Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Modded Campaign (Ep. 2)

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once again completely rigged let's do it shall we let's build the team and should we go face the Kraken right away maybe that's not all that great of an idea he is a boss after all I don't know how prepared we are honestly to go fight a boss at the moment are you very much for two months in a row this stuff is not to be taken as endorsement of Bear toffee bear taffy Enterprises LLC or the delicious taste of madrenas coffee did you know you can get delicious madrenas copy for 40% off with code bear coffee now you do it's delicious try it out release the Kraken built in the state then you take on the challenges that's DD 101 bear I know man like I'm thinking we might have to hold off a second because a little intimidating welcome back or welcome to the pile I had a bear thank you very much for we here at I can't get out of my head that your recent driving you've subscribed you have subscribed with twitch prime you have done it well done thank you very much not like it's blood moon that's true I mean we don't really have a massive penalty if I get my ass kicked and it might be fun to get my ass kicked with level zero character so why not why not let's try it use new characters for the very first time learn this on the fly we'll figure it out I'm sure it'll be totally doable I'm sure Ben Birdland 60 stress isn't gonna be an issue at all she's not serving his eldritch deity what he refutes she refuses to go with him well dammit hmm well if that's gonna be the case then I'll know if this is a possibility to be fun to bring the plague doctor out with him that'd be weird hmm he's heretical he's a heretic I see okay well if we did this use unfathomable torment all the time and then they can stack blight with each other that's probably really good isn't it and then we don't really have any healing unfortunately like none at all well no he's got purge he's kind of a healer yeah this might work actually bad self blight oh and he has a guard as well he only heals himself oh okay that's the big thing I thought he could heal other people that's that's not as good then damn it well that's not really all that great uh what if then maybe let's just let's try it let's let's not go complete overkill here because I'm pretty damn sure that cracking fights gonna be tough so let's give it an experimental run just to see because this seems like it's gonna be a healer --less composition and that's not gonna work very well so let me give this a shot we'll see how it goes and we'll have just as good of a blight advantage going into the ruins as well so that works at least and I guess you could use some protection sure why not maybe I don't think the mission will go away I'm pretty sure it'll stay there now I can't go to the warrens the Warrens doesn't make sense what these guys together do we got to do ruins here and let's take them to the guild real fast as well I want to make sure we got all the right skills yeah that's right we got to get that stun removal that's just awesome and I'm gonna give her the fleeting escape as well because that could make a big difference if she ends up getting pulled to the front I want I fee fie fo for sure diversion probably isn't all that great will equip this I'll get rid of volley fire for spirited cry and then we'll use these for for now these two will probably be her primary skills i thief seems awesome I'd like noxious blast I don't have to get it I think I'll be good with this stuff for now steel that eyes mmm Master fry guy I think the best place to start with all my stuff would probably just be like the very first start good darkest dungeon video but you could also start with our new game+ playthrough which is in that same playlist and that might be a good starting point too yeah he's got all the right skills right I do have other things unlocked if I want to try to use him I'm gonna keep his blight transfer available we'll use that for sure his purge may be a tradable option hmm what if I did ex Corey a tanned noxious raise instead of having infectious offering equipped and then we can excoriate anytime i want to transfer the blight i'm still not a hundred percent sure how that's gonna function but i feel like that might be a little better i want to use abyssal havoc too this is just that's just wild hey grated wheat what's up I found terrifying and amazing all at the same time oh absolutely I do want defender to man everything's so pricey want retribution this is all good okay all right I'm all righty then are we good man and arms is gonna equip that and this these up front so we'll be able to crush we'll try this out all right let's do it hey set for an hour bring a couple of extra things with food in particular I'll need as much of as I can and I will bring light for sure herbs maybe an anti-venom seems good it's just sort of a precaution oh we have three already though okay okay let's do this see how they must are see how they fare and I'll crack open a tasty delicious madrenas cold brew with milk did you know you can garden madrenas copy langkawi use the cop bad cop me to say 44 say that delicious madrenas copy flavors they've got them all can the defiled becomes a creditor can the Fallen find rest no sorry Wayne no that's not good ancient drops why and wait unsprung and thirsting for blood I love the Falconeri so proper that arm does not move rock solid that was fast yay thought that might be the second one okay we get a bonus ass and right away that's so cool look at that bit of a stutter e flying animation but I don't know what I was expecting I guess spirited cry fief quick shot I probably start with a quick shot they don't have eyes I guess not really but I'm willing to suspend my belief there I suppose that's so cool I love it flappy bird let's see I don't have any blight to transfer they're not blighted at the moment so probably noxious rays right and almost certainly blight myself and then I can just do that and that addresses the issue there we go all right you're gone you're hurting I got to make sure that I focused the damage onto him as much as I possibly can to of course because he is the one that's got the purge the self heal but I'll hopefully be able to do a couple of times even that sound man of just the arrow going out well done well done well done well done does he have purged acquit doesn't that purge it quit right now okay hmm that's a cool animation oh I just blinded myself didn't I that was stupid whoops success so clearly okay let's just I'm going to why blight myself with that move didn't I score you ate last round and I got blighted for that that's weird okay I'm gonna swap these two for now mostly cuz I'm a little confused by that I want to keep his purge available I want to at least allow him the opportunity to heal himself I absorbed the blight from the corpse Oh transfer blight means target goes I see alright so it applies both ways I wasn't thinking about that okay well okay then i love.i fief again and it really is I love using IV Vaughn the madman just thematically speaking seems pretty great and lets retribution I guess sure so what you're glad you're excited meant that stress is getting up there though hmm I could purge right now lowers my blight scale chance and my dodge maybe I should wait to like the end of the fight for that I guess let's do this let's do it oh that's awesome oh my god it that's so cool welcome to the barrel bandit welcome to the pile thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it my friend enjoy your badge and emotes but it's all sorry I keep skipping skipping the new barks just out of habit that's a fair point yeah I'm gonna try to let you guys read those apologies now okay more horror well too much hmm obviously don't want to transfer more blight I think it's a purge at this point transferred all the blight on the team to himself that was not what I was expecting that to do but I'll take it I guess and then cure it oh my god wow that combo though holy [ __ ] now that I know that's a thing Wow dude the entirety of my upcoming fights has just been planned for me oh I know exactly what I'm doing now let's stun you that is yeah that is an insane combo that is super good super-dee-duper good I kill you not really let's just do this nice okay he's gone doesn't have a stun resistance anymore I'll try this again not a problem not a problem is the bone garden new I don't think so I'm pretty sure he's just a standard guy thank you guys for getting that pace been going I really appreciate that assisting me and my laziness there we go [Music] you got a new hat knee I might have gotten a new hat or something so how's about every single fight from this point forward we start with unspeakable terror unfathomable torment rather and then we'll perch gather all the blight onto him and then the plague doctor cures it that's a hell of a combo that is a hell of a combo man it seems like it's just unbeatable almost let's watch it in action again and see if that is indeed the case very excited to get into the next fight now I really want to know how good this is gonna be mad a little bit here let's go well hold on do I want to just go this way three corrupted alters that I might as well just go knock out this section just in case just in case only got one more shovel though after this so yikes no more no more herbs either okay let's see if maybe I get another one through here nice well alright there we go versus the flesh yeah dude especially cuz the flesh can even get blighted by that booth that five hundred percent chance totally ridiculous now I'm just pushing on to see how good these guys are gonna be in this next fight our mission is done assassin okay now boy oh [ __ ] come on now Wow yep behold the abyss is made manifest it's gonna go ahead and guard guard her get a guard up on this one Thanks and just just poke at him a little bit of poking boy all right here goes unfathomable don't wait no if I do that that's gonna kill her isn't it oh [ __ ] well okay come on I got to do this protect the bird Vegas don't you kill me I'm trying okay get the kill she's guarded but she can still get blighted I'm trying not to skip the barks my bad it's it's extremely instinctual at this point you gotta forgive me there we go at least he doesn't get blighted when he doesn't land the attack that's kind of nice yeah greet Chillar Eve I've really been pleased with the modded character selection so far I'm glad that decided to make that but bow and arrow sound effects so insignificant to so fitting for the skill love in this man this combo right here quality quality quality with a healer in the lineup we'd be we'd be feeling pretty good but sadly we're just sort of having to compensate for that sweet all right let's see don't we have one say oh I didn't even look at these camping skills actually nefarious feast the party consumes less food until the next camp and they heal 50% may also get more stress that is a cool camping skill toxic infusion increases our blight and disease resist the we suffer health and stress damage pestilent tenacity more deathblow resistance protection and less virtue chance revolting drop buffs his health and dodge all companions get more stress not the greatest of camping skills produces though I don't think I looked at hers either did I prevent the ambush more scouting chance I guess I might as well do that produce a random amount of food that's cool accuracy and crit chance and arrange skills and camouflage neat neat don't have a lot of stress healing unfortunately and self-medicate her and get her basically ready to go no stress healing their food doesn't help just prevent the ambush I guess and do whatever alright well just in case we get ambushed or no we can't get ambushed that's right yeah here we go alright get out of here altars purified and it cuts a wait for it not bad not a lot of money though man Slayer fluff copter very good very good might have to commit to some some stress healing here this courage is interesting man I really liked him I'm gonna use him a lot more all right moment of truth again here let's see it another scourge nothing else bummer okay still got quite a few characters left to see so hopefully we'll come across them soon probably not gonna pick up another screws let's let that uh or leave space in the roster for the new guys still can't quite upgrade those ok so let's see about building the cracking team then crack team for the crackin do we have a vessel available that I can use let's find out and would be been Birdland who is still not in great shape hmm what would we do what would we do ooh ring ethereal loop for the seer only range skills more damage more speed less healing skills plus 40% stun skill chance wow that seems really good yeah I got to go ahead and stress y'all I think I don't really have a choice we do have to go to the courtyard to eventually that ring seems sick though man that thing is real good let's commit a couple of Vestals get these guys ready to go soon we might have to just go with one more extra run to get our guys ready let's just commit like a shitload of people here I saw someone with an I heart crack [ __ ] bumper sticker driving through our neighborhood huh learning a lot about our neighborhood the last couple of days let's commit everybody I think I've got the money for it at the moment and I'm quickly running out of options for compositions okay there we go there we go so we're gonna do one more week to allow ourselves the opportunity to cleanse the estate of its issues and we could do necromancer apprentice I don't hate that idea Gekko is an unholy Slayer with claustrophobia could throw him in the mix I don't have my healer though so maybe I should be careful about well no I mean I could use been Birdland probably not a terrible idea and then I could be oh how about we do well not in árboles let's do like let's do a Ronan let's do Ronan in front and like a plague doctor in the back maybe would that be good that seems pretty solid the Ronan in front is like an interesting one what about The Prodigy instead that's probably better I can holy lance with him he's gonna shuffle around a lot she's actually fine in spot two actually she's got a hand of light I'll unlock illumination I suppose that will probably be good we got to take that vessel into the guild though go to the pile thank you very much for 7:00 with twitch Prime I appreciate that a lot divine comfort an illumination on her so let's make that swap here uh yeah I want to find comfort though so let's let's give her these four I guess mace pass or no balls no way dude no way or illuminates her backup option Zephyr does not have noxious blast equip but I doubt we'll use it product yeah prodigy has unholy damage which is primarily why I'm utilizing him here he's got all his skills of course I could go for level two in this stuff but I'm pretty sure that's not really necessary right now actually blacksmith totally totally gonna do this let's take the weapon upgrade a little bit more speed out of that two prides you with this team none of the back line is want to go at third I don't think it's a big issue the plague doctor being shuffled up to spot two would be the biggest problem but even then it's probably not that big of a deal I think we'll be fine I think it'll work out I mean I like having the vessel here because she's better in spot to spot one would be a problem but I don't think that'll happen it shouldn't happen anyway let's do this I do have the prodigy specific one that I can still use and I like that quite a bit zu why are you doing I'm gonna give him the protection stone as well keep him a little safe actually know what let's do this instead give him the Dodge bonus and he's gonna add to the Dodge every round of course as well so that'll help him out a little bit and that's gonna do it I guess yeah there we go yeah we go I think this will I think this will work I think this will be enough to take down the necromancer apprentice unlocking use plague doctor stabbing case I was thinking about that you know that would be actually you know what that's way better than this or any blast so I suppose that's probably worth it let's just go ahead and unlock it noxious blast might honestly be better though even though this is sort of like a brick a fail-safe in case she gets up to spot one or two we'll give her that yeah that's probably for the best and then if that's gonna be the case and I suppose I should make that switch and if that's gonna be the case then that makes judgment a hell of a lot better alright alright that's well [ __ ] though oh this is now that's nuts not that's not what I want that's not what I want I've got to failsafe if she gets up to spot - but really like I got to keep the plague doctor in spot three and that's gonna be difficult if I end up doing the shuffle there so this is good this is good let's do it I'm gonna bring not too many things actually I'll you'll take just the two holy water I think now the full stack of keys will bring three shovels as well stack of torches couple bandages few herbs for the prodigy and ya start prodigy at rank three start with a free double stun does that move him to the front it does and he does usually acts first I mean not a bad choice I can do that like on an individual basis as well we'll see chief among my early pursuits I began in humility but my ambition was limitless who could have divined the prophetic import of something as unremarkable as a twitch in the leg of a dead rat mod called the hell adds a lot of trinkets a devil walks these holes hmm only the mad or the desperate go in search of him to be down for that that was one other thing I was considering there was the trinket rebalance mod that was really popular on the workshop you klepto son of a [ __ ] it's 1,200 gold damn you I didn't like not to obviously but I was thinking about it goody goody start him in spot three this time see how it goes for the first fight zu Madeleine please all right easy easy goings to start this one off a couple of wine tasters and a bone guard you know what to do sacred stroke yo you know what's done everybody nobody gets to move little bells above everybody's HP bars that is the town event bonus that we get more experience and more damage in the ruins for this particular mission that was a hell of a start wasn't it that feels good please kill it oh I did not notice his blight resistance he's at 200 holy [ __ ] I love that they added a stress he'll for one with that for some reason man so goofy oh you did that bonus resistance didn't he that was a little silly oh well so much torchlight paralyzing palm there is like their formation is broken some carnal urge within me to shout his moves when I use them I don't know what it is ancient drops lie in wait blood righteous first anime is real yeah that's gotta be it I was watching mob psycho 100 last night so that might be that might be the cause another skullet a couple of backstabbers I do all good I put them up front hmm oh he get him what am i doing that was stupid doesn't have any skills for that you dummy idiot whoopsie oh he's not gonna blight either oh wait no he's the backstabber okay so we can get him with that dammit stab in the back just move forward in the shuffle okay so they just deal with minimal damage and shuffle the party around and this one just summons another skullet and then he shoots okay that hurt a lot and they get two moves yeah yeah to the dev and c2s welcome to the pile thank you very much for the subscription boom I'll pour you or you little do you realize nope nevermind you do realize you're in the danger zone now you're not yeah big heels Wow Wow Wow that's what they do highway to the dangerzone we are in danger zone as the fiend falls blossoms get me out of the danger zone please help let me off the danger zone hi babe okay here's here's this thing for you get me something delicious probably camping time you know skillets are not [ __ ] around I guess we got to make sure we kill them quickly it's late to be pleased curious is the trap makers odd boy when is the next monorail out of the danger zone please I'd like to leave I haven't need big heels it's a lot of damage that hurts that hurts man Howie all right I'm gonna bulwark with the attention on myself for a second he has less healing received I got to remember that with his item please help all day long right here that's where you want it I promise that's not who you want to target it's not good I'm gonna heal for 115 times with Zephyr I'm gonna heal for one that you need to die didn't even think about that sending her back unfortunately and there's another one big heals no whammies ouch she gonna die I guess I could have just killed him probably help my vision clears another cleansed from another group heal for one coming up this is bad bad bad yes it is yes it is there we go there's that huge role we were looking for so I am going to do this simply to allow the vessel to do her individual heal oh that's nice a little bit of a an ego boost for him yes please Elise thank you a momentary abatement all right that's that's slightly better improve the situation my god be wary triumphant pride precipitates a doozy I'm actually gonna go ahead and keep starting him in that spot and let's let her eat a quick meal and I'll probably just have to camp out before the boss battle unfortunately The Prodigy yeah The Prodigy sound design is great I agree kudos there for sure nothing too simple unfortunately yeah only halfway we got a little ways to go we've got at least a few more torches to keep us going in fact let's go ahead and keep that radiant light up while I have it nothing doing here let's go for one more before we get in this one chopper and an assassin welcome to the pile thanks for twitch Prime subscription appreciate it buddy ah oh goodness I still need to heal really bad I really want to take the big ones not for three four or five is kind of what I'm looking for actually ten and twenty percent come on now how was that even happening oh he's different he is different yeah look they've got two variants of the defenders now what do you know I'm gonna do this again well I mean it's not as useful this time I want to keep the attention on him though so yeah let's just take it again may we find victory do what I can now that sucks you got to be kidding me here this is bad he doesn't have any resistance on his stun he does have a lot now I guess so okay guess we'll take that got to do the spirit shift and maybe I can kill one here can hit him with the hollow chick the knock back on that would be kind of helpful actually knock back three with the righteous fist lots of damage only four to six on this guy though I like the chick okay it's an improvement stop doing that please just four or five that's all I ask perfect he's already marked that's not gonna be enough he's got a fifty percent protection buff get rid of their damage as much as possible the blight might be enough to just take care of him anyway resisted that's good clumsy axe blade perfect he's still guarded oh my goodness I feel like that move might be specialized to go for our weakest party member or something boy and do the extra I need on this guy righteous fists still not that great I want to take the chance I've got to kill him and I guess just heal myself right yeah I could stack a blight on to him that might have been a little better but oh well stun resist is 25 and that takes off the guard on him the smite has a small chance to get close to the kill okay now he's dead don't stun Thank You Wow he actually didn't give assassination off first okay so I guess we have to spirit shift again is that Tom all on your team that probably doesn't make a difference man who finally dodged it we can holy lance now so take that one point of health again hopefully get a group heal off before that nice yes that's big-time just beautiful these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can't be beaten I think I'm safe to eat for food on the plague doctor make that inventory space only have one more hunger tile before the boss fight and then we'll probably be okay like this okay okay ETA 3 p.m. all right that you have just heard our stream ending time ladies and gentlemen aka when the food arrives got about 40 minutes here let's make the most of it find some new characters ideally again maybe let's fight the kraken before we get out of here today about that that's the objective we got to fight the kraken before we before we bounce I think the torchlights gonna work out pretty well here nice dodge how am i doing this far pretty good this is what this is the Nick that's what I just said this is the necromancer apprentice huh welcome hm welcome to the pile I am so confused dude the precursor to the necromancer apprentice this is him before the horrors that befell him I suppose kill him kill him before he transforms all right what's he gonna do we got to take him out come on play grenade got him got him imagine this actually kills him before he's able to become the real boss Arius the necromancer apprentices apprentice yeah exactly that's that's got to be what we just sell up paralyzing palm I'm taking the bulwark taking a little bit of heels or we can get it one at a time baby one of the time thank you for group healing up the crib for Tail he's gonna heal you for zero plus bleed one more group here will be lovely I'd take the stress in the best of it okay that's pretty high up oh I can't actually get him with a crusader anymore though but I do got to take this it will out of air yeah no worries thanks for hanging out paralysing palm remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer dumped off the anti-venom and I guess use the torch and get rid of the bandage probably let's dump the bandage well I keep the holy water in case I can lose him right before the fight oh [ __ ] party ordering oh the party order he's back what's he doing the divine haymaker what is with this dude got to keep healing well I've got the opportunity here you resurrected him back from the pit now he's summoned to skullet oh geez the blight stun we got to kill him and we know not to let those things do anything anymore I want to try to knock you back I guess this is my best choice oh that sucks whiff okay okay another plate grenade looks really good you can't get blighted though he can get blighted he just resisted it somehow this one's the one that can't get blighted armor of bones 25% protection man-wolf nice dodge I'll take this again [Music] hmm nice try offensive stance on to with the monkey I'll do that for sure let's stun you let's do it that's gonna give us the heavenly charge right yeah that's the one missed it again nice one okay I want to give him the heel I think I'm going to even though it heals for less at a four though it's worth and I'll create okay for a prodigy I should suck ass you're doing fine we're fine that's why we have adequate goody I don't need to keep that although we can just use a campfire here but I want to go through the hallway first so let's see let's just dump this stuff and go through the hallway scout it out ahead of time that is kind of risky unfortunately but it might happen anyway all right very good waiting to be spent why not why not wait let's collect ourselves y'all have no faith how many times have you seen me scout out a hallway right before a boss to go back to the room to camp I'm gonna camp calm down I got it didn't forget well we should do serenity we should totally do serenity I've got a few herbs let's try it only one oh damn still pretty damn good though and he took his damage debuff which we can just clear off like that surprise chance doesn't really matter I think I'll just deal with the with the ambush oh we could have used stand tall on her I can use it on her there we go and does anybody have disease nope so I'm encouraged I guess Yeah right all right the light the promise of safety I am the Bark's for The Prodigy as well my bad I forgot about those two CRE all right so I think I'll actually stick with standard formation to begin with what could I use for him though I think I'm okay with starting with a paralyzing palm or something just having him move back a bit all right yeah no ambush we're looking good I'll take a holy water on him I get stuck yeah you're not wrong I could start with the divine haymaker could throw them in the back to begin with and that might not be a bad idea going up against the the necromancer apprentice here sure let's do that buff up the front liners a little bit all right let's do it got all the right stuff don't we yes we do yes we do let's go oh you don't even know buddy we have been ready for this moment hi-yah stuns the apprentice what a start sadly no damage to be done with the plague doctor here oh yeah actually [ __ ] that's gonna be a big disadvantage isn't it I didn't even think about that oh well probably should've got her noxious blast for this should I do bulwark to start or just take the ten to 20 and I think it'd take the 10 to 20 seems pretty good hell of a bunch yeah seriously great start and let's just get rid of this debuff take a paralyzing pollen here for no righteous fist yeah absolutely boom mark the target I can move her into spot three to do incisions he is vulnerable to bleed after all but he might just end up putting her in that spot anyway so let's just let that happen and heal for one yeppity-do da-da-da no problem uh all in oh man okay still though 412 I'm gonna go ahead and take that will do a hallo chick as well maybe knock back these two and get him up front I don't have any bonuses against mark targets or anything I don't think can't forget that got my options for offensive skills and spot two and three as well let's kill you battle due east she still got nothing oh geez next turn though next turn when he moves back we'll do something a little bit of pain okay NBD NBD will do another halav kick and hopefully unleashes fury next turn look at this incision damage holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] we got it we got it boys little stress damage no big deal sadly can't finish him off with a define haymaker that would feel pretty good but oh well I think we got it he's done it boys wife crystal nice great trinket find all right that is indeed gonna do it let's go hooray not a bad amount of gold out of that either of course the bonus experience from that one - feels good lazy eye on bed Birdland oh and another klepto yeah dog welcome to the bear pie all right Barry 64 there is power in
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 61,639
Rating: 4.9430604 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon mods, mods for darkest dungeon, best darkest dungeon mods
Id: XQkdMGaoY1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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