Deep Fried Brownie Sundae Taste Test

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Roast your cat. - This is when you post a picture of a cat with #RoastMyCat and then Rhett roasts it. This one is from Lydia Landes. Crusher means business. - Crusher. - Without the T. Business. - Yeah that's the thing about Crusher is that he looks so cute and innocent with his little tie and his cute little collar. So much so that you might think that Crusher wants to be your friend but really what Crusher wants to do is Crusher wants to go out into the woods and find a little innocent rodent or bird and bring it to your doorstep. Not to eat it but just to crush it with its mouth, kill it and then drop it and then sit there and wait for you to congratulate it for murdering another animal from the animal kingdom. Because that's all that cats are good for. They don't even eat the stuff, they just murder it and leave it for you. Do you want it? No, you're not sadistic, 'cause you're not a cat. (sign clatters) - [Link] But it's like a cute cat-themed pirate tie. - Yeah, right, uh-huh. - All right so-- - All right! - We've got the world's largest quadge-fried wing here. - Wing, I'm ready for that. I'm gonna try that. - We're gonna try that and we're also going to deep fry some brownies. - Josh is gonna come lead us through that because I think what you discovered in watching us do that with Max is that we needed a professional. - Yeah, I mean I feel like I tried to come in and coach as much as possible but-- - We weren't listening. - I've coached a lot of youth basketball in my days and you can teach 11 year olds to pick and roll but if Kyle sees his favorite cousin in the stands, he's just gonna stop in the middle of the game and go walk and give him a hug. - Or at least ball hog his way towards snake eyes. - Yeah, to what? Snake eyes? All right. - That's when in basketball, you don't score anything. Snake eyes. Double zeroes. - Did that happen a lot to, throw up a lot of snake eyes and, we don't have to take up that, let's fry some brownies. - I thought we might just summarize Link's basketball career. Snake eyes. - So we got an ice cream batter. It was a lot of like eggs and thickeners and stuff already in ice cream so I figured we'd just melt that down, mix up some flour. - This is melted ice cream? - So it's melted ice cream, a little bit of sparkling water, like in a tempura batter you do similar to a beer batter and then a little bit of sugar to kind of round it out, and then flour. - That is a good lookin' brownie. - Yeah. - Look at that. - I made someone buy it. - Hefty hefty. (Josh snorts) - Yeah let him hold that one. You just distracted Kyle or whatever the kid's name was. Okay. - Look at that, unbashful dipping technique. Rhett, you're making him do all the work. - Well you know what? - At this point I'd rather do it. - I think he can be all the daddies. - [Link] You ever worked at a state fair? - No, I did set up my own booth at a state fair-like thing though and we fried hundreds of ramen donuts. - Really? - Yeah, uh-huh. - How'd that go, whoa! Do something, Rhett. - It's what it's supposed to do. - Something happened, don't even know how I should be responding to it. - Maybe hit it with that. It's blowing up. - It's good. - Hit it. - Let Josh-- - Pop it. - Let Josh do it. - Should we pop the bubble? - [Josh] We'll just let it live. - [Rhett] Oh, oh, oh. Baby, whoa! (chuckles) - Great. Fantastic. - What is happening? - Well I don't know anymore. - It's frying, it's frying, Rhett. We're frying a brownie. - It's, it didn't look like this when I did it. You know, time passes and the batter, the thickeners in the ice cream start to break down the LaCroix which is what I used in the batter since I forgot to buy normal sparkling water. - Oh what flavor LaCroix? - Orange. - (chuckles) Okay. - Orange and chocolate, it works right? - Yeah yeah. - I think there's chocolate erupting out of that hole in that one. - You're gonna want a good chocolate hole on your brownie. - Is the hole grease turning into chocolate? - Yeah you ever have like a molten lava cake? - Yeah. - This is how they do it. - I'm gonna eat this quadruple-fried wing while we're waiting on that. - Now that's cool, now that it's cooled off. Oh my word. It's like eating a balloon. - Yeah, may I? Do you want me to try and have a third quadrant for you to? - Um. - I can kinda like sneak in the bottom. - I'm gonna play the Max role at this point which is just kinda sit here and watching. - He was terrified by us. - Guys. - Whoa! - It's so good. I don't know why you don't like that, Link. That's so good. - It's a lot of grease. - Yeah, exactly. - But I'll gladly-- - Well this one really worked. - Do it with the brownie here. - You know what, that's why you did two so you can only take the one that worked out. - Yeah, it's really a shotgun method. - Oh, oh. - Oh. This is the good side. This is the good side. Yeah, give it a scoop. - That'll help cool it off too. Wow! - Look at that! - [Josh] Can you grab me the chocolate? - Steamy steamy. Drizzle drizzle. Shaky shaky. - [Josh] There she is. - That is beautiful. - All right. - Absolutely beautiful. That one, on the other hand. - This is not. - Go back in the freezer. - It'll taste good. - It's like the brownie knew it wasn't supposed to be fried and it kind of tried to unsheathe itself in the fryer. Hm, that one looks great. - Put that where the people can see it. I don't wanna hide that. It's pretty cool looking. - [Rhett] I wanna eat this. - [Link] So let's get a nice cross-section of the whole thing here. - Wow. - Turn it around-- - That's actually-- - Look at that. - Remarkable. Do they sell this at any place? 'Cause they should. - I've never had one. - 'Til now. You know it's getting gooey when you start to get a whisper voice. - It's like when you approach a land mass, like a monument-- - An explorer. - A monument in the park. And you get quiet. - Kiss it a little bit. - Oh! - Kiss daddy. - Whoops. - Kiss daddy got a little burned. - Mm! - You proud of yourself? - I've never been prouder of myself. - That is good. - That's exciting. - Boy, that brownie just melted down. 'Cause I don't like a hard wooden brownie. I like a nice, molten, gooey brownie. - The batter is shockingly crispy too. - Preferably with a ribbon a peanut butter running through it. - I don't know how you got batter to do that when it's made from ice cream. - I've been mixing up the ice cream batter with the mayonnaise batter a lot, 'cause they look the same. - You think this may be mayonnaise batter? - Like 30% shot. - There's no way. - I mean either way, could you be mad? - It tastes really good. I don't care what it is. - I mean, when it comes to this segment of frying stuff or state fairs in general where every year, something else is being fried, I just wonder, let's engage the futurist within us and say, is there a limit to what can be fried? - I don't think so, I mean once they started doing fried beer, fried Coca-Cola, and they really started getting into frying branded liquids and ideas. - Mm-hmm. - Could you fry love? - Oh yeah, frying an idea. - Fry happiness. - Can you fry love? - Can you fry world peace? - Deep-fried love. I think that's illegal in most states. (Josh chuckles) Deep-fried love, I mean, that sounds really painful. - Only with an immediate family member. - Once you get to second cousins-- - Second cousin deep-fried love is okay. - But so your stance is, no, there's no limit to what can be fried. There is a limit obviously. I just think that if we were to travel in time 20 years from now, you go to a state fair, I betcha there won't be anything that's fried. - Yeah. - Well that's probably true. 'Cause they'll reach the limit and they'll come back. I'm gonna take this one we've already-- - They'll be like I'm done with it. - We've already eaten. - Oh gosh. - And put it in the ice cream batter. - Are you talking about like commercial feasibility or like deep-fried ethics? - Ethics. - Like straight ethics. I mean we're gene-editing babies. You're out here worried about what we're dropping in the fryer. (Rhett laughs) I'd say just let 'em be. Let Chicken Charlie's at the fair, that's my favorite stand. They do good work. Let 'em be, I mean they stuff peanut butter inside a pickle and fried it like a corn dog last year. - Really? - Yeah. It was great. - See to me, the peanut butter and the pickle was the part that was, that was futuristic, man. That was-- - Yeah. - That was something new. - It's almost like Dadaist performance art. - Right but the frying part is kinda like I'm tired of it. So no I'm not talking about from an ethical standpoint, I'm talking about just from a marketing, and just, this societal appetite for things being fried. It's gonna get in the eye-roll territory. Is it not already? - I think it's been there for quite some time. - Are we not smack-dab in the middle of eye-roll territory? - Says the man quintuple-frying a chicken wing. - Quintuple-frying an already eaten chicken wing. (Josh chuckles) You know, we could sell those. Bitten by the chef! - No food waste. - Half-eaten by the chef and whole from your heart. - All right let's show it to the people. Completed or not, it's time to call this a night. - Again, it just looks like a pear, again. And you would never know that it's half eaten. I'll tell ya right now. - Fills in all the gaps. - [Rhett] You could take it right out of the trash and just deep dry the bones. - That was in the ice cream batter? - Yeah, chocolate that sucker up. (funky music) I'd buy that. $13 I'd pay for that. And I'd eat it and throw it up on the zipper. Heading outside? Cover your melon with these hats we're sellin'. Three different styles to choose from now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, gmmore, good mythical more, Deep Fried Brownie Sundae Taste Test, deep, fried, brownie, sundae, taste, test, taste test, Deep Fried Brownie, Brownie Sundae, deep fried taste test, gmm taste test, good mythical morning taste test, ice cream, fried brownie, roast my cat, ice cream batter, molten lava cake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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