office we could get out of the house get actual sunshine and stuff [Music] the guy fiend go on a 30 minute walk everyday I'll file that under the yes I'll go to the gym tomorrow we're a thing in my prime print pride precipitates but dizzy yeah I'll go to the gym tomorrow yeah tomorrow it's all good a gym every no next week on tour the poetry 3 this thing our solution the bar now how about in September now let's go in uh let's go in August now wait till after Christmas throughout to the holidays and then take rather write it around it around and wrap it never happens speed that's good of try irritant the some sanguine memory to me stress are lysed less effective sucks stress reduction because she's got a cure her disease thanks for subscrip oh thank you gesture for the prime so have you able stream from their fusion office bacon donut waffle and 7s right now no one wasn't live here in Washington the new fusion members live of way but they have a roofer they can use the office - yeah so in giant waffles playing with lyric and shorty I get to hear the you know and the thing he does all time good stuff good stuff all right we're starting to make some more money which is good let's see that party a she did work pretty decent weapon smithing one a shard or sword a stronger shield anything to prolong a soldier's life ah okay well I think you wanna want to keep let's see Chester Chester men-at-arms oh that reminds me I should upgrade that damn it ah Shanna from God use the papers on that it's fine [Music] but Bubba either under fusion had a house where won't live vagator nope that was never the case giant waffle and bacon donut I have shared a house but that wasn't there infeasible I don't know where there's misconception of a house came from I don't want that [Music] Crusader protection movers is less stress on speed all right think we'll go for this one again so let's take our rain ad Gepetto needs stress reduction let's have him do that stress a little high for my my tastes now let's go ahead and jump into the wards I guess that's the piggy monsters think they like to hit they bleed real easily okay let's upgrade our gesture to have the battle ballad which is good then I think that works really well with those guys before I will upgrade his weapon in Arbor I will upgrade your weapon in Arbor I don't think that one guy works really well this guy didn't work very well I think Dismas might be better at that secondary role because he can also bleed upgrade helm running out of money okay okay I'm gonna try removing that doodoo this advance move that do blank point-blank shot try that that should work pretty well okay so you you dismiss and then healer lady okay do we have any trinkets we could put on people deathblow resist dodge - one crit thats fine we'll do that with you you have a saint deathly resistant nope all right go ahead short dungeons no resting but we need lots of for for the Waring's we icky thanks for subscribe to me bloom thank you for that song shovels and herbs cup a couple bandages it will try that all right here we go dump it in this is the piggy one all right they breed quickly down there in the dark but perhaps we can slay them even faster that was great that's back okay my sack is empty nothing that way go back oh no it's great start when you step out instantly spring a trap instantly so great isn't it already like a fairly boot wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and mother foolhardy alike got so many sacks these sacks four days [Music] as darkness falls abate hope blossoms beautiful [Music] and you're dead now he resisted plea Alden sergers has the enemy crumbles alia Alia gorgeous absolutely beautiful by stacking up the bleeds on this guy [Music] yeah [Music] superb lead take seven damage I feel do it yep he's dead since he's gonna die from bleed he'll be a prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade they shouldn't leave a body Oh litter ate it oh yeah get rekt and a Cray heal holy crap obliterated made us some themed emotes who got seen again looked quite awesome [Music] hello honey how are you brush this advantage other point plate doggles so good I wonder if they make a sequel how many new phrases they could come up with Vantage's perfect more looped pile of bones is that herbs or is it anti-venom holy water well I don't have any holy water oh can you try it now bad humors okay transfer boom and the pit back to the pit baby hear yourself all right slice off [Music] [Music] wow that's a lot of damage another nation cleansed from our lands [Music] got to quit this song I'm going to do that right after this [Music] big hill this air we got unforeseen unforgiving ok swap out finale for the this song thank you that way he's useful something else is fine them frickin really good right now all right cute good whoa-whoa-whoa torch torch torch I could actually want him to bleed don't don't you steal my stuff before June waiting to be spent hey thankfully she didn't steal anything Oh God not the drummers [Music] oh nice hit nice good we're playing on darkest started difficulty Oh me Sherlock yeah maintain the offensive [Music] all right [Applause] you guys have awfully high bleed resistant fortunately least the words do oh good job good job [Music] are you gonna use vortex a new in mmm don't use abbreviations I know what that means but was it abbreviation read continually onslaught if like them all [Applause] [Music] no man's man nom-nom-nom another one fold Nexus 5 manager I have no idea I looked at that open littering gold trinkets and baubles beautiful [ __ ] in blood keep going we're almost done very very good run this is a good group a handsome reward this group o performed group is 10 outs head winding the stuff is only the first test now it must be carried home [Music] make him bleed baby [Music] there you go make them bleed don't stop [ __ ] damn it come on there you go good job oh yeah good job yeah good yeah hit him that's what we want you can't hit anyone with anything so go ahead it just play those Tunes baby the old ball and chain on the waifu yeah well can't really do anything here heal him at least yeah no no let someone come you have got to be [Music] come on Jesus yeah heal him citizen like died I have sucked oh come on slap someone hit up please our weaknesses ranged right now a lot of good loot has victories mount so too will the resistance whoops that didn't do anything go ahead and get rid of for the last dungeon right yeah ever in the last room so go ahead and get rid of all that stuff what is this bone altar you try it oh we do it Oh damage until camp over leave it anyways so mix rice should have never happened you are doing just work ending them yeah the DLC is coming out on Tuesdays we're getting our party all ready for the expansion that we have some high-level groups speed of torch above 35% replaced deadly oh [ __ ] the shitty weather after irritant the some a sanguine memory to me stress reduction activities are slightly less effective great perfect yes just one of those games it's just tons of fun it's so much fun we update great our coach I need more paper I need more paper there's a Hellion and a grave-robber oh my god I can't take them once they have a really good buff now actually verse human man Slayer of course she has a manslayer buff of course of course she does [Music] oh I can't trade paper
Channel: DansGaming
Views: 6,669
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Walkthrough, Part, Let's, Play, with, Dan, Playstation, Gameplay, game, play, walk, through, HD, one, ps1, ps2, ps3, xbox, 360, wii, pc, remake, remastered, collection, horror, games, scary, trailer, review, 720p, 1080p, Darkest Dungeon, Red Hook, Color of Madness, DLC, Crimson Court, RPG 1
Id: 0V0gOVkTewM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 21sec (9621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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