Backpacking Tip | How to Prepare for a 3 Day Backpacking Trip

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either guys Merrick Anthony with backpacking TV I'm checking in from labert in Utah awesome little spot outside of Zion National Park and I am preparing to do a couple of night backpacking trip I think it will be a two nighter in the central southern Utah area the Escalante area so I just wanted to go through and show you how I prep and prepare for my backpacking trip and then I'm going to take you on the trip with me here first we're heading to the grocery store we've got a couple of favorites a couple of go twos for backpacking meals first one is tasty bite these things are awesome super delicious and easy to prepare I like to add a few extra things to them that's a great base meal so that's meal number one and for meal number two these darn good Chile's are darn good although one tip for you don't prepare this if you're trying to impress anybody because whoo baby you'll be stinky we're Noel's not my favorite way to start the day but it's easy and it works so I'm doing it flavor pack super flavor pack I like my protein pepperonis an awesome way to get up for the daytime I've done that where I've hiked backpack for about five days straight with pepperoni these things are magical wasabi soy nuts and you can even chop them up and add them to a meal for an extra blue these things Adele's smoked chicken sausage are just about the best thing ever pretty much backpack with them all the time the pre cooks they don't go bad at least for a while and they are just incredible flavor punch to your meals they're awesome I love them swear by them pretty much is my life goal to be sponsored by Adele's all these coffees and I'm not doing any of them is a better way I will show you peanut butter is basically always a go-to for me it's kind of a comfort food ideally I will carry only like a half jar of these on the trail but I love it and so I'm getting it so it came to outside of Diane last night and today heading into Escalante so I'm doing a two-night backpacking trip with a couple of friends so just running through again what I'm taking here on the trip so I've got my thumb rest sleeping bag NeoAir extra light sleeping pad that thing as money tent I'm using the MSR hubba-hubba and four water filtration I'm taking this Guardian which is pretty hefty for a backpacking filter but because we're going into the escalante which is very silty the one of the things that this does really well is it itself cleans so won't get clogged up with silt as I am filtering water from potentially really silty sandy dirty water sources if I was going to a place with a cleaner water source I'd like to take something a little bit lighter duty than that but this one will ensure that it won't get clogged up for water storage and taking my dromedary I really like taking a drama because they're barely and they collapse as the water goes out so it doesn't always take up a huge amount of space in your pack the breakfasts I'm doing just some simple oatmeal peanut butter and coffee for coffee I'm doing these Alpine starts these things are awesome they're basically like the Starbucks vias but they're way better got some snacks just doing beef jerky Clif bars and a little bit of tuna for my lunches as well as these almonds these are wasabi almonds other things that I need to make sure I have with me headlamp bringing extra pair of socks ex-officio underwear because those will pretty much last me the whole time so I really only need one pair and just taking a puffy jacket in case of weather and that's basically it I got my pack packed up I put my sleeping bag in the very bottom something that's not too lightweight actually just like a space filler for the very bottom in the middle lower portion the place that's going to go next to my lumbar area that's where I want some my heaviest stuff it's important to keep the heavy stuff close to your back the farther away it is from your back the more it will act as like a lever to pull you backwards and then I have my food up top a couple of snacks in my brain where it's easy access and then some some clothing and some additional things here the top portion of my pack so that's how I prepare for a 3 day backpacking trip stay tuned up next we are heading into the fantastic coyote Gulch in southern Utah it is a true Utah classic and you definitely do not want to miss it so stay tuned for the next video coming up now
Channel: BackpackingTV
Views: 96,010
Rating: 4.7745175 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking, hiking, BackpackingTV, backpacking tip, hiking tip, overnight backpacking trip, backpacking trip 2 days 1 night, backpacking trip packing, backpacking trip essentials, packing for an overnight, packing for backpacking trip, packing hacks, backpacking food for 3 days, backpacking food, camping meals, Camping, backpack, trip, Coyote Gulch, Eric Hanson, Travel, prepare, pack, food, grocery store, adventure, backpacking gear, Epic Trails, hike, Utah, Glen Canyon, overnight
Id: 1FDUk6RVe_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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