This is why they all hate hiking

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I can understand why people don't like hiking because if you make mistakes like this on your first through hike you're probably not gonna have a good time in this video I'm covering five mistakes you will probably make on your first through hike and the reason I know this peak is because I've got a friend from Australia mark who's coming along with me it's his first time everybody say hi mark oh hi mark so starting here in the Spanish pyrenees we're gonna heading over the border to France to vineya Mali and then come back over the range three or four days of hiking in the mountains what could go wrong always take strapping tape coupe lesson [Music] so the idea with this channel is that I want people to enjoy themselves more in the mountains I want people to get out I want them to have a good time and I feel like the five mistakes and I'm sharing with you in this video can really prevent a lot of unfortunate situations when people go hiking and they don't never want to do it again so this first one is communication and this comes down to communicating with the people that you're going on the trip with so you want to have a discussion about the route that you're taking what that's going to require and get some gear lists together sort out who's gonna bring what and what the responsibilities are of each person you also want to communicate with someone back home and tell them your exact trip plan and to send help if you're not backed by a certain date and time that is probably the most important thing that for you to do when you come out into the mountains the second thing you want to do just before you start hiking or when you're packing your bags is to do a gear check so get that list that you needed before and actually check everything off because it's really really easy to forget things I know for me I every trip I forget something at least even if I have that list what this does has really mitigate the chances of you getting into a situation where you really really need something and you don't have it so checking everything off the list as you go through once before you leave and once before you actually start the hike is going to mitigate just about any problem you're going to have with gear when you get to the mountains the third thing once you actually start hiking and this is especially true when you're up in the mountains and it's cold is to start cold because once you start hiking after five or ten minutes you are going to be warm with all these layers on so what I always recommend to people is feel like you're cold when you first start hiking for the day strip a couple of layers off get down and do some star jumps or some burpees or whatever to get your heart rate up just before you start walking go out and one or two layers less than you're normally would and that will mean that you don't have to stop within the first 15 minutes you can get into a good cadence you can get into a good rhythm you can do the first hour without having to stop and change only 15 minutes in tip number four is your water and where you get it from so there are many different ways of filtering and purifying water and it really kind of depends on where you are in the world but the simplest version is just getting micropore tablets or any kind of chlorine water treatment and that's going to treat your water that's the cheapest and simplest way to do it of course you've got SteriPEN and lots of different charcoal filters that are out there on the market that do an amazing job but I think having the chlorine is always a good back-up plan I think a lot of the time you'll see people using the UV or the charcoal filters in combination with using chlorine just to be safe because if you do have a bad experience with consuming bad water then your tube goes down hill really quickly it's also really important where you source your water so a couple of things to think about when you're looking for water you want it to come directly from the earth if possible if there's some sort of fountain or tiny stream that's coming directly from the ground where it's been filtered naturally through the earth and for rock it's probably going to be really really good water some of the best you can find the other thing that you want to think about when you're looking at certain streams to take water from is thinking about is it likely that there's kind of a dead animal above this stream somewhere higher upstream for instance here in the Pyrenees there's cattle roaming around so when I go to a stream and I think is it possible that a cow might get up there and die higher upstream and is now poisoning this water so wherever possible take water from the highest source that you can be bothered getting to and put effort into to going up higher and finding a cleaner water source but because it can really make a difference between a successful trip and a bit of an forth tip comes back into understanding or knowing what the challenges are along the way and having a map and compass and knowing how to use them of course there are so many things on the market now like GPS watches and wiki-like and loads of different other apps but they all require batteries and there's a little extra tip for you sleep with your batteries put them in your sleeping bag with you to keep them warm because if that kind of stuff fails and you don't have a map and compass as a back-up plan then if you get off route or you kind of get lost then things to get serious pretty quickly so I always recommend just knowing the basics of how to use a map and a compass you don't need to do a navigation course but simply understanding the basics is going to go a long way if that electronic stuff failed there is a lot to learn but simply reading the landscape a little bit and knowing where North is can really really help I'd like to do a video on that at some point I don't know we'll see if you guys want to see that let me know I've got a final bonus tip and that's to do with physical preparation before going into any kind of adventure whether it's a hike or a mountaineering trip it's really easy to underestimate how hard a hike or a climb is going to be but if you do some preparation beforehand and if you put in a little bit of extra effort strengthening your muscles and building your cardiovascular fitness then you are going to enjoy trips so much more not only that you'll be reducing your chance of injury or not being able to finish the trip that's what all this channel is about so if you're new here consider subscribing hit the like button if you enjoyed the video I'll see you on the summit [Music]
Channel: Chase Mountains
Views: 822,050
Rating: 4.9298906 out of 5
Keywords: hiking tips, beginners hiking guide, hiking tips for beginners, hiking, tips for beginner hikers, thru hike, thru hiking gear, thru hiking tips, thru hiking europe, hiking europe, pyrenees, pyrenees hiking, backpacking, backpacking tips, backpacking for beginners, beginners backpacking guide, backpacking tips and hacks, backpacking tips for hiking, camping tips, camping hacks, hiking for beginners, hiking channel
Id: G_W8QJ9bjR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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