2 Night Backpacking Gear Loadout

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[Music] hey guys welcome back before I start this gear loadout video I just want to throw out a little disclaimer out there the term or the the saying about hiking your own hike rings very true in this gear loadout so you're gonna see some things which might find redundant or you might find some things you didn't think about bringing it before so just wanted to have you keep that in mind during this loadout video so for me this is considered light but it is still stuff that I bring which I can handle to have me enjoy my experience out there because I know that some people can go really light and enjoy being in their campsite without let's say a chair or an air pad or anything like that and stuff a good time for me I would prefer to bring a chair so I can sit on there I would prefer to bring an air pad so I can have a more comfortable night's sleep yes it does add a few more pounds but for me that is totally fine because I have conditioned myself into being able to bear that load so with that said let's start this video got so we'll start off with this side over here so over here is my I guess what we'll use as a bear bag so this will hold the contents of mine and Katie's food as well as the dogs the dog food that we're gonna bring and we're gonna throw it all in here and this is a 15 litre sack and then the food pouches I am gonna keep it in this lock sack and this is supposed to be a pouch that's pretty effective for keeping your food airtight so we're gonna keep much of the you know any open items any food that may even have traces of any kind of food scent in here and then throw it into the bear bag for this trip because we are hiking a somewhat strenuous hike I did get these electrolyte tabs when you sweat out it's good to replenish your electrolytes sometimes with just the water it's an insufficient so we want to supplement that with this and it does definitely go a long way and then got some snacks just like a protein cookie got some energy chews beef jerky to accompany the whiskey and this is going to be a two nighter so the way we planned it is we're going to have two dinners two breakfasts and one lunch so accordingly I have ramen got two breakfasts here and I got chili mac with beef lasagna and this is like the Pro Pack which is a smaller packaging compared to the regular Mountain House pack and it's air sealed so it's supposed to take up less space in your pack so I'm guessing that's what the intention of this was for so I decided to get one of each and test them out and they're for the cooking in this pouch I'm gonna use the optimist cook set and my spoon here now this is a it's a 16-ounce 400 milliliter cup and it's inverted because on the inside I don't know if you can see it but basically it's backwards so that when you look at it from the inside you can see the measuring lines and then it does come with this kit does come with a stove by optimist and this is the crux Lite stove and I actually did a review on this crux Lite stove but gonna use that for this weekend gonna put my beverage in this flask this was actually given to me by my friend Mike then I will be bringing a Nalgene bottle and then this is where I will be placing first when we start the hike I will carry water that's filled up to 32 ounces and uses that to drink along to hike and then replenish it as I filter it at the campsites then we've got our fuel canister here I'll be carrying the accordion insulated pad and then I will be putting an insulated air pad on top that's my combo for comfort when I go backpacking potentially we're gonna see temperatures between 30s to mid 40s overnight for my sleeping bag I'm gonna use my good old Mountain Hardwear ratio 15 15 degrees 650 down bag I've used this bag down to like mid-teens and it's still been good and I normally sleep warm too anyways but the sleeping bags been really good so far I like it make packs down pretty small this is just like a randomness a miscellaneous stuff bag so I have like an emergency blanket there I got a pen I got drops from my contacts I have extra contact lenses in here some extra batteries and I also carry a backup stove in there as well it's a tiny like a $8.00 stole from Amazon but if there is failure on the other stove from Optimus I will have that as a backup and then paracord just in case got my lantern and this is for inside the tent and this is what we will use for our skin for our arms our neck I also did put pair mithran on my clothes and it's hanging out to dry right now so once that soaked up and dried up I will be using that my wood processing tools I'm gonna go lighter weight this time sometimes I'll bring like a big silky Big Boy saw which is like about three times the length of this saw and grants forsberg axe but for this time around since I want to try to go a little bit lighter I'm just gonna bring on a c6 carbon steel knife it's a six inch blade that's what I'll be using for chopping and then for sawing down the wood I'm gonna use this buckle Laplander which is a shorter so I'm gonna be looking at steak or wood that is smaller in diameter for my fire kit I'll be carrying in this pouch I'll have a live fire this is like basically it's a it's a basically like a petroleum soaked cotton like strip that you can actually pull out and it catches fire pretty quick that kind of helps me start the fire and then I'll have a couple of strike anywhere matches I'll have a pocket bellow what I've experienced on a lot of these backpacking and camping trips is that in order to have a good campfire you need three things right the three elements of a campfire are heat fuel and oxygen so you got your fuel in the wood and you got your heat once you start up the fire and for the oxygen sometimes if there is no good circulation around you're gonna have to kind of encourage it by using something like this to funnel the oxygen into the basically the coals or where the wood is burning I mean I know you've seen people kind of blow into a campfire really up close or like fan like a plate into the fire which both of those message methods also work but this is the most most efficient way for me because you don't have to kind of burn your eyebrows out while trying to get a fire going and then last but not least I did have a fair Syria Murad I'm gonna bring I will be bringing a lighter but you know if I am you know just kind of feeling a little bored and want to try to look cool making a fire maybe I'll give this a shot again and I will be striking it with the back end the spine of my sc6 I just picked this up today at REI this is the tick key what we're going we might encounter some ticks and I just want to be prepared to be able to pull them out if we do encounter them and how this is works is basically you put the tick through this big part and just kind of slide this over and then pull the tick out using that so hopefully I won't have to use it but it's good to have just in case and then of course I got my gloves sea2summit this is a sack for my clothes i amped the extra clothes I'm going to bring for this trip or is like a beanie and extra underwear extra wool socks and that's pretty much it for this trip and I am gonna use this as like a pillow so I will kind of extend this out a little bit make this a little longer and then be able to use it to rest my head on top of that got my first aid kit these are this is also something that you hope that you don't have to use it but you could bring it just in case see your summit this is like a packed owl very lightweight this is a mosquito net for your head basically just you know unfold this and put it over your hat because we're anticipating a lot of mosquitoes I am gonna need to use this and there you go this is my basically like toiletries / water purification kit stuff like that if you watch when you watch the backpacking video I am gonna use a lot of the stuff in there basically what I like to do is when I filter the water if I am going to use it for food I just filter it and then I'll boil the water and then put into the dehydrated meal if I'm going to drink the water that I filled through I'm gonna actually also purify it with some drops I am gonna use the platypus for leader system this is an awesome system actually it's I used to use a Sawyer squeeze before but you know that one just took way too long to filter out this one I can get four liters in like I say less than ten minutes it's a gravity filter which means you got to hold up the dirty end higher and then the filter will be in the middle and the water will pass down through gravity into the clean pouch and then for the chair I will bring my REI flex like chair that added weight is definitely worth it for me and then for the backpack I am gonna bring my gregory denali 100 it's a 100 liter pack it is big it is bulky it's not light and I love it and then I will have a thermometer with me and it also acts as a compass and then my SC Zula to quick-draw knife so that is all the stuff that's gonna go my pack I'm estimating this one I will weigh this out again later but this is probably gonna be around 40 pounds as you notice if you're seeing all this load out there's one thing missing one important thing which is the shelter so for the shelter what I'm gonna use is it's a tent that's actually being sent to me that I'm going to actually review so it's gonna be a four season three person tent the reason I don't have it here right now is because it's still in the mail it's actually supposed to come in by tomorrow morning a day right before we're supposed to go on this trip so fingers crossed I am gonna try to you know set it up and and look at and make sure that I can put it together and all the components are there before going out on the trip but it is definitely going to be my first time using it and I'm very excited I'm looking forward to testing it out and this section here is what I am going to be carrying on my body as I'm hiking so of course I'm gonna have the map of where we're going and this time around we're going to be going to the goat Rocks wilderness I'll be carrying my phone which I will be having offline maps input into the app over there I have my watch here it is the core central core there you go and I like this because it gives me an idea of altitude as I am hiking got my bear spray this is the benchmate reptilian I specifically want the serrated edge and the tanto blade because for me it is very functional I can use the serrated section for a certain use and like maybe cutting the rope or what not and the tanto is it's a piercing blade so I wanted to have that functionality just in case and then I will carry also on me a Phoenix flashlight this is the PD 35 tack flashlight awesome flashlights it also came with a rechargeable battery so that's about it guys so that's my gear loadout for this trip so that is my gear loadout for this trip I will put try to put as many links I can in the description of where you can get these items or what they specifically are if you want to order to Amazon or through REI also the tent when it comes in I will be doing a separate video on that as well I'm gonna get doing the trial run on it it's actually supposed to be it's gonna be a pretty decent tent supposedly for like a bargain price so I'm not gonna hold back on giving my thoughts and opinions on that one so look out for that video as well so right after this one there's gonna be a couple other videos coming out which is actually the backpacking trip and the tent review and if you have any other suggestions for any of these items you wanted me to review just specifically I can do that as well and aside from that if you have any other questions or if you got comments yeah please feel free to put it down in the box comment box below I read all your comments the good and the bad the good ones encouraged me the bad ones make me laugh so put whichever one you want so aside from that yeah glad you guys join me on this little gear loadout video hope to see you guys in the next one stay safe and take care
Channel: Edward Shin
Views: 483,666
Rating: 4.7693429 out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking gear, Gear loadout, Backpacking loadout, Backpacking supplies, Gear
Id: aMDZ_qt4MQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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